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The Question of the Week for September 26, 2004:

As a child (under 18), which of the following two situations would be the most embarrassing in public: having a visible accident in your pants (with or without diapers on), OR wearing diapers fully exposed (without pants) over them?

Number of responses received: 41

Having a visible accident in public (with or without diapers on)1639.0%
Wearing diapers in public fully exposed (without pants) over them1331.7%
These situations would be equally embarrassing1024.4%
Neither situation would embarrass me24.9%
As a child (under 18), which of the following two situations would be the most embarrassing amongst your family: having a visible accident in your pants (with or without diapers on), OR wearing diapers fully exposed (without pants) over th

Having a visible accident around my family (with or without diapers on)2050.0%
Wearing diapers in public fully exposed (without pants) over them around my family820.0%
These situations would be equally embarrassing820.0%
Neither situation would embarrass me410.0%
Which of these situations did you experience during your childhood (before age 18)?

Having a visible accident in public (with or without diapers on)2868.3%
Having a visible accident around my family (with or without diapers on)2663.4%
Wearing diapers in public fully exposed (without pants) over them1024.4%
Wearing diapers in public fully exposed (without pants) over them around my entire family (excepting baby/toddler ages)1639.0%
Why do you feel that one of the above choices would be more embarrassing than the other?

Shawn  18Becouse there are not that many people who wear diapers, and the might make fun of you.
Baby-G  21Because I Know what's it feels like to wet your pants with out a Diaper
Danny  35I just thinking having to go out in public in a diaper (I had it happen to a younger cousin) would be too damaging to my developing self esteem.
  55more humiliating
Bobby  60I felt that I should have controll over wetting my pants
Orophin  15I think actually letting someone know that you have a diaper on is more embarassing than letting them knwo you had an accident, in public, it would be more so to have an accident in a hom
Taylor  10I don't
baby davey  17It is easier to explain an accident than wereing diapers.
bedwetter  60more embarrassing because others would not know I have a phys. problem.
guido  15in public you don't feel realy safe you know it's just scary to wet your pants in the front of someone who starts laughing very hard
tad  33i have experienced wet pants and its not fun
the Dex  13becaouse no one knows i wear diapers
Mike P.  54My diapers were rarely visible in public, except when being changed in a public restroom or when my shirt came out of my pants and you could see the tops of my rubber pants and diapers
Travis  16They are both embarrassing.
Describe your most embarrassing public accident experience:

Shawn  18Wetting my pants in the store and having my dad drag me into the bathroom.
Didn't have one  Didn't have one
Danny  354thgrade. I was sitting in class and wet my pants. I stayed in my seat until the end of the day. I wrapped my jacket around my waist and went home like that. no one knew.
  55skinny dipping then being changed into a diaper and plastic pants for skinny dipping
patrick  16in the mall with the family i had to go to the bathroom i did not want to go. so i held it as long as i could tell i went and their were kids from my school their and they made fun of me t
Bobby  60I was playing with friends and wet my pants my friends mother put a double cloth diaper and plastic baby pants on me.
Orophin  15I havnt really had any public accidents
bedwetter  60At 15 years old my mother would check my diapers in front of her friends. If I was wet she could be talked into one of the doing the diaper change in front of every one there.
Matt  16Wet my pants in school
guido  15when my mom and i went to town to do a bit of shopping i needed to poop and suddenly i pooped my pants and eh.. i had to walk with her for still a small hour
tad  33peeing the bed without a diaper on with my cousin there
  was out in the yard at 10yrs old and wet my pants before i could get inside
the Dex  13never had one
Mike P.  54It was always embarrassing whenever I had an involuntary bowel movement in public (like at the movies or shoppng with my parents) and others could tell
mlynns  42messed my pants while playing little league baseballl
Travis  16Well, I was at school one time back in 8th grade. I have always needed diapers, but nobody knew it. I was sitting in history and had wet my diaper one to many times, and it leaked.
Describe your most embarrassing public diaper exposure experience:

Shawn  18being outside, locked out.
  Didn't have one
Danny  35never happened in public
  55being changed in public.
Bobby  60I was sitting in a bar & grille I was 17 and someone pointed out in a loud voice that I was wearing diapers.
Orophin  15Ditto
Taylor  10When I was 6, my little brother pulled my diaper off at the park in front of a girl and her mommy.
bedwetter  60At age 14 on a long trip in the car I wet and soiled my diapers so bad that my mother changed me on a wayside picnic table.Cloth diapers & rubber pants in full view of others
Matt  16I was wearing very thick cloth diapers in school
guido  15when i was trying on some pants i wanted to buy and a girl opened the cutains and she saw me in a large yellow diaper
tad  33getting caught in the gym while beeing pantsed
the Dex  13never had one
Mike P.  54As a teen it was always difficult to get changed in a public restroom; sometimes i couldn't get into a stall with my wheelchair and had to be changed in full view of anyone present
Travis  16I was at the mall trying on pants one time and forgot to lock the changing room when a kid I knew from school opened the door and saw me pulling up my pants, wearing diapers.
Describe your most embarrassing accident experience in the presence of your family:

Shawn  18my dad finding me in the with poopy pants on.
Baby-G  21I pooped in my pants when I was drunk
Danny  35At my aunt and uncles, I messed my underwear and everyone knew, mom took me to the downstairs bath and made me strip while she swished my underwear in the toilet.
Bobby  60I wet my pants and a thick diaper and plastic baby pants were put on me and I was given no pants to cover the diapers up.
Orophin  15cant really say
bedwetter  60Multipal diaper changes in front of them. If my pants got wet (diaper overfill) I would be changed into clean cloth diapers and rubber pants without pants over them.
Matt  16Did #2 in my Jammies
guido  15i all know they know
tad  33peeing the bed with my cousin in it.
the Dex  13i wet the bed
Mike P.  54I don't think my parents were ever embarrassed by either my noticeable accidents or the visibility of my diapers. They understood my incontinence and they managed and taught me to manage
Describe your most embarrassing diaper exposure experience in the presence of your family:

Shawn  18having the twins find me in diapers and telling my mom
Baby-G  21I didn't care much
Danny  35Only once did mom ever diaper me and she sent me downstairs infront of my bother and sister wearing it. I cann't remember what happened when I got down there.
Bobby  60I had put a wet diaper in the trash my step father found it and our relationship went down hill after that.
Orophin  15seeing me in bathroom
Taylor  10When I was 8 I was changed in front of everyone at a family reunion
bedwetter  60Everyone in my small family was awear of my diaper wearing. And had me go without pants many times until I was 16 years old. My mother was never concerned about who saw this.
Matt  16Was caught wearing Pampers when I was six
guido  15n/a same awnser as the prvorious question
  when i was 12 and was made to wear diapers again at night
the Dex  13never had one
Mike P.  54possible. In recent years they were pleased to see more handicapped-accessible public restrooms as they give people like me with spina bifida more privacy for getting changed and/or cathi

Average Age of respondents to this question:26.8
Range of ages of respondents:10 -  60

Age Distribution
Under 100


Shawn  18i want to be a ab
Baby-G  21I like wearing diapers and I like sucking on a pacifier and a bottle like a little baby
Danny  35The answer feilds were too short. I kept having to edit my answers down to get in the details.
bedwetter  60At age 14 my mother went on a trip and her best friend that friends sister took care of me for a week in the summer. They treated me just as I was their baby. Diaper changes in front of
  after i wet my pants, i was made to stay in my wet pants for the rest of the day
Mike P.  54use a catheter for emptying my bladder). With wider stalls I can get myself and my wheelchair completely inside when I need to get changed in public

Question of the Week 09/19/2004
Question of the Week 10/03/2004

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