December 14, 2003
In spite of my abilities to read my own web site just fine I still understand that for any number of reasons some other people may have trouble reading the web site with its current and long-standing color scheme. With the number of requests I have received as of late to change the color scheme, I am proposing this change by using the scheme you see used here.
Links will appear in yellow. Viewed links will appear in red.
I have chosen this scheme with the following criteria in mind:
I hope everyone (or at least most of you) will agree with this proposed change. If you have any comments on it, whether you agree or not, please let me know.. If you would like to suggest something different, please feel free to do so. If enough people suggest something different from what I have proposed I will consider it.
Once I have received enough feedback from people on the color scheme (I'll assume an overall lack of feedback, or a low number of disagreers means most people won't mind or really care about the change), I will begin implementing it in stages, as the web site is updated. As time allows the change would be applied to every page on this web site where the old color scheme is used.
A new Diaper Discipline Survey is now online. As with the other surveys which have recently been revised, this one contains more questions and allows for more details to be reported. Some questions which appeared in the original survey were also eliminated.