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The Question of the Week for March 20, 2005:

As a child (before age 18), who changed your diapers (other than when you were a baby)?

Number of responses received: 52

Other adult male relatives611.5%
Other adult female relatives1732.7%
Male babysitter59.6%
Female babysitter2548.1%
At what age did you start changing your own diapers?

8 or younger25.0%
Over 18717.5%
Still don't change my own1640.0%
As a child, what did you like about getting your diapers changed?

Getting clean diapers again3465.4%
Getting my privates wiped clean/rubbed1630.8%
Getting erections during a diaper change1834.6%
Physical attention from the diaper changer2548.1%
Intimacy/bonding with the diaper changer1732.7%
The smell of baby powder1936.5%
The feel of diapers being applied to my body3363.5%
Watching the tapes go on/pins go in1121.2%
As a child, what didn't you like about getting your diapers changed?

Having my privates exposed1834.6%
The smell of my pee/poop2548.1%
Getting teased/unwanted attention from brothers59.6%
Getting teased/unwanted attention from sisters917.3%
Having to ask for a diaper change1630.8%
Being taken into the women's restroom to get changed1426.9%
Just being embarrassed in general2038.5%
If and when it came time to change your own diapers, what were the reasons why?

Others didn't want to do it anymore59.6%
I wanted to start changing my own diapers1630.8%
Parents felt I should start changing myself1426.9%
I didn't like the way other people changed me47.7%
I started going into puberty815.4%
How do you deal with erections that occur during a diaper change?

Let it go away on its own2242.3%
Masturbate during my diaper change1426.9%
Have the other person masturbate me1426.9%
Masturbate after my diaper change1325.0%
Try to think about something to make it go away2140.4%
How often do you encounter erections during diaper changes?

Never (0% of the time)611.5%
Rarely (less than 25% of the time)1223.1%
Sometimes (25% to 50% of the time)1426.9%
Frequently (50% to 75% of the time)917.3%
Usually (75% to 100% of the time)1019.2%
As a child, who was the best diaper changer? Explain what he or she did that made him or her the best:

soaker  60My mother did the best job. She knew how many diapers to put on ,so there were less leaks.
  My mom, she handled the changing with tender loving care
Jamie  31Mom
shyubert  11mostly my babysitter. She just had a way of making it feel good
diaperkevin  40My mom, she always took her time
  My friend Charlie, because he wore nappies too and knew exactly what to do.
  53My mom. She always told me what a good boy I was and often talked to me like I was a baby.
Toddler Wets  37My younger sisster as she played with my willy when i got erections
Matthew  17Mom
Garry  20Father he made them so tight
Jimmiy hendrixs  14a girl baby siter
slh  mother, she suck my erection until it was gone
bedwetter  38a female baby sitter she made it fun at changing time after i woud get my diaper changed she would hold me and give me my bottle, i was 11or 12yrs old
Joey Jamison  26mom. she just knew how to do it right
Chase  11I guess my uncle becaue it is less embarrassing but they all talk to me when they change me and I like that.
Kregg  13My Dad because he makes it special time with us and talks to us and stuff. My uncle is real good too and so is my mom and my baby sitter.
  79Mother, put them on tight
dkosciu  14my friend. he put them on realy tight and thick my best friend.he wears diapers he was used to doing every thing right
diaperedguy  14my big sister she was gentle
Jeremy  16My Best Friend That Is A Girl
billy bob  13sister dident laugh
  My aunt, because she loved me and treated me just like the sissy baby i am
Will  20I had my brother how was three years younger then me change my diaper occasionly.
matt  14my baby sitter tina she would masturbate me when i got an erection, and she was really hot
Mike P.  55My mother. She was always sympathetic to my disability (spina bifida) and my incontinence. She was always understanding about my condition..
tod  mum/sister snug fit
Tommy  18My Aunt Brenda was the best because she didn't humilitate me or make me feel like a little baby because I still wore diapers
Marc  16Probably I would have to say an equal on my Momma, & oldest sister Patti, as they treated all us boys as though we belonged in diapers, & taught every other girl the methods of changing big boys diapers, & the theory as to why big boys also belong, in thick white diapers, & why the boy should not diaper himself. They also taught that a boys privates aren't private, because he's nothing but a Diaper-boy, a baby, toddler, & that on diaper changes a boy should also be masturbated.
Sparky  17Mother
  Well i when i was like 10-16 the 25ish year old fitty from across the street used to babysit. i was never allowed to change myself until my 16th birthday. She was very caring for my needs and always respected my postion. (diaper punishment). as far as i know she never told anyone and i love her for that mom
As a child, who was the worst diaper changer? Explain what he or she did that made him or her the worst:

soaker  60My aunt had no children and didn't have a clue. on how to do it.
  My nanany, she did it quickly and forcefully
shyubert  11male babysitter.....damn him!
diaperkevin  40My father, he didn't care for it and did it very quickly and slopy
  53My Aunt. She always said I was too old to be a baby.
Toddler Wets  37my mum as she just seam to throw the nappy on my
Matthew  17Dad
Garry  20mother left them loose on me did not feel secrure
slh  father, he hated doing it and tried to make me feel bad.
Joey Jamison  26dad. i think he was embarassed that his 11 year old kid still wet the bed. i was too
Chase  11There isn't one that is the worst.
Kregg  13Probably the babysitter that isn't here all the time because she doesn't talk to us a lot when she changes us and she also does it real fast instead of taking time to make it special like everyone else.
dkosciu  14me. i couldent tape it right
diaperedguy  14My brother He didn't know how
  My father, He always complained of changing me saying " when ya gonna be a man and get out of the childish faze"
Will  20None
matt  14my little brother he would act like the older brother
Mike P.  55My father and one of my attendants at school. My father could be impatient with me when I needed help in the bathroom. One of my matrons at school scolded me when I pooped myself even though she knew I couldn't help it.
tod  gran loose fit
Tommy  18My little sister, Tina, because she would make fun of me and try and embarass me as much as possible by changing me in public places all of the time.
Marc  16I really can't say or accuse anyone of that.
Sparky  17Sister
Explain in more detail what you liked about diaper changes as a child:

soaker  60The care my mother took in changing me.
  At that time I was able to relax
shyubert  11i like felling and seeing the bulk
diaperkevin  40I liked the physical feelings and the special closeness with my mother.
  53Mostly the attention.
Toddler Wets  37The feel of hands down my willy erea being cleaned the soft and gental touch and the play fullness
Matthew  17the poop and pee
Garry  20Just the feeling of security and tightness
slh  sex
bedwetter  38getting a clean and dry dry diaper put on and the feel of the diaper being put on
Joey Jamison  26made me feel good. i knew if i was in diapers at night my bed would be dry in the morning.
Chase  11I hate wet and poopy diapers so I really like getting a dry diaper on but I would rather put on dry underwear
Kregg  13Since I don't like being wet and especially I don't like being poopy getting a dry diaper feels good. But I sure wish I could wear my underwear instead of the diapers.
  79going to be protected
dkosciu  14being like a baby
dkosciu  14i didnt have to put my pants back on
diaperedguy  14I had my butt wiped
billy bob  13no change
  the whole expierence
Will  20The feeling of the diaper and have my pee pee touched.
Mike P.  55I always liked it when my mother took care of me. Even after I began changing myself, she helped me at home and accompanied me on school trips so she could take me to the bathroom
tod  securety
Tommy  18Nothing except for the fact that I got changed into a clean and/or dry diaper.
Sparky  17Just getting changed
  getting clean
Explain in more detail what you didn�t like about diaper changes as a child:

soaker  60Sometimes my mother would change me in front of her girl friends and tell them stories of my heavy wetting accidents, and the need to heavy diapering.
shyubert  11getting seen by random people, or class mates.
diaperkevin  40didn't like the po-poo smell and mess
  53As I got older (around 10) I didn't like being changed in public areas.
Toddler Wets  37I've always like to stay in a nappy for long periods and didn't like a nappy changing straight away and didn't like a person rushing as their change my nappy
Matthew  17being change
Garry  20allways liked my diaper changing
Joey Jamison  26i hate it when other people found out
Chase  11They always put another diaper on instead of giving me my underwear back.
Kregg  13I HATE getting taken to the girls bathroom and it is kind of embarrassing to be a 13 year old boy wearing diapers without the whole word seeing you get changed.
  79all family members watching
diaperedguy  14My sister spanked me afterwards
billy bob  13no change
Will  20Nothing
Mike P.  55myself I didn't like changing myself when I had a BM and I didn't like being seen in the bathroom in school when I messed myself
tod  none
Tommy  18What's there to like about your little sister changing your diaper in public places?
Marc  16having ever to be changed in public places, absolutely in the women's restroom.
Sparky  17masturbated
  i was diaper punished about twice a week for 10 years ish in my youth, but whenever we went on long car/plane/train journeys etc me and my sister (who was only ever diaper punished about 10 times in her whole youth to the best of my knowledge) were forced to wear them for convinience. this continued until we were about 18. Obviously we resisted strongly but our parents line was 'if u dont wear, you cant come'. my sis is a real trendy and found this vvv embrassing - but we wanted to go on hol.... being made to act like a baby and having to sit in the playpen
Explain in more detail how and when the decision for you to change your own diapers came about (if applicable). Whose decision was it?

soaker  60I was getting old enough to do it my self.
  My mtoher thought at that age is was time for me to chnage myself and to remove the chaning table form my room
diaperkevin  40It was my own decision and I wanted to do it on my own.
  53If my mom was anywhere nearby, I was not alloed to change my own diapers.
Toddler Wets  37When i was 12 years of age i have a car accident and was paralysed until i was 15 after a few opps so fib5 mum said its time you change yourself
Matthew  17i did
Garry  20reached puberty and it was decided to give me the responsabilty to change my own
slh  hasn't
bedwetter  38i was about 15yrs old and i wanted to change my own diapers i was getting to big for others to change me
Joey Jamison  26i was 11 and finally figured out how to do it with out stabbing my self with the pins. when i did mom said it was ok to do it my self
Kregg  13I wish I could change my own diapers but there is no way that is ever going to be allowed.
  79worn on my own
billy bob  13parents
Will  20My brother started to grow up and lost interest in my diaper desires.
Mike P.  55When I was 9 I had an accident (BM) at school. My matron scolded me when she changed me. When I told my mother, she felt it was time for me to go to the bathroom on my own and change my diapers without assistance
tod  independance. mine
Marc  16It was my decision over just these past few weeks, to start learning & practicing at it as I will be leaving home to go to school, & live away from home coming this fall semester.
Sparky  17mine because i smell pee/poop

Average Age of respondents to this question:26.4
Range of ages of respondents:11 -  79

Age Distribution
Under 100


diaperkevin  40It was getting harder on my mother to do it.
Joey Jamison  26it is easy to do the rubber pants and PJs.
  79did not need for bedwetting
Jeremy  16My self never masturbated in my diapers. But my best friend would masterbate me if i got a erection when she changed me.
Mike P.  55At school most of the kids with spina bifida began changing themselves by age 10 or so. So I was pretty average. At first my mother was a little apprehensive because she didn't think I was mature enough to stay on a schedule and change myself at regular intervals, but for the most part I did

Question of the Week 03/13/2005
Question of the Week 03/27/2005

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