Title: Brother Has a Diaper Fetish
Name: Doyle M.
Email: Not shown
Gender: Male
Current Age: 26
Whom Story is About: Myself
Posting Date: 05/03/09
Life Periods in Story:
Ages in Story:
Story Contents:
A- Post-toddler (4-8)*R- Sisters, other girls*
B- Pre-teen (9-12)*S- Babysitters
C- Teen (13-17)T- Masturbation
D- Adult (18+)U- Sexual situations 
E- Cloth diapers*V- Gay 
F- Disposable diapers W- Erections
G- PeeX- Bedwetting 
H- Poop*Y- Accidents 
I- Exposed diapers/pantslessness*Z- Punishment/Diaper Discipline
J- Multiple diapers*1- Female Domination*
K- Baby paraphernalia 2- Enemas
L- Mother3- Restraints 
M- Father 4- Crying
N- Aunt 5- Spanking
O- Uncle 6- Humiliation
P- Brothers (diapered)7- Babying 
Q- Brothers (not diapered) 8- Regression 
*Denotes Deekerian story elements
Summary: I found out a short time ago my brother Patrick has a diaper fetish. Growing up, me and my brother were both diaper disciplined. My mother found out about it through neighbors who were very close friends and punished their son that way. My mother never decided to punish Patrick and I like that until I was 10, Patrick was only 8 at that time. Our neighbors son Mark was 9 but had been punished that way from the time he was 5 or 6. To me it was the most horrible time in my life and I hated every minute of it. Even today I consider the neighbor Donna a sadist even though she is still my mother�s best friend. At times my mother was just as bad as Donna and I'm sure Mark was probably treated worse than my brother and I, if that is possible. I am sure Donna talked my mother into this method of punishment and she went out and bought many diapers, pins, baby powder and other accessories. Aside from being subjected to wearing the diapers we were also spanked and at times given enemas. Donna's oldest son was put through diaper discipline also but he was much older and went to community college. Her daughter Diane was in high school and I think was 16 or 17 at that time. She was never diaper punished that I knew of but her younger sister, Candice*, was and I think she was 12 then. Years later when I spoke to Candice she told me both her parents diaper punished all of them at one time or another but did admit it was done more to the boys and for longer periods of time. To me I can't imagine having a fetish since to me it was not only humiliating but also a degrading and brutal way to be punished. My brother Patrick who was treated every bit as badly as I, or worse, has admitted to me that he has a diaper fetish. He told me he started wearing diapers again when he was 19, he is now 24 and is the one who told me of this website.

*Deeker�s note: I gave the mention of Candace in this context a pass due to only scant mention of incidents involving diapers.

The first to be diaper punished was Patrick. All I remember is my 
mother setting up a diaper station, which was Donna's method at her 
house. Our back porch was enclosed with a large table, almost like a 
picnic type. That is where we both were diapered and spanked most of 
the time. Enemas were done in our bedroom and occasionally we were also 
spanked and diapered there. When my mother did it to Patrick the first 
time I admit I was amused by it and thought she wouldn't dare do it to 
me since I was 10. I knew at that time Mark was punished that way and 
had seen him in diapers many times and had seen his sister Diane change 
him once. I remember thinking I was glad I was never punished that way.

Then it happened, I got into some bad trouble at school. My mother told 
me to go to the porch and take my clothes off. I ran around the house 
and my mother couldn't catch me. I went upstairs and hid for awhile and 
she didn't seem to try and find me. The next thing I remember is 
hearing my mother and Donna talking as they came upstairs. When they 
found me the two of them physically led me to the porch. I was pulled 
over my mothers lap and both my shorts and underwear were taken off me 
as Donna held my arms. My mother wrapped one of her legs around my legs 
and began spanking me. I was reduced to a sobbing baby, just pleading 
with her to stop. I don't think I was embarrassed too much then, the 
pain was overwhelming.

When the spanking ended I was forcibly put on the table and made to 
remove my shirt as my mother took off my shoes and socks. That�s when 
reality hit me as I was naked on the table being diapered in front of 
Marks mother. That whole weekend I was in diapers and forced to go to 
the bathroom in them. My mother did change me often and at first I 
fought it but knew then there was little I could do about it and was 
afraid she would have Donna come back over. The first year was horrible 
and as soon as Patrick or I misbehaved we would be put back in diapers. 
It was sometimes for a day or two but sometimes for a week or longer 
depending on what we did. We were always spanked first but to me the 
diapers were worse. The constant changing of them and the way I was 
treated like a baby was humiliating.

Not thinking it could get any worse than it already was, it did. If my 
mother had to work late or had to go out Donna would watch Patrick and 
I at either our house or hers. If we were being diaper punished at the 
time Donna would change us. The humiliation was awful and I would try 
not to cry but would most of the time. Patrick would always cry right 
away especially if Diane or Candice was there. My mother and Donna were 
going to a wedding one Saturday when both Mark and I got into trouble 
together and both of us were in diapers.

Patrick and I had to spend the day and most of the night at Donna's 
house. When I found out Diane would be changing me and Mark I got 
lightheaded and almost passed out. I was 11 by that time and begged my 
mother not to let her. She changed Mark's diapers very many times but 
she had never seen me naked but only in diapers. All my mother did was 
threaten me and Patrick to behave ourselves and that Diane was in 
charge. I think Diane was 18 then but could have only been 17.

After we were there a couple hours she called Mark in to be changed 
then called me. There house was similar to ours and they also had a 
table in the enclosed porch. When I walked in I tried to act like it 
wasn't going to bother me. All I had on was 2 diapers and I was only 
wet. She picked up the diapers my mother brought over their house and 
told me to lay down on the table. I just kept my eyes closed as she 
took off the pins and I tried not to cry. As soon as she took of the 
diapers I couldn't stop it and burst into tears. I was so embarrassed I 
wanted to die and was just thankful I didn't poop in the diaper. She 
tried to talk to me and kept telling me not to cry and that she changed 
Mark's diaper and he didn't cry about it. She even mentioned she 
changed Patrick�s diapers the week before and he didn't cry and that I 
was older than both of them. That made matters worse and I couldn't 
stop crying and tried keeping my eyes closed.

As she was washing me off she even lifted and separated my legs, making 
me more humiliated just knowing the position I was in and how I was 
completely exposed to her. She put powder on me and finally put 2 clean 
diapers on me. When I finally sat up, still crying, I saw Candice 
hiding behind a chair and realized she watched the entire time. She 
tried not to laugh but I could see she was. I knew even she was diaper 
punished but never saw her in them, let alone being changed. She never 
teased me or Patrick about it but did tease her brother Mark.

That Saturday Diane changed me 2 more times before my mother got home. 
I probably didn't cry as much but as much as I tried not to I did each 
time and one other time Candice was there when Diane changed me. I 
think the thought of being punished that way made me behave better or 
maybe even making sure I didn't get caught.

Over the next two years I was diaper punished about 12 times but I 
think Patrick was more than 20 or 25 times. I was spanked every time 
first and 5 or 6 times punished for a week or more. My mother Donna and 
Diane diapered me during those times and when it was done by Donna or 
Diane it was more embarrassing than by my mother and although the 
crying decreased I still did most of the time. I had 5 or 6 enemas over 
those 2 years, each time I was punished for a whole week and think 
Patrick had at least 12 of them.

The first one I got was probably the most degrading. We didn't have an 
enema bag at the time, so Donna brought hers to our house. My mother 
just got done spanking me and when Donna came over I was taken to my 
bedroom. I was naked and immediately began to cry not knowing what was 
going to happen. I had to bend over my bed with my feet on the floor 
and to my dismay it was Donna giving me the enema. She first put 
Vaseline on my anus then inserted some kind of nozzle in me. I think it 
was just lukewarm water but I got cramps right away and felt like I was 
going to blow up. My embarrassment was bad enough but the pain soon 
took over. The cramps were awful but they made me stay bent over the 
bed for more than five minutes before letting me run to the bathroom. 
As I sat on the toilet both Donna and my mother stood there watching me 
as my mother continued telling me how bad I was. The other enemas 
weren't as bad and only my mother was there those times. I knew when 
Patrick got enemas because he actually screamed when my mother did it 
to him and screamed when she spanked him.

As I got older I started to get erections when I was being changed even 
though I am pretty sure I still cried often or at least had tears in my 
eyes. I got erections in front of my mother and also when Donna or 
Diane changed me. One day when I was in another room I heard Diane tell 
my mother and Donna that I got an erection when she changed me that 
day. I couldn't make out completely what they were saying but knew they 
were talking about me, Mark and Patrick and discussing erections. Every 
once in awhile they would laugh, even my mother. I heard them also say 
that Patrick always got an erection and Mark did often also when they 
were wiping us clean or powdering us. Donna and Diane both said they 
caught Mark and Patrick masturbating and my mother said she caught 
Patrick a couple times. They even spoke about semen in their diapers 
but not with me. None of them ever caught me even though I did 
masturbate. I never masturbated in my diapers and when I did masturbate 
it was in the privacy of the bathroom or my bedroom.

The summer I got out of 8th grade the diaper punishment stopped. I 
think I was still spanked sometimes up until about 15 and the same was 
true with Patrick and Mark. we talked about it sometimes and told each 
other how we felt about it. All three of us said we hated it and from 
what Mark told me, he had been punished to a much more harsh degree 
than either myself or Patrick. He said his sister Diane changed him 
from the time he was 7, up until it ended when he was 14. He said his 
other sister Candice would watch him get changed as much as she could 
and Diane and Candice had both seen him get an enema numerous times and 
that he got a lot of enemas. He also said he saw Candice diaper 
punished over the years and did see her get an enema but only one time.

He knew his older brother and Diane also were spanked, put in diapers 
and given enemas but didn't remember ever seeing it done to them, since 
both are much older. He also said Diane, Candice and his mother had 
caught him masturbating. His mother was the one who started doing it 
but his father also approved and sometimes spanked all of them but 
never diapered them or gave them an enema. I talked about it with 
Candice a couple times and she did admit to being punished that way but 
it was seldom done to her. She also told me she would hide sometimes 
watching me or Patrick getting diapered and that she saw me and Patrick 
naked lots of times and her brother many more times.

I was embarrassed even talking to her about it even though I already 
knew she watched many times. I was teased often for a few years because 
a lot of the neighborhood boys and girls knew how we were punished and 
sometimes ask me about it. I always denied it but I know they knew I 
was lying about it.

I still don't tell people about those years and thought that type of 
discipline was not common and never really thought about a diaper 
fetish until Patrick told me he has one. He doesn't do it openly but is 
in diapers most weekends now. I questioned him about it several times 
since he told me and he doesn't seem to understand how it came about. 
He still says he hated being put in the diapers when he was younger but 
now enjoys it. He told me that his girlfriend, me and his girlfriends 
sister are the only ones who know about it. He gets his girlfriend to 
change him sometimes and it makes him excited when she does and so far 
she just thinks he is kinky.

It surprises me that he likes being in diapers as I am just the 
opposite and dread thinking about those times. To me it was always 
humiliating and demeaning and if I do have kids someday would never do 
that to them. I never discuss it with my mother anymore and think she 
is convinced that it made Patrick and I behave better. I know that 
Donna was a big influence on my mother over those years and my mother 
got comfortable punishing us that way. She doesn't know Patrick has a 
fetish and I promised not to tell her about it. I do think that is the 
reason Patrick is wearing the diapers now. I don't understand it but 
can see how diaper discipline affects others in a different way than it 
affected me.

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)
<8 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18-20
21-25 26-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 >60
I am a/an:
Your diapers
If you are a boy or adult male, select all that apply: Cloth diapers Disposable diapers Multiple underpants
(6+ pairs)
I wear this diaper type:
I wear this diaper type in plain white:
how many of this diaper type I wear at a time:
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
I was often in diapers and pantsless as a boy (ages 12 and under)
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
How many older sisters do you have (boys only)? None One Two Three More than three
How many younger sisters do you have? (boys only) None One Two Three More than three
If you are a girl or adult female, indicate what your relationship is to the diaper boy who read this story:
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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Brothers' comments:
Sisters' comments:


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