Title: Handicapped Cousin
Name: Valerie
Email: not given
Gender: Female
Current Age: 20
Whom Story is About: My male cousin
Posting Date: 12/06/09
Life Periods in Story:
Ages in Story:
Story Contents:
A- Post-toddler (4-8)* R- Sisters, other girls* 
B- Pre-teen (9-12)*S- Babysitters
C- Teen (13-17)T- Masturbation
D- Adult (18+)U- Sexual situations
E- Cloth diapers*V- Gay 
F- Disposable diapers W- Erections
G- PeeX- Bedwetting
H- Poop*Y- Accidents 
I- Exposed diapers/pantslessness*Z- Punishment/Diaper Discipline 
J- Multiple diapers*1- Female Domination*
K- Baby paraphernalia 2- Enemas
L- Mother3- Restraints 
M- Father 4- Crying 
N- Aunt5- Spanking 
O- Uncle 6- Humiliation 
P- Brothers (diapered) 7- Babying 
Q- Brothers (not diapered) 8- Regression 
*Denotes Deekerian story elements
Summary: My cousin Luke was handicapped from birth. His right arm only goes to the elbow and is deformed. His left arm is fully developed but much shorter than it should be. His eyesight is terrible and he started wearing hearing aids when he was very little. He is 15 today but only about 5' tall and slender. I'm 4 years older than him and he has always worn diapers and still does today. I'm not sure if he was ever potty trained but know he can't control himself and still wets at night and often during the day. He has so many things wrong with him physically I always felt sorry for him as did the rest of our family and friends. He is sick often with colds and still gets migraines often. He doesn't eat well and is constantly constipated. The amazing thing is that he is very smart and a wiz on computers. He goes to a special school and is always the smartest in his class.
Deekerian Score (20 is max.) [?]: 12 (60%)
The first time I ever babysat for him alone was when I was 14. He 
wasn't quite 10 at the time and I did know ahead of time I would have 
to change his diapers. I was used to seeing him in diapers all the time 
but had never seen my aunt or anyone changes him or give him a bath. He 
always wore two diapers and three with plastic pants at bedtime. I 
always lived nearby and saw him several times a week while growing up. 
I was watching him overnight and my aunt showed me how to change him 
the first time. I was surprised that he didn't seem to be embarrassed 
when she took his diaper off and wiped him with the baby wipes. She 
then held his legs up and powdered his bottom and privates and I could 
even see his anus. I had never seen a boy that age naked before. I 
remember thinking how humiliating it must be for him to have a young 
girl see him so exposed even though I am his cousin. He didn't seem to 
be upset that I was standing there seeing him that way and I assume he 
was so accustomed to being in that situation that it no longer bothered 
him. It was Saturday morning and I would be alone with him until about 
noon on Sunday.

An hour or so after we were alone I was watching TV with Luke when he 
told me he wet himself. The dressing table was in his bedroom so we 
went in and he just laid down on it. I think I was the one who was 
embarrassed that first time. I changed him the same way his mother had 
and for the first time in my life touched a boy�s penis and testicles. 
I changed him two more times during the day and after dinner I new I 
had to give him a bath and make him go to bed before 10pm. I filled the 
tub for him and called him into the bathroom where he just stood and 
let me unpin his diapers. He got in the tub and mostly washed himself 
with his left hand as much as he could. Then it occurred to me that his 
mother never told me what to do for his bath. All the sudden he just 
handed me the soap and I told him right away I didn't know what I was 
supposed to do. He was very matter of fact about it and said to wash 
his back and even handed me the wash cloth. At one point he actually 
stood up in the tub and I just washed his back and rear. He turned 
around facing me and allowed me to wash between his legs. He just stood 
there as I pushed back his foreskin and washed his penis. That was the 
first time I realized how short his left arm was and that he couldn't 
really do it himself. He even bent over slightly for me to wash inside 
his rear. I changed him one more time that night and put three diapers 
and the plastic pants on him just before bedtime. A number of times he 
even told me how to do things and never once complained about anything. 
The next morning after breakfast I only changed him once and his 
parents were home by 11am. They seemed to be pleased that everything 
went well and Luke must have told them I was nice to him, which I was. 
His mother asked me if he pooped at all and when I said no she 
mentioned something about suppositories that he needed at times. I went 
home not thinking much about it.

 I started watching him more often after that and sometimes for a whole 
weekend if they went away. The more I watched him the more they trusted 
me to care for him an entire weekend. My aunt was glad to have me 
babysit for him especially since she knew my mother was nearby in case 
of an emergency. If my aunt and uncle were away for the weekend they 
would always call several times making sure everything was ok and 
always left a phone number for me to call them if needed. About the 
third or fourth time I watched him on a weekend she called one 
afternoon and asked if he had pooped. He hadn't so she told me the 
suppositories were in the refrigerator. This I never expected and I 
just told Luke his mom wanted me to give him one of them. He didn't 
seem the least bit concerned and came into the kitchen as I got it. He 
just stood there and let me take his diapers off and told me I was 
supposed to sit down. When I sat down on the chair he just laid over my 
lap. I was astonished at how uninhibited he was letting me do this to 
him. He just let me spread his cheeks apart and put it in his rectum. A 
short time later he told me he had to poop and I just followed him to 
the bathroom. I took his diaper off and he sat on the toilet right away 
and had a bowel movement as I stood there. He was almost 11 then and I 
couldn't believe it didn't embarrass him especially when he bent over 
for me to wipe him. I knew my mother took care of him over the years 
and also he had many babysitters and one of my older girl cousins 
watched him also. I guess he was so used to being taken care of like 
this that being seen naked didn't embarrass or humiliate him. As 
intelligent as he was his parents and everyone treated him like a 
toddler all the time. He never seemed to object to anyone seeing him in 
diapers. He sometimes would wear a shirt or pajama top but was always 
bare-chested in hot weather. The only time he wore any pants was if he 
was in school or his parents took him out somewhere. Some of my 
girlfriends would come over often and I used to ask him if he wanted me 
to dress him or put pants on him but he didn't even mind them seeing 
him in the diapers. The odd thing is he never objected to them seeing 
me change him. One weekend I was sick and he allowed my girlfriend 
Maryann to change and bathe him. One other time he let me put a 
suppository in him when Maryann and another girl were standing next to 
us watching. I knew he liked Maryann and he let her take care of him 
the way I do after that.

I think he was 12 the first time I saw him get an erection and I was 
surprised how big it got. I do admit at the time that I enjoyed seeing 
him naked and could see how his body was changing. He was never 
circumcised and I was amazed when he got an erection the way the head 
of his penis came out. He started getting pubic hair but still had no 
problem with me or anyone for that matter seeing him naked or in his 
diapers. My girlfriends and I talked about him often but none of them 
ever laughed at him and they all felt sorry for him. They did like to 
watch me change him and over time a few watched me give him a bath. 
They always said something to me afterwards how I pushed his foreskin 
back to wash him and laugh about it. The older he got the more often he 
would get an erection but I never said anything to him about it. It 
seemed to always happen when I touched him either by wiping him off or 
putting the powder on him. Every time I gave him a bath he would get 
hard especially when I cleaned his penis. His left arm was so short 
that the only way he could touch his penis was when he was sitting 
down. For the longest time I wondered if he masturbated and one day I 
did see semen in his diaper when I changed him. One weekend I was doing 
wash and when I looked in the living room at him I could see him 
sitting in the chair with his hand down in his diaper. I stood behind 
the dining room doorway and watched, knowing he was masturbating. I 
actually felt sorry for him and knew he didn't have much to look 
forward to in his life. I had never had sex at that time but did 
masturbate myself frequently. I knew he was at the age where boys 
masturbate a lot and realized he could only do it when he sat upright 
because of the length of his arm. Very seldom was he ever left naked 
alone so I started to notice how many times there was semen in his 
diaper. Here was a young boy like that with all these physical problems 
starting to understand what sex was. He even had trouble walking 
sometimes and his one leg was twisted inward. He would be in his room 
often and a few times I saw he had porn on his computer. He would shut 
it off right away if he heard me coming in and I never told him I saw 
it. I don't know why I did this but one night after giving him a bath I 
took him back into his room to diaper him. His leg was hurting him that 
day so I put him in his chair naked and just handed him a towel. He had 
an erection the whole time I bathed him that day and even when we got 
to his room it was still not totally soft. I just told him I was doing 
wash and would be back to diaper him in 20 minutes or so leaving him 
naked in the chair. I closed the door when I walked out but stood there 
for a few minutes knowing he was going to masturbate, which I am sure 
he did. After that each time I watched him I left him naked and alone 
on the chair with his computer. A few times I peeked in at him and 
could see he had downloaded porn. His back was to me but I knew he was 
masturbating. I never just walked in on him and always either knocked 
or told him I was coming in just so he had time to turn off the porn. I 
guess I thought it would embarrass him if I saw him looking at the porn 
or saw him masturbating or perhaps tell his mother.

As time went on more and more I could see how he would look at my body 
and especially the way he looked at Maryann who is very pretty and 
built nice. She noticed it also and saw him get erections lots of times 
when either she or I changed or bathed him. We talked about it and 
joked around with each other about it. I would kid around with her and 
tell her every time I mentioned her name, Luke would get hard. I was 
only kidding her about it but knew Luke really did like her. By this 
time Luke was 13 and Maryann had changed him and even bathed him quite 
a few times. She also watched me give him a suppository a number of 
times and Luke had no qualms about her seeing him naked. As a matter of 
fact 3 or 4 of my other girlfriends had also seen him naked over the 
last years and he never once ever complained or objected to it. Over 
this time I took care of him a few times a month and many times for a 
whole weekend. My mother takes care of him at times and I often wonder 
if he gets an erection when she bathes him or changes him, but never 
asked her. It sort of started as just joking around but Maryann and I 
began wearing our bathing suits around Luke. The first time he saw 
Maryann in her bikini his eyes almost popped out. We both laughed about 
it but not in front of him. I think we started doing it because we felt 
sorry for him or maybe selfishly to tease him. Both of us liked to see 
him get and erection although we never said anything about it to him. 
On real hot days the two of us would go around the house in our bra and 
panties but only on the weekends his parents were away. We never did if 
I knew my mother was stopping over. He never took his eyes off us 
especially Maryann. She even wore a thong sometimes and as obvious as 
it was we never mentioned anything about his erection. Each weekend I 
watch him, Maryann usually comes over the whole afternoon and most of 
the time has dinner with us and doesn't leave until after his bath. 
Sometimes she stays overnight. She likes washing him and I know Luke 
likes it also. He gets hard almost as soon as I take his diapers off. 
As bad as I might be Maryann is worse and gets him to bend over putting 
him in the most humiliating positions at times. She admits she does 
this just to look at his privates but Luke has yet to ever complain or 
resist her. She sometimes washes his penis and scrotum without a wash 
cloth using only her hands and has told me how she likes moving his 
foreskin back and seeing the head of his penis. If he doesn't have an 
erection buy this time he certainly does after she touches him. We both 
smile at each other because Luke just closes his eyes and lets her do 
whatever she says or does. The last few times he needed a suppository 
he let Maryann put it in him as he willing laid over her lap. It 
astounds both of us when we discuss his lack of modesty and neither of 
us can understand why he is not humiliated by what he allows us to do. 
He has only pooped in his diaper one time over the years. When he does 
poop he does it in front of me and often Maryann is there as he just 
sits on the toilet most of the time talking to us. I always wipe him 
but he even allows Maryann to do it. It�s hard for us to comprehend how 
he can let us see him, in what we consider, the most humiliating and 
degrading situations. His penis is only a couple inches when it is soft 
but when he has an erection we both agree it is at least 5 or 6 inches. 
As many times as he sees us in our bathing suits or bra and panties we 
have never let him see us naked. Maryann is built much better than I so 
most of his attention is on her and she is the one who wears a thong 

He just turned fifteen last month and you would think he would be more 
aware of his situation as he gets older. I don't think he will get any 
taller and is still babied by his parents and grandparents. I don't 
think anyone is aware that he is a teenager and they don't treat him as 
such. When I told my mother he was 15 she admitted she didn�t realize 
he was that old already. His entire existence is about TV, video games 
and his computer. Sadly, I guess there is very little else to amuse 
him. I know he looks at porn often but don't think his parents are 
aware of it. He acts very immature especially around his parents and I 
think he actually enjoys the attention and being treated like a child. 
I'm not sure if it is a fetish at this time since he does have to be in 
diapers all the time. I asked him several times over the years if it 
bothered him and he did tell me that he wished he could control his 
bladder. He said several times he would like to be able to wear regular 
underwear but knows that he can't. A few times I saw him crying but 
only when he thought he was alone. He often tells me what he wished he 
could do and most of it pertains to sports, which he can never do. His 
parents do take him to ball games and other sporting events and lately 
I have taken him to the mall with me. People stare at him lots of times 
but I don't think it bothers him that much and if it does he never 
admits it. If his leg is real bad certain days I push him in a stroller 
his parents have. He would rather walk but sometimes can't.

 Maryann and I are both in college now and she doesn't come over as 
often as before. I can tell Luke is disappointed when she doesn't come 
over just by the expression on his face. Nothing has really changed and 
he is still always in diapers. He doesn't look much older than he did 
when I first started watching him. He has very little chest hair but 
all his pubic hair has grown in. I watch him one weekend a month now 
and sometimes just at night. He still has no problem with me seeing him 
naked and still gets erections often. I have to laugh sometimes because 
he asks me to leave him naked in his room after I give him a bath. I 
just smile and tell him I'll be back in a half hour, knowing full well 
he wants to masturbate. I thought about doing it to him and even talked 
to Maryann about it but we both decided not to. When I bathe him I 
often soap up his penis and scrotum to purposely get him hard but stop 
short of masturbating him. When Maryann does come for a night or 
weekend I always let her give him the bath and change him often. We 
still can't believe how he never gets embarrassed by it and how 
childish he is. I suppose since he has always been babied and in 
diapers all these years he has lost or never had any modesty about it. 
Its mind boggling to both me and Maryann that he is so calm and 
vulnerable around us. Almost every weekend that I watch him he has to 
get a suppository to be able to poop. Its always done right in the 
kitchen I suppose because of how his mother always did it there. Even 
at 15 he just lets me unpin his diapers then lays over my lap. If 
Maryann is here I let her do it and he is equally uninhibited with her 
and just goes over her lap. I can't imagine any 15 year old not being 
totally mortified and equally so when we wipe him after he does poop. 
He rarely has an erection when this is done but has twice that I can 
remember. We still let him see us in our bathing suits but very seldom 
in our underwear. In the evenings I just wear a t-shirt and panties and 
Maryann does the same if she stays overnight. We both admitted to each 
other that seeing him get hard has aroused us sometimes. We still have 
never said anything to him about his erections but sometimes he just 
says "sorry". He may be handicapped but I know he has the sexual 
feelings of a normal 15 year old. I think it did embarrass him when he 
first started getting the erections but doubt very much if it bothers 
him now. My aunt never asks me any questions about him but I know by 
now she probably has seen him get hard or perhaps must know he 
masturbates. He is really a nice kid but has very few friends and I 
dread to think about his future. I don't know how much longer I will 
take care of him but so far have never refused if my aunt asked me to. 
She knows Luke likes me and also knows Maryann comes over. She never 
asked and I never told her that Maryann does all these things also. I 
don't suppose Luke has told her either and I never discuss much about 
it with my aunt or even my mother. I think he is babied to much by his 
parents and perhaps that�s the reason he seems so much younger than he 
is. They do everything for him and I can tell they are devastated by 
his handicap. The worst part is when he gets the bad migraines that 
sometimes last for days. He has been to so many doctors over the years 
but there seems to be nothing they can do about it. I still enjoy 
watching him so far and do confess that I like seeing him naked and 
even touching him. I probably shouldn't feel that way but can't help 

I told a few girls at college about him and how I have to take care of 
him. They all seem to think how nice I am and some don't understand how 
I can do all the things I do. They are especially amazed when I tell 
them about the suppositories or how I wipe him after he poops. They 
sometimes laugh when I tell them how I wash his privates and pull back 
his foreskin and many tell me I should be a nurse. I never admit to 
them that I enjoy seeing him naked and certainly never tell them it 
arouses me at times. I never even told Maryann, but most weekends I 
watch him I masturbate at least one time thinking about it. And I never 
mention that Maryann and I let him see us in our bra and panties or 
tell them how we tease him sometimes. They think I am a saint for 
taking care of him but I also do it for selfish reasons.

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Editing Notes:
  • Only a few minor tweaks needed.

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)

<8 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18-20
21-25 26-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 >60
I am a/an:
Your diapers
If you are a boy or adult male, select all that apply: Cloth diapers Disposable diapers Multiple underpants
(6+ pairs)
I wear this diaper type:
I wear this diaper type in plain white:
how many of this diaper type I wear at a time:
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
I was often in diapers and pantsless as a boy (ages 12 and under)
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
How many older sisters do you have (boys only)? None One Two Three More than three
How many younger sisters do you have? (boys only) None One Two Three More than three
If you are a girl or adult female, indicate what your relationship is to the diaper boy who read this story:
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
Your comments:
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Brothers' comments:
Sisters' comments:


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