This is the continued story of Simon’s Journal.
Before you begin this third volume in this series,

I would highly recommend that you read the first and second volumes

as each picks up were the previous left off.


Simon’s Journal - Volume I 
Thirteen Days – The First Crusade


Simon’s Journal - Volume II

Thirteen Nights – After the Crusade



The following narrative is nearly a complete work of fiction. Some events and characters were pulled from real life but have been changed, enhanced and twisted to comply with my will. Any other similarity to actual individuals living or dead is completely unintentional, but it would be incredible!


The following story contains diaper use, violence, adult language and strong sexual content. If reading a coming of age story about boys wearing diapers and exploring their awakening sexuality doesn’t tickle your pickle, or if pickle tickling is illegal in your area, then I suggest you select something else to read.






Chapter - 14

Teach me to love for goodness sake



That afternoon was the hottest day during our stay at the beach and when BJ had brought back the sea shell shaped like an ice-cream cone we both decided the sun was getting to us and headed back to the beach house hoping that there was ice-cream to be had.

However, when we got back his mom and dad were not to be found anywhere. We were both starting to panic just a little when we heard someone coming up on the beach house. We raced to the door only to find that it wasn’t them.

“Tom?” I asked surprised to see him down at the beach house.

“Where are my mom and dad?” BJ asked in a stern tone as though he were accusing Tom of having something to do with their disappearance.

Tom's face split into a jack-o-lantern grin as he said, “I killed them and ate their brains with a nice glass of white wine and used their skin to make myself matching socks and underwear.” He started to rub his hips provocatively as he swooned, “Oh and they fit so snuggly!”

BJ was laughing so hard I thought he was going to pee himself. I think it was a blend of concern, nervousness and finding that statement sickeningly funny that did him in.

I shook my head as I giggled, “Tom you are sick! You know that right?”

“Brought the thermos back.” he said holding it out for me to take.

“More likely you came down to see if there was anything else to eat!” I joked as I took the thermos and purposefully stepping on his shoe. I had to duck to keep from getting smacked in the back of the head for that one.

Tom made a hissing sound, “Oh no, I couldn't eat another bite; not after that snake!”

BJ suddenly stopped laughing, “You at my parents and a snake?”

“What snake?” I asked.

“This one!” Tom said pointing to his bloated belly.

“Mega-barf!” I remarked, “You really ate a snake?”

“Raw?” BJ questioned.

“Of course not...” Tom said as though it were the dumbest question ever asked, “I cooked it!”

“How?” I asked knowing even before I said it that I was besting BJ’s dumb question.

Tom raised his hands over his head, looked up and began to chant, “Oh great and mighty Thor! I beseech thee to send down a lightning bolt and cook this serpent which I have slain!”

“Yeah ok, you don't have to rub it in!” I whimpered.

BJ was looking green around the gills and I was a little surprised that he asked, “What did it taste like?”

“Like rabbit,” Tom answered so fast that it was clear that he’d been expecting one of us to ask it.

I knew my next question would get a smart-aleck response but somehow I couldn't stop myself, “What does rabbit taste like?”

Tom tried not to smile when he said, “Tastes a lot like snake!”

I threw my hands up, “Uuuuugggggghhhhhh!” and made both of them laugh.

“No really?” BJ asked again, “What does snake taste like.

Tom thought for a second, “You ever eat chicken that was dry and chewy?”

BJ stuck out his tongue and made a sick face, “Blucky!”

“Hey, don't like it until you've tried it!” Tom joked.

“By the way, I ran into your parental units while they were out for a stroll. They looked like they could use some time alone so I sent them my camp site.” Tom said pointing over his shoulder with his thumb.

“Cool,” I said and added, “BJ can be real handful sometimes.” and before I even finished saying it I had jumped forward and hid behind Tom.

BJ crossed his arms over his chest and pouted but then his expression changed to one of confusion. “Parental Units? What planet did you fall from?”

“Oh and to think I volunteered to baby-sit the two of you,” Tom groaned.

In unison BJ and I shouted, “HEY!” and BJ followed up with, “Who you calling babies?”

Tom reached around behind himself, took hold of the top of my head, and moved me around front at arms distance away. He glared at me with his one good eye and said, “Did I stutter?”

I knew that was a slam on me and I wasn’t going to stand for it! I swatted his hand away, held up my fists and using a bad Japanese low-budget movie voice dubbing I said, “Hey,” I continued to move my lips without speaking before I voiced, “you can’t say that,” I did more none verbal lip movement before finishing with, “about me!”

BJ had followed my lead and was moving in for the attack with true ninja stealth. I think we both saw Tom reach inside his coat where we knew he kept his gun. We froze in place as his hand started to come back out. It happened so fast that BJ and I didn't have time to take cover. Tom had pulled out a water pistol and began firing at us. It was one of those battery-powered squirt guns that you only have to pull the trigger once and it keeps firing a jet of water until the gun is empty. In no time Tom had emptied its contents onto the two of us.

For several second BJ and I were stunned which gave Tom the time he needed to retreat back out the door and run toward the water. I looked at BJ as he said, “He’s out of ammo!”

BJ added, “Lets get him!” and the two of us began to chase Tom.

We could see Tom already down at the beach bent over refilling his water gun and I remember wondering how he got to the water so quickly.

Tom turned and seen that BJ was doing a superman right at him but being the trained fighter that he is, Tom ducked and let BJ sail right past him. BJ’s body skipped on the surface of the water twice like skipping stones.

I had incorrectly assumed that Tom hadn’t seen me coming up behind him and that he was too busy watching BJ skid across the waters surface but just as I was about to attempt to sweep his leg out from under him he rose up, caught me by the hips and gave me a sideways flip. I still don’t know how I ended up landing on my feet facing away from Tom but I do know what happened next. I felt a tug from behind and then something slimy was wiggling around inside the back of my GoodNite. Before lunch I had changed into a dry GoodNite and put on my Pepsi T-shirt but hadn’t bothered to put on shorts... I regretted that decision now.

“FISH IN MY PANTS! FISH IN MY PANTS!!!!!” I screamed as if I were being murdered.

I had no choice at all, I had to strip naked from the waste down right there on the beach. No sooner had my fish filled GoodNite hit the sand than I took off for the house but I didn’t even make it two steps before Tom caught hold of me and flipped me again. However, this time instead of landing on my feet, I found myself draped over his shoulder and was being spanked fairly hard on my bare bottom.

I lied and said, “My back, you’re hurting my back!”

Tom took me serious and started to put me down but no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t keep a straight face.

“I’ll teach you to lie to me!” he said sounding serious but I knew he wasn’t.

BJ was sneaking up behind Tom so to keep his attention on me and give BJ a fighting chance I jumped backward, faked as though I were going to try to escape to the left but instead I went right. It worked! BJ jumped onto Tom’s back and nearly toppled him face first into the sand. This time while BJ was keeping him busy I spun around and ran for my life.

Behind me I heard BJ cry out, “Run Simon, run!”

And Tom shouted, “Come back here and take your medicine you bare butt varmint!”

There was no way I was going back but I did hazard a glance over my shoulder. To my horror Tom was running at full speed toward me with BJ hanging upside down over his shoulder.

“Simon look out he’s coming!” BJ warned.

I think there was only one other time in my life that I had run that fast and that had been when Jasper’s dog had chanced me out of their backyard. It also struck me that once again I found myself running for my life while leaving my pants behind, hanging from a nail in the wooden fence.

Knowing Tom was hot on my tail I was putting every ounce of spare energy into my legs. I was pumping my arms back and forth and pulling my knees up to my chest one after the other like some sort of machine. My left foot hit the porch with a wooden sounding thump and I felt a hand graze my right shoulder. Had I been a tenth of a second slower I am sure he would have caught me and I guessed that carrying BJ was slowing him down a little.

Once inside I ran around the far side of the table and shouted, “No rowdying in the house!” but when I turned around Tom wasn’t there.


I ran back to the door and Tom had BJ pinned to the ground and was tickling the life out of him.

“SSSTTTOOOOPPPPP!” BJ cried as his arms and legs swung about wildly trying to get away.

I launched myself off the porch and onto Tom’s back but my plan had been to allow BJ a chance to get away however Tom flung me around and dropped me face down across BJ’s body so that the two of us resembled a human version of the letter X.

“NO FAIR!” BJ screeched, “You are bigger then us!”

I rose off BJ and onto my knees. We both looked around for Tom but he was all the way up on the porch lowering himself into the porch swing.

“Hey, snake does the body good!” Tom said with a mocking laugh.

BJ was brushing the sand from his back when he said, “It’s Milk does the body good you brute!”

Tom only had act as though he was going to come after us again to make us both flinch and get ready to make a break for it.

Rubbing his belly he moaned, “It’s not good to run on a full stomach,” and then belched impressively.

“Wow!” BJ laughed, “That was loud!”

Tom thumped his chest and said, “Almost got to eat that snake a second time there.”

I groaned “Eeeeeew, that’s sick!”

“Tell me about it,” Tom said.


The three of us continued to play for a long while until we were exhausted. BJ was the first to retreat to the beach house to rest in the shade of the front porch. Tom and I soon followed but I hadn’t had much choice in the matter. He had carried me, upside down to the porch. There wasn’t anything I could do about my shirt falling down around my chess exposing my nudity. When he lowered me headfirst to the wooden floor I thought about wrapping my arms around his leg to keep him from getting away again but I was too pooped! I just wanted to rest a big after all that fun.

Not long after we had settled on the porch I felt as I needed to get diapered before I wet on the porch. I left the two of them sitting on the swing while I went and hunted down a new GoodNite to put on.

When I returned BJ and Tom were still on the swing but they both had Popsicles. “Hey, where’s mine!” I whined.

BJ held out a Popsicle that he’d got for me too. I settled down on the end of the porch allowing my legs to dangle down while I enjoyed the cool and refreshing banana flavored Popsicle. A minute or so later I spotted a small prop plane crossing the horizon.


Chapter 15


** As always, your thoughts matter to me very, very much, so please send any comments, questions, suggestions, or criticism to me at: **