Name: Nic Ages: 13 My Days in Diapers It was a good childhood that I could remember. I was a good kid but I was potty trained at I think 2 at the time, but my mom then had my sister. I was the small one in the family and I was a bedwetter for most of the times, so one day I went to my sister's room. I saw a Pampers diaper so as a 3 year old I was like, "wow", so I took the diaper from the diaper bag and I started to put it on me. When I was going to put it on I went downstairs and said, "mommy I need help with this", so my mom said to me, as I remember, "take that diaper off now", so I did and put my undies on again. Tthat was all for diapers until I was 13 years old and my mom's brother just had a baby (my aunt, of course, actually had the baby), so at this time of my life. I was getting my manhood in gear, so one day I took a diaper from my uncle's house and I tried it on so I got a stiffy. Then I went back and got another one, so I taped them both together and it fit, so that's how I got back in diapers. Now I'm 25 years old. I still wear diaper to this day.