This is the continued story of Simon’s Journal.
Before you begin this third volume in this series,
I would highly recommend that you read the first and second volumes
as each picks up were the previous left off.
Simon’s Journal -
Volume I
Thirteen Days – The First Crusade
Nights – After the Crusade
following narrative is nearly a complete work of fiction. Some events and
characters were pulled from real life but have been changed, enhanced and
twisted to comply with my will. Any other similarity to actual individuals
living or dead is completely unintentional, but it would be incredible!
following story contains diaper use, violence, adult language and strong sexual
content. If reading a coming of age story about boys wearing diapers and
exploring their awakening sexuality doesn’t tickle your pickle, or if pickle
tickling is illegal in your area, then I suggest you select something else to
Simon's Journal
Volume III
Adventures Abound
Written by Danny
to the family
If my life was a book and if Madam-M were the
villain in the book I’d have to say that her character was very poorly written.
Maybe the reason she reacted to my offer to join her band of evil doers the way
she did was that she had been expecting me to take Bulls place by her side. Or
perhaps she thought that since we were out at sea, there wasn’t any chance of
me changing my mind and trying to escape. At any rate, she welcomed me into the
family quite literally with open arms.
She then took me on a tour of every part of
the ship after first making a pit stop to get me changed out of my wet and
soiled diaper and into a nice dry diaper. After being changed she took me to
places on board that I hadn’t seen before including the computer lab which was
quite impressive. In there I saw
Miss-M explained in a hushed voice that Lowell
and the others were making subliminal DVDs and CDs that when watched or
listened too by boys would, over time, cause them to become incontinent.
“Why on earth would you want to do that?” I
“Oh my dear boy!” she schmoozed, “Because if
all the boys of the world suddenly start wetting then they are going to neeeeeed?”
Miss-M let it hang in the air as though she expected me to finish her thought.
“Diapers?” I offered and then I asked her, “Ok,
I get that part but why would you want all the boys around the world to wear
“Isn’t it obvious?” she said pushing my hair
out of my eyes.
“So then I’m guessing you have some stock in the
Pampers or Huggies companies?” I asked trying to figure out the element that
would tie all of it together.
“You could say that.” She said knowingly.
“For longer then you and I have been alive my family has been in the cloth
diaper business. There was a time when nearly every cloth diaper bought or sold
in the
“Oh I get it!” I said twitching my head to
get my hair out of my eyes again, “You want to put your family back on top of
the diaper industry.” I said.
“Oh Simon you are so bright! You guessed
exactly right!” She said patting me on the back rather firmly.
“So by listening to the CDs and DVDs anyone
that hears them will become wetters like me?” I asked her.
“Not just anyone. The CDs and DVDs will only
cause boys to wet.” She said with odd pride.
“How’s that work?” I asked and to make it
seem that I was totally giving myself over to her I took hold of her hand as we
“It’s all in the way the subliminal recordings
are created.” She said.
“OK, I get that but why not target girls
too?” I asked not just to get myself totally engrossed into her diabolical
plans but also because it didn’t make sense to me not to target boys and girls
alike. “I mean, won’t you sell a lot more diapers that way?”
“There are two reasons for only focusing on
boys and not the girls. The first is because the brains of the world will be
looking at why only male children seem to be afflicted. They will look hard and
intently at the male genetic code but all it will do is push them off the real
cause for the boys’ chronic wetting.
My head was started to hurt from all the
information I had to take in, “Ok, I think I understand but what’s the second
“Because only little boys should be in
diapers!” she said cackling like a bad guy from some low budget spy movie.
As we walked to our next stop on the
Banachelli tour I couldn’t help but think that all of this seemed... well, so
James Bondish! And let me tell you something else, I’m no James Bond and that
is for sure! All of it was giving me a serious case of the heebie-jeebies; not
to mention a whopper of a headache!
The power room was the next stop on the tour
and I recognized the room because I’d spent so much time in it; I mean before
it ever became such an important part of the ship. The power room was down in
the belly of the Banachelli where the pits were. Ten generators had been set
up, five on either side of the room. I had guessed that there had to be some
sort of power station aboard but I hadn’t expected there to be ten generators. I
guess they were all needed to power the computer lab, ship lighting and
everything else electrical.
“So what’s fueling the generators?” I asked.
She gave me a smug grin as she answered, “Water
of course!”
That one I didn’t understand. I mean I get
that we are in the middle of the
Next she took me to the very back of the ship
to a large room the likes of which I’d only seen in movies. This particular
room I hadn’t been expecting at all. Everything in the room had been painted white
and was spotlessly clean. I had a fleeting thought that my mother would love how
clean the room was.
She told me that the twelve boys that worked
in the White lab, that’s what she called the room, had arrived with her. It
turns out that they were a few of the boys that had escaped with Miss-M from the
cave back in
The White Lab looked exactly the way you
would expect a chemical lab to look with glass tubes, bottles, beakers and vials
of all kinds of different colored liquids and powders. The only thing in the
room that I recognized was the crates of small brown bottles.
“What are they making?” I asked.
What she told me made my blood run cold. I
honestly hadn’t been expecting to learn about this particular secret.
“It’s the vitamins you’ve been taking.” She
said very matter-of-factly and overly proud.
She didn’t explain in to much detail what the
concoction did but she told me enough that I got the general idea.
“So it’s like you’ve bottled the fountain of
youth.” I said.
“No, not exactly but I suppose it is as close
a description as is needed right now.” She said and I got the feeling that she
was holding something back.
It didn’t much matter because over time I’ve
been able to put the full picture together and now I know that the so called
vitamins were actually a chemical cocktail with several intended side effects
such as stopping and even in some cases reversing the early onset of puberty.
It also permanently altered the takers natural ability to control their bodily
functions. There were other chemicals introduced to alter and/or heighten ones
mood and probably the most important aspect of it was the fact that each bottle
contained just enough opium to get each and every one of the boys aboard the
Banachelli addicted to the stuff. Yes that’s right, even me!
** As always, your thoughts matter to me, so
if you’ve enjoyed this installment please drop me a
note to let me know **