Title: Alex and Aiden's Diaper Friendship
Name: Alex
Email: Not given
Gender: Male
Current Age: 12
Whom Story is About: Myself, my friend
Posting Date: 11/15/09
Life Periods in Story:
Ages in Story:
Story Contents:
A- Post-toddler (4-8)*R- Sisters, other girls* 
B- Pre-teen (9-12)*S- Babysitters
C- Teen (13-17) T- Masturbation 
D- Adult (18+) U- Sexual situations 
E- Cloth diapers* V- Gay 
F- Disposable diapersW- Erections 
G- PeeX- Bedwetting
H- Poop*Y- Accidents
I- Exposed diapers/pantslessness*Z- Punishment/Diaper Discipline
J- Multiple diapers*1- Female Domination* 
K- Baby paraphernalia 2- Enemas 
L- Mother 3- Restraints 
M- Father 4- Crying
N- Aunt 5- Spanking
O- Uncle 6- Humiliation
P- Brothers (diapered)7- Babying 
Q- Brothers (not diapered) 8- Regression 
*Denotes Deekerian story elements
Summary: Story about how me and my new friend met.                  
Deekerian Score (20 is max.) [?]: 9 (45%)

My friend Aiden, and I have been friends for the past 3 weeks now. We 
meet in a store in Orlando, Florida. The store was some weird kind of 
family-owned store called Shoppers� Paradise. It is the most popular 
store in my city area. It is pretty big, but had products that can�t be 
found anywhere else, including its amazing diaper selection. It all 
started on a nice day...

"Alex! I�m going to work now, the babysitter will be here in an one 
hour and a half! Go to the store and pick up some more diapers. Please 
try not to fill your diaper until she gets here!" my mom said.

So, I walked down the store, which was 3 blocks from my house. When I 
got there I had already peed in my diaper a little. I walked in the 
huge store, and walked straight to the toy section. On my way there, 
two people already noticed my diaper because of the top of them was 
sticking out, and when I walked they made a crinkling noise. One of 
them giggled and asked if I was wearing diapers, but I was used to it 
and just started running. When I got there I had to pee, so I checked 
to see if anyone was looking. Then I let go, not too much pee, but 
enough that I could feel my diapers were damp. I walked down the remote 
control aisle and a six-year-old saw me then went to his mom and said, 
"Mommy, Mommy! Look! That boy is wearing Pull-ups like me!" although 
the mom looked and knew I was wearing a diaper.

After I looked at all the remote control cars there, I decided to head 
over to the aisle with the Hot Wheels. When I got there, I saw another 
kid, possibly my age. When I got closer to him I noticed he was wearing 
a diaper also, MY brand. I could tell because I saw the top of his 
diapers and could hear the crinkle noise when he walked, too. I slowly 
approached him and asked him if he was wearing diapers. He looked at me 
mad and said, "What do you care?!"

So then I pulled down my pants and revealed my diaper; he looked happy 
to see that. So them he pulled down his pants also and revealed his 
diaper to me. We introduced, then started talking about our diapers. 
Both of us were 12 and wearing size six. We both were a little wet and 
were both wearing diapers because we were both never trained. Both 
forgetting to pull our pants back up, another kid and his friend walked 
around the corner and saw our diapers, then started to laugh a ton. We 
pulled our pants back up and ran from them. When we were done running 
we were on the other side of the store, which was right near the diaper 

Both of us live about a mile away from the store, but he just moved 
into our area. Since we both were there to buy more diapers, we started 
to walk towards the diaper section. As we passed the baby clothes 
section a mom shopping for her baby came up to us and asked us what our 
ages were. Then she asked us if we were wearing diapers and we said 
yes. She asked if she could practice checking on us, so we let her. She 
told us we were both a little wet yet, then told us we weren�t ready to 
get changed yet.

Then asked why we were wearing diapers. We told her the same thing we 
do everyone else. Then, she said, "Okay, thanks for letting me practice 
on you guys! If either of you guys need to get checked again and 
changed, just head over here! I�ll be here for another two hours."

We both looked at each other and said thanks and left. When we got over 
to the diaper section, we both reached for the same diapers, Huggies 
size six!

We were so happy to discover that!

We were talking again about our diapers and I asked him if he was 
wearing plastic pants; he said no. Then I said I was. He asked why and 
I told him I leak a lot. We grabbed the diapers and headed back for the 
toy section. As we were, I asked him when he needed to go. He said he 
was home alone until seven that night. I said I needed to get home to 
my babysitter in another hour. Then we decided to hang out afterwards. 
As we were getting near the toy section we passed the game section. We 
both ran over there. When we got there we hopped right on the demo 
games. As we were playing a demo game I saw him stop playing for a 
couple seconds and I looked at his butt as I saw it bulge a little bit. 
As we were playing I also had a full bladder and had to go bad. I tried 
holding it in. When we were done with the game I really, really had to 
go. As we started heading towards the toy section again I accidentally 
let go on accident. There was a loud noise that sounded like water 
hitting paper, and I realized to my surprise, I was peeing. My friend 
looked at me, and asked me, "Are you peeing?"

I said, "Yes. I really had to go! Did you poop when we were playing 
video games?"

"Yeah, so? I bet you do all the time too!"

"Of course, but not while I�m right next to a friend. But let�s just 
stop fighting, okay?"

"Okay, but in a while, we will need to get changed. Why don�t we go 
find that lady who said she would change us?"


We looked at the rest of that aisle and mover on the next. While we 
were there I felt my bowels moving, and I knew I had to poop soon. I 
said to my friend, "I need to poop!"

"Let it go!" he said.

"You sure?"



After a couple minutes of looking I felt a big load of poo fill my 
diaper. My friend pulled my pants below my diaper and said, "Dang! you 
filled you diaper!"

"Really? Cool!"

He said, �Okay, let�s get everything out of our system and go see if 
that lady is still there.� I said okay. We waited five minutes. By then 
I also pees a lot and leaked into my plastic pants. He also really wet 
himself and got his pants a little wet. I told him when I was done 

�I really need to get changed now.� He looked at me and said, "Me too!� 
I filled the rest of my diaper and peed and got my pants wet. I said, 
�Really? Let me see!�

He pulled his pants down and I saw his yellow filled diaper. We started 
walking over to the baby section where that lady was. When we got there 
she was there with a cart full of baby clothes. She saw us and said, 
"OH! Hello, boys! What brings you back?"

She looked at us and noticed my friend�s wet pants and said "Ohh... you 
boys need a change?" We nodded and she said, "Okay, gimme a minute to 
check out. I was just finishing anyways. You guys got your diapers?" 
and we showed them to her. She said, "Okay, go wait by the girls� 
bathroom. I�ll be there in about three minutes. Can you guys wait?� (we 
nodded) �OK! I�ll be right there.�

We walked over to the bathrooms. When we got there, there was a seven-
year-old kid who walked in with his mom. We went in for a couple 
seconds to see what she was doing with him. She asked him clearly, �ARE 

He said in a low voice, �no...� She said, �REALLY?! You won�t mind if I 
check then?�

�No,� said the boy. She looked in his diaper, and then said, �YOU ARE 
BOTH WET AND POOPY! You know what that means, right?�

The boy said, �NO, MOMMY!!! ANYTHING BUT THAT!!!�

She said, �Nope.� She picked him up, changed him, and put THREE diapers 
on him and took away his clothes. Then we ran outside and sat down, 
squishing out poop on our butts and leaking out our diapers. She 
dragged him outside, and walked around the store with him.

Right after that, the lady who was going to change returned. She walked 
up to us and said, �Okay, can I have your diapers?� I gave them to her. 
then she said, �Okay, lets go!�

We got in there, and she said, �Okay. I�m going to check you guys 

She put some gloves on, and stuck her finger in my diaper and pants in 
the back and pulled back and looked inside. She said, �WOW! You 
completely filled your diaper and leaked into your plastic pants!�

Then she checked my front, first, the plastic pants, then the diaper. 
She looked in the plastic pants and saw a pool of pee. Then she looked 
in my diaper and saw all yellow. Then she said, �You leaked through 
your diaper and pooled in your plastic pants.�

Then she looked at Aiden. She said, �You�re next!� He stepped next to 
her and she looked in the back of his diaper. She said, �Well, you 
didn�t leak poo...�

She checked his front and said, �but you wet your pants THROUGH your 

Then she picked him up (she was a very strong 30-year-old) and set him 
down. She pulled his jeans off, and untaped his diaper. She pulled the 
front down she wiped his genitals off, then lifted his butt up with his 
legs and wiped his butt clean, then threw away the dirty diaper and 
pulled out two new diapers. Then she slid them under his butt and 
tapped first one on. He asked what she was doing and she said she was 
going to put two on him so he wouldn�t leak again, and so that he could 
go more without needing to get changed. Then she taped the second 
diaper. When she set him down he almost couldn�t walk. She handed him 
his jeans and winked. He put his jeans on tight, which showed a huge 
bulge, then walked outside.

Then she picked me up and set me down. When she did, more poop came out 
the diaper and into my pants and plastic pants. She pulled my dirty 
sweat pants off, and said, she would clean them, but I would have to go 
pantsless until I got home. She pulled off my plastic pants and threw 
them away and them untaped my diaper, which opened itself. There was a 
little bit of poo in my balls, which she wiped away. Then, she lifted 
my butt up and back, and cleaned it, then slid my dirty, full diaper 
out from under me and threw it away without shutting it. Then she 
pulled out THREE new diapers and slid them under my clean butt. She 
very tightly tapped the first one on, then the second as tight as she 
could, then the third.

She said, �I�ll be right back.� She left for a minute, and came back in 
with my friend and she had a pair of plastic pants, two sizes bigger 
then what I normally wear. She slid them on me, and lifted me up, and 
set me down.

As we were walking out of the store, she handed me a card of hers, a 
BABYSITTING card and said, �Call me if your mom needs a babysitter. But 
for now, do you boys need a ride home?�

She looked at the clock and said, �Its one o'clock now.�

I said, �Yeah, I need to be home in ten minutes, if you don�t mind 
giving me a ride?�

She said, �Yeah, and what about you, Aiden?�

�Yes, I�m going over to his house to hang out!�

�Okay,� she said. She drove us to my house. About twenty minutes after 
we got home my mom pulled up in her car and came inside. She saw my 
friend and said, �Who's this?�

To be continued.......

Editing level: High
Editing Notes:
  • First-person "I" in lowercase corrected (55 occurrences).
  • Several misspelled words corrected.
  • Several capitalization errors corrected.
  • Some punctuation errors corrected.
  • Added spaces where two words needed to be separated.
  • Deleted several unnecessary commas, replaced other commas with periods and added other commas where appropriate.
  • "Isle" = island; "Aisle" = rows of merchandise in a store
  • "Minute" is not spelled "minuite".
  • Reference to babysitter pulling up in car in last paragraph presumed to be intended for reference to mother, so this was changed.
  • (Veracity) Likelihood of complete stranger wanting to change boys' diapers questionable.    

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(The following information requested is optional, though your participation is highly encouraged.)

<8 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18-20
21-25 26-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 >60
I am a/an:
Your diapers
If you are a boy or adult male, select all that apply: Cloth diapers Disposable diapers Multiple underpants
(6+ pairs)
I wear this diaper type:
I wear this diaper type in plain white:
how many of this diaper type I wear at a time:
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
I was often in diapers and pantsless as a boy (ages 12 and under)
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
How many older sisters do you have (boys only)? None One Two Three More than three
How many younger sisters do you have? (boys only) None One Two Three More than three
If you are a girl or adult female, indicate what your relationship is to the diaper boy who read this story:
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
Your comments:
Parents' comments:
Brothers' comments:
Sisters' comments:


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