This is the continued story of Simon’s Journal.
Before you begin this third volume in this series, I would highly recommend that you read the first and second volumes as each picks up were the previous left off.


Simon’s Journal - Volume I 
Thirteen Days – The First Crusade


Simon’s Journal - Volume II

Thirteen Nights – After the Crusade



The following narrative is nearly a complete work of fiction. Some events and characters were pulled from real life but have been changed, enhanced and twisted to comply with my will. Any other similarity to actual individuals living or dead is completely unintentional, but it would be incredible!


The following story contains diaper use, violence, adult language and strong sexual content. If reading a coming of age story about boys wearing diapers and exploring their awakening sexuality doesn’t tickle your pickle, or if pickle tickling is illegal in your area, then I suggest you select something else to read.










Simon's Journal

Volume III


Thirteen Sails
Adventures Abound


Written by Danny






Chapter - 11

Love can keep us warm



With my mind lost to an earlier period in time my body continued walking toward the centurion’s high perch as though that destination had been preprogrammed into my feet. It wasn’t until I heard someone shout, that my thoughts were snatched from past memories and dropped back into the here-and-now.


My feet came to a halt less then two feet from the cliffs edge.

I stretched my neck out, looked over and saw the gagged rocks below. There was a fairly cool breeze blowing in from the ocean and I figured out how the centurion had been able to stand up here in the sun for hours on end without sweating to death or suffering heatstroke.

“Whoa!” I exclaimed.

“You going to keep walking into your next life?” the centurion said mockingly, “If so, could I have the food first?”

With one last glance over the edge I gave a whistle before saying, “Yep, that probable would have hurt like h...” I was cut short before I could finish my thought.

“Say it and I’ll send you back down with a sour backside.” The centurion said and I knew he wasn’t just joking around.

“Sorry Tom, I was...” I started to say.

“Back on your ship?” he finished for me and it wasn’t lost on me that he said it was my ship.

I shrugged and answered, “Uh, yeah I guess so.”

I kicked a pebble and sent it plummeting over the cliffs edge and walked over to Tom Segal.

As I handed him the food that Mrs. Otteranski had prepared for him I tried to sound amusing, “I know you’re probably not very hungry...”

Tom stuffed something into his inside pocket, “Hungry? I could eat an entire cow, anus and all and still have room for Jell-O!”

I felt my stomach give a little heave, “Uh, yeah... Ok, that was just gross!”

Tom smiled as he took the plate from me and his scared face stretched making him look almost normal but then he waved his hand in front of his nose, “You step in something on the way up here?”

I felt myself redden as I realized that while I had been absentmindedly reminiscing and wandering up to deliver his food, I had managed to generously soil myself.

“From the looks of it, I’d say you fell in it too.” Tom said shoving toast past his scar creased lips.

I looked down to see that I had sprung a serious leak in the back and poop was smeared all the way down the backs of both of my legs.

“Sorry,” I managed to say.

Tom waved a strip of bacon at me, “Ah, forget about it kid.”

He shoved the bacon into his mouth and continued talking. “Several years ago I was in Twin-falls, Idaho on special assignment. I had been on the trail of an international jewel thief who just so happened to be a clown for a traveling circus. Well I found myself having to go undercover at the circus but the only job I could get was following the elephants.”

I sat down on a rock several feet away and made sure I was downwind from Tom so that my foul stench wouldn’t spoil his appetite. I had to fold my arms around myself to stave off a slight chill from the ocean born breeze.

I couldn’t help but giggle at Tom’s little story, “You really had to shovel elephant poop?”


“Was it heavy?” I asked.

“Smelled like peanuts too.” He said and after a second or two I saw him smirk.

I laughed, “No it didn’t!”

He laughed with me as he continued eating.

“By the way, thanks for helping me again last night.” I said after several minutes of watching him eat.

“Huh? Oh well you know... I have a vested interest in keeping you alive.” Tom said making it sound as though it were just in a days work.

“Yeah right and it wasn’t because you were the least bit concerned for me?” I said trying to get him to admit he really does care for me as much as I do for him.

He looked at me with his one good eye, swallowed and said, “Maybe.”

“I love you too!” I said and watched for his reaction.

He stopped eating and stared at his plate before finally saying, “Listen Simon, I’ve told you before, all you have to do is tell me the truth and...” he stopped, thumped his chest and belched.

I just smiled knowing that he didn’t really want me to tell him the truth because we both knew that it would mean he’d have to go.

I looked out over the ocean and almost trancelike I softly offered, “I’ll make you a deal. I’ll tell you everything if you tell me how you managed to survive the plane crash.”

Tom nearly choked on his eggs. He spat his food on the ground and tried to sound upset as he said, “Oh no you don’t! You made me promise never to tell you about that you little monster!” he picked up a bit of egg and chucked it at me. I couldn’t help but laugh out loud as I dodged the scrambled embryonic poultry missile.

I laughed, “Actually, Lowell spilled the beans so you’re off the hook.”

“Really?” He shoved more toast into his mouth, “And you didn’t kill him too?”

That comment took me by surprise. Actually, it was the first time Tom had ever let on that he knew that I had killed someone. For a fevered moment I wondered if he had any proof and if so would he turn me in.

After several seconds of tension so heavy it nearly crushed us both Tom laughed, “Only kidding Simon! Boy you really do need to lighten up!”

I laughed too but we both knew that neither one of us were laughing genuinely.


We sat and talked about stuff unrelated to the Banachelli or the events that took place aboard that ship. We talked about how Seagulls are just rats with wings, how pigs are the most perfect food and why ants are ‘Good Eating’. We continued on like that until Tom finished every last bit of food I had brought him.

“Alright kid, I best get back to work.” Tom said holding the plate out for me to walk over and take from him.

“Mind if I hang on to the thermos?” he asked, “Incase I get thirsty later.”

Somehow I knew that thirst wasn’t an issue for him. He’d managed to find probably the only spot around here where the heat of the sun was offset by the cool water born breeze. Inside myself I shrugged and thought, “He’s probably found a freshwater spring close by or knows how to pull water from a rock.”

I walked over to him and took hold of the plate but he didn’t let go of it. He was looking at me with his one good eye as though he was trying to read my mind and I felt like I had to say something, “You know she’s not coming back for me.”

Tom let go of the plate, took hold of my wrists and pulled me closer, “I told you before; when I see her lifeless corpse lying in the morgue, then I’ll believe you’re safe and not before.”

He smiled again and I leaned forward to kiss his cheek but he let go of my wrists and grabbed my entire face with just one of his hands. “Now go wash up! You smell like something that came out of an elephant!”

I pulled my face away from his hand but not before licking his palm.

“Oh that’s just nasty!” he said wiping my saliva on his pants leg.

He took a fake jab at me, “Now! You keep that crap up and I might just have to get up from this spot!”

I laughed, “I don’t know, I suppose I am the only kid in the world that has his own Cyclops bodyguard!” and stuck my tongue out at him before turning tail and running back toward the beach house laughing most of the way.


Chapter 12


** As always, your thoughts matter to me very, very much, so please send any comments, questions, suggestions, or criticism to me at: **