This is the continued story of Simon’s Journal.
Before you begin this third volume in this series,

I would highly recommend that you read the first and second volumes

as each picks up were the previous left off.


Simon’s Journal - Volume I 
Thirteen Days – The First Crusade


Simon’s Journal - Volume II

Thirteen Nights – After the Crusade



The following narrative is nearly a complete work of fiction. Some events and characters were pulled from real life but have been changed, enhanced and twisted to comply with my will. Any other similarity to actual individuals living or dead is completely unintentional, but it would be incredible!


The following story contains diaper use, violence, adult language and strong sexual content. If reading a coming of age story about boys wearing diapers and exploring their awakening sexuality doesn’t tickle your pickle, or if pickle tickling is illegal in your area, then I suggest you select something else to read.










Simon's Journal

Volume III


Thirteen Sails
Adventures Abound


Written by Danny












Chapter – 37

Dear old golden rule days


“I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.” – Confucius


So like I was saying before, because I had spent extra time getting to know the truth about my birth parents, I had pushed our planned departure date back a week and that meant that Lowell, Jamie and I had to go back to school for an agonizing first week of school.

I have to be honest here. I wasn’t looking forward to going back to school. So many at school knew about the basic story of what had happened, because it had been on the news. I didn’t want to have to deal with all the questions and having people talking behind my back. However, it wasn’t all agonizing. In fact, most of it was enjoyable and things happened a lot differently then I had been expecting.

You would have thought that I was going to my first day of kinder garden, because both of my parents insisted on taking me to school and walking me to the front doors of the school. Talk about embarrassing!!!

I walked into school that first morning with my class schedule in my hand, my locker assignment tucked into my shirt pocket and my loins encased in an Attends Youth Diaper. Of course the diaper was hidden under my clothes, but that didn’t stop me from thinking that everyone could tell that I was wearing one.

I said a quick goodbye to my parents and then slipped away into the mass of students. At first, hardly anyone recognized me and only a few people seemed to notice the scar on my face. I was about halfway down the hallway, headed to where I thought my locker was, when I felt a large hand grip my left shoulder and heard a very familiar voice behind me.

“Young man, your hair is entirely too long?” I heard Mr. Andy Freeman, our school principle, saying in a clear authoritative voice.

I spun on my heals to face him with a cheerful smirk. “Oh, hello Mr. Principle, sir!” I said with an exaggerated salute.

“Hello Mr. Student!” He said with lots of emphasis on ‘student’. He shot me a genuine smile that told me he was really glad to see me back. I don’t think he believed that I would show up but I proved him wrong.

Andy Freeman had come to see me at the hospital the day after I had returned. When he saw me sitting, looking forlornly out of my hospital window, he ran to me, fell to his knees and hugged me. He was like the tenth person to do that to me. Yeah, it had hurt a lot, but it also felt good to be hugged, especially by him. Out of every adult figure, I have encountered in my educational career, Andy is by far the one I respect and admire the most.

He and I have a unique relationship. I liken him to Professor Dumbledore from the Harry Potter books, only not as old and with all the emotions and feelings of my favorite character, Professor Hagrid, too. Of course, there is no way I would ever tell Andy that, but then again he probably already knows!

Andy let my sarcastic remark roll right past him without comment or reaction.

“How are you doing?” he asked and I knew he wasn’t just asking how I was, but also HOW I WAS!

“I’m actually doing pretty darn good.” I said honestly.

“Doing well.” He corrected me.

“Yeah, that too.” I said distractedly.

I looked around at the other students that were flooding past us, then put a hand beside my mouth as I whispered, “Kind of scared too.”

He smiled again as if to reassure me without using words. I don’t know for sure but I think I smiled back at him.

Perhaps he was trying to take my mind of the other students when he asked, “How’s the back? Still giving you problems?”

“What? Oh yeah sure, but it’s healing slowly. I just need to stop re-hurting myself is all.” I said with a grimace.

“I see that you cut your hair some since I last saw you.” Andy said.

I absentmindedly stroked my ponytail, which was lying on my right shoulder, “Oh yeah, mom cut it for me.”

“I don’t suppose you’re planning on getting it cut again anytime soon?” He asked with a queer sort of grin.

“Not likely!” I said too blazingly.

Andy’s left eyebrow lifted.

“I’ll let it slide on one condition...” Andy started to say.

“Oh yeah?” I said trying to sound tough and cute at the same time. I don’t think Andy thought it was so cute at all.

“Provided that you keep it looking as nice as you have it today and keep it out of your eyes...” he paused to scan me from head to toe before finally saying, “I won’t say anything about it. BUT!” he really drove home that ‘but’, “If I see it unkempt, oily, or otherwise, then I will take you to the barber myself!”

At first, I didn’t know how to take that, but then I decided that it wasn’t worth sweating over, so I thrust out my hand for him to shake.

“You have a deal! Let’s shake on it!” I said with a flip of my head so that my ponytail flew around behind me and landed on my opposite shoulder.

Before he shook my hand he took hold of my wrist, turned my hand this way and that and looked me coldly in the eye.

“What’d you do that for?” I asked even though I knew full well why he had done it.

“Just making sure you didn’t have a hand buzzer.” He said mimicking my smirk from earlier.

Trying to act shocked and hurt, I gasped, “Mr. Principle, sir! I would never!”

Andy took hold of my right shoulder, gave me a spin and light shove as he barked in his best principle voice, “Now get your sorry hide to class, before I give you double detentions.”

Then he turned to go talk with a group of girls that were giggling loudly just outside the girls bathroom.

I laughed to myself, as I searched and found my locker. However, before I reached my locker, I had to push my way through the crowds of students. I had to try the combination three times, before I got my new locker to open. I was stuffing my backpack in, when someone yanked on my ponytail so hard that they nearly pulled me right over backwards.

Oh boy, I now know why girls get so mad when boys do that to them because, dang-it that hurt! I spun around intending to pound someone’s head inside out only to find BJ standing there with the goofiest grin spread across his acne cratered face.

Hiya dork!” he said, faking like he was going to pop me in the stomach.

“Man BJ!” I complained, “You came this close to getting your face rearranged!”

“Oh please, as if a girly boy like you could ever take me!” he joked.

“So why are you bugging me? Don’t you need to go find your locker or something?” I was acting like I was still mad but he knew I was only joshing him.

“Uh, that’s my locker.” He said pointing to the one right next to mine.

“Are you serious?” I asked, “What are the chances of that?”

BJ shrugged and said, “Don’t know, but you want to get out of my way Dorkules?”

Dorkules? That’s a good one!” I said with a chuckle, and then in my snootiest impression I added, “I like it! Dorkules? Yes, it creates a perfect mental image of the mythical Hercules wearing taped glasses and a crisp white shirt. Bravo my good man; bravo in deed!”

BJ frowned, “Man you sure know how to suck the life out of a good joke.” But his frown cracked and a hint of a smile broke through as he said, “Now would you kindly move? I’d like to get to my locker before the school year ends.”

I took a single step back to get out of his way. However, when I stepped back I stepped on someone else’s foot.

“Hey!” someone shouted and I spun around to see that I had stepped on a girl’s foot. When I looked up, I saw that the foot belonged to my sweet Mary.

“MARY!” I said at the same time she happily exclaimed, “SIMON!”

“I am so sorry! I didn’t mean to step on your...” I started to say but then BJ butted in with, “Hi Mary.”

“Oh, hi there. I didn’t see you.” Mary said in that wonderfully sweet way she has about her.

“Yeah well, I can understand when you have Casanova here as your boyfriend.” BJ said giving my ponytail another tug.

“By the way, like the new hairdo sweetheart.” He said to me as he slammed his locker closed and made a hasty getaway.

I turned back to Mary and saw that she was hanging a sweater in the locker to the right of mine.

“No way! Your locker’s to the right of mine and BJ’s is right here!” I said putting my hand on his locker door.

“Weird,” she said.

Then she did something totally and completely unexpected. She leaned in and kissed me right on the lips.

“Save me a seat at lunch?” she asked.

I’m not sure, but I think I said something like, “Uh... um... yeah, uh... sure!”

About half of those around us had made loud Oooo sounds when she kissed me, but I didn’t care and if Mary’s expression was to be believed, she didn’t care what they thought either.

The First day of school is basically, just us getting our textbooks, finding what is expected of us for the first term and meeting our teachers. Therefore, it wasn’t too bad, but some of our teachers took to teaching as soon as we had our books, which kind of sucked.

I realized from my first class on, that I was getting an extra bit off attention from my teachers, more then most of the other students. However, I wasn’t the only one. Jasper Hawkings, Bull’s younger brother was in all but two of my classes and after each class our teachers asked us to stay behind to talk to us about our unique situations. You know I’m referring to the fact that we both wore diapers. For us it is just a part of life, for our teachers it was an uncomfortable subject, which none of them wanted to address, but they did anyway. I got the feeling that Mr. Freeman might have had something to do with it too.

Basically, my teachers all wanted to make it clear that they wouldn’t tolerate their classes being interrupted and that it was our responsibility to take care of our personal business between class, just like everyone else is expected to do.

At lunch Mary, BJ and I sat together eating and laughing together. I wasn’t expecting it when, out of nowhere, Cole appeared.

“Simon, there you are!” Cole said, “I’ve been looking for you all day!”

“Whoa, Cole! I completely forgot that you moved into our neighbor hood!” I said, “BJ, scoot over and let Cole sit down.”

I introduced Cole to Mary and BJ. BJ was the only one to remember Cole from when Jasper and I were in the hospital after being attacked by Peter Alderman and his three friends, Johnny, Max and Steven.

It was so totally awesome that Cole was going to my school and though I knew that it was only a matter of days before I was leaving, I wanted to try and get him to come for a sleep over before I left.

I got a surprise at the end of History class, which is one of the classes that Jasper isn’t in with me. As the bell rang, I was shoving my new textbook into my backpack and thinking that I was going to make a stop at my locker when my History teacher, Mr. Holmes, called my name along with two other’s; one of which was a girl. I can only think of one word to describe Mr. Holmes, ‘OLD’. He’s not fat but he’s not thin; he’s completely bald except for tufts of grey hear where a normal man’s sideburns should to be. But his most distinctive feature has got to be the fact that he has a mustache that looks like a set of motorcycle copper handle bars.

At first I got nervous that Mr. Holmes was going to out me right there in front of those other two, but I shouldn’t have worried, because all he had to say was, “I know you three have special health issues and I want you to know that I do not want you three disrupting my class all the time, so if you have a need to leave,” he paused long enough to look from the girl to me, “just leave.”

He pulled a hanky from his front right pocket, blew his nose loudly and then said, “Now come up here and get these hall passes.”

The three of us hurried to the front of the classroom where we each received a crisp new pass with our names on them and Mr. Holems’ signature.

He finished up with, “Keep them safe, because I won’t be giving you new ones every time you want out of my class. I only ask that when you get up that you do so quietly and with as little distractions as possible. Clear?”

“Gee-thanks Mr. Holmes!” the girl said with so much energy I thought, that maybe she was hopped up on caffeine or something.

The other boy didn’t say a word. He only looked at his shoes, stuffed the pass into his pocket and flew out of the door. He was moving so fast, that I’m surprised he didn’t leave little trails of flames on the floor like in cartoons.

I hadn’t really been giving my diaper too much thought, but after leaving my history class, I decided I better make a trip to the nurses’ office. I mean, just in case.

Why I didn’t expect the nurses reaction is beyond me. When I walked in, she screamed as if she had just seen a ghost. Man, she nearly gave me a heart attack with that eardrum-piercing screech of hers. She jumped at me, grabbed my arm and yanked me into a full embrace. If my diaper was wet before, after that scare it sure was.

Her scream was also heard by the other office staff; who rush to see what was going on. Both, Principle Freeman, and Vice Principle Graff, came flying out of their offices, as well as a few others who I didn’t know but had seen on different occasions.

My eye caught sight of Andy Freeman and with just a look, I pleaded for his help to save me from being hugged to death by the school nurse.

Thankfully, Andy got the message. He quickly separated us and helped our school nurse to calm down. Mr. Graff had taken his cue from Mr. Freeman. He gently pushed me further into the nurse’s office and into the room next door, where I could get changed. By his actions, I can assume that Mr. Graff was fully briefed on my situation by Mr. Freeman or possibly my parents. You see, Mr. Graff and I have butted heads with one another before. Though we are civil when our paths cross, the tension in the air gives evidence to the fact that neither cares much for the other. I guess you could say that we have a sort of tolerated rapport. Mr. Graff is a butthead and I tolerate him.

As he shoved me into the smaller room and just before he pulled the door closed, he said to me, “You need a hair cut Mr. Leonard.”

If he hadn’t closed the door behind me, I might have said something smart-alecky like ‘Bite me Mr. Graff’ or ‘Suck my fat one Mr. Graff’. Thankfully, I didn’t get that chance.

Inside that room, I got another shock. Standing butt naked from the waist down to his socks was that same boy I’d just seen in my History class.

Now, had our rolls been reversed, I probably would have freaked out, but not him. He looked over his shoulder and as if he was doing no more then washing his hands, he said to me, “Hey, when I saw you coming into class earlier I was almost sure you were wearing a diaper too. But I guess I wasn’t totally sure until right now.”

He had shiny black hair that was parted on one side and his eyes were bright brown. I’d never seen brown eyes that looked so lit up like his. In his left ear, the only ear I could see from where we were standing, he was wearing an earring and it wasn’t just a stud earring like most guys with earrings have. It was gold loop with a small dangling silver and gold charm in the shape of a feather. However, what really struck me was the fact that he was so heavily tanned, but he didn’t seem to have any tan lines. Believe me; I had all the proof standing right there for me to see. I noticed all of that about him once I got over the fact that he was changing out of what looked to be a wet Pull-Up diaper.

“Uh, yeah I guess so.” Was all I said in return.

You would think that, after spending all that time on the Banachelli surrounded by boys in diapers, I would be used to it by now. But frankly, I hadn’t expected to run into a fellow diaper wearer at school.

“You’re that guy that was on TV, huh?” he asked in an offhanded manner.

“Oh no, here we go!” I thought to myself.

“It’s Simon, right?” he asked when I didn’t respond.

I figured the kid had me dead to rights, so what was the use in lying.

“Yeah,” I answered.

“Cool, my names Wambleeska Yas-Tokala.” He said.

“Wambleeska? What kind of name is that?” I said without thinking.

He was pulling up a pair of what looked from the back to be GoodNites without the cool pictures, but stopped when he had them only up to his knees. Lifting his left arm, he peered at me from under it.

“It means White Eagle Snow-Fox.” He said with just a bit of annoyance.

“Oh you are messing with me now. Your parents really named you Eagle and Fox?” I said with a self indulging laugh.

He finished pulling up his protective garment and then turned to look at me. I knew instantly from his appearance that he was of Native American heritage and that I had once again stuck my big foot into my equally big mouth.

He looked more than annoyed with me but I quickly apologized.

“Listen, I’m sorry! That was really dumb of me to say. I didn’t get it.” I said with honesty and hoped that he would believe me.

“Yeah, I guess it’s cool.” He said.

I stuck out my hand, “Friends?”

“Sure!” he said and finally smiled again.

“Hey, we better hurry up or we’ll be late to our next class.” Wambleeska said.

Now I knew that I was wearing an Attends Youth Diaper and that I could get it off by myself, but there was no way I could get into a clean Diaper on my own. Mom had told me that I was supposed to have the nurse help me. However, after the way she had reacted when she first saw me, I wasn’t too sure I wanted to go through that again.

“What are you waiting for?” Wambleeska asked while pulling up his pants.

“Uh, sorry. Do you need me to get out of here first?” he asked.

“No,” I said quickly, “it’s not that. I...” I trailed off without finishing my thought.

“Oh, you need help, huh?” He asked.

I puffed out my cheeks and answered with, “Yeah, something like that.”

“You more then wet?” he asked.

I felt myself blushing as I shook my head.

He reached into his book bag and pulled out one of the garments he had just changed into.

“Here, try this. It’s a DryNite from Europe.” He said, handing it to me, “It’s kind of like a GoodNite but thicker and it holds about twice as much as them too. Plus, they don’t leak as easily as GoodNites do.”

“Really? Hey, wow thanks!” I said, quickly dropping it on the table and pulling at my belt.

“What class do you have next?” he asked.

I groaned as I answered, “Home Economics.”

“Really? Me too!” Wambleeska said. “Hey, want me to wait for you? That way, if we’re late and both come in at the same time, the others are less likely to notice why we were late.”

“Uh, ok thanks.” I said again and quickly pulled off my wet diaper as if they were underwear.

It was a good thing that I had decided to come to the nurse’s office, because my diaper was utterly drenched.

“Oh man, you really shouldn’t wear them so long. You are going to break out in a rash.” Wambleeska said.

“Uh, oh yeah!” I agreed, “Guess I didn’t know it had got that bad.”

I looked around for a towel or something to wipe my skin off but Wambleeska guessed what I was looking for and handed me a wet wipe.

“You are ready for anything, huh?” I said trying to be witty.

“Yeah and I’m not even a Boy Scout.” He joked.

After wiping myself off, I pulled on the DryNite that he had given me. It fit perfectly and felt a little thicker then the Attends diaper had. Once I had my pants pulled back up, the two of us vacated the room and thankfully the nurse wasn’t anywhere in site.

On the way to our Home Ec class Wambleeska asked me, “Am I allowed to ask about your scar or is that something I shouldn’t ask?”

“Well,” I started, “It’s kind of a long, ugly story.”

“Oh, ok. So then you want to come over to my house after school?” he asked.

“Um, I don’t think I will be allowed. My parents are still making me stay pretty close to home.” I said.

“Too bad.” He said, as I started down the steps to the lower floor.

“But maybe you could ask your mom if you can come over to my place after school tomorrow.” I said, “I can ask my mom if it is ok and let you know tomorrow. I’m sure it will be ok, but I better ask.”

“Yeah sure but I don’t live with my mom or dad. I’m living with my Aunt now.” He said but it was the way he said it that made me think there was more to that story. Though I was curious, I didn’t pursue it; I figured that if he wanted me to know more, he would have told me. Well, I didn’t pursue it right then, but I did find out later in the week the reason he was living with his Aunt. He had gotten into some trouble with the law back in South Carolina. He was sent to live with his mothers’ foster sister in hopes that she might be able to straighten him out. He wasn’t too happy about it but he was doing his best to adjust. If you ask me, he was doing great considering everything that had recently happened to him.

There was also something in his voice when he spoke about his parents that made me think they weren’t exactly the Mr. and Mrs. Brady sort of parents.

As we reached the bottom of the steps, the class bell rang. We were right under the bell when it went off and we both jumped. The two of us then laughed all the way to class.

The following day I ran into Wambleeska in the hallway after second period and he told me that his Aunt wouldn’t let him come over. Though Wambleeska didn’t actually come right out and say so, I got the idea that the reason was, that she thought I might be a bad influence.

It didn’t really matter, because for that one week Wambleeska and I became good friends at school. Even my three friends liked him and right away, he became one of our little school clique.


Also on that second day of school I ran into someone else that, I was both looking forward too and hoping not to see. That was the Track Coach, Mr. Shaffer. I bumped into him at lunch and just as I expected, he asked me if I was going to tryout for the team again this year. I told him that I wanted too, but that I couldn’t due to health reasons. I don’t think he bought it for a second and he wasn’t happy when I showed him the doctors note that I had, which stated that I was exempt from gym class. When he tried to say that I still had to show up for class, I told him that instead of gym I had study hall in the library. Boy, he didn’t like that one at all.

If I didn’t have plans to leave by the end of that week, I would have never showed him the note and would have gladly tried out of the Track team again. Maybe someday, when I go back home again I can try out... ah who an I fooling. I know I’m never going back to school again... I mean I have tasted freedom and I could never go back to living inside society’s world of rules and boundaries. Besides, Sister Sarafina has begun teaching everyone on the ship to read and write, and those of us that already know how are tutoring those, that don’t.

I never did get a chance to have Cole sleep over before the week was out. It just wasn’t possible on a school night and before I knew it, it was Friday. If I tried to delay our departure again, I bet Lowell and Jamie would have hog tied me and drug me off to the ship. Wouldn’t that have been poetic, seeing how it is how I got on the ship both times before?


Chapter 38


** I hope you have enjoyed this chapter and as always, your thoughts matter to me, so if you feel moved to do so, I would love to hear from you. **