Claude's (poopy) Diaper Life. Hello everyone. My name is Claude Steen and I am a 15 year old "diaper" wearer from New Hampshire. I am a normal teenager in the fact that I skateboard, go to the mall, hang out with friends, and have fun. But there is one thing that makes me different from all the other teens I hang out with-- I love Diapers! I guess that my love for diapers could have started when I was 2 and 1/2 years old. I was almost potty trained at that time. I could pee in the potty whenever I had to go, but my problem was pooping. I refused to poop in the potty. So what I would do was go 2 or 3 days (no lie) without pooping until my mom put a diaper on me, because she was afraid of me getting sick. So when I got that diaper on I would unload days� worth of poop into it. I would go into a corner or under a table where no one would look at me and do my business. Then I would walk around in an extremely heavy diaper until my mom changed me out of it. I think I secretly enjoyed having poopy disposable diapers on because one time I waddled up the stairs (my heavy diaper trying to hold me back) and went to the bathroom and reached into my diaper and played with my little thingy and my poop. After that no other diaper experience came until I was 10. No nighttime bedwetting accidents because, and still to this day I have a very strong bladder. So anyway when I was 10 my family had first gotten the internet and I was home alone one day. The first thing I did was go on the internet and look for diaper stories. It wasnt on Deeker but I did find some and I got the biggest erection (for that age) for the longest time I had ever had. With that said, I went upstairs and took a few pairs of my underwear and went to the bathtub and peed in them like there was no tomorrow. I was shaking I was so horny, but as you know I was only 10. After that one day, nothing happened...again until I was 14 (last year). Again I was on the internet when no one was home I was looking for diaper stories on the internet. Then I found Deeker. I was so relived that there were other people out there that wore or wanted to wear diapers like me. From that day on my love for diapers has grown and grown. Now a young man of 15, I use makeshift diapers of 9 or 10 pairs of underwear and when no one is home, I wet them until they are sopping wet and then poop in them just like I used to. Since I do my own laundry I just throw the many pairs of underwear in with my whites and no one's the wiser. Even as we speak I am wetting one of my "diapers" and it is soaked! But nobody knows, and I hope to keep it that way.