Deeker's Diaper Page
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The Question of the Week for August 23, 2009:
At what age were you when someone first offered to diaper you?
Number of responses received: 14
Response | Count | Percent | Graph
| 3 or younger | 3 | 21.4% |
| 4 | 0 | 0.0% |
| 5 | 0 | 0.0% |
| 6 | 4 | 28.6% |
| 7 | 1 | 7.1% |
| 8 | 1 | 7.1% |
| 9 | 1 | 7.1% |
| 10 | 1 | 7.1% |
| 11 | 0 | 0.0% |
| 12 | 1 | 7.1% |
| 13 | 0 | 0.0% |
| 14 | 1 | 7.1% |
| 15 | 0 | 0.0% |
| 16 | 0 | 0.0% |
| 17 | 0 | 0.0% |
| 18 or older | 1 | 7.1% |
| Total: | 14 | |
At what ages were you when someone offered to diaper you?
Response | Count | Percent | Graph
| 3 or younger | 4 | 28.6% |
| 4 | 3 | 21.4% |
| 5 | 3 | 21.4% |
| 6 | 5 | 35.7% |
| 7 | 5 | 35.7% |
| 8 | 5 | 35.7% |
| 9 | 5 | 35.7% |
| 10 | 7 | 50.0% |
| 11 | 6 | 42.9% |
| 12 | 6 | 42.9% |
| 13 | 5 | 35.7% |
| 14 | 4 | 28.6% |
| 15 | 3 | 21.4% |
| 16 | 3 | 21.4% |
| 17 | 2 | 14.3% |
| 18 or older | 4 | 28.6% |
Who has offered to diaper you?
Response | Count | Percent | Graph
| Mother | 6 | 42.9% |
| Father | 2 | 14.3% |
| Older sister | 2 | 14.3% |
| Younger sister | 1 | 7.1% |
| Older brother | 2 | 14.3% |
| Younger brother | 1 | 7.1% |
| Friend | 6 | 42.9% |
| Friend's mother | 6 | 42.9% |
| Friend's father | 0 | 0.0% |
| Aunt | 3 | 21.4% |
| Uncle | 1 | 7.1% |
| Grandmother | 1 | 7.1% |
| Grandfather | 0 | 0.0% |
| Other boy | 2 | 14.3% |
| Other girl | 4 | 28.6% |
| Other adult | 3 | 21.4% |
For which reasons did someone offer to diaper you?
Response | Count | Percent | Graph
| I had wet the bed | 8 | 57.1% |
| I had a wetting accident | 8 | 57.1% |
| I had a pooping accident | 4 | 28.6% |
| The other person knew I wanted to wear diapers | 5 | 35.7% |
| The other person suspected I wanted to wear diapers | 5 | 35.7% |
| They wanted me to wear diapers like they did | 1 | 7.1% |
| Because another boy who was present also wore diapers | 4 | 28.6% |
| The other person was afraid I might have a pee accident | 4 | 28.6% |
| The other person was afraid I might have a poop accident | 1 | 7.1% |
| The other person wanted to see me in diapers | 4 | 28.6% |
| The other person wanted to put the diapers on me | 6 | 42.9% |
| The other person wanted to change my diapers afterwards | 5 | 35.7% |
| It was for a dare, bet, etc. | 1 | 7.1% |
What kinds of diapers were offered?
Response | Count | Percent | Graph
| Plain white disposable (single) | 10 | 71.4% |
| Plain white disposable (multiple) | 2 | 14.3% |
| Plain white cloth (single) | 3 | 21.4% |
| Plain white cloth (multiple) | 4 | 28.6% |
| Colored or printed disposable (single) | 4 | 28.6% |
| Colored or printed disposable (multiple) | 2 | 14.3% |
| Colored or printed cloth (single) | 3 | 21.4% |
| Colored or printed cloth (multiple) | 3 | 21.4% |
For which reasons did you accept the offer to be diapered?
Response | Count | Percent | Graph
| I wanted to wear diapers | 7 | 50.0% |
| I wanted the other person to know I like diapers | 4 | 28.6% |
| I wanted other people to see me in diapers | 4 | 28.6% |
| I was afraid of having a pee accident | 9 | 64.3% |
| I was afraid of having a poop accident | 3 | 21.4% |
| I wanted to find out what wearing diapers felt like | 5 | 35.7% |
| I wanted to see how I looked in diapers | 3 | 21.4% |
| I wanted to find out what peeing/pooping in diapers was like | 3 | 21.4% |
In spite of accepting the offer to be diapered what were your concerns?
Response | Count | Percent | Graph
| Feeling embarrassed about the whole matter | 8 | 57.1% |
| I didn't want the other person to know I liked diapers | 3 | 21.4% |
| I was afraid someone I did not want knowing to find out | 6 | 42.9% |
| I didn't think I really needed to wear diapers | 1 | 7.1% |
| I didn't want the other person to see me naked | 3 | 21.4% |
| I didn't want others who were present to see me naked | 1 | 7.1% |
| I had to wear just the diapers (no pants) | 6 | 42.9% |
| Certain people were present whom I did not want seeing me | 2 | 14.3% |
| I was afraid of what it would feel like to be wet/poopy | 2 | 14.3% |
| I didn't want to be smelly | 4 | 28.6% |
| I was afraid the diapers would leak | 4 | 28.6% |
For which reasons, if any, did you regret accepting an offer to be diapered?
Response | Count | Percent | Graph
| I felt embarrassed about the whole matter afterwards | 7 | 50.0% |
| The other person didn't react well to my liking diapers | 0 | 0.0% |
| Someone I did not want to know about it found out | 1 | 7.1% |
| I was teased for wearing diapers | 7 | 50.0% |
| I was teased for being seen naked | 4 | 28.6% |
| I didn't realize that I'd have to go pantsless | 5 | 35.7% |
| People I didn't want or expect to see me in diapers did | 5 | 35.7% |
| It was more uncomfortable than I expected it to be | 2 | 14.3% |
| I was smellier/messier than I expected | 2 | 14.3% |
| The diapers leaked or had other problems | 2 | 14.3% |
If you ever refused an offer to be diapered what were your reasons?
Response | Count | Percent | Graph
| I was too embarrassed about the whole matter | 2 | 14.3% |
| I didn't want the other person to know I liked diapers | 1 | 7.1% |
| I was afraid someone I did not want knowing to find out | 1 | 7.1% |
| I really did not want to wear diapers at all | 2 | 14.3% |
| I didn't think I really needed to wear diapers | 2 | 14.3% |
| I didn't want the other person to see me naked | 2 | 14.3% |
| I didn't want others who were present to see me naked | 1 | 7.1% |
| Being diapered would have meant being pantsless | 2 | 14.3% |
| Certain people were present whom I did not want seeing me | 2 | 14.3% |
| I thought it was too weird | 2 | 14.3% |
| I was afraid of what it would feel like to be wet/poopy | 2 | 14.3% |
| I didn't want to be smelly | 2 | 14.3% |
| I felt that only babies wore diapers | 2 | 14.3% |
For which reasons did you regret refusing an opportunity to be diapered?
Response | Count | Percent | Graph
| I wish I had been honest about my feelings | 1 | 7.1% |
| The opportunity never came up again | 0 | 0.0% |
| I ended up having a pee accident anyway | 3 | 21.4% |
| I ended up having a poop accident anyway | 3 | 21.4% |
| I'd have good memories of the experience if I had allowed it | 1 | 7.1% |
| The people I was concerned about would've been cool about it | 0 | 0.0% |
| It would have made the other diaper wearers feel better | 0 | 0.0% |
What would have made you accept the offer if you had refused?
Response | Count | Percent | Graph
| If I would have gotten to put the diapers on myself | 1 | 7.1% |
| If certain people would not have seen me in diapers | 2 | 14.3% |
| If I'd been certain that some people wouldn't have found out | 0 | 0.0% |
| If I could have opted to remove the diapers if I wanted to | 0 | 0.0% |
| If certain people would not have seen me naked | 2 | 14.3% |
| If I would have gotten to wear pants over the diapers | 2 | 14.3% |
| If the diapers had been thinner | 1 | 7.1% |
| If the diapers had been a different type or style | 1 | 7.1% |
| If I wasn't expected to pee in the diapers | 2 | 14.3% |
| If I wasn't expected to poop in the diapers | 2 | 14.3% |
Describe your self appearance:
Name | Age | Answer
| jesse | 17 | baby stuff
| Ryan | 10 | I am a tall, skinny boy. I have short medium-blonde hair. I usually wear shorts and a t-shirt. My diapers are white and have skater boys and cool dudes on them. I only wear 1 diaper when I go
| bedwetter | -- | t shirt white disposible diaper wet most of the time
| wetboy94 | -- | underjams, 1 green, wet. only an underjam, blonde hair, green eyes
| fag boy | 11 | wet and messy huggies
| Tom | 24 | diaper and plastic pants
Describe your brother's appearance:
Name | Age | Answer
| Appearance | Very similiar to me. All bedwetters. Diapers | Same as me.
| wetboy94 | -- | pretty much the same as me, but two years younger
| Tom | 24 | boxers
Describe your sister's appearance:
Name | Age | Answer
| Appearance | | Same as me, but they have short-medium blonde hair.
| fag boy | 11 | regular clothes
Provide details on the time someone first offered to diaper you. How old were you at the time? How did you feel about the offer? How did you respond to the offer? Who was the person who offered to diaper you?
What kinds of diapers were they? Would you have gone pantsless? What were the circumstances (reasons) surrounding the offer? Which other people were present? What were your concerns? Did you end up accepting the offer, and if not, why?
Name | Age | Answer
| Ryan | 10 | I was 3 years old when I was day potty trained. I still wet the bed, so my mom asked me if I wanted to continue wearing diapers, but a more discreet kind and a kind that was like big boy under
| Babyr | 8 | I was 6 years old when my parents sent me to stay with my Aunt, Uncle & 3 cousins. My aunt picked me up and
brought me to her place to stay for a couple of weeks. Her boys were in bed, they were 6,4 & 2 and she told me
her boys were all bed wetters and they were all in diapers. My mom had told her that I was an occasional
bedwetter, so she suggested to me that she had better put some diapers on me. I remember I passivelly resisted by
crying, but my aunt was very sympathetic and suggested that it would only be for a short time. It was a long time
ago, but I can still remember being really scared that she would stick me while she was pinning my cloth diapers on me.
I had wet the bed a few times up to that point in my life, but in the morning when she changed me in front of
my cousins, i didn't even realize I was wet until my aunt pulled my baby pants off and the cold air hit my very
wet diapers. I started to cry, but again my aunt was very nice and easy and made me feel that it was ok. I was
diapered every nite for 2 weeks and had wet diapers just about every morning when I woke up. I wore a T-shirt but
nothing on the bottom except my diapers and baby pants...It took me about 3 days of being shy and hiding in the
corner or behind something, but I slowly came out and was just like her 3 kids.
| | -- | When I was 8 my best friend's older sister Cheryl used to babysit me. My friend knew all about my interest in
wearing/using diapers and had seen me in diapers on several times. At some point he must've told Cheryl because
she came over to babysit me one night and she had a diaper bag with her. She told me she wanted to talk to me and
made me sit beside her on the couch and said that her brother had told her that I like to wear diapers and if it
was true that I should tell her and that she'd put me in diapers. So I admitted that it was true and that I
enjoyed wearing diapers. She stood me up then stripped off my pants, made me lie down on the living room carpet,
pulled off my underwear and pulled out a Pampers diaper and taped me securely in. Next she made me crawl around
and suck my thumb, after about 10-15 minutes of crawling I felt the need to pee so I let it all flow into my
diaper and when she checked it she discovered that I was soaked so she changed me and put me in a fresh, clean
diaper. I wet 3 more diapers and even pooped in one during that session. From that moment, every time she babysat
me she'd keep me in diapers
| wetboy94 | -- | I was at a park in my home town, I was about to change myself into another pull-up (I now wear
underjams), when a father and another boy about a year younger than me came in. He was wearing pull-ups too, and
was changed, and the father offered to change me. I said I would prefer his son to change me. He agreed and
left. His son's name I found out was Clayton, he changed my pull-up, and we never saw each other agian to my
recolection, though he played with my penis a bit, which was odd.
| Adam | 17 | i was over at my friend scotts house when i was 6. we were playing fort and trying to find all the blankets
we could in the basement. while we were looking we found a bag of adult diapers. we dared each other to try them
on. it wasnt long before scotts mom came and found us with the diapers on. The were totally on wrong and so she
marched us upstairs to scott's little bro's room and took 2 of his diapers and put them on both of us. it was fun
at first but when we had to keep them on and sleep in them that was more than we bargained for.
| Sam | 15 | when iwas in grade 1 it was the first time i was sleeping over at my friend Karstens house. I dont think i
really knew what was going all just happened. At some point Karsten's mom came to get us all ready for bed.
Karsten had a younger brother Corey who was like a year and a bit younger. well Kartens mom called corey into the
bathroom first. afer a few minutes she called karsten to come into the bathroom and told me to grab my pjs. When
karsten came out his mom told me it was my turn and to come see her in the washroom. when i came into the bathroom
she asked me if i had ever had an accident at night? after saying yes she said it would be a good idea for me to
wear a diaper - she said both karsten and corey were wearing them too and its totally ok. So there it she did it.
it off and said if i had wet before better to be safe than sorry.
| Tom | 24 | I've always worn diapers, so I can't remember never being diapered
Provide details on other times when someone offered to diaper you. How old were you at the time? How did you feel about the offer? How did you respond to the offer? Who was the person who offered to diaper you?
What kinds of diapers were they? Would you have gone pantsless? What were the circumstances (reasons) surrounding the offer? Which other people were present? What were your concerns? Did you end up accepting the offer, and if not, why?
Name | Age | Answer
| Ryan | 10 | No one did later on. I already had diapers.
| | -- | When I was 10 I told my friend Aaron about mt diapers and the reasons I liked to wear them. He immediately
wanted to see the diapers and when I showed him one of my Pampers he offered to put it on me cause he wanted to
see how I looked in diapers. So I took off my pants and underwear and lied down on my bed and he diapered me. I
got up and began walking around my room modeling the diaper for him then stood still right in front of him while I
wet myself. We never mentioned diapers again after that.
When I was 12 I told my friend Mike ahout my diapers and he immediately offered to diaper me. I hadn't told him
that I also enjoyed peeing in them so he was a little surprised when I began peeing myself a few moments later.
Once he had regained his composure (and I had finished peeing) he offered to change my wet diaper. When he went
home he told his mother about everything that had gone on and the next day when I went over to spend the weekend,
his mom pulled me aside and mentioned what Mike had told her and asked me if I had brought any diapers with me
(which I had) and she asked me how many I had brought with me and I told her 2. She said that 2 wouldn't be enough
to last me the entire weekend (especially if I was wearing them 24/7) then she told me to take off my pants and
lie down and when I did she stripped off my underwear and diapered me. She examined me all over to check the fit
of the diaper. Next she dragged me out to the car and drove to the store, brought me to the diaper aisle made me
point out which size of Pampers I was wearing and grabbed the next size up, paid for them, took me back to her
house where she kept me in diapers anytime I went over.
| wetboy94 | -- | I have gotten a few other opportunities for diaper changes by others, but wearing pull-on diapers, I
feel that it is a bit poitntless, though I did once get pampers size 7 put on by a fellow dl in a neighboring
city, we had private diaper times together after this
| frank2ab | -- | I've been diapered by aunts, cousins, friends, babysitters, etc. I've worn diapers almost all of my life.
| Tom | 24 | I just grew up wearing and using diapers and never was able to get out of them
Provide details on the concerns you indicated as reasons to refuse an offer to be diapered, or concerns that made you uncomfortable in spite of accepting the offer?
Name | Age | Answer
| | | I didn't refuse.
| Sam | 15 | i told karstens mom that i didnt wear them anymore and that i didnt think i needed them - she totally brushed
| Tom | 24 | never refused, had to be diapered
Provide details on what circumstances would have to have been different and what these differences were in order for you to have accepted the offer:
Name | Age | Answer
| Ryan | 10 | I didn't refuse in the first place.
| Tom | 24 | never had a problem about wearing diapers
List and explain the people who offered to diaper you. How did you feel about these people diapering you (whether or not they actually did).
Name | Age | Answer
| Ryan | 10 |
- Mother: Nice. VERY nice. She diapered till I was five, then I could do it on my own.
- Older Sister : She's 11 years old. She is also VERY nice. She never teases me. She diapered me until
I was 5 years old when my mom wasn't home or was unavailable.
- Older Brother: He's 12 years old. He is also VERY nice. He never teases me. He diapered me until I was 5
years old when my mom and my sister weren't home or were unavailable.
| Tom | 24 | my parents and older brothers helped me with my diapers until I was able to diaper myself
List and explain the people whom you wished had offered to diaper you but didn't. Why did you want these people to diaper you?
Name | Age | Answer
| Ryan | 10 | No one.
| Tom | 24 | Neverany choice
Explain the times when you had regrets about not having accepted an opportunity to be diapered. How old were you when you began feeling such regrets? Why do you have such regrets? What do you think might have happened in retrospect?
Name | Age | Answer
| Ryan | 10 | I didn't refuse.
| Tom | 24 | always have worn diapers
Explain the times when you had regrets about having accepted an opportunity to be diapered. How old were you when you began feeling such
regrets? Why do you have such regrets? What do you think might have happened if you had refused the offer?
Name | Age | Answer
| Ryan | 10 | I don't ave regrets. I would have been waking up cold and wet and miserable every morning.
| Tom | 24 | no regrets, always diapered
Average Age of respondents to this question: | 18.7
| Range of ages of respondents: | 8 - 50
Age Distribution
| Under 10 | 1 |
| 10-14 | 2 |
| 15-19 | 4 |
| 20-24 | 2 |
| 25-29 | 0 |
| 30-34 | 0 |
| 35-39 | 0 |
| 40-44 | 0 |
| 45-49 | 0 |
| 50-54 | 1 |
| 55-59 | 0 |
| 60-64 | 0 |
| 65-69 | 0 |
| 70-74 | 0 |
| 75-79 | 0 |
| 80+ | 0 |
Youth Age Distribution
| 6 | 0 |
| 7 | 0 |
| 8 | 1 |
| 9 | 0 |
| 10 | 1 |
| 11 | 1 |
| 12 | 0 |
| 13 | 0 |
| 14 | 0 |
| 15 | 2 |
| 16 | 0 |
| 17 | 2 |
Diaper Types
| Single disposable diapers- plain white | 10 |
| Single disposable diapers- plain white | 4 |
| Single disposable diapers- patterned/colored | 3 |
| Multiple disposable diapers- plain white | 1 |
| Multiple disposable diapers- patterned/colored | 3 |
| Single cloth diapers- plain white | 2 |
| Single cloth diapers- patterned/colored | 4 |
| Multiple cloth diapers- plain white | 2 |
| Multiple cloth diapers- patterned/colored | 2 |
| Multiple underpants- plain white | 1 |
| Multiple underpants- patterned/colored | 1 |
| Other makeshift diapers | 6 |
| Single plastic pants- plain | 2 |
| Single plastic pants- patterned/colored | 2 |
| Multiple plastic pants- plain | 1 |
| Percentage of those 18+ who only wore these diapers as a boy: | 33.33% |
| Always | 2 |
| Usually | 6 |
| Sometimes | 2 |
| Rarely | 1 |
| Never | 1 |
| Pantless score | 55.36% |
| Percentage of those 18+ who reported being pantsless as a boy | 66.67% |
Diaper Usage
| Pee | 13 |
| Poop | 6 |
| Percent of brothers 18+ whose diaper usage reported only as a boy | 66.67% |
Older Sisters
| One | 2 |
| Two | 0 |
| Three | 0 |
| More than three | 0 |
Younger Sisters
| One | 1 |
| Two | 1 |
| Three | 3 |
| More than three | 0 |
No sisters at all
| One | 7 |
Name | Age | Comment
| Ryan | 10 | Not really anything else.
Question of the Week 08/16/2009
Question of the Week 08/30/2009
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