This is the continued story of Simon’s Journal.
I would highly recommend you read the first volume of this story,

Simon’s Journal Thirteen Days – The First Crusade
before you begin this novel.


The following narrative is nearly a complete work of fiction.
Any similarity to actual individuals living or dead is completely unintentional.
If reading a coming of age story about boys wearing diapers and exploring their awakening sexuality is offensive or illegal in your area, then might I suggest you go read War and Peace or something equally stimulating.



Simon's Journal

Volume II



Thirteen Nights – After the Crusade



Written by

Author of Thirteen Days




Chapter - 6

PART 2 – Friday, March 05, 2004 – The Sweet-Talking Son of a Preacherman



“Wow that was fast!” Lowell said instead of saying hello when he answered the phone.


Confused I asked, “What was fast?”


“Oh sorry Simon! I thought you were my daddy calling.” He said and then laughed.


“I was wondering!” I said and then asked, “Hey! How soon can I come over?”


“Hang on!” He said and I was glad that he pulled the phone away from his mouth before bellowing out, “MOM CAN SIMON COME OVER NOW?” Which was followed by a faint but still audible, “Why sure he can Pumpkin!”


I started to giggle at him, “I heard!” I said.


“Good!” he said not realizing I meant the part about his mom calling him pumpkin. “So are you coming right now?” Lowell asked.


“Soon as I can get mom to bring me over Pumpkin!” I teased, “But I need to know what to bring. I just emailed you and asked that.” I said.


There was a short pause before he spoke, “Don’t think for a minute that I’m going to let that one get passed me!” Lowell sounded rather gruff but we both knew it was all in fun. Returning to his excited tone he said, “Just bring your pajamas and an extra change of clothes for tomorrow. That should be good enough!”


“And my diaper things?” I said whispering now.


“Oh well yea! You really should put together a diaper bag for when you are away from home!” Lowell said trying to sound smart and pulling it off nicely.


“Will my book bag be okay for now?” I asked.


“Yea sure, just put in several diapers and any other diapering stuff you need. Actually you probably won’t need any of it because we got all that stuff here already and if you want you can wear some of my diapers!” Lowell said.


“Yea! That sounds good!” I said. “Okay, I’ll go get ready and then I’ll see if I can get mom to bring me over.”


“If not maybe we can come get you!” Lowell offered.


“Yea okay, but I got something I want to tell you about when I get there, but it’s super top-secret. It’s like real secret-agent type stuff that you can’t tell anybody about!”


“Whoa, okay! What is it?” Lowell asked.


“Can’t tell you on the phone, they might be bugged! I’ll tell you when I get there!” I said in a very hushed spy sort of way.


“Okay, I’ll call you back in just a little while. Bye Pumpkin!” I said.


“You will pay for that!” Lowell said, followed by, “Bu-bye!” and right before he hung up the phone, I could hear him chanting, “YES, YES, YES, YES!”


I had everything packed, including my e-journal all within about ten minutes. I didn’t know if I should bring a sleeping bag or not but I got it out of the top of my close anyway. I had to use my desk chair to reach it but I was able to get it down by myself. I sat all my stuff on my bed and then went in search of mom again.


She was just walking back in through the front door when I came into the living room. “Can I go to Lowell’s now?” I asked.


“No, you have to go to the doctor in a little bit!” she said.


“The doctor?” I whined. “Why do I have to go again?”


“To see if you are allowed to go to school on Monday and stop your whining!” she said in a threatening tone.


“OH YEA!” I shouted. “I totally forgot about that!”


While fussing with her hair she gave me a peculiar look before saying, “Why don’t you get yourself tidied up while I get things ready to go?”


“Mom!” I whined, “You don’t need to get all nice-looking!”


She gave me a sort of half frown and then said, “Go get your things ready.”


“I already did! They are on my bed!” I said and she proceeded to give me a run-down of all the things I would need and everything I should not do including acting like a wild boy.


“Mom!” I whined again, “I know!”


I grabbed my stuff off my bed and dropped it all at the backdoor. “I got to call Lowell and let him know you are bringing me over after the doctor.” I said more asking if that was what she had in mind as she was putting on her coat.


You know, as I think about it; I don’t really count sleeping with Tater as a real sleepover because that was more a case of being trapped at their house by an ice storm. So, seeing how this was my very first real planned sleepover ever at a friends house, my excitement and fear levels were both spiking, though my excitement was well above my level of fear just now and it made dialing the phone quite difficult. It took three attempts before I was able to dial the number properly and reach Lowell.


“Hello?” Came a ladies voice.


“Hello, is Lowell there?” I asked.


“Is this Simon?” the lady asked.


“Yes mam.” I answered.


“This is Lowell’s mommy.” The lady said.


“Oh hello Mrs. Vandoan. I am sorry; I didn’t recognize your voice on the phone.” I said.


“That’s perfectly alright deary. Lowell’s right here bouncing like a little rubber ball.” She said and I could hear Lowell saying, “Gimme, gimme, gimme!”


“Here he is.” She said playfully.


“Hi Simon!” Lowell nearly yelled into the phone.


“Hi Lowell!” I shouted back, “We’re leaving right now!”


“YAHOOOO!” Lowell exclaimed loudly into my ear causing me to have pull the receiver away. I’d been looking at mom at that very second and by the look she gave me, I could tell she heard him too. I just smiled.


“Don’t get so excited! We have to stop at the doctor first to see if I am allowed to go back to school on Monday.” I said into the phone.


“Oh.” Lowell said sort of quietly.


“It shouldn’t be very long.” I added.


“Okay but tell them to hurry!” Lowell demanded.


Laughing I said, “I will try!” and then remembering I asked, “Hey, I didn’t think to ask before, do I need to bring my sleeping bag?”


“No you don’t need one of those!” Lowell said and the way he said it made it sound like he was up to something but wasn’t going to give it away just yet.


After hanging up with Lowell I threw my stuff into the back seat of Aunt Catharine’s car, along with myself and we were off. Only a few minutes later we were at my doctors’ office. It was like someone had sent every sick person in state to MY DOCTOR’S OFFICE!


After mom signed me in we took a seat next to this old man who was coughing and wheezing and sounding like he might die at any second. I tried my best to sit still and not seem impatient but it was hard and very boring. It seemed like it was taking them forever just to get around to calling my name and when they finally did mom and I were escorted to one of the exam rooms where we again had to wait another thirty-five minutes, I remember the time because mom too was getting impatient and kept looking at her watch and commenting on the time.


Finally a nurse came in, it was the same nurse that had changed my diaper the last time I was there and got fitted for my armor.


When she saw me she smiled and said, “Hi Simon!”


“Hello.” I answered back politely.


Addressing mom said, “Hello and how is Simon doing?”


“He’s been nearly back to his old self in the past few days.” Mom commented.


The nurse then proceeded to ask mom and me several questions, then took my temperature, blood pressure and wrote down all the numbers before saying, “The doctor should be in shortly.” She looked right at me, “He’ll need you to be undressed.” And then left again.


Mom helped me strip down to just my armor and diaper and that’s when the two of us both realized I was soaking wet! “Simon? Why didn’t you tell me you needed changed before we left the house?” mom said sounding upset.


“I don’t think I was wet at home.” I answered honestly.


Right then the doctor came walking in smiling with the stick of a sucker sticking out of his mouth. He said hello to mom first and then to me and that’s when he saw my wet diaper. He didn’t say anything about it and his eyes didn’t linger but it was plain that he’d seen it.


From the breast pocket of his long white doctor coat he pulled out two more suckers. “Would either of you like a lollipop?” he asked.


Mom held up one hand and shook her head to indicate that she didn’t but never let it be said that I turned down free candy! I took the green one and it turned out to be sour apple, which made my face contort as I puckered at the taste.


“Good huh?” he said as he was feeling under my chin and neck.


“Yea really good and sour!” I said popping the sucker out long enough to speak.


“And it’s completely sugar free!” he added, “What’s say we take this off and see how them ribs are healing?” he asked and as he pulled at each Velcro strap he asked me a bunch of questions about my armor, how I like it, if I hurt any with it, what I didn’t like about it and on and on. Before I knew it he was strapping me back in and said to mom, “I think Simon’s healing very well and I don’t see why he shouldn’t go back to school on Monday as long as he is careful and doesn’t rough-house in the halls.” That last part he directed at me.


He was scribbling some things down and said, “I’m going to give you a note that will excuse you from gym class for the rest of the month.” And then turning back to mom he said, “I’d like to see him again at the end of the month and if he starts having pain again or manages to re-injure his ribs then bring him in sooner.”


He turned back to me and wagged his nearly gone sucker at me, “But you are not going to re-injure your ribs because?”


Catching on to his cue for me to answer I pulled my sucker from my mouth and said, “Because I’m not to rough-house!”


At that very second there was a knock at the door to the examination room and in walked Doctor Zuligram. The very same doctor that fitted me for my body armor.


“I heard you were back and I wanted to see how you were doing.” he said to me.


The two doctors spoke in some strange doctor language that I was only able to grasp a few words from and Doctor Zuligram wanted to take off my armor again and see my ribs for himself. So I had to go through it all again with a lot of the same questions too.


Finally Doctor Zuligram said, “Yep, healing up nicely! Too bad too, I think you mom might have liked to have traided you in for a newer model. Maybe a nice pink one!”


I don’t think mom could resist saying, “Well, he might be dinged and dented here and there. And he might have a scratch or two but I think I’ll keep him . . . for a while at least! But it’s nice to know I have the option to trade him in! I mean it might be nice to have a little girl!”


“Mom!” I complained in a teasing sort of way.


Both doctors laughed and Doctor Zuligram said, “You take good care of those rib’s and let me know if they causes you any discomfort.”


“Okay I will.” I said and Doctor Zuligram left.


My doctor then said to mom, “I’ll send in one of the nurses to change him before I send you both home.”


Mom thanked him and soon as the door closed I asked, “Mom can’t you change me?”


“I’ll let the nurse do it this time!” she said and the door opened again before I could mount any sort of effective protest.


I didn’t know this nurse, I’d not seen her before and when she spoke she sounded like she had larangidise.


“Do you have a sore throat?” I asked.


“Oh no, I sound like this all the time.” She said with a smile, “I had a tumor on my vocal cords removed when I was just a little girl and it has taken several surgeries and years of voice therapy just to get my voice this strong.


With nothing coming to mind to say I simply said, “Wow!”


She was looking at my armor and said, “There is another boy about your age that is wearing one of those too. As a matter of fact he was just in here again yesterday.”


“Really?” I said a little too loud.


“Yep, I think he fell out of a tree or something like that.” She said as she went to one of the white cabinets that hung on the wall and retrieved a blue diaper.


She looked at mom and holding the diaper out to mom asked, “Do you want to?”


“Oh that’s okay!” mom said holding up a single hand and shaking her head, “I’m going to go outside and make a quick phone call.”


After mom had left the two of us alone and without being told to do so, I laid myself down on the exam table and assumed the diaper changing position. The nurse worked amazingly fast. She had my plastic pants off me, my diaper removed, cleaned me up with a warm cloth, applied rash cream and had a fresh diaper on me all withing a couple minutes.


When I sat back up, I realized that the diaper was different then any kind I was use too. It was still a disposable diaper but instead of the taps fastening to the sided like I was used to, the sides were longer and with only one tape on either side fastened across the front. It also had padding all the way around, kind of the way a clothe diaper but not as thick.


Before hopping off the exam table the nurse helped me put on my shirt and made a comment that made me blush so red I thought my head was going to explode. “I think you are the biggest boy I’ve ever had to diaper.”


“Why did she have to say that?” I shouted withing the confines of my own head. Her words seemed to paralyze me. I was so embarrassed that I couldn’t think let alone move.


Unmoved and without remarking to my obvious embarrasement she finished dressing me and was tieing my shoes when mom returned.


“He’s all set!” the nurse said to my mom.


I didn’t run but I walked about as fast as my little feet would carry me out of sight of that nurse. I wanted to put as much distance between she and I as I could. I also wanted to get to Lowell’s house now too!


Since she’d never been to Lowell’s before, only dad had once, I had to give mom directions. Now that I think about it, it was only my second time driving to Lowell’s house and only my first time ever going into his house.


When we finally arrived I didn’t have to go up and knock on the door, Lowell was already at the side of the car before mom even had it completely stopped.


“Come on Simon!” Lowell was almost pulling me out of the car, which hurt a little more then I think it should have and I blamed that on Runt.


“Hang on! Let me get my stuff!” I said.


I handed most of it to Lowell since he asked to carry it. I leaned over the back of the front seat, kissed mom and said, “Love ya mom! See you tomorrow!”


“Bye, have a good time!” mom said as Lowell and I raced up the front walk and jumped into the front door.


We had passed Lowell’s mom on the walk and I’d quickly said hello and thanked her for letting me stay. She was going out to talk to mom, I assumed and I had guessed right.


Inside the house, I was more then a little shocked at how nice it was. On the outside, the house didn’t seem so big, or all that spetaculer, but on the inside it felt almost cavernous in size and every item though not individually remarkable seemed to be just a small part that made up the grander picture that was there home. Every item seemed to be staged to show off the best of everything, the house was emaculatly clean and even the wooden floor of the foyer was so highly polished that I could see my own reflection looking up at me.


When we had walked in the front door into the front foyer the first thing I saw was a large painting hanging directly across from the front door of a man and woman that looked to be ancient.


“That’s grandfather and grandmother Hoopadin.” Without asking, I figured out that they must be the parents of Lowell’s mother, given their last name and the fact that they both looked just like Lowell’s mother, only much older.


“They are both dead now!” he said and then grabbing my coat he said, “Come on!” and drug me through the front room.


“Let’s put your stuff in my room and then I will give you a tour.” Lowell said still pulling me along.


I wanted to stop and look at everything but with Lowell’s urging, we raced through the front room, up a flight of stairs, down a hallway that overlooked the stairs and into what I knew instantly as Lowell’s room.


I stood just inside the doorway to Lowell’s bed room with my mouth hanging open and totally in shock. It wasn’t until I heard something squeak that I was snapped out of my daze.


“This here is Mr. Snuffles, he’s my duck!” Lowell gave a funny little yellow and pink stuffed duck a squeeze and it squeaked again. “And this here is my bear, his name is Sniffles. My daddy gave him to me when I was super sick once! You can sleep with him tonight if you want too. And this here is my bed, it’s big enough for both of us so you will sleep with me tonight.”


“B-but it’s a crib?” I said which wasn’t exactly correct. Actually, it was a regular sized twin bed with crib like rails that completely encircled its four sides.


“I got to have the sides because I used to fall out of bed all the time.” Lowell said and then stepped right up to me, pulled up the bangs of his hair and said, “That’s how I got this scare.” Which I had to strain to see as it was maybe a quarter inch long and was hardly noticeable.


“I fell out of bed when I was three and hit my head on a fire truck!” he said rushing over to two doors and sliding them open so that they disappeared into the wall. “This here is my closet, most of my toy’s are in here because mommy and daddy don’t like my room messy!”


Since I didn’t budge, Lowell came over and grabbed my coat again and pulled me into his room. He took the few items of mine that I’d been carrying and dropped them next to his bed before pulling me to his closet. Now Lowell’s closet was only a closet in the sense that it had clothes in it but Lowell’s closet was a little bigger then half of my bedroom. I think that without Jamie’s bed, I could have moved all my stuff into it and still had room to play on the floor.


He shows me his clothes, all of which appeared very juvenile in appearance but I didn’t say anything about it just then. He then ussured me back out of his closet and pulled on one of the closet doors and the other slid closed all by itself, which I thought was really clever.


“This is my dresser!” he said pulling me over to it. He opened each drawer, showing me all his diapers, supplies, baby pants, and baby style clothes, all in his size.


I looked around his room before finally speaking, “Where’s your computer?”


“In the familyroom downstairs! I don’t have one in my room anymore! Mommy and daddy didn’t want me getting online all the time by myself so they moved it down there.” Lowell said.


“Take off your coat and I will show you the rest of the house!” he said and somewhere from downstairs, I heard the sound of what I thought was a large dog.


“That’s Basal, we are babysitting him cause his owner was in a car crash last week. He’s a Saint Bernard but he’s really super nice.”


“Sounds like he’s big!” I said unfastening my coat and sliding it off.


“Yea he’s big but he’d never hurt anyone!” Lowell said taking my coat from me and tossing it onto the pile of my things.


Taking my hand, he rushed me out of his room and into the hallway. I’d not noticed when coming in that there were four paintings hanging on the wall overlooking the staircase; they were all four pictures of little children, two boys and two girls.


“This is my mom when she was seven.” Lowell said pointing to the painting closest to his room. The little girl in the picture looked to be the perfect example of what a little girl should look like with cute little demples and a head full of golden curls.


“And this is my daddy when he was eight.” Lowell said and then pointed closer to the picture, “Of you look right here, you can see where it had to be fixed when it fell off the wall.” He stopped, looked around us and over the railing before cupping his hands around his mouth and whispering, “Really, I was the one to accidently knock it down but nobody knows that.” He dawned an evil grin and knodded his head. I didn’t know what to say so I just smiled back at him.


He pointed to the third portrate, it was of another little girl that looked very much like the first, only younger. “That is grandmother Hoopadin when she was a little girl.”


I spoke up, “Oh the same one from the painting by the front door?”


Hitting a high note Lowell said, “Yea!” and smiled again, “But she’s dead now!” and in the same breath he added, “And that’s Grandfather, Hoopadin.” He’s dead too but when he was still alive he didn’t remember nobody and he always called me Billy.”


Why’s he call you Billy?” I asked.


Lowell shrugged, “Nobody knows!”


“Weird!” I said and taking my hand, he pulled me past the pictures to the top of the stairs. He pointed to a closed door, “Don’t ever go in there unless you want to hear mom scream and yell.”


“Okay!” was all I had time to say before he pulled me past the top landing and into a bathroom that was not big, it was humungous!” It had a walkin shower with four showerheads that all shot water right into the middle of the shower. There was a bathtub big enough for both Lowell and I and a couple more friends! Overtop the sink there was a huge mirror with little ivy leafs etched into the surface of the glass all the way around it.


“Wait a second!” I said turning myself around twice. “Where’s the toilet?” I asked.


“Oh, it’s in here!” he said going past the shower to a door I had not noticed. He opened it and inside there were two toilets.


“Why you got two toilets?” I asked.


“We don’t. We have one toilet and one bidete.” Lowell said with a giggle.


“What’s a bid . . . what’d you call it?” I asked.


Bidete.” He said again.


“Yea, what is it?” I asked again.


“It’s for washing after you poop!” he said as if everyone should have known that.


“Wow!” was all I could think of to say.


Closing the door to the toilet Lowell turned and looking serious asked, “Did you need to use it?”


I smiled, “Na, I’m good!” and patted the front of my pants.


Lowell smiled too and said, “Yea me too! But I always am!”


He continued to show me the rest of the house, each room seemed to impress me more then the previous. During the tour, I finally had to ask if Lowell’s family was rich and Lowell said that they weren’t, only that his parents just have a lot of nice things and take care of everything. It wasn’t until we finally reached what Lowell called the familyroom, which was their entire basement, finished off as one huge greatroom that’s when it really hit me that I’d totally missed out on the fact that Lowell’s family wasn’t just another bumkin family like my own!


Within the basement was a television that was so big it looked like a small movie screen. One whole end of the room was done up like a theater but instead of the little seats at the movies, they had put in big comfortable sofa’s that reclined on each end. Lowell had to demenstrait how each end reclined and even had me try one of them.


At the other end of the familyroom were tons and tons of books, which in a way reminded me of the house of the crazy old man, Mr. Peterson that I’d hid out in a couple days ago.


“Want to watch a movie?” Lowell asked.


“Maybe later!” I said.


“Want to go outside?” he asked.


“Na, let’s go back up to your room.” I said.


“Okay!” He agreed and the two of us literally ran up the stairs, out of the basement, through the first floor and up the stairs to his room. It wasn’t until we reached the top landing that I realized that I’d never seen where his parents slept.


“Hey, what about your mom and dad’s room?” I asked.


“Their room is downstairs, but I’m not allowed in there.” He said as we passed the four childrens paintings and into his room again.


“Man Lowell, I just can’t get over how babyish you room is!” I said.


“Yea isn’t it great!” he said with an abundance of pride.


Lowell started to pull off his shirt, “Hey, what are you getting undressed for?” I asked.


“Because I usually just go around in my only a diaper at home!” he said.


“Really?” I asked.


“Yea and you can too! I already told mommy and daddy that you were just like me and they won’t say nothing at all!” he said pulling off his pants.


I was aprehisive at first but after a few seconds thought I too started to strip but not all the way. I had the notion that it might make Lowell’s mom and dad feel funny when they saw my armor so I kept on my shirt, though Lowell assured me they already knew about it.


“That’s okay, I’ll just keep my shirt on anyway!” I said.


So, with Lowell wearing noting but a diaper and me wearing only a shirt and diaper the two of us made our way back down to the basement. I was so glad that we did not run into his mom or dad yet.


“Hey, where’s you dad?” I asked.


“At work still.” Lowell said.


What’s he do?” I asked.


“Stuff.” Lowell answered.


“What kind of stuff?” I continued to probe.


“Just stuff.” He answered softly as if maybe he were embarrassed about it.


Curiousity might have killed the cat but I am no cat! So, I had to ask again, “But what kind of stuff?”


Lowell sighed before saying, “Let’s not talk about that! Let’s watch a movie instead!”


Seeing that he was so uncomfortable with the subject that he wasn’t going to tell me what it was his father did for a living and dispite my own mounting curriousity, I gave in and let the subject drop, “Okay what do you want to watch?”


“You are my guest so you can choose!” he said pulling open a cabinet door beside the big screen reveiling another room behind the TV. It was a sort of media library as well as a way to get to the back of all the electronic items. The wall directly behind the television screen was entirely filled with video’s and DVD’s of nearly every movie imaginable.


“There are too many to pick from.” I said.


“You like action movies?” he asked.


“Yea, love them!” I answered.


“How about mysteries?” he asked again.


“Sometimes, depends on if it is a good one!” I said.


He was looking over the DVD’s when he asked, “Oh you like westerns?”


“Yea sometimes!” I answered.


“Ever see El Deiablo?” he asked.


“What’s it about?” I asked back.


“Some girl is kindnapped in the old west by a Mexican and her teacher teams up with an old gunfighter and a story writer to go rescue the girl.” He told me and it sounded good but I thought it might be more fun if we watched something neither of us had ever seen.


“Got anything new, I mean that you haven’t watched yet?” I asked.


“Yea a bunch!” he said plopping his but down on the carpeted floor so that he could reach the bottom shelf.


“Here’s one that I haven’t seen that looks like it might be a western.” He said holding up a DVD case to show me the picture of a man in a white cowboy hat and some lady holding onto a boy that looked to have a bandana or something wrapped around his head.


I took it from him and read the title aloud, “Everything That Rises” and then said, “This one looks good! Can we watch this?”


“Yea sure!” Lowell said standing up and as he did so let go a small stinker. “Woops! Sorry about that!”


“Don’t bother me none!” I said giggling.


We left the little media room and Lowell loaded the DVD and then asked, “You want something to drink while we watch?”


About then Lowell’s mom came down the stairs, “I’m sorry, got busy on the phone!” she said when she saw us. I was suddenly very much aware of the fact that I had on no pants and my diaper was right out there in the open. “Sweetheart, would you believe they sent me the wrong papers again? This is the third time!” she said to Lowell.


She was going on and on as I stood there petrified and feeling like I was going to emplode with embarrassement at any second. I could have kissed Lowell when he enterupted her, “Mom! We’re going to watch a movie!”


“What? Oh yes, that sounds like a good idea! I’m going to go... and... I’ll be upstairs.” She got rather glassy eyed and seemed to disappear as she talked. About halfway up the stairs, I could hear her talking to herself in some odd low voice that didn’t seem to be her own.


“Sorry, she gets like that when she’s working.” Lowell said.


“Oh, your mom works?” I asked.


“Yep! Hey, you want a Creamed Rootbeer?” Lowell asked.


“What’s that?” I asked.


“Ever read the Harry Potter books?” he asked.


“Yea of course!” I answered.


“Know what Butter-Beer is?” Lowell asked getting out two large baby bottles from a cabinet near the stairs.


“Yea but I thought it was just something that the writer made up.” I said.


“Kind of, but really I think she got it from Creamed Rootbeer.” Lowell said opening another cabinet that turned out to be a small refridgerator. He took out a small bottle that looked like the old time milk jugs that used to be left on peoples doorsteps in the morning. I found out later that it was called ‘Heavy Cream’. He filled about a quarted of the bottles with the cream and then topped them off with rootbeer.


“It’s good cold or hot, but it’s harder to make hot and I’m not allowed to use the microwave down here unless mommy or daddy are down here because one time I put popcorn in it and forgot about it and nearly caught the house on fire.” Lowell laughed, “Actually it was kind of funny, except it took weeks to get that smell out of here.”


He put the cream and what was left of the can of rootbeer back into the little refridgerator before taking out some little yellow container. “When I make it hot I like to use real melted butter but in cold drinks this stuff is better because it’s already liquidy. I actually discovered this all by myself one time and it tastes the same to me.”


It turned out to be a squirt bottle and he put three squirts into each bottle. As he was putting the stuff away I asked, “What is that stuff?”


“Oh!” he held it up for me to read, “It’s ‘I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter Spray’.” he said.


He opened a drawer and pulled out a long glass rod-looking thing, gave each bottle a quick stir and then said, “Come here a sec.” So I did.


“Taste!” He said and let me lick off the thing he was stiring our bottles with.


“Yum! That is good!” I said.


“Told ya so!” he said screwing the nipples onto the two bottles.


“Just put that in the sink.” He instructed.


“What sink?” I asked looking around.


“Oh duh! Sorry, I forgot you didn’t know!” he said setting down the bottles and opening yet another cabinet door. Behind it was a sink, with glasses hanging from a shelf above it.


“Well that’s cool!” I said putting the stirrer into the sink.


“Here you go!” he said handing me one of the bottles and leading the way back to the television. I sat down first in the middle of the front sofa and Lowell sat down to my left, so close that our entire sides were touching.


“Comfy?” he asked reaching over for a remote.


“Sure!” I said.


He clicked on the movie and before long the two of us were lost in the drama. A little ways into the movie there was this scene in which the main character, a crippled boy is riding a horses with his grandpa and messes his pants. Lowell and I howled and wooped it up ‘cause neither of us knew that was going to happen.


Soon after that scene, we paused the movie long enough for Lowell to make us both another bottle of Creamed Rootbeer to drink during the second half of the movie. When he returned I sloutched down and Lowell laid longways with his left ear against my diaper while we both continued to watch the movie and I got to play with Lowell’s hair with one hand and held my bottle with my other.


The movie ended but instead of turning off the credits, we stayed in the same spot, me still petting Lowell’s hair and rubbing his chest and he happily sucking his thumb.


“So what does your mom do?” I asked.


Sthe hath hu ow buthiss.” He said without removing his thumb from his mouth.


I giggled and asked, “Huh?”


Grudgingly he pulled his thumb from his mouth long enough to say, “She has her own business.”


“What does she do?” I asked.


He didn’t answer in what I thought was a timely fashion so I began tickling his ear with my finger. He tried to shew my hand away without removing his thumb again but I didn’t relent. Finally, he pulled his thumb out, sat up and said, “Something to do with reading stuff and writing lots of people all the time.” He said with a big pouty lip.


Teasing him I said, “You look so adorable when you pout!” He only swatted at the air and stuck his lip out farther.


“You don’t want me to get a hold of that lip!” I warned him, which got him to quickly suck it into his mouth.


When the music and credits were done, he got up, ejected the DVD and returned it and its case to the media room. When the emerged again I was carry our two empty bottles to the cabinet with the sink in it.


“Na, bring those upstairs and we’ll put them in the dishwasher and get fresh ones up there!” he said.


I stopped, turned around and had a perfect picture of him standing there in a very wet diaper and nothing else. “I think somebody needs changed.” I teased.


“I ain’t the only one!” he said pointing at my diaper and smiling. I looked down and sure enough, I was so soaked that I could see that my diaper leaked and had it not been for my plastic pants I would have left a wet spot on the couch.


Faining that I was upset I grumbled, “Dang now how did that happen?”


“I think someone had too much Creamed Rootbeer!” Lowell teased.


“I think we both did!” I said with a smile and added, “Guess we better go upstairs and get changed, huh?”


“Yea!” he said and I made him walk up the steps a head of me so that I could watch his wet diapered butt as we climbed the stairs.


We stopped off in the kitchen, which was as emaculate as the rest of the house, rinsed out our bottles and put them in the dishwasher. I expected him to go to one of the cabnets and get out clean bottles but instead he went to the refrigerator and pulled out too already made bottles of chocolate milk.


“You like chocolate milk?” he asked.


“Yea sure!” I said eagerly taking the bottle from him and following him up to his room again.


On my third trip past the four childrens paintings, I decided that I didn’t care for them. All eight eyes seemed to follow me from the moment I stepped onto the upper landing until I vanished into Lowell’s room.


“Hey!” I said stopping and looking at Lowell’s door. There was a sign hanging on the outside of it that said, “Nursery” with little balloons all around it.


“What?” Lowell said.


“I didn’t notice that before!” I said pointing to the sign.


“Yea, that’s something my babysitter gave me for my birthday.” Lowell said going to his dresser and pressing a little yellow button on what I thought was a toy radio but turned out to be a baby intercom.


A moment later Lowell’s mother’s voice came booming out, “Yes darling.”


“We need changed.” Lowell said pressing down the yellow button again.


“I’ll be right up sweetheart. Mommy just needs to finish this one letter!” she said.


“Y-your m-m-mom’s g-going to ch-change us?” I stuttered as the idea of having Lowell’s mother seeing me naked took hold of me.


“Yep!” Lowell said smiling before popping his bottle into his mouth.


“Can’t we just do each other?” I begged, “Like before?”


“Nope!” He said smiling behind his bottle!


“You’re going to be the death of me!” I said and just when he looked away I gave Lowell a squirt with my bottle.


“Hey!” He said in protest.


I didn’t have to sweat bullets for too long before I heard his mother coming up the stairs. When she came in it was like she was a totally different person then when I’d seen her down in the basement earlier.


“Okay, works all done for today!” she announced. Lowell bit down on the nipple of his bottle so that he could clap his hands together pretending they were big marching band cymbles.


“So I have two little babies to look after this afternoon?” she teased as I blushed and Lowell beemed happily.


She proceeded to get out the necessary supplies to take care of the two of us but Lowell spoke up, taking his bottle from his mouth, “Simon wants to wear one of mine and I want to wear one of his!”


“Oh, okay then. Where’s Simon’s things?” she asked and Lowell pointed to the pile under my coat which consisted of my gym bag and my backpack both filled to their maximum capacity, mostly because I didn’t know what to pack so I over packed!


Since I was pretty much frozen with shock and fear I wasn’t much help and as a result Lowell retrieved one of my disposable diapers from my gymbag while his mom got out one of Lowell’s Pampers from the dresser.


“Who wants to go first?” she asked and before I could even think about replying Lowell shouted, “SIMON FIRST!”


I remember looking at him like he’d just volunteered me to go to the firing squad first. He only smiled his wide hypnotic smile as his mother spread out a white plastic mat, with little yellow duckies all over it, onto the floor and then reached up and took hold of my wrist. I did not budge so she pulled harder and my body yealded though my brain was still locked up and refused to funtion.


“Oh my! Someone really did need changed; just look at this diaper!” She playfully said as she helped me to lie down on the floor.


When she went for the waistband of my plastic pants , without even thinking about it, my backside came right up off the mat. Something funny that I noticed while lying there was that I could hear my heart beating in my ears. It sounded kind of the way heartbeats sounded on that old Star Trek show, the one with Spock and Doctor Leonard ‘Bones’ McCoy.


Out of the corner of my eye I caught a glimpse of Lowell who was leaning against the railing of his cribbified bed looking completely elated at watching his mother remove my soaking wet diaper. Okay, now if having some strange lady change me while Lowell stood there watching wasn’t bad enough, when she pulled back my diaper my boyhood member was set free. He sprang proudly to attention within seconds as if to say, “Hey look at me, look at me, look at me! Look how big I am!” All I could do was cover my face with my hands and wish with all my might to suddenly become invisible. My heart was beating so feverishly in my ears that I could not hear anything outside of my head until finally the words, “MY TURN!” managed to reach my brain.


I was so embarrassed that I rolled off the mat, crawled across the floor and crouched down near the foot of the bed as I awaited the calming of my heart. I could see Lowell from the belly down just past the corner of his bed. When I saw his mother remove his diaper and saw that he too was rock hard I suddenly didn’t feel so embarrassed, or maybe I figured if he didn’t care about getting hard and having his mom see it, then why should I?


Still, I couldn’t have been more releaved when she picked up the wet diapers, after putting away the diapering supplies and left us alone in his room again.


“So, how’d you like it?” he asked with a grin that stretched from ear to ear.


Gawd that was embarrasseing!” I said.


“Well from what I seen you looked like you were enjoying it!” he said which only caused me to blush again. “Don’t even try denighing it!” he teased and poked me in the forhead with his index finger.


Instead of attempting to say anything, I chose to act and without any warning at all I pounced on him and had him on his back with me sitting on his stomach and tickling him under his arms.


“Stop! Stop! I’m sorry, please stop!” he cried out with laughter as he kicked wildly trying to buck me off him but he just couldn’t dislodge me. I didn’t relent in my attack either dispite his pleadings. I continued to tickle him until tears were flowing out of the corners of his eyes and his bladder had released into his diaper again.


“Say, ‘Simon is the greatest’ and I’ll stop.” I said to him.


He shook his head violently from side to side and was laughing so hard that I don’t think he could have talked if he wanted to.


“Say it and I’ll stop!” I said again letting up on the tickling enough to allow him the ability to speak.


“You’re a booger head!” he said and tried to back me off again so slid back so that I was sitting on top of his diaper and began to tickle his belly. That put him over the edge as he wailed and threw his arms about, madly clutching at my shirt to try to get me to stop.


“All you have to do is say, ‘Simon is the greatest!’ and I will stop tickling you.” I repeated, “Come on! Just say it!”


When Lowell couldn’t take anymore of the maddening torture he finally squeeled, “Simon in the greatest! Now get off me!”


I stopped tickling him but I didn’t get off him, least not just yet. Instead, I swung my legs backwards and lowered myself down so that I was laying right on top of him and we were face for face.


“You are going to squish me!” he moaned as he gasped for air and attempted to recover from the tickling. He tried to roll me off him but I put my hands on the floor and braced myself so the he had to give up and just lay there under me.


“What?” he said with his belly and chess still heeving benieth me. Without saying anything, I placed my lips against his and kissed him.


“Don’t think that makes up for tickling me!” he said while grinning. I kissed him again, this time longer.


“What if my mom comes back?” he asked.


I looked over at the door and for the first time realized that the door was still open but then it occurred to me, “If she didn’t come in when you were screeming from being tickled, what makes you think she will come in now?” I asked.


“Good point!” he said with a smile and tried to roll me off again. I took hold of both of his wrists and held them to the floor over his head before kissing him again. But this time I didn’t stop kissing him and after a few seconds I felt him stop resisting and completely relax. I was able to release his arms, which he then rapped around me and we layed there kissing and holding each other for the longest time.


When the two of us were quite worked up, and by worked up I mean, that we both were hard as could be inside our diapers, we started rubbing the fronts of our diapers together and making humping motions. I could feel his hands exploring my body, even through my armor and eventually, he slipped both of his hands into the back of my diaper and was squeezing my bottom. I managed to get my right hand into his diaper and around his penis to which he started really bucking and nearly threw me off this time. It was all I could do just to hang on and ride him. After another minute or two, his body whent totally limp under me. I rolled off him and onto my back, pulling my hand out of his diaper again. When I looked at my hand, it was covered in babypowder and something else. It took me a second or two to realize what it was.


Woah, look at this!” I said to him but he didn’t look. He only laid there, his eyes closed and his chess heaving up and down as he took in huge breaths to try and recover.


Leaning in close to his ear I whispered, “You just came on my hand!” and I held it over his face for him to see. I think he was too exhausted to speak but his elated grin and his glow of ecstasy said everything.


I snatched a babywipe from my backpack and cleaned my hand before sitting Indian style next to Lowell who was still laying flat on his back and stairing up at the ceiling with the goofiest expression.


I rested my now clean hand on his stomach and asked, “What are you thinking about?”


He rolled his head to the side so that he could look at me. He had an infectious grin and his skin seemed to be glowing as if he had a lightbulb up his butt.


“What?” I asked, unable to keep myself from giggling.


“Want to go play video games?” he asked without moving.


“Okay!” I said, not moving either.


“Or we could just stay here and look at each other the rest of the day?” I teased and petted his stomach.


Lowell rolled himself up onto one elbow so that he was facing me, I leaned forward and we kissed with a quick soft peck before he jumped to his feet and running from his room shouting, “Last one down is a booger head!”


He was halfway down the hallway before I was even up and moving but I quickly gained on him and by the time we reached the stairs to the basement I was nearly caught up.


“No running in the house!” his mother yelled from somewhere out of sight. We both slowed and walkd rather fast down to the basement.


“I beat you!” Lowell said.


“Only because you cheated and your mom yelled at us.” I said.


Making his way over to the big television again he said, “You know what they say!”


“No, what do they say?” I asked in a very derogatory tone.


Lowell made the shape of an ‘L’ with his finger and thumb and said, “That you are a lllllloooooooosssssseeeeeerrrrrrrr!”


We both started laughing. I didn’t get mad or anything, I just decided to get even. Mustering up all of my acting abilities, I turned away from him, though he wasn’t looking at me at that moment, and with my head hanging low I started walking slowly back up the stairs. I had made it about five steps when he realized I was leaving.


“Hey?” he called after me and when I didn’t answer he called again, “Simon? Where you going?” and by the sound of his voice I knew he was making his way over to the stairs again.


I was nearing the top when he called out again, “Simon stop! Where are you going?”


When I still didn’t answer I heard him rushing up behind me and when he was right behind me I turned and screamed, “I’M GOING TO GET YOU!”


I scared him so bad that he squeeled and nearly fell back down the stairs. I chased him down the steps around the sofas, over one of them, back over to the stairs again and then back around the sofa’s once more before he stopped at one end of one of the sofa’s with me directly across from him at the other end.


“You scared the crap out of me!” he said panting hard.


I was breathing hard myself and was holding my armor clad chess with one arm; with an evil snear I said, “That was the idea.”


“No I mean before you yelled. I thought you were really mad at me!” he said trying to give me his sad eyes.


“Right! That was the intent!” I sneared again.


“You are just awful!” he said sticking his tongue out at me.


“Just wait ‘til I get my hands on you again! I’ll make you pee your diaper again!” I said with as threatening a voice as I could make.


Holding up both of his hands he begged, “Okay, I am so, so, so, so very sorry! You are not a loser! You are the best; the best of the best, the bestest ever!” He tried to smile and make me believe it but I wanted so desperately to get my hands on his boy body again. Then I had an idea—I stuck my hand out and said, “Truce?”


He came around his end of the sofa and took my hand, “Truce!”


But once I had hold of his hand I pulled him off balance and he fell face first onto the sofa. I then sat down on his diapered butt and when he tried to kick his legs back to kick me I got hold of both of them and wouldn’t let them go.


“Please don’t tickle me again Simon!” Lowell was crying and laughing at the same time.


I only placed one finger on the bottom of his left foot and he started bucking and squeeling like a stuffed pig.


“I’ve not even done anything . . . yet!” I said.


“Please!” he said and this time he sounded like he was really crying amidst his laughter.


“Are you really crying?” I asked.


“Yes now please don’t tickle me!” he pleaded.


“Alright!” I said without letting go of his feet or moving from off him.


“Then get off me!” he commanded.


“Nope! I kind of like it here!” I said bouncing slightly.


“Oh Simon you are going to break me in half!” he moaned.


“Then I suggest you stay still!” I said calmly.


“AARRRGGG!” he cried out in frustration, “At least let go of my feet?” and instead of sounding like an order, it sounded more like a hopeful beseeching.


“Na, I kind of like them, they are soft and don’t smell!” I said rubbing my cheek against the bottom of his right foot.


“That tickles too!” he squirmed a little.


“I supposed then kissing your toes would tickle too?” I asked, unable to keep from giggling.


“Please let me up!” he whinned.


“I’ll make you a deal.” I said.


“Anything!” he said.


“Oh you shouldn’t have said that!” I joked.


Ssssiiiimmmmooooonnnnn!” he whinned better then I could.


“That’s my name! Don’t wear it out!” I teasted.


He got quiet for a few seconds and then asked, “What do I have to do?”


“First, if I let you up, then you have to promise to do whatever I say and you can’t say no or whine or complain at all!” I offered.


“That’s not fair! You are bigger then me!” he continued to whine.


“Yep, and I am faster and stronger, even with my messed up ribs!” I said.


I gave him a single poke in the side and he let out an “EEEP!”


“So do you promise?” I asked.


“Yes! Anything, just get off me!” he squeeled.


“Not so fast, I have a second condition.” I said.


He didn’t say anything so I stated my second condition, “You have to tell me what your dad does.”


Geeze! He’s a preacher okay!” he said now sounding very angry.


“A preacher?” I asked in disbelief, “You mean like a preist in a church?”


“No, preist’s are Catholic. My dad is a Baptist Evangilous preacher.” Lowell said sounding as if he were crying again.


“Well...” I started to say something but stopped to think about what I wanted to say before I continued, “Why didn’t you want to tell me that? There’s nothing wrong with that!” I declared.


“Can you get off me now?” he asked while trying to wiggle free.


“Not yet!” I answered by pushing him back down onto the sofa cushon. “I think it’s cool that your dad is a preacher but I still don’t understand why you didn’t want to tell me that.”


Lowell’s body went lemp beneath me as he began to speak, “Because everytime someone finds out they stop being my friend. They think my dad is going to brainwash them or turn them into some kind of bible crazed person.”


“That’s stupid!” I said.


When he didn’t say anything I said, “They should be more scared that you will turn them into diaper wearing babies.”


I think it took Lowell a few seconds to realize I’d just made a joke and when he finally figured it out he laughed, not hard but it was still a laugh.


“So we still friends?” he asked.


“Nope!” I stated very matter-of-fact like. “We can not be friends anymore because I am your master and you are my slave and you have to do whatever I say!”


Grabbing his pinky toe and giving it a squeeze I said, “Alright, I’m going to let you up but remember, you promised and if you break your promise then it will be a thousand times worse for you!”


I got up slowly. It took Lowell a few more seconds to set up as I’d done a good job of squishing him. His eyes were a little red and a little puffy from crying but at least he was smiling again. Maybe because I was smiling at him too.


“So what I got to do?” he asked in rather broken grammar.


“Well, for starters!” I started to say.


“No! Only one thing!” he interrupted.


“Hey, you are not allowed to complain!” I said raising my hands as if I were a wild animal about to attack again.


Looking beat and miffed he said, “What then?”


“As I was saying before you so rudely interrupted me . . . for starters you have to read to me the next chapter of your story.” I said.


He interrupted me again, “I already have it recorded and you can listen to it!”


“I don’t want too just listen, I want to hear and watch you reading it!” I said.


“Alright, what else?” he asked.


“You have to kiss me!” I said and he got a mischievous smile.


“Heck, I can do that right now!” he said standing up.


“On the butt!” I added.


“On the butt?” his voice cracked.


“Yes and then I’ll think up some other stuff.” I said and I’d hardly stopped talking when Lowell’s mouth opened.


“Hey! That’s not fair!”


“Fair? And this coming from a cheater?” I couldn’t help but laugh.


“I’ll read but I’m not kissing nothing on you!” he said crossing his arms and sitting back down again.


“Yes you will!” I said.


“No I won’t!” he said.


“Yes you will! I said again.


“NO I WON’T AND YOU CAN’T MAKE ME!” he yelled and I could tell even though he sounded mad he was just playing his little game again.


All I had to do was take half a step toward him and he started crying out, “Alright, alright, alright! I’ll do it! Just no tickling!”


“I think you should do the kiss first!” I said and I turned around and stuck my diapered butt out at him.


I watched as he crawled across the floor and kissed my diaper. “Ah, I didn’t say diaper!”


“Simon!” he groaned.


“Ah, ah, ah! No complaining, remember?” I said.


Looking agitated; he took hold of the leg opening of my diaper on the left side and lifted up on it to reveal my snow-white butt cheek. “It’s got powder and cream all over it!”


“That still sounds like complaining to me!” I said and I was loving every second of it.


He once again puckered his lips and kissed my butt-cheek. When he pulled away he had powder on his lips and on the end of his nose which he wiped off with his hand and made a face like it disgusted him.


“See! That wasn’t so bad!” I teased.


“Yes it was! Your butt looks like a powdered doughnut!” he said still trying to wipe his lips off.


“So does the end of your nose!” I said and added, “Now go get your story so you can read to me!”


“Not here! Let’s go back to my room!” Lowell said and I could tell by the way he was looking around that he really didn’t want to read his teenbaby story down in the basement. So, I gave in and the two of us tromped back up the stairs to his room.


“Do you have to get it off the computer?” I asked as we started up the second flight of stairs.


“No!” he said in a very hushed whisper.


“Oh, sorry!” I said whispering too.



Next Installment:

Chapter 6 – Part 3 – Friday, March 05, 2004 – A Lose-Lose Situation



** For the latest news on how each installment is coming along as well as answers to questions asked by other readers and so much more, visit me at  As always, your thoughts matter to me very, very much, so please send any comments, questions, suggestions, or criticism to me at: and I promise that I will reply personally to everyone that takes the time to write to me!  **