Deeker's Diaper Page
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The Question of the Week for October 23, 2005:
At what age were you toilet trained?
Number of responses received: 73
Response | Count | Percent | Graph
| Younger than 2 | 9 | 12.3% |
| 2 | 5 | 6.8% |
| 2� | 10 | 13.7% |
| 3 | 12 | 16.4% |
| 4 | 17 | 23.3% |
| 5 | 3 | 4.1% |
| 6 | 5 | 6.8% |
| Older than 6 | 1 | 1.4% |
| Never (training was attempted) | 8 | 11.0% |
| Never (training never attempted) | 3 | 4.1% |
| Total: | 73 | |
Do you feel the age at which you were toilet trained (or not) affected your feelings about wearing diapers?
Response | Count | Percent | Graph
| Yes, because I was toilet trained early | 12 | 16.9% |
| Yes, because I was toilet trained late | 10 | 14.1% |
| I was trained early, but I don't believe my age was a factor | 4 | 5.6% |
| I was trained late, but I don't believe my age was a factor | 13 | 18.3% |
| I was trained at an average age, didn't affect my feelings | 18 | 25.4% |
| Yes, although I was never toilet trained (it was attempted) | 7 | 9.9% |
| Yes, although I was never toilet trained (not attempted) | 2 | 2.8% |
| Not toilet trained, but not a factor | 5 | 7.0% |
| Total: | 71 | |
How positive or negative were your toilet training experiences (even if only attempted)?
Response | Count | Percent | Graph
| Very positive | 4 | 5.5% |
| Positive | 8 | 11.0% |
| Average | 20 | 27.4% |
| Negative | 9 | 12.3% |
| Very negative | 8 | 11.0% |
| Never toilet trained (not attempted) | 3 | 4.1% |
| I don't remember | 21 | 28.8% |
| Total: | 73 | |
How did your toilet training age compare to your brothers?
Response | Count | Percent | Graph
| I was earlier than my one brother | 6 | 8.0% |
| I was earlier than all my brothers (more than one) | 2 | 2.7% |
| I was earlier than some of my brothers, later than others | 1 | 1.3% |
| I was at about the same age as my brother(s) | 9 | 12.0% |
| I was later than all of my brothers (more than one) | 9 | 12.0% |
| I was never toilet trained | 6 | 8.0% |
| I was never toilet trained and neither were my brothers | 3 | 4.0% |
| I don't know or remember | 8 | 10.7% |
| I had no brothers | 31 | 41.3% |
| Total: | 75 | |
How did your toilet training age compare to your sisters?
Response | Count | Percent | Graph
| I was earlier than all my sisters (more than one) | 1 | 1.4% |
| I was earlier than some of my sisters, later than others | 1 | 1.4% |
| I was at about the same age as my sister(s) | 5 | 6.9% |
| I was later than all of my sisters (more than one) | 20 | 27.8% |
| I was never toilet trained | 8 | 11.1% |
| I don't know or remember | 7 | 9.7% |
| I had no sisters | 27 | 37.5% |
| Total: | 72 | |
How frequent were your pee accidents (including bedwetting) after being toilet trained?
Response | Count | Percent | Graph
| Very frequent | 21 | 28.8% |
| Frequent | 15 | 20.5% |
| Occasional | 14 | 19.2% |
| Rare | 7 | 9.6% |
| Never | 3 | 4.1% |
| Not toilet trained (attempted) | 5 | 6.8% |
| Not toilet trained (not attempted) | 3 | 4.1% |
| I don't remember | 5 | 6.8% |
| Total: | 73 | |
How frequent were your poop accidents (including bedwetting) after being toilet trained?
Response | Count | Percent | Graph
| Very frequent | 6 | 8.2% |
| Frequent | 10 | 13.7% |
| Occasional | 12 | 16.4% |
| Rare | 20 | 27.4% |
| Never | 12 | 16.4% |
| Not toilet trained (attempted) | 4 | 5.5% |
| Not toilet trained (not attempted) | 3 | 4.1% |
| I don't remember | 6 | 8.2% |
| Total: | 73 | |
Were you ever put back into diapers for having accidents?
Response | Count | Percent | Graph
| Only once | 10 | 13.7% |
| A couple times | 12 | 16.4% |
| Several times off and on | 8 | 11.0% |
| For less than 6 months | 0 | 0.0% |
| For 6 months to a year | 1 | 1.4% |
| For 2 to 4 years | 5 | 6.8% |
| For 4 to 6 years | 4 | 5.5% |
| For remainder of boyhood | 6 | 8.2% |
| I don't remember | 9 | 12.3% |
| I was always kept in diapers | 13 | 17.8% |
| Total: | 68 | |
How did your parents handle your toilet training? Describe their attitudes, rewards and punishments used, etc.:
Name | Age | Answer
| | | I was slow getting toilet trained and mostly kept in diapers and rubber pants days until starting school. Then regular
underwear. I had rubber sheets on my bed until 13.
| Jeff | 11 | My mom was always very frustrated because I just couldn't keep my pants dry without a diaper on. She tried
rewards, punishments, etc. but none of them worked.
| jacob | 15 | happy
| diaperedteen | 22 | My mom wanted me out of diapers as soon as possible. My dad was more sensible, would rather have
protected the furniture then have me wet or mess all over it.
| matthew | 21 | i was attempted to be toilet trained at age 5 it never worked i was spanked as a punishment daily alomost
iuntil about 7 and i was put back in dia[pers for good
| Joey Jamison | 26 | they just took it in stride. i was very slow getting toilet trained especially at night. I had night
diapers to age 14 and a bedwetting alarm briefly, but it didn't work very well. i always had a rubber sheet. i was
not punished for being wet at night, only if i took off the diaper and then wet the bed.
| Bobby | 61 | My mother put me back in tripel cloth diapers and plastic baby pants. She did not make a big deal of it. My
Grandmother said I was to old to be wearing diapers and sleeping in a crib.
| | | I don't remember the initial training. When I was a pre-teen, and still had dribbles in my daytime underwear they
started spanking me after a nightly underwear inspection. I was still wetting the bed every night at that point. It
was not long after that, that they took me to a urologist in an attempt to solve the problems. He found a reason for
the daytime dribbles, and they didn't make a fuss of it anymore. He did a surgery to stretch my bladder, but that
didn't seem to make any difference. Then he recommended an alarm system. When my underwear go wet, the alarm would
go off. I found this rather annoying, and would sometimes just disconnect the alarm and go back to sleep instead of
getting up and cleaning up the mess. For a while, they made me sleep upstairs, so they could hear the alarm and make
me get up.
| dave | 13 | punishments included standing in the corner, clening my mess, being put back into diapers, for rewards i got
things like new toys or my favorite meal, and there attitude was fairly patient.
| babbydoc | 39 | My parents was very angry and my brothers shame
| Tyler | 9 | spanked
| thickndry | 55 | It seemed normal, and the right thing to do at the time. They seemed happy since they didn't have to pay
to have diapers washed.
| mexicandiaper | 13 | They simply encouraged me to toilet training by saying that it was big boy's job.
| Nick | 15 | my perentas handle with my toilet training very hard
| baby dillon | 13 | okay,positive
| bedwetter | 38 | positive attitude towards it if i went with out havind accidents i would get rewarded if i had an accident
i got talked to if i had more than one accident in a week or so i got spanked for wetting or pooping my pants and
made to sit in my wet or pooped filled pants
| Tad | 34 | I was rewarded for going in the potty. Wetting my diapers at night was not part of the trainning.
| Roger | | Daytimes I was trained and seldom had an accident. I got candy for going potty and nothing was said if I wet my
pants. I was a regular bedwetter and wore diapers and rubber pants to bed.
| | 21 | They tried everything in my early days and then just decided that it wasn't going to work. So I have worn ever
| sam | 14 | thay wer cool about it even with all of my accadents
| soaker | 61 | My parents were mad at times and made me wear diapers and rubber/plastic pants at night time and on long
trips during the days.
| Bobg | 62 | My mother had my sister when I was 14 months old and was determined that she was not going to have two babies
in diapers at the same timeso my training was done in earnest.
| | | they where happy when i was potty trained
| jc | 59 | my wet pants were lowered to my knees and spanked and diapers put on
| Greg | 28 | They were really mad when they discovered that I was having intentional poop accidents. They were mad every
time I tried diapers at later ages. They have lost all hope now that I am an adult wearing diapers 24/7.
| lil baby matty | 13 | spanks if i pooped me self and back into nappies if i wet one time i as in nappies for 3 years
| roger stiger | 15 | tried but didn't care
| Loring | 39 | I have no recollection of what their attitudes were during my toilet training.
| robby staiger | 14 | they inspierd me but not realy
| tommy | 25 | my parnets spank me with a razor strap if i peed my pants
| | 19 | they tried but quit after first accedent
| Deeker | 35 | My parents were patient at first, taking into account that I was a boy, though I am sure that my sisters,
both of whom were toilet trained at around age two, raised my parents' hopes and expectations. As I got older they
became less tolerant of my accidents. I remember being scolded and made to sit on the toilet even when I didn't have
to go. I don't remember any rewards, I was just expected to do it.
| Toadboy | 7 | Mostly very logically done. My dad was like "Mr. Spock" (Star Trek). If one method failed they tried another.
| Marc & Sassja | 16 | My parents & sisters tell me that at the very first for only about a month or so did they really work
with me, but my fighting & resistance, they finally resorted to leaving all of us boys in diapers for the remainder
of boyhood. At first they gave me time-outs, spankings etc. but none worked.
How did your toilet training compare to that of your brothers? Did your parents ever compare you to your brothers?
Name | Age | Answer
| diaperedteen | 22 | My brother trained earlier than I did. This caused (and I remember this distinctly) my mom to say,
look, he's potty-trained before you [he's younger]. She said that as my dad was diapering me in my thick nite Luvs
diapers on my bed, and my brother was standing on the toilet peeing.
| Bobby | 61 | All my brothers were bedwetters my brother Jack wet the bed untill he went into the Navy.
| | | don't remember being compared. I was the only one of the 4 boys who wet the bed beyond childhood.
| babbydoc | 39 | very later and alwyas comapre with my old brothers
| Tyler | 9 | spanked
| mexicandiaper | 13 | The same.
| baby dillon | 13 | no not raeally
| bedwetter | 38 | no brothers
| Tad | 34 | They were trained earlinr than I was.
| Roger | | We trained about the same age according to my mother.
| | 21 | My older brother was potty trained at like 3 and my twin younger brothers were diapered at 2. They were given the
right to change me even though I am older.
| sam | 14 | not shure
| Bobg | 62 | They were trained at a later age and no comparison was made that I remember.
| roger stiger | 15 | no brother
| Loring | 39 | I am the oldest of 3 brothers and one sister. We were all toilet trained at approximately 3-1/2 years of age.
| Marc & Sassja | 16 | All of my brothers were resistant as I, was & toilet training became less & less, for us boy.
How did your toilet training compare to that of your sisters? Did your parents ever compare you to your sisters?
Name | Age | Answer
| | | There were 3 of us. We were all slow getting out of diapers.
| Jeff | 11 | My sister who is younger than me by 25 months was potty-trained over 1 year before I was. I can remember going
to the grocery store once when I was about 5 and one-half years old and Mom ran into a friend of hers while carrying
a large package of Huggies in the cart. She asked mom when my little sister was going to be trained and mom said
they're not for her, they're for him. Then she grabbed me and pulled down my shorts to expose my Huggies which,
unfortunately, was wet.
| matthew | 21 | my sister was potty trained when she was 2 and hasnt had an accident since she was 4
| | | don't remember every being compared with my sister. She didn't wet.
| dave | 13 | no, my parents didnt really compare me to my sister, they just said that If i used the toilet id be a big boy
| babbydoc | 39 | no sisters
| Tyler | 9 | spanked
| mexicandiaper | 13 | The same.
| bedwetter | 38 | no sisters
| Tad | 34 | I was three or four. My sisters were both befor two.
| Roger | | I trained abouth the same age as my sisters maybe a little later.
| sam | 14 | no sisters
| soaker | 61 | My sister was two years younger and was trained at 3. It was mentioned many times. When I was 15 she was my
main diaper changer. She was 13 and was paid by mom for this work. She felt impowered and would check my diapers when
ever she wish. I was told to let her do her job by mom. I would never be allowed not to let her even if strangers
could see. Sometimes she would just squeeze the diaper between my legs. My mother put snaps on the inside of my pant
legs of many of my clothes for ease of checking and changing. If I had shorts on she would ask me to spread my legs
and put a finger between the rubber pants leg band to see if I was wet.
| Bobg | 62 | The same as my brothers
| lil baby matty | 13 | n/a dont got sisters
| roger stiger | 15 | i was alot older then her, but never attepted to be trained
| Loring | 39 | See previous question and answer.
| robby staiger | 14 | is was 2 years later
| tommy | 25 | not the same
| | 19 | they failed too with her still in diapers at 21
| Deeker | 35 | Both of my sisters were toilet trained around age two. I was still wearing training pants after age 4. My
parents never tried to compare my lack of toilet training progress to the successful early potty training of my
| Toadboy | 7 | Not really. In fact, ironically, I helped toilet train my sister, who was younger than me, while I was still
in diapers myself.
| Marc & Sassja | 16 | My two sisters, were trained and never had accidents at a very early age, around 2 yr.
How did you feel about your diapers during toilet training? Did you miss your diapers once they were gone? Did you ever buy into any "big boy" propaganda used on you? Describe how you feel your age was a factor in your feelings towards wea
Name | Age | Answer
| | | I really missed my diapers and wanted to be put back in them, especially at night, but was taken out of them for good
(including nighttime) at age 5.
| Jeff | 11 | I hated diapers then just like I still hate diapers now. It was frustrating to be wearing a baby diaper when
your younger sister isn't.
| [email protected] | 22 | i always loved diapers.
| diaperedteen | 22 | I totally missed my diapers, and I remember several distinct occasions where I tried to steal and or
otherwise obtain diapers. I totally buyed into the big boy propoganda, and wished that I had not. Once they were
gone, I realized what I was missing, but realized it too late. I feel that I was potty-trained too early, before I
was ready either mentally or physically. This caused me to have frequent wetting and messing accidents throughout my
childhood and teen years before I was back in diapers full-time.
| matthew | 21 | i didnt miss my diapers i feel i should of been toilet trained earlier
| Joey Jamison | 26 | even though i was put back into diapers because of bedwetting, i soon started liking them a lot and
then became attached to them. at age 15 i began to really like diapers, plastic pants and rubber sheets.
| Bobby | 61 | I missed my diapers, wish I was never toilet trained.
| dave | 13 | I think that the age i was toilet trained was a factor, at first i wanted to be abig boy, but i wanted to wear
my diapers ads well. I think because i was trained later i was more attached to my diapers
| Tyler | 9 | forced into
| thickndry | 55 | I was told that training pants were the next step to "big boy" underpants, and that if all went well, I
could wear underwear like big boys.
| mexicandiaper | 13 | I feel I would had ever wear diapers.
| Nick | 15 | I always liked diapers and i miss them alot bat i can't aford* to bay some. and yes it verry has a fact on me
that toilet trained early
| baby dillon | 13 | yes,i cried when they were taken away
| bedwetter | 38 | i likes wearing my diapers and did not want to be taken out of them but i was finally i remember when i
was 4 and 5 yrs old and would be put down for a nap i cried until i was put in a diaper and then i would take a nap
with no other problems
| Tad | 34 | I wore diapers every night, so the big boy thing was never used. Just a need to use the potty durring the day.
| Roger | | I went for big boy stuff hook, line and sinker. I wanted to be a big boy and wear regular boys underwear. Once
I was day trained I felt I had done the job. Night training did not go as well though. I continued to wet the bed.
| | 21 | Never left them still in them now.
| soaker | 61 | I was trained late but do to a back injury was never realy fully trained. I still wear diapers for night time
protection and on long trips.
| Bobg | 62 | Don't really remember being only 12 to 14 months old.
| jc | 59 | missed my diapers started to wear as a teenager
| Greg | 28 | I never thought about the toilet training and I never remember any major problems with the training itself. One
day I noticed that all my friends still wore diapers and I didn't. I think this early loss of diapers may have had a
long term effect. I think I felt that I missed something early on.
| lil baby matty | 13 | i loved nappies and yes i realli missed them in my mind i never grew out of nappies
| roger stiger | 15 | never trained but i would never part with my diapers
| Loring | 39 | I had a vivid awareness of wearing cloth diapers and plastic panties. I missed the feel of the diapers after
being toilet trained. Also see the following answer.
| | | well I think I like diapers as a result of having a younger brother when I was three, losing the attention I was used
to, and seeing the diapers as a way to bring my self to his level. And Gain back my parents attention. Unfortently I
never new about these feelings till I was 12 when I stoped having accident's at night, and my parents got ride of the
Diapers I had for waring at night. Then around the age of 14 I started having these feelings towards diapers agian.
And started making up lies that I needed diapers because I was wetting the bed again... I think it shows to what
great lengths you are willing to go though to get diapers, when you get those feelings. I will say this about that, I
have noticed that it is part of my personality to a certain extent, becuse of my past. But it is something you just
have to do something about.
| robby staiger | 14 | during my traning i was hidding my diaper under my bed
| tommy | 25 | no and i still dont think of m,yself as adult
| | 19 | i was always in diapers
| Deeker | 35 | I knew very early on that I enjoyed wearing my diapers, and I suspect that my liking them-- liking how they
looked on me and how they felt, being so soft, warm and thick-- was one reason I was so reluctant to part with them,
knowing that demonstrating the ability to make it to the toilet would mean having to part with my diapers. I'm sure I
did buy into the "big boy" propaganda that my parents used. Most accounts I read indicate that being toilet trained
too early is a factor contributing to diaper fetishism, but I believe that my pre-existing fondness for diapers is
what prolonged and delayed the toilet training process for me.
| Toadboy | 7 | I had a lot of pee accidents and I thought, "Is this what it's all about, peeing down your leg if you can't
make it to the toilet on time or if it was in use?" Finally, my dad told me no, I just wasn't able to hold it long
enough to wait, so dad asked me about wearing a "special kind of underwear", meaning diapers. At first I wasn't sure,
but when I had an accident later that evening I decided to go ahead with dad's plan and wear the diapers and was glad
that I did.
| Marc & Sassja | 16 | As I have never been toilet trained, & all the above asked propaganda, came from my parents, sisters,
& their girl friends, I've always been a diaper-boy, & gone along with what was expected of me, to both wear & use
How did you feel when you were put back into diapers?
Name | Age | Answer
| | | Enjoyed them, but was taken out of them for good at age 5.
| Jeff | 11 | Embarassed. My mom was so frustrated with me she really tried to "baby" me when she decided I had regressed
back to the point of needing diapers full-time. She made me and my younger sister switch beds so she got my bed and
I had to sleep in a crib.
| [email protected] | 22 | i was in high school
| diaperedteen | 22 | I was somewhat embarassed, but then I recall loving every minute of it, and not wanting to take off the
warm, thick, wet, comfortable diapers when I was in them.
| matthew | 21 | i was sad and humiliated
| Joey Jamison | 26 | i was very humiliated at first, but they made me feel secure at night because i couldn't wet my bed if
i had them on. i had a friend who also had to wear them for bedwetting and it made it easier knowing i wasn't the
only kid who did it.
| Bobby | 61 | I felt great when I was put back in diapers and plastic baby pants because I didn't want to grow up.
| | | wore training pants and plastic pant to bed for years. It was never a question of being put back into them. When we
went on trips, and Mom would buy disposable Diapers, I remember not liking the idea, but they did the job better than
the training pants. I remember not liking it when I stayed with my cousins, and had to wear their training and
plastic pants. I didn't want my friends to know I wet the bed.
| dave | 13 | I liked being put back into diapers, but my parents gave me the bad abby look and said i wasnt a good boy and
that id never be a big boy
| Tyler | 9 | great
| thickndry | 55 | Never happened that I recall
| mexicandiaper | 13 | Excellent
| Nick | 15 | very good i was so exsited
| baby dillon | 13 | great and i get real horny
| bedwetter | 38 | i was 12yrs old and had started wetting the bed and had wet the bed for about a week straight when my mom
told me to go into my room one night just before bed time and to take my pants and underware off and lay down on my
bed i thaught i was going to get another spanking for wetting my bed but when she came in she was holding a
disposible diaper and then i knew what was going to happen to me and i asked not to be put in diapers i was to big
for it and she said since i wet the bed i was going to have to wear diapers at night until i stopped so i layed there
and let her put the diaper on me and thats how i slept for the next few years in a diaper and t shirt i did not like
to have pants over my diaper it made it feel to tight and after a while i got used to wearing diapers and started to
like them again i was even caught wearing my diapers durning the day when i did not really need them
| Tad | 34 | I was always in them at night.
| Roger | | After a lot of wet beds my folks decided that diapers would be a big help for everybody. I did not like being
put into diapers and rubber pants every night at bed time. I finally did get used to it and then things went along
pretty good.
| sam | 14 | happy
| soaker | 61 | had no choice
| Bobg | 62 | Wasn't, unfortunatly
| jc | 59 | wonderful got erections sucked my thumb my mother started to change me again
| kelly | 15 | i felt like alittle baby getting spanked by mom and my sisters
| Greg | 28 | It was my choice and I had an erection every time.
| lil baby matty | 13 | like i was in heaven
| don | 56 | remember only one time at grandparents, when I was about 8 for bedwetting. I said I did not need a diaper that
night but was diapered after I fell asleep I woke up enough to notice my ants and grand standing over me while my
mother diapered me.
| roger stiger | 15 | ii was very happy to be back in them
| Loring | 39 | Once I was out of diapers, I got the mindset that diapers were for babies. So I felt an element of shame.
| | | I was wetting the bed, it was a way to deal w/ it.
| robby staiger | 14 | i was very happy
| tommy | 25 | very happy
| | 19 | always kept in diapers
| Deeker | 35 | I was always happy when I got put back into training pants, even if my parents weren't happy about it. Later
on, once the diapers and training pants were gone, my parents used several pairs of underwear for diapers. While I
was embarrassed about it, especially in the presence of my sisters, I enjoyed the look and feel of my "makeshift
diapers" as well as liking the attention I was getting from my sisters, even if it was in the form of teasing. It was
enough to make me wish that I could be put back into real diapers permanently.
| Toadboy | 7 | At first it felt kind of funny, but then I realized if it means not standing in a puddle of potty when I
didn't make it then let's go for it. I'd rather wear diapers than be all wet.
Share your worst, or otherwise most notable or memorable toilet training "horror story":
Name | Age | Answer
| | | I bedwet and had rubber sheets until I was past 13. I remember wetting my pants in our car at least once and having
some other daytime wetting accidents until around 7�. I continued bedwetting (3 or 4 times a month) until age 13.
Then I started to become attracted to diapers, plastic pants and rubber sheets again.
| Jeff | 11 | When I was six, we went to Nevada to visit my aunt and uncle for two weeks and drove there from our home in
Virginia. My mom decided to keep me in diapers for the entire trip because my aunt has a really nice house with
expensive furniture and she was afraid I'd pee all over everything. We went in July and it was really hot so I spent
the entire two weeks in nothing but a diaper if we were home and just a t-shirt and diaper if we went out. To make
things worse, because I wore diapers all vacation, I lost alot of my control and had to wear diapers full-time for
another 6 weeks until I was potty-trained enough in the daytime to keep my pants dry.
| diaperedteen | 22 | Not sure. See above.
| matthew | 21 | one day my mom put me in regular underwear adn sent me to school and i soaked myself in class
| Joey Jamison | 26 | getting caught in diapers. see my story under 'true accounts',joey jamison
| Bobby | 61 | I was 9 years old my parents and I spent the weekend with friends. The grownups went out for the nigh and left
their oldest son Paul in charge. At bed time he diapered his younger brother and told me I was next I protested. He
put 3 or 4 diapers on me I couls hardley walk. I was made to say good night to his 9 year old sister in my very thick
diapers I was very embaressed.
| thickndry | 55 | One afternoon, I had an "accident" in training pants, and figured I might as well let everything go, since
I was "dirty" already. So I peed and pooped a whole bunch, then tried to hide and get away from my mom. She chased me
all over the apartment, and I got poop all over my self andpants, and got a spanking for being bad, and told that she
was disgusted, and that she thought i was a big boy and wouldn't do that anymore.
| mexicandiaper | 13 | None.
| baby dillon | 13 | very scary,my parents were so happy it was disgusting
| Roger | | Having caught a bug I stayed home from school and stayed in bed for a few days. Mom kept me in diapers and
rubber pants all of the time. My brothers and sisters saw me being changed or walking around in diapers and would
snap or tug at the waistband of the rubber pants and it made a loud snap when they let it go.
| sam | 14 | pooping in my pants at a campground and sitting in my own shit for two hours
| soaker | 61 | I was 12 and at my mothers friends house and my mother was telling her about how I was dry during the days.
Her friends daugher was a night time wetter like me. As they were talking her daugher came in on the conversation. I
froze and started to wet my pants in front of them. My mother changed me into the diapers and plastic pants.The 14
year old daughter wanted to do the change so my mother let her. I was not allowed to wear the pants until they were
washed and dried. We were there most of the day. My mother told me to drink a lot of coolaid to flush out any
infection I may have. I wet 2 or 3 times befor being changed and going home. The next day I was sent back with
freshly cleaned diapers and pants to give back to the girl. My mother had me back in a diaper and if showed. I had to
thank them for the diapers. The mother ask if I needed a change before I returned home. The girl checked my diaper
for wetness just to make sure. I was dry thank god.
| jc | 59 | peeing my pants in the closet when the door was opened by my girl and boy friends
| lil baby matty | 13 | being changed in the busiest street in london
| Loring | 39 | I was a perfectionist when it came to using the toilet. I remember fussing because I couldn't get the toilet
paper folded 'just right'.
| robby staiger | 14 | i would wet my self during my traning
| | 19 | had a big accednt as soon as i was taken out of diapers
| Deeker | 35 | I don't really remember any specific horror stories from my toilet training. Overall it was a very bad
experience as I hated being forced to sit there on the toilet and being checked on all the time.
| Toadboy | 7 | Before my dad put me in diapers again I would get made because I would have an accident because I couldn't
make it to the toilet in time.
with the toilet seat up, & fell in butt first & couldn't get out. For me attempt to train me was very short lived as
I resisted it all the way. With Sassja, he was toilet trained at age 3, but still wet the bed at nights occasionally.
Sassja, was toilet trained easy & for him it was not a factor, he uses diapers now because of medical reasons.
Average Age of respondents to this question: | 25.5
| Range of ages of respondents: | 7 - 62
Age Distribution
| Under 10 | 2 |
| 10-14 | 14 |
| 15-19 | 14 |
| 20-24 | 6 |
| 25-29 | 5 |
| 30-34 | 1 |
| 35-39 | 4 |
| 40-44 | 0 |
| 45-49 | 2 |
| 50-54 | 2 |
| 55-59 | 3 |
| 60-64 | 3 |
| 65-69 | 0 |
| 70-74 | 0 |
| 75-79 | 0 |
| 80+ | 0 |
Name | Age | Comment
| diaperedteen | 22 | I agree with Dr. Terry Brazelton, parents should not train their kids until the KIDS are ready (not the
parents). This new trend that Madonna is so in favor of (out of diapers by several weeks) is horrible and damaging to
the child. I have a feeling we are going to have many many more DL's and AB's on the way as a result.
| Bobby | 61 | I was still wetting the bed when I was in my late teens and earley twenties I wore several cloth diapers and
plastic baby pants I moved out when I was married and still wet the bed
| mexicandiaper | 13 | Goodnites were after.
| Justin | 16 | I don't remember but i was threatened to be put back into diapers.
| lil baby matty | 13 | it was a living nightmare
| Loring | 39 | While I was being toilet trained and for a little while afterwards, I was kept in diapers without plastic
panties. I think if I messed up, the plastic panties came back on.
Question of the Week 10/16/2005
Question of the Week 10/30/2005
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