Copyright © 2002
by Donnie_M72
Except for one
copy for your personal use, no part of this story may be copied, transmitted,
or posted either electronically or in print form anywhere without the prior
written permission of its author.
This is a work of
fiction about young people who wear diapers. If you don’t like the subject,
this is not the story for you.
Kenny shivered as he pushed his bike up the path. He was very cold and very scared. His mother was going to kill him. No doubt about it.
“But, mom, I’m thirteen. I can take care
of myself. I’m careful when I’m down by the river. Nothing will happen.”
“I said no,
young man, and I mean it. The river is running very high and fast with all the
melting snow from the mountains. It’s too dangerous. You’re not leaving this
house until you promise me that you’ll stay away.”
“Aw, gee,
mom... OK… I won’t go to the river.”
At the time, he
had been serious about his promise. After leaving the house, he went around the
neighborhood looking for his friends but he couldn’t find anyone. Out of
boredom, he went to the bridge to watch the water. He felt that he wasn’t
really disobeying his mother. There were lots of people on the bridge. It was
safe up here. But, in no time at all, he found himself walking his bike down
the path that led to that special place from which he got a great view of the
rushing water. Also, down there, he could hear the river as it flowed
by, without the interference of traffic noise.
All his life, the river had fascinated him. He loved to watch the water. He felt that he had even discovered some of its secrets. For instance, it was constantly changing colors, never staying the same. Sometimes it looked blue, sometimes green, and sometimes black. Also, the changing light never stopped modifying the river’s shape. Even at night, with no moon visible, it still sparkled in his eyes.
When he spoke about his love of the river to his friends they thought he was crazy. He didn’t know why he was so fascinated by it, he just was. He couldn’t get enough of it.
But, today, the
river had betrayed him and he felt miserable. He had been standing about three
feet away from the water’s edge when the bank suddenly crumbled. He was up to
his shoulders in icy water before he knew it. He felt panic surging inside him
as he clawed at the riverbank trying to establish a firm grip. All he got were
fistfuls of mud and grass. The current was relentlessly tugging at him.
Luckily, he quickly floated to a large tree branch that was hanging just above
the water. He grabbed it and slowly pulled himself back to shore. He crawled
away from the river about seventy-feet downstream from where he went in. He
began shaking as he realized how near he had come to being swept away. Then he
remembered the promise he had made to his mother. His spirits slipped even
His wet clothes
chilled him to the bone. He needed to get moving immediately. He found his bike
and gloomily headed home.
“Are you OK?”
The voice
startled Kenny. He looked up and saw a boy about his age looking down from the
top of the hill.
“I fell into the
river,” he answered. “My mom is going to kill me when she finds out. I’m gonna
get grounded for the rest of spring break, I just know it.”
“Gee, that’s too
bad,” the other boy said sincerely, “Can I give you a hand?”
“Thanks. But
nobody can help me now.”
“Where do you
live?” the boy asked, walking next to Kenny.
“Over on
Woodside,” Kenny answered.
“I live right
over there,” the boy pointed out, “in the blue and white Victorian on the
“Nice,” Kenny
replied politely, but too involved in his own problems to really pay much
“Say. Maybe you
won’t have to tell your mother what happened.”
“How?” Kenny
asked incredulously. “That’s impossible.”
“No, really. I’m
serious. What if you came over to my house and we washed and dried your clothes
before you went home. Your mom would never have to know.”
“Really?” Kenny
exclaimed excitedly. “But what about your mom? How could we explain it to her?”
“We don’t have
to. She’s at work all day. And so is my dad. My older sister and I are alone at
home. She’s in college; she won’t care.”
Kenny was getting
more excited about this sudden good fortune until he remembered that his mom
was expecting him home for lunch. There wouldn’t be enough time to wash and dry
his clothes, especially his shoes. He voiced his concern to the other boy.
“You can call her
from my house and tell that you met a new friend and that you got invited to
stay for lunch. By the way, my name is Artie. Artie Halsted. We moved here last
fall. I go to Willowhaven School.”
School was a private school for kids with special needs. Kenny wondered why
Artie went there. He seemed normal.
“I’m Kenny
Braken. Do you really think this could work?” Kenny asked, returning to the matter
at hand.
“Sure, why not?”
Artie answered confidently. “At the very least, you’ll get a warm shower and a
little time to think of what you’re going to say if you get caught. Come on.
Let’s get over to my house.”
Kenny removed his
shoes, socks and jacket at the back door. By now the water had mostly stopped
dripping from his clothes and hair. He gently walked across the kitchen and up
the back stairs that led to the bathroom. Artie told him to take off all his
clothes and to hand them to him in the hallway. The shower felt wonderful.
There was plenty of hot water and Kenny luxuriated in its warmth. He dried off
and gingerly opened the bathroom door.
“Artie?” he
whispered through the crack.
No answer.
“Artie,” he
called a little louder.
Artie came out of
a room down the hall and on the opposite side of the hallway.
“Over here,” he
answered, signaling Kenny to come into his room.
Kenny scooted
down the hall dressed only in the towel he had wrapped around himself.
“I’ve got some
clothes for you.”
Kenny walked over
to the bed and scanned the clothes that were laying there.
“Um,” he said
hesitantly, “do you have any underwear I can borrow?”
“No, I don’t,”
Artie said shyly.
“You don’t wear
underwear?” Kenny asked mystified.
“I mean, I wear
underwear, but not regular underwear.”
Kenny was really confused now. If he didn’t wear regular underwear, what did he wear?
“No, that’s not
what I mean,” Artie continued. “I wear regular clothes. It’s just that… Oh,
God, you’ve got to promise that you won’t tell anyone about what I’m going to
show you. Please…,” he said in a begging voice.
Kenny was becoming alarmed. What had he gotten himself into?
“Follow me,” Artie said, walking through the doorway next to his closet.
Kenny followed him. They were in a very large bathroom, complete with and old fashioned claw-footed tub and full shower. His first thought was to wonder why Artie hadn’t invited him to shower here. Artie went over to a long, padded counter. Under the counter there were stacks of odd looking white towels.
“This is my
underwear,” he said, turning red in the face.
Kenny was
completely befuddled. Artie picked up one of towels and unfolded it. Kenny
still didn’t get it.
“These are my
diapers,” Artie explained. “I’ve never been completely dry. Sometimes, I even
have number two accidents if I can’t get to a bathroom fast enough. You won’t
tell anyone, will you?” Artie begged again.
“No, of course
not. You’re helping me out big time. I won’t tell.”
Kenny felt sorry
for Artie. And, also, more than a little curious. He had never heard of a boy
their age wearing diapers.
“What does it feel like wearing diapers?”
Kenny blurted out.
Artie hesitated.
“I’m sorry, I
didn’t mean to ask that question,” Kenny apologized.
“That’s OK. I
just don’t know what to say. I’ve always worn them so I can’t compare them to
anything else.”
“Oh, yeah. I see your point,” Kenny answered.
He was still very
“I’d better get
He pulled the
pants up his legs and tightened the belt to the last notch. The were extremely
loose. As soon as he let go they started sliding down past his hips.
“Do you have any
smaller pants?” Kenny asked.
“Sorry. My pants are all that size so that my diapers won’t show too much.”
“Oh. These are so
big that they’re going to fall off.”
“You can always
wear one of my diapers if you want to make the pants fit better.”
Kenny’s heart
skipped a beat. The thought was intriguing but he didn’t want to look too
“I don’t know. Do
you think I should?” Kenny asked.
“It’s up to you. But, like you said, if you don’t it will be hard to keep your pants up.”
Artie suspected
that Kenny wanted to wear one of his diapers. He decided to push the point. “I
hope they don’t fall off when my sister is around.”
Kenny was
“Then, I guess I’d better wear one.”
“OK, but you’ll
need my help. Let’s go back into the bathroom.”
Artie carefully
laid out one of his diapers. He also took out a pair of plastic pants and laid
them at the foot of the table. Kenny didn’t object or question why he had taken
out the plastic pants. Artie took this as confirmation that Kenny wanted to go
‘all the way.’
“Take off the
pants and lay down on the diaper,” Artie instructed.
After Kenny was
properly positioned, Artie sprinkled a generous amount of baby powder over
Kenny’s diaper area.
“What’s that
for?” Kenny asked in surprise.
“Your skin needs
to be protected even if you don’t wet the diaper. Besides, after you have your
plastic pants on, you will start to feel how much moisture they trap.”
“Oh, OK,” Kenny
Artie was only
mildly surprised that Kenny didn’t argue against the idea of wearing plastic
pants over the diaper.
“Now roll over so
that I can put some on your bottom, too.”
Artie used six
pins to expertly pin Kenny into the diaper. Kenny felt oddly secure. The smell
of the baby powder brought back distant memories. He jumped as Artie started
pulling the plastic pants up his legs.
“Lift up so I can
pull your plastic pants all the way up.”
Lastly, Kenny
stood up and Artie made a final inspection to be sure that the whole diaper was
securely inside the plastic pants. Kenny put the pants back on.
“That feels better,” he announced.
Artie wondered if
he was talking about the pants or the diaper.
The next step was
to call Kenny’s mother. She asked to speak to Artie’s older sister. After she
got the phone number and satisfied herself that everything was alright she gave
her permission for Kenny to stay until 5:30.
“Great,” Artie
exclaimed. “That will give us plenty of time to get your clothes washed and
The guys returned
to Artie’s room and played around on the computer. They talked about their
families and school friends. Artie had two older sisters. The oldest was
already married and his other sister, Dana, was finishing college this year.
Her room was on the top floor of the house. Kenny mentioned that his parents
were divorced. He was an only child. His dad had abandoned him and his mom six
years ago. Nobody knew where he was.
“That’s too bad,”
Artie commiserated.
“I guess it’s
OK,” Kenny answered, “I’m used to it. I just wish that my mom wasn’t so strict.
She never lets me do anything I want to do.”
“You mean like
falling into the river?” Artie joked.
“Quit it,” Kenny
said, punching him in the arm. “That was an accident.”
They were
interrupted by Dana.
“Hi, I’m Dana.”
she said.
“Hi. My name is
“Nice to meet you Kenny. You must be a special friend of Artie’s. He never lets anyone come up to his room or see his bathroom.”
“Kenny is staying
for lunch,” Artie interjected hastily, somewhat embarrassed by his sister’s indirect
reference to his diapers.
“Good. I’m going
downstairs to heat up the leftover stew. Do you guys want any?”
“Sure,” Artie and
Kenny agreed.
The three went
down to the kitchen. Artie and Kenny set out bowls, glasses and utensils while
Dana took charge of the stew. Kenny was extremely conscious of the noise made
by his plastic pants. He hoped that Dana would think it came from Artie.
“Did you enjoy
your lunch?” Dana asked as they were putting the dishes into the dishwasher.
“Yes, thank you,”
Kenny answered politely.
“Good, I’m glad.”
Jumping to another topic, she added, “I’m leaving for class at 1:30. If either
of you guys needs his diaper changed before then just let me know.”
Kenny felt his
face burning with embarrassment. She knew!
“I’m sorry,” she
said to Kenny. “While you were reaching into the cabinets to get the bowls I
saw the top of your plastic pants. It’s OK. I’ve been taking care of Artie ever
since he was born. It’s no big deal to me. I wouldn’t tell anyone about your
“Thanks,” Kenny
Kenny and Artie
were playing around on Artie’s computer. Kenny was very distracted.
“I can’t believe
your sister knows that I’m wearing a diaper.”
“Don’t trip out
over it. She doesn’t care. She’ll change our diapers before she leaves and then
you can change back into your clothes and go home whenever you want. Relax.
It’s no big deal.”
But it was a big deal to Kenny. No girl had ever seen him naked before, especially not to give him a diaper change.
“Can I ask you a
“Sure,” Artie answered.
“How come you
wear old fashioned diapers? You know, how come you don’t wear disposables?”
“My mom works as
an environmental scientist for the EPA. She’s totally against disposables. She
says that they make waste dumps fill up faster and that a lot of diapers are
not environmentally friendly. She says it does less damage to wash cloth
diapers and plastic pants than to just use a disposable once and then throw it
away, especially if the person is going to be wearing diapers for a long time.”
“I guess that
makes sense,” Kenny agreed.
They went back to
the computer. Half an hour later Kenny got up and headed for the bathroom.
“Where are you
going?” Artie asked.
“I gotta pee,”
Kenny answered.
“So?” Artie
responded, putting a lot of meaning into that one word. “You’re wearing a
“I know, but I
can’t. I tried.”
Artie very much
wanted Kenny to experience a wet diaper. He was pretty sure that once Kenny
did, he would be hooked.
“You asked me
before what it felt like to wear diapers. You’ll only know the half of it if
you don’t wet one. Come back. I’ll show you how.”
Kenny hesitated.
He did want to try. He decided to give it a shot.
“Alright!” Artie
said enthusiastically. “You’d better take your pants off first.”
“Take my pants
off!” Kenny said in surprise. “Why?”
“You don’t
usually pee with your pants on, do you?”
“No, but…,” Kenny
“OK, I’ll take
mine off, too,” he said dropping his pants and stepping out of them.
Kenny followed
suit. He noticed how wet Artie’s diaper was (he thought he had smelled the
distinctive odor of pee earlier).
“Maybe we should
go into the bathroom. You can stand in front of the bowl and pretend that
you’re taking a normal pee.”
Kenny stood in
front of the toilet trying to imagine that he was peeing into it. After a few
seconds his hands went up and positioned themselves against his plastic pants.
A few drops of pee came out. And then a few more. All of a sudden it was a
steady stream as he emptied his bladder. A smile crossed his lips as the warmth
spread throughout his crotch. The flow stopped and he opened his eyes. Artie
was looking at him intently.
“Well?” Artie
asked, although he already knew the answer.
“That was
awesome,” Kenny replied, unable to hide his pleasure.
They went back to
the bedroom. Artie made no attempt to put his pants back on and neither did
“How does it feel
now?” Artie pressed.
“Way different
from what I thought it would feel like. It even feels comfortable.”
Talking about it was giving him an embarrassing erection. He hoped that Artie wouldn’t notice. They were interrupted by a clinking noise from downstairs. Kenny panicked.
“Is someone
home?” he asked in a quavering voice.
“No. Chill out.
That was the mail slot... Hey, I wonder if my new games have arrived. Let’s go
see.” Artie suggested.
“You mean walk
around the house in just our diapers?!” Kenny squeaked.
“Sure, I do it
all the time. I practically never wear pants inside the house. Everybody’s used
to it. And, besides, only my sister is home. She already knows you’re wearing a
Kenny nervously
walked downstairs with Artie. There was a big window in the front door covered
only by a sheer curtain. Kenny felt terribly exposed. Artie casually walked up
to the mail slot and scooped up the pile of mail.
“Yeah, here they
are. Finally.” Artie enthused. “Let’s go load them on my computer.”
“What games did you get?”
“I love arcade
games. These are a whole bunch of awesome pinball games.”
“Cool,” Kenny
enthused also.
Halfway up the
stairs they met Dana coming down. Kenny felt his cheeks get warm.
“The mail’s here,
I see. Was there anything interesting?” Dana asked.
“I got my new
games,” Artie said. “The rest of the stuff is on the window seat.”
“Thanks. I’ll
check the mail and then come up to get you guys changed. You both look like you
could use some dry diapers.”
Artie immediately
began loading the new games into his computer. He was only half-paying
attention to Kenny.
“Artie, listen to
“What?” he asked
“Why can’t you
change my diaper before your sister gets here?”
“For one thing,”
Artie said reasonably, “there isn’t enough time. It will only take her a few
seconds to go through the mail. Besides, I’ve already told you, it’s no big
deal to her.”
“Well, it’s a big
deal to me!” Kenny insisted.
“Chill out,”
Artie retorted, “oh…, but there is one thing…”
He left his chair
and went into the bathroom. A few seconds later he came out carrying a diaper
and a pair of plastic pants.
“Here, take
these,” Artie instructed. “Give them to my sister when she comes to change us.
That way she’ll think that they’re your stuff and not mine.”
Dana’s footsteps
approached the room. Kenny felt trapped, but thrilled at the same time. His
feeling were so mixed up he didn’t know which way to go.
“Who’s first?”
she asked.
“Kenny’s already
got his stuff out,” Artie pointed out. “He can go first.”
“OK,” Dana said,
taking the diaper and plastic pants out of his hands, “let’s get started.”
Kenny lied down
as stiff as a board on the changing table.
“Relax, Kenny,”
Dana said soothingly, “I won’t hurt you.”
“I know,” Kenny
agreed, “it’s just that…”
“I understand. We’re practically strangers but I know what I’m doing. I’ve changed Artie thousands of times.”
Trying to ease
the tension, she began asking him questions.
“Do you have any
brothers or sisters?”
Off came the
plastic pants.
“No, I’m an only
“I see. Who
usually changes your diapers? You mom or your dad?”
The pins were out
and he lifted up so that she could remove the soaked diaper.
“I live alone
with my mom.”
Kenny didn’t want
to lie outright. He was trying to answer the questions truthfully without
giving out too much information.
Dana went over to
the sink and, under warm water, wet a towel that looked like a mitten. She came
back and began gently cleaning Kenny’s diaper area. His erection was almost
instantaneous. The color rose in his cheeks yet one more time.
“Don’t be
embarrassed. It happens to my brother all the time. It’s perfectly natural.
Now, roll over so I can clean your bottom.”
Dana didn’t ask
any more questions as she powdered him and pinned on a fresh diaper. This
diaper was much thicker than the first one he had worn. She grabbed the plastic
pants and pulled them up his legs and over the diaper.
“Uh oh,” she
said, “I think you took the wrong plastic pants for this diaper. These are way
too small. You must have mixed them up with a pair for a thinner diaper. Let me
find one of Kenny’s that will fit properly.”
She rummaged in one of the drawers and pulled out an obviously larger pair of plastic pants. She took off the first pair and slid on the new.
“There, that’s
much better. Now stand up so that I can check you.”
The pants crinkled loudly as he stood up and as she tucked in a few stray edges of the diaper. He escaped back into the bedroom.
“Hurry up,
Artie,” Dana called from the bathroom. “I’ve got to leave for class soon.”
Artie and Kenny
were alone.
“Where are my
clothes?” Kenny asked.
“I almost forgot.
They’re still in the washer; let’s go put them in the dryer.”
“OK. And what about my shoes?”
“I already rinsed them and left them on the porch to dry in the sun. I bet that they’re almost ready.”
Sure enough, the sun was doing its job. Kenny’s shoes were almost wearable again. They put the clothes in the dryer and went back upstairs. They lost track of time as they played the new pinball games against each other.
An hour later the
buzzer from the dryer warned them it was time to take out Kenny’s clothes. They
brought them back to Artie’s room. Kenny reluctantly looked at the clothes laid
out on the bed.
“You don’t have
to change yet. My mom doesn’t get home until 5:00, and my dad only after 6:00.”
Kenny agreed. They went back to their pinball games.
“Hello, sweetie,
I’m home.” a woman said from the doorway.
Kenny froze. It
was only 3:45. They had taken his clothes out of the dryer only fifteen minutes
ago. He hadn’t heard anyone come in or he would have at least put his pants on.
Once again, a stranger was looking at him wearing a very wet diaper.
“Hi, mom. you’re
home early. This is Kenny. He spent the day with me.”
“I know. Dana
called me this morning.” Turning to Kenny she added, “Hi, Kenny. Welcome to our
“He.. He… Hello,
Mrs. Halsted,” Kenny stammered.
“Kenny had an
accident this morning. His mom is really strict and he was afraid to go home so
I told him we could wash his clothes here. Even his shoes got wet,” Artie
Kenny was dying from embarrassment. The word ‘accident’ could only mean one thing to Mrs. Halsted. She must think that he had wet his pants.
“You both look
pretty wet to me right now. Didn’t you offer Kenny some dry diapers?” Mrs.
Halsted scolded mildly.
“I did. And Dana
changed him back into his own diaper before she left,” Artie lied (about it
being Kenny’s diaper).
“I see. Well, I
apologize for scolding you but the two of you are obviously due for another
change. Into the bathroom, now.”
Kenny sat on the
edge of the tub trying not to stare as Artie got his diaper changed. But his
fascination took hold of him and he couldn’t stop himself. He noticed that
Artie clearly enjoyed being changed. As Dana had told him, Artie had an
erection throughout the whole process. So did Kenny.
When it was his
turn, Kenny found out that Mrs. Halsted was even gentler than Dana. She had a
soft touch that sent a tingle up his spine. No wonder Artie had seemed so
“Artie, go
downstairs and get a plastic shopping bag for Kenny’s wet diaper.”
Artie came back
just as Mrs. Halsted was doing the final check on Kenny’s plastic pants. Artie
put the wet diaper and plastic pants into the bag and quickly returned to the
bedroom. He was followed a few seconds later by Kenny and Mrs. Halsted. He
looked guilty of something.
“Are these your
clothes, Kenny?” Mrs. Halsted asked, examining them closely to see how good a
job Artie had done in washing them. “What size pants are these?” she asked
Kenny. (Artie sighed and rolled his eyes.)
ma’am. I like to wear them a little baggy.”
As soon as he
said it he knew he shouldn’t have. What if his pants no longer fit over the
thick diaper he had on?
“See, Artie.
Kenny doesn’t have to wear gigantic pants to cover his diapers. Can Artie try
them on for size?”
“Uh, yeah. Sure,”
Kenny answered nervously.
“Aw, gee, mom. Do
I have to? My pants are fine the way they are.”
“Artie…,” his
mother warned.
Artie grudgingly
got up from his chair and pulled the pants on. Mrs. Halsted satisfied herself
that the fit was good.
“Just as I
thought,” she remarked. “You’re getting new pants tomorrow. I don’t want to see
you wearing those other pants again.”
“But, mom, my
diapers will show. I like my pants to be real baggy.”
“Well I don’t and
that’s final. Besides, your diapers do not show. Now take them off and
put them neatly back on the bed for Kenny.”
Mrs. Halsted left
Artie and Kenny alone.
“Sorry,” Kenny
apologized. “I shouldn’t have said that they fit.”
“What else could
you say? It’s not your fault. Let’s play some more pinball.”
They lost track
of time again and Mrs. Halsted had to come up to remind Kenny that it was time
for him to leave. She checked his diaper (which was still dry) and watched as he
changed into his own clothes. She reminded him to take ‘his’ wet diaper and
plastic pants home.
Walking back
downstairs he whispered to Artie, “Where are my underpants?”
“Inside the bag,”
Artie answered. “Sorry, they’re probably all wet but I couldn’t think of where
else to put them. I didn’t want my mother to see them and get suspicious.”
Shortly after
dinner the phone rang. Mrs. Braken answered.
“Is this Mrs.
Braken?” the voice on the line asked.
“Yes, it is. Who
is this, please?”
“This is Lauren Halsted,
Artie’s mom.”
“Oh, hello, Mrs.
Halsted. Kenny enjoyed Artie’s hospitality very much. He told me all about it
during dinner. I hope he was well behaved.”
“Just perfect, I
assure you. I’m calling to say how pleased I am that Artie has met someone like
Kenny. He doesn’t make friends easily, especially with his special needs.”
Mrs. Braken
didn’t know what she meant. Kenny hadn’t mentioned anything about Artie being
disabled. In a way, she was proud of him for this. Whatever Artie’s problems
were, Kenny obviously respected his privacy.
“Of course, it’s
always easier when both boys have the same special needs.” Mrs. Halsted
continued. “Anyway, Artie would like to invite Kenny for a two-night sleepover
this week during spring break if it would be alright with you. I told him that
he shouldn’t talk to Kenny until we had spoken. What do you think? I can
guarantee that Kenny will be properly looked after.”
“I’m sure he
would,” Mrs. Braken agreed. “Kenny doesn’t have any plans for this week. It
would be entirely up to him to accept Artie’s invitation. Are you sure you
would want him for two nights?”
“One night. Two
nights. It’s all the same to us. There wouldn’t be that many extra diapers one
way or the other.”
Mrs. Braken was
getting confused. Did Mrs. Halsted say diapers? That must be Artie’s special
needs. But why tell her about it? And what did one or two nights have to do
with it?
“Speaking of diapers, I apologize for sending Kenny home with his wet diaper in a plastic bag. I don’t know what I was thinking. I could easily have laundered it here and given it back to him when he visits Artie again. Also, don’t worry about returning the diaper and plastic pants that Kenny borrowed from Artie. Kenny can bring them back anytime.”
“What is this
woman talking about?” Mrs. Braken thought to herself. Why would Kenny bring
a wet diaper home? Why would he borrow a diaper from Artie? She was beginning
to have doubts about letting Kenny go over there again. This woman was
obviously confused, to say the least.
“Excuse me a second.
Artie is trying to get my attention,” Mrs. Halsted said.
She didn’t cover
the phone as she spoke to her son.
“What is it,
Artie? You’re interrupting my phone conversation.”
“Please don’t
talk to Mrs. Braken about my diapers. It’s so embarrassing,” Artie pleaded.
“Don’t be silly,”
Mrs. Halsted answered. “Kenny was probably as excited as you were to discover
another boy who wears diapers. I’m sure he’s told his mom all about it.”
“But, mom, Mrs.
Braken doesn’t need all the details. Kenny might not have told her that you and
Dana changed his diapers twice today. You saw how embarrassed he was when you
changed him, don’t embarrass him more. Please.”
“Oh, for heaven
sakes, Artie, what’s gotten in to you?”
Mrs. Braken was dumbfounded. It seemed that Artie was confirming what Mrs. Halsted had said. Kenny was wearing diapers at Artie’s today.
“I’m sorry for
the interruption. It seems that Artie has just gotten shy about his diapers.
Anyway, don’t worry about a thing. If Kenny accepts the invitation to sleep over
Dana and I will see to it that Kenny gets his diapers checked and changed
regularly. I don’t know how Kenny is, but sometimes Artie waits too long to ask
for a change.”
“Mom!!” Artie’s
voice shouted in the background.
Mrs. Braken was
beginning to get a headache. Nonetheless, she had the presence of mind to check
further into Kenny’s activities today.
“I hope that it
wasn’t too much trouble to check on Kenny’s diapers.”
“Not at all,”
Mrs. Halsted answered cheerily, “he was quite patient, if a little embarrassed,
when I changed him this afternoon.”
“Yes, I can
understand that. He is awfully shy.”
“Well, I won’t
keep you any longer. I’m sure that Artie will be calling tomorrow.”
Mrs. Braken hung up the phone in a daze. What did all this mean? Should she confront Kenny right now or wait for him to talk to her? She decided to wait.
Kenny came down
from his room later in the evening to say goodnight. She thought she heard the
gentle rustle of plastic pants but maybe it was just her imagination. After
Kenny was in bed she went online and read several interesting articles. She
then visited other sites and copied several phone numbers. Just before going to
bed herself, she went into Kenny’s room to check on him. She carried a small
flashlight. She went over to the bed, gently lifted the covers and shined the
light under them. Kenny was still wearing the diaper and, from the look and
smell of it, it was wet. Her mind was now firmly made up.
The next morning
Mrs. Braken got up early and had made several phone calls before she heard
Kenny’s shower running. He seemed to be taking a very long shower this morning.
She correctly guessed that he was rinsing out the two diapers and plastic pants
in an attempt to keep the smell down in his room until he could figure out what
to do with them.
“Good morning,
honey. Sleep well?” she asked as he came into the kitchen.
“OK,” he answered nonchalantly.
She looked him
over carefully and could see that he wasn’t wearing a diaper this morning. She
smiled to herself.
“By the way, I spoke
to Mrs. Halsted last night. She says that Artie wants to call and ask you
something this morning.”
Mrs. Braken saw
the momentary flash of panic cross Kenny’s face before he got it under control.
She smiled to herself a second time.
The phone rang a
little later. Kenny pounced on it before his mother could get there.
“Hello,” he asked
“Hi,” Artie
answered. “You’ve got a problem. We’ve got to talk. Can you come to my house?”
Kenny’s mom was
in the doorway watching Kenny.
“What about?”
Kenny pursued, dreading the answer.
“My mom told your
mom about the diapers you wore yesterday.”
Mrs. Braken
watched as Kenny turned white.
“No! It can’t be.
My mom would have said something. She hasn’t said anything to me. She’d go
ballistic if she knew.”
Mrs. Braken
decided to go back to the kitchen before Kenny realized that she had observed
him on the phone.
“I heard exactly
what my mom said. She even told your mom that you were embarrassed when she
changed you yesterday afternoon.”
Kenny was getting
more and more scared.
“I’ll be right
over, if I can.”
He hung up the
phone and calmed himself. Artie must be messing around with his head. If his
mom knew about the diapers… well, she would say something, to put it mildly.
Kenny got to
Artie’s house in less than ten minutes. The first thing he did was to hand
Artie the diapers and plastic pants from the day before. They went inside to
“I’m not lying,”
Artie insisted. “I was standing right next to my mom when she told your mom
about sending you home with a wet diaper in a shopping bag and about you
borrowing one of mine to wear. I tried to stop her but she wouldn’t listen. I
swear it.”
Kenny’s head was
in turmoil. He didn’t want to believe Artie but he couldn’t think of a reason
why he would make up such a story. He also couldn’t understand why his mother
hadn’t asked him about it.
“I’m gonna be
grounded forever,” he said gloomily.
“Why?” Artie
responded. “If she knows and hasn’t done anything about it yet then it probably
means that she thinks it was just some teenage thing that will go away
by itself. At least she doesn’t know about the river.”
“Yeah. I hadn’t
thought of that,” Kenny said, suddenly feeling much better. “If she knew about
the river it would be much worse. It’s just kind of weird, though, that she
knows that I let your mother change my diaper. But, I guess you’re right.
There’s nothing to worry about.”
“Well, I’m glad
that’s over with,” Artie continued. “The real reason my mom called your mom was
to find out if she would allow you to have a sleepover with me on Friday and
Saturday night. Your mom said it was OK with her, but that it was your
decision. You could come over Friday morning and then go home Sunday after
lunch. Please say yes. I’ve never had anybody sleepover before.”
Kenny was honored to know that he was the first person ever to be asked to sleepover at Artie’s.
“I guess so,”
Kenny said hesitantly.
“Do you think you
could keep your enthusiasm down a little bit?” Artie said with a hurt
“Sorry. I didn’t
mean it to sound that way. I want to do it. It’s just that I would have
to wear diapers, wouldn’t I? What if your mom tells my mom again?”
“I don’t think
she will. There would be no need to. I think that she’d only talk to your mom
if she thought that you had misbehaved. Please say you’ll come.”
“OK. I’ll come,”
Kenny said grinning.
“I knew you
would,” Artie said happily.
“But what about
all the diapers. Won’t your mom get suspicious if I come without a supply of my
“We can take care
of that. Just bring a big bag and we’ll load it up with some of my extra
supplies. I’ve got lots and lots of extras. Besides, it’s my job to wash my own
diapers and plastic pants. If I start running low I can do a wash without my
mom getting suspicious. In fact, she’ll probably insist that I wash our diapers
as we go along. She doesn’t like them to pile up.”
The guys talked a little while longer before
Kenny had to head home for lunch. Before he left, Artie told him that he had to
go to two different doctors on Wednesday and Thursday. They were going to put
him through a series of tests to see if an operation would do him any good.
They probably wouldn’t see each other again until Friday morning.
Kenny spent Wednesday and Thursday with his friends from school. His thoughts, however, kept returning to Artie and his medical exams. He hoped that Artie would be alright.
(Mrs. Braken’s
packages were delivered right on schedule Wednesday morning.)
Friday morning
finally came. Kenny realized that he was anxious to see Artie again. He wanted
to know how the tests had gone and, he was forced to admit, he was looking
forward to spending two-and-a-half days wearing diapers with his friend.
“Good morning,
honey. Are you looking forward to going over to Artie’s today?” Mrs. Braken
“Yeah, kind of,”
he admitted. “I still have to get my stuff together, though.”
“I knew you’d
wait until the last minute so I took care of it yesterday. I’ve got your bag in
the car. I’ll drop it off on my way to the market. I assume you’ll want to take
your bike over to Artie’s. This way you won’t have to lug your heavy bag all
the way over there.”
“Thanks, mom.”
Kenny said gratefully.
“No problem,” she
continued, “If you want to take any games or music with you, you’ll have to
pick them out yourself.”
“Thanks. That’s a
good idea. I hadn’t thought of that.”
“These two days
are a break for me, too. I don’t want you back here every ten minutes rummaging
around for something else. I’m looking forward to some peace and quiet,” she
said laughing.
“OK, I promise to
stay away,” Kenny answered lightly, “especially since I’ll be in diapers the
whole time,” he thought to himself.
Kenny’s mom left
first. He took about twenty minutes to pick out the extra stuff he wanted to
take with him. It wasn’t much but he threw it all into a backpack anyway. When
he rolled into Artie’s driveway, Artie seemed upset about something.
“What’s up?”
Kenny asked innocently.
“Why didn’t you
tell me that you had your own diaper supply?” Artie asked accusingly.
“What?!” Kenny
responded, genuinely shocked. “I don’t. Why do you think I do?”
“You’d better
come inside.”
Kenny greeted
Mrs. Halsted and Dana as he made his way up to Artie’s room. He tried to not
look worried. He only half succeeded. Mrs. Halsted and Dana thought that it had
to do with him being embarrassed about them changing his diapers.
Artie shut the
door and went over to Kenny’s bag and started unzipping it.
“When your mom
dropped off your bag I was surprised that if felt so full. I wondered why you
had packed so much stuff. Then, when I opened it to add my diapers and plastic
pants this is what I found,” he said, pointing to stacks of neatly folded
diapers and plastic pants. “Your name is even sewn into each one.”
“What?!” Kenny
said, his head swimming in confusion. “Where?”
“Here, see these
tags. They all say the same thing, “Made especially for Kenny”.
Kenny sat down on
the floor next to the bag. Artie was right. These were his diapers and
plastic pants. His mother must have done this. But what did it mean?
Just as Kenny had
had a hard time believing Artie’s story on Tuesday, Artie was having a hard
time believing that Kenny didn’t know anything about this. However, Kenny
seemed so genuinely shocked that he eventually accepted Kenny’s story.
Kenny reached
into the bag and pulled out a diaper to examine it up close.
“This looks and
feels like the thick diaper I wore on Monday.”
Artie agreed.
“You know what
else is weird?” Artie asked. A questioning look from Kenny prompted him to
continue. “Brand new plastic pants have a special smell all their own. They
lose that smell once they’ve been washed. Your plastic pants don’t have that
special smell. I think your mom washed them at least once so that my mom
wouldn’t think that all your stuff was brand new.”
Kenny couldn’t argue with that. But why was his mom trying to make it look like he had been wearing diapers for a long time?
As he continued
looking through the bag he found a small jar containing a dozen safety pins, a
half-empty container of baby powder, a full container of baby powder, a little
tube of diaper rash cream, and, four wash cloth ‘mittens’ like Dana and Mrs.
Halsted had used on him the other day.
“How many diapers
did your mom send over?” Artie wondered.
“I don’t know.”
Kenny counted. “Um, ten, I think.”
“Do any of them
look like nighttime diapers?”
“Nighttime diapers?”
“Yeah, at night I
wear thicker, bigger diapers to help stop leaks. They even have special plastic
pants that go with them,” Artie explained.
Kenny found the
nighttime diapers under his shirts and socks.
“Wow! Those are
so cool,” Artie exclaimed. “I’ve never seen such thick diapers before.”
enthusiasm was beginning to rub off on Kenny. He, too, was getting excited
about the thought of wearing such thick diapers.
“I see four of
them. Do you think your mom would let you wear some of mine to see if you like
“You mean, you’d let me?”
“Of course,”
Kenny said smiling. He was almost finished looking through the bag. “What are
these?” he asked holding up a thick strip of white cloth about as long as a
diaper but only about eight inches wide.
“Dude, your mom’s thought of everything! Those are diaper doublers. They fit inside your diaper so that it can hold more pee and you won’t have to get changed as often. Please say that you’ll wear them! Maybe my mom will think it’s a good idea and get some for me, too.
They had finished
examining the contents of Kenny’s bag.
“So, what are you
going to do?” Artie asked.
“I don’t know. I
wish my mom had given me some hint about all this.”
“Yeah, that
would’ve helped, wouldn’t it? But for right now, I think you ought to get into
one of these diapers. My mom could come and check on us at any time.”
“Yeah. Let’s not make things even more
complicated by your mother discovering that I’m not wearing a diaper.”
Despite the shock of discovering that his mother had bought him these diapers, he was still very excited about wearing them. He loved the smell and feel of the powder and the security of being encased inside a thick diaper and plastic pants. He even found that the extra thickness provided by the diaper doubler added extra excitement.
After Kenny’s diapering they decided that they would not wear pants around the house for the rest of the weekend. There was a knock at the door.
“Artie, it’s mom. Open up, please.”
“OK,” he shouted through the door. “See, I told you,” he whispered, “my mom is here to check up on us. It’s a good thing you’re wearing a diaper.”
Mrs. Halsted smiled at the two diaper-wearing boys. “I hope you’ll be comfortable this weekend, Kenny. If you need anything please let Artie or me know.” She started walking away when she remembered something else. “Your mom left this note for you,” she said handing Kenny an envelope.
Kenny stared at
the envelope for a long time. Artie left him alone and went over to his
computer. Kenny sat down on the bed. He tore through the flap and pulled out a
folded sheet of paper.
Dearest Kenny,
I hope that you are not too upset with me. I know that it must have been a shock to open up your bag and discover the diapers and plastic pants. Before you make any final judgments, please let me explain.
Do you remember how hard your
toilet training was? Probably not. (It was a real trial and I blame myself for
everything that happened as a result.) You fought me all the way. Finally,
after a series of rewards and punishments (mostly punishments, I am ashamed to
admit) you were toilet trained. But something had been broken in your spirit as
a result. While you were in diapers you were a happy, outgoing baby; after
toilet training you withdrew. You became sullen and shy. You had lost your
adventurous spirit.
When you got home Monday and
told me about your day with Artie did you realize how animated and happy you
were? You had never made friends with someone so fast. I was amazed and proud
of you.
Later that night, when Mrs.
Halsted told me about your diaper wearing and that you had actually let Dana
and Mrs. Halsted change you, I knew that diapers were an important part of your
sudden change in behavior.
Please believe that I was not
spying on you, but before going to bed that night I checked on you. I saw that
you still had the diaper on and that you were sleeping in it even though it was
wet. I then and there resolved to give you the opportunity to make up your own
mind about what you wanted.
If you want to continue
wearing diapers full time, don’t do anything except have an enjoyable weekend.
If, on the other hand, you don’t want to wear diapers full time or you are
unsure, give me a call before twelve o’clock today and we will talk. Either
way, know that I love you very much and that I only want what you want.
“Wow,” Kenny said
handing the note to Artie.
Artie read
through it twice.
“Wow,” he echoed.
“What are you going to do?”
“I know what I want
to do. But what I actually decide sort of depends on you.”
“On me?” Artie
asked surprised.
“Yeah, on you.
For the last two days I’ve thought of nothing else but wearing diapers this
weekend. I know that I want to wear them full time but, if you get your
operation, I don’t want to be the only one using them.”
“You have nothing
to worry about,” Artie answered quietly. “I failed practically all the tests.”
“You did? I’m
sorry to hear that.”
“Don’t be,” Artie
explained, “I didn’t want the operation anyway. I’m too used to diapers and I
think I would miss them a lot if I didn’t get to wear them.”
Twelve o’clock came and went.
Kenny and Artie were well on their way to having one of the best weekends of their lives.