Title: Baby Timmy
Name: Baby Timmy
Email: Not given
Gender: Male
Current Age: 14
Whom Story is About: Myself
Posting Date: 07/26/09
Life Periods in Story:
Summary: Heres how I end up as baby again in a nappy and baby clothes.
Deekerian Score (20 is max.) [?]: 0 (0%)

My problem had been going on a while. After a few weeks of day and 
night accidents, my Mum took me to the doctor. He decided there was 
nothing wrong and I would grow out of it. After my mother smacking me 
each time I wet and checking me regularly to see I was still dry. 
Mother finally snapped and said, �No more if you can�t stop I will have 
to take action.�

I had come in from school on Friday night. �Show me your pants,� mother 
ordered, and once again they were wet. After bare bottom spanking with 
her wooden spoon, I was told go and shower then go to my room and wait 
for her. So I showered and by the time I got to my room my mother was 
waiting. I saw with a shock my bed had gone and cot oversized huge 
thing was sitting there a large changing mat on a table. Gone was my TV 
and hifi. Mother saw my face and said, �Do you want all things back? I 
assume the answer is yes, well, all you have to do is remain dry day 
and night for a month. Now baby Timmy will be dressed as a baby and 
treated as such so no spanking for wetting because babies can�t help I. 
but any disobeying or answering back will get you a bare bottom 
spanking. So from now on you will wear everything I put on you. Then 
put a nappy and a pair of plastic pants having tucked all the nappy in 
I was then dressed in a blue all in one romper suit with poppers around 
the legs. I began to cry so mother shoved a large dummy in mouth and 
dared me to remove it until she said so.

I was then told I had crawl everywhere and use baby talk only; anything 
different would get me a spanking. At just 12 years old my whole life 
was taken from me. What later found out was my school report had 
arrived and it was the worst report ever. Mum was livid and decided it 
was time to teach me how to behave, so although this was partly because 
of my wetting problem it was also because of my general behaviour.

I was told to crawl to the stairs and go down on my bottom and crawl to 
the kitchen. When I got the kitchen I noticed more oversized baby stuff 
namely a high chair. Yes, I had to sit in and was spoon fed some sort 
baby food, then given a bottle of milk to drink. After dinner or 
whatever that was, I was taken into the lounge and put in playpen and 
told to play quietly with the toys until mummy came back.

As I thought Mum was out the way I reached for the TV remote, but Mum 
caught me and lifted me out the pen undid the poppers on the baby suit 
and smacked me three times on the back of legs with the spoon, re- 
dressed and told me to now be a good baby. After a while Mum re 
appeared back in the front room and looked me crying in the playpen. 
She lifted me out and said, �Baby is crying. Maybe he needs changing.�

After checking my nappy, which was still dry, she said, �Oh, baby Timmy 
is dry, he must be tired.� Before I could answer or speak I was taken 
upstairs and put the cot and covered up. I must have dropped off to 
sleep as I was woken to mother pulling down my plastic pants.

"Oh, we are wet again,� said mother. �Let�s put baby in fresh nappy and 
new pair of plastic pants, the new plastic pants had poppers on them 
instead of being pull ups. This will make changing you easier.�

The next morning I woke and realised this wasn�t a dream as I had 
hoped; it was real. Mum came in, pulled back the cover and lifted me 
out on the changing table. After undoing the baby suit she undid the 
baby pants and took off the wet nappy and nappied me, then dressed me 
in yet another baby grow. Saturday was very uneventful nappy changing 
feeding playpen and napping then bed. Sunday morning I woke to Mum 
Pulling back the covers have we been a good baby and then cooed at me. 
I again started to cry so had a dummy put in my mouth. I was changed 
and dressed. Then told as I was good yesterday Mummy had treat for me. 
After breakfast I put back in the playpen and told to wait my treat 
would be here soon. As she finished the doorbell went Mum opened the 
door and heard my friend Kevin, I cringed because I knew there no 
escaping him seeing me like this. In here came and to my shock he was 
dressed the same as I was. Kevin�s Mum was also here and both Mums 
explained they cooked up the idea to do this as both our reports were 
bad and we needed to learn. Kevin was lifted into the playpen and both 
mothers went to kitchen. We were talking about our punishment and how 
unfair it was and before we finished our mothers were back lifting us 
up and smacking both of us. �You were told to use baby talk. Don�t be 
told again.� After Kevin left Mum said, �This is how your evenings and 
weekends will be until you are dry day and night and have learnt how to 
behave.� This treatment went on for nearly six months.

Then one Saturday morning Mum said, �I think you have learnt how to 
behave now so you can back to regular clothes and all the baby stuff 
can go. However, you are still going to remain in nappies and plastic 
pants day and night until you remain dry for a month. You can also stop 
using baby talk now too.�

I smiled and told Mum I loved her and was glad I had learnt how to 
behave. We are much closer now than were before. Kevin and I are still 
friends. When he comes over he brings is nappy bag and my mother 
changes him to as his mother changes me. Neither of us have bladder 
control. But we remain friends and don�t get into half as much trouble 
as we used to.

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13 14 15 16 17 18-20
21-25 26-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 >60
I am a/an:
Your diapers
If you are a boy or adult male, select all that apply: Cloth diapers Disposable diapers Multiple underpants
(6+ pairs)
I wear this diaper type:
I wear this diaper type in plain white:
how many of this diaper type I wear at a time:
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
I was often in diapers and pantsless as a boy (ages 12 and under)
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
How many older sisters do you have (boys only)? None One Two Three More than three
How many younger sisters do you have? (boys only) None One Two Three More than three
If you are a girl or adult female, indicate what your relationship is to the diaper boy who read this story:
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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