Deeker's Diaper Page

Toilet Violation Report

Response Number:




Name: Not given
Location: minnesota usa

Your age:
21 or over 

Are you a girl or a boy?

What is your relationship to the boy who was found in violation of proper use of the toilet?
Older sister 
Younger sister 
Older brother 
Younger brother 
Older girl cousin 
Younger girl cousin 
Older boy cousin
Younger boy cousin 
Friend of his sister 
Friend of his brother 
Girl babysitter 
Boy babysitter 

I spent the night at myaunt and unckes house and had my diaperxs and pants to wear to be                  

Name of the boy who was found to be in violation of proper toilet usage: jeff

Age of the boy who was found to be in violation of proper toilet usage:

What was the date and time of the incident? 7.4.2009 In the evening

Indicate the violations found for this particular incident:
Peeing on the floor 
Peeing on the toilet seat 
Failing to flush (pee only)
Failing to flush (pee and/or poop)
Evidence of no toilet paper used upon leaving poop unflushed 
Evidence of poor wiping skills
Evidence of not wiping at all 
Wearing soiled underwear (skidmarks) in view of observer 
Found soiled underwear (skidmarks) in laundry
Hiding soiled underwear
Hiding soiled pants 
Forgetting to put the toilet lid back down 
Using too much toilet paper
Not replacing empty toilet paper roll 
Leaving too large of stools (turds) 
Leaving poop streaks or smears on the toilet seat 
Stinking up the bathroom 
Failure to deodorize bathroom odors 
Pee accidents in pants
Poop accidents in pants 
Pee accidents in underwear only (no pants worn) 
Poop accidents in underwear only (no pants worn) 
Deliberately peeing in pants 
Deliberately pooping in pants
Deliberately peeing in underwear only (no pants worn)
Deliberately pooping in underwear only (no pants worn) 
Wetting the bed
Leaving wet (pee) spot on floor or furniture 
Leaving poop spot on floor or furniture 
Lying when asked if needing to go the potty
Lying about having accidents 
Attempting to blame smell on someone else 
Attempting to attribute smell from accident to flatulence 
Failure to use restroom when opportunity was presented
Refusing to use toilet when told
Failing to meet toilet training expectations 
Peeing in an improper receptacle or location 
Pooping in an improper receptacle or location 

Provide a detailed description of this incident.    

Who else witnessed this incident (excluding yourself, obviously)?
The boy's mother
The boy's father 
The boy's grandmother 
The boy's grandfather 
The boy's aunt 
The boy's uncle 
The boy's older sister
The boy's younger sister
The boy's older brother 
The boy's younger brother
The boy's older girl cousin 
The boy's younger girl cousin 
The boy's older boy cousin
The boy's younger boy cousin 
The boy's friend 
The boy's preteen girl babysitter (under 13) 
The boy's preteen boy babysitter (under 13) 
The boy's teen girl babysitter (13 to 17) 
The boy's teen boy babysitter (13 to 17) 
The boy's adult female babysitter (18 and older) 
The boy's adult male babysitter (18 and older) 
Another girl unrelated to the boy 
Another boy unrelated to the boy 
Another female adult unrelated to the boy 
Another male adult unrelated to the boy 

Include any available statements or accounts from the witnesses noted above:    
he is 14 and still wets when he wants to and finaaly he was put in thick cloth diapers and plastic pants and rhen started crying about being treated like a                  

How was the evidence of these violations documented/retained from this incident?
Took photos 
Withheld soiled garments

Provide details on how this evidence was documented.    
parents put a chart on the wall to wher he would get stars on any day he didnt wet his diapers                  

Which violations has this boy been shown to commit in the past?
Peeing on the floor 
Peeing on the toilet seat 
Failing to flush (pee only)
Failing to flush (pee and/or poop)
Evidence of no toilet paper used upon leaving poop unflushed 
Evidence of poor wiping skills
Evidence of not wiping at all 
Wearing soiled underwear (skidmarks) in view of observer
Found soiled underwear (skidmarks) in laundry 
Hiding soiled underwear
Hiding soiled pants
Forgetting to put the toilet lid back down 
Using too much toilet paper 
Not replacing empty toilet paper roll 
Leaving too large of stools (turds) 
Leaving poop streaks or smears on the toilet seat 
Stinking up the bathroom 
Failure to deodorize bathroom odors 
Pee accidents in pants
Poop accidents in pants 
Pee accidents in underwear only (no pants worn)
Poop accidents in underwear only (no pants worn) 
Deliberately peeing in pants
Deliberately pooping in pants 
Deliberately peeing in underwear only (no pants worn)
Deliberately pooping in underwear only (no pants worn) 
Wetting the bed
Leaving wet (pee) spot on floor or furniture
Leaving poop spot on floor or furniture 
Lying when asked if needing to go the potty
Lying about having accidents
Attempting to blame smell on someone else 
Attempting to attribute smell from accident to flatulence 
Failure to use restroom when opportunity was presented 
Refusing to use toilet when told 
Failing to meet toilet training expectations
Peeing in an improper receptacle or location 
Pooping in an improper receptacle or location 

Provide details on this boy's past violations as noted above.    
he has been having these prob lems for years and is now back in diapers                  

Provide statements and accounts from others who have also noted the violations as indicated above.    
His Mom and dad both diaper him and his older sister well too                  

How did the boy respond to being confronted with his violations? Who confronted the boy?    
Mom and sis confonted him and told him that he was going back to diaperss til he stopped wetting all of the time                  

What courses of action would you recommend be taken to punish the boy for his violations?
Put him in a single disposable diaper 
Put him in multiple disposable diapers 
Put him in a single cloth diaper 
Put him in multiple cloth diapers
Use only plain white diapers 
Put him in multiple white underpants (6 to 12 pairs) 
Put him in multiple white underpants (12 or more pairs) 
Make his diapers too thick for pants
Make him go pantsless 
Confiscate his pants
Ban him from the bathroom 
Secure/lock the toilet 
Reinforce his diapers to prevent their removal 
Let other girls see him in diapers
Let other boys see him in diapers
Make him clean the toilet/bathroom for this incident 
Make him clean the toilet/bathroom until further notice 
Make him wash his soiled clothes (including underwear) 
Make him clean up all other pee/poop messes for which is is responsible 
Counsel/advise him on his violations 
Spank him 

Provide details on your recommended methods of punishment.    
I am really good friends with his Mom and she knows that i still nbeed night diapers so when i suggested thick cloth diapers and plastic panties she agreed                  

What was the actual punishment given?
Put him in a single disposable diaper 
Put him in multiple disposable diapers 
Put him in a single cloth diaper 
Put him in multiple cloth diapers
Use only plain white diapers 
Put him in multiple white underpants (6 to 12 pairs) 
Put him in multiple white underpants (12 or more pairs) 
Make his diapers too thick for pants
Make him go pantsless
Confiscate his pants
Ban him from the bathroom 
Secure/lock the toilet 
Reinforce his diapers to prevent their removal 
Let other girls see him in diapers
Let other boys see him in diapers
Make him clean the toilet/bathroom for this incident
Make him clean the toilet/bathroom until further notice 
Make him wash his soiled clothes (including underwear) 
Make him clean up all other pee/poop messes for which is is responsible 
Counsel/advise him on his violations
Spank him 

Who meted out or administered the boy's punishment?
The boy's mother
The boy's father 
The boy's grandmother 
The boy's grandfather 
The boy's aunt 
The boy's uncle 
The boy's older sister
The boy's younger sister
The boy's older brother 
The boy's younger brother 
The boy's older girl cousin
The boy's younger girl cousin 
The boy's older boy cousin
The boy's younger boy cousin 
The boy's friend 
The boy's preteen girl babysitter (under 13) 
The boy's preteen boy babysitter (under 13) 
The boy's teen girl babysitter (13 to 17)
The boy's teen boy babysitter (13 to 17)
The boy's adult female babysitter (18 and older)
The boy's adult male babysitter (18 and older)
Another girl unrelated to the boy 
Another boy unrelated to the boy 
Another female adult unrelated to the boy 
Another male adult unrelated to the boy 

Provide details on how he was punished and by whom. Include those who had a role of some sort in the punishment and what their roles were.    
His family put him totaly back into diapers for the summer                  

How has this boy been punished for past violations of using the toilet/bathroom? Who was involved and what did these people do?  
not really sure. I know that when I went to bed that i could feel the rubber sheet undr it and my Aunt came in and checked that my diaoers were all covered                  

How fitting did you feel the punishment was for what the boy did?
It was fitting and appropriate
It was too lenient 
It was too harsh 

Why do you feel that the punishment the boy received was fitting and appropriate, too lenient or too harsh?    

How did you feel about the way this incident was handled? What do you think could have been done differently? How have you felt about the handling of past incidents? What do you think could have been done differently?  
i kind of went through a similar punisment when i was 12 so was glad to see im treated like a little boy                  

How did this boy react to his punishment?    
Once he got used to it he came to me and asked how I felt wearing diapers to bed, I told him that they were fine and to enjoy it when he is diapered by his                  

Describe yourself and your relationship to the boy. What do you and him look like? What are you and him each wearing?    
I am a cousin and live about two blocks from their house                  

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