Punished in Diapers

Summary: This is the true story of a diaper punishment I received when 
I was 8.

I was kept in diapers by my parents (by their account) until I was 
about 5 years old; then I was potty trained-my parents thought. I 
continued to poop in my pants. Not because of a medical reason (my 
parents had me checked by doctors) but because I just didn't want to 
use the toilet to poop; I don't know, maybe I was afraid of sitting on 
the pot. Anyway, my normal punishment was a spanking for soiling 
myself; however, one day at school, I had to poo and I excused myself 
from class to go to the bathroom; when I didn't return when the teacher 
thought I should have, she sent the principal in to find me. He found 
me trying desperately to clean myself up after pooping my pants. My 
mother was called and she in turn called my father. My dad was in the 
army and we lived on an army base and he had to leave his work site to 
come get me. When we got home, I was told to go clean up and my mom 
would get me some clean clothes, After my bath I had no clean or dirty 
clothes in the bathroom so I called out to mom; she said "just wrap a 
towel around you and come out to the living room; your clean clothes 
are out here"! I did what I was told and found my parents sitting on 
opposite ends of the sofa looking at me. I started to cry because I 
thought for sure this is where I was gonna get my spanking again. My 
father assured me that I was not going to be spanked and so I slowly 
made my way over to the sofa. When I was close enough, my dad grabbed 
me and pulled the towel off and held me down while my mom pinned a 
cloth diaper on me. I screamed and cried that "only babies wear 
diapers; I'm not a baby; please don't diaper me; I won't potty in my 
pants no more!" It didn't do any good. I was told that if I take that 
diaper off myself, I'll get the spanking of a lifetime and be put back 
into them. I didn't know how to unpin a diaper pin anyway. To make 
matters worse, school was out for the day and all my friends were 
coming home so my parents made me wear just my diapers outside in front 
of everyone. Homes are very close together on army bases. I was teased 
endlessly by everyone. I only wore diapers for the day but the damage 
had been done; I was labeled a baby even in school and was once even 
refused admittance to the bathroom by an older boy because "babies 
don't use the bathroom; wet your diaper, baby!" I didn't have one on 
then but he didn't know that. Anyway, I continued to poop my pants, get 
spanked and was threatened with being put back in diapers several times 
but never was. My mother knows about my love of diapers now but does 
not approve. I am now 47 years old and wear diapers almost 24/7. Cloth 
and disposable. The only time I'm not diapered is when I go to visit 
mom or go to church (and I'm thinking I might just start wearing them 
to church as well. On a side note, my mother remembers nothing of this 
true story.

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
Age: <8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >18
What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Do you wear multiple diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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