This is the continued story of Simon’s Journal.
Before you begin this third volume in this series,
I would highly recommend that you read the first and second volumes
as each picks up were the previous left off.
Simon’s Journal -
Volume I
Thirteen Days – The First Crusade
Nights – After the Crusade
following narrative is nearly a complete work of fiction. Some events and
characters were pulled from real life but have been changed, enhanced and
twisted to comply with my will. Any other similarity to actual individuals
living or dead is completely unintentional, but it would be incredible!
following story contains diaper use, violence, adult language and strong sexual
content. If reading a coming of age story about boys wearing diapers and
exploring their awakening sexuality doesn’t tickle your pickle, or if pickle
tickling is illegal in your area, then I suggest you select something else to
Simon's Journal
Volume III
Adventures Abound
Written by Danny
If you can’t beat ‘em...
“I still can’t believe you left that lunatic
in charge of your boat!”
I putting my hand on
“And what does that make us?” Jamie asked.
“Hey, we might be pirates but we’re good
“There’s no such thing as good pirates!”
Jamie argued.
“Yeah there is! We only stole back what others
shouldn’t have had in the first place!” I said even though I knew it wasn’t the
complete truth.
“I’m not talking about food or getting back
all of those subliminal wetting CD’s and DVD’s the fat witch was
trying to spread around the world.” Jamie was getting a little worked up now
and I feared that he was talking a too loud.
“Then what are you talking about?”
“It’s just... I mean... Oh heck, I don’t
know!” Jamie finally sighed heavily and surrendered his position.
“So can we see the map again?”
“Nope!” I said quickly.
“Ah come on Simon you never let us hardly see
it!” Jamie protested.
For the briefest of moments I felt the old
Simon, the Simon I had become while in command of the Banachelli come rushing
to the front and take control. “Listen you two! Shut it or I’ll shut it for
you!” Lowell and Jamie sat stunned starring at me with shocked wonder.
Like I said, it only lasted for a very brief
moment and then I was back to normal again. “Sorry guys! I don’t know where
that came from.”
“I do!” Jamie said.
Nodding my head I said, “Yeah I guess I do
“So if we can’t see the map will you at least
tell us where we’re going this time?”
“I hope it’s somewhere warm and no more
rain.” Jamie added.
“Nope, nope and triple nope!” I said with a knowing
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Jamie sighed.
“No I won’t tell you. No it won’t be warm and
no I can’t promise that there won’t be rain.” I said smugly.
“You know, I liked you better before you had
the lobotomy.”
After knocking his hand away I balled up my
fist and shook it under his nose, “You know I got half a mind...” but I didn’t
get to finish ‘cause Jamie cut me off with, “Yeah
‘cause you only have half a brain to start with!” He then giggled at his own cleverness.
The two of them are about the only ones I
allow to tease me about my scare that I got when Runt had slammed my head into
the edge of his cabin room door and split me open. I knew that neither of them
meant anything mean, they just enjoy messing with me almost as much as I enjoy
messing with them.
“That does it!” I said punching myself in the
leg. “When we get back on the Banachelli you’re both getting locked in irons
and all you’ll get to eat will be rotten meat and moldy bread!”
“So in other words nothing will be
Using his fingers to imitate me, Jamie said,
“Blah—blah—blah! I am Captain Simon! Blah—blah—blah! I am the greatest! Blah—blah—blah!”
But he got his fingers a little too close to
my face. Gawd will he ever learn? With dog-like reflexes I snapped my
teeth at him and caught one of his fingers.
“Oh—Oh—Oh! I’m sorry! I’m sorry! Oh Simon I’m
so sorry!” Jamie whimpered while trying not to be too loud.
With his finger still clamped between my
teeth I asked, “You done ‘eing a
Jamie looked to be on the verge of tears as
he moaned, “Oh god Simon you’re going to bite it off! Please let go!”
I finally let him go and he tucked his aching
finger under his arm and began rocked back and forth.
“Geez you’re dumb!”
“Me?” he shot back.
“Even I know better then to stick my fingers in
the mouth of a wild animal.”
“Who you calling a wild animal?” I shot back at
“If the mane fits...” he started to say, “Oh
wait you’re already wearing it.”
“Hey watch the hair!” I said trying to sound
Jamie’s eyes were still glassy and he was
acting as if I’d hurt him more then I thought I did. Holding my hand out, palm
up, I said to Jamie, “Let me see it!”
“No!” he pouted.
“Come on! I don’t bite!” I teased.
I caught hold of his wrist and pulled his
hand toward me. At first he wouldn’t open his fist but I was able to pull his
fingers open. There were defiantly teeth marks but no blood.
“Geez you’re not
even bleeding you big baby!”
I started to lean forward to kiss it to make
it better but fearing that I was going to bite him again Jamie quickly jerked
his hand away.
“Easy!” I laughed, “I told you I don’t bite!”
He stuck his tongue out at me. Quick as a
“Ahouch!” Jamie cried and cupped both hands over his
mouth. Boy the look he gave
Jamie must had
enough because he swung his legs back and laid down on the right side of the
bed with his back to us.
I placed a hand on his diaper covered hip and
asked in a brotherly style, “You ok lil’ bro?”
He knocked my hand away.
While Jamie sulked, Lowell and I got caught
up in this discussion about professional skateboarder, Tony Hawks. Don’t ask me
how we got on that subject because I honestly haven’t got a clue. You know,
come to think of it, I think he and I have had that same conversation at least
once before.
Neither of us even realized that Jamie hadn’t
said anything in a while until I felt Jamie’s elbow bump mine.
“What are you doing?” I asked Jamie who
suddenly went tense.
“Oh man, are you doing what I think you’re
Jamie twisted his head around and grinned
“Oh dude you are! Boy can’t you go ten
minutes without playing with it?” I asked in the same disgusted tone
Jamie turned his head a bit more so that he
was looking right at us both. He had a wild look in his eyes. Whatever had got
Jamie worked up into a sexual frenzy must have been contagious because the other
side of the bed began to shake and when I looked over at Lowell he was
stretched out and was trying frantically to get his hands down the front of his
“Disgusting huh?” I said to him.
“My diaper is on too tight!”
“If you guys are going to do that, then go
back up to the top bunk!” I said but neither paid any attention to me at all.
Jamie had begun to breathe heavier and
I on the other hand sat up and scooted to the
end of the bed. “You guys are insane!” I mumbled, “And I’m the one they send to
a shrink?!”
I got off the bed and saddled up to my desk.
I won’t lie, a part of me wanted to join them but a larger part was repulsed by
the idea. Ever since the day Runt had raped me I’ve wanted absolutely nothing
to do with sex.
I pressed the power button on my computer,
plugged my e-journal into the USB port and began copying all of my entries onto
my computer for safe keeping.
While the files were transferring, I looked
back to the bed and seen that
I nodded and he retired to the top bunk with
Though I was tired and could have slept I
felt the need to do some writing. There was something that was bugging me and I
wasn’t quite sure what it was. I was hoping that writing might bring it out.
So, I’ve been sitting here now for nearly two
hours typing all of this out and no, whatever it was
that was bugging me never materialized. A little while ago I had a case of the
munchies and snuck out to the kitchen where I made myself a ham salad sandwich
with cheese, pickles and pickled banana peppers. I also put all three of our sippy-cups into the sink before poring myself a baby-bottle
with Coca-Cola and ice.
When I had come back to my desk I had to do
some back reading to figure out where I’d left off writing about life aboard
the Banachelli which is what I have been doing for the last ten minutes or so.
It seems the last thing I wrote about from
back then was being summoned to Miss-M’s office to be reassigned from the
kitchen to somewhere else in the ship.
As I reached the closed door to Miss-M’s
office I could hear heated voices behind it. I stopped and instead of knocking
I put my ear to the door to listen.
“... it’s making him
sick!” I recognized Runt’s voice.
“If we start letting one boy quit, then
others will want to stop.” That was Madam-M, I was sure of it. “No, Mikey keeps
taking it just like everyone else and that is the end of it! I don’t want to hear
another word about it.”
I’m not exactly sure but I think I heard Runt
answer with a simple, “Yes mam.”
“Now, we’re going to be reaching,” I had to
press my ear even closer to the door to hear Madam-M, “our first destination in
just three days. I want all of the subliminal wetting CD’s and DVD’s ready to
be taken ashore as soon as we make port.”
Someone else began to speak but I didn’t
recognize their voice however it was definitely a man’s voice. “Will we be
taking on more supplies?”
“Thirty-thousand blank DVD’s, forty-five-thousand
blank CD’s and more food and water.” I heard Madam-M say and then I thought it
sounded like someone was walking toward the door so I quickly knocked.
Before the door opened I heard Madam-M muffle
an order, “All of you go out the other way! Now! And be quick about it!”
A moment later the door to her office opened
and I was greeted by Madam-M’s toothy smile. She was wearing an extremely low
cut, backless evening gown but no shoes and her hair looked... well it was nice
but at the same time it looked disheveled as though she had been out in the
“There you are Simon sweetie. I was wanting to speak with you.” She said trying to act
delicate and feminine and failing at both.
“Yeah, I was told you were taking me out of
the kitchen?” I said with more attitude then I meant
“Oh,” she sounded like I’d caught her off
guard, “Well, only if you want.” She said with a sing-song note to her voice.
“In that case I don’t want to!” I said so
quickly that I think I might have ticker her off just a bit.
I started to move toward the door but she did
a weird sort of spin that reminded me of a hippopotamus trying to do ballet. Wasn’t
there some Mickey Mouse movie that had dancing hippos in it? Anyway, she picked
up a fancy wine glass that I guessed contained wine and sipped. “Your friend
Lowell tells me you’re quite the computer whiz kid.”
“Wouldn’t you like to get out of that hot,
dreary kitchen...” she began.
“It’s not so bad.” I cut her off but she
didn’t even waver.
“and instead work in
our nice cool computer lab that we have set up in the back of the ship?” she
took another sip of her wine and swished it around in her mouth.
“If I did, then I’d be working with
“If you like I can make sure you get to sit
right beside your little friend.” She did another spin and sat herself behind
the desk. And I noticed for the first time since coming into the office that
hanging on the wall behind the desk was a new portrait. When I had been in that
office before, I mean when the Wriggles had still been alive, that portrait
hadn’t been there. It was a painting of Runt, Tater, and Bull dressed in their
Panther football uniforms with helmets tucked under their right arms. They were
kneeling in front of Miss-M and standing beside her was some black man who seemed
mildly familiar to me. It wasn’t until later that I made the connection that he
was the same drunken man I’d seen inside that freaky house not far from where
the Banachelli use to sit back in Louisiana. Except in the painting he didn’t
look as disgusting as he did when I’d had the unfortunate pleasure of meeting
I glanced down at Miss-M who was not looking
at me but had turned and was looking at the portrait too. “Oh that? I had that
painted over a year ago.” She said turning back to me.
I looked up at the likeness of Bull and I
honestly don’t know for sure if I only thought it or if I actually said his
name, “Bull.”
“I assure you I did.” She said.
“Huh?” I said confused and then dismissed it,
“Do you miss him?” I asked.
She surprised me when I looked down and saw
that her face was warped with private sorrow. She partially recovered and
asked, “Do you remember when I told you that I have three sons of my own?”
Up to that instant I hadn’t remembered but
when she said it I recalled the words. “Uh, yeah I think so.”
She smiled, well, sort of smiled; actually it
looked like she needed to fart. I didn’t get it right away so she smiled wider.
“Hold on a minute! You are... I mean they
are... I mean... That’s impossible!” I said.
“Of course it is impossible. I never said I
was their birth mother, no more then your own mother is your birth mother.” She
had said that last bit so fast that I didn’t even know I had heard it until
much later. Of course when the words finally did sink in I ran back to Miss-M
and asked her about it. Surprisingly I didn’t believe her when she told me that
my dear sweet Aunt Catharine was in fact my real mother and the woman I’d
always thought was my mother was actually my aunt.
“They are my boys because I made them my boys
just like I did with you and every other boy on this ship.” She said smugly.
The words I had overheard before coming into
the office began replaying in my head and I asked, “Every boy?”
She looked puzzled at my query.
“What about the one that you are making stay
sick?” I said not really knowing what I was talking about or why I was putting
myself in harms way.
She looked at the closed door to her office,
then to me, then back to the door. “You were eavesdropping?” she asked making
it sound like she couldn’t believe that I’d done something so dastardly.
When I didn’t answer she said, “Oh my dear
sweet, sweet baby-doll! I do wish you didn’t know about Tate’s younger brother
or any of this little thing.”
“Mikey’s the one
that is sick?” I thought
to myself, “Of course, that’s why he looks so horrible all the time.”
A thought suddenly occurred to me that I
couldn’t let whatever was going on to continue, not if it meant that Mikey would
be sick or maybe even die. So I said, “Stop giving Mikey whatever it is you are
giving him and I will make you a hard fast deal.”
She was looking at me as if she wanted to
slap my face right off my skull but I could also tell that what I had just said
struck her in a good way.
I tried to sweeten the deal further. “No one
needs to know. Not even Runt if you don’t want.” I said motioning toward the
other door which I was guessing that Runt and the others had exited out of
before I came into the room. “If you want, it will be a secret just between us.
Mikey will get better and...” I faltered momentary before offering myself to
her, “I’ll take Bull’s place.”
Well I sure struck a nerve with that one because
she began to swell up two—three—four times her normal size. “You’ll do what?” she
said with eyes so big she looked like one of those Australian
animals they call Bush Babies.
Now I’m making it sound like I was this brave,
heroic, rock-solid person but in truth I was scared as hell and praying that I
lived through all this.
“Whatever Bull was...” I started to say knowing
full well that I didn’t have a clue what was really going on but I quickly
changed my mind and instead I tried to bluff, “I know he was working for you
just the way that Tate and Runt still are and that is what I want to do.”
I paused to gauge her reaction before
continuing, “No questions, no arguing, and no nothing except for doing whatever
you tell me to do. Oh and I promise that there won’t be any more bad blood
between Runt and me anymore as long as he keeps his...” I paused before saying
it, “man-snake away from me.”
My thinking was that whatever was going on, I
might as well be in the center of it if it meant that Mikey would be ok. I also
figured that if I was going to spend the rest of my life hiding out on the
Banachelli why not make sure that I was on the inside track.
When I had said that about Runt and his
man-snake Miss-M suddenly deflated. I’m serious when I say she deflated. It was
like someone had let all of the air out of her. She fell back into her chair
with her mouth hanging open for several seconds before she placed both palms
firmly on her desk and sneered like a rabid dog. When she finally spoke her
words sort of rolled out as though she were reading them from a cue card, “Are
you telling me that Runt did more to you then just beat you up?”
I didn’t have to answer and I didn’t think I
could anyway. I honestly thought she knew that part too but apparently she hadn’t
had a clue.
She stood erect, walked around her desk and
stood facing me with less then twelve inches of air between us. I flinched when
she reached around to place her hand on the back of my head. She briefly paused
before petting my head and I looked up, way up, into her face to see that she
was crying. She wasn’t looking at me but instead was looking at the portrait on
the wall.
“I had no idea that he could do something
like that.” She sniffled as she spoke.
I don’t know where my emotions were but they
sure weren’t in the room with us. I did a sidestep before backing away from
her; stuck out my hand and said, “Do we have a deal?”
She squatted down, which was an amazing feat considering
how tight her dress was. “Do you know if he has done that to any other boy?”
Her question caught me off guard.
I dropped my hand and backing several more
steps away. When I answered it came out sort of muffled and reserved, “What?”
That thought sent chills threw me, it was
something I didn’t want to think about but if I was honestly with myself I had
suspected it all along. I put a hand up to my mouth as though I was trying to
keep myself from speaking but my neck betrayed my mouth and caused my head to
nod a firm yes.
I looked into her eyes, they seemed dark and
lifeless; like dolls eyes. “Well you can be sure that I will find out.” She
said and the way she said it made my blood run cold.
There was a knock at the door behind me and I
was so shocked that I jumped, spun in midair toward the door and landed with a
plop. The knock had startled me so badly that without my knowing it right away,
I had both wet and soiled my diaper. I felt Miss-M’s enormous hand come to rest
on my shoulder as she pulled me backward several feet.
“Come in.” she announced in that sickening
sweet voice that she uses sometimes.
The door opened and surprise—surprise, it was
Mikey. The look on his ashen face when he saw me with Miss-M was absolutely priceless.
His face went from astonishment to confusion back to astonishment all in the
space of about 1/100th of a nanosecond.
“Mike, would you be a deer and fetch Runt and
your brother for me?” Miss-M asked.
It was weird, it wasn’t that difficult a
request but the way Mikey reacted made it seem as though it had caused him a
bit of pain. He placed a hand against his head as he spoke, “Uh, yeah, ok, sure,
I mean, uh, I guess but...” Mikey started to say without taking his eyes off of
me. He thumbed over his shoulder, “Runt is the one that said I was supposed to
come see you.”
“Oh he did, did he?”
she said sounding miffed and humored at the same time.
“Well, be a dear and run to get them both please.”
She said, “Tell them I want to see them both without delay.”
I’ve no idea what Runt was playing at sending
Mikey in. Maybe he wanted Miss-M to see for herself just how sickly Mikey
While the two of us waited for them she went
back around her desk and sat down. Maybe it was just the chair squeaking under
her weight but it kind of sounded to me like she passed a little wind. Anyway,
while we waited she stared at me as though she were studying me. After a couple
minutes she finally spoke, “Since the first moment I set eyes on you I knew you
were more special then any other boy I had ever known before. I’ve come to
learn that you are everything I had heard you were and yet you are so much more
then I could have expected. You have a fire within you that no one can put out
and from what I have heard that...” she used several very colorful words to
describe Mr. Wriggle, “did his utmost to stomp it out of you but he failed
I shook my head as though I was trying to shake
off her flattery.
“No—no! There’s no deigning it Simon; it’s
there and I’m not the only one who sees it.” She said however it was the way
she said it that really got to me. She sounded like she did the day I’d come to
see her at the hospital after she had been shot.
I was brought out of my thoughts by a light
rapping on the door, this time I didn’t jump at all. Amazingly, never once did
Miss-M loose her cool or act mad as she stood up, walked to the door and opened
it. In a blur I saw her reach out, grab Runt by the shirt and jerk him into the
room like a rag doll. Without letting go of him she slapped the side of his
head seven, eight, nine times before letting him fall to the floor in a heap.
I glanced at Tater who was still standing in
the open doorway looking like a scared three year old boy fearing that he was
While Runt was laying on the floor bleeding
and curled up in a ball she crossed back to the door, closed it and then
lovingly put her hand on Tate’s face. “Remove his pants and diaper.” She said
so softly that I barely heard her.
Tate hesitated for several seconds before
doing as he’d been told. I guess he knew better then to disobey her.
I was watching Tate strip Runt so I didn’t
see Miss-M go to her desk and remove a white plastic jar. Given my background
in diapers my first thought was that it was a jar of diaper cream; I mean that
is what it looked like.
She stood over Runt who seemed to be barely
conscious. It seemed odd to me that first she would slap him silly then change
his diaper but then again, I was just glad to see Runt hurting. I mean after
what he did to me, seeing him lying there gave me a great deal of satisfaction.
The only thing that would have made me feel better would be if I was the one
that had done the slapping.
With a snap she slid on a yellow rubber glove
like the ones people use when they are cleaning their house except on her big
hand it was tight like a surgeons gloves. She then opened the jar and with her
gloved hand she scooped out a large glob of semitransparent whitish goo. She began to smear it all over Runts penis and sack meticulously.
I mean she really worked it into his skin and then calm as could be she
returned the jar to her desk.
I’ll add that I noticed something else odd
about Runts privates... they were completely void of hair. Just like his head
they appeared to have been shaved off; at least that’s what I thought at the
time. I’ve since learned that one of the side effects of the so called vitamins
Madam-M was giving us all is that it inhibits the growth of body hair.
With a self satisfied grin Miss-M pulled off
the glove, dropped it into the drawer too and then did nothing. She just watched
Runt squirm, then arch his back. Suddenly he began to
scream and I don’t just mean yelling; I mean he was screaming as if someone was
cutting his jewels off with a dull, rusty pocket knife. His body flopped around
on the floor like a fish out of water and he was clawing madly at his privates.
“IT BURNS!” Runt screamed.
Miss-M must have seen the horrified look on
Tater’s face because she said, “Oh relax Tate darling. It’s only Icy-Hot. The
burning only lasts for about twenty minutes and doesn’t do any real damage.”
What she did next caught both Tate and me off
guard. It happened so fast that at first I wasn’t sure it happened. Miss-M
kicked Runt in the one place no guy wants to be kicked. With a single swing of
her leg she punted Runt’s nads into outer space.
“That on the other hand,” she said stroking
Tater’s face again, “will hurt for weeks to come.” She gave a self satisfied
chuckle before adding, “I doubt he’ll be using it for quite a while.”
She then stepped overtop of Runt who was
still screaming bloody murder; she straddled his torso, bent down and slapped
his face, “Do I have your attention now?”
When he didn’t reply she slapped him again
only much harder.
“Young man, I’m talking to you!” she said
almost as though she were talking to a small child.
“Yes,” Runt managed to say.
“If I ever find out that you have had sex
with any other boy on this ship again, so help me I will cut your balls off and
feed them to you!” It was really weird the way she spoke to him. I mean it
wouldn’t have surprise me if she had smacked his hand and said he was a naughty
little boy.
Turning to Tate she then said, “Take him out
of here. I can’t stand to hear children crying.”
When she and I were alone again she smiled
and said, “I do hate when I have to get mean.”
“Mean?” I thought to myself, “That wasn’t
mean, that was justice.” But I didn’t actually tell her that I felt that way.
Instead I found myself asking the dumbest thing, “Why does
Icy-Hot burn like that?”
“Oh baby you don’t ever want to get that
stuff on a tender place like your little peepee.
First it feels like you’re on fire then it gets super cold. It’s just awful!”
She then picked up her wine glass again, took
a sip and said, “Now enough about Runt. Come over here and sit on my lap so we can
talk about you!”
** As always, your thoughts matter to me, so
if you’ve enjoyed this installment please drop me a
note to let me know **