This is the continued story of Simon’s Journal.
Before you begin this third volume in this series,

I would highly recommend that you read the first and second volumes

as each picks up were the previous left off.


Simon’s Journal - Volume I 
Thirteen Days – The First Crusade


Simon’s Journal - Volume II

Thirteen Nights – After the Crusade



The following narrative is nearly a complete work of fiction. Some events and characters were pulled from real life but have been changed, enhanced and twisted to comply with my will. Any other similarity to actual individuals living or dead is completely unintentional, but it would be incredible!


The following story contains diaper use, violence, adult language and strong sexual content. If reading a coming of age story about boys wearing diapers and exploring their awakening sexuality doesn’t tickle your pickle, or if pickle tickling is illegal in your area, then I suggest you select something else to read.










Simon's Journal

Volume III


Thirteen Sails
Adventures Abound


Written by Danny












Chapter – 38

Where we will, we’ll roam


Friday was finally here and God help me every stinking tick of the minute hands on the school clocks seemed to stretch on forever. When lunch finally arrived, only one of my friends was anywhere around and that was Wambleeska.

“Where’s everyone else?” I asked him, as I sat my tray down in front of his.

With a mouth full of potato chips he said, “No idea.”

“What? I thought it was your day to watch them.” I joked.

Wambleeska washed his chips down with a swig of milk before replying, “No, that was yesterday. I believe, today you were supposed to watch them. But, apparently you dropped the ball.”

He smiled amusingly.

Having the lunch period to ourselves, I mean not having BJ, Mary or Jasper sitting with us, meant that Wambleeska and I were able to talk. I’m not sure how we got on the subject, or why I allowed the conversation to drift in the direction it had, but before too long I was telling Wambleeska about some of the brighter moments aboard the Banachelli. There is something about Wambleeska, that makes me feel completely comfortable around him. More then once during the pervious days I’d caught myself nearly telling him about our plans to return to the ship.

Earlier that same day, I had run into Wambleeska in the nurse’s office again. He had sprung a leak and had t, not only change his DryNite but also his pants, socks and shoes. I think, I had said something to him about getting a defective DryNite or something, but I’m not sure now. Anyway, he’d been feeling pretty low and not just because of the accident. Apparently, his aunt was giving him a really hard time at home. He confessed to me that, aside from school, he hates living in Ohio.

I hadn’t realized it at the time, but Wambleeska’s words had planted a thought in my brain, that my subconscious continued to mull over, right up to the point where the two of us were sitting at the lunch table eating and talking.

“You ever wish you could leave here and go back?” he asked me.

“Back where?” I said, while trying to fain ignorance.

He sat his milk carton down a little too hard, causing a few drops to splash out. “Back to that boat, I mean ship.” He said.

“Oh, well,” I said, trying to stall while I thought up what I was going to say to him.

“If I was you, and I had the chance to go back...” He started to say, but then he stopped, stuffed another chip in his mouth and chomped it like he was trying to kill it.

“What?” I said, trying to get him to finish his thought.

“Well,” he rubbed his mouth on his sleeve, “I just was going to say that I’d go back, if I was you.”

“Why? Wouldn’t you miss your aunt and parents?” I asked.

I couldn’t help but to notice that a gray cloud had formed above Wambleeska’s head. He really seemed to be bummed out.

He looked up into my eyes. I don’t think he’d ever looked at me like that before.

“Promise you won’t tell anyone this?” he asked.

I crossed my heart with my finger and said, “I promise.”

“I think, my mom and dad were glad to get pass me off on my aunt. And I don’t think she wants me around anymore then they did.”

He had stopped eating and was looking forlornly at his half eaten meatloaf sandwich.

Inside my own head, I was wrestling with a question. The question was, “Do I tell him about our plan to go back to the ship and invite him to go with us?”

When neither of us said anything, he finally looked up at me again, “Do you think I am a bad person for saying that?”

“No!” I said almost too quickly.

I sighed heavily before saying, what I said next. “The answer is Yes! If I have the chance to go back, I would and for a lot of different reasons.”

His eyes were locked on me and even if the entire school blew up around , I don’t think he would have looked away.

“Let’s just say for a second here, that I was going to go back.” I could tell by the look in his eyes, that he was getting worked up, so I quickly added, “Now, I’m only imagining this, but lets just say, that I was and that I were to invite you to come with me. Would you come?”

I don’t think I even had the question out of my mouth before he answered with a loud, “YES!”

Many of the kids sitting around us stopped talking and looked at the two of us. I think we both blushed.

“Are you done eating?” he asked me.

“Yeah, more or less.” I answered.

He started to stand up, “Let’s go somewhere else to talk, ok?”

I picked up my tray as I said, “Yeah, good idea.”

After disposing of our trays, we went into the gymnasium, where we climbed to the top of the bleachers to talk alone.

When I sat down, I felt the diaper I was wearing squish beneath me and I groaned.

“What?” he asked.

“Nothing,” I said, “just need to go see the nurse before next period is all.”

The two of us watched the other kids down below playing basketball, talking and just standing around for the remainder of the lunch period.

“Listen, I know we’ve only been friends for a few days, but to me it feels like we’ve been friends all our lives.” Wambleeska said to me without looking at me.

“Really?” I said, “Me too.”

“And I know you said that you were only imagining it. But, if it was real, I mean, if you were really, really, really going to leave here again, then I would really, really, really like to go with you.”

I was playing with the zipper on my jacket and thought about that for several minutes before I said, “You know, not everything was as good as I said. There was some bad stuff that happened too.”

He drew an imaginary line on his face were my own scar was as he asked me, “Like when you got that scar?”

I tried to hide the fact that my eyes were tearing up. “Yeah, that and more.”

“And your back?” he asked and I was honestly taken aback by that comment, because I had not told him about my back.

He looked up at me shyly. “I saw some of it the first day we met, when you were getting changed, but I didn’t think I should say anything about it.”

He locked his fingers together and squeezed them tightly as he said, “And don’t be mad, but I asked your friend BJ about it.”

I wasn’t mad. Actually, I wasn’t feeling much of anything right then.

“What did he say?” I asked him.

“He told me that I shouldn’t say anything about it to anyone; especially you.” Wambleeska said and I could tell by the quiver in his voice that he was scared, that he might have strayed into dangerous grounds with me.

He sighed audibly when I said, “It’s no biggy. I don’t mind you knowing, but don’t spread it around, ok?”

“No way! I’d never!” He said resolutely.

A couple more minutes passed without either of us saying anything, but then I asked him, “Can I trust you?”

“What do you mean?” He asked back.

“I mean can I trust you?” I said with strong emphasis on each word. “If I tell you something super mega top secret, can I trust you not to tell a single person?”

“Of course you can.” He said.

I turned my body toward him, “No, I mean it! You can’t even tell your best friend about it.”

He looked me in the eyes as he said, “I don’t betray my friends.”

“Ok then.” I said and I took a deep breath before I asked him ‘THE’ question.

“I’m about to tell you something.” I started to say, but the first bell rang, telling us that we had 5 minutes to get to our next class, but neither of us moved.

“I don’t want you to say anything at first. Just hear me out, think about it and tell me your answer after school today. OK?” I said.

Wambleeska nodded.

“I am going back and it’s happening tonight.” I said.

His eyes exploded with excitement, but he didn’t make a sound.

“If you are serious, if you really want to go with me, then I’d love to have you join my crew.” I said and then paused before adding, “Just think about it. I mean, really think about it.”

Wambleeska nodded again.

“OK, now let’s get to class.” I said while standing up.

“Don’t you have to go to the nurse’s office first?” He asked me.

“Oh yeah.” I said.

However, Wambleeska didn’t stand up.

“You coming?” I asked.

“Uh, you go ahead. I just need to sit here another second or two.” He said, so I left him sitting on the bleachers.

I didn’t see him in Home Ec. Class either, but as soon as I reached my locker at the end of the day, he appeared.

“Where you been?” I asked him.

“Nurses office,” He said with an odd expression.

Right then BJ jumped in between us, “Hiyo guys!” he put his arms around each of us and said, “So, how are my two favorite dorks doing this fine, fine Friday?”

Wambleeska looked irritated by the intrusion, but BJ didn’t seem to notice or if he had, he didn’t seem to care.

“What are you so happy about?” I asked.

“Because a certain someone has just asked a certain Wendy Sprite to go steady with him.” BJ said with a grin so wide, I could have counted every tooth in his glowing head.

“I take it that she said yes?” I asked.

“More than that!” He said rocking up onto his tiptoes.

That is when I noticed the hint of lip-gloss on his lips.

“BJ Otteranski! Did a girl actually kiss you?” I teased.

BJ wiggled his eyebrows and, if it was possible, I think he even smiled wider.

Wambleeska shoved BJ’s arm off his shoulders and poked BJ in the chest, “And who you calling a dork anyhow?”

I really thought Wambleeska was upset, but he was just pulling BJ’s leg.

“What?” BJ said shrugging and backing down.

Wambleeska poked him in the chest again, “In the future, if you wish to address me, please do so properly! It is King Dork!”

The look on BJ’s face was so hilarious, when it finally dawned on him, that Wambleeska had been messing with him.

“Dang man! You really had me going there!” BJ said, slapping his heart to make it start beating again.

Wambleeska smiled proudly.

BJ started opening his locker while I asked, “So, how did you manage to land the second more beautiful girl in this school?”

“Are you kidding me?” he said.

“Well, it sure wasn’t because of your good looks!” I said and then ducked as BJ swung a blind backhand my way. He missed me by a mile, but he clocked some other guy.

“Hey, watch it!” the kid said and the instant that I heard his voice I knew who he was.

“FRANK!” I shouted, “It’s me, Simon!”

Frank Smite was on the Varsity Squad Track Team with me last year and though I didn’t get to know him too well, he seemed like a really cool guy.

“Simon? Jeezeow, I didn’t recognize you!” he said.

I then said, “Man, you’re one to talk! I hardly recognized you too.”

Frank must have grown six inches since I saw him last and he was even sporting the traces of a mustache.

“Hey, you’re going to try out again this year, right?” he asked me and I knew he meant the track team.

“Uh, I’ve not decided yet.” I said, trying to skirt the situation.

“Oh Simon! Man you have to!” Frank said, giving me a shove.

Thankfully, the flood of students wanting to get to their lockers forced Frank away. As he moved down the row of lockers, he called back, “Monday! I’m going to drag you to tryouts myself!”

I smiled and waved him off.

When I turned back around, BJ was gone, but Wambleeska was still there and boy was he beaming. He was so filled up with excitement that, if I had poked him with a pin, he would have popped like a balloon.

“I’m gathering from your expression, that the answer is yes?” I said with half a smile.

With wide eyes he nodded vigorously.

I reached into my jacket pocket and pulled out a folded up piece of notebook paper, which I had prepared earlier. On the paper were instructions on where to meet me and when.

Under the roar of other students I instructed him thus, “Read this when you are home and alone. Don’t let anyone else see it and destroy it after you’ve read it. Got it?”

He nodded again, “Got it.”


As I was walking out of the school, someone snuck up behind me and covered my eyes.

“Guess who?” I heard Mary say.

“Um, Linden Johnson?” I said.

She uncovered my eyes, slipped around in front of me and kissed me, like she had never kissed me before. I think, my toes even curled up inside my shoes; that’s how good of a kiss it was.

“Wow!” I exclaimed and then I stammered, “W-w-what was that for?”

She smiled coyly, “Do I have to have a reason?”

I smiled back as she took hold of my hand.

“So, do you have plans this weekend?” she asked.

I honestly didn’t want to lie to Mary, so I told her the truth, “I am going to sleep over at Lowell’s tonight, if our parents say it is cool.”

Mary’s ears perked up, just the way a rabbits does.

“Sooooo,” she really drew out that ‘so’ as she pulled me close and whispered into my ear, “are you going to need a babysitter again?”

I felt the heat radiating from my face at the thought of her coming over and changing my diaper again.

“Oh my gosh, I made you blush!” she cooed and pinched both of my cheeks.

“Actually, I don’t think his folks are going out.” I said and for the first time I noticed, that my heart was beating like a set of drums at a rock concert.

Mary puckered out her bottom lip. “Awe shucks!” she said.

“Next time we’ll have to plan better.” I said and I felt my face go hot again.

She kissed me again and said, “Well, don’t you boys get into too much trouble or else!”


I was one with the wind, as I ran all the way home and frankly, it felt great to run like that again. I don’t think I was home ten minutes before the phone rang. I was walking back into the kitchen after having changed out of my school clothes, so I was the one to answer the phone.

“Hello?” I said.

My eardrum was blasted with Lowell shouting, “Hiya Simon, ol’ buddy, ol’ pal! It’s me, your favoritest friend in the whole wide world.”

“Oh, hi Lowell.” I said purposefully trying to sound dull.

“Oh, hi Lowell? Geez Simon, ain’t you even the slightest bit excited?” Lowell blasted my ear for a second time.

“Well yeah, sure I am. I mean, it’s Friday and that means it’s the weekend! I can finally kick back, relax, watch some TV and maybe even play some video games.” I said teasingly.

Lowell growled into the phone and I couldn’t keep from laughing.

Sounding annoyed, Lowell grunted out, “You’re a dork, you know that?”

“Yep, and proud of it!” I retorted.

“So, are we still on for the sleepover tonight?” Lowell said and I was glad he remembered to use the secret code.

“Well, actually I’ve changed my mind again.” I said.

“WHAT?!?!” Lowell screamed.

“Dang it Lowell! If you don’t stop shouting into my ear, I swear I am going to give you the worst diaper wedgie of your entire life!” I said while rubbing my aching ear.

“So you’re only kidding, right?” Lowell said, this time sounding almost on the verge of crying.

“Yes, I am kidding!” I laughed.

“Oh good, ‘cause I really don’t want to have to kill you.” Lowell gloomily laughed.

“So, we are still on?” He asked again.

“Yeah, as far as I know.” I said, “Hang on, will ya?”

For half a second I thought about shouting to mom with the receiver up to my mouth, but I decided to be nice. I put the phone down by my stomach before I shouted.

“MOOOOOM!” my voice reverberated throughout the house.

“Yes dear?” she called back.

“Can I please go sleep over at Lowell’s tonight?” I shouted.

“I didn’t even know you were home!” She said.

“Oh sorry, yeah I am home. So can I go sleep over at Lowell’s?” I asked again.

“Simon, I don’t know.” She said and then hesitated long enough for panic to grip my heart. She then added, “Why don’t you stay home this weekend?”

“Mooooooooooom!” I whined most excellently, if I do say so myself. “Pleeeeeease! Jamie’s already going!”

It wasn’t a lie, not entirely. The plan was for Jamie to come over, but I hadn’t talked to him yet to make sure, he had permission.

“Oh alright, but only for one night and don’t call here tomorrow, begging to stay another night either!” she said.

I put the phone back to my ear, “She said yes.” I said.

Lowell was giggling like a schoolgirl, “I know, I heard you both and I already talked to Jamie before I called you. He’ll be here in like an hour.”

“Oh ok, cool! So, I’ll see if I can get my mom to bring me over.” I said.

“You don’t have to. Jamie and his mom are stopping there first to pick you up.” Lowell said.

“Dang, Lowell! You’re amazing!” I laughed.

“Nah, I’m better then that.” He giggled.

“Well, then I guess, I will see you, when I see you.” I said.

“Don’t forget to bring all of your stuff.” Lowell reminded me.

“Yes mother dearest!” I joked.

Lowell seemed to get a good laugh out of that too.


I barely had time to get my stuff together before the doorbell rang.

“I’ll get it!” I shouted, but when I ran down the hallway to the living room, I found that dad was already opening the door.

“Dad, you’re home!” I said with surprise.

When he saw that it was Jamie, dad exclaimed, “Oh goody! I get both of my boys for the weekend!”

However, I had to burst his bubble, “No, we are going over to Lowell’s for a sleepover tonight.”

“Oh you are, are you?” dad said.

Jamie stepped in, “Yeah and you can’t say no ‘cause we already got her,” mom had come into the room and Jamie had pointed to her, “permission and she out ranks you.” And for added effect, Jamie gave dad’s tie a flip.

He then poked dad in the gut with his finger. “How do you like them apples?” he said and tried to jump toward me to get out of dad’s reach, but being the loving brother that I am... I pushed him back.

“SIMON, YOU TRAITOR!!!!” Jamie screeched as Dad scooped him up and began tickling the life out of him.

“Ok Jamie, you keep dad busy while I make a break for it.” I laughed and ran back to my room.

“Simon, no running in the house please!” Mom called after me, but it was too late, I was already in my room.

Even from my room I could hear the screams and pleading coming from Jamie. He tried every magic escape word; “Please!”, “Uncle!”, “Mercy!”, “You’re hurting me!” but none seemed to work.

As I was coming back out with my stuff, mom was saying to dad, “Honey, you are going to make the boy wet himself.”

Jamie crowed, “Tooooo laaaaaaate!”

“Well, you better not make him poop too!” I said.

“Too late for that too!” Jamie laughed.

“Oh honey, let him up so I can change him, before he goes over to his little friend’s.” Mom said.

“Little friend?” I laughed.

While mom took Jamie’s hand and walked him back to my room to have his diaper changed, dad helped me carry my stuff out to the car.

“How long are you planning on sleeping over at Lowell’s?” Dad asked, while shoving my stuff into the trunk of Marsha’s car.

Mom is a diapering pro, so Jamie was coming back out within a minute. I tried not to be too emotional, but I couldn’t help but feel, like I was never going to see my mom and dad again.

I hugged them both and I guess I was over doing it, because Jamie finally grabbed my arm and dragged me into the back seat of the car.

When we got to Lowell’s, I ended up having to return the favor when Jamie nearly began to cry, as he kissed Marsha goodbye. Thankfully, Lowell was there to assist me.

The three of us ended up blowing through most of the evening by watching a movie in Lowell’s basement and drinking homemade strawberry milkshakes, that his mom made for us.

None of us spoke a word about our plans all evening. The subject was completely absent from anything we did, until after Lowell’s mother had changed our diapers, helped us get ready for bed and then tucked us in.

We had managed to talk Lowell’s parents into letting us sleep in the basement. There would have been plenty of room in Lowell’s bedroom for the three of us to sleep on the floor, but it would be easier to sneak out if we were in the basement.

None of us slept, and we didn’t make a sound, which in hindsight probably wasn’t a good idea. Three boys in the basement and they aren’t making noise? Yeah, that should have been a clear indicator that we were up to something.

The second the clock struck midnight, Jamie whispered, “You guys ready to go?”

“I thought midnight would never come!” Lowell quickly said.

“OK Lowell, go make sure your mom and dad are out cold.” I said, “And Jamie, go look out of the windows to see if you can see anyone watching the house.”

“What are you going to do?” Jamie asked.

“I need to change out of this diaper. I am soaked.” I said with half a smile. “That milkshake went right through me.”

The three of us met up in the front fore of Lowell’s house a few minutes later.

“Yep, my dad is snoring like a bear.” Lowell said, as he snuck back down the steps.

“OK here, you two need to change into these.” I said, handing them each a GoodNite.

“Why?” Jamie objected.

“Because you can’t run as well in those thick diapers.” I said.

“Who said anything about running?” Lowell asked.

“Well, what if Tom or someone else sees us and comes after us?” I said.

“That ain’t going to happen!” Jamie said.

“Guys, come on, just do it.” I argued.

“No I like my diaper and besides, it isn’t wet and it is the last one my mom will put on me for a long time.” Lowell said and none of us had any idea just how wrong Lowell was right then.

“Fine have it your way then!” I said, stuffing the two GoodNites back into my backpack.

“OK, let’s go.” I said.

Jamie quickly jumped in with, “Wait!”

“What?” I asked.

“I don’t have my shoes.” Jamie said, tearing off, down the basement steps.

“Can you make anymore noise?” Lowell whisper-shouted down after him.

As soon as Jamie had his shoes on, we clicked off the front porch light and waited a minute to be sure all was still clear. We then opened the door and with me leading the way, we began our journey back to the Banachelli.

Once we were about two blocks from Lowell’s house and I supposed that we were far enough away, that there was little chance we had been seen sneaking out of the front door. Therefore, I began to feel a lot better about the whole thing.

I couldn’t help but think about, how things would be the next morning for those that were supposed to be watching Lowell’s house. I imagine that Tom would probably want their heads on a stick.

It felt, like it was taking us longer to get to the Great Miami River then it had, when we had made the trip in the opposite direction.

When I actually voiced that thought, Jamie said, “Actually, we’re making better time then before, ‘cause we’re not stopping at the old mans house, or going through that soccer field.”

“How long do you think till we get there?” Lowell asked.

Then, all at the same time, we spotted the secret marker that told us we were close. Wrapped around a tree was a piece of clear cellophane tape. During the day, no one would see it, but during the night, when a flashlight shined on it, it would glimmer like a mirror.

The three of us broke into a heavy trot, spurred on by adrenaline at the excitement of being back aboard the Banachelli.

“Stop, stop a minute!” Jamie said.

“Why?” I asked, as Lowell and I stopped to look at him.

“I heard something.” Jamie said, shining his flashlight in the direction we had just come from.

“Wambleeska, that you?” I called out in a loud whisper.

“Simon?” Wambleeska called back sounding scared and anxious in the dark.

“Who’s Wambl-whatever?” Lowell asked, while at the same time Jamie asked, “Who’s that?”

“Never mind. I’ll tell you later. He’s coming with us.” I said.

“Over here!” I called back to Wambleeska.

When my flashlight found his face, he looked like he had been crying.

“I didn’t think you were coming.” He said.

“Well, we’re here now.” I said, “And we need to get going.”

But just then, all four of us heard something from the direction that Wambleeska had just come. Honestly, I didn’t expect to see anything. It was so dang dark that I figured we were just feeling spooked. However, what the beam of Jamie’s flashlight fell on made all of the blood in our bodies wash right out of us, along with our pee and poop. Good thing all four of us were properly attired for just such an emergency.

Standing less then ten yards from us was none other than Madam-M.

“RUUUUN!” I screamed.

All four of us took off running in the direction of the ship. We knew that the tape was supposed to be exactly one hundred yards east of the ship and we must have already covered half that distance before we realized, that we were being followed, not by the FBI or Thomas Segal, but by Madam-M. How she had survived I will never know and there was no way I was about to stop to ask her.

I was running so hard and so fast, that I lost track of Jamie and Lowell for only a second, but it only took a second. Thankfully, Wambleeska was holding onto my arm with a python like grip. I looked over my shoulder and shined my flashlight behind me. I could see them both running kind of funny and then it hit me why.

“I TOLD YOU TO PUT ON THE GOODNITES!” I screamed at them.

While I was looking behind me, I wasn’t looking ahead of me, so I didn’t see the tree or wall or whatever it was, that I ran into. I crashed to the ground so hard, that my brains were scrambled for a moment and I lost my flashlight and Wambleeska. A second later, I heard someone splashing into the water and hoped it was Wambleeska. Then, to my horror, someone leaned down, picked up my flashlight and shined it on himself.

I had to blink several times, because I couldn’t believe what I was seeing... or rather, who I was seeing. It wasn’t until he spoke, that I think, that I honestly started to believe, that it could possible be Runt.

“But how?” I cried, “You are dead! I shot you! YOU ARE DEAD!”

Somewhere in the dark, I heard Lowell scream.

Lowell?” I shouted, as I tried to crab walk backward, away from Runt.

From somewhere in the dark I heard Tomas Segal call my name, “SIMON!”

I then heard Jamie scream out in pain.

“Jamie?” I called out again.

There was suddenly a brilliant flash of light, so bright that it blinded me. The world had exploded with light and noise.

With my eyes closed tightly, I flipped over onto all fours and continued to scamper as fast as I could, away from the last known direction I knew, Runt had been coming from. And then, the ground beneath me disappeared and I found myself tumbling head over heals down a steep embankment. I stopped tumbling and rolling only when I splashed into the waters of the Great Miami River.

Finally, I tried to open my eyes and beheld the wooden hull of the Banachelli.

“There’s Simon! Quick someone help him into the ship!” I heard someone say and when I looked around, I saw that it was Fier.

“Fier, Jamie and Lowell need help!” I anxiously said.

“Quiet boy or you’ll give us all away to the police out there!” Fier said, clapping his hand over my mouth.

I saw two other boys from the ship helping Wambleeska into the ship, while three other boys forcefully dragged me against my will into the ship.


What happened to Jamie and Lowell? Well, once we had reached the Ohio River, I left the ship, in opposition to Fier and the Sister’s advice, accompanied by Micky, Peter and Tyler, to try to find a newspaper or anything that would tell us what happened. We found out, that Jamie, Lowell and I had been followed that night, but not only by Madam-M and Runt, but also by the police and FBI. Madam-M and Runt were captured and arrested. I don’t know for sure, but I like to think that it was Tom, that got Runt to spill his guts and tell where the other boys, who had remained loyal to Madam-M, were hiding.

Jamie and Lowell were both caught and returned to their families.

Oh, and this part kind of gave me the chills to read. According to the article in the paper, the authorities were dragging the river to try to find my body.

Oddly, there was no mention of Wambleeska’s disappearance in the paper. Fier said, that he believes, it is because Wambleeska’s aunt probably hasn’t reported him missing yet.

Now, I had done one thing before leaving that I hadn’t told Lowell or Jamie about. I’m not sure why I didn’t confide in them, but there you have it. Anyway, I had wrote letters on my computer to Dad, Mom, Marsha, my real mom and dad, Mr. Freeman, Mr. Peterson, BJ, BJ’s parents and finally one addressed to Thomas Segal. Once I had them printed out, I put them into the one place I knew no one was likely to find them; the same place I had hid that stolen money for so long.

Knowing that, I couldn’t just leave everyone thinking I was dead, even though I knew that Lowell, Jamie and Tom probably know I had made it to the ship. So, I made a phone call to none other then the FBI. You know, it is surprisingly easy to call the FBI. I just dialed the operator and asked to speak to someone at the FBI.

I was able to leave a simple message for Thomas Segal, that I knew only he would understand, or at the very least be able to follow up on. In that message I said, “Tom, ask Lowell to tell you were he found the money. There you will find some answers. I trust that you will share only what needs to be shared. Thanks for everything.”

So now, I am going to save this Journal entry and head up on deck. It’s a great night for sailing and with any luck, we’ll be sailing out into the Gulf of Mexico soon. From there, the world shall be my playground!



~ The End ~



** I hope you have enjoyed this series. I know I have loved writing about Simon, his friends and all of their adventures. I am both, happy and sad at finishing the series. As always, your thoughts matter to me, so if you feel moved to do so, I would love to hear from you at **