Nothing Ever Happens



Copyright © 2001 by Donnie_M72


Except for one copy for your personal use, no part of this story may be copied, transmitted, or posted either electronically or in print form anywhere without the prior written permission of its author.


This is a work of fiction about young people who wear diapers. If you don’t like the subject, don’t read the story.


Book 4 – Social Adjustments

Darkness was setting in. The streetlights were on and the temperature was dropping. The boys were too nervous to notice, however. As they walked from the house to the car their steps faltered several times. They hadn’t learned yet how to walk in their huge diapers and every little obstacle seemed magnified. They had to hold on to the handrail to go down the three steps of the front porch, much like little boys learning how to walk. Climbing into Mrs. Lankster SUV was another challenge. Part of the problem was that their new diapers rose so high and were pinned on so tightly that they had difficulty bending their bodies at the waist.

Seated next to each other in the second seat of the SUV they noticed that no matter how they readjusted themselves they couldn’t avoid having their plastic pants touch. They were very embarrassed that they had to touch each other’s plastic pants in order to fasten their seatbelts.

“Is everyone buckled up?” Mrs. Lankster asked.

The drive to the restaurant seemed to be going too quickly. The boys became increasingly nervous as they neared the restaurant. They cursed every green light and every courteous driver who let them through. Kevin was the only one who talked, whispering encouragement to his brother and to Bill. He could see that their hands and legs were shaking out of control. (His would have too, except that he had his hands tightly clamped down over his knees. When he got out at the restaurant there would be noticeable red marks on his legs.)

They arrived at the restaurant. Mrs. Lankster and Cathy got out first. Cathy opened the door for the boys. They were having trouble unbuckling their seat belts.

“Do the little boys need some help?” she asked in an amused and sarcastic tone.

Bill glared ferociously at his sister but he didn’t say anything.

They stepped out into the parking lot. The lights seemed extra bright tonight. They were told to lead the way. They were almost at the entrance when Bill stopped and turned toward his mother. Kevin and Kyle stopped, too. She was shaking her head from side to side. She silently pointed to the door.

They walked through the front door and received a blast of warm air. In other circumstances it would have been comforting. Tonight, though, it merely heralded their utter humiliation. The glare of the lights and the sound of the people inside the restaurant conspired to make them feel even more vulnerable.

There were people waiting to be seated. They turned around to look at the newcomers and were stunned to see the three boys in their glistening plastic pants and diapers. Some eyebrows were raised and a few people whispered to each other. Luckily, they were all older people. No kids their age were in sight. The restaurant manager approached them.

“Ah, yes, you must the one who called earlier today. The rest of your party is already seated. Please follow me.”

She led them past the lunch counter and into the main seating area of the diner. A wave of hushed whispers followed them all the way. Bill started to take his jacket off, hoping to use it to cover up his diapers. His mother stopped him and told him to wait until they were at their table. Because they were such a large group, they couldn’t fit into a booth. They were seated prominently in the center of the room. The boys practically dove into their chairs hoping for a little relief from the stares they were getting.

“Take your jackets off before you sit down,” Mrs. Kadra instructed. “Hang them up on the hooks over there.”

As part of the family atmosphere, wooden pegs ran along the far wall for patrons to hang up jackets and coats. Kevin bravely offered to hang up Kyle and Bill’s jackets.

The server came by to take their orders. Their parents and Cathy were acting as if nothing out of the ordinary was happening. The server seemed a little flustered when he noticed the boys’ diapers but he soon recovered his composure. This treatment was driving the boys crazy. They knew what their parents were doing. They were sending the message out to everyone in the restaurant that there was nothing unusual about the boys’ going around publicly in diapers. People were sure to start wondering why they were dressed only in diapers. They knew that if they created a scene or pleaded to be taken home, they would only draw more unwanted attention toward themselves. They had to sit quietly and take it.

“So how was school today?” Mr. Lankster asked.

The boys saw another trap. If they talked openly and honestly about their day, someone might overhear them admitting that they had voluntarily gone to school in diapers for the first time. Bill was especially anxious to avoid having that topic aired publicly.

“OK, I guess,” Kevin answered.

“You had enough diapers, didn’t you?” Mr. Lankster asked Bill.

“Yeah, plenty,” Bill answered in a whisper.

“Then how come mom told me that you had to borrow some from Kevin? You have plenty of your own. Make sure that your school supply doesn’t run short again. And that goes for your plastic pants, too.”

“OK, I will,” he answered meekly.

“How about you, Kyle?” Mr. Kadra questioned. “You didn’t get into any more fights because of your diapers, did you?”

“No, everything is cool,” he answered shame-faced.

Neither Mr. Kadra nor Mr. Lankster was speaking softly. Everyone in the room could hear the questions. The matter-of-fact tone of the questions could only lead people into thinking that these boys had been wearing diapers full time all their lives. The boys could feel the pitying looks that they were getting. This was more embarrassing than anything else.

Their orders came and the boys were having trouble eating. They had hardly touched their food.

“Are you feeling OK?” Mrs. Kadra asked feeling Kyle’s forehead and cheeks. Mr. Kadra did the same thing to Kevin.

“You look a little flushed. Are you sure you’re feeling OK?” Mrs. Lankster asked Bill.

Kevin thought he saw a way to get them out of the restaurant more quickly.

“I fell sick,” he said rather loudly.

He hoped that this would cause their parents to feel compelled to leave soon. Wouldn’t the other people look unfavorably on them if they didn’t respond to his illness?

“You don’t seem to have a fever,” Mr. Kadra answered. “I think that you tried to do too much today. Come here.”

Mr. Kadra pushed his chair back and grabbed Kevin under the arms. Before he knew it, Kevin was seated in his father’s lap.

“Lean against me and try to rest. You’ll feel better soon.”

Kevin tried to squirm out of his father’s grasp.

“Sh, sh, sh,” he cooed. “Just close your eyes and relax; try to rest.”

Kevin had no choice. His father rearranged him into a more comfortable position. Bill and Kyle started eating again. They had no desire to wind up on their mother’s or their father’s lap being treated like a baby- especially since Kevin’s new position made his plastic pants even more visible to anyone who happened by.

Kevin actually fell asleep. He woke up about twenty minutes later. It took him a few seconds to remember where he was.

“Fell better?” his dad asked.

“Yeah,” Kevin answered.

“Do you want to try eating some more?”

“Maybe…, a little bit anyway.”

“Good,” his dad said encouragingly.

His mom removed the napkins she had covered his food with. He ate about half his meal. Everyone else was already finished and waiting for him. Kyle and Bill were particularly upset about having to wait. They were sick of the stares that entering and leaving customers gave them.

Kevin was finally done. Mrs. Lankster retrieved their jackets and headed for the exit before the boys got a chance to put them on. They were forced to walk across the entire restaurant with their soggy diapers fully exposed. Just as they were beginning to think that they could escape without being recognized, they heard a familiar voice. Mark Zupatias and his parents were waiting for a table.

“Hi, guys,” he said.

Kevin, Kyle and Bill were embarrassed at being seen by someone they knew, but at least Mark was also a diaper wearer.

“Hi, Bob. Hi, Marge,” Mrs. Kadra said.

The Zupatiases greeted them politely in return. They didn’t seem to be the least bit phased by the boys’ flamboyant diaper attire.

“This is really a nice place to eat, isn’t it?” Mr. Zupatias asked conversationally.

“Yes, we like the family atmosphere very much,” Mrs. Lankster agreed.

There was a moment of awkward silence before Mr. Zupatias asked the obvious question.

“I see your boys have gotten themselves into a bit of trouble again, or am I mistaken?”

The boys didn’t want a prolonged conversation. There were lots of people in the waiting area staring at them. Who knew when someone from school might walk in? Their parents didn’t seem to share their urgency, though. They appeared to be settling in for a long conversation. The boys tried to hide behind their parents as best they could.

“You’re not wrong,” Mrs. Lankster agreed.

She explained how Bill had secretly engineered his way into wearing diapers at school. She also mentioned how Kevin and Kyle had helped him get changed at school. She finished by saying that they would not be wearing pants (except during school) for a very long time.

Mark was staring at his friends in fascination. The sparkle that Mr. Zupatias had seen in his eyes when he received the five sets of diapers and plastic pants at Kevin and Kyle’s house was back. This time his mother witnessed it, too.

Finally, the Zupatiases were called to their table. Despite their thick diapering, the boys had wet heavily and were beginning to worry about the aroma emanating from their diapers. They eagerly put their jackets on and left the restaurant.

As soon as they were seated, Mr. Zupatias decided to ask Mark what he thought about his friends’ public diapering.

“I don’t know,” he answered evasively.

“It seemed to me that you couldn’t take your eyes away from their thick diapers,” Mrs. Zupatias challenged Mark.

“I guess they did look a little funny.”

Mark didn’t look directly at his parents during any of this conversation, a sure sign that he wasn’t being totally forthcoming.

“So, you wouldn’t want to be diapered that heavily?” his dad pursued.

“I didn’t mean that,” he answered looking over to his dad.

“So, you would like to be diapered thickly like that?”

“Maybe,” he answered, looking away.

“How about publicly?” his mother added.

“Maybe,” he answered, looking away again.

His parents looked at each other. His dad shrugged and his mother sighed in frustration. Maybe they shouldn’t have brought it up so soon. But, ever since diapers had entered the picture, Mark had become very headstrong. He would have manipulated them into putting him into “big” diapers one way or another.

“It would mean wearing them everywhere, not just in the neighborhood or when you visit Darren, John, and Carlos,” his dad pointed out.

“I know,” he agreed.

“But you would be seen by lots of people, even your friends from school. What would they think?” his mother asked.

“People at school already know that I wear diapers. The guys have already seen my diapers in the locker room. I don’t care what strangers might think.”

His mother tried to switch tactics.

“Those diapers must be very expensive. Where would you get the money to pay for them?”

“I still have grandma’s Christmas money,” he said.

His grandmother had given him several hundred dollars besides her usual gifts of clothing.

“I thought you wanted to get a mountain bike with that money,” his dad said in surprise.

“I can save up some other money for that,” Mark answered.

“Do you seriously mean to say that you would rather spend money on diapers and plastic pants than get the mountain bike you’ve been talking about for the last year and a half?” his mother asked incredulously.

“Yes,” he answered confidently. “Can I?”

“It’s your money,” his father responded.

“Can we get them tonight?” he asked eagerly. “It’s still pretty early. The medical supply store is open until 9:30.”

Mark had to be cautioned several times not to eat so fast. His parents had no intention of wolfing down their food just so their (almost) thirteen year old son could go buy oversized diapers and plastic pants.

The owner of the medical supply store was very surprised to hear Mark’s request. (His parents were firm that he had to do all the talking.)

“My goodness,” she marveled, “I haven’t sold any of these diapers in the last year and now you’re the third customer today to ask for them. I sold out all I had early this afternoon.”

Mark’s disappointment was obvious.

“But, I tell you what,” the woman continued, “I make all the cloth diapers and plastic pants we sell. I spent most of today cutting and sewing more. I can sell you six of the new ones I just made. Would you like to see them?”

Mark looked over to his parents.

“Go with the lady,” Mr. Zupatias said, “you’re the one who has to be satisfied with them.”

As soon as he was out of earshot, Mr. and Mrs. Zupatias decided on their plan for the rest of the evening. Mark came back carrying six of the enormous diapers. The woman had three plastic pants in her hands.

“I can assure you that everything is first quality. Would you like to order additional diapers and plastic pants?”

After a short conference during which they found out that eighteen diapers and nine plastic pants had been ordered for each of the “other boys,” it was decided to order the same for Mark.

“OK, Mark, while dad is paying let’s go out to the car and get you changed into your new diapers,” Mrs. Zupatias announced.

“Now? In the parking lot?” Mark said in a shaky voice.

“Yes, now. You’re the one who wanted to come here right away. Grab a couple of diapers and a pair of plastic pants.”

“Pardon me,” the owner of the store said, “you can use the work area in the back to change him. Help yourself to the powder and extra safety pins that are there.”

“Thank you, that’s very kind,” Mrs. Zupatias said.

Mark and his mom headed for the back room.

“You know,” the store owner said, “in the fifteen years that I’ve been making diapers and plastic pants, I’ve only made them once for a girl over the age of eight. But when it comes to boys, I can’t count how many I’ve made.”

“I understand. Our son has become quite enraptured with them. Tonight, at the 1955 Grill we met the three boys who were wearing the diapers and plastic pants you sold this afternoon. As soon as Mark saw them, my wife and I knew that Mark wanted the same thing. I can’t figure out why he wants to parade around publicly like that.”

 “Don’t blame yourself,” she said. “My boy also likes to wear diapers and plastic pants, but very secretly. Nonetheless, every time I have tried to wean him from them, he has thrown a fit and become quite unmanageable. I don’t know what he gets out of them, either. I just appreciate that the diapers make him more subdued. He’s a handful as it is; I can’t imagine how difficult he would be if he didn’t get to wear them at home.”

In the backroom Mrs. Zupatias had finished pinning Mark into his new diapers. His pants were now completely useless. For the rest of the night, anyone who looked at him would see his enormous diapers. Half of him was scared to death and the other half wanted everyone to notice.

“Let’s get your plastic pants on,” Mrs. Zupatias said as she pulled them over his diapers.

Mark sat on the edge of the changing table as his mother put his shoes back on. He realized that while wearing these diapers he would be dependent on his parents for many things. He was pretty sure, for instance, that he couldn’t possibly bend over far enough to tie his own shoes. He stood up and took a few unsteady steps. His certainly walked like a toddler.

“Let’s go see if dad is finished,” Mrs. Zupatias said as she folded his pants and picked up his jacket.

They walked to the front counter.

“We’re ready,” Mrs. Zupatias announced. “How about you?”

“All set,” Mr. Zupatias answered. “While you were getting Mark ready Sally and I introduced ourselves. She tells me that there is a WalMart down the street where we can get a nice short jacket. Also, she was kind enough to call the lady who made the shirts that Kevin, Kyle, and Bill were wearing at the 1955 Grill. If you want, we can stop by her house on our way home and pick some up for Mark.”

“That sound marvelous,” his wife answered.

Mark was suddenly unsure about going into a busy store in his new thick diapers. When he had seen the other guys, he had imagined being out in public with them, not going out alone.

The WalMart parking lot was only half full. Still, at least two hundred people were inside. Mark took a deep breath and started walking toward the entrance. His walk was just as unsteady as it had been inside the diaper store, so his father grabbed him firmly by the hand. He would have liked to sit inside a shopping cart to at least partially hide his diapers but his parents didn’t accept the one that the greeter offered.

“We’re only going to pick up a jacket for our son.”

The greeter smiled back politely and thought, “Don’t you think you ought to buy him some pants first?”

Mark created as big a stir as the other guys had created at the restaurant. The difference was that Mark was seen by a lot more people. They arrived at the boys department and his mom and dad made him try on eight different jackets before they were satisfied. A group of boys his age had gathered to watch. Unfortunately, two of them recognized him from school. He knew that his life had just changed again, and probably not for the better. They chose a plain blue jacket that only came down to his waist. He changed into in on the way to their next stop.

A grandmotherly lady opened the door for them at the address that Sally had given them.

“Come in, come in,” she said welcomingly. “I’m Mrs. Casters and this must be Mark.”

For some reason, he found it embarrassing that she knew his name. The color rose to his cheeks and he looked down shyly at the floor.

“Let’s go to my sewing room. That’s where I keep the shirts and other outfits I make.”

Mark was told to take off his jacket and shirt. He stood in front of Mrs. Casters as she put the first shirt on him.

“I find that boys are more comfortable if their shirts are kept short so that they don’t bunch up around the waist, especially when they’re sleeping. The shortness of the shirt also allows you to see when they need a change. All in all, I found them very practical for my boys when they were growing up.”

“Yes, I see,” Mrs. Zupatias agreed. “Can we take three tonight. And order another six?”

“Certainly,” Mrs. Casters beamed. “I’m glad you like them. Do you want them to all be striped or do you want some solid ones also?”

“A mixture would be nice. I’ll leave it to you to choose colors appropriate for wearing with diapers and plastic pants.”

Mark hoped that they would be heading home. As far as he knew, there was nothing left to get. His dad had another stop in mind, though.

“How about stopping for ice cream? I felt rushed at dinner. What do you say to stopping at Haywards? You said you were finished your homework- isn’t that right Mark?”

“Yeah,” Mark answered reluctantly.

“Good,” his dad said ignoring Mark’s obvious hesitation.

Haywards was almost empty when they arrived. Only an elderly couple and a young woman with her baby were there. All eyes were on Mark, even the baby stared at him as they walked to an empty booth. Mr. Hayward waited on them himself. He had known the Zupatiases for many years, going back to before Mark was born.

“Henry (Mr. Hayward’s eleven year old son who was in sixth grade at Mark’s school) told me about how you stood up for your friends. Still, I guess I’m surprised that it has gone this far,” he said.

“So are we,” Mrs. Zupatias agreed.

“Whatever. Loyalty is good. I hope the other kids don’t give you too hard of a time,” Mr. Hayward said, ruffling Mark’s hair. “Now, what ice cream delight can I tempt you with tonight?”

It was just after nine o’clock when the Zupatiases finally got home. Mark asked if he could telephone Darren to let him know about the evening’s events. They told him that it was too late to do that. He went to bed an hour later wondering what Darren was going to say about the new diaper conditions that he had brought upon himself. It took him extra time to fall asleep because his double diapers were so arousing.

The atmosphere in the Kadra and Lankster homes was strained. As soon as they had gotten home, the Kadras told Kevin and Kyle to go to the family room for a meeting. One look at all the empty Evian bottles and they knew they were in big trouble. (During the month that they had not been allowed to wear diapers at all, Kevin had secretly been drinking lots of water before going to bed in order to increase the chances of his wetting during the night. On the night that they got their diapers back, his mom thought that she had witnessed a spontaneous wetting of the bed while he was asleep.)

“I’m sure you know where I found these bottles,” their mother said in an angry voice.

She paused and waited for an answer

 “In our old toy box,” Kevin mumbled

“Yes, and I’m sure that you weren’t using them for a school science project, were you?


“And how many empties are there?”

“I don’t know.”

“Twenty-seven... You’ve tricked us again. This time your punishment is the opposite of what we chose to do last month. You will be in diapers all the time for at least the next twenty-seven weeks… and, only in diapers when you’re not in school. If the school would allow it, I would send you there in nothing but diapers, too. Who knows? Everyone might get so used to seeing you in your diapers that that might become possible, too.” she shouted.

The boys had never seen their mom so angry. They didn’t dare argue with her.

“Now, go get your books and bring them down here. I want to watch you doing your homework since it seems that we are required to check up on you every minute of the day and night.”

She made Kyle redo some of his math homework and Kevin had to recopy his English assignment because it was “sloppy.”

It was only eight o’clock.

“Up to your room for the final phase of your punishment,” their mother announced.

They hurried up to their room where Mrs. Kadra got Kevin out of his diapers and cleaned him up.

“Stand over there,” she ordered.

She then did the same thing to Kyle. In the meantime, their dad had come into the room and watched silently.

“This latest incident has shown us,” their dad said, “that you think you can manipulate us any time you want to get us to conform to your will. This isn’t a good attitude for you to grow up with. Your mother and I have decided that we have to discipline you in a more forceful manner so that you will learn that such behavior is unacceptable. Come here, Kevin.”

Kevin fearfully walked over to his father who took him by the hand and led him downstairs to the family room. Within a few seconds loud slapping sounds were heard. In a few more seconds Kevin was begging his dad to stop. Only after twenty-five carefully placed swats with a ping-pong paddle did his dad end the spanking. He led Kevin back to the bedroom.

“You’re next, Kyle.”

Kyle was shaking with fear. They hadn’t been spanked since they were three, and then only lightly with their parents using their hands. One part of his brain knew that his dad wouldn’t do anything to actually injure him, but the other part dreaded the pain that was coming. Twenty-five swats later, he was led sniffling back to the bedroom.

Kevin was almost completely re-diapered. The humiliation of his punishment was still fresh enough that he couldn’t stop tears from rolling down his cheeks. His mother hadn’t been very gentle in her treatment of him either. The baby oil that she put on his bottom helped soothe the pain a little, but every tug on his diapers as she pinned them caused another volley of pain to shoot through his tender bottom.

She turned her attention to Kyle.

 “I’ll tell you the same thing I just told Kevin. If you need to do number two, now is the time. After you get these next diapers put on, they won’t come off until tomorrow morning. If you have to mess in them, go right ahead. But don’t let us catch you using the bathroom or you’ll find out how much further we’re willing to go with this punishment.”

Mr. & Mrs. Lankster were just as strict with Bill. As soon as they got home, his mother insisted on changing his diapers. After his mother had cleaned him with baby wipes, his father gave him a good old-fashioned spanking like he hadn’t gotten in ten years- thirty swats with the back of a hair brush. At first Bill was so shocked he didn’t react, but after fifteen hard smacks he started screaming in pain. Even Cathy felt sorry for him. At the end of it, he was put back into thick diapers even though he told his parents that he needed to do number two.

“Diapers can hold that, too,” his mother said unsympathetically. “You’ll get changed in the morning and not one minute sooner.”

Bill stormed off to his room in a rage. Thirty minutes later he couldn’t hold it anymore. The goopy mess spread quickly over his entire rear. He felt miserable. Despite his best efforts to resist, he began to cry. Cathy could hear him from her room. She knocked on his door and tried to go in but it was locked. Their relationship had been so rocky lately he couldn’t imagine that she was attempting to comfort him. He rudely sent her away, screaming through the door for her to mind her own business.

It wouldn’t be until tomorrow morning that Bill, Kevin and Kyle noticed that, except for three school shirts and two pairs of school pants, the only clothes they had left were diapers, plastic pants, and their new striped shirts.

The next day after school Darren, John and Mark went to Carlos’s house. They took their pants off as usual. Mark had delayed telling them about his new diaper situation. He was afraid of how upset Darren would be. Before he got the chance to tell his story, Carlos’s mom walked in with his new after-school “clothes.”

“Mark, your mom dropped these off for you. She says that this is what you wear now.”

They wondered what Mark had done. They were even more perplexed when she put two diapers, huge plastic pants, and a very short striped shirt on him

Carlos was more titillated than perplexed. Since his punishment began his attitude towards diapers had been gradually changing. Witnessing Mark being put into these thick, high-rising diapers had excited him enormously. He was extremely envious of his friend.

“What did you do?” Darren asked.

“I didn’t do anything. I asked for these,” he said truthfully.

“What!?” Darren practically shouted in surprise. “You want to wear those gigantic diapers? What if someone sees you?”

“Well,” he added sheepishly, “loads of people already have.”

He told them how he had run into Kevin, Kyle, and Bill at the restaurant and how he had asked his parents if could dress like them. He described the purchasing of his diapers and plastic pants and how his mom changed him right in the store. Darren and John were aghast at Mark’s description of the trip to WalMart and the stop at Mrs. Casters’ to get the striped shirts.

“Wait a minute,” John interrupted. “Bill, Kevin, and Kyle were at the 1955 Grill dressed the way you are now without pants!?”

“Yeah, I guess I forgot to tell you that part of the story,” Mark responded.

“What part?” Darren demanded. “You mean it gets worse?”

“I guess so. You see, they got into trouble- something about going to school in diapers. I didn’t hear all the details (because he was so intent on staring at their bulging diapers). Anyway, they have to wear these big diapers and plastic pants whenever they’re not in school no matter where they go, even public places.”

“And you asked your parents to let you do the same thing!?” Darren shouted in disbelief.

“Umm, yeah, I guess so,” Mark admitted.

“Cool,” Carlos said.

All eyes focused on him. He blushed as he realized that he had spoken out loud.

“Cool? You think wearing those diapers and that… that baby shirt is cool? Do you want to do the same thing? It’s bad enough all the other kids know about our diaper punishments. If Mark starts wearing them everywhere, the kids will probably start in on us all over again,” Darren said passionately.

“Well, Mark is in diapers only because he was loyal to us. We have to stick together no matter what,” Carlos answered equally passionately.

“But, everything is going to be stirred up all over again,” John complained.

“I don’t care,” Carlos answered. “Mark put himself on the line for us. I’ll put myself on the line for him. Even if it means wearing gigantic diapers in public.”

“Well, not me,” John answered emphatically.

“Me neither,” Darren echoed.

Mark was concerned that this would turn into an argument that might break up their friendship.

“Look, you don’t have to do what I’m doing. Let’s just stay friends. OK?”

“OK,” they agreed.

Carlos’s mother overheard their discussion as she was paying household bills. Carlos was the second of their children. His brother Peter was ten years older. Peter had been very rebellious as a teenager. He had joined a gang and had very nearly ruined his life with drugs and violence. It was almost a miracle that Peter had straightened himself out and graduated from college. Luckily, Carlos had not followed in his brother’s footsteps… yet. As she listened to the boys, she thought that maybe she and her husband should encourage Carlos to investigate his diaper desires further. He surely wouldn’t get involved in gangs wearing diapers and plastic pants. She would have to talk to her husband about it.

Wednesday is game day for Kevin. Despite being in diapers 24/7, his teammates have not hassled him too much. More importantly, his parents are allowing him to stay on the team, although he has to wear his “regular” diapers at practice and during games. Luckily, the team wears baggy uniforms so that his diapers barely show through. He has even managed to regain the running speed he had back in “pre-diaper” days. (The coach had a crazy thought one afternoon. If Kevin could now run in diapers as fast as he used to without them, would it help his team if they practiced in diapers but then played without them? Not even one second after the thought came into his head, he laughed at himself and blew the whistle to begin practice.)

Kyle and Bill were lounging in the afternoon sun that shone down on the courtyard outside the gym. They always went to Kevin’s games. Game time was in about a half-hour. Seemingly out of nowhere, Mrs. Lankster greeted them.

“Hi guys,” she said cheerily, “I thought I’d find you somewhere near the gym.”

Bill didn’t understand what his mother was doing here so early.

“The game doesn’t begin until 3:15. I thought you said that we could stay for it. We always do,” he said by way of further explanation.

“Of course you can stay for the game. I’m not here to pick you up.”

Bill looked at his mother quizzically.

“It’s after school,” she said calmly.

Not getting it yet, Bill answered equally calmly, “Yeah, the games are always after school.”

By now Kyle knew what was going to happen. He didn’t want to believe it, but he was sure that he knew what was about to happen.

“Yes, and how do you dress after school?” she said emphasizing the last two words.

The other shoe finally dropped.

“But…, but…, you can’t. Not here. You said that we would wear pants in school.”

“That’s right. But technically you’re not in school right now are you? Even though you’re still on campus, the school day has ended. It’s time to get you changed.”

Other kids had started congregating near the gym. This conversation was beginning to attract attention. Bill lowered his voice.

“Please,” he whispered. “Please, not here.”

Kyle tried to negotiate with Mrs. Lankster.

“Can we go home with you now and come back to pick up my brother after the game?”

“That wouldn’t be very nice to Kevin, would it? You’ve never missed a game before. I’m sure he’d wonder where you were. I don’t think you ought to miss this one either,” she insisted.

Clearly she wasn’t going to back down.

“Now let’s go. You don’t want to miss any of the game.”

Bill and Kyle could hardly think straight. For the next fifteen minutes the were in a haze. She took them to her SUV. (At least it was all by itself in a far corner of the parking lot). She started with Bill, having him lie down on a changing pad in the back as she took off his shoes and pants. She removed his plastic pants and wet diaper. The cold air snapped him out of his daze. Fully aware again of what was happening, he began resisting her. She quickly rolled him over and gave him five good swats to the rear. This made him realize the hopelessness of his situation (where could he go stark naked from the waist down?). He stopped fighting her but his face remained flushed. She finished off his diaper change and made him stand quietly by the car as she turned her attention to Kyle. By the time Kyle was in his double diapers and striped shirt, Bill was calming down. They put their “after school” jackets on.

“OK, now enjoy the game,” she said, pointing them toward the gym.

“You aren’t coming with us?” Bill said in a panic.

He hadn’t considered that they would have to go back to the gym by themselves. He had hoped that other kids would understand that they were being forced to wear these diapers when they saw his mother leading them into to the gym. What would the kids think if they showed up unaccompanied? Wouldn’t they think that he and Kyle wanted to go to the game dressed this way?

Mrs. Lankster had finished getting their dirty diapers and plastic put away and the back of the SUV cleaned up. She got into the driver’s seat. Bill made once last attempt.

“The other kids will kill us,” he yelled at his mother. “Why do you hate us?”

“Don’t be ridiculous,” she answered. “We’re only giving in to your desires to go to school in diapers. Now go. If you insist on coming home with me, your dad and I and the Kadras will have to hold another meeting to decide more severe and more public punishments. Is that what you want?”

Kyle started tugging at Bill’s sleeve.

“Come on, Bill. Let’s get it over with.”

They started across the parking lot, keeping to the outside edge. They crouched down every once in a while to hide from other people going toward the gym. They were almost back to the gym. Bill pulled Kyle down in front of a car.

“I can’t do it,” he whispered. “We’ll get murdered by the other kids.”

“I know what you mean,” Kyle agreed. “But we can’t stay here until the end of the game. The sun is going down; it’s going to be too cold to stay out here.”

“Maybe we can hide somewhere in one of the other buildings.”

The boys were so intent on their conversation that they didn’t notice Mr. Kitgar approaching. He was on duty monitoring the parking lot and gym when he noticed their suspicious behavior (although he didn’t know it was them).

“OK,” he said firmly, “whoever is hiding behind that car, come out right now. I know you’re there.”

Bill and Kevin froze, afraid to move a muscle.

“Come on out,” Mr. Kitgar repeated. “Or I’ll go in after you.”

Bill popped his head up over the hood of the car.

“It’s OK, Mr. Kitgar. It’s just me and Kyle Kadra.”

Kyle’s head popped up next to Bill’s.

“What in the world are you doing sneaking around the parking lot. The game’s about to begin. Come on, I’ll go in with you. I don’t want miss the tip off.”

“Uh…, uh…, we can’t, Mr. Kitgar,” Bill stammered.

“Why not?”

“Well, uh…, uh…, it’s hard to explain. Can we go now?”

“No, not until you tell me why you’re being so mysterious,” Mr. Kitgar answered impatiently.

Kyle and Bill accepted defeat and stood up. Their huge diapers and plastic pants glowed orange in the reflected beams of the setting sun.

“What on earth are you doing dressed like that?” Mr. Kitgar gasped.

Now that they had been discovered, their words came out in torrents. Mr. Kitgar had trouble keeping up with what they were saying.

“It sure seems like you managed to get yourselves into real serious trouble, way beyond just wearing diapers under your pants in school,” he concluded.

“Can we hide somewhere until the game is over?” Bill asked hopefully.

“I’m sorry boys. The buildings are already locked, except for the daycare center and the gym,” he answered. “I don’t have keys to any of the other buildings.”

This was discouraging. Their only choices seemed to be the daycare center or the gym. Either choice was equally humiliating. Bill voiced his frustration that his mother had not brought them back to the gym herself.

“How would that help?” Mr. Kitgar asked.

“Well,” Bill said sheepishly, “if she had done that, we could at least say that she dragged us there against our will. If we walk in under our own power, people are going to think that we want to show up at the game in just our diapers, no matter what we say.”

“I see,” Mr. Kitgar said thoughtfully. “Enough of this stalling, “ he suddenly said, grabbing each boy by the upper arm.

He began walking quickly toward the gym dragging Kyle and Bill with him. Despite the unwanted attention they were getting, the boys started protesting and resisting their treatment.

“If this is what your parents want, this is what you’ll do,” Mr. Kitgar shouted. “If you don’t stop fighting me, things will only get worse. I just might sit you down in the front row so that everyone can see you.”

By now the boys were genuinely frightened. They had never seen Mr. Kitgar behave this way. He had always been firm, but not mean like this. They continued to protest loudly. The other kids were also amazed by Mr. Kitgar’s behavior. A few kids were tempted to laugh at Kyle and Bill, but they held back, afraid that Mr. Kitgar might come after them next. They were now inside the gym and Mr. Kitgar was pushing them into a row of bleachers isolated from the main body of spectators. A few heads turned, but the game had just gotten underway and people were more interesting in rooting for their team than in following the disciplining of some misbehaving students.

Bill and Kyle sat on either side of Mr. Kitgar. Without turning his head to look at either of them, he said, “I think that ought to buy you at least a little bit of sympathy. I’m going to leave in a few minutes. Good luck.”

In a flash of insight, Bill and Kyle understood what Mr. Kitgar had just done. Their diapers were not the center of attention. Instead, Mr. Kitgar had put himself up as the “bad guy” in front of the other kids. There was still going to be lots of embarrassment about being out in public in just their thick diapers, but their debut at school couldn’t have gone better. They hadn’t immediately lost face in front of their friends. Instead, Mr. Kitgar’s ploy had gained them more sympathy than they ever expected to get.

It was only at halftime that Kevin noticed Bill and Kyle in the stands. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing. It didn’t take him long to figure out that he would be dressed just like that in a few weeks when he stood on the sidelines watching Kevin play his soccer games.

Halftime also gave other kids an opportunity to approach Kyle and Bill. Most had seen Mr. Kitgar’s performance and they seemed genuinely sympathetic (or, too afraid to do anything that might cause Mr. Kitgar to turn his attention on them). Some kids from the school they were playing against loudly wondered about Harris Academy’s admissions policies. “You’d think that they would be housebroken by middle school,” one boy quipped.

The second half started. Kyle and Bill were less tense- at least no one had tried to pick a fight or to overtly attack them for their public diaper wearing. On the other hand, they were very aware that they were being shunned. They didn’t blame their friends, they just wondered if they would still be shunned tomorrow when they would be wearing their school clothes over their “regular” diapers.

The game ended. They didn’t move until almost everyone else had left the gym. For one thing, they were very embarrassed that their diapers were noticeably wet. They went out to the parking lot to wait for Mrs. Lankster. They walked by a few of their friends who pointedly turned their backs on them. That really hurt. After they had passed them, they had to put up with catcalls, wolf whistles, and jeers of “Diaper Boys” and “pee pee Boys.”

Bill spotted his mother’s SUV and they ran to it as fast as they could. Bill opened the front door while Kyle got in the back.

“Sit in back,” Mrs. Lankster said to Bill, “Mrs. Kadra will sit up front after she comes back with Kevin.”

“Mrs. Kadra came with you to pick us up?”

“Of course, we always eat out on Wednesdays after the game,” she answered matter-of-factly.

They had been so focused on their friends seeing them wearing their huge diapers that they had forgotten all about going out to dinner. Unlike Monday night, they knew that many of their classmates would see them. Lots of families went out to eat after games.

“Where?” Bill asked.

“Mrs. Kadra and I think that pizza sounds good tonight.”

Their mothers were doing it on purpose. The Pizza House is where the largest number of their friends would be. Before Bill could react, Mrs. Kadra and Kevin got into the car. Kevin was already dressed in his huge diapers and plastic pants. He looked tremendously unhappy. He got into the back seat and buckled up. The light was dim but Bill could tell that something was different.

“You’re wearing green plastic pants,” Bill said in surprise.

“Yes.” Mrs. Kadra answered for him, “We decided that we’ve seen enough white plastic pants so we ordered you some colored ones.”

“Colored ones? What colors?” Bill asked in a concerned voice.

“Don’t worry, nothing too bright,” his mother answered. “Just normal yellows, blues, greens, and a few patterns.”

“What do you mean ‘patterns’?” Bill asked, his voice once again filled with concern.

“Oh, just a few surprises. I don’t want to spoil them by telling you what they are.”

Mrs. Lankster and Mrs. Kadra looked at each other and smiled at their private joke. The boys were certainly not amused.

They arrived at the pizza parlor. Their mothers took their jackets away right as they entered. (In the gym, Bill and Kyle had never taken them off. Their friends were about to see their short striped shirts for the first time.) But, Kevin wasn’t wearing a striped shirt- his was solid green with white trim at the collar and waist. Also, his name was printed across the front in childish letters about four inches high. Even more embarrassing, it wasn’t long enough to reach the top of his plastic pants. A full inch of his stomach and back were showing. Kevin was mortified beyond words.

“Here’s some money for video games,” Mrs. Kadra said to the three boys. “We’ll let you know when our order comes.”

The boys were reluctant to take it. They would have preferred finding a booth in a dark corner and staying with their mothers.

“Are you going to be difficult?” Mrs. Lankster asked.

This is all Bill needed to hear. Whenever his mother asked that, whatever was going to come next would be even worse.

“No,” he said, leading Kevin and Kyle to the video games.

Just like at the 1955 Grill, a wave of whispers followed them as they crossed the restaurant. But this time they wound up in a room filled with kids they knew. The girls in particular were giggling uncontrollably.

They threw money into the first machine they saw but they couldn’t concentrate on the game because of all the comments directed at them.

“Hey, Kevin, can’t your mommy find shirts that fit you?”

“Are you going to wear those diapers during PE tomorrow, Kyle?

“Yeah, Bill, what about tomorrow? Do you think you’ll want to wear pants to school?”

If adults hadn’t been nearby, things would have gotten very ugly. As it was, things were bad enough for the boys to feel totally defeated. How could they ever get respect from their schoolmates again?

The boys soon ran out of money and joined their mothers who were still waiting for the order. Their mothers were deep in discussion.

“What happened after your game ended?” Bill asked Kevin.

“I guess my mom must have talked to Coach ahead of time. As soon as I finished showering he told me to get all my stuff together and to go to the little training room next to his office. My mom was already there. I knew right away what she was going to do but I didn’t expect this,” he said pointing to his green outfit.

“Does mom really have stuff like that for me, too?” Kyle asked.

“I guess so. I hope so,” Bill said before checking himself. “Sorry, I didn’t mean that I hope that you have to go out dressed in baby clothes like this…”

“That’s OK,” Kyle reassured him, “I know what you mean. If I were wearing stuff like you’ve got on, I would be hoping that I wouldn’t be the only one.”

“Yeah,” Bill said, “I’m sure that I’ll be in something like that tomorrow afternoon. Boy, our moms are sure a lot madder than I thought they would be.”

Their pizza arrived and they ate quickly.

By eight-thirty, everybody was back home, working on their homework.

Afterwards, as Kevin and Kyle were getting changed into fresh diapers just before bed, Kyle tried to find out what kind of stuff his mother had bought him. She would only say that she and Mrs. Lankster had made sure that all three boys would look equally cute. Kyle was not at all comforted by this.

For the next few days Carlos couldn’t keep his mind off of Mark’s huge diapers. He kept imagining himself in them. It was quite embarrassing during diaper changes when he couldn’t keep his arousal from showing. On Friday, he was mystified when a note was delivered to his classroom telling him to wait for his mother to pick him up and to not take the bus home.

At two-thirty he was standing on the sidewalk waiting for his mother. Mark came and stood beside him.

“Do you know why your mom is picking us up today?” Mark asked.

“You got a note, too?” Carlos asked in surprise. “No, I don’t know why. Did John and Darren get one?”

“No. I asked them. I wonder what’s going on.”

Before either boy could speculate further, Carlos’s mother picked them up. She was driving away from their neighborhood.

“Where are we going?” Carlos wondered.

“I was talking with Mark’s mother this morning and she told me that his new after-school clothes are ready to be picked up. She said she was too busy to do it, so I volunteered. Is that OK with you, Mark?”

“Yeah, sure,” he answered.

They were greeted by the owner, Sally. Mark’s diapers and plastic pants were piled on a table in the back room. She asked the boys if they would mind helping her bring them to the front. Carlos couldn’t believe how big and thick they were. His was becoming even more envious of his friend’s good luck. The plastic pants were not all white, either. There were 2 each in yellow, blue, and green.

“I think it’s time to get you changed,” she told Mark.


“Your mother told me that this is what she did last Monday.”

“Yeah, I guess so,” he agreed.

“OK, let’s get it done.”

She took two diapers and a pair of blue plastic pants with her. (She already had his shirt, powder, and pins inside the shopping bag she had brought with her.) Carlos was left standing by the counter with the remaining diapers and plastic pants. Sally had also excused herself and was waiting on another customer. Carlos stood there gently stroking the diaper material and the soft plastic pants wishing they were his. He was snapped out of his reverie when Mark returned.

“Thanks for sticking up for me the other day,” Mark said.

(He was referring to Tuesday afternoon when he had told Darren, John, and Carlos about his new afternoon diapers and how he would wear them everywhere he went outside of school.)

“That’s OK. I meant it, too, you know,” Carlos answered.

“Yeah, I know.”

While she was changing Mark, Carlos’s mother had confided a secret to him. She and her husband thought that Carlos wanted to wear big after-school diapers like he did. They suspected that he even wanted to go out in them publicly. She asked Mark to try to find out from Carlos if their suspicions were correct. He had agreed to try. That’s why he had begun the conversation the way he had.

“These diapers sure are big, aren’t they?” Mark continued.

“Yeah. Do you like them?”

“I love them. They make me feel… I don’t know… more me,” Mark explained. “I guess that sounds stupid, doesn’t it?”

“No, I know what you mean. I kind of like my diapers, too.”

“Would you like to get some like mine?” Mark pressed.

“Yeah,” Carlos admitted. He blushed.

“Why don’t you ask for them?”

“Because my parents would say no. And, besides, they’d never let me go out publicly in them. So what would be the point?”

Carlos’s mom had deliberately stayed on the other side of the shop, pretending to be looking for something. She figured that she had given Mark enough time to sound out Carlos’s feelings.

“You should ask,” Mark repeated just as Carlos’s mom approached. (He hoped that she had heard him.)

“Ask me what?”

“Oh, nothing,” Carlos answered.

Mark let out a snort of irritation at his friend. Obviously, he didn’t understand that he was setting him up for his mother to say yes to his desire to get some big diapers.

“Mark seems to think that it’s something important. Don’t you, Mark?”

“Yeah,” he answered. Turning to Carlos, “Just ask. You’ll never know unless you do.”

Carlos nervously asked his question.

“Is that all,” she said lightly. “Of course you can have some big diapers, too. But, you’ll wear nothing else, no matter where we go. Understood?”

“Yes!” she shouted happily.

“OK, let’s get you fixed up.”

The owner had overheard the last part of the conversation. She invited the boys to accompany her to the back room again. As if by magic, there were eighteen new diapers and nine plastic pants waiting to be picked up.

Carlos and Mark brought them to the front.

“Let’s get you changed,” Carlos’s mom said.

Five minutes later he was dressed almost identically to Mark. He even wore one of Mark’s striped shirts.

The next challenge was bringing the stuff out to the car. It took two trips to get all the stuff loaded. The trunk was jam packed. The fact that the parking lot was teeming with Friday afternoon shoppers didn’t bother the boys in the least.

Next, they retraced Mark’s steps from Monday night. They stopped at WalMart for a new jacket for Carlos and then they went off to Mrs. Caster’s to pick up new shirts for each of them. As she had promised, Mrs. Caster had made both striped and solid shirts. Each of the solid shirts was a little shorter than the striped ones and each had some type of juvenile look. Each boy would get a blue, yellow, and green shirt with his name printed on the front; the other shirts had various baby blocks, airplanes, or other such prints on them.

Mrs. Caster noticed that Mark and Carlos were wearing colored plastic pants.

“Do you want to wear one of your new matching shirts with your colored pants?”

The boys agreed. They chose to wear shirts with their names on them. Mark’s was blue and Carlos’s green. The fact that the shirts didn’t completely cover their stomachs made them even more exciting to the boys.

“I have one more surprise,” Carlos’s mom said as they were driving home. “Mark, your mother had a surprise business trip come up. Your dad decided to go with her. You’ll be spending the weekend with us. OK?”

“Super!” Mark agreed.

“Good, you parents will be back late Sunday afternoon. According to the weather report, it’s supposed to rain tomorrow. What would you guys rather do? Go to the movies or rent DVDs to watch at home?”

The thought of going out to a movie theater in their diapers was tempting, but neither boy was brave enough to commit to it.

“How about renting DVDs?” Carlos asked.

“That’s cool,” Mark answered.

They stopped at the Blockbuster near home. Carlos’s mom was amazed at the poise the two boys exhibited. They acted as if there was nothing unusual about their attire. One girl in the store asked them if they were going to a costume party and they calmly answered that this was the way they always dressed. (Later on, they laughed over her surprised and confused expression at their answer.)

They got home and wanted to start planning their weekend activities immediately but Carlos’s mom made them do their homework first.


Book 5 – Expanding Circles