About the Diaper Boy Drawings

By Deeker


I would like to share with everyone my thoughts regarding the diaper boy drawings and the thinking that goes into them.


I know they aren't the best in quality as art is concerned, but I feel that they do convey a very clear and strong message— BOYS BELONG IN DIAPERS!!! The "community" we see in these drawings is the Deekerian world (or Deekerverse as some may call it). The boys and girls are usually closely matched in age, mostly as they are siblings to one another and were born within a few years of each other. Like the Peanuts world, the parents and other adults are rarely seen, but we understand and assume they exist. Unlike the adults in the Peanuts world, however, they can also speak articulately, none of this "waa waa waa" stuff.


While the specific reasons the boys wear diapers in most of the drawings isn't explicit, we can assume that most of them are kept diapered primarily for disciplinary purposes and for the simple fact that they are boys. Many, if not most of these boys are completely incontinent due to their long-term diaper-wearing and that they either stubbornly resisted toilet training and aptly demonstrated that such painstaking efforts on the part of the parents were utterly futile, or that the parents were wise enough to learn from the experience and observations of other parents and never toilet trained their boys to begin with, saving themselves from much frustration and stress. For boys in the Deekerian world, diapers aren't just something these boys wear while they go about their daily activities. Their entire lives revolve around their diapers and their sexuality develops around their diapers and the other boys who wear them along with the girls who look after them. For these boys, diapers consume, command, and completely control their lives. These boys are obsessed with their diapers, and it shows. Goodness ever does it show!


Most of the girls are sisters to the diapered boys, while some are babysitters; some are both. The girls learn early on in life what their roles are to these diapered boys (they know of no other kind of boy, and a boy without diapers seems quite perverse to them). These girls are toilet trained quickly and easily, and at an early age, too, proud to be free of wearing such a badge of boyhood and to never to return to wearing diapers themselves.


In addition to recognizing the obvious anatomical and other physical and behavioral differences between boys and girls, these girls learn early on that wearing diapers past the age of three is a distinct and exclusive mark of boyhood, and no self-respecting girl would ever allow herself to be presented in such a manner. These girls recognize that in addition to adhering to the proper toileting and hygiene habits expected of girls and generally being more mature and responsible, that their primary duty in the presence of boys is to reinforce and emphasize what makes them different from their male counterparts.


These girls do not wear diapers. Period. Instead, they proudly and prominently wear their skimpy panties and their thongs, and some even go around completely butt-naked because they can, primarily as a way to show boys that they can keep their butts clean and wiped, plus it creates much sexual tension for the boys who are coming into puberty, wishing to explore the bodies of these girls. Such boys know that their natural sexual impulses will never be satisfied by lusting after teasingly scantily clad girls and thus must channel all this powerful sexual energy into their diapers instead.


A lot of the girls also like to wear pants, especially jeans, as they are distinctly different in color and cover the legs, and they draw one's attention to their butts for completely different reasons, knowing that the boys cannot wear any pants of their own over their thick diapers, which always leaves their legs fully exposed and leave the boys looking vulnerable, like they are always in their underwear (and what underwear it is!) We can assume that many of these boys don't even have any pants to begin with.


Other girls like to wear shorts, even though the shorts, like their panties and their thongs, expose their legs as do the boys’ diapers. The difference, however, is that these girls have this choice to dress this way, so their partial bodily exposure is not perceived as a sign of vulnerability or submissiveness. Some girls wear their shorts for comfort in the warmer months, and some of course, wear them for sex appeal, knowing what showing off their skin does to the boys who know they will never have the opportunity to enjoy such sexual experiences and will revert to the diapers that have hijacked their sexual development from early childhood, unaware of this manifestation until the onset of puberty.


The girls find the predicament of the boys to be very amusing and yes, these girls do take an extreme pleasure in teasing boys for wearing diapers. The girls tease the boys in many ways. Much of this teasing is passive, that is, it is accomplished merely by what the girls wear around the boys. Unlike the boys, the girls have a choice of what to wear. They can wear long jeans or shorts if they choose. They can wear panties or thongs, and if they are uninhibited, they can go completely bare-ass-naked. Being naked is a girl's way of showing the boy how she keeps her body clean and her butt wiped and that she can and should be trusted to go about the house with no need for clothing to contain bodily wastes as she can control when and where to release them.


Diapered boys in the Deekerian world do not have these choices. Boys are not raised to be fashion-conscious, so for them it's diapers, diapers, diapers! While these boys may have some choices when it comes to shirts, including having different colors to choose from, the diapers are always plain white. Diapers are distinctly recognized by boys and girls alike by their signature plain whiteness. Because whiteness is such a distinctive characteristic of diapers, girls shun wearing white underwear and will often wear black thongs as they are the complete chromatic opposite of white diapers. On the other hand, some girls will wear white underwear because they are confident enough that they can do so without having so much as the slightest trace of fecal matter being deposited on them. Most diaper boys will still wear plain white shirts to complement their diapers and to accent the absence of fashion consciousness, though some will wear colored shirts for contrast, as some feel that their diapers will stand out more. Most diaper boys wear T-shirts. Their shirts are usually cut very short in order to maximize the exposure of their high-rising diapers. Their T-shirts also function as a way of displaying messages to further call attention to the boys’ toileting deficiencies.


Many girls fully exploit the fact that they are toilet trained and can practice proper hygiene. They will often make their brothers watch them use the toilet, show them how they can wipe themselves and leave no trace of fecal matter, as they show the boys their still-clean underwear afterwards (sometimes making them smell it, too). Going to a toilet when nature calls is second nature to these girls, a sixth sense, if you will, something they take for granted. Imagining what it would be like to not be able to control the release of one's urine and feces until such time a proper facility for their elimination becomes available, and thus necessitating the need for diapers helps girls to understand how fortunate they are to have been successfully toilet trained at an early age when they see that boys do not have this ability and never will. Diapers say, "You cannot be trusted to contain your bodily wastes so you must remain diapered at all times due to the highly unpredictable nature of your body's release of wastes."


The Deekerian world emerged in the wake of parents' collective realization of how weak and inept their boys were when it came to using the toilet. Even for those parents whose tenacious and determined efforts separated their boys from their diapers, their hard work was hardly rewarding. Many of these boys demonstrated an excusably poor and utter negligence with wiping their butts, always leaving their underwear badly stained in poop. Either these boys did not wipe at all or did a half-assed (heh heh) job at it. The seemingly simple task of properly handling and using toilet paper evaded these boys, either out of laziness or apathy (often both). The concept of aiming for the toilet bowl was also lost on many boys whose urine streams would splatter off the rim of the toilet, if they didn't miss completely, resulting in smelly, unsanitary floor and wall conditions in the vicinity of the toilet, much to the chagrin of their sisters. While some might argue that these boys should have been taught to sit when peeing, doing so is patently girlish and thus many boys absolutely refused to do it this way. Girls, likewise, were affronted at the mere notion of having boys emulate their methods of seating themselves on the toilet to urinate and were unanimously in favor of keeping all boys diapered at all times. Boys were often forgetful of flushing the toilet after they were done, leaving for the next person the unsavory task of having to flush away his excrement, much to her disgust, especially with the conspicuous absence of wads of toilet paper, serving as evidence of the boy's gross inattention to his hygiene and thus making an even stronger case favoring keeping all boys diapered.


While many of the scenes portrayed consist of ordinary, everyday mundane situations in which the wearing of diapers may not seem important (many images are intended to evoke a sense of “a day in the life of…” to the viewer), what we don’t always see— namely the thoughts going through each subject’s head and the bodily reactions on the part of the boys to their diapers— is very, very significant and duly worth pointing out. The girls do indeed enjoy every minute of seeing their brothers in diapers. They have an insatiable desire to call to their brother's attention their observations and their feelings about seeing them in diapers. Their eyes are always firmly fixed on the boys' diapers, never tiring of such amusement. Many girls will purposely remain behind their brothers just to stare at his amply padded diaper-butt. The boys are always so vulnerable, their toileting weaknesses and failures so conspicuously displayed by their diapers. They are stripped of pants and dignity, having to always let everyone see that they wear diapers and use them for their intended purposes. The boys look so cute always bare-legged in their thick diapers and the way they have to waddle in order to walk.


Just about all of the boys in my drawings wear cloth diapers. These are REAL diapers, diapers that are meant to last. Cloth diapers have so many advantages, especially in a Deekerian sense. They can be folded in any of several different ways and can be pinned up in many ways as well. They can be layered in multiples and be fitted for a higher rise on the body, whereas disposable diapers are limited to their pre-manufactured height. While disposables can also be applied in multiples, doing so is mostly for show (which is good) but only multiple cloth diapers can benefit in function as well as for show when applied in multiples. I also like cloth diapers for their use of diaper pins. A girl who applies excessive diaper pins to her brother's diapers shows him that she means business. She's telling him that once his diapers are on, they're not going to be coming off for a long, long time, which is why she has put so many diapers on him in the first place (also just to make his diapers more conspicuous, of course). No boy is going to attempt to remove his own diapers with as much work as it would take for him to take out all the pins. The girl ensures each pin is good and tight, locking the boy into his diapers for several hours before he is changed again.


One of the notable characteristics of the cloth diapers I draw, in addition to their extreme thickness, is the high rise they have. Some people have criticized my drawings for this. What they need to understand is that the diapers are meant to be conspicuous, so making them go up so high helps to add to their attention-drawing purposes. The added height also increases the capacity and lessens the chances for leakage out the top. It's not like the boys are going to be wearing any pants anyway, so why should the height of the diapers be limited as if to match the height of one's trousers?


Cloth diapers send a clear message to the boy who has to wear them. These diapers are permanent (at least until they wear out) and reusable. This boy is in them for the long haul. His parents have spent a lot of money on these diapers and by God, he is going to use them! The boy will come to realize that these are HIS diapers. He will recognize the care that will go into HIS diapers, the constant washing, drying and folding of HIS diapers. He will inevitably bond with his diapers and become one with them. Such attachment and bonding cannot be achieved with disposable diapers, whose presence is only fleeting, even if they are continually replenished. I know these days most boys only wear disposable diapers and thus are more familiar with them, but I wish cloth diapers were still the norm. Still, at least these boys have the right idea to wear diapers, so I can't mark off any points for this.


You have undoubtedly noticed that some of the boys wear neither cloth nor disposable diapers, but instead wear multiple pairs of plain white boys’ underpants, or briefs to serve as their diapers. I recognize this is not a common practice, but one reason I portray it as I do in my drawings is to call attention to the fact that some boys (myself included, see my personal account for more details) experienced extended diaper-wearing in our boyhood years via this method. I also observed another boy who wore his underwear in this fashion. I even wrote a story about him, What Might Have Been.


Please also see my article detailing my thoughts on Tighty Whities for more information.


Someone once used the phrase "single-minded obsession of the girls" to describe the way the girls appear in the drawings. In fact, it was his use of this phrase that inspired me to write this piece. This is exactly the message I am conveying in these drawings. A girl could stare for hours with complete delight, studying the intricate details of her brother’s diapers (always using the word in a plural sense as her brother never wears just one diaper), noting the creases and folds in the fabric, especially the convergence of these folds as the lower butt meets the crotch. She is astonished by the sheer thickness of his massive diapers and the volume of material concentrated around his middle body. She feels safe and secure knowing that even the messiest of diarrhea he could ever produce in the course of a day is contained in his diapers, leaving the floor and furniture clean. She figures that all the material (thick in and of itself), if spread out in a single layer, could cover the entire floor of the room, in very stark contrast to the few square inches of delicately thin fabric that goes into her thong. The volume of material in all of her brother’s diaper layers is hundreds, if not thousands of times greater than what is found in her panties or her thongs.


She studies the high rise of his diapers, seeing how they stretch across his stomach in the front and come up past the elbows in the rear. She notes how wide the crotch is, forcing his legs to be spread apart and thus always fully exposing his diapers from all angles viewed. She looks at the dense concentration of diaper pins she has placed in his diapers, ensuring their tight, tenacious lock on his body. She ponders the likelihood of her brother having an erection, but having no way to detect it through all those diapers. Even Superman's X-ray vision could not penetrate all those white layers. Since he is always erect when she is changing his diapers, she assumes he is always erect when fully diapered. Her brother's frequent masturbation and the fact that he so often idly rubs his hands over his crotch further convinces her of his constantly aroused state. She looks at his cute butt (where her attention is especially focused), speculating what sort of smelly mess she will be presented beneath once the time finally comes to remove the diapers (only to be replaced again, of course). The girl especially enjoys seeing her brother bend over. Doing this affords her the supreme pleasure of seeing her brother's diapers being accented in an even more conspicuous way, as his butt and crotch both come into view simultaneously. If admiring her brother in his diapers is a meal, watching him bend over is the main course.


The girl proudly admires her supreme skills as an expert diaperer. Her diapering is not just a skill, but a work of art. She looks at her brother's massive diapers, knowing that it was her dexterous hands that put them there. While admiring her craft, she takes further pleasure in knowing that it is not her who has to wear such dignity-depriving diapers. She looks down at her jeans, glad to have the choice to wear them, doing so as she decides to take a break from her admiration and use the toilet. While seated on the porcelain throne, she ruminates on how glad she is to not be forced to wear her waists around herself for several hours each and every day, only to become the stinky mess that her brother often is.


One thing I am sure you have noticed is how many of the drawings are shown from behind. I like to place a great deal of emphasis on the butt in my drawings. For starters, it's easier to draw from this view since I don't usually have to worry about facial details, but I like to literally draw comparisons between the boy's diapered butt and his sister's jeans, shorts, panties, thongs, etc. What I like to point out here is how the butt is viewed in different ways. When we look at the boy's butt we think of the mess and the smell that his butt creates as he is constantly pooping large volumes of feces and we're glad he is well diapered. In contrast, we see the girl's butt as clean, pristine and relatively odor free, allowing it to serve its purpose for sex appeal to gawking boys. Even so, one has to remember that girls poop and fart, too, and they can admittedly get smelly back there, too, but girls, often reticent to admit it, handle these functions in a controlled, dignified manner so as to minimize this type of attention that is reserved for boys' butts. The butt is the most conspicuous part of the boy's body when he is diapered and girls exploit this and constantly call attention to his butt and why it has to always be so very heavily diapered.


A skilled diaperer will be able to apply extra layers to the boy’s butt to make it stand out even more. Girls can also admire the boys' diapered butts without the boys even knowing it, being behind them and out of their eyesight. The butt is also where the most "action" is, that is, where poop and farts are always coming out of it. The results of the butt's output are more conspicuous and cleaning up poop takes more work, but the girl enjoys every minute of it, and after wiping his butt for so long, she is hardly fazed by the smell.


In some drawings the girls are younger than the boys. This, of course, demonstrates that girls who are born after their brothers are not influenced by them wearing diapers. If anything, such girls see firsthand what wearing diapers is like and it motivates them to get out of them and onto the toilet even faster.


I know not everyone will agree with this article (as such people are not likely to agree with my assertions regarding boys and diapers throughout this entire web site), and I don’t expect everyone to agree. For those who do, I openly welcome you to share your thoughts and, if applicable, your experiences of living in what may be considered to be a microcosm of the Deekerian world.


Revised 07/22/2007

Please take a moment to provide feedback below. If you are a girl please use the bottommost form.


Feedback (Boys)
Do you wear diapers?
What diaper types do you wear? Cloth
Multiple underpants
Do you wear plain white diapers and/or plain white briefs?
How many diapers do you wear at a time?
How many pairs of white underwear do you wear at a time (to function as diapers)?
How do you regularly use your diapers/multiple underpants? Pee
How often are you pantsless while in diapers or multiple underpants?
How many older sisters do you have? None One Two Three More than three
How many younger sisters do you have? None One Two Three More than three
Who else in your family has read this article? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
Your comments:
Parents' comments:
Brothers' comments:
Sisters' comments:
How do you feel about your sisters and/or other girls seeing you in your diapers/underwear?
How do your sisters and/or other girls react when they see you in your diapers/underwear?


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Feedback (Girls)
Which pants types do you wear around your brothers? Jeans
Other long pants
Which underwear types do you wear? Panties
Do you let your brothers see you in your underwear?
Do any of your brothers (ages 4+) wear diapers?
What diaper types do your brothers wear? Cloth
Multiple underpants
Do you brothers wear plain white diapers and/or plain white briefs?
How many diapers do your brothers wear at a time?
How many pairs of white underwear do your brothers wear at a time (to function as diapers)?
How do your brothers regularly use their diapers/multiple underpants? Pee
How often are your brothers pantsless while in their diapers or their multiple underpants?
How many older brothers do you have? None One Two Three More than three
How many younger brothers do you have? None One Two Three More than three
Who else in your family has read this article? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
Your comments:
Parents' comments:
Brothers' comments:
Sisters' comments:
How do you react when you see your brothers in their diapers/underwear?
What features and characteristics do you like to notice and observe on your brothers' diapers and/or underwear?
How do you feel about getting to see your brothers in their diapers/underwear without any pants on?
How do you feel about your brothers seeing you in your underwear? If you do or do not let them see you in your underwear, explain why:
What impressions and thoughts do you get from seeing your brothers' butts padded up in diapers or multiple underpants? How do you feel about the appearance and the presentation of your own butt to your brothers?


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