This is the continued story of Simon’s Journal.
Before you begin this third volume in this series,

I would highly recommend that you read the first and second volumes

as each picks up were the previous left off.


Simon’s Journal - Volume I 
Thirteen Days – The First Crusade


Simon’s Journal - Volume II

Thirteen Nights – After the Crusade



The following narrative is nearly a complete work of fiction. Some events and characters were pulled from real life but have been changed, enhanced and twisted to comply with my will. Any other similarity to actual individuals living or dead is completely unintentional, but it would be incredible!


The following story contains diaper use, violence, adult language and strong sexual content. If reading a coming of age story about boys wearing diapers and exploring their awakening sexuality doesn’t tickle your pickle, or if pickle tickling is illegal in your area, then I suggest you select something else to read.










Simon's Journal

Volume III


Thirteen Sails
Adventures Abound


Written by Danny












Chapter - 28

The Three Cabiaros back together again


We hadn’t been home ten minutes before I was already getting myself into trouble. The second I walked through the door I kicked off my shoes and socks. Mom told me to keep them on but I’m sorry, bare footing it is the only way to go! Anyway, I was helping to carry in the stuff from the van when I walked threw the backdoor and stubbed my pinky toe on one of the kitchen chairs. You know something about stubbing your toe? When you first do it, for like three-tenths of a second it doesn’t hurt which is just long enough for your brain to say, “Oh no that’s going to really hurt!” Well I’m here to tell you that it did hurt, A LOT! As soon as my toe made contact with that chair leg mouth opened and out came, “Ah f**k!” and I dropped what I’d been carrying. To make matters even worse I then punctuated it with, “Shit that hurts!” And if stubbing my toe weren’t bad enough when I went to catch myself I jammed my thumb against the back of the chair and bent my thumbnail backwards.

“Son of a...” I started to say but I didn’t get to finish.

“Simon David Leonard!” Mom shouted, “What did you just say?”

I should have kept my big mouth shut but oooooh no, I had to say something cute. “Uh, ouchy?”

Once mom was sure I hadn’t broken my toe or my thumb she then got mad. She threatened to make me eat an entire bar of soap which would have been bad but at least it would have been over and done with after a few minutes. No, she decided that I needed a time out. A TIME OUT?!?! What am I six?

So I got to spend the next hour standing with my nose in the corner of the living room like I was a toddler. Ok granted I might look like an overgrown toddler but still...

I was in that corner so long that I had time to think and the first thing I thought of was the fact that I didn’t even get a chance to call for a lawyer to come bail me out of this suburban penitentiary. I was grumbling and groaning over the whole idea of being made to stand in the corner just because I said a couple cuss words. I mean, I know saying them is a bad thing but give me a break, it’s not as if I said them on purpose! I shouldn’t have got solitary confinement when it was obvious that I only said them under extreme direst! I was under attack by a chair! What was I supposed to say? A gee-whiz and shucky-darn that hurt ma? What does she think I am? Some kind of country bumpkin like that Nevada kid in that diaper story Lowell found online. Where’s that lawyer guy that got O.J. Simpson off when I need him?

Yeah I know I’m exaggerating a bit but still it just didn’t seem fair! After standing there a bit longer I began to imagine myself calling the White House and asking to speak to the President. “Hello Mr. President? Yeah I’m being held prisoner without a trial which I do believe is a complete violation of the Geneva Convention! Do something would ya?”

Seeing how my thumb was still aching a bit I shoved it into my mouth to try and sucked away the pain. “Ouch!” I exclaimed and pulled it back out to look at the nail. I then said, “I need my thumbnails trimmed!”

After I’d done my time I apologies for cussing and promised I wouldn’t do it again. Yeah, I’m sure she believed that one! Dad then took me back to my room and changed my diaper which I hadn’t noticed until I moved was hanging so low on me that I had to walk like I had a load in the back; which I didn’t have. If I hadn’t had pants on I’m sure my diaper would have fallen right off of me.

When he was done he asked me to take all of my dirty clothes, along with the wet diaper and put them in the laundry room.

Since we were home now I didn’t even bother to put my pants back on which turned out to be a bad choice. I was coming back out of the laundry room when the doorbell rang.

“Simon can you get that please?” Mom shouted from the back of the house.

“OK!” I shouted and answered the door.

It didn’t occur to me until after I had opened the door that I wasn’t wearing any pants and that my disposable diaper was right out there for anyone and everyone to see. When I saw Mary’s dad standing there I went from zero to full tilt embarrassed in less than 3.5 millisecond. Mr. Turner who was in full uniform was obviously taken off guard by my appearance because he didn’t say anything.

I tried to pull the front of my shirt down to hide my diaper but my shirt was much to short for that. I turned and started to run to my room while shouting, “Mom, Dad, it’s Mr. Tucker!”

I wasn’t half way down the hallway when once again my bowels tighten and I felt like I was about to crap a whole chicken. The feeling hit so fast and with hardly any warning at all that I didn’t have a chance to stop it. This one was much louder and much more liquidy then the one I’d had in the restaurant. As I slipped into my room the contents of my diaper sloshed around and I was thinking to myself, “I feel sorry for the one that has to change this diaper!”

A moment later I could hear dad saying, “Simon, why didn’t you ask him to come in? I’m sorry about that, please come on in!”

“On no; I should be the one to apologize. I think I might have caught your son while he was getting dressed.” I heard Mr. Tucker say just before I closed my bedroom door.

I got the door closed just in time for my next performance of the diaper toots. Have you ever farted while in the bathtub? That is how it sounded, like gasses under extreme pressure being released deep under water. I think I muttered something like, “Looks like it’s going to be one of those evenings!”

I knew I probably should have gone to get mom to change me but with Mary’s dad out there, there was no way I was going to be leaving my room in my present condition.

That’s when I spotted the bottle sitting on the corner of my desk and thought out loud, “Geez! That was sure nice of mom to get a fresh bottle for me already!” I picked it up and sucked.

“AH-Bllluuuuck!” I groaned, “Oh boy! That is defiantly not fresh!” and then remembered leaving it setting on my desk before I left to go to the beach with BJ. Using my shirt I wiped at my tongue to try and get the tasted of extremely spoiled milk out of my mouth.

“Vile, discusting, blucky, gross!” I said while spitting onto my shirt. I found it utterly impossible for my mother to have left a bottle of milk sitting in my room all the time I’d been gone. Mom just doesn’t do things like that. She’s the kind that while you turn to get ice will take your glass, pore it out and put it into the dishwasher before you have a chance to turn back around.

When I finished gagging I pulled off my shirt and dropped it into my laundry basket.

Of course right then there was a tapping nose on my window. I figured it had to be one of my friends and expected it to be BJ but when I pulled the curtain back I saw that it was Lowell.

Now I should explain here that gone are the days when I could sneak out or have people crawling in threw my bedroom window. Dad had installed a special, high-tech keyed lock that prevents me from opening my window more then three inches except in the event of an emergency. Don’t ask me how a stupid lock is supposed to know what is and what isn’t considered and emergency but apparently it does. He never told me he did it either, I discovered it for myself the day before I left for vacation and chose not to say anything about it.

I lifted the sash as far as it would go and said, “Hey Lowell! How’d you know we were home?”

“I saw your van,” was his simple reply.

“Oh, well are ya happy to see me?” I joked with him.

Lowell’s reply was quite funny. “Are you kidding? I’m so happy I could crap rainbows and butterflies for you!”

In fact that struck me as about the funniest thing I’d heard today however Lowell didn’t think it was as funny as all that.

“You’re easily distracted by bright shiny objects aren’t you?” he said while trying to look like a retarded hillbilly bumpkin.

“Shut up and get in here!” I said still chuckling.

“Well, Aren’t we just a ray of sunshine?” he said before I could get the window closed.

I heard the doorbell ring and a few seconds later I heard the phone ring too. When Lowell walked into my room he made a sickened face. “Oh Simon you need to open your window back up ‘cause it stinks very-much-bad in here!”

I chuckled to myself and said, “That’s because I need changed dorko!”

I could have killed Lowell for what he did next.

“MRS. LEONARD? SIMON NEEDS HIS POOPY DIAPER CHANGED!” Lowell shouted loud enough for the Queen of England to hear him.

Lowell!” I said as I lunged at him and put him in a headlock.

I wasn’t exactly playing around but he was laughing like I was tickling him and not like I was trying to squeeze his head like a rotten melon.

“No really Simon you seriously reek!” he gasped but I wasn’t about to let him go.

The way I was holding onto Lowell’s head meant that both of our back were to the door so neither of us saw mom came into the room.


Mom swatted Lowell’s bottom hard enough that it made a muffled thump but Lowell didn’t hardly feel a thing through his thickly diapered bottom. I let go of Lowell’s head and rubbing his ears he said, “Oh his Mrs. Leonard!”

“Hello Lowell!” Mom said and gave him a great big hug. She then grabbed his ear and gave it a light tug. “Thanks for letting me know that Simon needed changed.” She said with a smirk.

Lowell was giggling like a little school kid that had just been kissed by a girl on the playground. “No problem! I figure someone’s got to look out for his butt!”

When mom finished changing my diaper I sat up from my bed and blew mom a kiss while saying, “Thanks mom! You saved my butt again!”

Lowell groaned, “Oh Simon that was bad!”

I shot him a look that said, “Shut up or I’m going to hurt you sooooo bad.”

Before she left mom pointed at Lowell with the rolled up diaper she’d just taken off of me and asked, “Lowell, are you staying the night too?”

“Too?” I quickly shot back.

“Jamie’s coming over. You’re father is on his way to pick him up right now.” Mom answered.

I then hesitantly asked, “Mom, is Mr. Tucker still here?”

Lowell answered both of our questions in turn. “Nah, I have to be home in about an hour.” He said to mom and then turning to me he added, “Mary’s dad was leaving when I was coming in but he told me to tell you that you’re a dork.”

“Don’t call me a dork, you’re the dork!” was the only come back I could think of on the spot.

After mom left my room Lowell lowered his voice and said, “I’m not sure but I think maybe he was following me but I took a few shortcuts. I thought I lost him but he must have guessed I was coming here ‘cause he didn’t seem too surprised when I came in.”

“Do you think he suspects something?” I asked using the same whispered tone.

Lowell appeared to be thinking for half a second before he answered, “No, I just think everyone is watching us ‘cause they are worried still. Heck my mom comes and checks on me every few minutes even when she knows I am sleeping.”

Changing the subject I leaned in close to Lowell and whispered as softly as I could, “As we were leaving the beach I saw it!” and Lowell knew instantly that I had meant the Banachelli.

He smiled knowingly then returned his voice to normal and asked me about my vacation. I told him all about the beach and when I told him about re-hurting my back he punched me hard in the leg with his knuckle and called me a butt-face.

“Man that hurt!” I complained as I rubbed my now aching leg, “You do that again and I’ll release the flying monkeys on your diapered butt!”

Lowell laughed and faked like he was going to frog my thigh again.

“Boy!” I said grabbing his hand just in case he was going to do it.

“Ok-ok, keep going.” He said.

When I got to the point where I had to decide if I was going to tell Lowell about my mom and dad not being my real mom and dad I hesitated. Lowell picked up on it and said, “What?”

“I don’t know if...” I started to say but Lowell cut me off.

“Just say it really fast.” He said.

So I did and when I finished Lowell looked at me with eyes as big as dinner plates! “So...” he was searching for the right words and since I didn’t know what he was thinking I allowed him the time he needed. He stood up and began to pace the room like an expectant father. When he finally started to speak again he looked concerned... no that’s not the right word... he looked scared.

“So did they tell you anything else?” he asked.

“Like what?” I asked quickly. It was obvious he hadn’t anticipated my question because my words appeared to be causing him considerable pain much the way shoving a sharp pencil in your ear might do.

“R-r-remember...” Lowell was stuttering like I use to do and I knew something was bothering him a lot.

“R-r-remember when on the Banachelli when I told you that I had read what you had been journal?” He asked.

“Yeah,” I said slowly while trying to figure out where he was going with all of this.

“Well, remember the dream you had?” Lowell asked.

“What dream?” I asked, “I have lots of dreams.”

Frustrated Lowell reached up and tugged at his hair.

“Come on Lowell!” I snapped, “You’re making me crazy here!”

Lowell came over, knelt down between my legs and gripped my thighs tightly. “I’m talking about the dream you had about when you were very young with Peter, Jasper and me in it.”


The lights just went on in my head. I shoved Lowell away as the sudden realization hit me that my dream hadn’t been a dream at all. It had actually occurred and Lowell knew it.

“Wait!” I snapped at him angrily. “You knew I adopted and you didn’t tell me?”

“No!” He said shaking his head wildly. “No I didn’t know! I mean when I read about your dream that is when I remembered it happening but I didn’t know that your Aunt was really your mom until just now!”

Lowell’s eyes were welling up with tears as he spoke, “Simon I swear I didn’t know she was your mom and well...” his words drifted off.

It was my turn to begin pulling at my hair and let’s face it, I have a heck of a lot more hair to pull on then Lowell does.

Neither of us spoke for a long time. We eventually both sat back down on my bed staring at each other and thinking. When we did begin to talk again we learned that we had both been thinking about the same thing... the brown colored glass bottle which Aunt Catharine and his mother alike had kept in their refrigerators. We instantly recognized it for what it was, the brown bottle was exactly the same sort of bottle that Madam-M had been giving us our vitamins from when given in the liquid form. There was also the pill form which was given to the majority of the boys on the Banachelli. Really only those of us that were ‘in charge’ received the liquid form. Of course we now know that the so called vitamins were actually a medicine designed to halt and even reverse the natural emergence of growth and puberty in children. I had also learned while on the Banachelli that the drug had been supplemented with other chemicals such as pleasure and mood enhancers and still others that had very strong addictive properties.


Now feeling much more calm and over the first shock of the idea that we had met long before we had first thought, the two of us settled into talking about the past, the extream past as well as our present lives and our futures too.

“Ok so you’re adopted?” Lowell asked.

“Uh, I guess you can call it that.” I answered.

Lowell’s face twisted as if he was filling his diaper but I believe he was actually thinking really, really hard. It looked painful too.

“So how does that work? Is it like buying stuff on eBay?” he asked and tried to his best to hide a grin.

“Shut up!” I said shoving him over and punching his diapered rear.

We both laughed and then Lowell asked the question I knew was coming. “So if your aunt in really your mom and your mom is really your aunt and your dad isn’t your real dad then who is your real dad?”

“George Clooney,” I said.

Lowell didn’t think that was funny and tried to push me over but I was too quick and his momentum nearly caused him to fall off the bed. When he recovered and looked to me for an answer I just shrugged my shoulders to indicate that I didn’t have a clue.

“Well why not?” he shot back at me and I was about to reply with something derogatory when we both heard a car door slam.

Lowell started to get off my bed to go look out the window with me but I gave him another shove and he toppled over again.

“Yep it’s him!” I said and turned to go for my bedroom door. Lowell was standing up again and I shoved him back down again.

“Simon!” he whined and laughed at the same time.

I stepped out into the hallway as Jamie appeared at the other end. Like I was announcing a major league ball game I held an imaginary microphone to my mouth, “Ladies and Gentlemen! Boys and Girls of all ages! I give you the eighth wonder of the world! The one! The only! Jaaaaamie Koooonnngggg!”

Lowell was standing half in and half out of the room with his hands cupped around his mouth and making the sound of thousands of cheering fans.

Jamie smiled, thumped his chest with his fists and gave the Tarzan call.

“Bravo! Bravo! Encore! Encore!” I cheered and clapped.

Jamie bowed several times, “Thank you! Thank you!” and took off his ball cap like he was expecting someone to drop a some money into it.

Jamie barely made it into the room before Lowell pounded on him and the two of them crashed on top of the bottom bunk.

Lowell was bouncing on top of Jamie and chanting, “Jamie’s here! Jamie’s here!”

“Oh get off you tubalard!” Jamie groaned and heaved Lowell off him.

 “Hey!” Lowell protested, “I ain’t fat! Simon’s the big fat fatty McFat-fat!”

“What?” I said with my voice cracking and going so high I wouldn’t have been surprised if my bedroom window shattered.

Dad appeared in the doorway to my room holding Jamie’s overnight bag. He scared all three of us when he bellowed, “What’s going on in here!”

“Oh crud Mr. Leonard you scared the crap out of me!” Lowell said clutching at his heart.

“I think that was the idea dorkster!” Jamie said elbowing Lowell in what I’m sure he thought was Lowell’s stomach but it turned out to be something a bit more sensitive.

Lowell fell forward on the bed groaning and holding his family jewels. “Oh you...” Lowell began to say but I couldn’t make out what he said after that because he had buried his face in the bedspread. It was probably better that none of us could hear him or he might have ended up in the corner next.

Dad made a sympathetic expression and said, “Oh that looked like it hurt!”

Lowell raised his face off the bed long enough to complain, “Well it sure didn’t tickle!”

Dad pointed one finger at Jamie and another at me. “There will be no rough-housing or bleeding!” He put extra emphasis on the bleeding part.

Jamie snapped dad a salute, “No bleeding! Yes sir!”

Lowell?” Dad called.

“What?” Lowell grunted obviously still in pain.

Dad then asked him, “Are you going to live?”

“No I think he broke ‘em!” Lowell whined most excellently.

Ahhh poor baby!” Jamie teased and patted Lowell’s diapered rear.

“Just as long as you’re not bleeding! Right dad?” I said smartly.

“OK, I am revising my previous commandment. There will be no rough-housing, bleeding or whining!”

We all laughed at that.

“Or hitting people in the nuts!” Lowell snapped and punched Jamie in the back of his left shoulder. Lowell then quickly said to my dad, “That wasn’t rough-housing that was getting even.”

Lowell,” dad adopted a very serious tone and for half a second I thought maybe he was about to chew Lowell out but instead he said, “I just spoke with your father and told him you are staying with us tonight. He asked me to make sure that I bust your butt for him.”

When Lowell responded I wasn’t sure if he was really scared or just playing like he was, “Why? What did I do?”

“You did not clean your room like he told you to do before you came over.” Dad said with half a smile.

Lowell’s attitude totally changed, “Nu-uh! He didn’t tell me to clean my room and besides my room was already clean ‘cause my mom did it this morning.”

Dad snapped his fingers and said, “Oh, well I guess I won’t bust your butt then.”

“Did you two already have your supper?” he asked Jamie and Lowell.

“I did.” Lowell answered.

Jamie shook his head, “I didn’t.”

“You two hungry?” he asked Lowell and me.

“Nah, I’m good.” I said but Lowell said, “Yeah, I could eat a little. What are we having?”

“OK you two can have sandwiches and ice-cream. Simon doesn’t get any.” Dad said.

“Hey!” I objected.

The three of us filed out after dad with Lowell bringing up the rear and Jamie right ahead of him.

“You know something Jamie.” Lowell started to say. “That diaper you are wearing makes your butt look big.”

Before Jamie could say anything I quickly jumped in with, “Actually his fat butt makes my butt look fat?”

Instead of fighting his own battles Jamie whined to dad, “Dad make them stop talking about my butt!”

Sorry son, “I only do what my Rice Krispies tell me to do.” That make Lowell snort with laughter.

While Lowell and I sat down at the kitchen table, Jamie went up to mom and hugged her for a long time. It was kind of comical to watch because mom was on the phone while he was hugging her.

I don’t know who mom was talking to but instead of just saying goodbye she said, “Gotta go. The kids chewed through their straps again.”

Dad opened the refrigerator and pulled out a glass bowl of something kind of brownish and gelatinous. He sat it right in front of Lowell.

“What's that?” he asked.

“It’s ham salad.” Dad answered.

Lowell scrunched up his nose and curled his upper lip, “Well it looks like twice eaten ham!
Dad stopped for a moment and looked at Lowell, “You going to eat this food?”
“No, but leave it;” Lowell started to say, “I want to see what it does when it wakes up.”
Dad then pressed the cold pickle jar against the back of Lowell’s bare neck. Lowell made a sound like he’d just stepped on a soiled diaper.
“OH! So very cold!” Lowell panted.

While Lowell and Jamie ate their ham salad sandwiches I just sipped on a glass of strawberry milk and told Jamie all about the trip except I left out the part about seeing the Banachelli sailing by as well as the part about him and me not really being brothers. I could tell by the way Lowell looked at me that he sure wanted to talk about it; but thankfully he kept his big mouth shut for a change.


With food in our bellies and sippy-cups filled with chocolate milk the three of us retired to my bedroom where we found my kitten, Lil’ Vera, sleeping on the pillow of the lower bunk. Jamie picked her up, sat down at his desk and then got online with his computer.

Ever since Lil’ Vera and I returned home she’s pretty much stayed under mom and dad’s bed only coming out when she is hungry or needing to use her litter box. At first I felt kind of bad that she wouldn’t let me hold her but after a while I figured she had her mother’s temperament. However, she took to Jamie like she was madly in love with him. Yeah I’m still jealous about that.

Lowell and I messed around for a while trying to figure out how he could be on the Internet on my computer at the same time as I was on with my e-journal.

“No you’re doing it wrong!” Lowell said swatting my hand away.

“OUCH! Stop hitting.” I whined.

“Oh please! I hardly touched you.” Was Lowell’s reply.

“If you two don’t stop it this instant I’m going to spank both of your bottoms!” Jamie said trying to sound like dad; he even lowered his voice a little.

Lil’ Vera must have senses that trouble was brewing because she shot off Jamie’s lap and ran out of my room so fast that she looked like a streak of fur.

Well you know all that Jamie’s comment did was to get the two of us going even more.

Lowell stop pulling on the cord so much!” I gripped.

Lowell then said, “You need to get some kind of wireless connection for that thing so that you don’t have to have the phone cord stretched all the way across like that.”

We both heard Jamie sigh and to get on his nerves a bit more I whined, “Jaaaammmmiiiie, tell him to stop yanking my coooord!”

Quietly and calmly Jamie pushed his chair away from his keyboard, stood up, walked over to my side of the room near the window, grabbed the pillow off the top bunk and then...


He clobbered me with the pillow.


He clobbered Lowell twice. The second hit knocked Lowell clean out of the chair.

“Hey!” I shouted.

Just like he was swinging a bat Jamie wacked me with the pillow again.


The force of it knocked me backwards and had I not caught myself with my elbows I would have fallen backward on the bed and probably hurt my back.

I didn’t see the next hit that Jamie did to Lowell but it was the loudest.


“OK! OK! I surrender!” Lowell said from where he was lying curled up in a ball on the bedroom floor.


Lowell got three more hits.

“Hey he surrendered! You can’t keep attacking when someone waves the white flag!” I said getting up and coming to Lowell’s rescue.

Quick as could be I grabbed Jamie from behind in a bear like hold effectively trapping his arms. He tried to struggle free but in the process he lost the pillow. I was too busy trying to keep a hold of Jamie so I didn’t see that Lowell had got to his knees and he had the pillow.

It was like a storm of pillows that hit not just Jamie but me too.

“HEY! I came to your rescue!” I complained as I took two hits to my head.

Jamie was crying out for mercy, “I surrender! Uncle! No more! Peace! For the love of God I want to liiiiiiiiiive!”

Dad appeared in the doorway to the room looking serious; Lowell quickly said, “No one is bleeding!”

Dad actually smiled, “But I distinctly heard whining and rough housing.”

“Um, that wasn’t rough housing either!” I tried to keep a straight face while still attempting to keep my grip on Jamie.

“Yeah it was war!” Lowell said with a laugh as he swung the pillow at dad.

I honestly expected dad to catch the pillow but instead it hit him right in the stomach. I guess dad hadn’t thought Lowell would actually do it because when it hit him he made a sound like, OUUMPM.

OOOOH... YOU DONE IT NOW!” Jamie said to Lowell and boy was he right.

I let go of Jamie and the two of us scrabbled for the top bunk while dad got a hold of Lowell by the waist as he was climbing up. With a twirl and a flip Lowell ended up laying face down on the bottom bunk with dad digging his fingers into Lowell’s ribcage. Man did Lowell scream bloody murder.

A moment later mom appeared, “What’s going on?” she said and then saw that dad was tickling Lowell. “Honey let him alone!”

“He started it!” dad said but he didn’t stop.

I don’t actually remember thinking about jumping on dad; it just sort of happened. One second I was sitting next to Jamie on the top bunk and the next I was on my dad’s back.

In the movies that sort of stunt usually works, however dad just reached over his head and pulled me down so that I was lying face down on top of Lowell’s back. When I made contact with Lowell he groaned under my wait and my right knee sank into his diapered rear-end with a squish.

I don’t know how dad managed to keep us both on the bed and still tickle us at the same time but he did. Mom kept trying to get dad to stop but he wasn’t listening to her or to our pleading to stop.

“You want some of this to?” I heard dad ask and I could only guess that he was talking to Jamie.

That coward Jamie sat up on the top bunk acting sweet and loveable. “No way ‘cause I love you so very much daddy and I would never ever, ever, ever, ever attack you the way they did. They don’t love you like I love you daddy!”

“Oh brother!” Mom said and I was able to glance toward her just in time to see her throw up her hands before walking away.

“Mom, don’t leave us!” I cried out and laughed at the same time.

From out in the hallway we heard, “Oh no, you got yourself into that mess, you can get yourselves out.”

Suddenly there was a bloodcurdling scream and the next second dad collapsed onto my legs. Jamie had done a Kamikaze dive onto dad turning us all into a mountain of flesh. Poor Lowell who was on the bottom cried out in pain.

I don’t know how he managed to get away after attacking dad but when dad got up Jamie was already running out of the room screaming, “MOM SAVE ME!”

I was so glad he ran off like that because dad took off after him which meant that Lowell and I were able to recover.

“Get off!” Lowell groaned.

“See what you started?” I laughed.

“Quick, lock the door before they come back!” Lowell said.

Lowell was scrambling to his feet when I caught a glimpse of Lowell’s padded rear and saw a wet spot. “Hey you’re leaking.”

He tried to twist his upper body so that he could see his bottom kind of the way a dog does when it’s chasing its own tail. “You would have leaks too if you had three people crushing you!”

The two of us heard Jamie howling from out in the living room. “Simon, Lowell! One of you, come save me!”

“NO WAY YOU TRAITOR!” I shouted back.

Lowell opened the door, stuck his head out and added, “Yeah traitor!”

And then I remembered that I owed Lowell from earlier and yelled, “MOM! Lowell needs his diaper changed and his pants are wet toooooo!!!!”

Unlike me, Lowell thought this was incredibly funny and hooted with laughter. “Yeah, I had that one coming!” he said.

“Yes you did!” I said.

We heard Jamie call out again for help, “Mom help please!”

“Sorry I’m needed elsewhere.” We heard mom say and she sounded closer then Jamie had which meant she had heard me and was on her way to change Lowell.

When she walked into the room she looked at Lowell and said, “Alright Sir Wetselot, hop up on the bed!” Honest, mom really said that! I had a hard time believing it at the time too.

Out in the living room Jamie was squealing and we knew that dad must be tickling the life out of him. That’s when dad’s voice resonated down the hallway, “Honey this one needs changed too!”

“Bring him here then!” mom sang back.

She then looked at me and asked, “What about you?”

I’d been having so much fun that I had absolutely no idea if I needed changed or not so I just shrugged.

“No matter,” Mom began, “You’ll need something more substantial to get you through the night anyway.”

“Well,” Mom exclaimed when she pulled Lowell’s pants down, “I guess you did need changed.”

I looked over and saw that the front of his diaper was bulging. For it to be that wet already I figured that he must have already been wet before he got here.

Dad came walking in with Jamie draped over his left shoulder. Jamie’s pants were already down around his ankles leaving his padded butt exposed for us all to see. Dad gave his diaper a squeeze and with a laugh he said, “I think I tickled the pee right out of him.”

“You can let me down now!” Jamie gripped.

But dad had no plans of letting go of Jamie just yet. “Not on your life!” he said.

When mom was done putting Lowell into a dry diaper dad then flopped Jamie down onto the bed and began to change his diaper while mom helped Lowell get his pajama’s on.

All the while I just stood by Jamie’s desk and watching the free show. It turned out that Jamie had done more then just wet his diaper but he didn’t seem to care at all when dad said, “I’m going to need a few extra wipes here.”

Once Jamie was done Mom told him to come to her and while she was getting his pajamas onto him dad laid me down for my own changing.

Woah,” Dad exclaimed when he opened my diaper. Like I said I had no idea if I needed changed but as it turned out I’d had the liquid squirts again without even knowing it.

“I think we need to start lining his diapers with pine chips to help counter the stench.” Dad said to mom.

Jamie took it a step further, “No, use kitty litter instead!”

Of course Lowell wasn’t going to be left out and inserted his own comment, “Oh that wouldn’t feel too good!”

I came back with, “How about if we don’t and say that we did?”

“Why not just train him to go in a Litter box like Lil’ Vera.” Jamie offered.

Lowell then countered with, “Duhhhh, if he could be trained to go in a Litter box then he could be trained to use the toilet again ya dork.”

“Hello! I’m right here! And I’m not a cat!” I said and right on que in walked Lil’ Vera again. She announced herself with a loud, “Meeeeeeoooowwww!”

I patted the bed to get her to come to me but she completely ignored me and walked right up to Jamie.

“See! She loves me and not you!” Jamie said sticking his tongue out at me as he bent down to pick her up.

“It isn’t fair!” I protested, “She’s my kitty!” and I would have gotten up to take her from him had I not been in the middle of getting my bottom cleaned.

Dad said off handedly, “Probably should have just put them in the tub to soak.” Which was his way of saying that I’d made a mess of myself?

I thought it was kind of a silly thing to say given the fact that Jamie and Lowell were already changed and in their pajama’s.

“I’m too tired tonight.” Mom sighed, “They can have their baths in the morning.”

Lil’ Vera didn’t stick around too long and by the time dad was done pinning a thick cloth diaper onto me she had jumped out of Jamie’s arms and was long gone again.

Since my back is how it is, mom didn’t want Jamie or Lowell sleeping with me. She figured it would be better if the two of them slept in the top bunk while I slept alone in the bottom bunk. I didn’t argue that point because I knew once she and dad were in bed; the three of us would be in one bed together.

Sure enough, within minutes of us hearing mom and dads bedroom door close Lowell and Jamie climbed down from the top bunk. Jamie was down first and went over to quietly close our door so there would be less chance of them hearing us. Lowell had pulled back my covers and climbed in on my left.

“How’s that?” He asked trying to make sure he wasn’t hurting me. I gave him a nod that I was fine.

Jamie wasn’t as considerate. He jumped into bed like he was sliding in to home plate headfirst. Lowell gave him a chewing out for almost hurting me.

The three of us laid there in the dark talking softly for quite a while.

“So when are we going to be going?” Lowell asked.

“I don’t know for sure,” I answered, “but seeing the Banachelli sailing so close must mean that we’ll be going very soon.”

“What?” Jamie sat up on one elbow, “You saw it? Why didn’t you say so?”

Once I explained to him that I couldn’t have said anything earlier ‘cause mom and dad might have heard he then calmed down.

“Well I don’t know about you guys, but I’m ready to go now!” Jamie said rubbing his hands together eagerly.

“Me too,” Lowell quickly added.

“What if Tom finds out?” Lowell asked.

“Honestly?” I began, “I think he already suspects something but I don’t think he knows what’s going on or he would have tried to stop us already.”

“Do you guys think anyone knows that we’re planning to leave?” I asked them.

They both looked at each other before answering.

“I mean why would they think that?” Lowell asked.

Jamie crossed his legs and was rocking back and forth the way little kids do. “I think my mom thinks that I want to come live here with my real dad and brother.” He said as he faired his nostrils excitedly. Jamie and I gave each other a covert glance. Jamie continued, “But I don’t think she has a clue that I’m really going back to the Banachelli.”


Chapter 29


** As always, your thoughts matter to me, so if youve enjoyed this installment please drop me a note to let me know. **