April 11, 2004
When I updated my links last week I added a prominent, bold, red-lettered warning next to the listing for Diapers.Vzz.Net indicating that the site uses spyware I received an email from the webmaster of that site, who told me that his site does NOT use spyware. He indicated that his site uses a login script, which may have falsely triggered someone's spyware sniffer and tricked it into generating a false positive. When someone reported to me that the site uses spyware I just took his word for it and posted the notice without checking it out for myself (for fear my system may become infected with nasty-ware). Needless to say, the webmaster was upset with this false accusation and I kindly apologized for the notice and promptly removed it. He's cool with it now, so everything is smoothed over. I just wanted to get the word out that his great site is safe to visit.