This is the continued story of Simon’s Journal.
Before you begin this third volume in this series,
I would highly recommend that you read the first and second volumes
as each picks up were the previous left off.
Simon’s Journal -
Volume I
Thirteen Days – The First Crusade
Nights – After the Crusade
following narrative is nearly a complete work of fiction. Some events and
characters were pulled from real life but have been changed, enhanced and
twisted to comply with my will. Any other similarity to actual individuals
living or dead is completely unintentional, but it would be incredible!
following story contains diaper use, violence, adult language and strong sexual
content. If reading a coming of age story about boys wearing diapers and
exploring their awakening sexuality doesn’t tickle your pickle, or if pickle
tickling is illegal in your area, then I suggest you select something else to
Simon's Journal
Volume III
Adventures Abound
Written by Danny
in heaven’s tears
“That was the best time ever! BJ said as we
were walking out of Pinky’s.
“I think I ate too much!” I said rubbing my
bloated belly and feeling that the front of my shirt felt damp to the touch. I
knew instantly that I’d exceeded the maximum capacity of my diaper. I said to
myself, hope it holds out until we get home.
“I know I did!” Mom said comically holding
her belly as if she were pregnant.
“I won’t need to eat again for at least an
hour!” Mr. Otteranski joked.
“An hour?” Dad laughed, “I don’t even want to
think about food until next week!”
“Can we stop for ice cream on the way home?”
BJ teased too.
Playing along I said, “Ice cream? You just
had a three scoop banana split plus you ate nearly half of mine and you want
more ice cream?” I said a little louder than what was needed.
“You’re fat enough!” My dad said suddenly
grabbing BJ and putting him into a walking headlock.
BJ first tried to muscle his way out of the
headlock and when that failed he tried to use flawed logic, “You’re going to
mess up my hair!”
I felt the need to comment on that, “I hate
to tell you this, but you’re hair can’t be more messed up then it is right
“You got a lot of room to talk mop boy!” my
dad said trying to get a hold of me with his other arm but I ducked and avoided
“Ha-Ha! You missed me!” I said flapping my
hands next to my ears and sticking my tongue out at him.
However, I hadn’t counted on Mrs. Otteranski
doing a sneak attack. “NO FAIR!” I squealed as he ticked my arm pits from
behind. I was so relieved that he didn’t keep tickling me and I took off
running several strides ahead of them toward the car. I turned and added, “You
attacked from behind! That isn’t fair!”
I think Mr. Otteranski has been hanging
around my dad too much because his response was exactly what I would expect my
dad to say. “Well you’re behind was too me!” he said.
Well I guess it is better to be blessed with
beauty over brains, huh? Then again, maybe not; I think I will blame my
following action on the fact that I was all hopped up on sugar from the ice-cream
and sodas. I suppose I also felt somewhat safe as I was staying several strides
ahead of them by jogging backwards. I spun around on one heal and said, “Oh
yeah, well how about this backside?” With a single swift move I had reached
behind me, pulled down the back of my pants and diaper about halfway and mooned
the lot of them.
“SIMON!” Mom yelled in her mom voice but I
just laughed it off, pulled my pants back up and took off running for the car
at break-neck speed.
“Run Simon, run!” BJ shouted and I looked
back to see Mr. Otteranski hot on my heals.
I squealed and ran even faster. When I
reached the car I didn’t stop, I ran all the way around it to keep it between Mr.
Otteranski and me. He was laughing, panting for breath and holding his bloated
“Oh you are so lucky I am so full!” he said.
I looked to see how close everyone else was
and they were still a few cars away.
“Yeah and old!” I said.
“You have to sleep sometime,” Mr. Otteranski
said huffing and puffing.
“Alright you two, I don’t want anyone getting
sick in the car so just settle down!” Mrs. Otteranski ordered.
“Yeah, so that means you can’t get me!” I
said to BJ’s dad.
“Oh no it doesn’t!” My dad said.
“Yeah huh!” I argued.
“Alright, come get in the car,” mom said
motioning for me.
“Mom, make him not get me!” I pleaded.
“Come on!” she said.
“But mom!” I whined.
I went around the car to get in, although
reluctantly but I should have been keeping my eye on everyone, not just Mr. Otteranski
because mom popped my backside when I wasn’t looking. It was in fun but she
also said, “You know better then to go showing off you bottom in public like
“Hey!” I protested while giggling and climbing
into the car.
Mom climbed in after me, leaned over and
asked in a whisper, “Do you need changed before we start back?”
Without looking up I shook my head. In truth
I probably did need to get changed but I knew that would mean getting changed
either there in the car with everyone waiting and watching or she would send me
back into the restaurant to get changed. Even worse would be if she insisted on
taking me in herself and having Peter see.
On the way back to the beach house from
Pinky’s it started to rain. At first it was a little rain, just enough to mess
up the windshield if Dad turned on the wipers. It seemed that the further away
from Pinky’s we got the heavier the rain came down so that by the time we
reached our destination we were in the middle of a torrential downpour. It was
every man, woman and child for themselves as everyone leapt from the car and ran
for the covered porch.
My mom, BJ’s mom, BJ and I were on the porch
in nothing flat but Mr. Otteranski and my dad were taking their sweet time out
there in the rain.
It was so dark and raining so hard that we
couldn't even see them. I imagine that to everyone else the rain was just
another rain storm but it made me remember when the
“Honey, are you coming?” Mom called out to
“I’m singing in the rain!” Dad sang.
Mr. Otteranski followed with, “Oh what a
lovely feeling!”
And the two of them together strolled up to
the porch steps singing, “Just singing and dancing in the rain!”
I laughed at their silliness as I pulled the rubber
band from the back of my head to allow my soaked hair to fall loose once more. That
should give you an idea how hard it was raining. From the car to the porch it
took me less then five seconds and in that brief time I got soaked to the bone.
Earlier, on the way to Pinky’s mom had been
on my case about my hair looking wild and unkempt. I confessed that it hadn’t
seen a comb or brush in so long that I couldn’t remember if I had brushed it since
BJ and his parents had picked me up at home to come to the beach with them. She
found a rubber band in her purse and with a degree of difficulty had pulled my
hair back into a ponytail.
“I think that’s the first time I have seen
his eyes this whole trip!” Mrs. Otteranski kidded me.
But now it felt good to let it loose and let
it fall around my shoulders again. I gave my head a shake and pulled my hair
back behind my ears to keep it from hanging over my face.
“Dad what about Tom?” BJ asked.
“What about him?” Mr. Otteranski asked in
I already knew that Tom wasn’t out in the
rain. When we were driving up to the house I had noticed that there was a light
on inside and figured it was Tom.
“He’s a big boy! I’m sure he can take care of
himself.” My dad said shaking his head like a dog trying to dry himself.
“Dear, maybe you should go ask him to come
down and stay inside tonight.” Mrs. Otteranski asked her husband.
“Are you all going to stand out there on the
porch all evening?” Tom said from the front window.
Mom squealed and I thought Mrs. Otteranski
was going to faint.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you!” Tom
“Oh you did so!” I said to him with a laugh
and clutching at my thumping heart.
“Yep, you caught me!” He said and disappeared
from the window to go open the door for us.
“Well, I wasn’t expecting company but come on
in, make yourselves at home!” Tom joked.
I was the last one to go inside and the last
to see how Tom was dressed.
“Hope you don’t mind but I sort of got caught
out in the rain.” He said.
He was wearing Mrs. Otteranski night robe and
had a towel wrapped around his head like a genie’s hat.
Mrs. Otteranski and my mom were laughing so
hard that they had to hold on to each other to keep from falling over. Dad
seemed to feel that it was a Kodak moment and had pulled out his camera phone to
snap a quick picture.
Tom pointed at dad and half laughing said,
“That better not appear on the internet!”
“Internet? Are you daft man? As far as I’m
concerned we have the cover for next years Christmas cards.
Everyone laughed, even Tom; however, I
wouldn’t put it past my dad to actually go through with it. I kind of hope he
does because it would be so incredibly funny!
After I got changed into a dry GoodNite and
dry clothes I went back out to the front room where mom made me sit on the
floor between her feet while she combed the knots out of my long hair. It took
a good while and hurt like mad but I didn’t complain too much. I figured that
it was my own fault for not keeping it brushed everyday.
When she was done I talked dad into helping
me with my new boat. He and I sat at the kitchen table to open the box; it was
a real pain in the rear diaper area too! Each individual piece was shrink-wrapped
in hard plastic and strapped to the cardboard container with little wire twist
ties. By the time we were done it was late and I was struggling to keep my eyes
open. I suppose coming off that sugar high wasn’t helping me none either.
I’d been so focused on what we were doing that
hadn’t even noticed that Tom and Mr. Otteranski had fallen asleep in the front
room. Or that BJ had gone to bed without being told. Mom and Mrs. Otteranski
were still up; they were out on the front porch chatting, watching it rain and
drinking tea.
Dad must have seen my droopy eyes because he
said, “Hey, why don’t you go to bed. I’ll plug in the batteries and let them
charge overnight. That way it will be ready for you by morning.”
“Yeah, ok.” I responded.
I got up from my chair, walked around the
table and hugged him tightly.
“I really missed you this week!” he said.
“I missed you too.” I said and normally I
would have let go of him and headed off to bed but something inside me wouldn’t
let me release my hold on his neck.
“Simon?” dad asked with a hint of concern.
I didn’t reply; I continued to hug him
“Simon? Are you ok?” he asked with more
I sniffled.
“Simon, are you crying?” he asked and hugged
me even tighter.
“No,” I lied.
“What’s the matter?” he asked.
I finally let go of him but he held onto my upper
arms and looked me in the eye. “What is it?”
I shook my head and wiped at my tears.
“What?” He continued to probe.
I shrugged my shoulders.
“Come on, I’ll help you get ready for bed.”
He said to me.
In the room that BJ and I had been sleeping
in we found BJ lying face down on the bottom bunk still fully dressed and
clutching his new puzzle snake. I swear, I don’t know what he saw in that
puzzle snake, it looked kind of dumb to me but he sure does like it an awful
lot. By the way he was laying, he must have fallen asleep on the way to bed
because his legs didn’t even make it; they were hanging over the side of the mattress.
“Looks like someone got wore out today.” Dad commented
while petting the back of my head.
“It was Tom’s fault! He wore us out!” I said
Dad lifted BJ and laid him back in bed
properly. He also removed BJ’s shoes and tried to take the snake puzzle but
even asleep BJ wasn’t about to give it up.
I hadn’t realized just how wet I was until
dad came over and started to pull down my short.
“Simon, you shouldn’t go around in a wet
diaper for so long. You are going to get a bad diaper rash again.” Dad
“But I didn’t even know.” I said in defense.
“Maybe you should take a bath before bed?” and
I wasn’t sure if he was asking or telling me.
“Not another bath!” I whined most
Dad cracked a smile and squeezed my thigh,
“Been having a few have we?”
“Only like a million every stinking day!” I
“A million? Son I have told you a billion
times not to exaggerate!” dad joked.
I giggled, “Yeah, well you say lots of stuff;
I can’t remember all of it.”
Dad popped my bare behind jokingly. “Is that
“Yeah!” I laughed.
He tickled me and said, “Maybe I need to go
back to talking with my belt?”
“No don’t tickle! Not fair, not fair!” I squealed.
“Hush, you are going to wake up the whole
house.” Dad said digging his fingers into my arm pits.
“Oh please dad, please, please!” I begged.
He gave my bottom another swat and said,
“Alright you, to the tub and be quick about it!”
I didn’t take very long in the bathroom and
when I returned I found dad standing at the bedroom window looking out at the
“Done already?” he asked when he saw me
streaking back into the room with the towel draped around the back of my neck.
There was a flash of lightning outside that
made dad take a step away from the window. We both waited for the clap of
thunder but it never came.
“Hey, no thunder!” dad comment.
“Maybe God was just taking your picture.” I
I shouldn’t have said that because it gave
dad an idea. Before I knew it he had pulled out his camera phone and snapped a
picture of me standing there in all the splendor that Mother Nature had blessed
me with.
“DAD!” I complained and instinctively covered
my boy parts with my hands.
He just laughed and said, “And that one I’ll
save for blackmail later.”
“DAAAD!” I whined.
“DAAAD!” he mimicked.
I stomped my foot and made an angry face at
“Oh now that one is good too!” he said and
snapped another picture.
“DAAAAAAD! I whined again as I raced over to
my bag, got out a pair of GoodNites and slipped them on quickly.
He came over, hugged me and said, “You know I
love you don’t you?”
“Yeah, well you got to. I am your son.” I
said with half a grin.
“Oh I do huh?” He said smiling back.
He gave me a kiss on the cheek, turned my
head and kissed my other cheek and topped them off with another swat to my
padded rump. “Alright SON! Get to bed and I’ll see you in the morning.”
“I can’t yet!” I protested.
“Why not?” he asked.
I looked at him as if he should already know
the reason, “I got to go kiss mom goodnight too.”
“Well hurry up and I’ll tuck you in!” he
When I returned I found him standing by the
window again. I scampered up to the top bunk and he pulled the covers up over
“Night dad,” I said.
“Goodnight son! Now shut up and go to sleep.”
He said with a laugh.
“OK, I love you too!” I laughed back.
As he left he flicked off the light and
pulled the door about half closed. I think that I must have fallen asleep the
instant the light was off.
** As always, your thoughts matter to me
very, very much, so please send any comments, questions, suggestions, or
criticism to me at: **