Name: Kiln Ages: 14 Current Age: 21 When I was 14 I was hit by a car- a Ford something- on my way to school. Both of my legs and my left arm were broken and had a pretty nasty bump on the head. I awoke in hospital after being unconscious for 3 days and I was in agony. My whole body was a mass of pain and I could hardly move. It was then I looked at myself and saw both of my legs and my arm in plaster casts. I was attached to an IV and covered by a blanket. After lying in the bed for about half hour just staring at the walls wondering what had happened, a nurse came in and seeing I was awake called a doctor. It was explained to me what had happened and I started to cry. Apparently my legs were pretty messed up and it was doubtful I would be able to walk properly again. I was told my parents were on their way to the hospital and that made me a little happier; I definitely needed to see a friendly face. Before my parents arrived, the nurse who came into the room earlier came back to, I guess, to see if I was still alive. I was alive and she seemed happy about that and then told me she had to do something, I forget what, but would be back soon to change my nappy. I was so shocked I didn't think I had heard right. Nappy? She left before I could confirm what she had just said so I just lay there trying to convince myself I had heard wrong and that no one could possibly put a 14-year-old boy in a nappy. About five minutes passed and the nurse was back. Dread crept into my body. I did hear correctly, in her hand was a disposable nappy and she was coming near me. I was totally freaking out, but being so weak I could barely talk and physically, I was just pathetic. The nurse removed my blanket and I was so humiliated and embarrassed to see I was wearing a nappy and a very wet one at that. I went bright red and had to close my eyes and pretended I could not feel the wet nappy being removed and the clean one put on. It was over in minutes and the nurse smiled at me as though a perfectly normal every day thing had just happened. My parents arriving shortly after helped a lot and I remember crying, I was just so afraid. The only thing more horrible than the frequent nappy changes and the humiliation of wetting myself was the enemas. Apart from the fact that was way more embarrassing than the nappies it felt so nasty and sometimes it wouldn't all come out so when a clean nappy was put on me I would mess myself. Thankfully I was out of the hospital a week later, but as both of my legs were broken I was in a wheelchair and still had to wear nappies, as going to the toilet without help was impossible for me. I don't know which was worse, the nurse changing my nappy for the first time or my mother doing it. The cast came off my arm 3 weeks later and 4 more weeks after that the casts were off my legs. My legs were in pretty bad shape and I had to undergo years of physiotherapy, actually still doing that once a week. I was still in a wheel chair and still had to wear nappies because my legs were so weak and by the time I reached the toilet I would have had an accident. But at least I could change myself now; that was some relief. In total I spent a year and a half in nappies 24/7, and after that about 4 months in training pants trying to regain bladder control. I am now okay, I walk with a limp and need a cane but thank God the nappies are gone.