Parents [12] Chatroom 03/02/2006
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Topic: The hardest job in the world is
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Jeanine (jj5377) joined the room.
full_time_mom: so how old is your son???
Jeanine (jj5377): he just turned 9
full_time_mom: mine just turned 6
Jeanine (jj5377): that fun age!
full_time_mom: I know right!
full_time_mom: what grage is he in?
full_time_mom: i mean grade
Jeanine (jj5377): third
full_time_mom: mine just began kinder
Jeanine (jj5377): ok they get big in a hurry
full_time_mom: right
full_time_mom: jason is a bit slow.we decided not to
push him
Jeanine (jj5377): that's a good idea
Jeanine ((jj5377): Joey's a bit slow too with some things too
Jeanine (jj5377): he's 9 and unfortunately still isn't dry at
full_time_mom: Oh really?
Jeanine (jj5377): yes
full_time_mom: thats very intresting
full_time_mom: jason still bedwets too.
Jeanine (jj5377): I think that's common with kids that age
full_time_mom: yes it is
Jeanine (jj5377): especialy boys
full_time_mom: right!!!! you noticed that too?
Jeanine ((jj5377): yes! LOL!!
full_time_mom: what do you do for it?
Jeanine (jj5377): well we tried almost everything
Jeanine (jj5377): but the only thing that works is night diapers
full_time_mom: well I've taken jason out of them
full_time_mom: but am thinking about putting him back in
them again
Jeanine (jj5377): how often is he wet?
full_time_mom: he was down to just a few time a week
full_time_mom: but then he started geting worse again
lately for some reason
Jeanine (jj5377): well you have to keep the bed dry
full_time_mom: I know!
full_time_mom: what do you use with your son?
Jeanine (jj5377): he wore Pampers until he was 6
full_time_mom: ok
Jeanine (jj5377): and I finally decided that he spent enough
time in diapers
Jeanine (jj5377): and it was time for him to start taking care
of that on his own
full_time_mom: I see
Jeanine (jj5377): so I moved him over to
full_time_mom: did he throw a fit when you put him back
in them?
Jeanine (jj5377): well he was never really out of them
full_time_mom: oh ok
Jeanine (jj5377): so it really wasn't a problem
full_time_mom: that probably made it easier
Jeanine (jj5377): right
full_time_mom: does he fit into them alright?
Jeanine (jj5377): yes
full_time_mom: jason isn't big
Jeanine (jj5377): neither
is Joey
Jeanine (jj5377): we moved him into goodnites pants around 2
years ago
full_time_mom: Oh those are SOOOOOOO expensive!!!
full_time_mom: and I think they're wasteful
Jeanine (jj5377): well they work fairly well.
full_time_mom: does he wet every night?
Jeanine (jj5377): no actually he's getting better
full_time_mom: alright
Jeanine (jj5377): he's wet only around once or twice a week
Jeanine (jj5377): it's just enough to be annoying
full_time_mom: yes I know!!!!!!!
Jeanine (jj5377): so if the panty isn't soaked in the morning he
can re use it
full_time_mom: jason is doing it almost every night now
Jeanine (jj5377): you must be getting tired of changing his wet
bedding every morning then
full_time_mom: YES I AM!!!!!
Jeanine (jj5377): lol!!!
Jeanine (jj5377): you might just want to try the goodnites to
see how he reacts
full_time_mom: I was over in Wal-mart and a package
costs almost 15 dollars
full_time_mom: and you get 15 pants
Jeanine (jj5377): they are a bit expensive
full_time_mom: thats almost a dollar each!!!!!!!
full_time_mom: and I hear that they are leaky too
Jeanine (jj5377): yes they can be
Jeanine (jj5377): we make Joey wear a pair of plastic pants over
full_time_mom: oh I see
full_time_mom: i hadn't thought of that
full_time_mom: does he fit into them ok?
Jeanine (jj5377): they make goodnites in all sizes
Jeanine (jj5377): they're actually made for larger bedwetting
full_time_mom: no i meant the plastic pants
Jeanine (jj5377): oh ok
actually he's too big for baby and toddler sizes anymore
full_time_mom: where do you get them?
Jeanine (jj5377): to tell you the truth, I got them from my
Jeanine (jj5377): my nephew was also a bedwetter
full_time_mom: Oh really?????
Jeanine (jj5377): yes
full_time_mom: how old is he ?
Jeanine (jj5377): he's almost 14 now, but wore night diapers
until he was almost 12
Jeanine (jj5377): she and I were were talking about that 1 day
and she said Robbie was finally dry at night
full_time_mom: thats good
Jeanine (jj5377): i told
her that Joey still wet
Jeanine (jj5377): she said I could have Robbie's diapers and pants if I wanted them
full_time_mom: what kind of diapers did he wear ?
Jeanine (jj5377): they were pretty well
worn out, but the plastic pants were almost new
Jeanine (jj5377): so I took them.
full_time_mom: oh ok they're cloth?
Jeanine (jj5377): yes
full_time_mom: ok
full_time_mom: where did she get diapers and pants that
Jeanine (jj5377): I think she got them from a diaper service
full_time_mom: ok i had not thougt of that.using cloth
Jeanine (jj5377): I used them on Joey until he was 4
full_time_mom: jason has had disposables since the
Jeanine (jj5377): cloth are a lot cheaper
full_time_mom: ok
Jeanine (jj5377): if he's not dirty anymore, they are not hard
to wash
full_time_mom: no he's just wet
full_time_mom: and its only at night
Jeanine (jj5377): OK
Jeanine (jj5377): when he began getting dry during the day i
moved him over to Pampers
Jeanine (jj5377): for bed
full_time_mom: I don't know how jason will react but
thats a good idea
full_time_mom: cloth with waterproof pants
Jeanine (jj5377): is he big enough to do pullups himself?
full_time_mom: I realy don't know
Jeanine (jj5377): well you could try the cloth and pants to see
how it works out
Jeanine (jj5377): it's easier than changing his wet bedding
every morning
full_time_mom: right
Jeanine (jj5377): we also use rubber sheets with Joey
full_time_mom: I do the same
Jeanine (jj5377): if you don't, you will be buying a new
mattress soon.
Jeanine (jj5377): and his room will stink!!
full_time_mom: right!
full_time_mom: I think even if he was dry at night I wud
still make him have rubber sheets
Jeanine (jj5377): yes
Jeanine (jj5377): Joey has always had them
Jeanine (jj5377): and probably will for a while longer
full_time_mom: yes
Jeanine (jj5377): My nephew is finally
done with diapers but my sister still makes him have a plastic sheet on his bed
full_time_mom: that is a good idea
full_time_mom: it will probably be along time until he
can be trusted completely
Jeanine (jj5377): yes I know
full_time_mom: so what else did you try besides the
Jeanine (jj5377): we got him a bedwetting alarm about 2 years
full_time_mom: we had thought about doing that
did it work out?
Jeanine (jj5377): well it didn't
full_time_mom: how come?
Jeanine (jj5377): He just sleeps so soundly, he slept right
through it
full_time_mom: I THink that is Jasons problem
Jeanine (jj5377): Joey almost goes into a coma when he sleeps
Jeanine (jj5377): we tried waking him in the middle of the night
several times to get him to start going to the bathroom
full_time_mom: I've done the same with Jason
Jeanine (jj5377): he will never wake up in time.
full_time_mom: JAson will not wake until he's drenched
his pajamas
full_time_mom: when he is cold and wet he will wake up
Jeanine (jj5377): Joey's the same way
Jeanine (jj5377): we woke him several times at 2 and 3 am
Jeanine (jj5377): when he did finally wake, he seemed like a
full_time_mom: Oh my gosh!!!
Jeanine (jj5377): he was only half awake and had no memory of it
the next morning
full_time_mom: I think it's more important they get
their sleep
Jeanine (jj5377): I think so too
Jeanine (jj5377): the diapers control the problem and the dr.
says he will grow out of it eventually
full_time_mom: right
Jeanine (jj5377): you'll sleep better at night too!
full_time_mom: right
Jeanine (jj5377): and you won't have to worry about him soaking
the bed
Jeanine (jj5377): and then changing his wet bedding in the
full_time_mom: well I thought he was geting kind of big
to still be doing that
Jeanine (jj5377): Joey is even older
Jeanine (jj5377): and my nephew was almost 12
Jeanine (jj5377): we used to have a neighbor and their 15 yr old
was still wet a night
full_time_mom: Oh my goodness.
full_time_mom: how did you find out about that?
Jeanine (jj5377): well Rhonda lived 2 doors down from us
Jeanine (jj5377): and she told me about it 1 day
full_time_mom: what did she do about it?
Jeanine (jj5377): she made him wear cloth diapersto bed
Jeanine (jj5377): and several times I was in our back yard I
could see his underwear hanging out on their clothesline.
full_time_mom: Oh Thats funny!!! that seems to be about
the only thing that works
Jeanine (jj5377): it might be the best thing.
full_time_mom: well I don't like doing it, but I think
I'm going to put Jason back in diapers
Jeanine (jj5377): I hope he doesn't throw a tantrum!
full_time_mom: Me too!