This is the continued story of
Simon’s Journal.
Before you begin this third volume in this series, I would highly recommend
that you read the first and second volumes as each picks up were the previous
left off.
Simon’s Journal -
Volume I
Thirteen Days – The First Crusade
Nights – After the Crusade
The following narrative is nearly a complete
work of fiction. Some events and characters were pulled from real life but have
been changed, enhanced and twisted to comply with my will. Any other similarity
to actual individuals living or dead is completely unintentional, but it would
be incredible!
The following story contains diaper use,
violence, adult language and strong sexual content. If reading a coming of age
story about boys wearing diapers and exploring their awakening sexuality
doesn’t tickle your pickle, or if pickle tickling is illegal in your area, then
I suggest you select something else to read.
Winds are blow’n
“Back below, we were all drying off, some
were in the process of being re-diapered by Cho or Sister Sarafina, and even a
few of the boys were laughing and talking about the storm. We had all been
given bottles of hot coco to warm us up; that’s when Madam-M came treading
heavily to where, I was sitting naked and sharing a blanket Jamie. Except for
our shared blanket, Jamie was also wholly exposed but he was so happy to be out
of hiding and back with me again that it never even occurred to him that his
shriveled boy parts were out there for all to see.
He was gleefully sitting to my left drinking
his coco from a bottle like the rest of us and was giving me a one-armed python
hug around my shoulders. He also had the most ridiculous grin on his face,
which he had every right to be flashing after the way he flew through the air,
dove into the water and saved Lowell’s life.
Just before Madam-M came down from the storm,
Lowell had returned and he seemed to be, from tip to toe and top to diapered
bottom, altogether unaffected by his brush with death. That is not to say that
he came out of it unscathed, because he didn’t. For the rest of that night
Lowell would occasionally cough, make a nauseous expression and then spit into
a cloth diaper, which he kept partially tucked into the side of his diaper and
allowed it to drape over his bare hip like a sash. He also had a few scratches
on his arms and a wicked lump on his forehead where he’d crash-landed on the
deck of the ship just before going for a swim.
If I forget for a moment that my friend
nearly died, the scene before me is most assuredly a candidate for one of those
Kodak moments.
Bare feet, naked legs and thighs,
thick-bulging diaper covered with sky-blue rubber pants, exposed belly button
and chest from behind a slightly oversized white-unfastened shirt and hair
combed in formal Sunday school style. With the lift side of his mouth, Lowell
was smirking knowingly at Jamie and with the right side of his mouth he was
sucking on a baby-bottle as if he was attempting to turn it inside out. I
suspected that it contained more then just coco but the sight of him made me
giddy and I never got the chance to ask him if it was spiked.
With a wiggle of his diapered butt he
inserted himself between Jamie and myself and rested his head against mine. His
body was quite warm and his hair reeked of soap. He later explained to us that
Fryer had given him a warm bath before getting him rediapered, generously I
might add.
Fryer, a giant trapped in a dwarfs body, was
the cook and harbored many secrets. One of those secrets, which Lowell and I
discovered early on, was that once Segal, Lowell and I got Fryer off the booze
and cleaned up he turned out to be a charming and caring man. Heck, after a
while I didn’t even see him has a midget; he was just Fryer and was our friend.
While we helped Segal get Fryer sober again
we happened to learn a few things about him and what events lead him to the
Banachelli. Fryer used to be an FBI agent just like Segal but he had made a
mistake. That was all it was too, just a mistake but the result was that 14
women and 47 children were killed and Fryer wasn’t able to live with that memory
so he tried to drown it with booze.
He lost everything after that—his wife, his
job, his home and then one night while drunk he tried to kill a woman who he
thought was his wife. He was forced to go into hiding to keep from going to
prison and his running from the law lead him to the Banachelli where he
remained for quite a few years before Lowell and I showed up.”
** For the latest news on how each installment is coming along as well as answers to questions asked by other readers and so much more, visit me at As always, your thoughts matter to me very, very much, so please send any comments, questions, suggestions, or criticism to me at: **