This is the continued story of Simon’s Journal.
Before you begin this third volume in this series, I would highly recommend that you read the first and second volumes as each picks up were the previous left off.


Simon’s Journal - Volume I 
Thirteen Days – The First Crusade


Simon’s Journal - Volume II

Thirteen Nights – After the Crusade



The following narrative is nearly a complete work of fiction. Some events and characters were pulled from real life but have been changed, enhanced and twisted to comply with my will. Any other similarity to actual individuals living or dead is completely unintentional, but it would be incredible!


The following story contains diaper use, violence, adult language and strong sexual content. If reading a coming of age story about boys wearing diapers and exploring their awakening sexuality doesn’t tickle your pickle, or if pickle tickling is illegal in your area, then I suggest you select something else to read. .










Simon's Journal

Volume III


Thirteen Sails
Adventures Abound


Written by Danny






Chapter - 13

Time Keeps Leaking Through



I stayed in the tub for a few minutes after BJ climbed out. When I finally did turn off the water and stepped from the tub he was no longer in the bathroom. Also the butthead left the bathroom door standing wide open. I dried myself, making sure to be extra careful of my re-injured back. To keep from getting dirty again, instead of picking up my messy closes with my bare hands I used the towel I'd just dried off with and held it by the corners.

I wasn't surprised when I didn't find BJ in the room or anywhere in the beach house. I just figured he slipped his swimsuit back on and had gone back outside with his parents.

Before I bothered to get dressed again I had carried my soiled garments out and deposited them outside the front door. I didn't want to leave them inside to stink up the whole place and I honestly intended to do something about them right after I got myself dressed but it honestly slipped my mind. I had gone back to the room, found a fresh pair of GoodNites and slipped them on. However, while I was getting the GoodNite I happened to see my electronic journal. Having had such a vivid recall of past event this morning I decided to try to write it all down.

"Simon? Siiimmmooon? SIIIMMMOOOONNNN?" BJ's mom had to call my name three times before I finally hurt her.

"Huh?" I grunted as I looked up from my e-journal.

"There you are!" she said spotting me sitting on the floor of the bedroom beneath the window.

I suddenly became aware of the fact that I had not finished getting dressed and was only wearing the GoodNite. When I had picked up my e-journal I had settled down under the bedroom window and started writing with no idea that the remainder of the morning had passed.

"What are you doing inside for heavens sake?" she asked with motherly concern, "Are you feeling ok?"

I nodded, "Yeah, just catching up!" I said and saved my work before turning it off.

"Well put on some shorts and a shirt and come have some lunch." she paused a moment

"Wow, it's lunchtime already?" I asked but Mrs. Otteranski had already gone.

As I got to my feet I realized that while I had been writing I had totally soaked the GoodNite I'd just put on.

I returned my e-journal to my bag and pulled out my red, white and blue shirt. From the front everyone thinks it is a patriotic shirt but on the back it has big white letters that spell out 'PEPSI'. I don't know who got it for me, probably mom, but I like it cause it's actually about three sizes too big and hangs down past my knees. I didn't bother to put on shorts; I figured since my shirt covered more than enough I didn't need shorts on too.

"Ham or turkey?" Mrs. Otteranski asked when I started to sit down at the table with BJ and his dad.

When I didn't answer right away she asked, "You sure you're feeling alright?"

"Yeah, really!" I answered back.

BJ's dad asked, "Something happen this morning that's got you upset?"

I shoot my head, "Really I am ok, nothing happened."

I looked from Mr. Otteranski to Mrs. Otteranski and then to BJ who was giving me a look like he thought I was lying.

"What?" I rudely asked him.

BJ quickly looked down at his sandwich without saying anything.

I felt like I was missing something, "Honest, I am fine!" I said almost yelling.

Mrs. Otteranski did that look that moms do when they don't really believe you but they say they do anyway, "Alright, if you say so," she turned back to the counter and repeated, "Ham or Turkey?"

This time I didn't all even a millisecond to pass without answering which probably wasn't the right thing to do since it made it seem like I was now trying to make them think nothing was wrong. "Ham please!"

When she handed the plate to me it contained two halves of a sandwich cut diagonally, two pickle wedges and a mountain of potato chips. Without my having to ask BJ passed the ketchup 'cause he knows I like to dip my chips into the ketchup.

I was taking a bit of my chip when out of the corner of my eye I saw BJ staring at me. He must have realized I saw him cause he quickly moved his eyes off me.

I couldn't take it any longer. I threw the pickle on my plate and shouted, "What? What? WHAT?"

I instantly felt like a jerk for blowing up like that and because I nearly scared the life right out of BJ's mom.

Mr. Otteranski shot a look at me that said I was skating on thin ice, "Sorry, I didn't mean to yell." I quickly apologized.

BJ finally spilled the beans, "I seen you crying," he said very matter-of-fact like.

"Huh? I wasn't crying." I said.

BJ nodded his head, "Yeah you were; while you were writing in your journal you were crying. I asked you what was wrong and you told me to," he stopped and looked at his dad before saying, "F off."

I was abundantly confused now, "I didn't say nothing like that! You're lying!" I said accusingly.

"I didn't!" I said turning to Mrs. Otteranski.

"Yes you did and I told dad and he said to let you alone so I did." I could tell BJ was more than a little upset.

I looked down at my sandwich, "But I don't remember saying it." and my voice cracked.

"Simon?" Mr. Otteranski said softly from across the table.

Confusion and shame had consumed me and I couldn't look up at any of them. I swallowed hard against the lump rapidly forming in my throat and managed a faint, "I'm sorry."

Nothing else was said about it while everyone finished their lunches and though I did not feel like eating mine I also didn't want to make BJ's mom upset anymore than I already had so somehow I managed to force myself to eat what had been given to me.


After lunch BJ's dad took me outside and I was sure he was going to yell at me or give me a lecture but instead he picked up the bundle I had deposited earlier. He put his other arm around my head and pulled me close to his side as we walked to the water to rinse my soiled garments.

On the way back to the beach house BJ met up with us about halfway.

"You going swimming?" His dad asked him.

"Mom said I got to wait for twenty more minutes." BJ answered.

Mr. Otteranski patted my head and said, "Go on, I'll hang these things up to dry."

BJ and I started walking back toward the water today but neither of us spoke right away. We stood side by side at the waters edge looking toward the horizon. I finally had to ask, "Did I really say that to you before?"

"Yeah, you were being a jerk!" he said not trying to spare my feelings.

"I'm sorry!" I said, "I really don't remember saying it!"

"Why were you so mad at me?" he asked.

I am not sure why I did it but I turned and threw my arms around BJ, "Please forgive me!" I blubbered, "I didn't mean it! Really just forgive me."

BJ wiggled and wriggled trying to get free of my bear hug, "Gee-whiz Simon let go!"

I didn't let go.

"You better not get snot on me!" he complained and finally laughed as he pushed me away.

I laughed too as I teased, "Awww come on, give me a smooch so I know you ain't mad no more," and puckered my lips.

"Get away!" he laughed and pushed me away again.

We walked along the beach for longer then the twenty minutes that his mom said to wait for before the two of us went into the water. Not wanting to get my shirt wet and knowing I only had a GoodNite on under my shift, I only went in up to my calves. BJ on the other hand swam out a good distance from the shore. He kept diving under the water, swimming down to the bottom and bringing up shells, rocks and other underwater treasures. Several times he swam back to show me something he'd found. The last thing he brought back was a big shell that was sort of shaped like a twisted ice-cream cone.


Chapter 14


** As always, your thoughts matter to me very, very much, so please send any comments, questions, suggestions, or criticism to me at: **