Name: Matt W. Ages: 15, 16 Current Age: 17 I have an old grandmother who has to wear diapers because she is incontinent. I have always had a love for diapers; I just like the security feeling of it. My bowels are pretty irritable and I have to pee every 3 hours. So sometimes, diapers can come in handy. When she started to have to wear diapers, we kept a lot of them at our house because she would visit every week. I thought of it as a golden opportunity I could use them when no one was home and not get caught when they were disposed of in the garbage. During the summer I was very lucky because both of my parents would be gone. My mother had to work until 2 and the mornings were mine. 1 or 2 times a week, I would chug a half gallon of water after my mother left for work. In an hour or so, I would have to pee every 20 minutes to half hour. Sometimes I would want to back out but I wouldn't have time to make it to the bathroom to back out, so I would enjoy filling the diapers to the max with urine and sitting around with them on. If I ate normal food, my bowels would be predictable to the second almost, I could tell right when they wanted to kick in. And they did the same time every morning. 10 minutes after my dad left for work and 20 minutes before my mom left. The first time I got brave enough to poop in the diaper, I couldn't hold it long enough and ended up filling my briefs (luckily it was briefs that day) a few minutes before my mom left. Luckily I was able to clean it up enough that she wouldn't smell it before she left. I would have so much fun. I could play Halo from 7-12 without getting off of my bed. It was just so great to have the security blanket. I never was able to get enough courage to wear them in public, even though there were many occasions where I wish I had. One morning, I got brave and woke up 30 minutes earlier than everyone else and had 24 ounces of soda then went back into my bedroom. For some reason we had cereal for breakfast. I'm not sure why, but we did. I had 3 bowls of cereal. After breakfast, I had my normal water. I was definitely peeing a lot. I filled up one diaper by 10. Due to doctor's appointment earlier that week, I was only able to do it once so far that week, so I put another one on. Right when I started peeing in the second one, my dad got home from work early. I was somehow able to stop and I ran in the bathroom and finished in there. My mind was running fast but I couldn't think of anything to do. I thought that if I were just to wear it and not do anything that I wouldn't get caught. Turns out that my dad wanted to go get a present for my mom that day. All I could think was great, I have to pee every 20 minutes and I'm wearing a diaper. On the way to the store, I had one accident. When we got to the store, Wal-Mart I tried my hardest to get separated and it worked. I ran into the bathroom and did the best I could to pee and drain the diaper the best I could. I used half a roll of toilet paper soaking up excess pee from the diaper. When we finally found each other, I had to pee really badly again. But I was able to hold it and wait until we cashed out to use the bathroom. By this time, I was feeling some bowel discomfort. Not sure what the cause was. Maybe the soda and milk? I wasn't starting to smell, but the diaper was getting old and I had another accident on the way home without him knowing. Since it was August, it was warm and we had the window down. I sneezed a few times. I felt some pee come out and wasn't paying attention to the back. When we got out of his car, I felt a little wet in the back. As soon as I got in the house, I went in the bathroom. I had pooped myself in the diaper. However, my mind did kick in and start working. I hid the diaper in a two towels behind the shelf and dug an old pair of underwear out of the hamper and put it on without wiping - discussing but it was the only way. I forced myself to poop it more. I came out of the bathroom and told him that I had a small accident when I had the sneeze attack and I would shower to clean up. He was all right with that but asked what happened and I said the milk must not have agreed with me. I cleaned out the already saturated diaper and myself in the shower. After the shower, I ran to my bedroom and hid the diaper until the next morning. Since then, my grandmother has moved into a home for the aging and I'm not able to wear diapers anymore.