Title: Troy #2
Name: Troy
Email: Not given
Gender: Male
Current Age: Not given
Whom Story is About: Myself
Posting Date: 04/12/09
Life Periods in Story:
Ages in Story:
Story Contents:
A- Post-toddler (4-8)*R- Sisters, other girls*
B- Pre-teen (9-12)*S- Babysitters 
C- Teen (13-17) T- Masturbation
D- Adult (18+) U- Sexual situations 
E- Cloth diapers* V- Gay 
F- Disposable diapersW- Erections
G- PeeX- Bedwetting 
H- Poop*Y- Accidents
I- Exposed diapers/pantslessness* Z- Punishment/Diaper Discipline 
J- Multiple diapers* 1- Female Domination* 
K- Baby paraphernalia 2- Enemas 
L- Mother3- Restraints 
M- Father 4- Crying
N- Aunt 5- Spanking 
O- Uncle 6- Humiliation 
P- Brothers (diapered) 7- Babying 
Q- Brothers (not diapered) 8- Regression 
*Denotes Deekerian story elements
Summary: When I was in kindergarten many years ago, I remember one day when I had to crap badly, but couldn't make it. So I twisted my legs up hard and couldn't hold it in regardless. I don't remember much, but I do remember after a while of this I was in diapers. This continued. This has some mentions of the diapers, but more of how my life was affected by it, and diapers and my condition was the root cause of lots of issues.

This story contains swearing and some insensitivity. It's very late and I'm fairly tired, so I'm not the most polite person.  

Since I was 5, up through till I was 8, I was in diapers on and off. I 
had developed encopresis very quickly, and I was in pain all the time. 
This caused me huge embarrassment everywhere I went, and severe 

It all started when I was 5, and I had an accident. I couldn't hold it 
in, and I was covered in mushy poop that ran from halfway between my 
dick and my asshole to the top of my pants. I can't remember much of 
what happened, but I do remember the diapers, and I have been impacted 
by these experiences.

Awhile after that one day, I had had many more accidents, and I was put 
in diapers. I was miserable about it, but I had no choice. I hated 
having the accidents so badly that I had my muscles so strong that just 
from holding it in with my legs crossed, I would crack my hip joints 
and lower back joints and sometimes even my knees. This also gave me a 
bad back and I started cracking it for relief. Now, my back is always 
in pain and I'm always trying to find a new way to crack it.

Back to the story, I remember one time when I was living in Alberta, we 
went to a friend of the family's place, and their kid was a year older 
than me. I was six when this happened, to the best of my knowledge. I 
had slept there overnight, and when I was asleep I had a major 
accident. I had no other clothes so I had to borrow some 
pants/underwear from the previously mentioned kid. This was when I was 
brought out of diapers for a short period. I messed those clothes, too, 
and ruined them.

After that happened, I was in Pullups for a while, then we moved on to 
Goodnites. When we moved to BC, I was almost 7. For my 7th birthday we 
went to Victoria and to the observatory. I remember my sister (2.2 
years older than me) got to actually push the buttons and open things, 
but I couldn't. I was pissed at her, and she was just saying things 
like "Well, diaper boy, I'm older so there! I can do this and you 
can't!" and my response was usually, "Shut the fuck up (bitch)!" which 
usually earned me a solid smack upside the head.

Through the several years we lived in the first house we had, I was 
given time to sit on the toilet and try to get regular, but if anyone 
has ever had encopresis, it's not that easy. If I messed my underwear, 
I was punished harshly. I was given horrible medications and gained a 
resistance to swallowing pills. I had never before tried, and with me 
being pinned down on the kitchen floor, screaming, my sister laughing 
her head off, and having pills thrown into my mouth wasn't the best 
introduction. My parents decided to take a �fuck that� stance, and put 
me back in Goodnites. This was around when they switched to the ones 
with patterns on them. I was always ashamed of my condition, and the 
diapers added a humiliation factor. When I was being shuffled around in 
school, I was paranoid that someone would find out, that someone would 
spill the beans and I'd be known as DIAPER BOY AHAHAHAHA DIAPER BOY 
WHAT A STUPID LOSER SHITS HIS PANTS and so on. Sometimes I had to call 
home for my mom to bring me a fresh Goodnite and some wipes to clean 

Every time this happened I was humiliated. Carrying a small duffel bag 
with things that belong in a baby�s room through a school to the 
private bathroom to change myself? Good God, no. Somewhere down the 
line, we tried a pack of Pull-ups. I remember they had blue sides and 
refastenable strips, and the little fadeaway designs on the front. That 
was the first time I had ever peed myself. I put one on baby-style. I 
don't know why, I just liked it like that. I walked around like a 
little baby, then wet myself. Feeling that warm pee just go through my 
small prepubescent dick and get soaked up was just amazing. I knew I 
couldn't stop then so I took it off and tossed it in the garbage for 

When later came, I grabbed it out of the garbage and put it on. I peed 
in it again, and it was very full. I then pooped as hard as I could. I 
pooped so hard my face was bright red. I filled the whole thing, with 
an entire bowel movement. Feeling my own piss and shit all in there 
with me was such an amazing feeling. I put the diaper in the garbage 
and got on with life.

It was around then that my sexual instinct was arising (pun semi-
intended). I remember my penis felt funny one day when I was about 
eight. I was on one of my many failed trial periods in underwear at 
that time. I tried fidgeting with it, remembering a time in Alberta at 
age 5 when it hurt (I honestly don't know why it would have at 5) and I 
moved my fingers on it. My dad was so pissed off at me, he threatened 
to cut my dick right off with a pair of scissors. Since I was now 
eight, I thought I could find out what it was that I wasn't supposed to 
do. I remember I didn't even know how to pleasure myself. I got the 
hand motion right, but just jerked off for a bit then decided I had 
other things to do and stopped.

But that key had turned another quarter turn in my mind. Since I was 
just discovering sexual feelings and having been diapered on and off 
for so long, I guess that's what sparked my whole fetish. This has been 
going all over the place, so I'll move forward to when we moved to my 
current house 5 years ago. I was in Goodnites, going to elementary 
school (grade 4) and then I started experimenting more with diapers. I 
wasn't fully aware of the power they had over me, but I knew there was 
something special about them in my mind. I was changing myself like a 
baby, intentionally messing them (my parents didn't care if I had a bad 
one, that's why I was in diapers anyway), and assorted babyish 

I decided when I was about 9 that I wouldn't be in diapers any more. It 
was too embarrassing and stressful, so I locked up my old diaper stuff 
in a bin with a lock my sister had the combination to as well as me. 
Since she had the combo, one night she had a bunch of friends over. I 
was having a bath in my bathroom right next to my room, and I hear a 
bunch of people heading into my room. I started getting up and drying 
off at lightning speed. It was too late, my sister's friends were 
already laughing at me for a condition I had no control over. I went 
into rage mode (I have always had a quick temper) and I grabbed a broom 
handle and hit my sister with it a bunch of times. I do not remember 
any other occasion that I was punished that harshly for. I was grounded 
for a whole fucking YEAR, and spanked and belted till I couldn't sit 
down for a month without cringing.

I was going alright in my solving my need for diapers, but still got 
the vicious cycle. My bowel had distended half a foot out of my gut 
since I was 7 or 8, and I would take a crap and think my problems were 
solved. But, nothing is as it seems, so 2 or 3 days later I'd be 
horribly in pain again. When I was 10 I was just getting ready for 
grade 6 in a couple months (doing shopping early) and I had got a 
stomach flu. This was my worst experience I've ever had. Bad enough I 
wasn't in diapers, but I had raging diarrhea and woke up every morning 
for this month and a half covered in shit and wanting to die.

Then early one August morning, my mom came freaking out running through 
the house waking us all up. My dad was working night shift running the 
machine at work. He was finishing up at 4 AM or so, and fueled up the 
machine. He didn't have a flashlight, so he lit his lighter to see the 
fuel gauge. The diesel fumes were in the perfect condition for heat and 
everything, so the fuel tank exploded. His hand, holding the nozzle, 
clamped on tight, spraying himself with fuel. Once he got himself out, 
he had 3rd degree burns all over his left arm, his face had 1st degree 
on the left, and his chest had 2nd degree burns. His ear was burnt off 
almost entirely, same with some of his hair.

He was flown in to Vancouver General Hospital, and we had to go and see 
him. I had that horrid stomach flu, so I was always uncomfortable and 
running for the shitter. My ass was infected, too. From wiping wet 
sloppy shit several times an hour, it was scraped raw. Then it got 
inflamed by the shit and it was a bad cycle. That was a moment when I 
wished I had diapers.

Fast-forward 2 years. I was riding the bus home to school, and I had 
found some glass by the bus loop. I picked some up and put it in my 
pocket. Remember the distended bowel thing? Well, I had also had a drug 
for my behavior that increased my appetite by like 10 times. So I went 
from being 75 pounds with a beer gut caused by shit to 150 with tits 
and everything. I was being teased horribly at school, and went really 
depressive. I couldn't walk down the hall without being called a 
fatass, or being asked to jiggle my tits for Youtube. I took the glass 
I was packing with me on the bus, and cut 23 slices on the inside of my 
right forearm. I put the glass in my pocket again, and rode home. I 
tried to cover it up but got found out. Got beat for it. Went out for a 
walk later, took the piece of glass and sliced my other arm over 50 
times. I said I slipped. The punishment I had was the cuts had to be 
cleaned. Readers, google a product called Dettol here. Anyway, the 
stuff is quite alcoholic, and very, very strong. I might as well have 
been cutting my whole arm off.

Sexy part for all that have been waiting.

Then when I left that school I grew up a bit. Recently, about last June 
or so, I found my old Goodnites. I tried one on just for the hell of 
it. As soon as I took it out of the package I got a massive 
uncontrollable boner. I took off my pants and underwear and put it on. 
I put my clothes back on, then went through my day. I pissed in it 
every chance I got, and it felt so good. It started leaking from the 
front a tiny bit so I pooped in it. When the day was done I took my 
clothes off, and masturbated. I took my dick and stuck it just above 
the top of the diaper so I was still in it but could jack off 

I started masturbating and I hadn't done it for a week or so before so 
I was ready to explode. When I finished I shot the farthest I ever 
have, about 5 feet (laying down and it went up across the room). Since 
my interest is purely sexual I then found the diaper worthy of a "Wow, 
what the fuck did I do that for?" and I cleaned myself up and disposed 
of it. I had about 15 Goodnites left, and I used them all up like this. 
Every time was worth it, because it was such an incredible feeling.

My diaper fetish is limited to ones like Goodnites and Pull-Ups but I 
do like trying new things. Sadly, those Goodnites were the last diapers 
I've used as of this date. I'm not going to a store and buying any, but 
just the memories of those uses is enough to get me off.

Now, I'm regular but I still have a buggered-up bowel. It takes me 
about a week to a week and a half between my craps, and it's slowed my 
metabolism severely. This is partly in cause of my being overweight. I 
absorb all the nutrition in food, and I can eat a lot at a time. These 
three factors combined is a recipe for fat.

I've come out of that depression I was in, and I'm doing well in 
classes. Pulled 2 straight-A's report cards this year so far, so I'm 
really happy with my life. I guess I'm not perfect, but I realize that 
if I want to fix something with myself that I don't like, that I can. I 
just need to buck up the balls to just do it.

And that's about the end of it. Sorry if it got misleading during the 
earlier parts, but that's because I don't remember much of those days. 
There is much more of the bad memories, but I still want to keep some 
of them to myself.

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
<8 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18-20
21-25 26-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 >60
I am a/an:
Your diapers
If you are a boy or adult male, select all that apply: Cloth diapers Disposable diapers Multiple underpants
(6+ pairs)
I wear this diaper type:
I wear this diaper type in plain white:
how many of this diaper type I wear at a time:
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
I was often in diapers and pantsless as a boy (ages 12 and under)
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
How many older sisters do you have (boys only)? None One Two Three More than three
How many younger sisters do you have? (boys only) None One Two Three More than three
If you are a girl or adult female, indicate what your relationship is to the diaper boy who read this story:
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
Your comments:
Parents' comments:
Brothers' comments:
Sisters' comments:


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