This is the continued story of Simon’s Journal.
Before you begin this third volume in this series,
I would highly recommend that you read the first and second volumes
as each picks up were the previous left off.
Simon’s Journal -
Volume I
Thirteen Days – The First Crusade
Thirteen Nights – After the Crusade
following narrative is nearly a complete work of fiction. Some events and
characters were pulled from real life but have been changed, enhanced and
twisted to comply with my will. Any other similarity to actual individuals
living or dead is completely unintentional, but it would be incredible!
following story contains diaper use, violence, adult language and strong sexual
content. If reading a coming of age story about boys wearing diapers and
exploring their awakening sexuality doesn’t tickle your pickle, or if pickle
tickling is illegal in your area, then I suggest you select something else to
Simon's Journal
Volume III
Adventures Abound
Written by Danny
series of truths
A few days after
Despite being threaten with
physical harm if they told anyone someone must have talked because soon all of
us knew that most of what was being brought into the Banachelli was computer
equipment but no one seemed to know what it was for and why there was so much
of it. The other thing that we seemed to be taking on was plastic CD cases,
hundreds—no thousands of them! The entire belly of the Banachelli was stocked
with the cases.
I had been laying in the bathtub for hours
writing in the dark. I had lost all track of time and kept the bath water warm
by draining some of the water out and adding in fresh hot water whenever I’d
start to feel cold. It wasn’t until I heard a noise outside the bathroom door
that I was drawn away from my memories of the recent past.
Suddenly and without any warning the bathroom
light came on. It felt like someone was trying to rip my eyeballs from their
“Turn it off! Turn it off!” I cried and no
matter how hard I squinted my eyelids shut, the light still seemed to find its
way to the backs of eyes.
“Simon?” Mom called.
“Mom, turn off the light!” I cried.
“Simon how long have you been in there?” She
said ignoring the fact that my eyes were being burned out of their sockets.
“Simon look at you, you’re all shriveled up like a prune.”
Despite my pleas to have the light turned out
she forced me from the tub and began to dry me off with a towel.
“Why were you in the bathtub so long?” she
“I was writing and thinking and stuff.” I
said with one arm still shielding my eyes. The worst of the searing pain had
subsided but my eyes weren’t yet use to the light that the one little light
bulb was putting out.
“Simon, just look at you!” mom said drying my
“I can’t, you blinded me for life!” I whined.
She began to dry my boyhood parts, “Well you
look like a shriveled old man!”
“Ouch! Not so hard down there!” I complained
when she gabbed my boyhood jewels a bit too forcefully.
When she was satisfied that I was dry she sat
down on the toilet and began to brush my hair. I guess my mind was stuck in
reply mode because while she brushed out the tangles I began to recall the time
that I had hid under the desk while Madam-M was talking with Runt. I had
overheard some very disturbing things that were so very hard for me to believe.
“Mom?” I started.
“What sweat-heart?” she answered.
I couldn’t believe I was about to ask her
“Mom?” I asked again.
“I said what?” she answered kind of in a
sing-song sort of way.
“When I was... Well when I was away,” I
started and I felt the brush slow slightly.
“I... well I heard... something.” I was
finding it hard to ask but I honestly felt, deep in my heart that I was ready
to ask. She didn’t say anything, she just gave me the time I needed to form the
words and then get them out of my mouth.
“Well that’s not exactly right; I mean...
well you see at first I had this dream and, well, Aunt Catharine was in it.”
The words were coming a bit easier now.
“Well at first in my dream it was just Aunt
Catharine and me but, well, some other people were in my dream later too.”
The brush got caught in a hair tangle and
pulled a little, “Ouch!” I complained.
“Sorry.” She said and I noticed that she
sounded kind of funny.
I continued, “Well it was just a dream. I
mean I thought it was just a dream and I nearly forgot about it but then I
heard someone talking one day, and well...”
Mom stopped combing my hair and wrapped her
arms around me, hugging me against her. She was crying and kissing my neck.
“Mommy?” I was crying now too, “I heard someone talking on day when I was, well anyway they didn’t know I was listening.”
With my heart racing and mom hugging me so
tightly that it felt as if I were wrestling a python but I continued anyway,
“She said that Aunt Catherine was my real mom.”
We both fell apart crying so hard that I
couldn’t see for all the tears and I knew for sure then that it was indeed true.
I guess I already knew it was true but didn’t want to believe it, didn’t want
to think about it but now it was out of the box and there was no way to put it
back in again.
She spun me around, my hair swung around and
landed on her shoulder but she didn’t brush it off.
“No matter what,” she said, “No matter what I
love you and I will always love you.”
Huffing and balling I said, “You’re not my
“Oh baby, of course I’m your mommy!” she
kissed me, “Even though I didn’t give birth to you, I am still your mommy and
nothing or no one can ever change that.”
I threw my arms around her and fell on her
neck wheeping into my own hair.
We cried together a while longer before I was
able to ask, “Aunt Catherine is my really mommy?”
It took her a moment for her to answer, “Yes
baby, she gave birth to you but she...”
“Aunt Catherine did something bad to me huh?”
I asked even though I wasn’t sure I wanted mom to confirm what I already knew
She nodded.
“She was giving me bad medicine right? Just
like happened on... I mean when I was... I mean...”
Mom put a finger to my lips to silence my
blathering; it worked. She then began to tell me, “It was the same thing that
evil Yolanda Mecums tricked all of you boys into taking. It was a sort of bad
medicine; you know that much right?” she asked and I nodded twice.
“Your Aunt... I mean your real mo...” She
started to correct herself.
“Please don’t say it; you are my only mommy!”
I began to cry hard again.
“Ok, your Aunt Catharine then, my sister, was
giving you that stuff to try to keep you little. She didn’t want you to ever
grow up. It did things to your body inside, things that cannot be changed. The
doctors hoped that she had been caught soon enough so that you would still grow
up mostly normal. But then when you came back to us after being taken,” she
started to cry harder too, “and we found out that evil woman had tricked all of
you boys into taking that stuff again and for so long...” mom trailed off into
a fit of tears as she tried to wipe my own away.
A thought struck me and I had to ask, “Is dad
my real dad?”
Using the towel to hide her face she shook
her head ever so slightly.
My heart sank into my stomach, “He-he’s not?”
I felt confused when I started to get angry
and at first I didn’t know why but then a question began to make its way to the
front of my mind and I couldn’t understand why this question would make me feel
so angry but it did. “So, Jamie isn’t my half-brother?”
She pulled the towel down so that I could see
her eyes and once more she shook her head as she said, “No baby, he’s not.”
I don’t know why but I pushed away, stood up
and then sat down on the edge of the tub.
“Wait!” I said through sobs.
“Wait!” I said again.
“You are not my real mom?” I sobbed so hard
it made all my body shake and hurt. “Dad isn’t my real dad and Jamie isn’t my
real brother?”
“Then who is my real dad?” I asked.
Moms face went all white, “Catherine was
artificially incriminated.”
This was something I wasn’t expecting or
prepared to hear. I knew what it meant, I learned it in health class but still,
how are you supposed to act when you find out you were a popsicle
“No body knows who my read dad is?”
From the doorway came, “I’m your father, I
love you and that’s all that matters!”
I looked up to see my dad, or at least the
man I had always thought was my dad standing in the doorway. His face too was
streaked with tears. I stood up but didn’t take a step.
It took every bit of strength I had left in
me to say, “Dad?”
He ran to me and picked me up into his arms.
After we had hugged for I don’t know how long I loosened my grip, looked down
at mom who was sitting on the floor beside the toilet weeping bitterly.
“Mom?” I said reaching for her.
She stood up and the three of us embraced
each other. And after a while my dad said, “I have feared this day would come
ever since the courts gave you to us. But no matter what a piece of paper might
say, no matter what any judge or court or anyone else might say; you are our
son and we love you so very much. No matter what, I don’t want you to you ever,
ever forget that!”
I’ve no idea how long the three of us stood
in the bathroom crying together. It wasn’t until BJ was heard out in the
hallway, “But mom I really, really, really got to go number two noooooooow!”
Mom then said, “I think someone needs to use
this room.”
“Yeah well that’s ok because I think I need
to change my shirt.” Dad said looking me right in the eye, “Seems someone peed
all over the front of this one.”
With my arms still holding to the back of his
neck I pulled away until my arms were straight, looked down at his wet white
button up shirt and with a goofy grin said, “Gee-whiz, I wonder how that
“Yeah, I wonder.” Dad said.
Then he looked at mom, kissed her ever so
softly and asked her, “Why don’t you and I take our son and get him diapered.”
So that’s what they did; the two of them
tag-teamed me and had me diapered in no time at all. I hadn’t been given the
option of what I preferred; instead they taped one of the big disposable
diapers on me before slipping a pair of plastic pants on over the diaper and a
pair of shorts over those. For a shirt mom pulled a white tank top over my head
and kissed me for good measure.
“We love you so very much!” she said.
I never did go back to sleep. Instead I sat
out on the beach alone with my mom and dad. I don’t know what BJ and the rest
of them did that morning and it wasn’t until a little before lunch time when BJ
walked up behind us.
“Are you guys done being mushy and junk?” BJ
We all looked up at him. He was smiling and
had a really bad case of bed-head. I’m surprised that his mom hadn’t done
something about it. He was holding my new remote controlled boat.
“Because dad says we’re leaving after lunch
and I’d really like to have some fun. It’s been so boring sitting inside all
this time waiting for you guys to stop hugging and junk.”
Dad reached out, “Let me see that boat.”
BJ handed it to him and dad handed it to me.
Before BJ knew what was happening he had been snatched right off his feet,
flipped and dropped on dads lap belly side down.
“Oh you did it now!” I said to BJ.
Dad gave him one firm swat on the backside
and then tickled the life out of him. I’m sure a better friend would have tried
to save him but it was too funny watching dad torture BJ.
When dad released him, BJ rolled himself
several feet away before raising up on one elbow and
using his other hand to rub his backside.
“You are mean!” he said sticking his tongue out.
Dad acted like he
was going to go after BJ but in a flash BJ was up and running toward the water.
I didn’t waste any time getting to my feet and going after him with my boat in
my arms.
BJ and I spent most of the remainder of our time
at the beach trying not to sink the boat. It took us both a while to figure out
the controls and make it skip across the water. We found that if we got down
low and looked across the waters surface the boat actually looked real.
After lunch was over the everyone,
Tom included helped to get everything packed up and ready to go home. Inside I
was feeling kind of glad to be going home again and at the same time I was
feeling like I didn’t want to go home.
None of us noticed when Tom disappeared but I
wasn’t worried. I knew that if I needed him he would be somewhere close by
watching out for me.
** As always, your thoughts matter to me
very, very much, so please send any comments, questions, suggestions, or
criticism to me at: **