Title: My (not-so) Evil Foster Mother
Name: Paul
Email: not given
Gender: Male
Current Age: 22
Whom Story is About: Myself
Posting Date: 09/28/08
Life Periods in Story:
Ages in Story:
Story Contents:
A- Post-toddler (4-8) R- Sisters, other girls 
B- Pre-teen (9-12)S- Babysitters
C- Teen (13-17)T- Masturbation
D- Adult (18+) U- Sexual situations 
E- Cloth diapers V- Gay 
F- Disposable diapersW- Erections
G- PeeX- Bedwetting
H- PoopY- Accidents
I- Exposed diapersZ- Punishment/Diaper Discipline
J- Multiple diapers1- Female Domination 
K- Baby paraphernalia 2- Enemas 
L- Mother 3- Restraints 
M- Father 4- Crying
N- Aunt 5- Spanking
O- Uncle 6- Humiliation
P- Brothers (diapered) 7- Babying 
Q- Brothers (not diapered) 8- Regression 
Summary: This story is a true account of my stressful but want ended as enjoyable experiences as a young boy in foster care and how it has scarred me for life.                  

I remember it all very clearly. I only lived with my dad and he died of 
cancer when I was ten. He hadn�t specified who was to care for me if he 
died and so for many years I was put into foster care. Mainly with one 
woman whose name I will make up for her sake. Mrs. Cholera. She came 
across as cruel but over time I warmed to her.

I moved in with her three weeks after my father�s death. She fed me 
well and gave me plenty of water and juice to drink that first night. 
When she put me to bed she helped change and bathe me much to my 
embarrassment. I didn�t need help. She said goodnight to me and left a 
glass of water next to my bed, then she walked out and shut the door. I 
sat up and took a few gulps of the water next to my bed. I realized she 
hadn�t let me use the bathroom before bed but I couldn�t be bothered to 
get up now, I could hold easily till morning. Besides, I didn�t even 
need to go. I drowsed off within the next half hour.

I woke up expecting it to be morning but it was still dark, I rolled 
over and checked my alarm clock, which said two-fifteen am. It was 
then; as I rolled over I felt the mess all around my pants were soaked 
through, as were my underwear, the sheets and blankets all around me 
were sopping. Something was warm and squishy around my but, I realized 
with mortification, what had happened. All down my pants there was 
poop. They were soaked right down to the ankles and poop was easing out 
of my underwear up onto my back. It was warm, rubbing all over my penis 
and balls and I slowly begin to cry. I reached my hand into my pants 
and tried to position my penis so it wasn�t covered in poop. I felt 
sick. I sat up and drank the rest of the water by my bed. It was 
horrible moving around in that smelly, sodden mess.

I lay there, trying to ignore the poop and pee around me, trying to 
fall back asleep. Then the freshly drunk water began to have an effect. 
I thought about walking to the toilet but couldn�t bear to walk past 
Mrs. Cholera�s room and risk waking her. I held my crotch, my hands 
getting dirtied and prayed that I would last till morning. I didn�t. I 
let out a small spurt at first and held my penis even tighter, pushing 
it up in my underwear then I just couldn�t hold it any more, a great 
gush of pee came out and filled my pants, spurting up because of the 
way I had held my penis it soaked the bottom half of my shirt and I 
began to cry again, great, big, baby tears. I felt about two. After 
that I drowsed off to sleep again miraculously and didn�t wake until 

Mr. Cholera was standing in my doorway asking if I had had a good 
sleep. I quickly realized she couldn�t see my accidents from where she 
stood. I muttered something about it being all right. She walked over 
to me and asked what that vile smell was. I turned beet red and began 
to cry again. I hardly ever cried before, now I couldn�t seem to stop. 
She pulled back the covers and saw what had happened. She stood me up 
and told me she was very disappointed in me. She marched me to the 
bathroom and pulled off my ruined pajamas and sat me in the bath, which 
she went on to fill with cold water. She scrubbed me. All over my 
testicles and penis, all my butt and every square inch of my body. When 
I was clean she dried me and walked me back to my room naked. She 
looked through my suitcase and found clean clothes for me to wear. Then 
she laid me over her lap and proceeded to spank me. Hard. I whimpered 
and cried a little. But then I knew what I was going to do next. I 
begged Mrs. Cholera to stop. I was really scared now. And in fear I wet 
my self again. I hadn�t drunken much only one glass that I was given in 
the bath when my teeth were being brushed. But it all came out then. I 
could feel the warm, wet liquid gush through my jeans and wet Mrs. 
Cholera�s skirt. Surprisingly she didn�t get mad. She just stood me up 
and told me to stand right there until she was changed. About ten 
minutes later she took me down the stairs to the kitchen and fed me 
breakfast. Muesli and a glass of juice. She shortly commented that I 
hadn�t come with a history of peeing or pooping my pants or bed. And it 
was true, I hadn�t. I couldn�t figure out what had happened. The last 
time I had had a serious accident was three years ago when I had been 
in hospital. I didn�t know why I was peeing and pooping my pants so 

A week went by of me repeatedly wetting and messing the bed and having 
several day accidents and Mrs. Cholera dished out some punishment.

I still hadn�t been changed from my last accident and smelled slightly 
stale when Mrs. Cholera took me out of the house and drove to the 
supermarket. We walked along to the baby isle and Mrs. Cholera scanned 
the isle till she found what she wanted, she put wipes, pacifiers, baby 
powder, oil, skin lotion and bibs in her basket and turned to the 
opposite shelving where diapers were. She stooped down and said loudly 
enough for passer byes to hear �Paul you are small enough to wear 
pampers size six so that is what we will get�.

It was really embarrassing walking through the store with my slightly 
wet pants and Mrs. Cholera talking to me about my discipline for having 
such accidents. I was to wear diapers permanently and if I was going to 
cry a pacifier would be put in my mouth to silence me and bibs were for 
if I ate messily. But otherwise life was to go on as normal, school 
started next week and this wasn�t to affect me there, I could have 
briefs for at school and change myself.

When we returned to the house Mrs. Cholera took me up to the bathroom 
straight away and lay a towel out on the floor. She then lay me down on 
it, much to my horror and began to remove my pants. She took off my 
underwear and threw in the trashcan. As I lay there while she prepared 
the diaper I let little spurts of pee out on the floor until there was 
a fair sized puddle underneath me. Mrs. Cholera noticed and turned me 
over on the towel and spanked me where I went on to empty the rest of 
my bladder and my bottom stung. She changed the towel and lay me back 
down. She lifted my legs in the air and slid the diaper under my bum. 
She powdered me and slowly rubbed cream and oil over my bum, penis and 
testicles. It felt good to have them massaged. She then went on to tape 
up the diaper and stand me up. I reached for pants but she said no, she 
needed to be able to see when I had peed my diaper, as they were quite 

That first day I tried desperately not to use my diaper, I hated the 
idea of it. By that night as we sat watching television I squirmed and 
held by penis as I tried not to wet or mess my diaper. Mrs. Cholera 
noticed and told me not to be silly. I took this advice and let loose. 
It was a heavy flow and quickly soaked right through the plastic and 
cotton of my diaper and leaked onto the couch, pooping was worse it 
went on and on and pushed up past the waist of my diaper and covered my 
back and dirtied my shirt. It went onto my bare thighs too. Mrs. 
Cholera was very calm and changed me, again rubbing oil and lotion over 
my penis and testicles. As she tapped up the diaper I felt my penis 
stiffen. So did she.

Two days later the Pampers had continuously leaked when I used them so 
adult diapers where sought after. As well as plastic pants. The adult 
diapers were massive, the forced my legs apart a good eight inches and 
came half way up my back. So I had several pins to hold them in place. 
The plastic pants covered my diapers and caught any leeks, there were a 
few. Even with these new and larger diapers.

When I started school, rather than wearing briefs to be self-changed I 
wore a Pampers size six and an adult diaper over top. Both pinned 
neatly into place and plastic pants to cover them and further prevent 
leaking. I wore large track pants to school most days or large shorts 
in the summer. A few kids noticed and teased me but I didn�t mind too 

I spent most my free time reading books and taking private swimming 
lessons so that I wouldn�t be teased for wearing water diapers and 
water diapers only. Around the house I only wore a diaper and a t-shirt 
too small for me. My diapers were always bought a size too large, 
pinned into place and often I wore plastic pants. They forced my legs 
apart so I waddled slightly when walking and it was obvious I wore 
diapers. If I had peed my diaper than Mrs. Cholera would gently feel my 
crotch area to see how warm and wet I was. If I had pooped she would 
pull the back of my diapers back and check. She often did this in 
public and embarrassed me by doing public changings.

I had a few Babysitters one was a sixteen-year-old girl who would turn 
me on so much I would wet my diaper way more than usual and get 
erections in the middle of diaper changes. She was great and used to 
sit me on her knee and feel my crotch to see if it was wet.

When I was about thirteen I began to masturbate in my diapers rubbing 
fresh poop around my crotch and drinking a lot of water then rubbing my 
penis until I peed. Mrs. Cholera once caught me and spanked me for 
dirty behavior but I still did it and sometimes stuck my hands inside a 
dirty diaper and felt myself.

I slowly began to enjoy diapers, the feel of poop or pee pushed up 
against my penis and the gentle changes from various baby sitters, 
foster parents or Mrs. Cholera herself. I was diapered until I left and 
made my own living as a secretary at seventeen. But even though I don�t 
have to wear diapers by force any longer I still have accidents and 
wear them because of what Mrs. Cholera did to my urinary and waste 
system for so many years. Nighttime is the worst still. I will leek 
through my diaper and soak my bed a couple of times a month. So I do 
have rubber sheets on my bed. I don�t want to get married and doubt I 
will ever grow out of diapers. I believe it was the emotional change I 
went through that caused my accidents that first week with Mrs. 
Cholera. I also believe that given time I would have grown out of it.

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
Age: <8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 >18
What diapers do you wear? Cloth Disposable Multiple Underpants I do not wear diapers
Are your diapers plain white? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Do you wear multiple diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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