Kenny – Part 2



Copyright © 2002 by Donnie_M72


Except for one copy for your personal use, no part of this story may be copied, transmitted, or posted either electronically or in print form anywhere without the prior written permission of its author.


This is a work of fiction about young people who wear diapers. If you don’t like the subject, this is not the story for you.



Kenny and Artie sat in the kitchen eating lunch. Mrs. Halsted had prepared soup and sandwiches.

“I want you guys to spend some time outside this afternoon. You can’t spend all weekend in front of the computer,” she lectured.

“OK, mom,” Artie said with little enthusiasm.

“There are lots of fun things to do outside. Do you like basketball?” she asked Kenny.

“Yeah, sure,” he answered.

“Then there you have it,” she chirped. “There’s a basketball hoop behind the garage. If you get bored with that, you can go down to the park and find other boys to play with.”

Artie rolled his eyes. “Mom! We’re too old to ‘play’ in the park.”

“Call it what you like, then. All I’m saying is that I want you out of the house this afternoon. Tonight, your dad and I have already decided that we’re going to a movie at the Cineplex. We’ve already picked out the one we want to see. After you finish eating, why don’t you look in paper and see if they’re playing anything you’d be interested in?”

“Sure. Do you want to go to a movie, Kenny?” Artie said with much more enthusiasm than before.

Apparently the Halsteds went to the movies regularly. Artie had already gone out with his dad to see two of the movies that Kenny was interested in. (He felt a stab of jealousy because Artie had a dad to take him places.) Eventually, they settled on the new action picture that had just been released.

 “Good, now that that’s settled let’s get your diapers changed,” Mrs. Halsted said. “Artie has cleared out some space in his changing table for your diapers and plastic pants. Let’s unpack them now so things will be more convenient.”

Artie and Kenny unpacked Kenny’s diapering supplies, including the diaper doublers, and brought them into the bathroom.

“Oh my,” Mrs. Halsted exclaimed, “I think you may have brought too many supplies. That’s OK- we’ll fit it what we can and you can put the rest back.”

She began arranging things in the shelves as they were handed to her.

“I see that you wear diaper doublers. Do they help?”

“I’ve only been using them for a little while (like three hours),” Kenny answered, “but, yes, I think they help my diapers hold more pee…, I mean, more wetness,” he said, blushing. “Plus, I don’t need to be changed so often.”

Kenny may have been embarrassed but Mrs. Halsted found him enchanting. “I bet he doesn’t have a clue as to how the girls are going to fight tooth and nail for his attention within the next couple of years. I hope he doesn’t fall into the clutches of someone who will try to manipulate him because of his special needs.

“I see,” she said out loud. “Maybe I should investigate them for you, Artie. What do you think?”

“I guess it would be alright,” he said trying to hide his enthusiasm for the idea. (Just like Kenny, the idea of more bulk in his diaper was exciting.)

“Um…, Mrs. Halsted, like you said, I have plenty of supplies. Artie is welcome to try as many as he wants this weekend.”

“Thank you, Kenny, that’s very generous,” she said.

Now it was Artie who was embarrassed. He hoped that his excitement wasn’t showing too much.


Shortly after their diaper change Kenny and Artie were preparing to play basketball in the backyard. They had just put their shoes on and Kenny reached for his pants.

“You can do what you want, but I’m not putting my pants on just to go into to the backyard,” Artie announced.

“You go outside in just your diapers?!” Kenny exclaimed.

“Sure,” Artie answered, “that’s one of the things I like best about this house. There’s a real high fence all the way around the backyard. It’s real private.”

“Are you sure?”

“Of course I’m sure. I’ve done it a hundred times. Now, come on. Stop being such a dweeb.”

Artie was halfway across the lawn while Kenny was still standing on the back steps, cautiously looking in all directions.

“Are you sure no one can see us?” he asked for the third time.

“Yes, I’m sure,” Artie answered testily.

Kenny walked down onto the lawn.

“At least, I don’t think a lot of people can see us,” he added smugly.

“What?” Kenny screeched, running back to the relative safety of the porch.

Artie doubled over in laughter, “You should have seen the look on your face,” he gasped.

“You bastard,” Kenny screamed, chasing Artie around the backyard, “you made me pee my diaper.”

“So? Isn’t that what it’s for? And by the way, I’d keep my voice down if I were you. I said nobody can see into the backyard, I didn’t say they can’t hear what goes on.”

“Aarghh!” Kenny groaned in frustration.

They shot hoops for about an hour before they got bored.

“Now what?” Kenny asked.

“I don’t think my mom would be too happy if we went back into the house and played on my computer. Do you want to take our bikes to the shopping center and look around for a while? Maybe the computer store has got some new stuff. And there’s also the music store we can look around in.”

Kenny agreed. They walked to the back steps where Artie put down the basketball. He then turned and headed for the driveway.

“Where are you going?” Kenny asked.

“To get on my bike. We’re going to the computer and music store, right?”

“Not without pants, I’m not.”

“Pants? Don’t be such a prude. We’re already wearing all the pants we need,” Artie insisted.

“Have you gone totally bonkers? We can’t go out in public like this,” Kenny said hotly.

Artie started laughing hysterically. “Gotcha, again.”

Kenny stormed into the house, mostly mad at himself for allowing Artie to fool him a second time.

“I’m sorry,” Artie said almost sincerely, “I didn’t mean to get you all mad. It was just a joke.”

“That’s OK. I’m just so stupid, that’s all.”

“No you’re not,” Artie answered sharply. “Don’t ever say that. It’s not true.”

Kenny was surprised by the vehemence of Artie’s statement but it felt good to be defended so unexpectedly by his new friend.


They spent barely an hour at the shopping center. Their next stop was the park to check things out. It, too, was mostly empty. They guessed that most kids their age must have gone on trips with their families during spring break.

They put their bikes down and sat under the trees. The talked about lots of things. After some discussion, they agreed that their favorite sports were basketball, football, hockey, and soccer, in that order. Kenny also talked about his newfound diaper desires. He was worried what his friends would say if and when they found out. Artie wanted to sympathize with him but since he was a life-long diaper wearer all of his friends already knew what he wore. There was only one thing that he could think to say but he didn’t think that Kenny was ready to hear it: there was no if about Kenny’s friends finding our about his diapers, only a when.

“Does your school have PE classes?” Artie asked.

“Not exactly, but I was on the basketball team- the head benchwarmer,” he said wryly. “I only played in three games and scored a whopping season total of one point. Maybe I should just quit going out for sports.”

“Don’t say that,” Artie said, “you should never quit doing what you like even if you can’t do it as well as you want. I know what I’m talking about. At Willowhaven School there are lots of kids who have real problems. Some can’t walk, some can barely talk, and some have to have someone help them do the simplest things, like eating. My wetting problem is so small by comparison. Whenever I want to give up on something I remember them and I feel ashamed that I thought of quitting.” Artie paused for a few seconds. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to get all preachy.”

 “No, that’s really deep. It’s good to know that you can be wise sometimes, and not just a wise ass.”

This started a wrestling match that ended in a draw. Besides, it was time go home and get their diapers changed.


“Into the shower first, then I’ll put you into fresh diapers.” Mrs. Halsted ordered. “Dad is coming home soon. We’ll go out for an early dinner and then head for the movies. Now, let’s move it; there’s not a lot of time.”

Once again, Kenny thought that Mrs. Halsted’s diapering was heavenly. The baby powder smelled so sweet and her touch was so gentle. He wished that life could go on like this forever.

 Artie’s dad arrived home shortly after the guys were diapered. Kenny was apprehensive about meeting him, partly because Artie had practically forbidden him to put his pants on.

“Look,” he had said in an exasperated tone, “everyone in my family knows that you wear diapers. They know that I go around the house without my pants on. It’s only natural that they would expect you to do the same thing. You’ve got to get over this fear of my family seeing your diapers and plastic pants. They don’t care, so just chill out. OK?”

It still wasn’t easy for Kenny but Mr. Halsted’s straightforward manner put him at ease in a very short time. As soon as Mr. Halsted had changed, they got ready to leave.

“Is your diaper bag all set?” Mr. Halsted asked.

“Yeah, dad, it’s right here,” Artie answered.

Kenny’s confused look prompted him to explain.

“We always bring extra diapers in case I need a change. Tonight, I put some diapers in for you, too.”

“Thanks,” Kenny said uncertainly. This was a surprise he hadn’t counted on. He hoped he wouldn’t need a change while they were out in public. For one thing, he couldn’t imagine where it would be done.

“Ready to go? ” Mr. Halsted asked. “Pass me the diaper bag, please. Oh, and your pants, too.”

“Right,” Artie said, taking both his and Kenny’s pants and passing them to his dad.

Mr. Halsted rolled them up and put them into the diaper bag. Kenny was aghast, the color drained from his face and his knees began shaking.

“We’re going to the Top Cat Café,” Artie said, “everybody there knows me. We won’t need our pants until we get to the movies.”

“But…, but…,” Kenny stammered.

“What’s holding you guys up?” Mrs. Halsted asked, entering the room.

One look at Kenny told her that something was wrong. Knowing her husband and son as well as she did she suspected that they were up to something.

“OK,” she said accusingly, “what are you two up to now?”

“Aww, mom, you always spoil our jokes. We were just having some fun. Kenny thought that we weren’t going to give him his pants until after dinner.”

“Honestly, you two,” she said in an exasperated voice. “You’ve scared the poor boy half to death. Your practical jokes are going to get you into serious trouble some day.”

Mr. Halsted gave Kenny and Artie their pants and he sheepishly left the room as his wife continued scolding him.

“I’ll get you for this,” Kenny said, “and that’s a promise.”

Artie smiled back at him, secure in the knowledge that he was the King of Practical Jokes and that there wasn’t a set up in the world that he could possibly fall for.


Kenny and Artie’s movie let out first. They sat in the lobby’s plastic seats waiting for Artie’s parents to meet them.

“That was so awesome when he blew up the mountain,” Artie said referring to the movie.

“What about the dog fight? And how he knocked that fighter jet out of the sky?” Kenny added.

They went on reviewing their favorite scenes until they ran out of things to say.

“How wet are you?” Kenny asked quietly.

“Pretty soaked,” Artie admitted. “You?”

“The same,” Kenny confirmed. “Your parents have the diaper bag, don’t they?” Kenny asked anxiously.

A couple of hours ago he had been nervous about getting changed in a public place. Now he was so desperate to get changed he didn’t care where it happened.

“I never should have had that gigantic drink during the movie.” he lamented.

“They’ll be here soon, I’m sure,” Artie said encouragingly.

The boys sat there, the minutes passing slowly.

“Oh, no. This can’t be happening,’ Artie said softly, “My plastic pants are starting to leak- a lot.”

“No!” Artie exclaimed, not wanting to believe it.

“Yes,” Artie said in a strained voice. “My mom’s going to go ballistic.”

Despite all the casualness that Artie had tried to project earlier in the day about wearing diapers it was clear that he was very upset. Kenny didn’t know what to do or say. He wished that Mr. & Mrs. Halsted would show up right away. He couldn’t hold out very much longer, either. He looked down at Artie’s chair and saw how bad his predicament was. He was sitting in a puddle of pee and some of it was even dripping onto the terrazzo floor. Artie was obviously mortified.

The minutes passed; the odor of pee was getting stronger. People were beginning to notice. Then, without warning, Kenny lost control, too. Despite his efforts to stem the flow, he kept peeing and peeing. In seconds his diaper became saturated and Kenny experienced the horrible feeling of wetting his pants and chair. He looked down at his lap. He didn’t seem to be quite as wet at Artie but he was just as mortified. He fought back the tears pooling in his eyes.

“Your mom is going to have two reasons for going ballistic,” he said dejectedly.

“Really? You’re not just saying that?” Artie exclaimed hopefully.

“Why would I lie about wetting my pants?” Kenny said sharply.

“Sorry. I wasn’t calling you a liar or anything. I meant that you’re a guest and my mom won’t go ballistic if you’re wet, too. Thanks, you just saved me a big lecture, I hope.”

“Glad I could help,” Kenny said gloomily.

The Halsted spotted the guys from across the lobby. Even before reaching them Mrs. Halsted saw the puddle under Artie’s chair. A hard look crossed her face. She spoke a few words to Mr. Hadley who disappeared in the other direction.

“Arthur Edward Hadley,” she began, “I thought that we had seen the last of these accidents. You certainly know how to control your diaper changes better than this.”

In an attempt to forestall a prolonged lecture, Artie interrupted her.

“Kenny had an accident, too,” he said as softly as possible. “We were OK after our movie finished. Your movie was too long- we couldn’t hold it any more.”

Mrs. Hadley seemed torn between disagreeing with her son and showing sympathy to their houseguest. Her facial expression softened.

“Well, what’s done is done, I guess. No use crying over spilled milk,” she sighed.

“Actually, I think it’s spilled Pepsi,” Artie said, trying to lighten the mood.

His mother wasn’t amused. “Don’t get me started, Artie.”

Mr. Hadley came back with the theater manager (an old high school friend). Kenny tried to make himself invisible.

“Now don’t you worry about a thing. No harm’s been done, I’m sure,” she said brightly. “Here are the keys to my office. Change the boys there and I’ll take care of everything here.”

The boys were hustled across the lobby, their light colored pants emphasizing their wet condition for anyone who cared to look. The boys breathed an audible sigh of relief as they entered a back hallway out of sight of the lobby. Mr. Halsted opened the office. Artie headed directly for the bathroom.

“Follow Artie into the bathroom and take your pants off,” Mrs. Halsted directed. “I’ll be there in a minute.”

The private bathroom was fairly spacious.

“How did you know this was the bathroom?” Kenny asked.

“This happened to me here once before,” Artie admitted.

“Alright, put your pants into this bag,” Mrs. Halsted said. “Let’s get you out of these soaked diapers. We’ll have to do this standing up.”

She began with Artie, carefully removing the diaper pins and then lowering his diaper and plastic pants al at once. She repeated the process with Kenny. By that time, Mr. Halsted had brought her one of the ‘mitten’ wash cloths to clean the boys’ diaper areas and legs. (Luckily, they weren’t wet below the knees.) Kenny was sent out first. Mr. Halsted directed him to lie face down on one of the diapers and doublers that he had prepared. He sprinkled powder on Kenny’s bottom and then asked him to roll over so that he could sprinkle some on his front. He was pinning him into the diaper when Artie came out of the bathroom.

“Dad, you’re putting the wrong diaper on Kenny. See, this is his over here, with his name on the tag.”

“You’ll just have to live with it for right now.”

Neither boy was upset by the thought. In fact, it made them feel a closer bond to each other, kind of like being blood brothers.

“OK, done.” Mr. Halsted announced as he put away the last of the supplies into the diaper bag. “Give me a couple of minutes to return Sylvia’s keys and to bring the car around. I’ll pick you up out front.”

There was a knock at the door. Mrs. Halsted let the manager in.

“Everything’s been taken care of out front. Now don’t you folks fret about a thing. No harm was done.”

Kenny was in such a daze that he didn’t even think to feel embarrassed about standing there in his diaper.

“Artie…,” Mrs. Halsted said and then paused, arching her eyebrows.

“Thank you for cleaning up after me, Mrs. Hargrove.”

“Thank you, Mrs. Hargrove,” Kenny added.

Now he was embarrassed.

“Now don’t you boys think about it twice. You’re not the first ones to have an accident in my theater. And, at least, you came prepared with a change of diapers.”

Kenny’s embarrassment level went up two more notches. He also noticed that Mr. Halsted had left.

“Where’s your dad?” he asked Artie.

“He went to get the car.”

“But, he’s got our pants!”

“I’m sorry, honey,” Mrs. Halsted explained as gently as possible, “your pants are soaked. If you wore them you’d ruin Mr. Halsted’s car seats. You don’t want that, do you?

“No,” Kenny agreed. “But how will we leave the theater?”

Everyone stared at everyone else, not wanting to have to break the news to him. (He wasn’t stupid. He had already figured it out but he didn’t want to admit it, not even to himself.)

“I can’t walk out there in my diaper and plastic pants,” he said in near panic. “Can’t you go buy some pants and then come back? I have some money. I’ll pay.”

“Honey, it’s almost 10:30. The stores are closed. I’m sorry,” Mrs. Halsted explained gently.

“We can do this,” Artie said. “I told you it happened to me before, here and a few times in restaurants. It didn’t kill me. Besides, most people are really kind. And if somebody isn’t, who cares? They’re the ones with the problem if they think it’s cool to make fun of us kids who wear diapers.”

Kenny wasn’t really convinced but he knew that he had no choice.

“I think we’d better go,” Mrs. Halsted said.

“I’ll check the lobby,” Mrs. Hargrove volunteered.

There were relatively few patrons in the lobby. Some of the theaters were already closed for the evening and those that were still open had a minimum of fifteen minutes left before their films ended. Still, Kenny felt that there were too many people focusing their attention on his diapers and plastic pants. But, no one made a comment or showed any signs of snickering. There was a group of kids waiting on the sidewalk. He didn’t dare look at them as he headed straight for the waiting car.

“See, that wasn’t so bad,” Artie stated.

They drove away from the theater.

“Does anyone want some dessert?” Mr. Hadley asked.

“Dessert?” Kenny asked warily.

“Do you mean a Mrs. Hamilton pie?” Artie asked excitedly.

“Yes. Should I stop and pick one up?”

“Yes!” Artie said enthusiastically.

Kenny breathed a sigh of relief. He could stay in the relative safety of the car.


“Mom, can you turn the key in the ignition so I can put my window down?” Artie asked as they waited in the parking lot.

“OK. Do you need some air? Are you feeling alright?”

“I’m fine. Here comes Rashid.” he answered, looking toward a boy on crutches approaching the car.

“Hey, Rashid.”

“Hi, Mrs. Halsted, Hey, Artie.” he answered cheerfully, leaning against the car to steady himself. “I saw your dad inside and he said you were out here.”

If he was surprised to see Kenny and Artie sitting there in just their diapers and plastic pants, he didn’t show it.

“Whatcha been doing?” he continued.

“This is my friend, Kenny. We just went to the movies. We sort of had an accident.”

“Hi, Kenny. What kind of accident? Did you spill soda all over yourselves?”

“Sort of,” Artie answered. “Only we spilled it from the inside, if you know what I mean.”

Kenny couldn’t believe that he was making a joke out of it already. He hoped it was too dark for anyone to notice him blushing.

“Oh,” Rashid said, drawing out the word for two full seconds. “That kind of accident.”

Mr. Halsted came back with the pie.

“Rashid, your parents are waiting for you,” he said.


Mr. Halsted cleaned up the dessert plates while Mrs. Halsted went upstairs to help Artie and Kenny get into their nighttime diapers.

“You certainly wear thick diapers at night,” Mrs. Halsted commented as she pulled Kenny plastic pants over them. “I guess we won’t have to worry about any leaks tonight.”

“No, ma’am,” Kenny said sheepishly. “I’m sorry about the movie theater. We didn’t do it on purpose.” he added.

“I’m sure you didn’t but, tell me, did Artie talk you into buying a jumbo size drink?”

“Not exactly, I was kind of thirsty after dinner.” Kenny lied.

“I see,” she answered unconvinced. “Well, he’s going to be one very wet boy in the morning.”

Kenny hopped down from the changing table. He was amazed at how big and thick his diaper was. He had to walk slightly bow-legged. The high rising diaper and plastic pants felt snug and secure. Mrs. Halsted smiled at him in a motherly way.

“Um…, Mrs. Halsted, if you’re worried that Artie’s diapers will leak tonight, he can borrow one of mine.”

“Thank you, Kenny. I just might do that.”

She did do that- all the while scolding Artie for having had so much soda. Eventually, she got him to admit that he and Kenny had each had a 64 ounce jumbo drink during the movie. Artie didn’t care. Getting to wear Kenny’s extra-thick diaper was hardly a punishment.

Kenny and Artie shared the queen-sized bed in Artie’s room. Once the lights were out, Kenny became talkative.

“I can’t believe everything that I did today.”

“Yeah, I had fun,” Artie agreed.

“A lot of it was fun, but I’m scared about my friends finding out about me wearing diapers.”

Artie thought that it was time to talk reality to Kenny.

“If that’s the way you feel about it, you’d better get ready to give up wearing diapers for good. There’s no way to hide them forever, especially if you’re planning on wearing them all the time.”

“I’ve been thinking about that. Maybe I could wear them most of the time, just not at school.”

“I guess you could,” Artie agreed reluctantly, “but if your friends don’t see you wearing them at school and then they catch you wearing them somewhere else they’re going to wonder what’s going on. That could backfire worse. I think it’s better to be one way or the other- you wear diapers or you don’t. I think mixing the two would be too complicated. Besides, why torture yourself that way? Would you really want to have to decide between going somewhere fun with your friends or staying at home alone in your diapers?”

Kenny wanted to disagree with Artie but in his heart he could sense that his friend was right. It would have to be one way or the other.

A few minutes later he heard Artie’s breathing slow down as he fell asleep. He was exhausted, too, and drifted off a short time later.

Kenny was standing in the school gymnasium. He was wearing shoes and socks, a nighttime diaper, and plastic pants- nothing else. Suddenly the lights came on and the whole school was sitting in the bleachers. His teammates were chasing him around the floor trying to get him to put on his uniform but he didn’t want to. He ran out of the gym and toward his house. Artie was with him telling him to stand up for his rights. He passed Rashid standing on the sidewalk telling him to be careful not to let his plastic pants leak. He was about halfway home when he tripped. His teammates pinned him down and started forcing him into his shorts. “Noooo…,” he screamed.

He sat up in bed. He was suddenly wide awake. Artie was already awake.

“What’s the matter?” Artie asked. “Are your alright?”

“Yeah, I’m OK. I just had the weirdest dream,” which he proceeded to tell Artie.

“What do you think it means?”

“It seems kind of obvious, don’t you think?” Kenny answered.

“Yeah, I guess so.”


They went downstairs to get breakfast. Artie’s dad was in the kitchen. They discovered that the weather had turned cold and that it was going to rain all day.

“I guess that wipes out outdoor activities,” Mrs. Halsted said. “How would you like to go bowling this afternoon?”

The guys agreed readily. After breakfast they had to wait for Mr. Halsted to get cleaned up before he changed them out of their nighttime diapers.

Kenny and Artie spent the rest of the morning playing pinball games and talking. After lunch they had one more diaper change and were given their freshly laundered pants. Kenny had never bowled before so Mr. Halsted taught him the basics. Kenny rarely received so much attention from an adult male. It felt real good but it also made him realize how much he was missing not having a dad.

When they were ready to leave, Mr. Halsted asked if they needed their diapers changed again.

“Yes, please,” Kenny answered, followed by a similar statement from Artie.

“OK, you guys wait her. I’ll see if I can get the key.”

“They lock the bathrooms here?” Kenny asked in surprise.

“No. You see, lots of people know about my diapers. My mom and dad try to set up private places for me to get changed, especially in places we go to often. I like getting changed in an office or someplace like that better than in a public bathroom.”

Mr. Halsted came back with the man who was in charge of the coffee shop inside the bowling alley. He opened up a small office.

“There you go,” he said to Artie and Mr. Halsted. Turning to Kenny, he added “You can come with me and I’ll buy you a Coke at the lunch counter while you wait.”

“Thank you very much,” Kevin answered, “but I need my diaper changed, too.”

Artie was so surprised that he laughed out loud (and then high-fived Kenny).


It was four o’clock when they left the bowling alley.

“Dad, can we stop and pick up a movie to watch tonight?”

“Sure, that’s a good idea.”

Arriving back at the house, Kenny followed Artie’s lead in taking off his shoes and pants and leaving them with his jacket. He liked the way it felt naughty and comfortable all at the same time.

“Do you normally leave your shoes and pants here?” Kenny wondered.

“Yeah, most of the time. This way when I go out I don’t have to go back upstairs to get them.”

“Cool,” Kenny giggled, “I kind of like running around in just my diapers.”

“I guess your dream was right. You’re becoming an incorrigible diaper boy just like me,” Artie teased.

“Not so loud! Your parents might hear.”

“What? You think they don’t already know? Get real.”

Artie’s mom had a surprise for him.

“Since you’re busy entertaining this weekend I washed your diapers and plastic pants for you. Don’t get used to it, though,” she said smiling, “this was a once-in-a-lifetime event.”

“Thanks, mom.”

“You’re welcome. I just took your diapers out of the dryer and folded them. Please bring them up to your room on your way up.”

“Wow!” Kenny exclaimed as he stared at the stacks of diapers, “did we really use all those diapers since yesterday morning?”

“Except for one nighttime diaper that I wore on Thursday, yeah- you wore half of these. Let’s see how many,” Artie said counting. “Seven for you and eight for me. Plus, we each have a wet one in my diaper bag and the ones we’re wearing now. That seems about right for 30 hours.”

“Cool,” Kenny giggled again.

They brought the diapers upstairs and Kenny gasped when they walked into the bathroom. A drying rack filled with plastic pants sat in the tub. An additional six that fit on the dryer were draped over the edge of the tub. Kenny couldn’t stop staring and giggling.

“You’re sure in a good mood,” Artie commented.

“I just like looking at them, I guess,” Kenny said simply.

It was decided that they would get Chinese food delivered. Mr. Halsted phoned in the order and asked the boys to set the table.

“Your mom did your diapers for you. It’s the least you can do.”

They were finished in no time. They went into the den to watch TV. It occurred to Kenny that they had been so busy doing other stuff that this was the first time he sat down in front of it in two days. They did a fair amount of channel surfing until the doorbell rang.

“Finally,” Artie exclaimed, “I’m starving.”

He ran out to the front door to accept the delivery. Kenny followed. Only when Artie was opening the door did Kenny realize that he was about to answer the door in his diaper. He stopped short, intending to turn around and go back into the den. However, his socks skidded on the hardwood floor and fell down on his behind in a sitting position.

“Hi, Artie, how are you tonight?” the delivery boy asked. Then, seeing Kenny fall, he said. “Ouch! You didn’t hurt yourself did you?”

“No, I’m OK,” an embarrassed Kenny answered.

“Yeah, David, he’s OK,” Artie agreed. “That’s one advantage we diaper guys have- lots of padding when we fall.”

The delivery boy laughed and Kenny stood up. He figured he may as well stay– there was no use trying to hide now.

“That’ll be $36.15.”

Mr. Haskell arrived and paid the delivery boy, including a generous tip. Kenny and Artie brought the food to the table.

“I think you did that on purpose so that David would notice your diaper and plastic pants,” Artie teased.

“Did not,” Kenny objected, (although he wasn’t the least bit sorry that the delivery boy had seen him). “But there is one thing I want to know. Is there anybody in this town would hasn’t already seen you in your diapers?”

Artie smiled enigmatically. “Maybe. Maybe not. But you’re catching up fast.”


After dinner they sat around the table for a long time. Kenny found himself joining the conversation, telling stories about his friends and his school. It was magical. If his mother had been there she would not have believed that this outgoing, self-assured boy was her son.

“Can we go watch the movie now?” Artie asked.

“Sure,” his mother answered, “but first, into your nighttime diapers. It’s cold tonight; I want you both to wear pajamas. Dad will help you get ready while I finish cleaning up in the kitchen.”

Once again Artie was treated to Kenny’s extra thick nighttime diapers. He really hoped that his parents would buy him some the next time they ordered. Little did he realize that they already had. They, too, loved the way these diapers rose high above his waist and how they made him waddle slightly as he walked. They knew that they were already losing the little boy that he had been, so they were open to anything that would prolong the illusion for a while longer.

“Now go get your pajamas.”

Mr. Halsted did an excellent job of diapering Kenny. As Mr. Halsted was pinning him into his diaper, Kenny pointed out that he hadn’t brought any pajamas with him.

“Artie,” he called to his son in the bedroom, “Get off the computer please and bring some pajamas for Kenny.”

“Got it,” he answered.

Mr. Halsted had finished diapering Kenny and was checking his plastic pants. “Artie, where are Kenny’s pajamas?”


A dresser drawer opened and closed. Kenny entered the bathroom holding two pairs of pajamas.

“Do you like blue or green?”

“Green,” Kenny answered.

“OK,” Mr. Halsted said, “you help each other out. I’m going to wash my hands.”

Kenny unfolded the pajamas and saw that they were one-piece.

“These are baby pajamas,” he exclaimed.

“No they’re not,” Artie contradicted. “They’re plenty big enough to fit us.”

“You know what I mean!”

“Look,” Artie explained as he stepped into the ‘feet’ and pulled the pajamas up to his waist, “if you wear two-piece pajamas with these thick night diapers, the bottoms will be constantly sliding down. Our plastic pants are too slippery to hold them up.”

Kenny wasn’t sure about this but Artie seemed so at ease with it that he went along without complaint. He had to admit that it did feel warm and snuggly once he zippered them all the way up to his neck.

As they were walking downstairs each boy was lost in his own thoughts. Artie liked how the extra-thick diapers rounded out their backsides and Kenny was impressed by the swooshing sounds their plastic pants made against the fabric of the pajamas. They were quite satisfied and highly aroused by the sensations.


Kenny and Artie settled at each end of the couch to watch the movie. Within a half hour, though, Artie was asleep. Kenny wasn’t sure what to do especially since he wasn’t finding the movie very interesting. Mr. Halsted came in before he had time to make up his mind.

“I thought this might happen. Artie likes to give the impression that his disability doesn’t have any effect on his life. But, the truth is that he needs more sleep than most boys his age. With all the things you’ve been doing together these last two days I’m not at all surprised that he’s exhausted.”

“Gee, Mr. Halsted, I’m sorry,” Kenny apologized. “I didn’t know.”

“Don’t apologize, it’s not your fault. I’m very glad that you and Artie have become friends. If he’s been overdoing it, it’s because he wants to impress you.”

“Really?” Kenny said in amazement.

Kenny felt the same way about Artie. He hoped that it meant that they would become good friends forever.

“I think I’d better put Artie to bed. Have you ever studied the stars and planets?” Mr. Halsted asked.

“No, sir,” Kenny answered.

“Are you interested? The storm has blown over and the sky is crystal clear. The moon won’t rise for a little while so there’ll be good star-gazing conditions tonight.”

“Yes, please,” Kenny agreed readily.

Mr. Halsted gently picked up Artie and carried him out of the room. He returned two minutes later.

“OK, let’s go. Your jacket and shoes are in the kitchen, right?”

Because of his high-rising, thick diapers Kenny was having trouble bending over.

“You’d better let me help you there,” Mr. Halsted said. “Sit down, I’ll tie your shoes for you.”

His shoes fit a little snug because the ‘feet’ of his pajamas were a little thicker than regular socks. They put their jackets on and went outside. Kenny had trouble finding the stars and constellations that Mr. Halsted was pointing out.

“Stand right in front of me, Kenny.” He took hold of Kenny’s hand and positioned it. “Follow your finger as I move it. That’s the Big Dipper.”

Kenny was amazed. He had never really paid much attention to the stars before.

“Now, follow these two stars. They’re called the Pointer Stars because they point to the North Star, called Polaris.

They continued investigating until Kenny’s head swam. There were so many stars! And Mr. Halsted knew so much about them.

“We can’t see it yet because the house next door and those trees are in the way, but the moon is just rising now. Let’s go take a look.”

Kenny was so enthralled that he decided to take the risk of leaving the yard in an obviously diapered state. It was a fairly cool night, the neighborhood was quiet, and there seemed to be little reason to worry about being recognized.

They had to walk a fair distance (five houses) before they came to an area where they could see the rising moon. Mr. Halsted stood and stared for a few moments. He pointed out some of the major features of the moon’s surface. He could even point out where the Apollo astronauts had landed.

“When Artie and I go camping up in the mountains I borrow my father-in-law’s telescope. The stars seem so close and bright. Would you like to come with us some day? I’m sure Artie would be pleased to invite you.”

Kenny accepted enthusiastically. He hoped it would happen soon. They headed back for the house.

“Bill! Bill!” a voice called from behind them.

“Hi, Tom. Are you out for a breath of fresh air?”

“Yes. I saw you and Artie walking and I thought I’d join you.”

“You’re welcome to join us but Artie is already in bed. This is his friend, Kenny Braken, who’s been spending the weekend.”

“My mistake. Pleased to meet you, Kenny. Do you go to school with Artie?”

Kenny could practically see the wheels turning inside the man’s head. “If this isn’t Artie and he’s wearing diapers, then he must go to Willowhaven School, too.

“No, sir. I go to Milton Middle School.”

“Do you now? And what grade are you in?”

“Seventh, just like Artie.”

“Yes,” Mr. Halsted added, “they just met last Monday and really hit it off, probably because they have so much in common.”

“Yes, anyone can see that,” Tom said, shaking his head up and down.

Maybe Artie is right,” Kenny thought. “It won’t be too long before just as many people know about my diapers as know about his.

The question of what to do about school dogged him until he finally fell asleep.

Kenny is sitting at his desk, completely naked. Everyone is taunting him. He begs for something to wear. His teacher flatly refuses saying that since he can’t make up his mind about what to wear, he will wear nothing. For some reason, Artie is also there. He tells Kenny that he has to leave school right away. They have to be at the movie theater. Everyone is waiting for them to put on the three o’clock show. If they don’t hurry, Kenny won’t have enough time to get into his diapers and plastic pants. They hurry to the theater (with Kenny still naked). Dana is waiting in the lobby next to a changing table. The manager comes out and says that it’s three o’clock. Dana shakes her head sadly and says, “See what happens when you can’t make up your mind.”


The boys got up early on Sunday morning. The rest of the household was still asleep. Artie decided that it would be best if they cleaned themselves up right away and washed and dried the dirty diapers before Kenny left for home.

“If we don’t wait for your parents or Dana to get up, how will you get your diapers on?” Kenny wondered.

“You’ll do it, of course,” Artie answered. “You need to learn to do it anyway. It will be good practice for when you have to put on your own diapers. Let’s eat first.”

Everything was taken care of by 9:00. They had breakfasted, showered, diapered each other, put a load of diapers in the washing machine, and even hand washed their plastic pants. Kenny had already figured out that he had a ‘thing’ about the plastic pants. From the first time that Artie had diapered him he knew that they were his favorite part. He didn’t feel like he was truly diapered until they were snugly pulled up around his waist. As they were hanging them up on the drying rack, Kenny would have liked to stand there and watch the light and shadows playing off them as they dried. “This is too weird,” Kenny had thought to himself.

They stayed in Artie’s room playing computer games until everyone else got up. Kenny took the opportunity to tell Artie about what he and Artie’s dad had done the night before. Kenny was a little afraid that Artie might be mad at him for monopolizing his dad while he wasn’t there. On the contrary, Artie was happy that Kenny and his dad had had time together. He was especially excited at his dad’s promise to take Kenny camping with them soon.

Lastly, Kenny described his second dream. Artie literally fell on the floor laughing at the part about the ‘three o’clock show.’

“Maybe,” he gasped in between guffaws, “if your mother doesn’t want to buy you more diapers, that’s how we could earn money for them.”

“Ha. Ha,” commented Kenny.

The others were all up and about by 9:45. At 10:15 the phone rang. It was Kenny’s mom checking on how the weekend had gone.

“I hope that Kenny behaved.”

Mrs. Halsted assured her that he had been a model guest and that everyone had enjoyed his company.

“I know that this is a little late to bring up but could I treat you to a late brunch today, you know, to thank you for having Kenny all weekend?”

“That isn’t necessary, you know.”

“I know, but I thought that since the boys seem to be getting along so well it would be good for us to meet and talk a little bit. I thought we could try the country club at 1:30, perhaps?”

“Yes, that does sound lovely. Just a moment, let me ask my husband.”

Mr. Halsted was agreeable. Artie and Kenny were thrilled because they could prolong their weekend together. It was agreed that Mrs. Braken would come over at noon.

“Your mother hasn’t seen you in diapers, yet, has she?”

“Only when she peeked into my room while I was sleeping,” Kenny answered.

“Are you going to feel funny about it?”

“You mean when I go home?”

“That, too. I meant when she gets here,” Artie explained.

“Oh, yeah. I guess it would look funny to your parents if I put my pants on just because my mother was coming over.”

In fact, Mrs. Braken was very much looking forward to seeing Kenny in his diaper and plastic pants. She was also bursting with curiosity about Artie and his family. She was amazed at how comfortable Kenny was walking around someone else’s house in just a diaper and plastic pants. “I guess it just goes to show how important diapers are to Kenny right now.” she thought to herself. She also noticed how at ease he appeared to be with these people. “My gosh, not only is he openly wearing diapers around them, he’s also allowing them to change him!

Brunch was the official end of the sleepover and it was a great success, too.


Kenny – Part 3