This is the continued story of
Simon’s Journal.
I would highly recommend you read the first volume of this story,
Simon’s Journal
Thirteen Days – The First Crusade
before you begin this novel.
The following narrative is nearly a complete work of
Any similarity to actual individuals living or dead is completely
If reading a coming of age story about boys wearing diapers and exploring their
awakening sexuality is offensive or illegal in your area, then might I suggest
you go read War and Peace or something equally stimulating.
Simon's Journal
Volume II
Nights – After the Crusade
Written by
Author of Thirteen Days
PART 3 –
He once again puckered
his lips and kissed my butt-cheek. When he pulled away, he had powder on his
lips and on the end of his nose, which he partially wiped off with his hand and
made a face as if it disgusted him.
“See! That wasn’t so
bad!” I teased.
“Yes it was! Your butt
looks like a powdered doughnut!” he said still trying to wipe off his lips.
“So does the end of your nose!”
I said and with the fling of my wrist as if I were dismissing a servant I
added, “Now go get your story so you can read to me!”
“Not here! Let’s go back
to my room!”
“Do you have to get it
off the computer?” I asked as we started up the second flight of stairs.
“No!” he said in a very
hushed whisper.
sorry!” I said whispering too.
Back in his room, he went directly
to his closet and remerged a few seconds later with what looked to be a
baby-blue colored T-shirt and a shoebox-sized box that had been neatly wrapped
in white and green foil paper. Across the top was a bit of white paper with the
words MY BUG COLLECTION wrote quite creatively in red and blue crayon,
which was taped into place with clear Scotch Tape.
“Bug collection?” I asked when I
read the colorful letters.
“Yea, I keep my most valuable stuff in
here! Both mommy and daddy hate bugs and would never even touch the box, let
alone open it!” he said as plopped himself down next to me. He sat the box on
the floor and said, “I forgot that mommy wanted me to give this to you when you
got here! I can’t believe that I almost forgot all about it.”
He handing me the baby blue T-shift
and since it had a picture or something on it I held it out to see what it was.
On the front of the shirt, in very sparkly colors,
were the letters, ‘B.S.’ and they were so big that they covered nearly the
entire front of the shirt.
“What’s BS?” I asked.
“Look on the back!” he said almost
bouncing with excitement.
I turned the shirt around to see two
words across the back, ‘Baby Simon’.
“Oh how very cool!” I said dropping
the shirt long enough to pull my own shirt off so that I could put the new one
on. It fit better then I could have hoped. It was roomy enough to allow for my
armor and for some growing room and yet it was short in that it didn’t even
remotely cover or conceal my diaper. I had to stand up and check out the feel
of it.
“Wow! Thank you!” I said.
“Remember when you were first
starting to read my story and you asked why it said, ‘By B.L.’ and I told
you…?” I stopped
“Oh yea! BL for
“Yea BS for Bull Shi . . .”
“Don’t you dare say it!” I shook my fist at him and he fell over backward
When he was able to calm himself
somewhat he sat back up and said, “Mommy said she wanted to get you something
special for helping me with my reading. I told her that she should get you that
shirt and have it say that.”
“Too bad you don’t have one like
this!” I said.
“I do!” he said and jumping back up
he went into his closet and emerged wearing his shirt that looked nearly
identical to mine.
“Yes!” I exclaimed!
“Now we are twins!”
He started to reach for the lid but I
stopped him by grabbing his hand.
“What?” he asked.
I leaned forward and kissed him
softly on the lips.
“What was that for?” He asked as I
pulled away.
“For the
shirt!” I said and then leaning forward again I kissed him again.
When I pulled away this time, he was
grinning ear to ear and asked, “What was that one for?”
you are so cute!” I said and his little cheeks flushed slightly.
When I let go of his hand, he took
hold of the box and pulled the lid off to reveal a treasure trove of teenbaby pictures, stories, poems and other miscellaneous
“Who are these of?” I asked picking
up three pictures of the same boy, dressed only in a huge cloth diaper and
plastic pants. The young boy in the photo appeared to be maybe six or seven
years old and didn’t seem to mind someone snapping photos of him. In fact, he
seemed to be hamming it up for the photographer whomever
that might have been.
“That’s me!” he said proudly.
“That’s you?” I said with no small
amount of astonishment, “Wow, you were really cute when you were younger!”
“So you are saying I’m not cute
“No, no . . . I mean, yes! You are
cute, uh, now too, uh, still!” I tried recovering but ended up stumbling over
my own tongue.
He was riffling through several
stories trying to find his own. “Hey, this is a good story! It’s about this kid
who wets too and it is set way in the past on a ship.”
“What’s it called?” I asked.
“I don’t know. Someone emailed it to
me a long time ago and it didn’t have any title on it. I tired to find it
online because what I have here isn’t complete but I never was able to find it.
It is still a great story.”
“Oh wait, can I see that?” I asked
“Does this story have these two boys
that find a younger boy hiding out on the ship?” I asked.
“Yea! How’d you
know that?”
“Yea, I’ve read that one online
before, it’s called Titanic but it’s nothing like any of the Titanic movies I
have ever seen on TV.” I said.
“Oh yea?” He said
when I told him the title of the story. “How many diaper stories have you
read?” he asked.
“Gee-whiz, I don’t know, but I have
read a whole lot of them!” I said and then went into a long explanation of why
a few weeks ago I began my quest to actually have my very own diaper boy
sighting and because of it, the two of us met.
“Oh so that
is why!”
“Yep, that’s why!” I answered and
then seeing another picture in the box, I took it out. “Who’s this?” I asked.
He craned his neck to get a look at it. “Oh, you should know that one!” he
I held it closer to my eyes and it took
a second or two before I realized, “Is that Jasper?”
“The red hair gives it away huh?”
“Yea, well dang he had even more
freckles when he was younger!” I said.
“Na, he said he gets more freckles
in the summer time and that picture was only taken last summer!”
“Dang what happen to it?” I asked.
“Well, it kind of got peed on!” he
“Eeew!” I exclaimed letting the pages drop
to the floor.
“Oh shut up! You’ve touched my pee
before!” he laughed.
“Yea but
still!” I said picking up the papers with only two fingers as if I
was scared of being contaminated.
“They are dry! That happened weeks
ago! I had to hide it in my diaper to keep my daddy from finding it and my
diaper was very wet at the time.”
“Wait!” I said handing him the
picture of Jasper as he was closing up the box to put it back in his closet.
“Oh yea!” he said taking and
slipping it in the box.
As he was standing back up, he let
go another small but audible fart and as before he excused himself with a
quick, “Sorry!”
“Will you stop that!”
I said and suddenly I was reminded of how Tater kept telling me the very same
thing because I was always apologizing for everything. That thought lead me
back to one of the things I wanted to do when I arrived here and that was to
tell Lowell all about what has been going on with Bull, Tater, Runt and me; as
well as what happened the other day. I mean about the man chasing after me in
the van and me hiding out and having a run in with the old man BJ says eats
I was about to bring it up to
“No, I don’t mean the farting, I
mean apologizing for it!” I corrected him.
“Oh, I just don’t want you to think
I am being rude or doing it on purpose.” He said.
“Maybe you need to go poop?” I
“I think I will soon.” He answered
from inside his closet.
“Then you should go use the toilet.”
I suggested.
“I don’t use the potty.” He said
re-emerging and closing the doors.
“You don’t?” I asked in amazement,
“Not ever?”
“Well sometimes but not very much. I
just go in my diaper! That is what they are for!” he said plopping himself down
right beside me and picking up his story.
“And your mom and dad don’t care?” I
“No and neither does my babysitter.”
He answered.
I had to take a second to allow that
to soak into my head before I could respond again. “Even at
school?” I asked.
“It has happened at school before
but only a few times. Usually I do it a little while after I wake up or even
sometimes before I go to sleep.” He said. “I have even woken up in the middle
of the night and just let it out so that I could go right back to sleep.”
“And you can sleep all night like
that?” I asked.
“Normally mommy or daddy changes me before
they go to bed but I’m usually asleep by the time they come in. If I poop at
night sometimes they will come to check on me and will change me but a lot of
times they don’t find out until the next morning.” He said.
“Do you wake up? I mean when they
come in to change your diaper?” I asked.
“No, not
normally. Well, sometimes I do but then I fall right back to sleep.”
He answered as he leafed through the pages looking for the place in the story
where I was up to so far so that he could read it too me.
“Wow!” Having a loss for words all I
came up with to say to that was, “Wow!” which I supposed did a fairly good job
of expressing my amazement and jealousy. Then a though occurred to me, “Am I
allowed to use the toilet?” I asked.
“Yea, you can if you want too.” He
said and looking up from the pages added, “But you don’t have too! If you poop
mommy or daddy will clean you up!”
I could tell from the way he said it
that he was hoping I’d agree to stay clear of the bathroom while I was spending
the night. In an attempt at avoiding having to decide at that moment, I tried
changing the subject. “So are you going to read it to me in here?” I asked.
“Huh? Oh yea sure! Mommy doesn’t
usually come up here unless I need her and I can hear her coming up the stairs
anyway.” He folded the older chapters to the back and asked, “So you want me to
start now?”
A part of me, now that I remembered
I wanted to tell him everything, wanted to tell him now but another part of me
was scared too. I did not know how he would react. I didn’t know if he would
keep my secrets or if he would run and tell his parents or worse the police. I
was still mad at Runt for the way he pushed me around today but now that I had
cooled off some I didn’t want the police to find out where he is hiding and
that, all along, I’ve still been talking to Bull and Tater even though none of
us are supposed to be doing that.
Finally, my cowardness
won out over my need to confide in someone and I said, “Yea go a head and
start!” and so he did.
By B.L.
~ Chapter Five ~
We worked all night long, Uncle Max and I
replacing the steel cable that had snapped so that we could once again lift the
stone slab that had imprisoned Miss Lillian Hassley within the tomb she had so foolishly
jumped down into. Uncle Max had tried in vain to get the local workers to
return and help us rescue her but they did not want anything to do with the
slab, the tomb or their jobs anymore.
The night seemed to be slipping away with
incredible speed as we continued laboring by the light of only a couple
lanterns. We hardly spoke to one another except when words were needed to get
the job done. We knew we had to get that sandstone slab raise again though I
think neither of us had much hope, but what could we do aside from what we were
doing? While neither of us said it, I think we both were hanging onto the thin
possibility that a miracle might have happened and we would find her still
alive. I kept thinking to myself, if it was a snake, it might not of bit her; she might have killed it. Well that is what I
was trying to convince myself of all through the night as the stubborn and now
frayed cables cut our hands in an attempt at defying our efforts.
The sun was just beginning to appear over
the horizon when we at last had the new cables in place and were ready to again
lift the sandstone slab. Uncle Max started the cranes’ engine and just as
before, it seemed that it was not going to move for a few seconds but then with
the sound of stone rubbing against stone the slab shifted a couple inches and
then begin to rise. With excitement and fear gushing through my body, I felt my
bladder release as my pants were flooded with my hot urine but I did not care.
“Start pulling!” Uncle Max shouted over
the engine.
We had tied a rope to one of the cables
and ran the other end of the rope through a series of pulleys for leverage. As
the slab rose, I pulled on the rope with all of my strength, which was
surprisingly quite a bit given that the pulleys magnified the strength of my
small body several times over. The combination of fear, hope and just plain
exhaustion caused my brain to pump adrenaline through my vanes like poring
whisky into the gas tank of an automobile. As I was pulling, I could feel the
urine cooling against my skin and found it oddly pleasing. We had been working
hard all night, but we were careful to drink plenty of water to keep ourselves
hydrated as we were both sweating a lot despite the fact that after the sun
went down it started air started to cool off quickly. But with the sun steadily
rising now so was the temperature and there was a slight breeze, not strong
enough to kick up the sand but just strong enough that now it felt as if I had
my own personal cooling system built right into my pants.
I looked down for a quick check of the
condition of my pants. They were completely soaked in front and because I was
caked in sand and dirt it only made the pee stain all that much more
I continued pulling on the rope, straining
and causing myself to cough a little due to the lasting damage to my throat and
lungs from the fire. Once I had pulled the slab clear of the opening, Uncle Max
reversed the gears on the motor and the crane began to slowly lower the slab
again until it came to rest in the sand beside the now reopened tomb.
I was back at the opening and was lowering
the rope ladder down before Uncle Max had the motor turned off.
“Jason no!” Uncle Max shouted as he quickly sprinting
over to me, “You are not going down there!”
I opened my mouth to protest but did not
have a chance to say anything. Uncle Max had pushed me aside and was already
moving into position to lower himself down into the tomb. He moved swiftly,
even for a man his size, and it only took him a few seconds to reach the
bottom. The sun was high enough in the sky now that as long as Uncle Max stayed
near to the opening a lantern was not necessary.
There was no need for Uncle Max to tell
me; now that it was morning and sunlight was finding its way into the room that
for uncounted ages had been bathed in complete darkness, I could see her body
lying just at the edge of were the light could reach and I knew we were too
late. He looked up at me and looked as though he was going to be sick. I could
not wait any longer; as soon as his eyes were off me, I scurried down the rope
“Oh my...” I gasped but was unable to
finish my sentence as I stepped closer to what was left of Miss Lillian
Hassley’s body.
Uncle Max looked over at me. The look on
his face told me that he must have been lost in his grief because it was
apparent that he had not heard me coming down the ladder. His face also told me
that he was not happy about me having come down either but he did not balk at
me just then. I watched as he knelt down next to her body while holding his
hand over his nose and mouth.
A murmur escaped through his fingers, “No
way a snake could have done this?”
Perhaps it was the fact that I was
standing over the body of the woman that only a few weeks ago had saved my life
or maybe I was just caught up in the extreme emotions I was feeling at that
moment which caused me to react as I did. “A SNAKE?” I
shouted a bit louder and with more energy then I intended.
“A snake could not do that!” my emotions
were getting the better of me now.
Uncle Max looked up at me and seeing that
his eyes were filled with tears, my anger fell out of me like water from a
bucket. He spoke again but his words were barely audible, “I saw a caribou once
time that a pack of wolves had...” his voice trailed off.
He shook his head, “We would have been too
late even if the slab hadn’t fallen.”
Tears were rolling down my face like two
mammoth waterfalls. I let out an almost silent sigh as I ran my fingers through
my hair. The dirt and sweat stung as it made its way into the cuts on my hands
and fingers caused by the steel cables. I looked around; it was hard to see
farther into the room where the still rising sun was not able to reach as well.
Without saying anything, I made my way back up the ladder, retrieved a lantern
and climbed back into the room. Just before I reached the floor, again the
ladder suddenly gave way and I fell onto my back with the ladder piling itself
on top of me.
Uncle Max helped me back to my feet. We
both looked up to the opening, expecting to see someone but no one appeared. I
felt my legs going weak and I jumped as Uncle Max placed his hand on my
“Don’t do that!” I demanded as I clasped
my chest.
Uncle Max gave me a look that said he was
sorry, “Now we are in a real fix.” He said.
I bent back down to look at the ladder and
could see that it had been cut. I held the cut end up to show Uncle Max; he
looked alarmed but seemed more concerned with Miss Lillian Hassley’s body, or
what remained of her body. Ignoring the fact that someone had just cutaway our
only way out of the tomb, he knelt again next to her and just looked at her for
a while.
Trembling with fear, it took me a moment
or two to get the lantern to work but once I had it lit,
my eyes began to dance around the room. I was breathless at the sight that lay
before me. I could see clearly now that the walls were all covered in gold. As
if acting as a welcoming or maybe a warning two Golden statues stood about
twenty feet further into the room. One of the statues I had faintly seen last
night and from above I thought they looked like some kind of creature that was
half goat and half bird. I could now see that the body was more like that of a
horse but with more powerful looking muscles and with a tail like a whip. The
tail had to be at least fifteen or twenty feet long and rose up over the statue
as if it were being lashed about. The head of the statues were distantly that
of the dragons of Komodo but were covered in short stubbly looking feathers
also cast in gold. What I thought was a beak last night was actually a single
long jade fang that extended about eight inches past its lower jaw and curving
under slightly. As I said, they were two identical statues that stood on either
side of the room with their tails meeting high above and intertwining together.
The walls, though covered in gold were
also painted with a strange form of hieroglyphics that I had never seen before.
The floor was indeed encrusted with red rubies that spanned as deep into the
tomb as I could see. Several gold and silver sarcophagi with more red
hieroglyphics inscribed on them were leaning against the sidewalls. However,
what really caught my attention was what was in the center of the room. An
enormous sarcophagus, the biggest I had ever seen or heard of, ever! The thing
that made it stand out as so odd, I mean besides its massive size was that it
was made out of ordinary stone. Everything in this room was obviously made of
the purest and greatest of treasured materials. The tomb itself was a treasure
greater then even King Solomon had and here, laying in
the middle of all these riches was an oversized and yet un-remarkably plain,
stone sarcophagus.
“Uncle Max?” I whispered.
He was still leaning over Miss Lillian
Hassley’s body when I turned to look at him I saw that he was tapping the
fingers of his left hand against his lips as if almost in some sort of
meditative trance. I had to call his name three more times before Uncle Max
finally looked up at me and I saw his eyes as for the first time he too was
noticing the fabulous treasures of this room. I watched, as his eyes grew as
wide as dinner plates. Slowly he lifted himself his feet and gazed around the
room. I would have enjoyed watching the wonder on his face more had I not been
so anxious and troubled by the mystery of the sarcophagus in the middle of the
“Uh, Uncle Max?” My voice cracked as I
pointed toward the stone oddity.
He followed the invisible line my finger made
and when he finally saw it too, he grunted with an obvious amount of uneasiness
in his voice.
“Last night,” I started to say but had to
stop and swallow because my throat was so very dry, “Last night, when we were
looking in here, did you notice that stone sarcophagus?” I asked and the tone
in my voice was beginning to scare even me. His eyes kept moving from the two
statues and then back to the large sarcophagus.
He took one step and was at my side.
Placing his hand on my shoulder he, ever so slightly, shook his head from side
to side without speaking a word.
“Have you ever seen anything like that
before?” I asked softly as if now worried that something might hear us.
“Never!” His voice broke as he attempted to answer
Lowell and I were so engaged in the
story that when his mother called on the baby monitor to tell us that the
babysitter had arrived we both screamed.
“What’s the matter?” His mother’s
voice came out of the monitor sounding alarmed.
Her tone changed to that of a loving
mother with a hint of humor, “I am so very sorry I scared my precious little
“Why don’t you two come downstairs
for a while.
“We are coming!”
“Can she hear you reading with that
thing?” I asked.
“Na, if she
was we could hear her too.” He said getting up and heading for
his closet.
“Man just when the story was getting
super exciting too!” I complained.
“We can finish it after bit!” he
said from inside the closet.
When he reemerged I was looking down
at my diaper, “Hey you wet!” he said stating the obvious.
“Yea!” I said and
then had the thought of how I would look going downstairs to meet a complete
stranger while wearing a wet diaper. “Uh, um, could you change me before we go
down?” I asked sheepishly.
“Why? You are not too wet yet!” he
said waving me off.
“Please?” I begged.
“You are fine! My babysitter has
seen me in wet and poopy diapers all the time! She
won’t care!” he said and started out of his room.
We tromped down the steps while
“Kirri a, kirri a, kirri a laisson.”
After he sang the same line twice I
joined him and it went something like this: “Kirri
a,” step down one step, “Kirri a,” step down one
step, “kirri a laisson,”
step up one step. We continued singing like that all the way down the stairs,
of course it took us longer to reach the bottom but it was fun and I totally
forgot about the fact that I had on a wet diaper, at least until we reached the
“Kirri a, kirri a, kirri a laisson! Kirri a, kirri a, kirri a laisson!” and when we
were about to step into the kitchen out song changed as we continued to march
in and around Lowell’s mother and the kitchen island and out pass was steadily
forward with no back steps until the end of our song and our marching. It went
like this, “Kirri, kirri, kirri, kirri, kirri,
kirri, kirri, kirri a! Kirri a, kirri, kirri a laisson!” and as we both came to a halt
“At ease solders!” he said with a
smile, “What are you singing?” she asked.
At that, very second all our fun
ended, at least for me, when into the kitchen walked a very pretty, brown
haired girl, maybe a little taller then myself but looking a couple years
older, at least.
Mrs. Vandoan said to
My eyes met Mary’s and she was
smiling that smile of hers that normally made my heart feel like it was on fire
however this time I think my heart stopped all together. Now, amazingly enough,
despite the fact that I had just wet my diaper only a few minutes ago up in
Lowell’s room while he’d been reading, I now felt my diaper filling again and I
was very much aware of the extra weight between my legs.
There was an awkward silence before
Mrs. Vandoan asked, “Simon? Are you alright?”
I started to feel cold and there was
a funny pain somewhere within my body. I don’t know, well I didn’t know at the
time what it was, my brain didn’t seem to be
functioning again. I broke my eye lock on Mary and looked up at Mrs. Vandoan who’s lips were moving but no sound was coming out.
I honestly think I was on the verge
of another very serious asthma attack brought on by the sudden shock of the
moment however as quickly as it started Lowell stopped it was the stupidest of
ways. I didn’t see him actually due it but he told me later that he stuck his finger
into his mouth to get it good and wet and then stuck it into my ear. It’s
called a Wet Willy and it’s about the grossest thing ever!
As soon as
“I think somebody’s in love!”
I wanted to punch him but since his
mom was standing right there I figured I could wait until later. So I settled
for saying, “Shut up!” without moving my lips so Mary and Stephanie wouldn’t
know I said anything.
Mary was still standing there
smiling and looking so beautiful. The two of them stepped into the kitchen and
Mrs. Vandoan asked me, “Simon are you okay?”
I felt the coldness in my body being
chances away by the warmth of my embarrassment.
Mary stepped around Stephanie and I
saw her cast on her arm and remembered how she’d ended up with a broken arm.
Still smiling she said, “Hi Simon!”
Oh boy was I being torn up inside. I
was feeling both embarrassed and titillated by the presence of Mary in the
I only nodded at
“But mom he’s being a dork!”
“It’s okay! I think I surprised you,
huh?” Mary said to me.
I nodded my head in agreement.
I think
“This is my babysitter Stephanie.
She’s the one I told you about!”
Mary started to come around the island
and Stephanie and I tried to pull my arm free of
“Looks like you both could use a
change!” Mrs. Vandoan said and that was the last bit that my poor ego could
handle. I felt tears welling up in my eyes. I could hear the voice inside my
head screaming at me not to cry but I was powerless to stop myself. In one last
feeble attempt at staving off the tears, I closed my eyelids.
What happened next, I think, is probably
the only thing that saved me from a complete and utter emotional meltdown. With
my eyes closed, I heard a small, almost inaudible stinker followed by a much
louder one. I threw open my eyelids and was looking at the back of
I looked over at Mary, her smile was
gone and in its place was a look of complete amazement. Her chin was now
hanging down, leaving a gaping hole were her smile had been only seconds
before. Stephanie then spoke to
I had the loudest buzzing sound in
my ears as I came into full view of Mary. The hole in the middle of her face
was gone now and back as if it had never vanished was her smile, wider and
brighter then ever before. My face must have looked like a red balloon about to
burst ‘cause that is sure how it felt to me as Mary began to follow the three
of us out of the kitchen toward the stairs.
As the four of us reached the top of
the stairs, from down below we heard, “I’m home!”
“You can go see your daddy when you
have been changed out of that poopy diaper!”
Stephanie said.
“But its
daddy! I got to go give him his hug!”
“I think he would like your hugs
better if you didn’t smell like poop!” she said as we entered
After the four of us were in
Stephanie said to Mary, “Mary can you please close the door so the babies don’t
try to get away before they are changed?”
Mary closed the door and while
letting go of me but still holding on to
“Oh my
goodness!” Mary said when Stephanie opened
“Yep! Someone is
a stinky boy!” Stephanie said to
When the smell hit me, I had to put
my hand over my mouth and nose to keep from getting sick. It was about the
grossest thing I think I have ever seen! It was all green and runny and had
smeared all over his diaper area, even in the front!
Lowell you stink!” and it took me a second or two to realize that I had said
those words.
Mary looked up at me long enough to shoot
me with that smile of hers which was enough to shut me up again. “Your turns coming next!” Mary said to me.
My face, ears, and neck felt so hot
and maybe for a nano-second I thought about bolting
for the door and down the steps but the thought was gone before it had a chance
to take root within my brain.
Stephanie had to use several
baby-wipes to get
“I think we need to take that one
outside when we are done and put it in the trash.” Stephanie said to Mary and
then, looking down at
“Skunk berries.”
Mary and Stephanie laughed too as
Mary sat the old diaper on the floor and began to open the new one.
“I don’t want that kind! I want one
of Simons!”
Stephanie and Mary both looked at
me, “That is the kind Simon is wearing.” Stephanie said.
“No, like I had on before! From his
bag!” he continued to whine.
I found myself pointing across the
room to my bag. Mary reached for it with her good arm and pulled out on of the
diapers I had brought with me.
Mary opened the diaper and as
Stephanie held
Dispite my embarrasement, I rather enjoyed watching them change
Stephanie applied the cream to
“I think you’re next!” Stephanie
said to me but just as before, I didn’t budge until she took my hand and pulled
me toward the changing pad. “What kind of diaper do you want?” Mar asked as she
and Stephanie helped me to lie down.
When I didn’t answer Mary asked,
“You want one of these?” She held up the first diaper, the one
While Mary had been reaching into my
bag, Stephanie started to lift up my shirt to get out my diaper and she saw my
Stephanie turned around and swatted
“I asked you a question!” she was
pointing a finger at him and speaking very sternly.
Sounding as if he was right at the
verge of a full out balling he said, “You said not too do it!”
I was, myself, feeling as if I was
in trouble too and I hadn’t done anything! However, when Stephanie turned back
around she was smiling again and I knew that it was just another part of the
game for them. I heard the words coming out of my mouth before I knew that I
had even thought them, “Holy Sh...” I caught myself
at the last possible second and slammed my lips together.
My eyes went to Mary first because I
heard her gasp. She clamped a hand over her mouth as if she had been the one
that had said it. Then I looked up at Stephanie who was looking really mad.
“I-I DIDN’T MEAN IT!” I shouted
quickly to Stephanie and put my hands down to cover my thighs, hoping she
wouldn’t smack my bare leg as she had
“Somebody’s got a very dirty mouth!”
Mary said from behind her hand that she still had clamped over her mouth.
I suddenly felt very bad. I mean for
real, for cussing or nearly cussing in this instance in front of Mary. Dispite my embarrasement at
having the girl I love seeing me in such a humiliating and humbling
predicament, I felt like I’d just thrown mud in her face, or worse,
“I’m sorry!” I said while looking at
Mary and I genuinely meant it.
“Well, I think we can deal with that
later. For now I think we need to get you out of that wet . . .” Stephanie
started to say but stopped and was looking right at my diaper which was still
in place despite the fact that she had already removed the tapes. Until that
very second, I had no idea that I was again wetting myself.
“Why did I have to drink all those
bottles?” I thought to myself as the blood again rushed to my head giving away
my emotions to all three of them. I heard
“Good thing we didn’t have him in
new diaper yet huh?” Mary said with a hint of humor.
“I know someone else that likes to
do that right after I change him!” I heard Stephanie say and knew she must be
talking about
I had a flashback within my mind to
the first time Mom changed my diaper after Peter had kicked the crap out of me.
I remembered how I filled my mind with anything and everything just to keep
myself from getting an erection. I felt the front of my diaper being pulled
open and I started searching my mind of the worst memories I could find. The
first thing I found was when I was laying on the floor at school and Peter was
kicking me but I quickly left that memory and grabbed onto the one of the man
in the van. I saw myself running away from the van as if I were now watching it
all on a movie screen. I could see myself, then the van and then me again. I
watched as I leaped over fences and ducked under low hanging tree branches
while trying to escape.
Funny thing was that as I was
watching all of this on the movie screen within my mind, I could also heard
Stephanie and Mary talking but they sounded distant. I could also hear
“Need a stronger memory! Something worst!” I told myself, “There, that one!”
It was the memory of the birthday
party when mom found out that dad was having the affair. The weird thing was
that there was no sound to it this time. I could see people talking, yelling
and even screaming but it was like someone had hit the mute button. I watched
the whole thing play out and without the sound I found myself examining
everyone’s actions with greater detail then I ever had before. However, before
I could get through the whole memory, I felt someone pulling my hands away from
my face and my eyes came open.
I saw Mary looking down at me, “All
done!” she said with her wonderful smile and she bend down and kissed me on my
Oh man, that was the best feeling
ever! I just can’t put into words how great that made me feel.
I think it sent me out somewhere in space, orbiting some distant planet in a
far off galaxy. Heck, even when Stephanie was taking me to be punished for
cussing I was still way, way out there among the stars.
“Can you watch
Holding me by the hand Stephanie
opened the door, led me out of
“Open!” she said pulling down on my
Like an idiot, I had no idea what
she was up too so I opened my mouth and before I knew it she stuffed a bar of soap
in my mouth so far that it made me gag. However, she didn’t let a little
gagging stop her from punishing me. She held it in my mouth long enough for the
taste of the soap to get on my tongue. Let me tell you that Irish Spring soap
is about the nastiest stuff I think I have ever had in my mouth. When she finally did take the bar of soap
out, I spent a good ten minutes rinsing and spitting into the bathroom sink. I
didn’t see her leave the room and when I finally had the taste washed out of my
mouth, I pulled my head out from under the faucet to find
“She’s done that to me lots of times!”
“Shut up!” I snapped at him.
“Why are you mad at me? I didn’t
make you say that!” he said still grinning.
“Well you could have told me Mary
was coming over!” I said stepping forward so that I could look past
“I didn’t know Mary was coming over!
Honest!” he offered as if I would believe him.
“I don’t think I have ever been so
embarrassed in my life!” I said rather dramatically as I dried my left ear.
“Yea you sure were red!”
That was the wrong thing for him to
say, “Yea well you’re an ass-hole!” I said out of anger! The grin left his face
now and was replaced with a look of shock.
“Why don’t you go tell your precious
baby-sitter I said that?” I said as I threw the towel on the floor and stormed
from the bathroom, knocking him out of the way in the process.
He didn’t say anything right then
but he did follow me back to his room. It’s kind of hard to look mean and act
angry when you have to waddle like a duck when you’re wearing a diaper. When I
was back in his room I went straight for my clothes and was putting one leg
into my pants when he said, “Simon don’t go!”
“Shut up!” I barked at him.
I put my other leg into my pants and
pulled them up to my diaper and I turned to face him.
“Please!” he cried as tears flowed
down his face.
“How do I even know if you are
really crying? I seen how good you are at acting! How
do I know this isn’t just another part of your little baby game?” I knew I was
being cruel but I was so worked up and so humiliated that I wanted to lash out
and he was a waiting target.
“How could
you let her come over?” and then another thought occurred to me, “Oh god, how
am I supposed to go to school on Monday now? She’s
going to tell everyone!” now I was crying.
“She won’t! She said she won’t!”
“What?” I asked realizing what he
just said or actually, what he did not say.
“When did she say that? I thought
you said you didn’t know she was coming over?” My tears stopped, as anger once
again became my prevalent emotion.
“I didn’t know that it was Mary that
Stephanie was bringing over! All I knew was that she was bringing someone to
help her. Stephanie promised that no one would ever know about any of this!” he
“No one?” It felt
like I had flames coming out of the top of my head. “The one person in the
entire world that I absolutely don’t want knowing about my diapers and she just
happens to walk into your house and see me wearing nothing BUT A DIAPER?”
I could feel the fire of my anger engulfing every inch of me and erupting from
my head and the tips of my fingers. Every word I spoke was like spewing molten
hot lava and the scary thing was that I think I was enjoying it. I pulled on my
pants until I got them over my fresh diaper. That was the first time I realized
that Mary and Stephanie had put me into one of the diapers I had brought and
not one of
“Simon please!”
I reached back into my bag and found
my socks and leaning my diapered but against the rails of his bed, I lifted my
left foot and tried to get my sock on but it was hard to bend like that with my
armor on. That added frustration only helped to keep the fire burning in me.
It was both Mary and Stephanie and
when they saw that I was getting dressed and that
“Simon is leaving!”
“Why?” Stephanie asked.
I expected
“Did you two have a fight or
something?” Mary asked.
I do not know what came over me just
then but my mouth opened and I could not re-close it to save my life! “I didn’t
want you to see me in diapers or worse naked! Why did you have to come over
anyway?” I continued to regurgitate words into the air with such force that it
seemed to knock Mary and Stephanie backwards a step or two. What amazes me even
now, is the fact that not once during my tantrum did I stutter or get
tongue-tied. I doubt I will ever understand the reasons behind that one!
When I was finally done spewing the
hot ash of my words at them, no one said anything for a minute or two until
Mary finally spoke up softly, “But I already knew! I saw you in diapers before
today . . . a couple times!”
“Huh?” was all I could manage say.
“At your
party? And when I came to visit you at your house?” she said.
Not knowing how to respond, all that
came out was, “But?”
“Even with your pants on I could
tell you had on diapers,” She brushed her hair from her face, “and I thought
you looked really cute!” she said and . . . was that a hint of her smile I
almost saw just then?
I was dumbfounded, speechless and
“Just because you wear a diaper
doesn’t mean I don’t like you any less. Actually, I think I like you more
because you do wear them.” Mary had said but all I really heard was, “I like
you,” and “I like you more!”
l-like me?” as the words came out of my mouth I thought; “Now I start
“Alright, enough of this yelling and
fighting! I want you too to hug and make up right now!” Stephanie said giving
He smiled wider and stepped toward
me for a third time but I pushed him away again giggling, “Eeew
no! Go away!”
“Simon, hug him right now!”
Stephanie said this time shoving Simon at me.
So, I let him wrap his arms around
me but instead of hugging him back I turned just enough to get him in a
“No not like that!” Mary laughed and
Stephanie took a step forward, about to intervene but I had just enough time to
“OUCH!” he cried out just as
Stephanie was pulling him free of my grasp. Actually, it kind of hurt my ribs,
just a bit, to hold him like that but I didn’t let on to anyone about the pain.
After Stephanie made Lowell and I
make up they weren’t about to let the two of us be alone again anytime soon, so
after having me strip back down to my diaper and shirt, they had the two of us
march down stairs where they could keep a closer watch on us. However first, we
made a pit stop in the bathroom so that Stephanie could wash our faces for us.
We arrived back downstairs just as
Mr. and Mrs. Vandoan were putting on their coats to leave.
Mrs. Vandoan said to the two girls,
“I’ve left the boys dinner on the second shelf in the
refrigerator. You will need to warm it up for them. If they are good you can
let them having it in the basement if they want.”
She then turned and looked right at
We needed no other prompting. Lowell
and I tore off for the basement steps fast as lightning.
It was a two-player machine and we
didn’t waste any time at all starting up our first game. Several minutes later Mary
and Stephanie came down too and plopped themselves on one of the sofas and
started watching some boring girly movie but neither Lowell
nor I cared what they watched. We played for a couple hours, sometimes I would
be the red Ninja’s and sometimes Lowell would let me be the back Ninja’s but
either way we both enjoyed it so much.
We probably would have continued
playing all night long had the girls not made us go upstairs to eat our dinner
of corndogs and macaroni and cheese made in the microwave. Lowell and I both
planned to go back down after we ate to play Ninja Master 12 more but after we
finished eating, the girls decided we needed to go lay down for a while.
We whined and complained but in the
end, they won the argument and we both ended up in
“Oh yea that’s a great idea!” I said
kicking off the covers. In a flash,
He didn’t come right back to bed but
instead tiptoed to his bedroom door, closed it quietly and then leapt back into
bed with me. He put the guardrail back up while I found the story in his box
and then slid the box under the covers so that if the girls came back in they
wouldn’t see it.
We both laid
back against the pillow and with a small flashlight, I’ve no idea where it came
We looked at each other and we both knew
the answer to my question. Uncle Max still had his hand on my shoulder and was
squeezing a bit too hard.
“You’re hurting me!” I cried softly.
“What? Oh, sorry Jason.”
He said letting go of me and wiping his face with the same hand.
“Do you think Miss Lillian Hassley could
have opened it?” I asked.
“That cover must weigh over fifteen tons.”
Uncle Max took a breath, “There is no way any one man, or woman in this case,
could have moved it.”
“Uh you stay here.” He said as he took a
single step away from me and toward the sarcophagus.
“Are you nuts? I am not staying alone anywhere
down here!” I knew I was not being brave but then had anyone else seen what
Miss Lillian Hassley looked like... Whatever did that to her was obviously big
and powerful and there was no way I was going to be alone. Of course, I know
the irony of it all, especially given that I was told to say up topside and I
didn’t listen.
He stopped, turned and looked at me. My
expression must have been enough to convince him that I was serious. With a
twitch of his head he said, “Okay, but stay close to me.”
He took the lantern from me and we both
walked slowly over to the center of the room. I could feel the wetness of my
pants and the fabric touched the skin of my legs. It caused chills to run
through me which only magnified the fear I was already feeling.
After a few steps, my stomach let out a
growl that caused us both to jump, “Oh crap I am sorry,” I said grabbing my
belly, “I guess I am hungry.”
I gave Uncle Max a half smile hoping he
would stop looking at me the way he was, but he did not return my smile but
instead said, “How on earth can you be hungry?” he motioned toward Miss Lillian
Hassley’s body.
I shrugged my shoulders and we continued
over to the edge of the stone sarcophagus. I had to stand on my tiptoes to be
able to see down into the stone coffin and what I saw, I hope I shall never see
the likes of again.
“Uh what is it?” I muttered under my
He handed me the lantern so that he had
both of his hands free. I could see clearly now that it was the mummy of a man,
a very large man; he looked to be as wide as three normal sized men dressed in
a robe of gold cloth. He was not wrapped in linen bindings, just a robe of gold
cloth with strange symbols woven into the cloth. Moreover, his head was not a mans head but more like that of some mythical beast with
two rams horns protruding from his forehead and spiraling outward of either
side of his head.
We both examined the mummified beast
carefully; my heart was aching within my chest from beating so ferociously and
sweat was flowing down my face as if they were great drops of blood. I moved to
position myself so that I was looking up from his feet, across his enormous
frame all the way up to those deadly looking horns.
When Uncle Max finally said something, he
scared me so bad that I dropped the lantern. It hit the floor with a crash
leaving the two of us in total darkness.
“Oh god, oh god, oh
god!” I was mumbling
in the dark.
“Do not move!” Uncle max said in a near
whisper, “Do you hear that?”
I did not so much
as breathe as I listened in the darkness. There was a sound; a very distant,
almost non-existent rumble that seemed to have originated from deep within the
bowels of the earth. It was low and hard and seemed to grow stronger and louder
by the second. When the urge within my lungs cried out for oxogine,
I finally allowed myself to draw in a much-needed breath and my nostrils became
filled with the overpowering sent of sulfur mixed with cinnamon, myrrh
and spikenard.
“That’s it for this chapter!”
“Whoa that was incredible!” I
he hushed me.
“I didn’t have any idea that was who
was in the sarcophagus!” I said with as much excitement but in a softer voice.
“But what was making that sound?” I
“Yea well you are just going to have
to wait to find out about that!”
“Where do you come up with this
stuff?” I was nearly shouting with excitement.
“Just out of my head mostly!” he
“I was thinking the guy in the stone
sarcophagus was going to be some ancient god or a mummy or something scary like
that was so much better!” I said.
“So who is that guy with the horns
anyway?” I asked.
“Not going to tell you yet!” he
I rolled up onto my elbow and
grabbing his arm I asked, “Can you read me the next chapter now too?”
“I would but I’ve not wrote that one
yet! I mean I started it but I have never finished it.” He said.
“It’s not finished?” I asked.
“I told you before that it wasn’t!”
he said crawling from under the covers.
“Well, you need to get it done!” I implored
“I know, but it’s hard now that the
computer isn’t in my room anymore!” he said lowering the rail and rolling out
of bed again with his green and white box in hand.
“There’s no time like the present!”
I said though I knew he wouldn’t go for it.
“Na, maybe tomorrow I will get to
work on it.” He said, “My daddy will be out of town after tomorrow afternoon
and won’t be back for a week.
“So you think you will finish it
with one more chapter?” I asked as he came back out of the closet again.
“I dunno!
Just a little more to finish up and I should be done!” he said.
“Want to see if we can go back down
and play Ninja Master 12 some more?” he asked as he opened his close and
stepped in again.
“Yea sure!” I said and
then once again remembering what I wanted to tell him, I interjected, “But
first, there is something I want to tell you, but you have to promise to never,
and I mean never tell another living person!”
“Oh yea! I forgot
you said you wanted to tell me some secret spy stuff!”
“Yea! But first
you have to promise!” I repeated.
Re-emerging from the closet he said,
“Gee-whiz Simon! Yes, yes, yes! You can trust me! I think I have proven that
already!” he knelt beside the bed as if about to say his bedtime prayers.
I began to tell him everything and I
mean everything. I told him about the night I slept over at Taters and what we
did together. I shared my suspicions of Tater and his little brother Mike as well.
When I finished telling him
everything there was to tell, even right up to what had happened earlier today
at the barn, what I had heard there and how Runt acted afterward, he started to
look scared. Not the kind of scared like he is watching some scary movie but
scared like he was worried something was going to happen to me.
After I was done
Later that evening, sometime
I picked up the receiver and
said, “Hello?”
My dad’s voice came though
the phone, “Simon, it’s dad!”
“I’m going to hang up now.”
I heard Stephanie say through the phone.
“Thank you Stephanie!” dad
“What’s up dad?” I asked.
“Simon, were you with your
friend Mike today?” dad asked.
Not sure why he would call
me here to ask such a question I answered, “Yea, for a while. We went to the
“Where did you go after
that?” he asked.
place.” I answered, “After we
left the park he went to wherever he is staying now to check in and I went home
to check in with mom.”
“You’re mom said you went
looking for him after that. Is that right?” he continued his questioning.
“Yea but I didn’t find him.
Did something happen?” I asked.
“Are you sure he was going
home?” dad asked totally ignoring my question.
“I don’t think he is allowed
to go home. I guessed he was going to wherever he is supposed to be living
right now.” I answered as fear mounted.
“And you didn’t see him
after that?” he asked.
“I said I didn’t dad!” I
“Alright, I believe you but
I want you to get your things together. I’ll be there to pick you up in about
fifteen minutes.” He said in a very normal tone, which didn’t help to ease my
concerns as to why he was asking me all these questions about Mike.
“Pick me up? But why? Why can’t I stay?” I was nearly in tears now.
Dad’s voice went really
sharp and almost yelling he said, “Simon! Get your things together and be ready
to come home! I will be there in fifteen minutes and no more questions!”
The phone went dead after
that. I hung up and turned to Lowell who looked white as a ghost. I opened my
mouth to tell him I had to leave but he spoke first, “I could hear everything.”
He said.
Mary appeared out of nowhere
with Stephanie;
“I better call you parents!”
Stephanie said to
Lowell and I went back up to
his room so that I could get dressed and get my things together.
I pulled off my new shirt
and said, “You better keep this here. I don’t think my mom will like it very
“Okay, that way you will
have to come over again so you can wear it more!”
“So, what do you think
“I don’t know!” I answered
Before we headed back down
to meet my dad, Lowell fetched a pair of sweat pants and his bathrobe from his
closet. Retrieving a pair of Spongebob slippers from
under his bed, he slipped his toes into them and we left his room.
We had only just got back
downstairs when the doorbell rang.
“Holy cow! Is that your door bell?” I asked as we reached to
bottom of the steps.
“You have everything?” dad asked.
“Yea!” I answered
setting my things down.
“Mr. Leonard? Is Simon in trouble?”
Dad leaned over and helped me to zip
my coat as I was still fumbling with the dang zipper. “No Simon’s not in
trouble.” Dad answered him.
“Then why won’t you let him spend
the night with me?” I heard
There was a flash of light against
the open front door and the sound of a car pulling up. Stephanie, who was
standing between my dad and the open door turned to look to see who it was.
“Mr. and Mrs. Vandoan are here.” She
told my dad.
“You four stay here and I will be
right back.” Dad said stepping back out the door and closing it behind him.
“What is going on?” I said out of frustration.
“I don’t know.” Mary said with a
soft shrug of her shoulders.
“But I want to see what’s
“Why don’t you say goodbye to Simon
and then go up to your room.” Stephanie told him.
I was still looking at Lowell who
looked very insulted and put out by the suggestion and I think he was about to
begin protesting when the front door opened again and Mrs. Vandoan came in.
“Thank you for calling us
Stephanie!” She said pulling off her gloves. “Could you and Mary please take
“But I don’t what to go to my room!”
“Okay! Just give us a shout!”
Stephanie said as if nothing serious was going on.
Mary smiled at me, “By Simon! Hope
to see you on Monday!”
“Thank you for your help tonight
girls!” dad said to them just before they too vanished to the upper floor.
“What can we do to help?” Mr.
Vandoan said to my dad.
“Honestly at this point I’m not sure
but I do appreciate the offer and if you two don’t mind,” he was speaking to both
“Call us!” Mrs. Vandoan said, “We
will do anything we can.”
“That’s good to know.” Dad said and
then bending over he picked up my things and said to me, “Let’s go!”
“Simon, you are welcome anytime!”
Mrs. Vandoan said as I walked out behind dad.
“Thank you!” I said.
I tried interrogating dad on the way
home to find out what was going on but he wouldn’t tell me anything and after
my fifth or sixth question, he snapped at me. “Simon! Sit back in that seat and
keep your mouth shut!”
A couple minutes of total silence
passed and then we turned onto our street. We were at the top of the hill and I
could see below, sitting in front of our house was a police car, a silver car
and other that I recognized when we pulled into the drive way as Jamie’s mom’s
I was not even all the way out of
the car before mom came rushing up to me and nearly killed me by hugging me so
hard. Had it not been for my body armor I surely would have been hurt.
“Mom you are hurting me!” I
She released me, “Oh baby I am
sorry! Are you alright?” she petted my chest as if to sooth away any
I looked up and officer, Mecums, my
Amazonian friend was standing behind mom looking ten times bigger and looking
like she wanted to eat a building or wrestle a grizzly bear. She kept looking
around at the neighbors’ houses, the cars and then to me. Whenever her eyes
would land on me, she would smile but when she wasn’t looking right at me, she
had the meanest looking snarl.
She looked at dad and said, “Come
on, let’s get your family inside.”
“I’ll be right in,
I’m going to put his things in the other car.” Dad said.
Mom and officer Mecums ushered me
into the house as I stepped into the front door I saw Jamie's mom, Marsha
standing in the middle of the living room looking very scared. I wasn’t three
steps into the house when I started in on them, “What’s going on!” I screamed,
“Why won’t anyone tell me what is happening? Why did dad want to know about
Mike? Is Mike okay?”
Tears began to flow and officer
Mecums knelt down in front of me. After a second or two of just looking at me
she finally told me that Mike was missing and they think his older brother, Tate
is the one that took him because Tate too was missing.
Dad walked in followed by another
police officer I didn’t know. Officer Mecums sat down on the couch and had me
sit down on her lap which was kind of hard given that she was such a large lady
and because she had so much police equipment on her gun belt.
Everyone kept asking me about Mike,
when I saw him, were we went, what we did, over and over and over again and I
kept telling them everything that we did except about the barn and about my run
in with Runt. I still don’t know why I didn’t tell them. Maybe because the last
time I broke down and spilled my guts I ended up getting a lot of people into a
lot of trouble. Eventually I couldn’t take it anymore and just burst out
crying. Mom swooped me into her arms and held me
against her chest as I sobbed.
Marsha finally spoke up, “It’s late,
why don’t we get going.”
Officer Mecums stood up, “Yes, I
think that’s probably for the best.” Then turning to dad she added, “I will
make sure a cruiser comes by the house every half hour and I’ll be in contact
with you in the morning.”
Mom started to walk me out of the
house, which wasn’t such a big deal given that I’d never even taken my coat off
the entire time however I was very wet and minutes after being outside my
diaper started to quickly chill.
“Where are we going?” I asked
between sobs.
“You are going to stay with Marsha
for a couple days.” Mom said as if so completely engulfed in negative emotions
that they canceled themselves out leaving her almost robotic sounding.
“Why can’t I stay with you?” I
Jamie’s mother, Marsha stepped up
her pace to get ahead of us so that she could open her car door and without
answering my question mom sat me in the back seat beside the things I had
packed for my overnight stay with
“Mom I want to stay with you!” I
began to cry.
Before closing the door, she leaned
down, buckled my seatbelt and kissed my forehead. “You be good and don’t give
Marsha any trouble!”
“Are you and dad staying too?” I
tried to ask as I cried and as mom was closing the car door, something behind
her caught my attention.
I noticed that there was a light
shining though my bedroom window, or rather where my bedroom window should have
been. As Marsha pulled away, I only got a quick look to see that both window
sashes had been totally smashed.
Now maybe it was because Marsha
doesn’t see me as the little boy that mom always seemed to see when she looks
at me because when I asked my first question, “What happened to my window?” she
proceeded to tell me everything that had happened.
She first told me, “I probably
should be telling you this but maybe it is best that you know and since no one
is willing to do it, I guess I have too.”
Yea her logic was pretty screwed up
but then I was about to object. I wanted to know what the heck was going on!
After justifying to herself that what she was about to do was the right thing,
she started telling me everything. I wish I could remember every word she said
but honestly, it’s all kind of fuzzy in my head now and I can only remember the
general ideas of everything she said.
She explained to me that someone had
broke into my house this evening. Then she confirmed
for me that Mike and his brother are really missing and that the police believe
Tater took Mike but no one seems to know where. She seemed to support the same
thinking of the police in that they believe that it was Tater that broke into
my house either before or after he kidnapped his younger brother and had come
to take me too but when he saw I wasn’t home he went crazy and ransacked
everything I owned!
Only god knows why she then went
into details about what must have happened like she was doing the play by play
announcing of the demolishing of my room. I don’t know why I remembered this
part so clearly and everything else seems so foggy. Actually, it’s the part I
wish I didn’t remember at all. Even though I never saw that damage to my room I
could still, very vividly imagine it inside my mind.
“He must have broke
in through your window right after your parents left for there dinner date this
evening. The police think he was inside the house for about an hour but during
that time he shit on the floor and pissed on the walls and your bed. He smashed
your computer and threw the little TV to the floor. He smeared all of your
clothes in his shit and kicked holes your closet and bedroom doors. All of your
books were ripped apart and thrown everywhere. He pulled out the dresser
drawers, spilled their contents on the floor and slashed the mattresses from
both beds. He must have used your desk chair to smash your desk to pieces. Now
I didn’t actually see it but I heard one of the police officers saying they
found an empty vodka bottle embedded in the ceiling over your bed but I did see
the hole where it had been. And I lost count of the number of empty beer cans
that were everywhere!”
By the end of her first sentence, I
was sobbing and by the time she finished, I had stopped crying for the most
part and started to feel somewhat numb, almost dead inside.
A thought occurred to me, “W-where
w-was m-m-mom and d-dad?” I asked.
“Well, since you were staying with a
friend they decided to have an evening just to themselves.” She explained.
“Th-then th-they
w-w-were n-n-not home?” I needed confirmation of that.
“No one was, thankfully!” She said
as we left the housing area and emerged onto the main road.
I didn’t talk for several minutes. I
sat quietly sniffling in the backseat thinking and rethinking about everything.
After a while I just sort of blurted out, “M-maybe the b-bad g-guys g-g-got
Mike and Tater!”
“What bad guys?” she asked as she
adjusted her rearview mirror so she could see me better.
ones th-th-that w-were t-taking all those kids!” I
“Oh Simon? Didn’t you
know that they caught that bad man and he is dead now? He won’t be taking or
hurting any more children!” she said trying to make eye contact with me via her
rear-view mirror.
Trying not to implicate myself in
the fact that I was concealing many secrets I said, “M-m-maybe th-there were more! M-m-maybe f-f-five or
six b-bad guys!”
She did her best to assure me that
there were no more ‘bad guys’ and I am sure she must have been thinking that I
had been watching way too much television.
Mostly out of frustration for not knowing
how to tell her that I knew there were more bad guys and I knew were they are,
or at least were hiding as of this afternoon, I decided that I didn’t want talk
the rest of the way to her building downtown. Despite my self-imposed vow of
silence, every couple of minutes she would say something else but I didn’t
comment; she seemed to be talking more to herself then to me anyway.
When we pulled up in front of the
building that she and Jamie lived in there was a police cruiser sitting out
front. She drove around it, waved to the cop sitting behind the wheel and then
pulled into the parking garage. We went up to the eighteenth floor of the
garage before she parked the car.
“We’re here!” she announced.
She offered to help me carry my
thing into her place but I refused, “I can do it myself!” I declared.
I did not even make it two steps
into the apartment when Jamie came running up to us. I fully expected him to
begin bombarding his mother and I with questions but
instead all he said was, “Are you guys okay?”
I spotted a very hansom and yet
skinny man emerging from the kitchen as Jamie was pulling my backpack away from
me and saying, “Let me put your stuff in my room.”
I think I would have rather had him
acting excited or mean then acting so polite and friendly. It was somewhat
unnerving to be honest.
Marsha and I were removing our coats
as the handsome man, who was drying his hands with a lime green hand towel,
said with a bit of a lisp, “Hello!”
“Simon!” Marsha reached out for my
coat; “This is Ian from down the hall.”
I handed my coat to Jamie’s mom and
extended my hand to Ian, “Hi!”
“Oh he’s a little gentleman!” Ian
said and I instantly figured out that Ian was not just gay, he was one of those
really gay guys like on TV.
“Thank you so very much for watching
Jamie on such short notice!” Marsha said giving Ian a pat on his left cheek and
a quick peck on his right. “You are so wonderful!”
Ian began fanning his face with his
hand, “Can you tell Patrick that?” and laughed through his nose kind of like a
hissing snake.
“Are either of you hungry?” he asked
as Marsha was hanging out coats up, “I was just putting away the leftovers of
Jamie and my dinner.”
“I’m not hungry!” I said to Ian and
than asked, “Um, can you let go of my hand now?” since Ian still was holding on
to my hand that I offered to him to shake and not to keep.
“Oh I am sorry!” He said exactly
like a flaming fruit and though I did not mean to do so, I laughed but he
didn’t take insult at it. Instead, he smiles and said, “See now there you go!
Laughter is the best medicine!” and out of the corner of my eye I caught Marsha
giving him the cut-it-out sign by dragging her hand across her throat.
Ian, smiling bigger then life leaned
forward and taking my face in his hands, he brought his face close to mine.
“You know what you need?”
As much as I could with him holding
my face, I shook my head from side to side. “You need a death by chocolate
“Oh Ian not
at this hour! You will have him up all night long!” Marsha said throwing
her hands in the air and walking past him.
Not letting go of my face, Ian said
to me, “Tomorrow then!”
“Okay!” I said mostly hoping he
would let me go, as I was feeling very uncomfortable with his close proximity.
He finally realest me and the second
I was free, I ran to Jamie’s room. I found him just coming back out again, “Oh
there you are!” he said sounding a little uncomfortable.
Stepping to one side he allowed me
to pass and enter into his room. I guess I am not all that sure what was going
through my head just then. I think I just wanted to be alone, to disappear
inside myself, or maybe to wake up. Yea that’s it, to wake up and find out that
the past couple hours were all just a dream.
I sat down on the end of Jamie’s bed
and without saying anything else to me he closed his door, came over and sat
down next to me. Neither of us spoke or did anything but sit there quietly
staring at the floor. I supposed I ended up falling asleep sitting there
because the next think I knew, I was waking up with Jamie’s arm draped over my
His room was nearly very dark. The
glow of his alarm clock was the only light in the room to see by. When I
finally managed to free myself from under his arm, I slid myself out from under
the covers and noticed right away that I had on a different diaper. I was still
wet but I was not as wet as I had been when I arrived and it left me with a
small mystery. Who changed me, Jamie or his mom?
Due to the darkness in his room, it
took me a while to find my things and to locate my electronic journal. I turned
it on and used the light from the screen as a flashlight so that I could get
back into the bed where I spent the next couple hours writing about everything
that happened. I had to stop several times because recounting some of the
events of my day made me begin crying. I didn’t want to wake Jamie with my
weeping so I forced myself to stifle any sounds and just let my tears flow
silently from my eyes.
Eventually, I felt as though I had
adequately captured the events within my memory and had the safely stored
within my e-journal. Thus, I turned of my e-journal, sat it on the floor next
to the bed and then slid myself back under the covers.
I laid looking up at the ceiling and
wondering why Tater would take his brother and why he would destroy my room.
After a while, I started to feel the tears beginning to build up again but
instead of allowing them to come I slide closer to
Jamie and snuggled against him for security. It wasn’t too much longer before I
driving off to sleep again.
Next Installment:
Chapter 7 – Saturday, March 06, 2004 – New Friends, New Experiances
** For the latest news on how each installment is coming along as well as answers to questions asked by other readers and so much more, visit me at As always, your thoughts matter to me very, very much, so please send any comments, questions, suggestions, or criticism to me at: and I promise that I will reply personally to everyone that takes the time to write to me! **