This is the continued story of Simon’s Journal.
Before you begin this third volume in this series,

I would highly recommend that you read the first and second volumes

as each picks up were the previous left off.


Simon’s Journal - Volume I 
Thirteen Days – The First Crusade


Simon’s Journal - Volume II

Thirteen Nights – After the Crusade



The following narrative is nearly a complete work of fiction. Some events and characters were pulled from real life but have been changed, enhanced and twisted to comply with my will. Any other similarity to actual individuals living or dead is completely unintentional, but it would be incredible!


The following story contains diaper use, violence, adult language and strong sexual content. If reading a coming of age story about boys wearing diapers and exploring their awakening sexuality doesn’t tickle your pickle, or if pickle tickling is illegal in your area, then I suggest you select something else to read.










Simon's Journal

Volume III


Thirteen Sails
Adventures Abound


Written by Danny












Chapter - 23

A whole new beginning


To say that life had changed after the arrival of Madam-M, a.k.a. ex-officer Yolanda Mecums would be the gravest understatement in the history of man. The first thing to go was the dingy and stained diapers to be replaced with new diapers. The second thing to go was the ill fitting, stained, torn, mismatched clothing. Every single boy received not one but two complete sets of clothes just like Runt and the others wore. That included gloves, hats, coats and best of all SHOES!

During the weeks that followed many more changes occurred. The filth was being washed away, mostly by us. The food... Oh the food!!! The food got so much better! Scrambled eggs and toast for breakfast, Hotdogs and PB&J sandwiches for lunch and the best of all were the dinner meals. Roasted turkey, roast beef, fried chicken, baked potatoes and even PIZZA!!!

Probably the best thing to have happen was when Lowell, Timmy and I were assigned to work in the kitchen with Fyer. However, at first it wasn’t such a cool thing because the very first morning we walked in to find Fyer laying face down on the floor, butt naked except for his boots.

“Oh my eyes! My eyes!” Timmy said quickly covering his face with his hands.

“Yikes!” Lowell said laughing, “That’s got to be the ugliest bear skin rug I’ve ever seen! I mean just look! It doesn’t even go with the drapes!”

I punched Lowell in the arm for being so dumb but I still laughed.

“What are we going to do now?” I asked.

“Don’t look at me!” Timmy said, “I ain’t touching him!”

Lowell kicked Fyer softly in the butt and Fyer growled like a bear then let loose a fart so smelly that all three of us nearly passed out. Lowell finally slipped out of the kitchen and returned with an arm load of clean diapers. He took his sweet old time making sure he spread them out over top Fyer which was funny because just as he finished Fyer rolled over on his side and knocked about half of the diapers off him.

“Wow! He’s part horse!” Lowell commented I just put my heads over my eyes so that I couldn’t look.


“I don’t know how to cook!” Timmy complained and I was glad to have the subject directed away from Fyer.

“I can cook some stuff but I don’t know how to do it in here!” Lowell said with a nod directed at Fyer.

Fyer made another sound and while I was looking at him those two conspired against me!

“Looks like you’s gonna be da cook t’day.” Timmy said to me.

“W-what? B-b-but I-I-I...” but then I seen how they were both looking at me and I knew it was useless to argue with them. “W-well what am I going to cook then?” I asked shooting an evil expression at the two of them.

“It don’t matter! Just cook something.” Lowell says,  This isn’t a fancy pants, o-la-la restaurant you know.”

Timmy seemed to jump when the idea hit him, “Why don’t ya do a stew? “Dat’s gotta be easy.”

“What of?” I asked looking around.

“Why don’t we just toss everything we can find in with some water or something, let it boil up until it is good and hot?” Lowell suggested.

That sounded too easy. I was sure that the three of us were going to be in for it for sure when everyone tasted the concoction and I could already Runt accusing us of trying to poison everyone.

“What if it doesn’t taste good?” I asked.

They both shrugged at the same time.

“Gee thanks!” I said to them.

“We can dump a bunch’a these spices...” Timmy started to gather up some of the small canisters, “in and make it taste ... uh ... well it’s gotta make it taste gooder right?”

“Sounds good to me!” Lowell said so that’s just what we did.

Lowell found a knife that was nearly as big has he was and took time to pretend that he was a Samurai Warrior. I started rummaging around and found lots of stuff like onions, carrots, olives, a big jar of mushrooms, a whole bunch of hotdogs, several heads of cabbage, a big sack of potatoes which we forgot to peel before the were chopped up. And we even found some sort of vegetable that none of us could identify but we used it anyway. Timmy found several cans of peaches, an arm load of tomatoes, a big bucket filled with brown colored beans, a bag of rice, an I don’t know what all else.

While Lowell chopped, Timmy and I tried to find the big kettle. I knew the iron kettle because I had cleaned it before but it wasn’t anywhere around.

“Maybe Madam-M made him get rid of it!”

“Hey,” Timmy called from across the kitchen, “Here’s s’me li’l pots in chere!” he said, but when I looked they were just a bunch of small pots, an certainly not large enough to cook a stew for everyone.

“Why don’t you ask someone?” Lowell said.

“Everyone is still asleep you dork!” I said with a shrug and then I said to Timmy, “Hey, why don’t you go ask Madam-M?”

Timmy looked at me as if I had just sprouted a second head, “ARE YA NUTS?”

Lowell threw a half of a potato at me and missed my head by a mile.

“Well we better find something ‘cause when everyone comes for breakfast they are going to be hungry, so you better think of something and fast!!!”

“What ‘bout dis... uh... thang?” Timmy asked.

There was an enormous iron drum looking thing about six feet tall and three feet around setting in the corner beside the big black stove.

“That?” I exclaimed, “That’s not for cooking in, that’s where hot water is made you boob!”

“Why not use it?” Lowell asked.

Timmy and I kept looking at each other then the water tank thing. I finally shrugged, “Well, I don’t know why we couldn’t ... I mean it will get the water good and hot right?”

Lowell added, “And the top looks like it just lifts up.”

And that was that. Timmy slid a chair over so that we could reach to top and then we started dumping in the stuff that Lowell had already chopped up.

After about an hour or so more, we started to smell the stew brewing.

“How’s it coming?” Lowell asked and when I looked over at him he was sitting on top of Fyer’s butt.

“Get off him!” I said, “You’re going to wake him up and he’s going to be mad as a wet cat.”

Lowell grinned that evil grin he gets sometimes.

“Oh my goodness, gracious! No ya ain’t pee’n on ‘em?” Timmy spurt out.

At first I hadn’t noticed that Lowell had pulled his diaper down. He was trying to fain that he was embarrassed to be caught and he did blushed just a little but I knew better.

LOWELL!” I laughed, “That’s disgusting!”

He just shrugged and grinned a bit wider.


We waited about another half hour before giving it a taste test. I lifted the top, which was hinged on either side and opened in the middle. Steam billowed out in big clouds that didn’t smell all that bad.

“It’s boiling a lot!” I said.

How’zit taste?” Timmy asked sounding excited and pleased that it seemed to be working.

“Don’t know, I ain’t tried it yet,” I said back.

Lowell handed me a big spoon and I dipped it in but the dang thing was so hot that the steam burnt my hand and I lost the spoon into the stew.

“Oops!” I said.

Dangit Simon!” Lowell said slapping my leg.

“Hey! If I fall in here then you are going to get it!” I said shaking my fist at him. “And besides... OUCH!”

He just laughed it off and handed me another big spoon; a wooden one this time with a long handle.

“Hey, it ain’t near done!” I said. “Everything is still raw.”

“Maybe you should make the fire under it hotter?” Timmy said.

That’s just what we did. Lowell and Timmy got some more wood and I stuffed it into the fire.

“OH I GOT AN IDEA!” Lowell said and ran out of the kitchen. Several minutes later he came back huffing and puffing from having run to wherever he went and back again. He had something hidden under his jacket when he came back.

“What do you have?” I asked suspiciously.

He produced a bottle of Fyer’s whiskey.

“You know we done a lousy job of getting rid of all his stash? I mean just look at the great lump!” I said.

“Yeah well I found five more bottles just yesterday!” Lowell said.

“Yeah well you know he’s going to kill you if he finds out you got that one too!” I said.

As though he didn’t much care Lowell shrugged his shoulders and dumped the bottle onto the fire. With a whoosh the flames shot up so big that all three of us had to jump way back.

“You idiot!” I shouted, “You’re going to burn down the whole place!”

Oooh yeah! Now that’s a fire!” Lowell cheered and danced around like a wild cave man who just invented fire for the first time.

Sure enough about forty-five minutes later we could hear everyone arriving for breakfast. But the stew still wasn’t ready. I tasted it again and some things were still crunchy.

Wot ya t’ink dey gonna t’ink ‘bout hav’n crunchy stew for bekf’st?” Timmy asked.

“Well it’s a little late for that now isn’t it?” I said.

After a half hour or so, they were beating on the tables with there knives an forks like you see in the movies, and I knew we had to do something and super fast. After having a quick think about it I grabbed the bottle, flipped it upside down over the fire and emptied every last drop.

The three of us stood there watching it just as nervous as we could be, when all of a sudden Runt came in with Mikey right behind him.

Now this was only the third time I had seen Mikey since they had joined us here at the Banachelli and he didn’t look any better now then he did that first day. As a matter of fact, I think he might even have looked worst now.

“What in hell is going on here?” Runt bellowed. “Where is the Gosh-Dang food?” except he didn’t say Gosh-Dang, he used the real words.

Then Runt seen Fyer lying there on the floor covered in a pile of wet cloth diapers.

“It is almost done!” I said quickly, and right at that second the water tank made a sound like when you got diarrhea and are trying to hold it in. Steam was shooting out all around the hinges of the lid.

“What is that?” Runt asked, “Son of a Bitch, are you cooking something in there!”

Lowell smiled, put one foot on top of Fyer and proudly announced, “That is the breakfast!”

Boy, Runt got this real amazed look on his face and a second later he got a real frightened look, like you might get just before hitting the ground after falling from the top of a skyscraper.

I suppose everything would have been just fine had the dang thing now blew up right then!

I am not exactly sure what happened next. I do remember that it knocked us all on our diapered butts and it blew Mikey right back out the door in a sort of backwards somersault. Lowell went flying over Fyer like he had a jet pack tucked inside his diaper. Timmy ended up finding the big old iron kettle. It had been hanging from chains from the ceiling and it fell right on top of him. Thankfully it landed open end down so Timmy weren’t hurt none but he was trapped ‘cause the pot was too heavy for him to lift on his own.

Runt and me were astonishingly spared somehow. When it blew up, the force of it blew our clothes right off our bodies except for our shoes. And it blew stew all over us and everywhere so that we looked like ... well, like something a humongous cat would have coughed up.

It took several seconds before any of us knew that it had blown a hole about five feet around right through the wall into where everyone was sitting waiting to eat. Incredibly, it didn’t hurt anyone; but it left everyone setting at they tables, covered with stew, looking shocked and horrified at the same time—but it sure did shut them up about when there food was going to be ready.

Suddenly Madam-M came running into the kitchen though the whole we’d made in the wall. “What was that!” she shouted. “What happen?”

She looked at Runt and me standing there stark naked and seen Fyer lying on the floor naked and unconscious. She stepped closer to Runt and with one of her big fingers she wiped some of the food from his face, “Runt, is that you?”

He began to babble, “Simon—Tank—Stew-Boom!” and then he kind of got control of himself and grabbed the knife that was now sticking out of the wall by his left ear.

“Simon—Tank—Stew-Boom!” he scream, and came after me with the knife. I ran out the other door into where Lowell and I used to have to wash all the diapers for everyone. Runt was hot after me all throughout the hallways. I outran him though; because there was no way I was going to let him catch me. The chase ended when I ran back to Madam-M hoping that she would save me from him.

Madam-M and everyone else for that matter were still standing or sitting exactly where Runt and I had left them which was kind of funny really. I stopped right behind Madam-M and said, “Please don’t let him kill me!”

She reached down and scooped a handful of the stew out of my hair and tasted it. “Hey! That’s not half bad! I would have preferred it in a bowl but beggars can’t be choosers.”

Of course no one else had any of it but I don’t think any one was complaining about having to go hungry until lunch time.


Chapter 24


** As always, your thoughts matter to me very, very much, so please send any comments, questions, suggestions, or criticism to me at: **