This is the continued story of Simon’s Journal.
Before you begin this third volume in this series, I would highly recommend that you read the first and second volumes, as each picks up were the previous left off.


Simon’s Journal - Volume I 
Thirteen Days – The First Crusade


Simon’s Journal - Volume II

Thirteen Nights – After the Crusade



The following narrative is nearly a complete work of fiction. Some events and characters were pulled from real life but have been changed, enhanced and twisted to comply with my will. Any other similarity to actual individuals living or dead is completely unintentional, but it would be incredible!


The following story contains diaper use, violence, adult language and strong sexual content. If reading a coming of age story about boys wearing diapers and exploring their awakening sexuality doesn’t tickle your pickle, or if pickle tickling is illegal in your area, then I suggest you select something else to read.










Simon's Journal

Volume III


Thirteen Sails
Adventures Abound


Written by Danny






Chapter - 2

I’ve been lost so long


I suppose that I was trying to be funny when I said, “W-w-what d-do y-you mean?” which earned me a lazy slap on my bare leg with the backside of his hand.

“Come on,” he groaned, “I am serious!”

From the sound of his voice it was obvious that he knew he was journeying into very treacherous territory. Though my doctor and I have spent many sessions together, my mind, my thoughts, my memories are a vast minefield of emotions. She and I have managed to defuse the explosive impact of some but there are still countless mines hidden just under the surface, waiting to be triggered.

“Ouch man, stop doing that!” I shouted after he hit me again, only harder this time.

“You did it again!” He said and I realized that this time I must have zoned for more then a few seconds because he was no longer lying down but was on his knees facing me.

With a worried look on his face he said, “Why do you keep doing that?”

I became aware that tears were dripping off either side of my face and falling onto my shirt and legs, leaving small trails where each tear had washed away the sandy residue from my skin.

“I don’t know!” I sniffled and wiped my nose on my arm.

“Dude that was gross!” BJ said.

I looked at my arm and saw the glistening streak of snot and could not help but to find it funny.

“You ok?” he asked.

With a sniffle I nodded my head but oppositely said, “No.”

“So you going to tell me why or are you going to tell on me for asking?” he said smiling and looking worried at the same time.

First I looked away and then back to him, “Uh, I think both!”

He gave me a shove that caused me to fall over onto my left side. I righted myself again and said, “It’s actually kind of funny.”

He expressed his mild confusion by crinkling his nose slightly and curving his eyebrows severely upward as he asked, “What is?”

My mouth fell open in astonishment of his brilliant idiocy. “Why I stopped stuttering!” I said sarcastically.

Now, I hadn’t come right out and actually said he was a moron for not realizing I was trying to answer his question, but I was sure implying that he was by knocking against his skull with my knuckles and saying, “I think you might need to get an upgraded, you seems to be running out of hard drive space?”

Exasperated, he brushed my hand away and implored, “Well then tell me!”

I smiled as I began, “Madam-M had us prepping the ship for the arrival of some lady named Katrina.”

“Who is Madam-M?” BJ interrupted.

I shot a look at him that needed no words; he got the message loud and clear. He clapped his lips together and slapped a hand over his mouth.

Poking a finger playfully into the sand, I began again. “We had been carrying supplies and some other things onto the ship for a couple days with Runt overseeing our efforts. He had become Madam-M’s favorite boy after Bull died.”

     It is doubtful that BJ notice my mental recess as the imagery of the last time I saw Bull replayed pensively against a scenic ocean background. I could see once again see him standing, clutching his side as blood flowed freely down over and into the cloth diaper that was pinned about his loins. Any notions that he was...” I struggled to find the words, “...was one of the bad-guys, had been forever banished from within me when he allowed Tater, Mikey, Billy, Brian and me to escape while he went back to try to rescue Jamie.”

     BJ’s sealed lips broke open, “But he didn’t die!”

     “I know that!” I said with irritation, “Yeah, but at the time everyone of us believed he was dead, even Madam-M.”

     Forgetting that he was interrupting me again, BJ smirked and impishly prodded me, “Bet you were surprised when you came back and heard that he was alive.”

I didn’t answer but instead continued my telling, “As it turned out, Katrina was not the lady we all expected her to be; in fact there was nothing lady-like about her. When she finally arrived she was not alone; following closely behind were her two companions, death and disaster. When she spoke the wind and water conformed to her will.

On the second day of Katrina’s visit she resolved to relocate the Banachelli along with all that cowered deep within. It seems that she felt a ship, no matter how old or how ‘unship-like’ it was now, had no business passing itself off as an orphanage. So she commanded the water to lift the Banachelli and then she sent the wind to blow our vessel out to sea.

During the storm Madam-M, or Miss-M to some of us, had ordered us to go topside and try to tie down anything that had not already been taken by the wind or washed off the deck by the monster waves.

I was scared, more scared then my heart and mind could contain but I still found a way to force my limbs to obey her commands just as I had promised.

As I stepped onto the deck an enormous wave broke over the starboard side of the ship. I was knocked from my feet and nearly washed over the port side. The only reason I didn’t end up in the water was because Tater had managed to grab hold of my diaper, which was completely soaked both by my doing and by the wave.

“Stay on your feet Spaz!” Tater laughed, “Wouldn’t want to have to fish you out now would we?”

“D-d-defin-n-nitely n-not!” I stuttured from fear and cold, “Th-thanks!”

About then Lowell came over, “Woah, that was a great catch!” he said to Tate.

“Thanks, how about the two of you go secure those crates while I help Runt and Mike over there!” Tate shouted over the roaring storm.

Lowell and I were maybe ten feet from the crates when the bow of the ship heaved and we were both knocked off balance. I rolled head over heals backwards, slamming into a crate with enough force to daze me for a couple seconds.

Funny thing though, right about then I noticed that the rain seemed not to be falling but essentially moving perpendicular to the deck of the ship. Through the storm I could make out the watery image of Lowell as he was getting to his feet. He appeared to be hurt, he was holding his head and staggering. Another wave hit and the bow of the ship dropped fast. I held tightly to the crate and watched as Lowell was launched backward, hit the rail and flipped over it. With a single hand he caught hold of the rail but it was apparent that he did not have the strength to hold on for very long.

There was a flash of lightning that turned night into day for a few seconds and I saw Madam-M standing reminiscent of a bronze statue almost as if she were defying Katrina to try and knock her over. With the force of a fog-horn Madam-M’s orders could be heard above the roar of Katrina’s waves and wind.

“Come on, get a move on there Micky!”

“What do you think you’re doing Peter? Tie it down and get a rope around those.”

“Watch it Timmy or we’ll be scraping you off the deck and feeding you to the fishies!”

“Tyler, give Jonathan a hand with that and then the two of you Runt!”

Everyone else seemed to be shouting to one another too; it was sort of a supervised chaos of sorts.

I tried to shout to get Madam-M’s attention, “M-M-M-M-M” but I could not get a single word to form.

As the ship heaved again and I was thrown forward, toppled over someone, I think it might have been Tyler and landed right at the heals of Madam-M with my face planted firmly in the crease of her backside before falling backward onto my wet diapered butt.

“L-L-L-L” I tried, I really tried to tell her.

I was pointing franticly toward Lowell and she turned, allowing her eyes to follow the invisible line to the railing where Lowell was still hanging.

“Help! Help!” Lowell’s cries could barely be heard over the storm as wave after wave engulfed him.

I looked up at Madam-M, then back to Lowell but he was gone.

Without hesitation she pushed me aside and started toward the railing Lowell had been cling to only seconds before.

Out of nowhere, someone came swinging on a rope past Madam-M but it was impossible to see who it was through the rain. I watched as the high-flying, rope swinger was suddenly consumed by the waters exactly as I would imagine a mammoth beast might swallow someone whole.

Three, maybe four seconds past before we saw the boy resurface with one arm wrapper around the seemingly lifeless body of Lowell while his other hand was still holding doggedly to the rope he’d swung on.

Madam-M shrieked out an order, I still don’t know exactly what she said but Tater, Runt and several of the boys had seized the rope and were pulling Jamie and Lowell back abroad.

Until that very second I had not known if my brother was alive or dead. I didn’t even have a clue that he had been on board the Banachelli all along.

I saw Lowell’s arm move to brace himself as he hit the deck and I knew he was still alive.”


Chapter 3


** For the latest news on how each installment is coming along as well as answers to questions asked by other readers and so much more, visit me at  As always, your thoughts matter to me very, very much, so please send any comments, questions, suggestions, or criticism to me at: **