This is the continued story of Simon’s Journal.
Before you begin this third volume in this series, I would highly recommend that you read the first and second volumes as each picks up were the previous left off.


Simon’s Journal - Volume I 
Thirteen Days – The First Crusade


Simon’s Journal - Volume II

Thirteen Nights – After the Crusade



The following narrative is nearly a complete work of fiction. Some events and characters were pulled from real life but have been changed, enhanced and twisted to comply with my will. Any other similarity to actual individuals living or dead is completely unintentional, but it would be incredible!


The following story contains diaper use, violence, adult language and strong sexual content. If reading a coming of age story about boys wearing diapers and exploring their awakening sexuality doesn’t tickle your pickle, or if pickle tickling is illegal in your area, then I suggest you select something else to read.










Simon's Journal

Volume III


Thirteen Sails
Adventures Abound


Written by Danny






Chapter - 12

Wash Away The Shame



BJ met up with me about halfway back and I had to tell him why I was laughing. It was obvious that he’d noticed the poop on my legs and I had no doubts that he could smell me from a mile away except he didn’t say a single word about it; that is until we got back to the beach house.

We messed around and took our sweet time getting back to the beach house with the empty plate. BJ went in first and stopped just inside the door. Of course this was deliberate because he knew I was right behind him. I collided with him and we both started laughing.

“Hey can’t you see I’m stopped!” BJ joked.

I gave him a swat across the back of his head.

“That’s my head!” he complained.

I came right back with, “You sure? ‘Cause it looks more like a rotten jack-o'-lantern to me.”

I guess we both were expecting to find at least one of his parents inside but they both seemed to be missing.

“They’re probably walking on the beach or something.” I said giving him a shove to get him moving again.

“You going to change?” He asked.

I didn’t mean for my next statement to come out sounding sarcastic but it did anyway, “Think I might just need more than a change this time.”

BJ spun around and acted like he was going to spinning karate kick me however he miscalculated and made contact with my hip.

Now this didn’t hurt, not even remotely but being quick thinking I dropped to the floor, grabbed my leg and started to moan.

BJ shouted, “Oh Simon I am so sorry. I didn’t mean to!”

“My leg! I think you broke my leg!” I cried while trying not to smile or laugh.

When I had grabbed hold of my leg my hands became covered with poop, this wasn’t part of the plan but since it happened I took advantage of it.

BJ rushed to my side, “Oh please be alright! I didn’t mean it; really I didn’t!”

I could tell he was about to break down crying so I figured I’d strung him on long enough. Before he knew what was happening I quickly reached up and whipped my hands down either side of his face. I could almost see his brain working as the realization struck him that I had been faking. It took several more milliseconds before it dawned on him that I had just smeared poop on his face.

Those few milliseconds were all I needed to get up and start running for the bathroom. Though I didn’t bother to look behind me I was sure he was after me. It wasn’t until I got to the bathroom that I saw that he had not chased after me.

“I am so going to kill you for that!” I heard him say.

“No you ain’t! I was just getting you back for kicking me!” I shouted back with my hands on the door ready to slam it closed and lock it.

I could hear him stomping toward the bathroom but suddenly I couldn’t hear anything from down the hallway. A moment later BJ said, “Oh man you got it everywhere! It’s even on the walls!”

My heart sunk into my stomach as I stepped out of the bathroom expecting to see poop splattered everything but as it turned out BJ had turned the tables on me. Just as I came out of the bathroom he pounded out in front of me and shouted, “GOT YA!”

I jumped backwards and screamed with surprise, “Dude you scared the crap out of me!”

“Yeah I know. I can smell ya!” he laughed.

“Did I really leave a mess out there?” I asked hoping that it was just a mean trick.

He laughed harder, “No not really! It was just too funny watching you run away with your butt all puffed out cause of all that poop in there.”

I blushed.

“I can’t believe you wiped your stinky butt grease all over me!” he groaned.

“Yeah but it’s an improvement!” I teased.

He stomped his foot, “Get out of the way! I got to take a shower before you stink up the tub too!”

“No way! I am worse off than you! I should get to go first” I protest.

“You don’t have poop all over your face and I do so I am going first!” he started to raise his voice.

“We can do it together.” I tried to reason.

He screwed up his face, “Eeew, no way I don’t want to breath steamed butt grease!”

“What do you mean? You’ve been breathing it this whole time.” I said.

“Tell me about it! And we have to keep smelling it the rest of the dang day!” he said.

“Not if I wash!” I protested.

BJ poked at the air, “Yes-huh, cause you got the whole beach house stinking like your butt and it won’t ever get unstinkafied!”

“What?” I said with a squeaky voice.

BJ stifled a giggle, “You heard me skunk boy!”

“You best stop making fun of me!” I warned him.

“Hey you started it!” BJ fired back.

I countered with, “Uh, I do believe you started it by stopping in the doorway and making me run into you!”

“Wrong-O Buttinator!” BJ poked me, “You started it by pooping in your diaper like a little baby!”

We were both getting worked up now and neither of us was joking around.

“Yeah well I’d rather be a Buttinator than a Poop-head!” I shouted.

“Diaper Baby!” BJ screamed.

I was just about to give another comeback when we were both startled by, “Hey, hey, hey! What’s with all the shouting?!” BJ’s dad said.

For half a second he looked upset with the two of us but when he saw that we both were smeared with poop he exploded with laughter. What was worse is that before we new he was doing it; he had pulled his camera phone from the pocket of his shorts and snapped a picture.

“Dad!” BJ shouted in protest and too late tried to cover his face.

“Now that I have this, what say the two of you clam up, strip down and get in the tub or I might just accidentally email this picture to everyone?!”

“You wouldn’t?” I pleaded.

His dad raised the phone into the air, “You have to the count of ten. One, two...”

Before he had even finished saying ‘two’ BJ was nearly nude and was reaching to turn on the water.

“That’s mean!” I said without budging from the spot.

He made his cell phone dance enticingly, “Mean? Yes I believe you are right! I also believe you are quickly running out of time. Three, four, five, six, seven...”

I was frantically trying to remove my clothes without hurting myself and without getting diaper gravy all over the place. BJ was already in the tub leaning against the back wall to keep the cold water from showering down onto his nude body.

Oh it’s cold!” BJ grunted.

I was lifting my foot into the tub when BJ’s dad said, “I think seven is enough.” and pulled the bathroom door closed.

“You dad is the devil and you are the son of the devil!” I said shivering while I waited for the water to warm up.

“I’ll agree with the first half!” BJ said with chattering teeth.

I don’t know why his teeth were chattering because he wasn’t the one that was standing under the cold water.

BJ looked at me and began to giggle like a little chipmunk.

“What’s so funny?” I asked.

“You! You’re who-who is all shriveled up!” he said while laughing and pointing at my tiny, tiny boyhood parts.

Finally the water started to warm up and quickly became too warm.

“Yikes! Hot-Hot-HOT!” I said while trying to adjust the temperature.

BJ exclaimed, “Oh now that’s a gross sight! Rinse you butt off and then let me get under the warm water!”

I did just that, feeling both embarrassed by his comment and a little angry but after I let BJ stand under the shower to warm up he tilted his head back to allow the water to rain down over his face and then he started to hum a vaguely familiar tune.

“Hey what is that?” I asked.

He lowered his head and looked at me, “What’s what?”

“What were you humming?” I asked again.

“When?” He asked back.

I reached up and pulled at my hair, “JUST NOW! You were humming a song! What was it?”

“I wasn’t humming!” he disputed.

“Yes you were!” I argued.

He rubbed his naked belly, “I was?”

“I am so going to hurt you!” I warned.

“No really, I didn’t know I was humming.” BJ said, “What did it sound like?”

I tried to hum it back to him.

“Oh, yeah!” he chuckled and broke into song, “I'm Mister Green Christmas. I'm Mister Sun. I'm Mister Heat Blister. I'm Mister Hundred and One.”

He reached out and picked up the bar of soap and held it like a microphone, “They call me Heat Miser. What ever I touch starts to melt in my clutch. I'm too much!”

“Hey I know that song; it’s from... oh don’t tell me.” I squeezed my head with my hands as though it would help push the answer out like popping a pimple.

“Year without a Santa Claus,” BJ answered.

“I told you not to tell me!” I groaned.

“Do you know the next part?” he asked.

I answered with a simple, “Well duhhhh!” and took the soap from him as I started to sing, “He's Mister Green Christmas. He's Mister Sun. He's Mister Heat Blister. He's Mister Hundred and One. They call him Heat Miser; what ever he touches starts to melt in his clutch. He's too much!”

There is probably something wrong with two adolescent boys showering together and singing children’s Christmas songs but neither of us cared.

“That’s a good song.” BJ said trading me spots again so that he could start soaping up.

I handed over the bar of soap and said, “Yeah I think it is probably my favorite Christmas show too.” I then asked, “Do you know the song for his brother the Snow Miser?”

It was BJ’s turn to answer with, “Duhhhh!” which he only said so that he could mimic me.

He begins to drum out the tune on his soaped up tummy and began singing with all the flair of a Broadway show, “I'm Mister White Christmas. I'm Mister Snow. I'm Mister Icicle. I'm Mister Ten Below.”

He broke into a drum solo.

“Yeah man, dig that funky jazz!” I said which made him laugh.

I knelt down in the tub and took over the drums using his belly, “Sing it man!” and he started singing again.

“Friends call me Snow Miser. What ever I touch turns to snow in my clutch. I'm too much! Take it away Simon!” BJ said.

I sang out with, “He's Mister White Christmas. He's Mister Snow!”

BJ bowed as though to the audience, “That's right!”

I continued to sing the chorus, “He's Mister Icicle. He's Mister Ten Below!

BJ’s voice rang throughout the bathroom one again, “Friends call me Snow Miser. What ever I touch turns to snow in my clutch.”

And I sang out the big finally, “He's too much! Bahdump-bump-bump!”


Chapter 13


** As always, your thoughts matter to me very, very much, so please send any comments, questions, suggestions, or criticism to me at: **