This is the continued story of
Simon’s Journal.
I would highly recommend you read the first volume of this story,
Simon’s Journal
Thirteen Days – The First Crusade
before you begin this novel.
The following
narrative is nearly a complete work of fiction.
Any similarity to actual individuals living or dead is completely
If reading a coming of age story about boys wearing diapers and exploring their
awakening sexuality is offensive or illegal in your area, then might I suggest
you go read War and Peace or something equally stimulating.
Volume II
Nights – After the Crusade
Written by
Author of Thirteen Days
enough, I slept extremely late Saturday and didn’t wake up until
When I did rejoin the conscious world
it took me a few moments to comprehend where I was. Lying on my back with the
covers tucked tightly around my shoulders and under my chin, my mouth widened
in a jaw stretching yawn as if my body were attempting a last ditch effort at
not waking up. As the yawn abated, I slid my hand to the front of my diaper and
found that I was scarcely wet. It amazed me so much that I pushed the covers
off and down to my knees so that I could see for myself. Sure enough, the front
of my diaper was barely showing signs of wetness. I felt pretty good about it
until I found out later that the reason it was so dry is that Marsh had changed
my diaper while I slept. Apparently, I had sprung a small leak during the night
and Jamie had reported it to her.
I was equitably bothered over the fact
that I did not wake up at all during either diaper changing last night but
somehow I was able to push them out of my mind, enough so that I was almost
able to forget that they even happened.
Since I was not very wet, I figured I
would get myself dressed before walking out of Jamie’s room. When I finally did
venture out amongst the waking world I found Jamie and his mom sitting,
watching some show about a bunch of kids battling against a bunch of adults in
some crazy obstacle course.
“I see you finally woke up!” Marsha
said with a smile.
I rubbed at my left eye to try to get
the last of the sleep out of it.
“About time!” Jamie said
mockingly to me.
“What time is it?” I asked.
“Nearly lunch
Jamie continued with his joking tone.
“Are you hungry?” Marsha asked.
I had to stop and think about that for
a second before I was able to answer her, “Yea I think so.” I said though I was
not sure if it was hunger I was feeling or just a sour stomach from all the
junk that happened yesterday evening.
“You don’t look so hot!” Jamie said.
“I don’t think I feel so hot!” I said
Marsha got up and led me off to the
bathroom where she took out a thermometer from the medicine cabinet and stuck
it under my tongue. A minute later, she pulled it out and announced, “Nope, no
“I could have told you that!” It came
out of my mouth sounding sarcastic but I had not meant it that way at all. I
think she gave me some slack given all the crap I’ve had to deal with recently.
Before we left the bathroom she
whispered down to me, “Do you need another change?”
I think she was relieved when I shook
my head no and answered, “No, I’m good.”
Marsha made me toast and tea for
breakfast, which helped to settle my stomach. Jamie joined me at the table but
he had a fried balcony sandwich, which normally I would have found tantalizing
but today it sounded, smelled and looked disgusting. I could tell that they
both were trying hard not to talk about anything that might make me feel
uncomfortable or upset me but something was on my mind and the only way I was
going to find out was to ask.
“Any news on
Mike or Tater?” I asked Marsha who nearly dropped a cup of hot tea when I
said it.
Though she said, “I don’t think so.” I
thought it sounded like she knew something but did not want to tell me.
As I was popping the last bite of
toast into my mouth, there was an irritating kind of buzzing sound. Marsha went
over to the door and spoke into the intercom. I figured out that it must be the
security guard calling up and I was right. A minute or two later she opened the
door to let both mom and dad come in. I immediately realized that Marsha must
have called them right after I woke up. I mean, how else would they know to come
After taking their coats, she sent
Jamie to his room. I think I was the only one that saw that he didn’t actually
go to his room but only acted like he did. Instead, he was standing just out of
their sight, so that he could hear what was going on.
After mom and dad hugged me, a lot,
the four of us sat down. I noticed that dad looked as if he had not slept all
night; his eyes were sunken back into his head and were so very red. He also
had not shaved as his face was covered in little stubbly hairs. Mom on the
other hand looked like she usually does whenever she has to leave the house,
tidy and put together. Although I did notice that she must have spent a lot of
the night crying because her eyes too were red and also very puffy.
Dad proceeded to explain everything
that had happened and why they sent me here instead of just letting me stay at
Dad seemed to have a hard time telling
me about my room being demolished and he didn’t go into the details that Marsha
had used. He did tell me that Mr. Nader, the man that had rescued BJ and I from
a near snowy grave just a couple days ago, was at our house while we were
talking. Dad said that he’d called Mr. Nader right after the police said they
were finished taking pictures and fingerprints in my room and that Mr. Nader,
dad called him Ruddy, had been there most of the night. He was helping mom and
dad clean up, repairing the walls and replacing all the doors to and in my
Mom spoke up right then and said, “He
even found someone that could replace the window this weekend.”
Mom and dad both said that they didn’t
want me to see my room like it was, which is one of
the reasons why they asked Marsha to take me to stay with her and Jamie last
night. The other reason was that the police wanted me somewhere safe, where
Tate couldn’t get to me and given that no one can get into her building without
a key or without going past the security guard in the front lobby, mom and dad
thought this would be the safest place.
Dad said, “We were going to go out
first thing this morning to order new furniture for your room.” Dad paused long
enough to smile at mom. “Bishop Vandoan . . .”
I interrupted him, “Who?”
“Your friend’s father,
“Oh, yea
I said.
“You did know he was a preacher man?”
mom asked.
Getting back to what he was saying dad
cleared his through and continued, “Anyway, he showed up at our door at first
light with a big U-Haul Truck and several men from his church.”
“Why?” I asked.
Dad smiled in a way that seemed to
make me feel really good inside. Kind of the way hot chocolate does when you
are really cold. “I’m getting to that!” he said and then continued, “They are
at the house working with Ruddy now too. Seem Bishop Vandoan made a few calls
to a few local pastors last night and was able, literally over night, to get
all new furniture to replace what was destroyed.”
Dad stopped to scratch at his bristly
face, “I’ve no idea how he knew just what you needed.”
Not really thinking I responded, “
Both mom and dad lit up as my comment
helped them to put that part of the puzzle together. “Well!” Mom squeezed my
thigh, “Of course!” she said swatting the air as if she were swatting dad
upside his head for not thinking of that.
Something odd was nagging me way in
the back of my mind the whole time mom and dad were talking to me, but the more
dad talked the more keyed up I got and the harder it was for me to focus on
what it was that was bothering me. It wasn’t until after they left that I
realized just what it was that had me so vexed. It was the fact that last night
I had a dream about all of this and I think it was my subconscious minds way of
getting a message to my conscious mind.
In my dream, I was a detective, with a
brown trench coat and a beat-up old felt hat. I was still the same age, except
I looked kind of leathery, the way any seasoned detective might look after 20
years chasing bad guys. I was going all through our house looking for clues and
trying to figure out who it was that had broken in and why. In true
I think my dream ended at that point
because I can’t remember anything else that happed but it wasn’t until after
mom and dad left that I was able to figure it all out for myself.
However, before they left to go back
home, mom had asked if I minded staying another night. Marsha then chimed in
and told me that she wanted me to stay too. She said that Jamie would love to
have me stay so that he could have someone to play with. Hence, I said I would
stay dispite really wanting to go home and be near mom and dad. There was this
yearning within me to have them hold me and make all the bad stuff that’s been
happening to me just disappear forever.
I kissed and hugged them both before
saying goodbye and heading back to Jamie’s room. I have to give him credit, he
tried really hard to look innocent while sitting in front of his computer, but
I knew he had only just barely got himself in that chair before I walked in.
I grinned and said, “Oh please! I know
you were listening!”
“No I wasn’t!” He said with an evil
grin and then as if someone pulled the expression off his face he went
completely blank, “So, are you okay?”
I shrugged as much as I could with my
armor on and then a thought occurred to me and was out my lips before I had a
chance to stop myself, “You know they must have destroyed your stuff too.” I
don’t know why I said it, it sort of fell out of my mouth. I could tell by the
way his eyebrows seemed to drop that he’d not thought of that either.
“W . . .” he started to say something
but stopped, closed his mouth and then tried again, “Wh
. . .” he stopped himself again. It was as if he was searching for something to
say but was only getting random letters. He stuck his tongue out and pulled
hard on it as if trying to pull-start his brain.
“Want me to do that for you?” I asked
causing him to suck his tongue back into his head quickly.
He gave me a mean look, “No ‘because
you would try to pull it off!”
“Can we do something?” I asked quickly
changing the subject.
“Do you think they will replace my bed
and stuff in your room?” he asked.
“I don’t know, probably!” I said and
then asked again, “Can we please do something?”
“Man this sucks!” he said running his
fingers through his hair.
“Jamie?” I whined.
“What you want to do?” Jamie finally
“I don’t know! Anything! I just don’t
want to have to think right now!” I said with clenched fists.
“Want to go and meet some of my
friends?” he asked.
“Not right now!” I said and then
asked, “Got any good games?”
“Ever play Uno-Attack?” he asked.
“Yea but that’s not as much fun with
just two people.” I said.
“Want to go ride the elevators?” he
asked with a stupid smirk.
I picked up a sock that was laying on
the floor and threw it at him but given that socks are not very aerodynamic it
didn’t even make it half way across the room before falling back to the floor
“Hey! You could have put my eye out!”
Jamie joked.
“Yea! Well just be
glad it didn’t have a brick in it!” I managed to laugh but it was an uneasy
“So what do you want to do?” Jamie
I growled, “AARRGG! Let’s just do
Jamie stood up and started for his
door, “Alright! I got an idea, come with me!” he said but stopped, “Wait, we
might need jackets.”
“We going
outside?” I asked.
side-stepped out of his way as he crossed over to his closet. “Here this
should fit you!” He said tossing me a red windbreaker that said Nyoga on the
“What’s Nyoga mean?” I asked pulling
the jacket on.
“It’s a hockey team!” he said and
after putting on a jean jacket he said, “Alright, let go!”
“Where?” I asked as I
followed him out of his room.
Jamie didn’t answer me but instead
Jamie shouted into the air, “Mom! Simon and I are going to Ian’s!”
“Is Ian home?” she shouted back.
“I don’t know!” he shouted again, “If
not we will come right back!”
“All right but don’t be bothering the
other neighbors!” she said.
We were out the door and headed down
the hallway before I finally got the chance to ask, “Why are we going to
“We’re not!” Jamie said.
Being the rocket scientist that I am I
said the most intelligent thing I could think of, “Huh?”
“Gee-whiz! How stupid
can you be?” Jamie said.
I stopped walking, “HEY! What about
our truce?”
Jamie stopped, turned and apologized,
“Sorry, that didn’t come out right?”
“There was a right way for that to
come out?” I asked still miffed.
Ignoring my last statement he said, “I
just told her that so she wouldn’t worry. She won’t check up on us. I promise!”
I still wanted to punch him in the
stomach for calling me stupid but I managed to let ill feeling drip off me like
muddy water. I started walking again, “Where we going then?”
Jamie slowed down and took a lazy
swing at me but since he was several steps a head of me he missed by a mile.
“Will you just be patient? You will like it when we get there!”
I suppose Jamie was finally acting
like himself again and I took a bit of comfort in it. I mean, if he was
treating me like he always did then maybe he wasn’t as worried about me as he
was last night or earlier today. So, I continued to follow him down to the end
of the hallway where he opened a big metal door that lead to a bunch of steps
that went up and down. Logic would say that when faced with only the choices of
up and down that I would be safe in assuming we were going to be going in one
of those two directions. However, Jamie turned and pulled me through the door
and pushed it closed.
“Now where?” I asked to
which Jamie only gave me a slightly irritated expression.
He reached into the pocket of his
pants and pulled out a quarter. He held it up as if showing me some priceless
treasure and not just a plane old quarter.
This would have been a really good
time for me to keep my mouth shut and not say something stupid but the
temptation was too great for me to resist. “Oh that’s pretty Jamie! You must
feel so special to have so much money!”
He dropped his hands to his side and
just stood there looking at me.
After a few seconds I started to feel
uncomfortable with his silent stair, “What?”
“You know sometimes I just want to
pound your head through a wall!” Jamie said and I saw that his hand that didn’t
have the quarter was being squeezed into a fist.
Realizing I was being a bit of a jerk
I took the initiative and apologized, “Okay, I’m sorry! I guess it’s just habit
for us to fight all the time!”
I saw him physically loosen up and he
said, “I don’t always feel like pounding you, sometimes I . . .” his voice
trailed off nervously.
“What were you going to say?” I asked
Without looking at me he finished,
“Sometimes I just wish we were better brothers. Like on TV or something like
I looked up and down the stairs; to be
sure no one was looking, and then leaned over and kissed his cheek. He
immediately started to wipe off his cheek as if I’d left behind some infectious
slime. “I didn’t mean like that!” and by his tone I could tell he was kidding.
“Alright, what’s the deal with the
quarter then?” I asked and watched as he used it like a poor mans screwdriver.
I had not even noticed that behind the door there was a large metal grate that
was screwed to the wall. Jamie turned four screws about half a turn each and
then pulled it open. It swung up on a hinge at the top until it was standing straight
out from the wall.
“Come on! Follow me!” He said as he
climbed into the space behind the grill.
Without even a second thought, I
ducked under the metal grate and followed him in. he wiggled his way past me to
close the grate again and using the quarter was able to re-secure it.
We had to crawl on our hands and feet
for about twenty feet in a sort of curving left direction before coming out to
a huge room filled with pipes, ducts and big valves. To me it looked like what
I might imagine the inside of a submarine engine room would look like. We were
able to stand up now and there was even a light bulb hanging from a long cord
over head that illuminated the space nicely.
“Whoa this is awesome!” I said.
Jamie spun around and hushed me,
“Why?” I whispered.
He whispered back, “Because anything
you say in here goes right to everyone’s apartment on this floor and to all the
ones above and below this floor!”
He looked across the way to another
grate and started for it. He looked back and whispered, “Come on, this way!”
We reached the grate and using his
quarter again managed to open it from the backside just as easily as he did the
other grate. Once both of us were through, he closed the grate and whispered,
“We are almost there!”
I looked around but could not see much
at all. Wherever we were, it was really dark and smelled kind of like an old
attic or something like that.
I felt Jamie reach out and take hold
of my hand, “Come on!”
Walking in the dark made it seem like
we went a lot farther then we actually did. When we stopped again, Jamie
released my hand; I heard a clicking sound and then a kind of metallic thud.
Light began to spill in around a big metal door. I could see that we were
surrounded by boxes and furniture. I guessed it was some kind of storage room,
which explained why it smelled like an attic.
Jamie opened the metal door only
enough for the two of us to slip through it and said, “Come on, through here!”
I followed him through to the other
side of door. It took half a minute for my eyes to adjust to the extreme
brightness of the light but afterward I could see that we had emerged into some
kind of garden.
Behind me there was that same clink
followed by another metallic thud. I spun around to see Jamie had closed the
metal door again.
“Where are we?” I asked, still
“This is a super secret place that
only a few people know about! My friends and I made it!” Jamie said at a normal
We were in a glass green house that
was about twenty feet square with several skylights probably fifteen or more
feet above us on a sloping ceiling. Jamie was right, we needed jackets as it
was a little chilly in here but not cold by any means. Actually, it was quite
comfortable and enjoyable.
“No body knows this is here anymore!
It was full of machine stuff when we found it and we carried everything out and
snuck in some plants to make our own backyard to play in!” Jamie said sitting
down on an overturned bucket.
I turned myself around looking at the
plants and feeling the warm sunlight shining through the glass onto my face.
“You guys made this.” I asked in unbelieving amazement.
“Yep!” He said
“This must have taken years!” I said.
“No, only a
couple weeks. Well the plants been growing for a couple years but
cleaning this place up and getting the plants was only
a couple weeks.” He said.
“Where did you get all the plants?” I
“Mostly just dug them up, like at school during recess. We would dig up plants and
flowers, hid them in our book bags or lunch boxes and then bring them here and
plant them!” he said.
“WOW! Why is it such a secret?” I
asked, “Why not share this with everyone?”
“Then everyone would come here and we
wouldn’t have someplace that was just for us!” he said sarcastically.
Jamie got up and took my hand again
and led me over to a corner of the garden were a bunch of grass appeared to be
growing right on the concrete floor. It looked like a green carpet, or a
blanket. We both laid ourselves down on the grass and looked up at the sky
through one of the dirty encrusted ski lights.
“How do you water all these?” I asked
propping myself up on one elbow.
“There is a water valve back in there
with all the pipes. We have a watering can over there.” He pointed to a pale
green watering can with pink flowers all over it, “We just fill it up in there
and bring the water in here.”
I lowered myself back down so that we
were laying side-by-side, “I can’t believe you guys made something this cool!”
Jamie pointed up to a cloud going by,
“Hey, that looks like a butterfly.”
“Looks more like a bear to me!” I
“Maybe it’s a flying bear!” Jamie said
and giggled.
“I hope he doesn’t need to poop!” I
We didn’t say anything for a few
minutes and then I broke the silence, “Hey Jamie?”
“Yea?” He answered.
“Thanks for showing me this!” I said.
“I thought you would like it! But . .
.” he didn’t finish what he started to say.
“But what?” I asked.
“Well, now that you’ve seen this I’m
going to have to kill you!” he said as if he were commenting on the weather.
I stifled a giggle, “Okay, but can you
do it later? I want to keep watching the clouds for a while.”
“Yea sure! Anything for
my bestest brother!” he laughed.
We stayed there looking at the ski
through that dirty skylight for sometime before either of us spoke again.
I finally broke the silence by asking,
“Know something?”
“What?” Jamie asked.
“I been
thinking.” I said.
“’Bout what?” He asked.
“I think the police are wrong.” I
Jamie sat up onto one elbow so that he
was looking at me, “What police? About what?”
“They are looking for the wrong
person.” I said.
“What are you talking about?” he
I rolled my head sideways so that I
was looking at him, “I don’t think it was Tater that broke into my house and
did all that stuff.”
“Who do you think did it then?” Jamie
asked so calmly you would think we were talking about something we had both
seen on TV.
“I am not 100% sure but I don’t think
whoever it was, was really coming after me.” I alleged.
“You didn’t answer my question yet!”
he said somewhat flatly.
“I suppose it could have been Tater
but I don’t think so. I think whoever it was, they
were after something else and not me.” I said.
“Simon!” Jamie said out of
frustration, “You keep saying the same thing but you haven’t said who you think
did it.”
I rolled my head back so that I was
again staring up at the clouds lazily drifting by.
Jamie let himself fall back to the
grass with a grunt, “You drive me crazy sometimes!”
After that, I got lost in my thoughts
for a while. I think Jamie said something a couple times but I’m
not sure what he said until he stood up and grabbing my hand to pull me up
said, “Come on, let’s go!”
“Yea, okay! Do you need to water the
plants first?” I asked.
“Not my week!” is all he said as he
lead me back through the metal door, through the dark storage room, into the
room with the pipes where he stopped to secure the grate back in place. We then
made our way back to the ductwork and back through the metal grate to the
“That was really increadable!” I told
him as he helped me out of the wall.
“Remember! Don’t tell anyone!” he said
and kneeling down again he screwed the grate shut again.
“Yea, oh and I thought you were going
to kill me?” I asked jokingly.
“Maybe later! I don’t want
to get my clothes all covered with your insides.” He joked too.
I figured we were going back to his
apartment but instead he took me to Ian’s apartment where Ian got us a couple
Cokes and showed me some of his artwork. Ian’s a fantastic painter and said
that he would like to paint a picture of Jamie and me sometime! He doesn’t do
the normal kind of portrait painting; he said his form or art was called,
‘Speed Painting’ in which he can actually paint a full, life sized person in
about five minutes. Up close the paintings just look like someone splattered a
bunch of paint onto a black canvas but if you stand way back you can see that
they have tremendous detail.
“Hey! That’s your mom!” I said to
Jamie when I saw this one painting that was done all in yellow tones against a
grass green canvas.
“I never seen
this one Ian!” Jamie said coming over and standing next to me.
“We did that one last night after the
two of you went to sleep.” Ian said placing a sheet over another painting.
“Why are you covering that one up?” I
“It’s a special piece that I’m not
ready to reveal to the public.” He said.
Jamie asked, “Can you do us now?”
Ian’s eyes lit up, “Oh I would love
too do you both!”
Jamie cracked up laughing! “That’s not
what I meant and you know it!”
Having totally missing the joke I
asked, “What?”
Jamie rolled his eyes and Ian said,
“I’d love to PAINT the two of you but I just took my shower and I need to leave
in a few minutes.”
“Where you
Jamie asked picking up an extra big brush and wielding it like a sword.
“I’m meeting some friends.” He
answered taking the brush from Jamie and thumping him on the head with it.
“Ouch!” Jamie said rubbing his head. I
think he said the next thing out of spit for getting hit, “You mean you are
going to go have sex!” Jamie ducked away as Ian tried to grab him.
I shocked and could not believe Jamie
said something like that to another adult. Jamie moved around behind an extra
big painting and grabbed me from behind and pulled me between Ian and himself.
“Hey! Don’t get me involved!” I
complained as Jamie laughed.
Ian was smiling and waving the
paintbrush when he said, “What would your mother think if she heard you talking
like that?”
“What would your mother think if she
knew you were going to go have SEX?” Jamie continued to joke.
“Hey! Let go of me!” I squirmed my way
out of Jamie’s grip and moved out of his reach.
“You can kill him if you like!” I said
to Ian.
“I think I just might do that later!”
Ian put the big brush down on a table.
Jamie was over behind an oversized and
overstuffed chair, out of reach of Ian. He stuck his tongue out at Ian and made
a raspberry sound.
Ian wiggled a finger at Jamie, “You
are being incorrigible! Don’t you want to set a good example for Simon?”
“Nope!” Jamie said
with a laugh.
Ian walked past me and as he did he
placed a hand on my cheek, “You doing okay little man?”
I knew what he meant so I answered him
with, “Yea I’m good.” although if the truth were known, I wasn’t really doing
so well.
A few minutes later Ian shoed us out of
his place, so Jamie and I returned back to the apartment. “Mom, we’re back!”
Jamie shouted.
“Have a good time?” she said from the
couch where she was laying.
Jamie and I both jumped and Marsha
laughed, “Got ya!” which made the two of us laugh too.
“We’re going to go to my room.” Jamie
told her.
“Alright, just try to play quietly.”
She said and went back to reading the book she was holding.
As we were crossing the room, she
asked me, “Simon, you need anything?”
I figured she was asking again, if I needed
my diaper changed and I honestly didn’t have any idea but I answered her
anyway, “Nope!”
“You let me know when you do.” She
said cryptically.
Back in Jamie’s room, he sat down at
his desk while I went over and sat down on the edge of his bed so that I could
look over his shoulder to whatever it was he was about to do. “What we doing
“I want to show you this website I
found.” He said.
“Okay.” I said and while he was
booting his computer, I took a second to feel my diapered crotch through my pants.
It felt somewhat squishy and I figured I must have wet without knowing it while
we were lying in the grass.
I guess Jamie saw me out of the corner
of his eye as I was checking the condition of my diaper because he asked, “You
want me to change you?”
I’m really not sure why but I was
honestly surprised by his question and it took me a couple seconds before I
could respond. “Uh, if you want too.” I said
sheepishly hoping we might have a reply of the last time he was at my house.
“Let me show you this website first
and then I will change your diaper okay?” he asked.
“Yea.” I answered
back while trying not to feel embarrassed.
He eventually pulled up a website that
I was very much familiar with and I found myself burdened with whether to let
him know I knew of it or allow him to think he had made a new discovery on his
own. I decided it was probably better just to tell him that I already knew
about; he was not surprised either.
“Yea, but have you seen these?” he
clicked on the gallery button and brought up a group of pictures that I also
knew but not from the Internet. The shock of seeing the diaper pictures of
Peter Alderman posted to the net caused me to choke on my own spit. I began
coughing and hacking so loud that it brought in Jamie’s mom. Thankfully Jamie
had the forethought to click off the website before she walked in.
“What’s the matter?” Marsha asked.
Though I was coughing, I managed to
eek out, “Spit went down wrong tube!”
She went to pat me on my back, which
is something I still do not understand the logic behind, but she thought better
of it and stopped herself. A couple more
cough’s and I was okay again, but now my ribs were hurting and I felt a little
“I think you better lay down.” Marsha
said and I did not argue with her at all.
“Did you have candy or something?” she
I shook my head, “Just swallowed my
spit wrong is all.”
When Marsha was sure I was okay; I had
to tell her I was at least five times before she believed me; and before
leaving us alone again, she asked again if I needed anything. I must give her
props for her understanding and willingness to not embarrass me by just coming
right out and asking if I needed a diaper change. I told her I was fine despite
knowing I was in need of a fresh diaper.
Alone again Jamie got up from his desk
and sat down on the end of the bed next to me. “You going to live or should I
plan on burying you in our garden?” he asked sounding concerned.
“Yea, it just hurt a lot to cough is all.” I said symbolically rubbing my armor through my shirt.
“Sorry, I did think those would
surprise you so much.” He said referring to the online photos of Peter in a
“I’m okay, that just caught me off
guard is all.” I said trying to smile to reassure him that I was alright.
“So, um, that is him?” Jamie asked.
“Yea, that was Peter!” I said and then
asked, “Can you help me to sit up?”
“You sure? Maybe you
should just rest more!” he said.
“I want to see them again. I want to
see if we can find out who might have posted them to that website.” I tried to
set up by myself but felt a sharp pain on my right side. It wasn’t super
painful, only enough to get me to stop trying to move for a little while.
A moment later Marsha returned.
“You’re mother had told me that if you have any pain to give you one of these.”
I recognized it as one of the little
pain pills and I took it gladly. Within fifteen or twenty minutes, I was
feeling fine again, except I was a little drowsy from the medication. After she
had given me the pill she left and told me not to get up until the pain was
gone. She said she was going to go make supper.
While waiting for the pill to take
effect Jamie took the initiative and began to unsnap and unzip my pants.
Without having to do any of the work myself, Jamie was able to get my pants
pulled all the way down to my ankles and had maneuvered the diaper out from
under my bottom.
He left me lying on the bed naked from
the waist down as he over went to the stuff I had brought with me last night;
the very same stuff I’d taken to Lowell’s with the intention of spending the
night there! I watched him as he rummaged through my things until he found a
new diaper. He had left the wet one laying open on his bed, which for some
reason seemed to be a little amusing to me. I am not sure why, to be honest.
Upon returning with the fresh diaper,
he opened it all the way up before placing it between my bent knees. “Can you
lift up a little?” he asked.
It hurt a bit to do so but I managed
to get my bottom a couple inches up. It was enough that he could slide the
diaper under me and get it positioned right.
“Okay you can rest now.” He said
patting my abdomen just above my boyhood member.
Instead of pulling the diaper up and
taping it on, which is what I expected him to do next, instead he picked up the
wet diaper and rolled it up into a nice, neat little package. Using the two
front wings, he tied a nice tight knot to hold the bundle closed and with a
toss made a perfect basket into his small wicker trashcan beside his desk.
I laughed, “Two points!”
Without commenting on the spectacular
shot, Jamie again got to his feet and went back to my things. He returned with
the wipes, powder and diaper cream. “Might as well do this right, huh?”
“Yep!” I smiled
when I saw him grinning so eagerly. I lowered my voice and asked, “Can you
close your door first?”
“Oh yea! I forgot!”
he said setting the things down on his bed and walking over to the door. I
watched as he closed and locked it. I couldn’t help but wonder and hope that he
might have other ideas in mind than just diapering me. That was about all the
thought I had to have on the subject and before I knew it my little boyhood
member began to lift his single eye skyward until he was standing at complete
My eyes flashed back to Jamie briefly
to see him standing with his eyes big as dinner plates and grinning like some
evil cartoon character. I fully expected his tongue to fallout of his mouth and
roll across the floor.
With my boyhood member pointing toward
the North Star I giggled and said, “Take a picture, it will last longer.” The
saying, ‘Famous last words’ comes to mind now!
His smile widened, if that were
possible, to a big toothy grin as he went to his desk, pulled open a drawer and
produced a small yellow camera. “Can I?” came his simple request.
Jamie laughed and put the camera back
in the drawer, “I was only joking anyway!”
“Yea right!” I said
He stared back at me, still grinning
at risen boyhood. Nothing else was said between us for the next few minutes.
Jamie sat down on the bed next to me, reached out his hand and gently took hold
of my penis. It felt like someone had hooked a car battery up to my little boyish
marbles. I suddenly shot my boy juices straight into the air in several violent
convulsions. The milky cream fell right back down onto Jamie’s hand.
“Whoa!” Jamie exclaimed, “Dang Simon!”
he said before breaking out into a fit of giggles as he pulled out one of my
baby wipes too clean off his hand.
He used a second wipe to clean my
diaper area and when the cloth made contact with my now soft and sleeping
little penis, it tickled so much that I couldn’t help but squeal.
“What?” Jamie asked.
“That tickled!” I moaned.
“What this?” He did it again.
“Stop you are going to make me hurt
myself again.” However, my complaint didn’t carry much weight given that I was
laughing right along with him.
Despite our fits of giggles, Jamie
managed to finish cleaning me up and applied the diaper cream, which also
tickled a lot. After the cream, he had to use a third baby wipe to clean it off
his hand before he could apply the baby powder. He did it all like a pro would;
it was almost as if he had been practicing since we were together the last
When he finished taping the diaper
around my waist he asked, “That pill make you feel
Given that Jamie had helped me to
forget about the pain long enough to give the pill time to kick-in, with
Jamie’s help I felt well enough to sit up again. I sat on the side of his bed
for a minute or two just to be sure nothing was still hurting.
Jamie made the comment, “Just don’t
cough any more okay?”
“Yea, that wasn’t any fun!” I said
with a giggle.
I stood up cautiously while Jamie
squatted down to pull my pants up my legs and over my diaper. I let him fasten
my pants and then zip them up. With a joking swat to my diapered bottom Jamie
said, “All dry again.”
When he stood up again I saw that
front of his dark-khaki pants were tenting and had to comment. “Looks like someone has a bit of a problem too!”
He didn’t have to look down to know
what I meant. He thrust his left hand into his pocket and grinned. However, I
couldn’t let him stay like that. I stepped around behind him, wrapped my arms
around his waist and using my left hand I pulled his pants open enough that I
could thrust my right hand down into his underwear.
Like an earthquake he began to tremble
within my arms as I took hold of his ridged penis. He tilted his head back and
rested it on my shoulder as he began to breathe hard and heavy.
His pants were a little too tight with
my hand shoved down the front of them so with my free hand I managed to
unbutton them. That was enough to allow me to stroke him to the brink of
ecstasy. However, when I thought he was getting close he lifted his head and
pulled my arm out of his pants.
“Why’d you stop me?” I asked,
He was still panting as he answered,
“’Cause I want to save it for later.”
I could not understand that then nor
now for that matter, but I gave him a kind of crooked
smile. He stepped right up to me and kissed me on my mouth long and hard. I
felt his hand on the back of my head pressing my lips harder against his own.
He eventually released me from his embrace and for the briefest of moments; I
think I was actually floating.
Ultimately, the two of us decided to
get back on the computer and this time he let me sit in his desk chair and
bring up the website with the photos of Peter. I noticed right away that there
were more photos of Peter on that site then what I had seen at school that day
Peter and his friends had attacked me. There were fourteen pictures in all on
the site and of course they were all fakes, some better then the others. A few
looked to be someone else’s body with Peter’s head Photo Shopped onto it. We
looked around the website to try to find out who might have posted them to the
Internet but all it said was some bogus ‘diaperzrule’ name with a generic
Hotmail email account, ‘’, which could belong to anyone.
Jamie had the idea of sending an email to that account but the email came back
almost immediately saying that the account was not any good.
When we felt that we had exhausted any
chance of finding out who posted the photos the two of us took to looking at
some of the other photos of other boys in diapers. There were a lot that I had
seen before but others I had never seen. It really surprised me that Jamie was
enjoying doing something like this.
There was this one photo of this boy
who looked to be maybe thirteen sitting on the hood of a military looking
Hummer. He was wearing nothing but a diaper, socks and running shoes. That got
us both interested in seeing more Hummers so we surfed away from
and started running a Google Image search for Hummers.
I never knew there were so many
different kinds of Hummers. I thought they wear either like the militaries
Hummers or like the big black ones I seen in a couple movies. However, as it
turned out, they make them in just about any color and several different
styles. They have the open kind like a Jeep, the kind that looks like a big
giant square box, which I guess is about the ultimate in SUV’s. We saw a couple
Hummers that looked like short bed trucks and a few others body types too.
We eventually found a website with a
bunch of pictures of this one Hummer that was painted to look like the American
Flag. I liked that so much that Jamie printed a couple of them for me to keep
and then using his email we emailed the website address to my email account. It
wasn’t until after I clicked on the send button that I remembered my computer
had been smashed and I would not be able to get into my email from home again.
“What’s the matter?” Jamie asked when
he saw my crest fallen expression.
I slid out from behind the computer,
walked over to the far side of his bed, and sat down on the corner of the
mattress. With a sigh I said, “I just sent that to myself but . . . I don’t
have a computer anymore!” I think that was the very first realization I had of
just was had happened. I guess before that moment I’d not actually believed it
was real.
“You still got that!” Jamie pointed to
my electronic journal that was still sitting where I had left it during the
early hours of the morning.
That was the right thing to say too! I
perked right up when I realized that I could still do the stuff I really liked
doing; such as sending and receiving emails and recording my thoughts via
journaling. “Hey yea! Runt didn’t smash my e-book!” I
“You mean Tate!” Jamie corrected me.
I stopped moving toward my e-book,
turned and stared right at him. It took five, maybe even ten seconds for him to
realize that though what I had said was a slip of the tongue, it was also, what
I believed to be the truth.
“You mean?” Jamie gasped and put his
hand over his mouth. He was starting to put everything together finally.
“SIMON!” he said sharply but at the
same time trying to keep his voice down so as not to have his mother hear him.
I still didn’t speak, nor did I move.
Jamie couldn’t look at me anymore. He
turned himself away and sat down on his bed while holding the sides of his head
with his hands.
I let him brew like that for no more
then a minute before I said, “Can I trust you?”
Without looking at me and without
letting go of his head he nodded. So, I sat down next to him and told him
everything he didn’t already know from reading my journal before. Every
stinking secret came bursting out of me as if the walls that had held them inside
my mind finally cracked and came crumbing down. Before I finished, I told him
“I think that is the real reason Runt
or whoever broke into my room. They were looking for the money. Really, until
right now only four people know I have that money and I am one of them. The
other three are Runt, Tater and Bull.” I said.
I waited for him to respond, to tell
me that he didn’t hate me for the things I had done and had not done. When he
finally did say something it was to ask a question. “You were really inside Old
Man Johnson’s house?”
I stood up and held out my arms as if
waiting to receive something, “Why is it everyone knows about him except me?” I
asked more out of frustration than anything else.
Jamie shrugged, “I don’t know. Maybe
because you are a dweebe that never talks to anyone . . .” he trailed off at
the end and it was obvious his brain just kicked into overdrive.
“What?” I asked.
Jamie stood up and was facing me,
“What if Tate didn’t kidnap his little brother; what if those people Runt is
hangout with took them both?” he froze again as another thought seemed to be
forming. “Oh man, what if Tater was mad or something with Runt and since you
sent that email, maybe Tater went to the barn. But he didn’t really know where
the barn was so maybe he made Mike take him and those guys captured them both.”
While shaking my head I said, “That’s
exactly what I have been thinking all afternoon.”
As if something had suddenly shoved, a
light bulb in his mouth Jamie’s eye opened wide and seemed to glow. He leapt
for his bedroom door, flipped the lock and turned back to me with a finger to
his mouth to tell me to stop talking. No more then five seconds later there was
a knock at his bedroom door just before it opened.
“Dinner’s ready.” Marsha said.
“Already?” the word was out of my
mouth before I knew I had thought it.
“It’s about ten minutes after four.”
She said and both Jamie and I looked over at his alarm clock.
“What are we having?” Jamie asked.
“Stuffed grilled shrimp with grilled
asparagus spears aaannnnd,” she drew out the ‘and’ for effect, “I have a
surprise for you both for dessert.” She said, “You two get washed up.”
I followed Jamie out of his room and
into the bathroom. “Wow that was close!” I said softly.
“Yea tell me about it!” Jamie said
turning on the water in the sink.
“How did you know she was coming?” I
“The stuff on my wall moves whenever
someone walks past it on the other side.” He said handing the bar of soap to
“Think she heard us?” I asked.
He started rinsing his hands under the
water, “Na, she would have said something if she had.”
Dinner was fantastic, I mean once I
got over the idea of having an enormous shrimp lying on my plate. It really was
good and when we were finish eating, Marsha brought out the dessert. We each
got a death by chocolate sundae served to us
in big glass sundae bowls with a wedge of double-fudge brownie sticking out of
the tops of out sundaes. They almost looked to beautiful to eat, with the
keyword there being ‘almost’!
the time Jamie and I finished off our sundaes, we were wired to the max.
However, Marsha had another surprise for us that would help us burn off all
that sugar.
how are you feeling?” she asked.
I grunted before realizing why she was asking, “Oh I feel fine now! I don’t
even hurt a little.” I assured her.
in that case; Jamie, why don’t you call your friends and see if they want to
come over and play Russian War?” Marsha asked.
and I looked at each other but for different reasons. My reason was to ask what
‘Russian War’ was. Jamie’s reason for looking my way was to shout, “WARRRRRRRR!”
and laugh like a maniacal toon.
smiled and told him to go call his friends if he wanted to play. He was up and
to the phone before she could draw in another breath to speak.
helped clear the table while Jamie calling his friends; it didn’t take him long
to call nor did it take Marsha and I long to clear the table. I was making my
second trip from the table to the kitchen with dirty dishes when she said very
softly to me, “I’ll change you before his friends get here.”
smiled and said, “That’s okay! I already did it.” I was careful not to
implicate Jamie just incase she wasn’t so keen on the idea of Jamie diapering
me. I just had a thought as I wrote that; what would she think if she knew what
else we have done together?
about the time Jamie hung up the phone from making his last call there was a
knock at the front door. Jamie ran to the door to open it, “Hi Becky!” he said
and I saw a kind of plain looking girl walk in. She wore big black-framed
glasses and had long black hair that was pulled back with a pink ribbon that
matched her outfit perfectly.
was just closing the door again when a high-pitched voice squealed, “Wait let
me in!” The voice turned out to belong to a boy with sandy-blonde hair, blue
eyes and ears that could double as wings for a 747 jet!
“Oh sorry Noah!
Didn’t see ya.” Jamie said, “Hey, where’s Paul?”
coming! He had to untie his shoes! Seems they somehow ended
up tied into a million and one knots!” Noah said with an evil grin.
closed the door and surprised me at his manors. “Noah, Becky, this is my
brother Jamie. Jamie these are my friends Beck and Noah.” He grinned wickedly
and added, “I think you can work out for yourself which is which.
suddenly was feeling shy as I gave them both an awkward wave and a quick, “Hi”.
My reason for being see bashful was because as Jamie was introducing them to
me, in my mind I was hearing his words from when he had told me about his
friends and the sex club they formed together. When he said ‘Becky’ my brain replayed
the worlds, “She’s catholic. All she does is kiss and watch.” And when Jamie
said Noah’s name two words came to mind, ‘Kiss’ and ‘Suck’.
was another knock at the door and Jamie started to move toward it but since
Noah was still standing right beside the door he said, “I got it.”
opened it and in walked, who I guessed must be Vanessa and I was right. She
wasn’t what one might call pretty but she wasn’t a total bow-wow either. She
had curly reddish-brown hair that looked to have been styled with a
leaf-blower. When she smiled, I remember thinking that she looked better when
she didn’t smile. The recording in my head was saying, “She’ll let you do
anything as long as Becky’s there.”
“Hi Nessa!”
Noah said as Vanessa walked in.
punched Noah right in the arm and it wasn’t a girly punch either. “Don’t call
me that!” she screeched and then blushed a little when
she saw me staring at her. “And why you staring at me?” she had put her hand up
as if it would stop me from seeing her.
didn’t mean too!” I said softly.
gave Vanessa a small push, “Hey be nice! That’s Jamie brother Simon!” that was
all the prodding she needed to warm up to me.
four of us ended up sitting down to wait for Paul to show up and when he
finally did; aside from looking like he was ready to bite Noah in half, I
noticed right away that he looked exactly like his brother Noah. In fact, if
Paul were about two inches taller they could pass for twins. They both even had
the same front tooth chipped. I found out later in the evening that they were
both big into BMX racing.
“Everyone ready to play?” Marsha asked from the direction of the table.
was opening up several desks of cards and laying them on the table. All five of
us made our way to the table and I finally got to ask, “So what is Russian War
was Becky that explained the game to me. “Well we call it Russian War but
really it’s called P’yanitsa.”
jumped right into the conversation, “That means Drunkard!” and then smiled at
are many versions of the game but we play by Russian rules because we like it
best.” Becky sat down at the table and then continued, “For every two players
we add a deck of cards. So . . . there are six of us so we’ll be using three
decks of cards.”
rest of us sat down at the table and Jamie’s mom, Marsh brought us all in a big
pitcher of punch and six icy mugs right out of the freezer.
Mrs. Applegate!” Noah said and we all in turn thanked her as well.
be in my bedroom if any of you should need me.” Marsha said but when she said
it she was looking right at me. I got the message loud and clear.
missing a beat Becky went right back to explaining how the game was played. I
had a little trouble getting the hang of all the cards and what trumped what
but after we played two quick rounds I caught on and we started playing for
chimed in again, “The one with all the cards at the end looses and is the
“Sounds good to me!”
I said and then asked, “Anyone want some punch?”
filled everyone mugs for them while Becky dealt the cards out to us. Each full
round we played took about forty minutes to play and we were about half way
through our fourth round when Marsha came back out and announced that this would
have to be the last game since it was getting late.
was having so much fun playing the game, despite the fact that I’d lost the
first two rounds and nearly lost the third one too but at the last possible
chance I managed to trump Paul’s card and he ended up with all the cards. I was
so wrapped up in playing and having fun that that I forgot about the time that
was passing; I think we all did. It wasn’t until the last round ended, which I
lost of course, and I went to get up from my chair that I realized that I’d wet
my diaper so much that it had leaked and left my pants wet in the back. As I
began to stand up I felt it almost immediately and nearly panicked. I’m just so
very glad that Jamie picked up on why I suddenly sat back down.
I’ll let everyone out if you sort all the cards back into three regular decks.”
Jamie said to cover for me.
sure I can do that!” I said.
want some help Simon?” Noah asked.
quickly shot back, “No, no! I got it! Thanks though.”
he’s got it!” Jamie said pulling Noah away.
worked slowly and did my goodbyes from a distant. “Thanks everyone! This was
really fun!”
all right Simon!” Paul said.
Hope we get to play again!” Vanessa said.
guess like him because he always looses and you don’t!” Jamie charged them.
smiled at me, “See ya Simon!”
“By Becky, nice to meet you!” I said as she and Vanessa walked out together.
it easy Simon!” Paul said followed by Noah, “Yea take it easy!”
disappeared outside the door for a moment or two before coming back. “Man that
was a lot of fun!” he said as he closed the door and locked it.
that was great!” I said still sorting out he cards.
spring a leak?” he asked right out of the blue.
very crestfallen I answered, “Yes!”
that’s why you looked like you were about to start crying!” Jamie said picking
up some of the cards and starting to sort them too.
wasn’t going to cry!” I argued.
but you sure looked upset there for a second.” He said.
thanks for not embarrassing me.” I said softly.
stopped sorting long enough to look right at me and say, “I might think you are
a total dork but I wouldn’t do something like that to you!”
thanks! I think!” I said.
finished sorting out the cards and stuffing them back into the boxes they came
in. Marsha had come out to help clean up as we were finishing with the cards.
Jamie said.
sweetheart?” she answered back as she picked up the now empty pitcher another
with two of the mugs.
think Simon’s going to need your help.” He said and I instantly felt myself
flush red; both out of embarrassment and out of anger. Not two minutes ago he
said he’d never do something like that and here he is doing that very thing!
When she realized what had happened she said, “Oh you poor
thing! Come on; let’s go
get you cleaned up and ready for bed.”
I stood up Jamie gave me a wink and I just wanted to put my fist into his face.
Marsha put her arm around me and started escorting me to Jamie’s room.
opened his big mouth one more time, “Don’t worry about this stuff! I’ll take
care of it!”
in Jamie’s room Marsha insisted on helping me strip off my clothes all the way
down to my armor and soaking wet diaper. We both cold smell the stench
emanating from my now exposed diaper.
asparagus wasn’t such a good idea!” she said.
I said not understanding what she was saying that for.
will make your pee come out smelling funny!” she said in an almost childish
sort of way. “I think maybe we should get you a quick shower before bed!” she
said with a forced smile.
offering me a robe or towel she escorted me out of the room and into the
bathroom. She knelt down in front of me to remove my diaper but I guess instinct
caused me to shy away. Marsha smiled again and this time it looked genuine, “I
guess because being awake is a lot different huh?”
managed to nod.
want to try doing this by yourself?” she asked but before I could answer Jamie
popped his head in.
can help him!” he said.
Go get yourself ready for bed!” Marsha said.
held his ground and said, “But I can! We take baths together all the time! I
can help him wash and make sure he doesn’t get hurt.”
looked back at me and I nodded my head vigorously this time.
okay! But I’m going to be just in the other room. If you need me I want you to
yell.” She said standing back up.
came all the way into the bathroom and as he and his mom passed she reached out
and grabbed his nose, “And no playing or rough housing in the tub! I mean it!”
Jamie said but I knew he was just saying that to get her to let go of him and
leave us alone.
she left and closed the door Jamie waiting a full minute before reaching out
and locking the door. When I heard the lock click I let out a huge sigh of
relief. “Thanks man!”
No problem!” he said pulling off all his cloths and letting them drop to the
floor where he stood. I noticed right away that his penis was standing straight
out from his body but I didn’t say anything.
bent down in front of me and had to comment on the smell too. “Dang Simon! You really stink!”
your mom’s fault!” I said.
Did she pee your diaper?” he joked as he released the tapes. It fell off me and
squished as it hit the floor.
think you probably shouldn’t have drunk so much punch!” Jamie said trying to
roll the diaper like he had a few hours ago in his room.
didn’t even realize I was!” I said.
naked now, aside from my armor, which I left on until we were in the tub, the
two of us got in and Jamie turned on the water. He insisted on washing every
inch of my body and took extra time when he washed my bottom and my boyhood
member. He spent so much time washing me down there that he got me all worked
up and stiff again, which was alright seeing how he was in the same
condition. I also got to stand under the
water without my armor on while I watched Jamie wash his own body. I think
having me watch him turned him on even more so he started doing it as if
performing for me. I just wanted to dive on top of him but without my armor I
didn’t dare.
had to switch places so he could rinse the soap form his body and when we did
our two ridged poles poked into one another’s legs causing us both to giggle.
When Jamie was finished rinsing himself he said, “You want to do it here in the
was feeling so excited that I didn’t have to think about that question at all. “Yea!” I said rather stupidly.
come under the water with me.” He said.
about my armor?” I asked afraid I might hurt my exposed ribs.
will be careful.” He said.
stepped under the water and he squatted down in front of me and before I knew
it he sucked my little boyhood member into his mouth. I gasped at the sudden
sucking force his mouth created. He reached up and held onto me just above my
hips to keep me from moving. He bobbed his head back and forth rhythmically and
even though I had only been a few hours since I last shot my boy juices it
didn’t take me very long this time either.
I’m going . . .” was all I had time to say. He pulled away and covered my penis
with the washcloth until I was spent. He had to hold me up as my legs seemed to
turn to Jell-O for a few seconds.
okay?” he said with the left corner of his mouth curled up.
I said, “Yea, yea!”
sure?” he asked again as he stood up.
you’re turn.” I said but he didn’t want too do it just then.
I think we need to get you out of the tub now.” He said reaching down and
turning off the water. When he was sure I was able to stand on my own again he
got out of the tub and retrieved a towel. He then climbed back in the tub and
proceeded to dry me off from head to two. He was so very gentle and never once
did anything that could cause me any pain.
he was drying between my fingers he held up my thumb and said, “You still got a
little bit of a scare too!” he held up his own thumb to show where he’d cut us
both during out blood brother ceremony about a week ago.
he had completely dried me off he got back out of the tub and told me to stay
put. I watched as he then dried himself off using the same towel before pickup
up the two pieces of my armor and drying them. While I was watching him I felt
a small funny sort of feeling inside me that at first I mistook for a twinge of
pain. I told Jamie and he quickly climbed back in the tub with me and strapped
my armor back on me good and tight. I didn’t really need the help but he
insisted on helping me out of the tub too but when I lifted my left leg to step
out I realized that what I had felt was not pain but a small contraction of my
I need to go!” I said.
where?” Jamie said not understanding what I meant.
mean GOOOO!” I said holding the sides of my hips.
you mean . . . okay!” he said helping me the rest of the way out of the tub and
over to the toilet.
go get dressed while you do that.” He said.
“Um Jamie?” I said rather sheepishly.
he asked as I sat down on the toilet.
can’t wipe on my own.” I managed to say but I couldn’t look at him while I said
didn’t take him long at all to figure out what I was asking of him. “Okay
that’s gross!”
think I better get mom for that!” he said.
no please!” I begged, “Please! I don’t want . . .” I
started to say but wasn’t able to finish.
She saw you naked twice yesterday! What’s the big deal?” he asked right as my
bowels opened and a loud fart shot out pursued by a very foul smelling log.
crammed the wet towel to his face in an effort to keep the smell from reaching
his nostrils. “Oh Simon that’s just wrong!” he said.
can’t help it!” I said apologetically.
retrieved the rag we’d used during our bath and rinsed it in the sink really
good to get my boy essence washed out of it.
you done yet?” he said still holding the towel over his nose and mouth.
not that bad!” I defended my own stench.
you done yet!” he repeated.
think so!” I answered.
boy I can’t believe I’m going to do this!” Jamie said as he started to pull on
the roll of toilet paper.
had me stand up and bend over as far as I could without hurting myself. “Oh,
you are hardly dirty at all!” he said sounding very relieved.
hows something that stinky not make a mess!” he said
as he wiped my butt for me.
“All done?” I asked.
wait! I am going to use this too!” and he wiped my backside with the washcloth
for extra measure.
that should do it but I’m changing your name!” he said tossing the rag into the
sink along with the towel. He picked all his closthes
up and held them to his bare chest as I flushed the toilet.
you going to cover up with a towel?” I asked seeing him reaching to unlock the
he said and with a click and a turn he opened the door and walked out. I
quickly followed after him hoping Marsha wasn’t within sight but luck must have
got washed down the tub drain because we both walked into his room and Marsha
was standing right there looking at us. She’d come in to get the stuff ready
for me.
take your things into my room and get dressed.” She told him. He dropped his
clothes on the floor by his door, picked up his pajamas and was gone leaving me
standing there completely nude except for my armor which doesn’t cover anything
think I turned the shade of a fire truck in that instant and it didn’t subside
until she had me re-diaper. The subject of pajamas for me never came up. As
soon as she had the last tape in place she pulled the covered up over me and
kissed my forehead good night.
came walking in wearing his pajama bottoms but carrying his shirt instead of
wearing it. I expected Marsha to say something to him about it but she just
bent down and picked up all his and my dirty clothes and left the room leaving
the door standing open.
he put his pajama shirt back away he closed his bedroom door and climbed into
bed next to me.
about that!” he said.
“For what?” I asked.
didn’t know she would be waiting.” He said.
I didn’t answer he asked, “You mad?”
I said pulling my arms out from under the covers and placing them on top.
rolled over on his side so that he was facing me. I turned my head toward him,
“What?” I asked.
thought he was about to say something but he looked over at the door instead.
Throwing off the covers he got back out of bed, went over to the door and
locked before clicking off the light. The room went completely dark and the
only way I knew he was back in bed was because the bed shook and I could hear
him breathing.
though it was pitch black in his room except for his clock radio I had the
feeling he was staring at me.
I asked again.
you know I was looking at you?” he said.
could feel you!” I said.
he asked.
got really quite and I wondered if he had fallen asleep. I listened to the
sound of his breathing and realized he was breathing shallow and fast. He
wasn’t asleep, he was horny!
you doing what I think you are doing?” I asked.
not doing nothing!” he said.
“They why are you breathing so fast?” I asked.
he got quiet but not for as long this time. In an almost inaudible whisper I
heard him say, “My turn.”
those two little words I felt the stirring within my diaper begin again. “What
do you want me to do?” I asked trying to match the tone and softness of his
want to wear one of your diapers.” He whispered again.
that all?” I asked.
he said.
you turn the light back on?” I asked.
reached over and turned on a small bedside reading lamp.” It wasn’t anywhere as
bright as the room light but it was plenty bright enough to see by.
get the stuff.” I said.
Jamie said and as I was getting up he was pulling off his pajama bottoms which
left him totally naked there on his bed.
went to my things, pulled out a fresh pair of the plastic pants and one of the
disposable diapers as well as the diaper cream and powder. I went back over to
Jamie’s side of the bed, laid them next to his pillow, and patted his exposed
tummy lovingly.
started to apply the diaper cream, which was kind of fun
given that his boyhood was standing at a perfect 90 degrees from his body. I
had him lift backside to help me get the diaper into place under him, but
before I let him lower himself back down, I reached
under him and smeared diaper cream around his butt cheeks. When I ran my
fingers down inside his crack he started to laugh because it tickled him so
“Simon that tickles!” He complained.
didn’t say anything but continued to move my finger up and down his crack. I
could not see what I was doing so I had to rely on my sense of touch only. I
pressed my finger deeper into his crack. He sucked his bottom lip into his
mouth and was biting down on it. When the tip of my finger touched his hole his
entire body convulsed. I stopped, applied powder under him and let him down
finally. His entire body was quaking and his eyes were squinted so tightly shut
that they looked like little wrinkles instead of eyes. I pulled the diaper up
and pressed his boyhood down against his abdomen and it into place. I glanced
back up at Jamie who was so entranced and he had a funny little grin.
patted his thigh and said, “Back up again.” And he obeyed.
then slid the plastic pants under his diaper and placing my hand directly over
his boyhood member pressed down and he lowered himself. I was able to snap the
plastic pants over his diaper and when I finished getting it properly secured
over his diaper, I made sure that all the diaper was tucked into the plastic
pants. Just the way I’d learned from Lowell and mom, I ran a finger around the
leg openings before leaning forward and kissing him lightly on the lips, “All
returned the cream and powder to my bag before joining him in bed again. Once I
tucked myself in under the covers Jamie rolled over and snuggled up against me
and we both drifted off to sleep.
only slept for about two hours before waking again. I had been having a very
bad dream that both Mike and Tater were being tortured by a man wearing a long
black cloak that completely enveloped him. When in my dream I saw the man
strike Mike across his face with a whip I was instantly jerked awake. I sat up
in bed feeling scared and lost.
you okay?” I heard Jamie ask and I remembered that I was in his bed in his
w-was hav-ving a b-b-bad d-d-d-dream.” I struggled to get each word out.
sat up and wrapped his arms around me, “Sssssh! It wasn’t real, and I’m right
here to protect you.”
pulled on me until I lay back down. He draped one leg over mine and then his
left arm over my armor clad chess. “You are not alone; I am here with you.” He
whispered into my ear and ever so softly he placed his lips against my ear and
kissed me until I fell back to sleep again with him holding me.
Next Installment:
Chapter 8 - Part
1 - Sunday, March 07, 2004 - Peace, the Greatest Victim of War
** For the latest news on how each installment is coming along as well as answers to questions asked by other readers and so much more, visit me at As always, your thoughts matter to me very, very much, so please send any comments, questions, suggestions, or criticism to me at: and I promise that I will reply personally to everyone that takes the time to write to me! **