Nothing Ever
Copyright © 2002
by Donnie_M72
Except for one
copy for your personal use, no part of this story may be copied, transmitted,
or posted either electronically or in print form anywhere without the prior
written permission of its author.
This is a work of
fiction about young people who wear diapers. If you don’t like the subject,
this is not the story for you.
After their diaper display at the Pizza House, Kevin, Bill, and Kyle were sure that they had irretrievably lost the respect of their peers. This seemed to be confirmed on Thursday morning when they were either shunned or mocked by everyone they met. In many ways it was easier to handle being mocked than shunned. At least people were acknowledging your existence when they went out of their way to think up a creative (or lame) insult to throw at you.
Bill suffered the worst. He was the relative newcomer to the school (having been there only three years) and Kevin and Kyle had always been popular kids. The fact that Bill was the least athletic of the three also put him at a disadvantage. He had not made a single team that he had tried out for this year, while Kevin played basketball and Kyle earned a spot on the soccer team. As a result, the insults thrown at him were more virulent and hurtful than what Kevin and Kyle received. To complicate things even more, tension always caused Bill to wet extremely heavily.
So, only forty-minutes into the class day, Bill urgently needed to ask Mr. Kitgar to issue him a pass to the nurse’s office. But he didn’t. He knew that the other kids in the room would know what he was asking for and they would mock him even more. A half-hour later the unthinkable happened. Bill felt his plastic pants leaking and a small puddle of pee forming on his chair. This galvanized him into action. He shot out of his seat and tried to approach Mr. Kitgar without anyone seeing his wet behind. It didn’t work. Before he even got halfway there someone noticed.
“What the matter, Billy? Did you forget to wear your baby pants this morning?”
All eyes were focused on him. Ha panicked and ran out of the room without the pass. It took Mr. Kitgar a full minute to get his room back under control.
Bill ran to the nurse’s station. Mrs. Tremail could see that he was extremely upset. He tried to explain the problem but the words kept sticking in his throat. Finally, he turned around and pointed to his wet pants.
“Oh, you poor boy,” Mrs. Tremail sympathized, “come with me and we’ll get you out of your wet clothes.”
She made Bill lie down on the bed. He meekly allowed her to undress him. She cleaned him up and then retrieved fresh plastic pants and a clean diaper from his storage cabinet.
“We’ll have to call one of your parents to have them bring you some pants. Who should we call? Your mother or your father?”
Bill hadn’t thought of that. Neither of his parents would enjoy being disturbed at work. In the end he decided that his mother should be called since she worked closer to home. Mrs. Tremail told him to stay where he was. A few minutes later she came back to check on him.
“Feeling better?”
“Yes. Is my mom coming with some clean pants?”
Mrs. Tremail hesitated for just an instant before answering.
“Yes, she should be here shortly.”
She didn’t tell him about how upset his mother had been. Mrs. Tremail knew that she wasn’t bringing him clean pants, but she decided to let Bill rest. He would learn about his new situation soon enough.
Mrs. Lankster was angry the whole time she drove home and, then, the whole time she drove to Bill’s school. She parked in the visitor’s parking space by the front door and stormed down to the Mrs. Tremail’s office. She greeted Mrs. Tremail and asked where Bill was. By her tone of voice, Bill knew that his mother was angry. He braced himself for a severe tongue-lashing.
Mrs. Lankster looked at her son from the doorway. He was lying on the bed in his stocking feet, school shirt, diaper and plastic pants. She was really getting sick of this diaper business. On the way over, she also vowed that she wasn’t ever going to be called to school again because Bill had wet his pants. She put the department store bag she was carrying at the foot of the bed.
“Thanks for bring me some clean pants,” Bill said in a conciliatory manner.
“Why didn’t you ask for a diaper change before your plastic pants started leaking? You must have felt how wet your diapers were,” his mother said by way of answer.
“All the kids were making fun of us because of everything yesterday. I didn’t want to ask for a diaper change before recess. I was afraid that they would pick on me even worse.”
Mrs. Lankster sighed, “Did anyone see your wet pants when you left the room?”
“Yes, they all laughed at me, except for Kevin.”
“Well, we’ll make sure that that doesn’t happen again.”
She reached over and began pulling off his plastic pants.
“Mrs. Tremail has already changed me,” Bill pointed out.
“I know. But, since your regular diapers can’t be depended on to keep you dry, I’ve brought your thicker diapers for you to wear.”
“But, I can’t fit my pants over those!” he shrieked.
“Don’t worry, we’ll take care of that.”
By now she had also removed his diaper and was reaching over to the bag to take out his thicker diapers and huge plastic pants.
“Mrs. Tremail says that we can get a pair of gym shorts for you… Lift up so I can get the first diaper under you… She’s already gone for them.”
After his accident in the classroom Bill had thought that things couldn’t get any worse, but here was his mother telling him that he would have to spend the rest of the day in his huge diapers with nothing but gym shorts covering them. Worse still, his mother had only brought colored plastic pants. What if they showed through the gym shorts?
Mrs. Tremail came back carrying a pair of white shorts. She couldn’t conceal her amazement at the bulkiness of his diapers and the brightness of his yellow plastic pants
“These are the largest size we have available. I thought they might be too big but now...”
She handed them over to Bill’s mother who had him stand up to put them on. They fit, but just barely. He tucked his shirt in and looked down at himself. This was awful. He puffed out on all sides and his shirt didn’t hide the high-rise of his diapers and plastic pants. His mother told him to sit on the edge of the bed so she could put his shoes back on. As he did, he saw that his plastic pants stuck out at the leg openings and at the crotch.
“I can’t wear these back to class. Everyone will see my plastic pants,” he wailed.
Tears started coming to his eyes. For a split second his mother felt sorry for him before she got hold of herself again.
“Listen, Bill, you have only yourself to blame. You chose to sneak out of the house and come to school in diapers, and, this morning, you chose not to ask for a diaper change until it was too late. You’ll just have to face the consequences of your decisions.”
She finished putting his shoes on and grabbed him by the hand. As they were leaving, she handed Mrs. Tremail the bag which contained more huge diapers and plastic pants.
“I think these ought to be enough for the rest of the day,” she said. “Could you also send his wet pants home this afternoon? Thank-you.”
They entered the middle school building just as the recess bell rang. Bill shook free from his mother’s grasp and tried to run out of the building. He didn’t get very far before she caught up to him and grabbed him by the forearm.
“Don’t you ever try to get away from me again,” she hissed. “I’ve a good mind to take those shorts off you right now and tell Mr. Kitgar that you’ll have to stay in just your diapers for the rest of the day.”
By now kids were filling the hallways heading for the recess area. Bill could feel their eyes boring in to him. His mom dragged him down the hall toward his classroom. He never looked up for fear of seeing the taunting expressions of the other kids. If they were saying anything to him he didn’t hear it- his brain had shut down.
“Mr. Kitgar,” his mom started, “I think Bill owes you an apology for causing a disruption in you class this morning.”
“I hardly think it’s necess…” Mr. Kitgar started to respond.
“I believe it is,” Bill’s mom cut in, “Bill should have asked for a diaper change when he knew he was wet. He chose not to. This whole incident was totally avoidable. Bill…”
“I’m sorry, Mr. Kitgar. It won’t happen again,” Bill whispered, his head down and his shoulders slumped.
“I’m sure you’re right,” Mr. Kitgar answered. “Now, why don’t you go to your desk and relax until class starts again?”
“Yes, sir.”
Mr. Kitgar would have liked to talk privately with Mrs. Lankster but she gave out every indication of being in a hurry.
“I’ll take care of everything,” Mr. Kitgar assured her.
“Thank you,” she answered and then she was gone.
Mr. Kitgar didn’t know what to do. Bill was sitting at his desk trying to get the gym shorts to cover up his plastic pants. It was pretty obvious that he wouldn’t succeed no matter how much he tried. Mr. Kitgar walked over to him.
“Bill, I think the other kids are going to notice you more if you keep fidgeting like that. I think your best bet is to sit still and look people right in the eye.”
“Yes, sir. But why is my mom doing this to me?”
“I don’t know, Bill. Maybe she’s having troubling seeing how much you like your diapers.”
“I don’t like my diapers,” Bill protested.
“I think you do, Bill. Why else would you choose to wear them to school after you found out that Kevin and Kyle were going to?”
“How did you know?”
“Kevin has been talking to me… but he never talked about you. I just guessed.”
“Mr. Kitgar,” Bill asked earnestly, “am I a freak?”
“No, Bill,” Mr. Kitgar answered with a slight smile, “you’re just discovering some of the unique things that make you you.”
Bill kind of knew what he meant. Mr. Kitgar’s tone of voice alone made him feel better. The other kids were returning after recess. Mr. Kitgar deliberately stood stern-faced in the front of the room. There was no taunting of Bill even though most kids saw the yellow plastic pants sticking out from his shorts. The rest of the morning session went on undisturbed. By lunchtime Bill was confident that he was going to make it through the rest of the day. Mr. Kitgar’s kind words have given him just the right amount of resolve to brighten his spirits and to believe in himself again.
Mark and Carlos were saddened that Darren and John were choosing to spend less and less time with them on weekends. They were still required to spend their after school time together, but it was obvious that Darren and John did not want to be seen with Mark and Carlos while the latter were wearing their ‘big’ diapers and plastic pants.
So, it came as a pleasant surprise to Mark and Carlos one Saturday morning when John invited them to accompany him an Darren to the video store to pick out some DVDs that they all could watch together.
“Is your mom or dad driving us?” Mark asked.
“No, we’re walking. Do you mind?”
Mark and Carlos didn’t care who saw them in their diapers. They were the ones who were surprised that John and Darren would go to the video store in their diapers. (John and Darren were still required to wear their diapers without pants around the neighborhood, but they were ‘normal’ diapers not ‘big’ ones.)
They met at John’s house.
“I have to drop something off at Ken’s house (one of their classmates) on the way,” John announced.
At Ken’s house, John led the way up the driveway directly to the wooden gate that led to the backyard.
“We’re going to walk into their yard without ringing the bell or anything?” Carlos asked.
“I talked to him just before you got to my house. He said for us to go right in,” John explained.
John opened the gate and stepped back for Mark and Carlos to walk through first. As soon as they had passed the gate he closed it. John and Darren ran as fast as they could back to John’s house.
Mark and Carlos heard the gate snap shut; a loud click followed. Before they could react they were knocked to the ground from behind. It happened so fast that they were completely immobilized before they could start fighting back. After a few seconds of squirming, a few hard body blows convinced them to stop resisting.
“Be careful,” a familiar voice said, “we want the little babies to be in pristine condition for their photo shoot.”
It was Camp, the class bully that Mark had taken on in January.
“What the hell are you doing, Camp?” Mark shouted in a voice filled with more bravado than he really felt. “You’ll never get away with this. Let us up.”
“OK, we’ll let you up,” Camp agreed. “But don’t let them go,” he cautioned the unseen people who were pinning them down.
Ken and two other of Camp’s friends (the Haskel twins, Artie and Aaron) let them stand up. As instructed, they maintained a strong grip on each of the boys. Mark and Carlos surveyed the situation. Ken’s yard was completely enclosed by a high wooden fence. Mark saw the source of the loud click he had heard after they had passed through the gate- a solid looking brass padlock had been passed through the latch to make sure that no one could come in or go out.
“Ever since January I’ve been wanting to get my revenge on you. You’re going to find out what it feels like to be humiliated in front of your friends.”
“Come off it, Camp,” Mark answered. “You were the one who was being stupid. I didn’t humiliate you, you humiliated yourself by the way you were acting. And another thing. This is between you and me; leave Carlos out of this.”
“Why do always have to sound like you’re trying to save the world. Carlos is involved in this. He’s dressed just like you, isn’t he?”
“That’s OK, Mark. I can take care of myself,” Carlos interjected.
“That’s OK, Mark. I can take care of myself” Camp mimicked. “We’ll see about that. Now, let’s get started on your baby pictures.”
“What the hell are you doing?” Mark repeated.
“We’re going to take your baby pictures,” Camp said as if he were talking to two year olds. “We wouldn’t anyone to miss out on seeing you for the babies that you are, would we?”
“Knock it off, Camp. Practically everyone has already seen us in diapers. No one is going to be interested in looking at pictures of us.”
“I think they’re like these,” he insisted.
They were led to the patio area. Spread out on the picnic table were baby bottles, pacifiers, bibs, baby print plastic pants, a pile of folded items, and two full grocery bags.
“We’re not using any of that stuff,” Mark insisted.
“I think you will,” Camp answered with a smirk on his face.
He nodded toward the Haskels who were holding Carlos. They began twisting both his arms behind his back. Carlos let out a scream of pain.
“You wouldn’t dare hurt us. You’d get into big-time trouble.” Mark said, hoping that this was true.
A second shout from Carlos made Mark back down.
“OK, OK, stop it. What do I have to do?”
“I’m glad you’re being cooperative,” Camp said insincerely. “Let’s start with giving you a real baby look. Take off your shirt and your plastic pants.”
Mark hesitated until he saw Carlos wince in pain again. He took his shirt off. Camp tied a baby bib around his neck.
“Ok, now the pants. And hurry up.”
He reluctantly took off his plastic pants. There was a big yellow spot in the front running down to the crotch where he had wet.
“Aww, I’m sowwy, baby. I don’t have any fresh didees for you,” Camp mocked as he handed him a pair of plastic pants that matched the bib- pink and blue lambs now cavorted across his chest and all around his diapers.
“Hmm,” Camp said sarcastically, “something seems to be missing.”
“Duh, Camp” Ken said just as mockingly, “the sun is strong today. Baby needs his head protected.”
Camp rummaged through the cloth items on the table and came back with an old-fashioned baby bonnet. Mark leaned away from Camp but allowed the infantile garment to be put on his head when he saw Camp’s warning glance.
“Isn’t that cute?” Camp mocked as he pulled some of Mark’s hair over his forehead.
A baby blanket was spread on the grass and Mark was made to lie on his back. He was handed a baby bottle filled with apple juice.
“Be a good baby and drink your bottle.”
Mark brought the bottle up to his mouth but didn’t want to suck on the nipple. Another howl from Carlos convinced Mark to begin sucking on the bottle. Camp picked up a digital camera and began snapping pictures and giving directions.
“Both hands on the bottle. Put your knees down and spread your legs. That’s good. We want to see your cute baby pants. Now look at the camera and smile… I said smile.”
Carlos groaned again and Mark smiled as best he could around the nipple. Camp continued with his directions. Pictures were taken from every angle, first with the baby bottle and then with the pacifier. He was told to pretend he was asleep with his head to the side and the baby bottle hanging loosely from his mouth. The same shot was repeated with the pacifier.
Fifteen minutes later when Mark was told to stand up, he thought that they were done. Instead, he was grabbed by Artie and Aaron and subjected to the same treatment as Carlos had gotten. Carlos was dressed in similar baby attire. Pictures were taken of him in the same poses as Mark.
“Now comes the fun part,” Camp announced. “You babies must be hungry. It’s a good thing we remembered to bring some food for you.”
Ken started opening jars of baby food. Camp and his friends had chosen carefully, only things they hated were on the menu.
“Let’s start with the liver and strained broccoli,” Ken said gleefully.
Mark and Carlos were seated at the picnic table with one Haskel standing “guard” on each side.
Ken spoon fed them from across the table as Camp continued to take pictures. Mark and Carlos couldn’t help gagging on the awful flavors.
“This is perfect,” Camp said gleefully. “They’re making faces just like babies who don’t want their food.”
Ken was also deliberately missing their mouths so that their faces soon became smeared from chin to forehead. Their “guards” made sure that they didn’t wipe anything off.
They were just getting ready to take pictures of the ‘babies’ playing and sleeping together on the grass. Suddenly, a voice from the screen door leading to the patio interrupted them.
“Kenneth! What’s going on here?”
“Mom!” Ken yelped. He stood up so fast he knocked over the open jars of baby food.
“I asked you a question,” she said sternly.
“Nothing,” Ken lied. “These are just some of my friends.”
“And what are your friends doing dressed like that? And why are you feeding them baby food?” she asked.
She recognized the baby outfits as coming from her inventory of special items she made for her teenbaby customers. Mark and Carlos recognized her as the lady who ran the medical supply store where they bought their diapers and plastic pants.
Mrs. Dresford, the next door neighbor had been gardening on her side of the fence when Mark and Carlos arrived. Between what she heard and saw when she peeked through cracks in the fence she could tell that something was very wrong. She had called Ken’s mom to let her know that suspicious activity was taking place in her backyard.
Mrs. Howard didn’t want to say anything that might further embarrass Mark or Carlos. They had become good customers and she didn’t want to alienate their parents.
“Well?” she insisted.
Camp and the two Haskels were quietly retreating from the scene. They reached the gate but were unable to open it because of the padlock. Mrs. Howard turned her attention to them.
“Camp, you’d better stay right here. And your two friends, too.”
Ken was still searching for an answer. Mark and Carlos were sure to tell the truth eventually. He had to think of damage control.
“Camp wanted revenge against Mark and Carlos for what they did to him a while ago. He was taking these pictures to show off at school.”
“And you helped. You even took stuff from my storeroom without permission.”
“Yes,” Ken admitted.
“OK. I want everybody’s phone number,” she demanded.
She took Mark and Carlos into the house and had them wash their faces and change into their ‘regular’ plastic pants while she contacted the other boys’ parents.
“I’m sorry that this happened to you at my house,” she apologized. “You can be sure that Ken will never forget his punishment.”
Mark and Carlos has recovered enough to become angry at Darren and John as well. They would take care of them in their own way. They would need to talk later about how.
Even before the other parents had arrived Mrs. Howard began Ken’s punishment.
“Ken, Camp, and the rest of you- into the house… Ken, let’s show your special closet to the other boys.”
“No!” he screamed in a panic.
He ran down the hall and stood in front of the linen closet. Mrs. Howard led the now curious boys down the hall. Ken what throwing a major tantrum. Tears were streaming down his face as his mother grabbed him by the arm and pulled him away.
“Let’s tell everybody whose diapers and plastic pants these are,” she shouted as she opened the door.
Inside there were at least two dozen diapers of varying thicknesses and almost the same number of plastic pants.
“Gee, Ken,” Camp said in amazement, “do you still wet the bed?”
“No,” his mother answered for him, “he asked me to let him wear diapers at home. In fact, he’s wearing one of his thinner ones right now, unless he took them off before you guys came over.”
Ken couldn’t stand any more embarrassment. He attempted to run past his mother and escape to his room. His mother grabbed him by the belt buckle.
“We’re not finished yet. Now stand still,” she scolded.
She started unbuckling his belt. He fought her but she quickly undid the belt and unzipped his pants. The more struggling he did the more his pants came down. When his pants reached his knees he fell over and his mother pulled them the rest of the way off. They were all surprised at what they saw. Ken was wearing baby style plastic pants. A whole circus of baby animals and brightly colored flags covered his light blue plastic pants. Also, his diapers were definitely not thin. His plastic pants bulged to the maximum to contain the thick diapers underneath. Evidently, his baggy pants had done a good job of hiding his secret.
He was lying on his right side, his shirt bunched up under his armpits. His stomach and baby pants were completely exposed to view. In an eerie quiet (except for the crackling of his baby pants) he got up and ran to his room, slamming the door after him. Only then, did his wails begin. Mark and Carlos felt sympathy for him; the other guys didn’t.
They were sent back to the picnic table. Several minutes of pleading and shouting were heard. Ken came out wearing fresh diapers as thick as Mark and Carlos’s; his plastic pants were milky white. He was shirtless. His mother told him to sit at the table with the others. She carried his wet diaper and plastic pants to the laundry room. He put his head down and sobbed quietly.
The other parents arrived and the evidence was presented to them. Ken’s humiliation at being seen in his diapers was doubled. He couldn’t get his sobbing under control. The arrogance that Camp and the Haskels had been showing also broke down. Their parents talked for a while inside the house while the boys waited out in the yard. They were taken home by their parents amid promises that they would be seeing Mrs. Howard again very soon.
Mrs. Howard began cleaning up the back yard.
“I guess all these things are yours now,” she said to Ken. “And you can be sure that you’ll get a lot of use out of them.”
Ken started sobbing again causing his mother to stick a freshly rinsed pacifier in his mouth.
“I’ll drive you home,” Mrs. Howard said to Mark and Carlos. “Ken has some apologizing to do to your parents.”
“But I’ve already apologized to Mark and Carlos. Why do I have to go to their houses and apologize again?” he cried.
“Because their parents have a right to know what’s happened- and you’re going to tell them. Now, put your pacifier back in your mouth.”
She grabbed him by the hand and dragged him kicking and screaming (as best he could around the pacifier) to her car. Mark and Carlos got in the back seat. Ken’s mom went back to get her purse and to lock up the house. They went to Carlos’s house first. Ken was allowed to keep the pacifier in the car but he was so embarrassed that Mark and Carlos supplied most of the details. Their sympathy for him was growing. They made it sound like Camp was the real guilty party. After they were finished, Carlos was given permission to spend the rest of the day at Mark’s house.
Ken’s performance wasn’t any better at Mark’s. Again, Mark and Carlos supplied most of the details, making Camp the big villain in the whole affair.
After Ken and his mom left, Mark’s dad asked how they were feeling.
“OK,” they answered.
“Weren’t you with Darren and John? What happened to them?”
The boys didn’t want to talk about that yet.
“They ran away,” Mark stated simply.
In order to end the discussion, Mark asked Carlos if he wanted to throw some hoops for a while.
Ken and his mom were driving toward her store, not their house. Mrs. Howard sensed that Ken was unhappy and worried about their destination.
“I’ve already lost a couple hours of work because of your antics today. It will be a long time before I let you stay home alone again. You’ll spend time with me until closing every day, including weekends.”
Ken thought that he had cried himself out but fresh tears stung his eyes.
“And stop that incessant crying,” his mom said unsympathetically as she shoved the pacifier back into his mouth.
He slouched down as far as possible for the rest of the trip.
Mrs. Howard parked in one of the furthest spots from the store.
“Can’t we park closer?” Ken pleaded.
“You know that I always save the best spaces for the customers.”
This led to a new struggle that ended when Mrs. Howard threatened to remove his diapers and spank him right there in the parking lot. Somehow he found the strength to walk across the parking lot wearing only his thick diapers and plastic pants.
Despite his anger, his diapers worked their normal charm on him. He began to relax and to enjoy the softness of the cotton surrounding his bottom and the gentle rustle of his plastic pants. The day had been exhausting and pretty soon he was asleep on the old couch his mother kept in the back room. She covered him with a light blanket and continued working on the new diapers and plastic pants that he and his friends would soon be wearing.
He woke around 5:00. The chill he felt when he threw off the blanket prompted him to ask his mother if she had a shirt for him to wear. She handed him a striped shirt just like Mark and Carlos wore. He thought about objecting but he had to admit that he liked the way it looked on him. The shirt was just as short as theirs. He wanted to continue pouting but he couldn’t help smiling at his reflection. His mother saw his dilemma but didn’t say anything.
A little while later she suggested that they order Chinese takeout. While they were eating he asked for something to drink. His mother opened the refrigerator next to her chair and took out a bottle of juice. She put it on the table in front of him.
“Here you go,” she said.
He stared at the baby bottle that he and Camp had forced Mark and Carlos to use.
“You may as well get used to it. You’re not going to be drinking out of a glass for a long time.”
He picked it up and began sucking on it. He got the hang of it quickly.
“Are you finished with your dinner?” his mother asked.
He shook his head up and down without taking the nipple out of his mouth. She cleared away the paper plates and put the leftovers in the fridge.
“I’m sorry I got so mad at you this afternoon. And I’m sorry that I took your pants off in front of your friends,” his mother said softly. “I’m trying to understand why you agreed to help Camp humiliate Mark and Carlos and why you were wearing such thick diapers and babyish plastic pants.”
Ken decided to be honest.
“You won’t get mad at me again, will you?” he asked hesitantly.
“I’ll try not to,” she promised.
He figured that this was as good a deal as he could get so he started explaining.
“When I wear my diapers I always imagine that I’m playing with a friend, only I’ve never had a friend who wears diapers. When Camp told me how he was going to get even with Mark for what Mark did to him, I began thinking how cool it would be if I could wear my diapers, too. I even tried to think up a reason why I should wear only diapers while Camp got his revenge, but I couldn’t think of any good reason why I should. So, I decided to wear diapers and baby pants under my clothes and pretend that I was ‘playing’ with my diaper friends. I know it was wrong to treat Mark and Carlos like that, but I couldn’t help myself. I’m sorry.”
Mrs. Howard ached for Ken. She never realized how lonely he was. She knew that she had to punish him for what he had done, but knowing why he had done it changed her feelings completely.
“Come over here and give me a hug and a kiss. We’ll forgive each other.”
Normally, he was uncomfortable when his mother asked for a hug, but tonight he felt that he needed it, too. He would have liked to climb up on his mother’s lap and stay there awhile. He almost asked, but his courage failed. As he was pulling away, his mother checked inside his plastic pants. This, too, seemed natural; he was glad she had checked up on him.
“I think we’d better get you changed right away- you’re soaked.”
He giggled.
“Go get two diapers and a pair of plastic pants. I’ll get the rest of the stuff ready.”
This was the first time he went out into the main store since their arrival a few hours earlier. Business had been very light all afternoon; he hoped that no one would come in and see him in his soaked diapers. He hesitated for a few seconds over the plastic pants and decided on a pair that would make him feel less undressed.
His mom made him lie down on the old couch. Before starting, she put the pacifier back in his mouth. He eagerly began sucking on it. The thought that his mother would soon be cleaning his diaper area had gotten him excited. His mother chuckled to herself at her son’s innocent enjoyment as she cleaned him. She folded the new diapers together and placed them under him. Each diaper was twice as thick (eight layers in the center) as the ones he had just been wearing. He sensed the difference right away and sighed. Lastly, came the new baby pants. He had left little doubt as to what he preferred: puppies, kittens, and baby ducks merrily chased butterflies across the yellow plastic. He was further excited by how loudly they crackled when he moved.
“We’d better change your shirt, too. You’ve spilled food on this one. I guess we’ll have to remember to use a bib whenever you eat.”
She went over to her work area and selected a white shirt with yellow trim. He was ecstatic. The world would be perfect if only he had a diaper friend to play with. If only he hadn’t been so mean to Mark and Carlos.
The next morning his mom woke him up early.
“Come on, honey,” she said to her sleepy son, “time to get up.”
“But it’s Sunday! Can’t I sleep in?”
“Sorry, not today. I have a lot of work to do at the store and I’ll need your help.”
He got up slowly and eventually found himself in the kitchen eating his cereal.
“As soon as you’re finished, I’ll change you,” his mother announced. “And, then, it’s off to the store.”
The night before she made sure to bring home plenty of extra-thick diapers and very babyish plastic pants. These were obviously his preference. There were ready to go back to the store by eight o’clock.
Mrs. Howard explained to Ken that she had several large orders of diapers to finish. She brought him over to her big worktable and showed him how to use the electric cutters to cut the flannel cloth that would go into them. She was impressed with how quickly he understood what needed to be done. In a short time he had cut all the cloth she would need for the orders.
“Why don’t you take a break while I finish assembling these diapers,” she suggested.
“Can I have a drink?” he asked.
“Sure, I prepared some bottles for you; they’re in the refrigerator.”
He took out his favorite (cranapple juice) and lied down on the couch to drink it. In just a few minutes he was asleep, perfectly mimicking the pictures Camp had taken yesterday of Mark and Carlos ‘sleeping’ with their bottle.
At 10:30, knocking at the front door woke him up. It was Camp and his parents and older sister. They were all dressed up as if they had just come from church. Ken’s mom didn’t seem surprised to see them.
“Come in. How are you this morning?” she asked cheerily.
“We’re just fine,” Camp’s dad answered. “It’s nice of you to open the store especially for us today.”
Camp, who had his usual disinterested look on his face, seemed surprised by his father’s statement. The way his sister giggled made him think that she knew something that he didn’t. Yesterday, after his parents had taken him home, they lectured him at length about his unacceptable behavior. As usual, he had barely paid attention to them. Now that he thought about it, they had said that they were preparing a lesson for him that he would never forget. Is that why they were here? If so, this was serious…
“Is your son here?” Mrs. Simmons (Camp’s mom) asked.
“Yes, he was sleeping in the back room. I got him up awful early this morning to come down here and help me. I think he woke up when you came in. Ken… will you come out here, please?”
Ken wasn’t sure about this. Now that Camp knew that he (Ken) liked to wear diapers (thick ones, no less) he was more than a little concerned about how he would be treated in school tomorrow. On the other hand, his mother was punishing him for his part in what had been done to Mark and Carlos. He was in a no-win situation. He reluctantly went out to the front of the store. Camp took one look and started laughing at him.
“I’m glad that you find it amusing because you’re next,” his dad said.
Camp didn’t immediately catch on to what his father was suggesting. When he did, his whole body tensed in anger.
“I will not wear those things! Never!” he screamed.
“We’ve been far too lenient with you,” his mother said firmly. “We know very well that you blow off our lectures and pleadings about your behavior. This time we’re not letting you off the hook. You will learn discipline and respect.”
Camp glared at his mother. The veins in his neck and temples were pulsing visibly.
“I won’t and you can’t make me.”
He turned on his heels and walked away quickly in an attempt to escape from the store. Because it was Sunday (and the store wasn’t open for business), Mrs. Howard had locked the door using her key as soon as she had let them in. He couldn’t get out.
“Let me out of here!” he screamed.
His father had followed him and was pulling him back into the store. Camp began fighting against him but the battle wouldn’t last long. Camp’s dad was big and muscular.
What happened next amazed Ken. Camp began crying and asking for his parents to reconsider. Ken understood why Camp might do this, but he couldn’t understand Camp’s voice. It had suddenly become high and squeaky, almost as high-pitched as a girl’s. Camp’s sister saw Ken’s bewilderment.
“His voice always does that when he’s scared. Isn’t it cute?”
“Shut up, you bitch,” Camp screamed at his sister.
Unfortunately for him, his voice cracked into an even higher falsetto, totally humiliating him. His sister laughed in contempt at his attempted insult.
“That does it,” his dad bellowed. “You’re getting changed right now. May we?” he asked Mrs. Howard.
“Yes, the back room is probably best. I have his diapers and plastic pants all ready.”
Camp pled for mercy all the way to the back room. Ken was still amazed at how his voice had become so high and squeaky.
Faced with the huge pile of diapers and plastic pants, Camp became defiant again. He tried to get out of his father’s grasp. This only made his parents more determined to discipline him.
“Take off your clothes,” his dad ordered.
Camp stood motionless. He wasn’t going to give up. He spotted the back door to the shop. In a flash, he took off for it. His sister stood between him and the door. She stuck her foot out as he ran by and tripped him up. He went crashing to the floor. His father caught up to him and forcibly carried him back. He was furious as he ferociously removed Camp’s shirt, pants and underwear. Camp started pleading again in his funny high-pitched voice.
“Not in front of them! Not in front of them!”
But it was too late. Except for his shoes and socks, he was standing naked in the middle of the room. Mrs. Howard had prepared two diapers on the couch. Mr. Simmons pulled his over to them and tried to make him lie down on them. Camp resisted again.
“Lie down,” his dad commanded.
Camp hesitated.
“Alright, you asked for it,” his father said.
He sat on the couch pulling Camp over his knees. The pace of the spanking was furious.
“Are you ready to listen now?” his father roared.
“Never,” Camp squeaked in humiliation.
Another round of furious slaps ensued. Camp began crying out in pain.
“I’ll do it. I’ll do it. Please, stop,” he squealed in his shrill voice.
His dad stopped after administering another ten blistering slaps. Camp was definitely defeated. He winced as he laid down on the diapers. Mrs. Howard offered Mrs. Simmons some diaper cream to help protect Camp’s skin from further irritation.
Camp was thickly diapered. He was utterly miserably as a pair of baby print plastic pants were pulled up his legs. He couldn’t bear to look at the blue and pink baby blocks covering the pants. His father stood him up.
“Have we got a shirt for him?” he asked.
Mrs. Simmons handed him a white lap-shoulder baby shirt with matching blue trim.
“I guess we’re all done here. I’ll take care of the payment while you take your diapers out to the car,” his father said.
A wave of nausea swept over Camp. Someone might see him! This couldn’t be happening. The stinging of his bottom, however, was fresh enough and painful enough to make him comply without complaint. Ken felt sorry for him so he volunteered to help load up the car.
The were preparing to take out the last load when an SUV pulled up in front of the store. Camp froze in place; he couldn’t go out there dressed like a baby. Ken wasn’t thrilled about it either, but he didn’t see how they could avoid it. Camp threw his load of stuff back onto the counter. His sister was blocking the aisle to the back room so he ran up the center aisle in order to hide from view.
The door opened and the Haskels walked in. They were a stunning Afro-American family. Mr. & Mrs. Haskel were both dentists but they could have been models if they had wanted. Their children had inherited their good looks. Aaron and Artie were the middle children; their sister Pamela was a high school junior and their younger brother Andrew was in fourth grade.
“Sorry we’re late,” Mrs. Haskel said, “Aaron and Artie needed a little extra persuasion this morning.”
Ken could see that their eyes were red-rimmed and puffy. He wondered if they had received the same ‘persuasion’ as Camp had just gotten. By their nervousness and the way they were looking at him, Ken figured that they already knew how they would be dressed when they left the store. Their parents seemed to have planned ahead; the boys were dressed in light t-shirts and gym shorts.
“Yes, this does seem to be a morning where ‘persuasion’ is necessary,” Mr. Simmons agreed.
Mrs. Simmons broke off from the group to go in search of Camp. He was crouched on the floor in the far corner of the store.
“Get up and stop being ridiculous,” she said harshly. “It’s time that you learned how all those kids you picked on felt when you publicly ridiculed and humiliated them.”
She grabbed his hand and pulled him to his feet. They marched to the front. Aaron and Artie gasped when they say him. He looked so different- here he was in diapers and plastic pants and, unbelievably, he had been crying. Aaron and Artie (and the whole school, too) thought of him as the toughest kid around. They couldn‘t believe what they were seeing. Camp was careful not to say anything until he calmed down. What would they think if they heard his ‘squeaky’ voice?
Artie and Aaron were led to the back room. Mrs. Howard and Pamela went along. Mr. Simmons told Camp to finish loading up the car. Ken again volunteered to help. They were finished quickly.
Camp wanted to go home right away but he didn’t dare complain to his parents. The group remaining in the front of the store heard Aaron and Artie complain a couple of times. A sharp word from the parents quieted them down. This prompted their brother Andrew to elaborate on how they had gotten their fannies ‘whupped’ this morning for refusing to accept their punishment. Being the little brother who was always picked on by them, he was relishing their predicament.
“And,” he concluded, “I won’t be the baby anymore. They’ll be the ones who get out of diapers last.”
Aaron and Artie came out of the back room ahead of the others. They were dressed identically (“Just like you used to be,” Mrs. Haskel had told them.) in bulging diapers and plastic pants. At first glance it appeared that they had escaped the worst of the baby punishment- their plastic pants were semi-transparent white. However, a second look confirmed that they were wearing baby print diapers- brightly colored choo-choo trains, airplanes, buses, and cars traveled in all directions across their diapers. Their outfits were finished off by green-trimmed lap-shoulder t-shirts. They looked even more glum than before. Andrew had trouble containing his glee. Only a sharp glance from his mother prevented him from laughing out loud.
“Well, boys, how does it feel now?” Mr. Haskel asked. “How much fun do you think those other boys had yesterday when you dressed them up like this?”
None of the guys answered. Instead, they hung their heads in shame and stared at the ground.
“We forgot something,” Mrs. Howard suddenly said.
She went into the back room and returned a few seconds later. She handed one item to the Simmons, two to the Haskels, and she kept one for herself.
“Ah, yes, the pièce de résistance,” Mr. Simmons said.
The boys started sobbing in unison as the baby bonnets were placed on their heads and securely tied under their chins.
“It’s such a beautiful day, let’s not waste any more of it standing around inside.,” Mr. Simmons said enthusiastically.
“You’re right,” the other adults agreed.
“OK, let’s get started. Aaron and Artie, load up your new diapers and plastic pants into the car… We’ll meet you there,” Mr. Haskel advised the others.
The boys were really panicking now.
“Where are we going?” they asked their parents.
“We’re going to a barbecue. Won’t that be fun!” Mrs. Simmons said excitedly.
The boys doubted it. What was worse is that their parents wouldn’t tell them where they were headed. Just before leaving, Mrs. Howard came out with four baby blue nylon bags.
“Here are their diaper bags.”
In order to quiet them down, a pacifier was shoved into each of their mouths with strict warnings to not take them out. They all drove back to Ken’s house. The boys were relieved to see that the barbecue would only include them. They got out of the cars and began heading for the backyard.
“You’re going the wrong way. The barbecue isn’t here,” Mrs. Howard said. “We’re walking to it from here.”
The boys were visibly shaken up by this news.
“How far?” Artie asked nervously.
“Not too far,” his father answered.
“No!” a voice screamed. “Never! I won’t do it!”
It was Camp. He pulled the baby bonnet from his head and threw it to the ground. He had had enough. It was one thing to be humiliated and embarrassed in front of his friends and family, but he wasn’t going to be dragged around a neighborhood where some of his schoolmates lived. No one else was going to see him dressed like this. He wouldn’t allow it.
Artie and Aaron were on the verge of joining his rebellion when Camp’s father approached him from behind and grabbed him by the waist. He was furious.
“If you don’t want to wear this stuff, you don’t have to.”
He carried a surprised Camp over to their car.
“Stand still while I get you out of these clothes,” he ordered.
The other boys were confused. Was Camp going to get out of his punishment so easily? No wonder Camp was such a bully.
Mr. Simmons removed Camp’s shirt, plastic pants and diapers (which, to Camp’s embarrassment, were quite wet). Standing there naked (in just shoes and socks) was rather embarrassing, but an improvement over the babyish attire he had been forced into.
“OK, I guess we’re ready to go now,” Camp’s dad announced as he clamped his hand tightly over Camp’s.
“What!” Camp screeched in his nervous, high-pitched voice. “I can’t go anywhere. I’m not dressed.”
“You can’t have it both ways, can you?” his dad answered sarcastically. “You didn’t want to wear what we gave you, so I guess you’ll just have to go without.”
Camp dug his heels in the grass and refused to move. His dad picked him up and threw him kicking and screaming over his shoulder, his naked butt exposed to the elements. Camp’s screeching intensified as his dad moved toward the street.
“You know, if you continue to create this much of a disturbance all the way there, you’ll collect a pretty big audience.”
The thought of going anywhere naked seemed infinitely worse than wearing the diapers. Camp began pleading for his dad to put him down. He would wear the diapers. His dad kept on walking. It was only after his mother intervened that Camp’s dad stopped. They were in the middle of the street. Camp wanted to run back toward Ken’s house but his dad was holding him firmly by both arms.
“Are you going to do what we say?” he demanded sternly.
“Yes,” Camp squeaked. “Let me go, please,” he pleaded.
“Alright, let go back to the car,” his dad agreed.
Keeping a firm grip on Camp’s right hand, he slowly led him back to the car. Camp’s mother was already there preparing fresh clothes for him.
She laid out a clean diaper on the lawn and made him lie down on it. His father forced him to keep his hands on his sides, leaving him totally exposed as his mother opened a fresh container of wipes. After what seemed like an eternity, his mother began cleaning and powdering his diaper area. The first diaper was finally pinned into place. A second diaper was slid under him and quickly pinned up. He nearly started crying again when he saw the plastic pants. They were fire engine red and extremely shiny; they also crinkled very loudly as they were pulled over the diapers.
He stood up and a baby print snap-shouldered shirt was put on him. It didn’t even come down to the top of his diapers. After what had just happened he didn’t dare to protest. Nonetheless, his knees started shaking as he realized that he would soon be walking down the street in these ridiculously bright clothes. A few tears did escape his eyes as the baby bonnet was placed back his head.
“It’s a good thing you didn’t ruin it,” his mother said. “As it is, you’ll get another spanking when we get home because of the stunt you just pulled. You would have gotten double if you had ruined this bonnet. You will behave at this barbecue. Do you understand that you will get double or even triple spankings each time that you misbehave?”
Without waiting for an answer she took his left hand while his dad clasped his right. Together, they led him down the street in the direction of the barbecue. The others joined in behind them. The four boys were beyond miserable. Adults and kids started noticing them. No one said anything rude (probably because their parents were there) but there was plenty of gawking and open-mouthed surprise and giggling. They knew that in school tomorrow there would be hell to pay. Two blocks later they finally arrived at the house where the barbecue was going to be held. Camp recognized it at the house in which Carlos lived.
The Zupatiases greeted them like old friends. Mark and his parents were also there. The four boys were mortified. Here they were dressed just like they had dressed Carlos and Mark. Worse still, Mark and Carlos had a camera and they were openly taking pictures of them as if they were hired photographers at a social event! What were these pictures for? Would they show them around school?
Carlos and Mark were dressed in their ‘big’ diapers. Unlike previous times that they had seen them, the newly initiated diaper boys actually envied them. At least Mark and Carlos’s diapers and plastic pants were plain white, although their shirts were awfully babyish looking. Surprisingly, despite how they had been treated in Ken’s backyard they weren’t teasing or taunting them. Artie and Aaron were the first to speak up.
“We’re sorry what we did to you,” they apologized. “It was mean and we shouldn’t have done it.”
Even though Ken had already apologized twice, he echoed the twins’ sentiments. This only left Camp. All eyes turned on him. He fidgeted for awhile before speaking.
“I’m sorry, too,” he said barely audibly.
It wasn’t much of an apology but it was more than Mark and Carlos ever thought that they would get.
“That’s OK,” they answered. “I guess we’d better get to be friends since we’re going to be spending a lot of time together.”
“Huh?” the four boys answered simultaneously.
“Yes,” the twins’ dad explained. “Since you’re going to be in diapers 24/7, and you’re going to be in double diapers whenever you’re out of school, you’ll be spending all your afternoons together.”
“How long are we going to have to wear these baby clothes?” Artie asked.
“We’ll see,” his dad answered vaguely. “If you’re really well behaved you might get out of them within a year.”
Before they could react, the last guests arrived- Darren, John and their families. Mark and Carlos hadn’t yet decided what to do about Darren and John’s betrayal so they were surprised to see their attire. They were dressed just like Camp, only their shiny baby pants were yellow. In fact, their entire outfits were yellow including their baby bonnets. Obviously, their parents had figured out how they had set them up at Ken’s house.
“Well?” Darren’s dad prompted.
Darren looked toward Mark and Carlos. Tears were in his eyes.
“I’m sorry I set you up,” he said.
“Me, too,” John added.
By the end of the barbecue they had all made up and were friends. Tomorrow, however, would present many challenges.