This is the continued story of Simon’s Journal.
Before you begin this third volume in this series,

I would highly recommend that you read the first and second volumes

as each picks up were the previous left off.


Simon’s Journal - Volume I 
Thirteen Days – The First Crusade


Simon’s Journal - Volume II

Thirteen Nights – After the Crusade



The following narrative is nearly a complete work of fiction. Some events and characters were pulled from real life but have been changed, enhanced and twisted to comply with my will. Any other similarity to actual individuals living or dead is completely unintentional, but it would be incredible!


The following story contains diaper use, violence, adult language and strong sexual content. If reading a coming of age story about boys wearing diapers and exploring their awakening sexuality doesn’t tickle your pickle, or if pickle tickling is illegal in your area, then I suggest you select something else to read.










Simon's Journal

Volume III


Thirteen Sails
Adventures Abound


Written by Danny












Chapter - 27

Rounding third and headed for home


When I wasn’t in the kitchen pulling potato duty I was elsewhere within or on top of the Banachelli helping with various things that needed done. It was one week to the day after I had emerged from the secret room that Hurricane Katrina struck and that very night I was reunited with my brother Jamie. On the early morning of the next day, the Banachelli, which had been land locked for so many years, returned to the open waters from which it came. The winds of Katrina blew us out into the middle of the Gulf of Mexico where the current found us and carried us out into the middle of the Atlantic.

There is no way to accurately describe the sounds that old ship made as it tipped and rolled front-to-back, side-to-side, up-and-down. At first it was so scary that every last one of us found it hard to sleep but within a few days either we got use to it or we got so tired that we didn’t care what went bump in the night.

After my run in with Miss-M over my little problem with stuttering which nearly got Lowell killed, Fyer had taken to teasing me about my lack of stuttering. I knew that it was payback for having teased him about not sounding like he had a mouth full of marbles anymore.

The night after I had attacked Runt I’d asked Mickey, Lowell and the rest of the guys from our room to bring every boy they knew they could trust to our room in one week to plan our escape. Thirteen of us including Mikey and Tater came to that first meeting however our escape plan was of course foiled by Hurricane Katrina. That put an end to any ideas of escape. I mean where would we escape to in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean?

After a few weeks out to sea I had been summoned to Miss-M’s office for reassignment elsewhere on the ship. At least that is what the boy told me when he came to fetch me in the kitchen.

“You that Simon kid?” He asked with a trembling voice. It was clear that he wasn’t comfortable being in such close proximity to Fyer. I might have also been a bit of a contributer to his nervious condition. I’d heard some of the rumors going around the ship about how I had tired to cut off Runts arm or tried to carve my name in Runts flesh. It seemed everyday the rumors got more and more wild.

I nearly barfed when I saw that the boy had a booger hanging half way out of his nose.

“Oh dude!” I gasped. “You have a booger hanging out of your nose!”

I’m not sure what I expected him to do but I sure as heck didn’t expect him to do what he did. No, he didn’t eat it but it was nearly as gross watching him reach up, pick it and then wipe it on the front of his shirt.

I could feel that feeling you get way down deep when you know your about to blow chunks however Fyer said something right then that got my mind off the booger.

“What do you want?” Fyer shouted from the other side of the room causing us both to jump.

The kid began to quake as he said, “Madam-M sent for Simon. He’s being reassigned!”

The boy was positively scared to death and for good reason. Fyer had a reputation on our ship for chopping up kids and putting them in our food. At least that was the latest rumor I hard about him. It was one of my favorite rumors about him.

“Well go tell her ladyship that she can’t have him!” Fyer was all but growling at this point, “He’s mine!”

When the boy didn’t run away Fyer waved a knife in the air and this time he did growl just like a big angry bear. The boy began to cry and scream as he ran out of the kitchen.

I laughed as did Timmy and Fyer.

Fyer said, “Boy I love scaring the life out of them brats!”

“Yeah bet you scared the pee right out of him!” I said.

When neither of them reacted to that I said, “I suppose I better go see what she wants.”

“Ah the hell with her!” Fyer said.

“Yeah but still.” I said and dropped the big spoon I had been using to stir the soup.




“Simon?” Mom called for me from the front seat but I was so lost in my writing that she had to say my name three more times before I heard her.

Sounding a bit like a caveman I grunted as I looked up from my e-journal, “erruuuh?”

I noticed almost immediately that the van was stopped at a gas station.

“Where are we?” I asked looking out the windows.

“The vet!” Dad joked, “We’re going to have you fixed.”

“Har—Har—Hardy—Har—Har!” I scoffed back up to him, “I may have a few dents but I’m far from broken!

“Maybe we should put you into the body shop then.” Dad laughed back.

“Yeah you can pimp my body...” and instantly I knew that what I had said didn’t sound right. “Oh wait that didn’t come out right!”

But it was too late; both mom and dad roared with laughter. You see lately dad’s favorite show on TV has been Pimp My Ride on MTV and that was what I was trying to mean but as usual I flubbed it up.

“NO! NO! NO! I didn’t mean it like that!” I laughed and tried to hide my embracement with my hands.

“Out of the mouths of babes!” mom chuckled.

Now I didn’t think what I said was as funny as dad seemed to think it was. He was pounding on the steering wheel and snorting.

Still laughing dad looked at me in his rearview mirror and said, “Nearly out of gas; got to fill up.” And then mom said to me, “I was trying to ask you if you want a Coke or something?”

During the long drive back I’d worked up a healthy thirst as well as a strong case of the munchies. “Oh yeah!” I said unbuckling my seatbelt, “Can I come in and get a candy bar or some chips or something?” I asked.

“Come on.” Dad said climbing out of the van.

Mom called after dad, “Better get some milk too.”

The second my shoes hit the hard concrete I knew that I had a serious problem. Dad was turning around with the pump nozzle in his hand and started to ask if everything was ok but stopped when he saw the enormous wet spot on the back of my pants.

I looked up at him, “Honest! I didn’t know!”

He poked his head into the van and saw the spot I’d left on the seat then gave me his dad look. I hung my head and turned to mom, “Mom I...” but she was already out of the van and coming around to help me.

“Back up in the van and lay down.” She said.

“But mom, what if someone see?!” I objected.

Her reply was, “No one is going to see. Now hurry up or you won’t get to go into the store.”

“Are we almost home? Can I just change into a GoodNite in the bathroom?” I pleaded earnestly.

“Oh I suppose!” she finally relented and thankfully she was the one to go ask for the bathroom key from the gas station attendant while I stayed partially hid by the van and the gas pump. Dad got one of my GoodNites out of the back of the van along with a change of clothes and a couple towels for the seat. As soon as mom came back with the key I lit out like a wild animal was after me. When I got to the bathroom door I looked down at the key and the large piece of wood that it was chained too. The wood said, LADIES in big red block letters.

“Ah mom!” I groaned and thought about running back to the van and having her get the other key but I heard someone coming. Panic was setting in so I made a quick decision, unlocked the ladies bathroom and quickly closed and relocked the door.

“OH MY GAWD!” I said when the horrible stench was drawn into my nostrils. “That’s just nasty!” I exclaimed and instantly wished I hadn’t opened my mouth because not only could I smell it, now I could taste the retched stink!

I started to reopen the bathroom door to escape the smell but I could hear at least two people outside the bathroom door talking and from the sound of them it was two girls.

I pressed the clean shirt and pants against my fact and tried to breathe threw them but honestly it didn’t help.

“OK Simon!” I started to say to myself, “You can either go out there and have those girls see you with wet pants and a wet sagging diaper... and also have them see you, A BOY, coming out of the girl’s bathroom; or you can stay in here, change your clothes and probably blow chunks in the process.”

In the end I decided to stay in the bathroom. Puking I could deal with! Having strange girls seeing me in wet pants and a wet diaper? Nope that would be worse then upchucking!

However, changing proved to be harder then I thought. There wasn’t a single surface that I could set my clean clothes on while I changed. So I had to hold my clean clothes while I took off my wet clothes.

“Did you see beautiful his eyes were?” one of the girls outside the door said and I figured they must be real close to the door for me to hear them so clearly.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Someone hammered on the outside of the door and then yelled, “Hurry up in there would you!”

They startled me so badly that I nearly dropped my clean shirt onto the sticky bathroom floor.

I started by removing my wet shirt and spreading it out on the floor. I then was able to remove my shoes without having to stand on that floor. I then stripped nude, tossing the sopping wet diaper into the trashcan and disturbing the three flies that were buzzing around it. Boy it sure made a lot of racket too and I wondered what the girls must have thought about it.

Boom! Boom! Boom! They pounded again, “Come on would ya! There’s other people that need to get in there ya know!”

I had the GoodNite pulled on and was pulling my dry pants back on when I heard a man’s voice outside the door say, “Come on; you can go at the restaurant across the street.”

Standing motionless I tried to listen for them leaving but I couldn’t hear anything at all. I think I finished putting the rest of my clothes on in record time.

When I had my shoes back on I stepped off my shirt and carefully picked it up being sure not to touch any part of it that had been in contact with the floor or my shoes. The fabric stuck to the floor, especially where I had been standing on it and I had to pull to get it up.

Since I didn’t know if those girls were still outside the door or not I unlocked the door and ran out so fast that had they been there, they never could have seen who I was. However no one was around and boy was I glad.

Back at the van mom asked for the key.

“Mom you don’t want to go in there!” I said and then explained just how bad it really was.

When I tried to hand my wet things to her she said, “Oh no, you take them and put them in one of those plastic garbage bags.” She then added, “And use one of your diaper wipes to clean you hands!”

By the time I had put my wet things away Dad had finished pumping the gas and was inside paying. I ran for the store and opened the door as he was coming out. He handed me a ten dollar bill and said, “I already got the milk. Get whatever you want and bring me back my change.”

I slipped past him with a quick, “Thanks,” and entered the convenience store. It only took a few seconds to locate the snack food isle but to my surprise I found more then just snacks. There was another boy in the isle and at first sight I was sure that I knew him from somewhere but for the life of me I couldn’t place where I’d seen him before.

“Hi,” I said hoping that he would remember who I was. The boy, who had been trying to choose between a Milkyway bar and a payday candy bar, turned to face me and that’s when I recalled where it was we had met before.

“Cole?” I gasped not really believing that I’d run into one of the boys that I’d spent time with in the hospital after being beaten up by Peter Alderman. Gee-whiz that seems like such a long time ago now.

Cole looked at me like I had three eyes and carrots growing out of my ears. Realizing that with my scar and long hair I didn’t look the same I said, “It’s me Simon Leonard from the hospital.”

It was funny watching his eyes and seeing the recognition dawning on him.

“WOAH, SIMON?” Cole shouted and his expression told me that he was just as surprised to see me too. He put down the Milkyway bar and exclaimed, “Holy freaking buckets!” He then raked his fingers through his sun faded hair to pull his bangs out of his eyes.

“Man I saw them talking about you on TV.” He said pointing at me with the Payday candy bar in his hand.

“Yeah I get that a lot.” I replied, “So how’s the arm?”

He raised his hand up and wiggled his fingers, “Works like new! I can do everything but this...” he said and then lifted his arm up over his head and laughed.

“Oh you can’t do that huh?” I laughed too.

Right then his mom walked into the isle and despite my long hair, my scarred face or the fact that I was skinnier and well tanned, she still knew who I was in an instant. I knew I was in for a painful reunion when she saw me and I braced for it. She fell on me balling and hugging too tightly and I was right ‘cause it hurt like mad.

Miss ???? you’re hurting me!” I whimpered.

I wish she hadn’t felt so bad about it, I mean it wasn’t like she meant to hurt me. She apologized profusely as she petted my scar lovingly and tried to stop her own tears.

I glanced at Cole who was rolling his eyes and looking embarrassed to have his mom blubbering in a public place. “Moooom!” Cole pleaded for her to stop.

After a few more tears and another, much more gentle hug she stood up and took the candy bar from Cole. She then went to the cashier and left the two of us alone again.

I was just about to say something to Cole when from behind me I heard my dad ask, “Simon is everything ok?”

I turned to see that he looked very concerned.

“Dad! This is Cole, from the hospital when...” I didn’t have to finish.

“Well I’ll be! How are you doing Cole?” Dad said extending his hand to shake Coles. Dad looked just as surprised to see Cole there too.

“Real good!” Cole said.

“Yeah well you look great too kiddo!”

Oh man why do parents have to call our friends stupid names like kiddo, sport or champ?

Finally Cole’s mom spotted my dad and the two of them started talking so Cole and I were able to have two words between us.

“You look like you’ve been out in the sun!” I said.

Cole explained that his parents had bought a new house and while it was being painted they went on vacation. What was even more remarkable was the fact that they were vacationing not far from where we had been.

NO WAY!” I shouted, “That is where we were!”

“Really?” I exclaimed.

“Yeah I went up with my best friends’ family and then mom and dad came up a couple days ago.” I said.

“Were you in the tan beach house or the red one?” he asked.

“The tan one.” I answered even though I was surprised to hear that there was more then one beach house around where we were staying. I had honestly thought we had been the only people around for miles.

“Yeah, we stayed in that one last year. It is the best one too ‘cause it’s so close to the water!” he said and then proceeded to explain to me that there are three private houses but they are so far apart so that no one can bother you while you are vacationing there.

After talking for a few minutes dad said that we needed to be going soon. However before I left I gave Cole my home number because he didn’t know what their new number was going to be at their new house.

When I was back in the van with mom and dad, and after mom and dad had another little reunion with Cole’s parents outside, I found out from dad that Cole’s family was moving into the new housing complex that is only about ten minutes by car from our house.


We were only back on the road for a few minutes when it struck me that I’d been so excited to see Cole that I had forgot to get my soda and a snack. Dad decided that it was probably a good idea for us to stop and have a good meal so we stopped at some fish restaurant.

It was so funny what mom did next. Dad hardly had the van stopped when mom jumped out and ran into the restaurant to pee. Dad and I were just walking in the door when she came back out of the bathroom looking so relieved. When she got closer to me I leaned in and whispered, “Mom if you wore diapers like me you wouldn’t have that problem.”

She grabbed a fist full of my hair on top and acted like she was pulling me up by my hair. At the same time she leaned down and gave me a kiss on my lips before acting like she was going to bite my nose off.

We were being shown to our seat when all of a sudden my bowels constricted and I filled the back of my GoodNite and I do mean FILLED. I didn’t have to tell mom or dad because it was obvious to everyone around us because it had been loud.

The restaurant had been packed and noisy but when I crapped my GoodNite those that had been sitting near by stopped talking, eating or whatever they had been doing and looked right at (GULP) ME!

I didn’t look at anyone; I only concentrated on my shoes as mom said, “Sweetheart, could you order for us. We’ll be right back.” And I figured she was talking to dad.

She took my hand and led me to the back of the restaurant and into the ladies bathroom. This time I didn’t even hesitate when I saw the sign on the door however, when mom started to open the changing table that was mounted to the bathroom wall I just had to voice my objection, “Mom I’m too big for that! I will break it!”

But she acted like I hadn’t said anything. She just sat the diaper bag on the floor and I knew she intended to put me up there no matter how much I objected.

I quickly looked to the bathroom door however, there was no lock. “Please God! If you are really up there then please, please, please don’t let anyone come in!” I prayed silently but of course you know that wouldn’t be the case. God was probably off worrying about some third-world country and much too busy to help someone like me. Sure enough, no sooner did mom have my poop smeared rear exposed then the door swung open.

I still don’t know why I lifted my head to look but I did and I saw two girls. Both looked to be in their early teens and they were leading in a boy that I guessed was maybe six but since I could only see part of his head I wasn’t really too sure.

Mom looked toward them, hesitated for a second and then said, “I should only be a couple more minutes then you can have the changing table.”

“That’s ok miss, you don’t need to rush. We can just wait.” I heard one of the girls say back.

My entire head must have been filled with blood because I could feel each beat of my heart echoing around inside my skull. It seemed to take her forever to clean my bottom and to make matters worse she didn’t use a disposable to re-diaper me but instead she pulled a cloth diaper and plastic pants out of my diaper bag. Had those girls not been present I would have put up a fuss but I just wanted it to be over and get the heck out of Dodge-City!

When she sat me back up I saw that the plastic pants were clear blue with green frogs sitting on yellow leaves. With my pants still around my ankles she helped me off the changing table and made me move out of the way so that the two girls could gain access to change the other boy.

While mom pulled my pants up I saw that the boy was older then I first though, though he was short he looked more like he was seven or maybe even eight-years-old. Amazingly he didn’t seem to mind at all that the two girls were changing him while mom and I were standing right there.

Back out in the restaurant I sat next to the wall and did my best to slouch down in the seat without hurting my back too much. One good thing about that particular restaurant was they leave the menus at the table all the time. They just fold them up and slip them into this wooden holder against the wall. I was able to use one of the menu’s to help hide my face and thankfully mom and dad didn’t make me put it away; well at least not until the food came.

The food was good but I didn’t really enjoy it too much. All through the meal I could feel everyone looking at me and I couldn’t wait to get out of there. I ate so fast that mom had to tell me three times to slow down and chew my food. When dad asked if I wanted dessert I said, “No can we just go?” the desperation on my voice must have come across loud and clear because dad asked for the check right away.

Now I didn’t actually run out of the restaurant but as soon as dad said, “Let’s go.” I was the first to my feet and walked quickly out of there with my eyes on the floor.

Back in the Van mom said, “I think we’re going to have to work harder on your learning to be re-toilet trained.” I didn’t say a single word back either.


Chapter 28


** As always, your thoughts matter to me, so if you’ve enjoyed this installment please drop me a note to let me know. **