This is the continued story of Simon’s Journal.
Before you begin this third volume in this series,
I would highly recommend that you read the first and second volumes
as each picks up were the previous left off.
Simon’s Journal -
Volume I
Thirteen Days – The First Crusade
Nights – After the Crusade
following narrative is nearly a complete work of fiction. Some events and
characters were pulled from real life but have been changed, enhanced and
twisted to comply with my will. Any other similarity to actual individuals
living or dead is completely unintentional, but it would be incredible!
following story contains diaper use, violence, adult language and strong sexual
content. If reading a coming of age story about boys wearing diapers and
exploring their awakening sexuality doesn’t tickle your pickle, or if pickle
tickling is illegal in your area, then I suggest you select something else to
Simon's Journal
Volume III
Adventures Abound
Written by Danny
in misery
Once again I awoke in the middle of the night
from having a bad dream; it wasn’t a real bad one but it was enough to startle me
All that soda and ice cream I’d had at
Pinky’s had done a real number on my GoodNite and left me lying in a very wet
“Ah man!” I whined to myself when I saw that
the GoodNite had failed to stem the night tide.
I climb quietly out of the top bunk trying
not to shake the bed too much and wake BJ. I had no idea what time it was and I
wasn’t in any mood for another bath but when I started to change my GoodNite I
saw that besides wetting the bed I had also pooped the bed.
“Ah man!” I whimpered.
I didn’t want to risk making a mess on the
floor there in our bedroom or worse yet, leave a poop trail all the way to the
bathroom so I pulled the soiled GoodNite back up and shuffled my bare feet
across the cool wooden floor to the bathroom. I decided that since I needed another
bath I might as well enjoy myself and soak in the hot water for a while.
Besides, all that rain had really cooled the beach house down. I’m sure being
soaked with pee wasn’t helping me none either.
While waiting for the tub to fill I had an
idea. I went back to the room, retrieved my electronic journal and started back
again. However, this time when I entered the hallway I wasn’t alone.
“Simon? Why are you up?” Tom asked.
Thought I hadn’t actually seen him, I must
have known he was there because when he spoke I simply looked up at him. He was
still wearing Mrs. Otteranski robe and the site of him made me giggle out loud.
He smiled and re-adjusted the robe.
“I had a bad dream,” I answered.
“You ok?” he asked reaching out for me and rubbing
the back of my head.
I nodded, stepped closer to him and wrapped
my arms around him.
He patted my head and kneaded the back of my
neck with his other hand. “Are you taking a bath this late?” he asked.
“Yeah, I sort of had another accident.” I
said releasing him from my hug.
“Ah, I see. You going to need any help?” he
I shook my head but then remembered the banage on my back. Without having me turn around he leaned
over me and removed it so fast that it didn’t even hurt.
“Wow, you are good at that.” I said.
Tom smiled, pinched his nose and said, “You’re
right, you need a bath.”
I gave him a wise guy smirk.
“When you’re done you really should get back
to bed. It’s only 1:40 in the morning.” He said.
I shrugged, nodded and walked into the
bathroom feeling glad that Tom was inside with us and not out in the rain.
I tested the water with my left toe. “Oh hot,
hot, hot! Way too hot!” I shrieked quietly.
With the hot water I turned off I let the
cold water run a while longer to bring the overall temperature down to a more
skin pleasing level. I tested the water again and this time it was just hot
enough that I could stand it without it boiling me like a lobster. Before I
climbed in I moved over by the toilet, pulled my GoodNite down and stepped out
of it. It was full, very full so I tilted it over the toilet and it made a
satisfying plop as my poop fell into the bowl.
“Funny how ice-cream can be so scrumptious
and good looking going in, but look and smell like that coming out.” I whispered to no one.
The GoodNite made a squishy sound when I
dropped it on the floor beside the toilet and then I sat myself down to wipe
the extra poop off. I mean, why muddy up my nice tub of hot water with yucky poop?!
It took several wipes to get most of the poop
off my bottom and when I stood up again I saw that I’d left poop all over the
seat as well.
“Dang-it!” I said in frustration.
Using more toilet paper I cleaned the seat
before flushing and heading over to get in the tub.
Oh, it felt especially good on my back as I
lowered myself into the water all the way up to my lips. Only from my nose up
was still above the waters surface; well, that and my right hand which was
holding my e-journal up to keep it from getting wet. Like seaweed my hair
floated in the water gently tickling my sides and belly. I stayed submerged for
a good long while until I was totally use to the warmth of the water and tremendously
I raised myself back out of the water so that
I was sitting up. At first I was going to just sit Indian style in the tub but
I decided that I wanted to see if I could lean back against the tub without it
hurting too much. At first it did sting but that soon went away and I was wholly
comfortable. By placing my elbows on the top of either side of the tub, I was
able to keep myself from sliding back down in the water and yet still had my
hands free to do some journaling.
When the bathroom door opened I wasn’t surprised
to see BJ come strolling in.
“Simon?” He said when the bathroom light
invaded his sleepy eyes. Instinctively he raised his arm to shield his eyes.
“Yeah, I’m in the tub.” I answered.
“Oh, ok” He said and then asked, “Can I come
in? I need to pee really bad!”
His asking surprised me but I chalked it down
to him probably still being asleep. “Sure come on in.” I said.
He didn’t say anything else; he stepped up to
the toilet, lifted the seat and dropped his pants and underwear to his ankles.
He wasn’t lying when he said he needed to pee ‘really bad’ because he peed for what seemed like forever. And it
wasn’t one of those small trickling pees; when he started it sounded like he
was spraying a garden hose into the bowl. When he was finally done he pulled
his underwear and shorts back up and started back toward his bed without flushing.
I watched him shuffling toward the bathroom door. His head seemed to be bobbing
on his shoulders like one of those big headed toys. It didn’t surprise me that
as he left he pulled the door closed and turned off the light.
“Yep, he is still asleep!” I giggled to
myself and was thankful that I had already turned on my e-journal. It gave off
enough light that I could see well enough to do my journaling.
At first I wrote about everything that had
happened here at the beach house since my last entry and then I started to
journal about the dream I was having before waking up and coming into the
bathroom. I had been dreaming about what I had been telling BJ earlier on the
beach and I had woke up right at the point where I realized that I was tied up
and wrapped inside the stinky blanket.
I opened a new journal entry and started
grouchy man cussed and then a door slammed shut behind me.
me ol’ room still ‘valable?”
the Jamaican woman asked and that’s when I remembered who the voice belonged
too. The first time I had been brought to the ‘Bancheli Orphanage for Boys’ I
had been put on a boat and a Jamaican woman had cared for me while I had been
the blanket was pulled off me, my eyes needed time to adjust to the sudden
exposure to light however in the mean-time I also heard someone whimpering to
my right.
squinted and looked around trying to find the Jamaican woman but she had
already left the room. I could still hear her in the hallway, “Just look at dis dirty-dirty place! Madam-M won’t be happy! Mmmmm, no; won’t be happy!”
from beside me drew my attention away from the door the led to the hallway. I
looked to my right and saw
opened my mouth, “Y-y-you o-ok L-L...?” and someone hit me from behind so hard
that I fell forward onto the icy linoleum. Since my hands and feet were still
bound I could not do anything to brace myself from the fall and my head bounced
on the floor twice.
TALKING!” Mrs. Wriggle screeched with self amusement.
in me snapped! I don’t me physically, I mean mentally and emotionally. I
proceeded to lay out a string of profanities so colorful and venomous that even
I was surprised by my audacity. I am sure my words would have carried more
weight if I hadn’t also been stuttering so severely but even stuttering didn’t
stop me! Mrs. Wriggle kicked me several times but I kept spouting cursed word
after cursed word. Even when Mr. Wriggle grabbed me by my tied feet and began
to drag me away I still continued my verbal assault.
Frankly I was flabbergasted when Mr. Wriggle
didn’t carry me off to the bowels of the Banachelli and lock me away in the pit
again. No, instead he only drug me as far as the outer
hallway and left me lying there still tied up. Of course that didn’t shut me up;
on the contrary, it just meant that I had to shout all the louder to be heard. It
was Micky that finally got me to quiet down.
I had wiggled around on the floor like an
inch worm so that I could look back into the other room where
That’s when I heard someone from the other
direction say in a whispered shout, “For pitty sake shu’up!”
I twisted around and saw Micky, Peter, Timmy,
As if I had just bumped into them at the mall
I said, “O-o-oh h-hello th-there g-g-g-g-guys! H-how
you b-been?”
Micky spoke again, “Ya
just hush now!”
They must have seen something coming because
they suddenly vanished back around the corner. I craned my head so that I could
see back into the room and I half expected to see Mr. or Mrs. Wriggle coming
toward me but that wasn’t the case at all. Instead it was Cho,
dragging her bad leg, thud, shhhh, thud, shhhh and leading
Once they had removed my bonds I was able to
** As always, your thoughts matter to me
very, very much, so please send any comments, questions, suggestions, or
criticism to me at: **