By Deeker
Copyright 2001


	Those were the first words I heard on the morning of February 25, 
the day I turned another year older each year, and this time, I was 
twelve. It was a on a Thursday, a school morning, of course.
	Lisa and Cindy barged in on me that morning while I was still 
sleeping, and they decided to wake me up their way instead of just 
letting Mom come in to turn the light on and nudge me awake like she 
usually did. They both shouted it at the same time with their shrill 
voices. It was quite a rude awakening, to say the least. I pretended to 
remain asleep, not wanting to be bothered.
	"Come on, Chris, it's your birthday!" Lisa said as she pulled back 
the covers and saw my diapered butt sticking in her face. I didn't know 
exactly what time it was, but I could tell it was earlier than my normal 
waking time. For some reason I didn't feel like getting out of bed, even 
though it was my birthday and I should have been more excited about it. 
I felt sick. What a bummer, of all days, being sick on my birthday!
	"I suppose giving you your birthday spankings will wake you up!" I 
heard Lisa say. Suddenly I heard her hand striking my backside as she 
and Cindy counted. I could barely feel anything as I was always diapered 
so heavily. I could tell with what vibrations her hand sent through the 
thick bunch of diapers I had on that my diapers were very messy.
	"What good does it do to spank him?" Cindy asked Lisa. "No way 
he's gonna feel anything through all those diapers he has on!" At this 
time, Lisa left my bedroom so that she could start getting herself ready 
for school.
	"Come on, Chris, get your diapered butt out of bed!" Lisa said to 
	"Let me sleep," I mumbled.
	"It's your *biiirth-daaay*, Chris!" Lisa said in my ear, expecting 
me to be more excited. My ear was ringing and I put my hand over it.
	"I feel like shit," I groaned.
	"Yeah, and you smell like shit, too," Lisa said, "but then, when 
don't you?"
	"I think I'm sick," I said as I rolled over and faced my two 
sisters, my legs spread widely apart with my diapered crotch now facing 
towards them. Lisa put her hand on my forehead.
	"You do feel a tad warm," she said. "Well, I suppose I'd better 
change your diapers."
	"Mom can change them later. I don't think I'm going to school 
	"How do you feel?" Lisa asked me.
	"I told you, I feel like shit!" I said irritably, raising my 
	"How are you sick? Do you have a headache, stomach-ache, what is 
	"Must have been something I ate last night," I said. "I must have 
gotten diarrhea from it."
	"News flash! Chris has diarrhea!" Lisa shouted. "Like that's 
something we're not used to."
	"It's not like you and Cindy don't get the shits every now and 
then yourselves," I said.
	"True, but since nobody else has to deal with it but ourselves, 
nobody else has to know about it," Lisa said.
	"As for you, poop-boy, when *you* get diarrhea, everybody knows it 
because we're the ones who have to clean it up," Cindy said. Lisa smiled 
in agreement.
	"Good thing we always put a lot of diapers on you, Chris," Lisa 
said. "I'm sure you'd like a fresh change, even if you aren't going to 
	I finally got up from my bed and slowly walked over to the 
changing pad on my floor. I lay down on it and let Lisa do her work on 
me. It was her turn to change me this morning. Funny thing, it used to 
be that my sisters felt that changing my diapers was a chore, but now 
they both enjoy it, diapering their little brother.
	Lisa took off the eight or nine diapers-- who's counting at this 
point-- that Cindy put me in the night before. She had a lot of pins to 
remove. The topmost diapers were wet, but the ones down towards the base 
were also very filthy and totally covered in shit. It was once again 
demonstrated that morning that making my diapers go up so high on me for 
extra capacity was a good idea since they would have likely leaked out 
the top had they not been put on me to rise up as high as they did.
	My entire butt was a mess, as was my crotch and my balls as shit 
went all around them. Lisa began cleaning me up. As always, my dick 
responded to this stimulation in the form of a very stiff erection that 
stretched the skin of my penis to its maximum. My dick felt like it 
wanted to be another foot long, but it was limited by the amount of 
flesh that I was given for it. I must have been approaching puberty 
since I noticed that my dick was getting to look a little bigger and 
more swollen when I got my diapers changed. While I always enjoyed being 
cleaned up and thought that it felt good, the sensation seemed to feel 
more intense than it did before. Even for being sick, I was really 
immersed in the way the wipes felt as Lisa cleared away the thick layer 
of poop that had coated my scrotum. Lisa noticed that I was starting to 
show signs of development, too, seeing that my balls were gradually 
enlarging and giving her a little bit more to wipe clean. I'm sure it 
was no surprise to Lisa to see me developing like this since she had to 
start wearing a bra in the sixth grade.
	"Well, do you think you'll go to school or not?" Lisa asked me one 
more time.
	"I doubt it," I said.
	"Okay, then I'll just put you in full diapers since you won't be 
getting dressed for school," Lisa said with a smile. With this, she 
brought the usual ten or so diapers over from my drawers and began 
folding them. With over three years of daily diapering experience, Lisa 
was very swift and efficient with her ability to get me diapered up in 
just a few minutes.
	There was a bit of a delay this morning, however. After Lisa had 
gotten the third diaper pinned up on me, I had to poop, and so, before 
she even finished diapering me, I had already loaded them. Lisa could 
hear it shooting out of my butt and into the diapers that she had just 
put on.
	"You just pooped, didn't you?" Lisa said as she was getting ready 
to pin the next diaper on me.
	"Well, it had to have been one of us since we're the only ones in 
the room," I said, attempting to sound funny.
	"Chris," Lisa said as she stared straight at me. "It was 
definitely you. I use the toilet, remember? You know, it's that white 
porcelain thing in the bathroom that has water in it, that thing you 
haven't used in over three years?"
	"Well, I may have to use the toilet this morning," I said.
	"Whoa, my diaper-boy brother *must* be sick!" Lisa said loudly, 
exaggerating her mocking shock and surprise as she rolled herself back 
away from me. "I wish I had recorded that!"
	"I meant that I might end up puking in the toilet," I clarified.
	"Yeah, that makes more sense," Lisa said as she got up and 
returned to my diaper drawer. She opened it and pulled out a few more 
diapers and said, "Besides, with as many diapers as I'm gonna put on 
you, I don't think you'd stand a chance of getting them all off in time, 
especially if you have the shits this morning."
	"How many diapers are you gonna put on me?" I asked her.
	"I dunno, I'll see how many I can fit over you," she said. "Seeing 
that you're pooping so much and that nobody will be home to change you 
all day, I figure you could use a few extra diapers."
	"Can't Mom stay home?"
	"Mom works now, remember?" Lisa said.
	"Can't she stay home just one day?" I asked.
	"I wouldn't count on it, besides, once I have you diapered up 
you'll be good for the rest of the day, no matter how much that butt of 
yours shits."
	"It's shitting a lot," I said.
	"In that case, you shall be diapered accordingly," Lisa said with 
a smile on her face. "If you think we diaper you thickly, you ain't seen 
nothin' yet, brother!"
	I couldn't believe that Lisa was going to try putting even more 
diapers on me than she usually did, which was a lot. She took off the 
ones that she had started to put on so that she could clean up the fresh 
mess that I made. She then had me cleaned up and back into clean diapers 
again. She kept folding them and putting them on me, pinning them up, 
repeating this several times, increasing the thickness of the stack of 
diapers with each set of folded layers that went into my crotch. She 
then had to start folding them less so that they could still be big 
enough to fit. I must have counted fifteen diapers that she had put on 
me, with several more of them to go. At this time, Mom appeared.
	"Cindy tells me you're feeling sick," my Mom said.
	"Yeah, I am," I said.
	"That's too bad, dear, and it's your birthday, too. Do you think 
you can make it to school?"
	"I don't think so," I said.
	"Good God, Lisa!" Mom exclaimed as she saw how many diapers she 
had put on me. "The poor boy has to walk still!"
	"Actually, I'd rather stay in bed today," I said.
	"He's not going to school, Mom, so he doesn't need to get 
dressed," Lisa said. "And he crapped his diapers while I was putting 
them on, and you should see the mess he made in his diapers last night!"
	"I see it," Mom said as she looked into the pail and saw the pile 
of badly soiled diapers. "I still don't think he needs *quite* that many 
diapers. At least take a few of them off."
	"I'm fine, Mom," I said, enjoying being so superly diapered like 
never before.
	"Your plastic pants won't even fit over all those diapers, Chris!" 
my Mom said.
	"He won't need them!" Cindy shouted. "He'll never wet through that 
many diapers by the time he's changed again."
	"Lisa, you need to get ready for school, time's running out," my 
Mom told her. "I'll take care of Chris from here."
	At that point, Lisa left my room and Mom entered.
	"Let me take some of those extra diapers off you," my Mom said. I 
was really enjoying my diapers being so thick and they almost made me 
forget that I was sick they felt so good. I couldn't wait to see what I 
looked like in my mirror.
	"Uhh, Mom, do you mind if I can just wear them like this?" I asked 
	"Well, you're the one wearing them," my Mom said. "I just hope I 
can get your plastic pants on over that entire cotton field that you're 
	Mom stood me up and put my plastic pants on me. They were very 
large plastic pants and they usually had some extra space, even with the 
eight to ten diapers that I usually had on. This time I was wearing an 
astonishing fifteen diapers, seemingly maxing out the capacity of the 
plastic pants.
	Just as Mom got my plastic pants on me, I told her that I had to 
get to the bathroom.
	"What for? You're diapered-- very, very, VERY diapered, I might 
	"I'm gonna throw up!"
	I tried to run to the bathroom, but I could hardly walk, let alone 
run. All I could do was waddle. In spite of my diapers slowing me down I 
made it to the bathroom. For the first time since the last time I was 
sick like this and needed to throw up, I lifted the toilet lid and let 
it go. I vomited into the toilet bowl. At the same time I loaded the 
back of my diapers some more. I knew I'd have to wear dirty diapers for 
the rest of the day from this point since I didn't think my Mom would 
want to change me so soon and remove all fifteen diapers.
	After I left the bathroom Mom called me into the kitchen. I could 
barely walk with having so many diapers on. Even though Lisa and Cindy 
had seen me in diapers every single day since I was eight years old, 
they couldn't help but giggle when they saw how heavily I was diapered.
	"You really ought to see yourself, Chris!" Lisa said as she was 
standing in the corner of the kitchen eating Pop Tarts. She set the 
pastry down and grabbed the video camera from the closet. She took some 
footage of me while Mom was giving me some medicine, my butt turned 
towards her for much of the scene. I figured that over the last three 
years we had several hours worth of video taken for the purpose of 
showing what I look like in my diapers.
	"Put the camera away, Lisa, and finish your breakfast," Mom told 
	"Aww, Mom, I've never seen him in so many diapers before!" Lisa 
said. "I just had to get a shot or two of him!"
	"He'll still be in them when you get home from school," Mom said.
	It had just occurred to me that there would be nobody home with 
me. At the beginning of the year Mom gave up her job title as housewife 
and began working at some office downtown, now that she felt that we 
kids were old enough to be left at home alone for the few hours between 
after school and the time she got home. I asked Mom if she planned to 
stay home with me that day.
	"I hate to have to call in, since I started not too long ago," Mom 
said. "Do you think you'll be okay?"
	"I think so," I said, feeling a little better after having vomited 
a few minutes ago.
	"Just get some rest, maybe take more medicine in a few hours if 
you're not feeling better. I very much doubt you'll need a diaper 
	The girls giggled.
	"Better hurry, girls, the bus will be there in five minutes," Mom 
said to them. They quickly grabbed their book bags and fled out the 
door. Dad had been in the shower and he came out to the kitchen in just 
his robe. He looked at me and saw that my hair was still mussed up and I 
wasn't dressed, just in my T-shirt and diapers.
	"You're not staying home just because it's your birthday, are 
you?" Dad asked me.
	"No, Dad, I don't feel so good," I groaned.
	"You're sick?" he said.
	"Yeah," I said. "I'm gonna go back to bed now."
	"Of all days, your birthday and you're sick," Dad said, showing 
his sympathy. "If you get to feeling better and think you can go to 
school, give your Mom a call."
	"I don't think that's gonna happen," I said as I waddled back to 
my bedroom. I stopped on my way and leaned on the arm of the couch. I 
bent over and loaded my diapers again.
	"Oh, there it goes again," I moaned as I felt the warm, liquid 
shit coat my buttocks and fill the tight space between my groin and the 
seemingly infinitely deep, solid pack of diapers running between my 
	"At least nobody has to come home and change your diapers, boy!" 
my Dad said as he noted that I was diapered as heavily as ever, at least 
since the time Lisa and Cindy decided not to change me for a week last 
summer when I pissed them off. Mom didn't let me go that long, 
	"Well, you know Lisa," my Mom said to my Dad. "She thought he 
should be diapered a little more for being sick, and of course, she did. 
I was going to take some of them off, but Chris said he wanted to keep 
wearing them."
	"That doesn't surprise me," Dad said as he spooned some instant 
coffee into his cup.
	I went back into my room and climbed right back into my bed. In 
spite of being sick, I felt very good, feeling my loaded diapers pinned 
on so heavily and tightly. The sensation of fresh poop all over my butt 
made me think back to why I got into wearing diapers in the first place. 
It felt so good and it felt so naughty. I also enjoyed all the attention 
that Lisa and Cindy have given me in acknowledging my continuously 
diapered state of over three years and counting.
	My dick was very hard. It was positioned so that it was pointing 
straight up, pressed up against my body by my massive diapers. I put my 
hands on my crotch and I could barely push hard enough on my diapers for 
my genitals to register the pressure that I was applying. This felt 
really good and I was wanting to play with myself some more. As I 
started pushing in and out on my crotch and rubbing the surface of my 
huge diapers, I started to feel my stomach turn. I decided to relax and 
rest. I fell asleep as I concentrated on my feelings.


	I woke up a couple hours later. I was completely disoriented when 
I woke up. I wasn't used to it being so bright outside when I woke up as 
the time was about 11:30 A.M. according to my clock radio. I then 
remembered that I had stayed home from school, and the way my stomach 
still felt reminded me of why, not to mention that my diapers were 
	I sat up and felt the mess squish around underneath me. I was glad 
my diapers had such wide crotch and an extra high rise as well as my 
mess spanned the entire area from my balls and back towards my butt, all 
of which was covered in shit. I was used to stinking all the time, but 
this time I was especially smelly, even in spite of the fact that I had 
on over a dozen diapers. My poop had that sort of "sick" smell to it, 
which didn't help keep my stomach from giving me a queasy sensation.
	I tried to sit forward to look down at my crotch, wondering if 
there was any leakage from the diapers into my plastic pants. My stomach 
was feeling very sensitive and it could not tolerate very much pressure. 
The way my diapers covered my entire stomach, trying to bend forward 
without the tightly-pinned diapers pushing into my stomach made this 
difficult to do. I would have had to strain myself to get into a 
position where I could see over my diapers in order to look down into my 
crotch, they were piled onto me that thickly.
	Since I couldn't make any visual checks of my diapers, I stuck my 
finger underneath the leg opening of my plastic pants. Sure enough I 
could tell that some poop had leaked out of the diapers and spilled into 
the plastic pants.
	Just when I thought I had pooped everything out of my system, out 
came another big, wet juicy load of diarrhea. The watery wastes mixed in 
with the more solidified poop and the warm sensation of a big fresh 
squirt of fluid shit returned, filling up my diapers some more. I 
figured that the only place all this wet crap of mine could go was into 
the many layers of diapers covering my butt. I began to wonder if it had 
soaked through to my plastic pants yet. I knew there was a lot of diaper 
material covering me up back there for the diarrhea to penetrate first.
	The smell was nauseating. I had to get up and try to get to the 
bathroom to puke into the toilet. I rose up from my bed and felt the 
weight of all the wastes in my diapers slowly flowing down into the 
crotch as gravity guided it all to the central point in my diapers. I 
put my hand over my balls and felt a gooey, heavy load of poop sloshing 
around underneath all those strips of cloth folded and bunched together 
many times over. How my diapers contained it all amazed me, even with as 
many diapers as I had on. All I knew was that I could not wait until 
Lisa or Cindy came home to change me, and I had to either call Mom at 
work and have her come home to clean me up, or attempt my own diaper 
change for the first time, being that I have never once changed my own 
diapers. First, I had to take care of a little matter involving my 
	I lifted the lid to the toilet and bent over. I heaved heavily and 
I felt stomach acid coming up my esophagus, but nothing came out, at 
least not from my mouth. The force I was exerting on my bowels, however, 
caused me to shit even more! My diapers were sure getting a workout. I 
felt like I had pooped so much that it must have added several pounds to 
the already heavy weight of my diapers. My diapers, when dry and freshly 
changed already added several pounds to my weight as Lisa was eager to 
find out one time after comparing my weight when freshly diapered, 
diapered and needing a change, and undiapered.
	I closed the bathroom door to look at myself in the mirror. I 
looked over my shoulder and examined my butt. The diapers appeared pure-
as-snow white as always from the exterior, completely hiding the dirty 
mess undermeath. I knew that my diarrhea hadn't soaked all the way 
through the massive diapers. It wasn't until I bent over and looked 
underneath me that I could see where the diapers were leaking. I could 
see poop running along the edges of my crotch inside my plastic pants. I 
was a mess, a real mess!
	As I walked I could feel the collection of bowel movements 
sloshing around in the diapers. I wasn't used to handling my own diapers 
and I knew that if I had attempted to take them off, I would likely make 
a bigger mess and I wouldn't be able to re-diaper myself.
	I decided to call Mom at work to ask her if she could come home to 
change me. When I called the office where she works, all I got was the 
main operator.
	"Yeah, is Brenda Barrett there?" I asked the lady in my groggy 
	"Do you have her extension?"
	Mom's extension, she told me what it was, but I couldn't remember, 
	"No," I said.
	"One moment, please," she said. For the next 45 seconds or so I 
heard a really bad elevator music rendition of Whitney Houston. Then I 
heard the ringing tone. I thought Mom would pick up, but all I got was 
her voice mail, dammit! I left a message and then hung up. I was very 
discreet about explaining that I needed her to come home to change me 
since I had no idea who else at work may hear my Mom's messages.
	Having resigned myself to very messy diapers for the rest of the 
day, I decided that I would just have to wait it out until my sisters 
came home. I didn't want to go back to bed, but I didn't feel like doing 
much of anything else. I went out to the living room and sat down to 
watch TV. As I set my diapered butt down on the couch I was reminded 
again by how much my poop my diapers were holding.
	I picked up the remote control and clicked through the channels.-- 
soap opera, talk show, news, some old movie, commercial, another movie, 
CNN, C-Span, some other channel I never watched, commercial for diapers 
with four boys dancing around in Pampers. I stopped and watched the 
diaper commercial as I enjoyed such commercials, especially this one as 
all four boys lined up and bent over at the end. I thought about how 
those boys were just like me and the backs of their diapers were often 
full of shit, too. After the commercial was over I continued flipping 
through the channels. Nothing was on, I turned the TV off and just sat 
there on the couch feeling bored and uninspired, having forgotten that 
it was my birthday.
	I thought back to the diaper commercial that I just watched and I 
pondered several things about kids who appear in diaper commercials, 
mainly, the memories that they must have had about this experience when 
they got older if they remember anything from the experience at all. I 
thought about how all the bright lights, props and personnel surrounding 
them, having to appear in retake after retake, and in that amount of 
time, very likely using their diapers at some point and needing to be 
	I also thought about what their families and friends say to them. 
I could imagine such kids having framed copies of the diaper ads they 
appeared in or copies of their commercials on video. Their families must 
always talk to them about getting part of their fifteen minutes of fame 
early in life and doing it by wearing diapers in front of everyone in 
the country. What did the kids at school say to them, I wondered. They 
must get teased by their classmates, though nothing as bad as what I 
have dealt with since I could assume that most of these kids are out of 
diapers within a couple years at most of the time they appear in diaper 
	At times like this when sheer boredom struck, I thought about how 
I wish I had appeared as a model for a diaper commercial or print ad as 
I would enjoy the memories of the entire experience, plus having several 
copies of the ads for posterity. I had just turned twelve and knew that 
I was too old to appear in a diaper commercial in spite of the fact that 
I wore diapers. It then occurred to me that diapers for babies and old 
people are the only ones that are ever advertised. Those of us in 
between were left out. This pissed me off.
	I could only divert myself for so long on such thoughts. I fudged 
my diapers some more, not as much as the last time, but these diapers 
were already overdue for changing. I went back to the phone and tried to 
call Mom again. I got the same operator and was asked the same question 
about the extension. I was still put through, faster this time. Maybe 
she remembered the extension number from having just looked it up. 
Again, Mom's voice mail picked up. Shit!
	I had to do something. These diapers were not going to make it 
another three hours or so, not at the rate I was dumping shit into them. 
I went to my room and pulled off my plastic pants. I looked into the 
crotch of them and saw the shit that had leaked out of the diapers and 
into the gathers at the sides of their wide crotch. My diapers were damp 
from wetting in them as well. I then looked down at the side of my 
diapers and saw the row of pins tightly holding the topmost diaper in 
	I didn't handle my own diaper pins very often and didn't realize 
that they fastened on so tightly. I figured that most of the time little 
kids wore them and the pins were designed so they couldn't come undone 
or be easily undone by the kid and be injured by the pin's point. It 
took me a long time just to work the pin out of the fabric. Seeing that 
I had so many more pins, as well as diapers to remove, I knew that it 
would take me forever to get my diapers off. A resigned myself to being 
in very dirty diapers the rest of the day. I left the one pin off and 
decided to put my plastic pants back on.
	A minute later I heard Mom pull into the driveway! Maybe she got 
my voice mail, I figured. I was just glad that she was home!
	"How are you feeling, dear?" Mom asked me.
	"A little better," I said. "But not good enough to go to school," 
I added quickly, not wanting to go at this point. Mom put her hand on my 
	"You're still a tad warm," she said. "How are your diapers?"
	"A mess," I said. "A big mess."
	Mom got behind me and examined my butt.
	"I'll say!" she said. "You're leaking all over!" Good thing these 
plastic pants are doing their job! Let's go change you and clean you up 
in the bathroom."
	Mom took me into the bathroom and told me to stand in the tub. She 
explained that my diapers were so messy that she didn't want to clean up 
the spillage that would pour onto my changing mat otherwise. I stepped 
out of my plastic pants and let Mom take all the pins and all the 
diapers off of me. I watched the diapers as they landed beneath me, most 
of the innermost layers soaked. The poop splattered all around the tub 
and sprayed up onto my ankles as the diapers were released. Some of my 
poop even got on Mom's blouse.
	"Shoot!" Mom exclaimed as she looked at the brown splatter marks 
of my poop that got on her. "I'll be late getting back as it is to clean 
you up," she said.
	"Sorry," I told Mom.
	"It's okay, I was going to come home to check up on you anyway."
	"Did you get my message?" I asked Mom.
	"I did," she said. "I was just leaving the office for lunch when 
you called and assumed it was a business call, so I didn't want to 
answer it and get stuck talking to some client for my boss."
	Mom finally had all the diapers off. Below me was a big pile of 
stinky, very wet diapers, wet mainly from diarrhea more than urine. A 
big pile of poop and poop liquid was oozing off of the pile of soiled 
diapers, dripping into the base of the tub. Mom picked up the filthy 
diapers and put them in my diaper pail. We had one of those showers that 
had a detachable shower head so that it could be held and sprayed more 
closely to the body. Mom used it to clean me off. She sprayed off my 
buttocks and then she shot the warm water up into my butt to clean out 
my asshole. I felt like I was getting an enema!
	Next, Mom told me to spread my legs apart as she held the water 
spray below me and sprayed off my dick and my balls. I was getting hard 
and stiff from the sensation. Mom acted like she didn't notice, but I 
could tell that she did. Mom then had me turn around, where I had to let 
her see my big boner. She couldn't pretend to ignore it any more. She 
acted as if this was what she was expecting to see after I made my 
embarrassment known. Mom acknowledged my embarrassment and understood it 
as I was approaching puberty and therefore, having a larger hard-on than 
I used to have.
	"You're approaching that age, Chris, it's natural," Mom tried to 
assure me.
	Mom then sprayed the water over my front side as the poop had 
flowed up to the front inside of my thick, dense diapers. I looked down 
and saw myself standing in water with the color of beef bouillon, though 
not nearly as appetizing as far as the smell was concerned. I stunk the 
entire bathroom up really badly!
	It felt so good to be clean again. Mom dried me off and led me 
back into my room. I lay on the changing pad and watched as Mom got out 
some clean diapers and a clean pair f plastic pants.
	"I'm just going to use four diapers on you for now," my Mom said 
to me as she quickly folded them. Four diapers, relatively speaking, was 
thin to me since my sisters never diapered me in fewer than eight 
	"Why only four diapers?" I asked Mom.
	"Your sisters will be home in a couple hours to take care of you," 
Mom said. "You could probably get by on two diapers until then, but I 
know that you like them thicker than this."
	Mom gave me a quick powdering, where she hurriedly spread it over 
my crotch and my balls, making me get very stiff again, the second such 
time today that I had let Mom see my dick become stiff from her actions 
on me. Most of the time my sisters saw me get hard as they did most of 
my diaper changes.
	Mom only stuck three pins in each side of each diaper, though she 
pulled them just as tightly into my crotch as Lisa and Cindy did, 
fastening the pins shut with a good, tight hold on my diapers. Next she 
put on my plastic pants. They fit over my diapers with much more room 
than usual as I was only in half a many diapers as I normally wore. A 
large pocket of air surrounded me, so I pushed in on the sides of the 
plastic pants to force the air pockets out of them. Mom couldn't help 
but let out a little chuckle as she watched me try to adjust my roomy 
plastic pants. I felt naked, too. Four diapers was like wearing just 
plain underwear to me. I felt insecure, too. Even fifteen diapers 
couldn't keep the shit from leaking into my plastic pants. I didn't feel 
very confident that four diapers could do the job.
	Mom then ran back into her bedroom to change her blouse, talking 
to me while she was in there.
	"Do you think you'll be okay for the rest of the day?" Mom asked 
	"I need more diapers than this, Mom," I said as I pulled on the 
sides of my loose-fitting plastic pants.
	"Translation, you WANT more diapers than that," Mom said. "I don't 
have time to diaper you more, honey, sorry. Besides, knowing your 
sisters, they'll make up for my inadequacy for sure. Now are you going 
to be okay?"
	"I think so," I said, though I wasn't quite sure if I was actually 
feeling better or not. I still didn't feel like eating anything.
	"I have to get back to work," Mom said as she came out from her 
bedroom with a different blouse on. "Lisa and Cindy will be home soon."
	I felt dehydrated and I knew I needed something to drink. I was 
even a little hungry, so I grabbed some saltines and a 20-ounce bottle 
of 7 Up. I went back to the TV and turned it on again. The programming 
content hadn't improved any. Being that it was my birthday, I had this 
on my mind. I decided to pull out one of the old family videos. I 
decided to watch the video of my ninth birthday as this was the first 
one that I had spent in diapers since I was a toddler. I reminisced over 
thoughts that were rekindled as I viewed the tape. I remembered how 
Bryce got his pants taken away by his sister Gina and he was made to go 
around in diapers.
	I could also never forget that this was the first time Megan had 
come over to my house and spent part of the day there with me, seeing me 
in diapers and all. She's turned out to be a pretty nice girl, and we 
consider ourselves to be friends with each other and sometimes she comes 
over to play with Tony and me. She even defends me against the kids at 
school who tease me for wearing diapers.
	By the time Lisa came home from school, busting through the front 
door, it occurred to me that I was feeling better and I hadn't thrown up 
or even loaded my diapers, just wet in them. Lisa's friend Betty was 
with her as usual.
	"How you feeling, Chris?" Lisa asked me as she set her book bag 
down on the couch next to me.
	"Better," I said. Both Lisa and Betty looked at me sitting there 
in relatively thin diapers, key word being "relatively", being that I 
rarely wore only four diapers.
	Just when I thought that my bowel movements had subsided, suddenly 
I felt another wet, watery load shoot out of my butt and into my 
diapers. Lisa and Betty looked at me and knew that I was still showing 
some signs of my illness.
	"I see that your diapers have been changed," Lisa said to me as 
she pulled on my loose-fitting plastic pants and looked at my diapers 
underneath. "You're not wearing them as thickly as what I put on you 
this morning."
	"Mom came home at lunch and changed me," I said.
	"She skimped, I can tell," Lisa said. "How many diapers did Mom 
use on you?"
	"Four," I said. "Mom knew you'd be home soon anyway and didn't 
think I needed more than this."
	"Believe me, Chris, you do," Lisa said. "Besides hearing it, I can 
also smell that you need to be changed."
	Lisa then told me to get up. She followed me into my room and 
Betty came in right behind her to watch as she always did. I felt funny 
walking as my plastic pants felt so loose and roomy from not being 
filled up with the volume of diapers that was usually packed into them.
	I lay down on the changing pad and watched Lisa get out a huge 
stack of diapers from the drawer. Lisa picked up the powder, a big 
handful of safety pins, and a pair of plastic pants. Lisa then yanked my 
dirty plastic pants off from me. They were loose enough that she could 
just grab their crotch with one hand and pull them away. They had never 
come off of me so easily.
	"Mom doesn't use as many pins on you, either," Lisa commented. She 
undid the pins and let the diapers fall away from around my waist. The 
diapers were urine-soaked in the front and the rear was loaded with 
fresh diarrhea, which had spread throughout the entire seat.
	"You made quite a mess for just one poop," Lisa remarked, seeing 
the runny poop filling up my diapers.
	"I was a lot worse when Mom changed me," I told her.
	"I bet those extra diapers I put on you this morning helped," Lisa 
	"They did, but they still leaked."
	"Well, so maybe we ought to shoot for twenty," Lisa commented.
	"Twenty diapers?" I asked in amazement. "That isn't possible."
	"When it comes to you and diapers, Chris, anything is possible," 
Lisa said.
	Lisa got my bottom wiped clean and ready to be powdered up. She 
got up and let Betty sprinkle the powder on me. She shook the container 
above my genitals and then she began rubbing it all over me, 
intensifying my erection. It seemed that Betty was concentrating on my 
genitals and giving them extra attention as she kept pouring more powder 
on my dick and balls and spreading it around. I felt that strange 
tingling sensation again. I was disappointed when Betty stopped rubbing 
the powder on me. I wanted her to continue, but I felt too awkward to 
make such a request. Lisa told her, "I think that's enough."
	Meanwhile, Lisa had been busy folding my diapers. Betty and Lisa 
switched spots again and Lisa returned with the diapers that she had 
just folded. She slid them under my bum�about ten of them by my 
estimates, and wrapped each one around me tightly. Betty kept handing 
pins to Lisa as she stuck several of them into my diapers. She continued 
diapering me and adding the layers to the set, making them thicker and 
thicker. I lost count at about the ninth or tenth diaper but I had 
estimated that she put fifteen diapers on me again.
	"You know, you just might still be sick," Lisa said. "I think you 
need a few more diapers." With this, Betty opened up one of my diaper 
drawers and handed Lisa another stack of diapers to add to the ones I 
already had on.
	"Think this will be enough?" Betty asked Lisa.
	"If they'll fit," Lisa said. She took the diapers and began 
folding them. Betty then handed Lisa some more pins.
	The diapering continued. I lifted my butt again and felt their 
increasing tightness against my stomach as I let Lisa slide the diapers 
underneath me. She wrapped the additional diapers over my already very 
thick bundling and pinned them up. She managed to get them to fit, and 
she used plenty of pins to ensure that they would stay on. At this point 
she was folding less material into the crotch in order to get each 
diaper to fit over the huge stack. She was really serious when she said 
she'd put twenty diapers on me. By the time she got to the last one she 
couldn't fold it at all and she was pinning flat diapers on me.
	"I think that's enough," Betty said.
	"I hope your plastic pants still fit," Lisa said. "They're awfully 
big when you only have four diapers on, but with twenty diapers, who 
	Lisa pulled the plastic pants up over my legs and past my knees, 
where they easily slid up to where my diapers were bulging what seemed 
like a foot out from my crotch; I knew it was several inches worth of 
diapers. She stretched them out and pulled on one side of them. Betty 
stepped in and helped with working the other side. The two girls finally 
got the plastic pants over the huge mass of diapers that I was wearing.
	"There, diapered at last!" Lisa said as she looked at my butt and 
gave it a firm pat. Lisa and Betty waited for me to leave my room first 
so that they could enjoy looking at my diapered butt and have the 
pleasure of watching me waddle my way out to the living room.
	Cindy came home a few minutes later and saw me sitting in front of 
the TV.
	"Still sick, I take it," she said as she looked at me sitting with 
my legs spread apart with a diapered crotch nearly a foot wide.
	"Actually, I think I'm doing okay now," I said.
	"Well, I don't think I'll have to change your diapers for a long 
time. Those should last you throughout the weekend!"
	Tony then showed up after he had gotten out of school and off the 
bus, along with his third-grade sister Kara. He stopped by to see how I 
was doing and to tell me about the day. He also brought me all the 
schoolwork that I missed that day, ugh.
	"Happy birthday, Chris!" Tony told me.
	"Not too happy when you sit home feeling sick all day," I 
	"That's true," he said. "Well, happy birthday, anyway."
	"Thanks," I said.
	"This might cheer you up," Tony said as he handed me a folded 
piece of notebook paper. He had drawn me a birthday card in crayon. It 
had the words "HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHRIS!" written in big letters across the 
front along with a birthday cake, complete with twelve candles. Inside 
of it the words read "GET WELL SOON!" He drew a picture of me lying in 
my bed with a thermometer in my mouth with a little arrow and a note 
saying "101�". My legs were spread widely apart by the huge diaper that 
he drew me wearing. It turned out that his drawing was hardly an 
	"Thanks," I said as I opened the combination birthday/get well 
card and read it.
	"I made it during class when Mrs. Stevenson was busy grading 
papers," Tony explained. I then went out on recess and got some kids to 
sign it. Some of them were jerks about it, but they wouldn't have 
written anything nice anyway."
	"I'm surprised they can write at all," I said. I was surprised to 
see who did sign the card. It was no surprise, though, to see that some 
kids wrote "good thing you wear diapers!" Many of them took the 
opportunity to call me "poop butt" and other things they called me in 
school. One kid wrote, "CRAPPY birthday Chris! Get it?" Also not 
surprising was Megan's note, written in red pen with a big heart around 
it with several little hearts around the big one. It said, "Happy 
birthday! Get well soon, cutey-butt!- love, Megan X X X O O O" She even 
dotted the I in "birthday" with a heart.
	I set the card down on the coffee table after I re-read Megan's 
note and savored it a little more.
	"So how are you feeling?" Tony asked me.
	"I think I'm feeling better now," I said.
	"Wow, that's some bunch of diapers you got on there!" Tony said as 
he noted their massive bulge out from my crotch, apparently trying to 
count the number of layers stacked together.
	"Well, you ought to know Lisa by now," I said. Lisa chuckled as 
she enjoyed having her diaper jobs on me being acknowledged like this. 
Kara giggled as she saw my huge diapers keeping my legs wedged apart.
	"I think you've set a record with your diapers this time," Tony 
said with a laugh. "I should call Guinness."
	"Why don't *you* wear your diapers like that?" Kara asked Tony.
	"I wear disposables, Kara," Tony said.
	"I know that!" she said emphatically as she slapped Tony on his 
thigh. "I see you in your diapers every day."
	"Yeah, and if he wore cloth diapers, you'd have to deal with this, 
too," Lisa said as she showed Kara the bucket full of all the shit-
covered diapers that had been soaking in the bucket in my room, 
including the ones that Mom changed me out of this afternoon.
	"Eeeeugh!" Kara said as she plugged her nose and turned her head 
away from the unsightly and smelly mess. "That stinks!"
	"Used diapers do tend to have a foul odor to them," Lisa remarked 
facetiously in a deadpan voice.
	"I hope you'll always wear disposable diapers, Tony," Kara said to 
her older brother. "You smell bad enough with those."
	"Aww come on, Kara, you ought to be used to how I smell by now," 
Tony said.
	"I may be used to it, but that doesn't mean that I like it," Kara 
said as she plugged her nose.
	Tony figured that he would be there at my house with me awhile, so 
he took his pants off and went around in just his diaper as he preferred 
to do. I looked at the front and it was puffed out from his wetting. It 
looked like it was ready to burst. The back of it was also bulging out, 
weighed down by a good-sized pile of poop. Lisa offered to change him, 
seeing that his diaper was obviously overdue. Tony agreed to let her do 
	A few minutes later Tony came out with a freshly-changed diaper 
on. Lisa followed close behind with the used diaper wadded up in her 
hand, taking it to the garbage to dispose of it. Tony and I then went 
into the kitchen and went over the assignments that he was given from 
the teacher to give to me. I sighed as I look at all the assignments 
that I had to do.
	"This one's really easy," Tony assured me. "And this one doesn't 
even have to be done until Monday."
	"That's good," I said as I decided to start with my English 
assignment and get it over with. We spent the next couple hours working 
on homework and talking about the day he had at school.
	Mom came home a little later than usual. She brought in a box that 
contained an ice cream cake that she had picked up from Dairy Queen. She 
had them write "Happy Birthday Chris" across it.
	"I figured this would help you feel better for your birthday," my 
Mom said to me. She then said, "Happy Birthday, sweetie." She lifted my 
bangs from my forehead and kissed me.
	"Your temperature's down, I can tell," she said. "You think you 
can eat some of this ice cream cake?"
	"I think I can," I said. I was ready to give my schoolwork a rest 
	Cindy got the video camera while Mom got the still camera, and 
took some pictures of me with the cake before it was cut into and eaten. 
We made sure to save some for Dad when he got home from work. Maybe it 
was going to be a happy birthday after all, I decided as Tony and I sat 
together in the front room in just our diapers and ate our ice cream.


	I was feeling really bummed out by getting sick on my birthday and 
feeling fine on the days before and after. The day after my birthday, I 
was back to school, back to the same old routine, though it was a Friday 
and I was looking forward to the weekend and having Tony stay over with 
me that night.
	Everyone asked me, "where were you yesterday?" Apparently not 
enough kids knew of my absence in spite of Tony's efforts to get kids to 
sign my birthday card. Of course I told them that I was at home feeling 
sick, though I declined to go into specifics, not that it was any secret 
that I pooped my diapers. Other kids thought that I had taken the day 
off deliberately and falsely accused me of playing hooky because it was 
my birthday.
	At recess Tony and I went out to play on the swings. Just after we 
had gotten our momentum built up, Megan came running up to me and told 
me to stop, so I skidded myself to a grinding halt. I looked up at 
Megan. She was carrying a small present in her hands.
	"Hi Chris," she said as she stood before me. She was about a foot 
taller than I was, so it must have been that growth spurt that girls go 
through before boys do.
	"Hi," I said to her.
	"I know I'm a day late, but, Happy Birthday!"
	"Thanks," I said, thinking that it wasn't really that happy. Tony 
resumed swinging.
	"I missed you yesterday," she said. "I heard you were sick."
	"Yeah, I was," I said to her. "Thanks for signing the card that 
Tony made."
	"It was a pleasure," Megan said with a flirtatious smile. "I knew 
you'd appreciate it."
	"It sucked being sick on my birthday, of all days," I commented.
	"That happened to me once," she said. "I kind of liked getting to 
stay home all day and watch TV."
	"Not me, I was throwing up and, well, let's just say that I was 
glad that I had these on," I said hesitantly, pointing to my butt. Megan 
knew that I was talking about my diapers, of course.
	"Oh, that kind of sick," she said. She then looked around, making 
sure there were no teachers nearby as she didn't want to get in trouble 
for using profanity, a big school no-no. Having confirmed that there 
were no faculty members within earshot, Megan then said, "So you had the 
shits, eh?"
	"Yeah, I did, big time," I said.
	"Too bad I couldn't have been there to change your diapers for 
you!" she smiled.
	"I don't think you would have wanted to deal with what I did in 
them," I said.
	"I've been baby-sitting for the last couple months," Megan said. 
"Believe me, I have changed some pretty messy diapers."
	Curious, I wondered who some of the kids were that Megan baby-sat, 
in particular, the ones who wore diapers, so I asked her who all she 
	"This one kid is three, and he's still not potty trained. I think 
his parents are fed up with him. They tell me to make sure he goes to 
the toilet every thirty minutes, but he tells me he hates being yelled 
at and being made to sit on the toilet and stuff, and he would rather 
wear diapers instead, so I just let him use his diapers."
	"Sounds about like what I went through," I told Megan. "I hated 
toilet training."
	"Obviously, you cutey-butt, you!" she said as she smiled. After we 
had stood there and talked about diapers, she finally handed me the 
present. Tony stopped again to find out what Megan got for me.
	"Here, I got you this," Megan said to me. "I was gonna give it to 
you for your birthday yesterday, but you weren't here."
	"Thanks," I said to her, staring at her puffy, wind-chilled rosy 
cheeks and freckled smiling face.
	"You want me to open it now?" I asked her as I looked at the 
pretty wrapping paper. It had white kittens all over it. They reminded 
me of our cat Cotton, who was so named because he was white, like my 
	"If you want, or you can wait," she said.
	During this time, I felt a bowel movement coming and I knew that 
within minutes my diapers were about to be soiled. It was at this moment 
that I felt the load pour out of my butt and into my diapers, instantly 
filling up the entire seat. It felt good to feel solid shit again for 
once, at least not being about ninety-five percent water.
	"I'll open it at lunch," I said, realizing that I had more 
important matters to take care of at the moment. "You need to come with 
me, Tony?" I asked him.
	"Not yet, I'm just wet," he said.
	"Hey, that rhymes!" Megan said.
	I thanked Megan for the present and told her that I would open her 
present to me at lunch. Tony and I then got up. Tony followed me to the 
nurse's office, but at that time he had to go back to class since the 
bell rang and he wouldn't get a "diaper change" pass, as we had gotten 
accustomed to being handed a little note from the nurse. It was a pre-
printed slip that the nurse just signed her initials on.
	I went in to see the nurse, who I had gotten to know fairly well 
over the last three years. After all, we saw each other each day. It was 
nice to know her personally and not just see her as someone doing her 
routine job. She greeted me and said, "you're early today, Chris!"
	"Yeah," I said. "Maybe I'm not quite over what I had yesterday."
	"I missed you yesterday," she said as she got up to lead me into 
the private little room where my diaper changes were taken care of as 
well as the room where I kept all my diapers, picking up my used ones 
from there at the end of the day.
	"And I understand it was your birthday, too," the nurse said to me 
with a sympathetic voice. "Tony told me. That's too bad."
	"Well, not much I can do about it now. Besides, we're having my 
birthday on Sunday anyway, when all my family can get together."
	"Ahh, I see," she said, closing the door to the room. I unfastened 
my pants and pulled them off, setting them on a chair in the corner of 
the room. I walked over to the changing table and got up on it. She then 
reached for the tapes of my disposable diaper and released it, revealing 
their wet and stinking contents. The two doublers that I always wore 
inside my diapers were also thoroughly soaked.
	While the nurse knew me closely and personally-- even the reason I 
was in diapers-- the way she handled her job of changing me every day 
was very routine and carried out in a professional manner. She cleaned 
my bottom and my crotch and warned me of any signs of a developing rash 
or other skin irritations whenever she spotted them. She then got out a 
fresh diaper from my supply that I brought to school and replenished as 
needed. They were kept in a cabinet where Tony and some other kids in 
our school who wore diapers kept their supplies.
	The nurse also had some powder and she used it on me with every 
diaper change. She added a couple quick skiffs of powder to my crotch. 
She didn't do all the rubbing like I enjoyed when Lisa and Cindy, and 
especially their friends changed my diapers. As much as I confided in 
the nurse, I don't think I would have wanted her to do this to me and be 
giving my genitals so much attention, especially since they were getting 
bigger and more sensitive to such stimuli. After all, it was just her 
	Minutes later the new diaper was taped back up neatly and tightly 
with two doublers padding up my frontal area rather nicely. I got up 
from the table and walked over to the chair where my pants had been 
waiting, and I put them back on over my thick disposable diaper. She 
then signed a little slip of paper and gave it to me.
	"Well, I may or may not see you at noon like I usually do," she 
said to me as she washed her hands.
	"I guess it all depends on how I am feeling today, I guess," I 
told her as I left. "Thanks again."
	Even after three years of wearing diapers to school, some of the 
kids felt that they had to say something about me wearing diapers. Just 
about any time I had a diaper change that ran into class time, I could 
count on some kid to say "he was getting his diapers changed!" or 
something like that whenever I returned to class.
	I went up to Mrs. Stevenson and gave her my "diaper change pass." 
I asked her what we were doing. She handed me some papers to take back 
to my desk, briefly explaining what the exercise was about. I was still 
carrying the present from Megan. I took it back to my desk with me and 
set it in the storage space underneath before sitting back down.
	The exercise took the entire class period that led up to lunch. I 
wet my diapers during that time, and usually by this time I was also 
poopy, so I usually anticipated getting changed fairly soon. I didn't 
expect to have a bowel movement for most of the day, after having 
already pooped my diapers once, and I thought about how long it would be 
for me to wear wet diapers. I was used to being in wet and soiled 
diapers for several hours at a time when I was at home and put into much 
thicker diapers by my sisters, but at school, where I was diapered more 
modestly, I felt the need to be changed sooner.
	The lunch bell rang and we were all dismissed. I picked up my 
present and joined up with Tony as we left the classroom. We each took 
our sack lunches to our table and ate. Megan and a couple of her friends 
joined us with their hot lunch trays. I was glad I didn't have to eat 
the stuff they glopped onto those trays.
	"You got your present?" Megan asked me.
	"Right here," I said.
	"Open it up!" Megan told me. I stuck my finger underneath the 
wrapping and carefully tore it away as I liked the cats on the wrapping. 
I had guessed from its size that it was a CD. I gently tore open the 
rest of the package and revealed that it was a Pearl Jam CD. I was 
surprised that Megan would have bought me such a present. I was 
expecting it to be something like CD full of kids' songs, since Megan 
often referred to me as a baby boy, and of course "cutey-butt", for 
wearing diapers, albeit in an affectionate sort of way and not to be 
teasing me about being in diapers like she used to do.
	"Thanks," I told Megan. "How did you know I like Pearl Jam?"
	"You told me one time," she said. "You know how I remember 
everything you tell me. Besides, I like Pearl Jam, too."
	"I was expecting some silly kids songs CD or something," I said to 
	"Well, actually I was gonna do something like that," Megan said. 
"But, well, you're twelve now. I know that I call you a baby boy and 
'cutey-butt' all the time, but I didn't want you to forget that in some 
ways you're a big boy, too," Megan smiled. "A big boy in diapers, but a 
big boy."
	I looked forward to listening to the CD when I got home from 
school. I knew that Tony would like it, too, and would want me to tape a 
copy of it for him. Most of all, however, I looked forward to having 
another fun sleepover with Tony as we have been doing regularly ever 
since we became friends.
	Shortly after 6:00 that evening, Tony was dropped off at my house 
by his Mom. As usual, he left his pants at home and decided that he 
would just wear his diapers the whole time that he was at my house, 
which is the same thing that I did whenever I stayed at his place.
	When Tony showed up I was in my bedroom listening to my new CD 
with my headphones on. At the same time I was reading a little story 
that I had just written recently about a boy who went up to a wishing 
well and wished that he could erase his memories of his potty training. 
He had been granted his wish on the condition that he wear diapers all 
the time since his wish would re-arrange his life so that he was never 
potty trained in the first place. It was a silly little story like so 
many others that I had written off and on, but I liked reading them. 
Tony also liked them, so I was glad to have someone with whom to share 
such stories.
	Tony caught me off-guard as he came into my room. I didn't even 
hear him open the door. All I know was that I suddenly felt the weight 
of his bag on the foot of my bed as he set it down. I looked up and saw 
Tony standing there with a red T-shirt and a disposable diaper with two 
doublers padding up the front. I could tell that Tony was in need of a 
change by the yellow tint and the bulge from his diapers containing so 
much wetness.
	I took off my headphones and said hello to Tony.
	"I could have come in here and stolen your money and you would 
have never known it," Tony joked. How's that CD?
	"I love it!" I said. "I was listening to a song called 'Black.'"
	I pulled out my headphones and played the CD through the speakers 
so that Tony could also listen to it. I showed Tony the story that I had 
been reading over. I knew he hadn't seen it yet. I could tell that he 
was enjoying reading it as I noticed him rubbing the front of his wet 
diaper before he even got to the second page.
	"I wish I could write like this," Tony said. "Too bad you can't 
just share these stories with anyone."
	"I know," I said. "I sometimes wonder if anyone else in the world 
even writes things like this," I said. "I mean, if it weren't for you, 
I'd be the only one who ever saw them. I just wish there was a way to 
find others like us."
	"Ever thought about uploading them to a BBS?"
	"Are you kidding!" I said to Tony, wondering if he was really 
serious. "If I did that I'd get kicked off of them for the things I 
write about! Besides, I don't think anyone else but us would understand 
stories about boys who pee and poop their diapers all the time and get 
changed by their sisters and girls who live next door, things like 
that." I got a hard-on just from describing the general content of my 
	"Well, consider this," Tony said. "There are about five billion 
people on this planet, so there's got to be others besides us."
	"Well, there is my cousin Darren," I said. "And Bryce, well, look 
what happened to him. He got put into diapers for punishment just like I 
did, but then he got to liking them, and then his parents tried to get 
him to stop wearing diapers, and he wouldn't, so they gave up on him and 
now he's in diapers for good."
	"I'm sure there are kids like us all around," Tony said.
	"Yeah, probably, but you can't just go around and ask people if 
they wear diapers or check their pants."
	"I do it all the time!" Tony said. "In fact, we were in the store 
last week and I saw this kid who was like seven, maybe eight. Not only 
could I see his diaper showing above his pants, but I heard his little 
sister ask her mom if he needed changing. I could tell, too from the 
	"You told me about that," I said. "I do that, too, but even then, 
you can't just ask people about their diapers, even if you find out that 
they wear them, too."
	"Maybe we should start up a BBS of our own for boys who wear 
	"Yeah, like we know how to run one. Mom and Dad don't even like it 
when I sign on to them since it ties up the phone line."
	"Maybe someday they'll come out with a BBS that everyone in the 
world can get to."
	"Hard to say, Tony," I said.
	As Tony continued to read the story I noticed that his free hand 
was fixed on the front of his diaper. I could hear the saturated gels of 
his diaper squishing around as he slowly massaged his dick and his 
balls. I knew why he was doing it since I knew that it felt good when I 
did it.
	"Do you need Lisa or Cindy to change you?" I asked Tony.
	"Not yet," Tony said. He finished reading the story and then he 
set it down. He then sat back and spread his legs apart and stuck his 
butt towards me. As I looked at his diapered crotch and butt I felt my 
dick stiffening up even more in the tight confinement of my much thicker 
diapers. I then heard Tony load up his diapers with shit. I heard his 
poop flowing into his diaper and watched his diaper bulge as it caught 
Tony's bowel movement. I was always diapered much too thickly for Tony 
to see any bulging, and the most anyone ever heard was a fart that was 
muted by a big bunch of diapers.
	"Now I need to be changed," Tony said as he sat there in the same 
position, scooting his butt back and forth on the bed. He rubbed his 
crotch and his butt. "My diaper is definitely due for a change. How are 
your diapers?" Tony asked me.
	"Full of pee and poop as usual," I said. "Can't you tell?" I added 
facetiously as I ran my hands over my diapers and felt the messy 
contents squishing around my balls.
	"Uh, sure, like I have X-ray vision," Tony replied. "I don't think 
even Superman could see through all those diapers you have on, Chris!"
	After a few minutes passed by, Tony asked me, "so what do you want 
to do tonight?"
	"I dunno, the usual I suppose," I said. "Eat pizza, watch movies, 
shit in our diapers."
	"We always get stuck watching something that Lisa and Cindy want 
to see," Tony complained.
	"Well, for one thing, I'm the youngest," I said, "so my sisters 
think this gives them more say on what we watch, and we never get 
anything that I like to watch when they go to the video store, and since 
they always diaper me up like this I can never leave the house and they 
don't ever give me my pants, not that they'd fit, anyway."
	"Yeah, that's what sucks about being the youngest," Tony said. 
"But Mom has me and Kara take turns on picking out which movies we get 
to watch."
	"Nobody lets me pick out what I want to watch," I conceded. "But 
since it's my birthday-- well, yesterday it was-- it should be my turn 
to pick out a movie."
	"Yeah, I don't wanna get stuck watching some chick flick or tear-
jerker or something that your sisters would watch, and since it's your 
birthday, you oughtta get to choose the movie."
	"So you really wanna go to the video store?" I asked Tony.
	"Sure," he said. "But there's just one problem."
	"What's that?" I asked Tony.
	"What am I going to wear? I didn't bring any pants."
	"You can wear my pants," I said, "as long as you can get them from 
my sisters."
	"And what does that leave *you* to wear?" Tony asked me. "You only 
have one pair of pants, you know, and they only fit over your 
disposables. Also, you'd have to have Lisa or Cindy take you out of all 
these cloth diapers and put you into a disposable."
	"Yeah, that's true," I agreed with Tony. "And you know how Lisa 
and Cindy are about changing my diapers. Once they've put me in my cloth 
diapers after school, I don't get changed again until bedtime, and right 
now, well, I really need to be changed."
	I looked down at how heavily diapered I was like always. I scooted 
my butt forward and felt the stinky poop find its way around inside my 
thick, soiled diapers.
	"I'm awfully messy and I really stink," I added.
	"Me, too, I need to be changed big-time!" Tony bragged as he put 
his hand on his diaper and pushed on it repeatedly to squish the poop 
around inside of it.
	"If you can get Lisa or Cindy to change you and get them to give 
you my only pair of pants, then I suppose you can go to the video store. 
The 'rules' still apply, you know, and if I am to wear diapers, I have 
to let my sisters change me and any of my friends."
	"Yeah, I know," Tony said. "But I'm used to it here."


	Tony and I got up from my bed and we went out to the front room 
where we saw Mom reading the newspaper. Lisa and Cindy were watching 
their nightly syndicated sitcom shows.
	"Mom," I said as I went up to her.
	"Yes, Chris, what?" she asked me as she looked up.
	"Tony and I want to go to the video store and pick out a movie. 
Since it was my birthday yesterday, and I was sick, I think I should get 
to pick one out for a change."
	"Well, okay," Mom said. "But you'll need your pants to do that, 
kiddo," Mom said as she gently pinched the back of my bare thigh just 
below my bulging and smelly diapers.
	"I only have one pair, and they only fit over my disposables," I 
said to Mom.
	"I'm very well aware of that, dear," Mom said to me. "And you 
don't have anything that's going to fit over those cloth diapers, 
either. I'll let you go the video store, since it was your birthday 
yesterday, but we're not changing the 'rules' that we agreed upon three 
years ago when we decided to let you wear diapers full time."
	"So that means I have to go to the video store in just my 
	"If you're willing to do that, and I doubt you are, Chris. Maybe 
you can ask Lisa if she'll loan you her old gym shorts from junior 
	"Are you kidding?" I questioned my Mom's suggestion.
	"Oh come on, Chris. They're the same shorts as what the boys 
wear!" my Mom said.
	"Well, I suppose," I said, hesitant to even go out of the house 
with my multiple cloth diapers on and wear them into a public place, 
even if I did have shorts over them. I waited until there was a 
commercial break and then I asked Lisa if Tony could wear my pants and I 
could borrow her gym shorts so that we could go to the video store.
	"What do you want my gym shorts for?" Lisa asked me.
	"What else do I have to wear?" I told her.
	"Mom's actually letting you go to the video store on your own?"
	"He is twelve now, Lisa," my Mom said to her. "I think Chris 
should at least get some privileges to leave the house on his own, but 
his diapers still stay, of course."
	"Did Mom say you could go?" Lisa asked me.
	"Yes, she did," I answered her impatiently.
	"I think you can go there in just your diapers," Lisa said, 
refusing to let me borrow her gym shorts.
	"Lisa," my Mom said to her. "Could you let Chris wear your old gym 
shorts for just a few minutes? He and Tony are just going to the video 
store to pick out a movie. After all, it's Chris' birthday."
	"Oh, okay," Lisa conceded. "Let me watch the rest of my show 
	I didn't argue any further and I was glad that I was going to at 
least have something to wear over my diapers so that I could leave the 
house. It would be the first time in a long while that I had left the 
house without being with Mom or going to school, and wearing something 
besides diapers.
	When the show ended, Lisa led Tony and me into her room. We both 
sat on her bed and watched Lisa rummage through her drawers to find her 
shorts. She looked at Tony and told him not to sit on her bed.
	"Why not?" he asked.
	"I don't want your poop-filled diaper leaking and spilling poop 
onto my bed. Just one more reason I like to put so many cloth diapers on 
my brother's butt! Besides, he looks awfully cute in about a dozen or so 
diapers!" Lisa looked at me sitting there with my legs widely spread 
apart by my diapers and smiled. She then told Tony once more to get up 
from the bed. He did as he was told and stood while he waited with me.
	Lisa finally found the shorts buried at the bottom of the drawer. 
They were very garish-looking, yellow on one side and black on the 
other, with the junior high school's logo emblazoned on the front. She 
tossed them to me.
	"I don't know if those will fit over your diapers," Lisa said. "If 
I could squeeze my big butt into them, then I think you can squeeze 
yours into them as well. Of course, my big butt coming from cellulite 
and yours coming from your diapers!"
	I held the large, baggy garment in front of me and thought about 
how I would look wearing them in the video store. I put the shorts on, 
and at first they seemed to slide up rather nicely over my plastic 
pants, but then the shorts became tight as I tried to get them to go up 
the rest of the way and cover up my diapers. Lisa watched me as I 
struggled to get the shorts to fit.
	"If they don't fit, well, too bad, that's all I have," Lisa said.
	"What about your pants?" I asked Lisa.
	"The legs are too long," she said as she held up a pair of her 
denim jeans and demonstrated that they would not fit me lengthwise. They 
would have likely fit over my diapers, since Lisa had gained more weight 
since she had worn her gym shorts.
	The shorts fit snugly around my diapers, but they didn't come up 
high enough to conceal the top two to three inches of my high-rising 
diapers. I figured this wouldn't matter since my shirt covered the top 
portion of my diapers and that I would be wearing my jacket, anyway.
	Tony still hadn't yet been given my pants, so I asked Lisa if she 
could get them for him.
	"I'm getting them, don't get your diapers in a wad," she said to 
me. She then opened the trunk in which she now kept my pants, undoing 
three padlocks which ensured that I would never be able to get to my 
pants myself. She handed the pants to Tony. Before Tony put them on, he 
asked Lisa if she could change him before we left.
	"I'll do that when it's your bedtime," Lisa said to Tony. She then 
scooted us out of her room, patting each of us on our behinds as she 
said, "out, out, out!" I could see and hear Tony's poop inside his 
diapers as I looked at his butt when he walked, as did Lisa.
	Tony put my pants on over his diaper. The legs were too short and 
his white socks were showing, but then, so were mine. I looked at myself 
in my mirror as I went into my bedroom. I hoped that nobody would notice 
the bulge underneath the shorts, but no doubt, anyone who saw me would. 
I figured it was too late to back out of this now.
	Mom handed me some money along with the membership card and told 
us not to be gone for very long. I grabbed my jacket from the closet and 
handed Tony his jacket, too. Tony and I then walked out the front door 
and met Dad just as he was coming up the walk and into the house after 
coming home from work.
	"Where are *you* boys going?" Dad confronted Tony and me as he 
stopped us dead in our tracks.
	"Uh, to the video store, Dad," I said. Dad was surprised to see me 
wearing shorts over my diapers as he kept looking down at my legs.
	"Where did you get the shorts?" Dad asked me.
	"They're Lisa's old gym shorts," I replied.
	"You haven't forgotten the rules, have you, Chris?" Dad said to 
me. "Diapers and *only* diapers unless you're going to school or 
someplace with your Mom."
	"Mom said I could leave," I said to Dad.
	"Oh really?" he said. "Let's go talk to her."
	"Shit!" I thought to myself. Tony and I followed Dad back into the 
	"Since when do we let Chris go out of the house on his own?" Dad 
asked Mom.
	"Robert, Chris is twelve years old now, you know," Mom said to 
Dad. "I think after three years, we can at least grant him a little 
	"You kind of forget how old he's getting, considering he wears 
diapers like a baby," Dad said, subtly hinting how, even after three 
years, he still hadn't fully come to accept me wearing diapers.
	"Does this mean we're changing 'the rules?'" Dad asked my Mom.
	"Dear, it is Chris' birthday, I mean, it was actually yesterday, 
but, you know, you know what I mean. Anyway, he never gets to go to the 
video store and pick out his own movies to watch unless he's with me. 
Besides, he was sick all day yesterday, on his birthday of all days, and 
the boy deserves it this once."
	"Well, okay," Dad said grudgingly. "Just this one time, Chris, 
just this one time."
	"Thanks, Dad," I said to him.
	"You're gonna look awfully funny walking around like that with 
your diapers bulging out so much," Dad said to me. "Those shorts don't 
exactly make a fashion statement, either."
	"They're Lisa's old gym shorts," I explained to my Dad again. 
"It's all I could wear. They're the only other thing in the house I 
could fit over my diapers."
	"And I'm wearing Chris' pants," Tony said to my father, ignoring 
him as he went into the kitchen and set his briefcase down. He grabbed a 
beer from the refrigerator and went back into the living room, taking a 
magazine with him as he sat down in his chair.
	"I just called for pizza and it should be here soon," Cindy said.
	"If you boys want to watch a movie and get back in time for pizza, 
you'd better get going," my Mom said to us.
	Tony and I went out the front door, again, after being delayed ten 
minutes by my father earlier. As I walked I heard my plastic pants 
crinkling beneath my shorts. I wasn't used to walking such a long 
distance with several cloth diapers bundled around me and wedged in 
between my legs. I could feel the mess rubbing up against my buttocks, 
spreading more throughout my diapers.
	We reached the video store, three blocks from the entrance to our 
subdivision. Even before we went inside I felt funny about being dressed 
the way I was. Nervously, I followed Tony into the store. It was Friday 
night and the store was very busy. I looked around the store and saw 
lots of people milling around the aisles, most of them hopefully paying 
more attention to making selections from the available movies than to 
Tony and me.
	"Well, we're here, finally," Tony said.
	"And by ourselves, too," I added. We walked over to the "new 
releases" wall, which was where most of the people seemed to be 
concentrated. It also meant more people to see my bulging diapered butt, 
as if the contrasting yellow-and-black color scheme of my tightly-
fitting shorts didn't already draw enough attention.
	Tony and I looked at various titles and discussed which ones 
looked good. We worked our way down the aisle among a couple dozen other 
people. Both Tony and I stank from being in messy diapers. Some of the 
people appeared to be repelled from Tony and me because we both smelled 
so bad.
There were a lot of kids, little kids, too. Some mothers even stopped 
down to check their little boys' pants to see if they had an accident 
after smelling Tony and me. It was certain that at least one of the 
little kids would see that I was very well-diapered, especially with my 
butt at their eye level.
	I heard a little boy behind me. He turned to his Mom and said, 
"that kid is wearing a diaper!"
	Pretending to be looking at a video, I listened to the ensuing 
response from his mother, hoping that maybe his mother would say 
something to the effect that her little boy also wore diapers. She was 
whispering to him. All I could pick up was "maybe he has to wear them, 
too." I wasn't sure if I heard the word "too" at the end correctly, but 
I was content with thinking of the possibility that he wore diapers at 
his age. He looked to be past the age of three.
	Tony and I moved farther down the wall. Again, my diapers drew 
attention, this time from a group of three girls who appeared to be 
Cindy's age. They giggled, as most groups of girls seemed to do, and it 
was evident that they noticed my diapers. I tried not to acknowledge 
their presence, but I couldn't help but to listen to them.
	"He's wearing diapers!" I heard one of them whisper. "Look at his 
	"Cute shorts, too!" I heard one of them say. "They're the P.E. 
shorts from our school! Have you ever seem him?"
	"No, he looks a little young to be in junior high, so maybe they 
belong to his brother or something."
	A moment later I heard one of them say, "go up to him and ask him 
if he wears diapers!"
	"No way, you do it!" I heard another one say. The three of them 
giggled loudly. Tony and I decided to walk away from the new releases 
wall to a less-crowded section of the store. Apparently, our evasion 
attempt from the girls only encouraged them to follow us. They caught up 
with us in an otherwise empty aisle. Tony and I tried to act like we 
didn't know they were there, but they knew we were paying attention to 
	I was hoping they would leave us alone, but I knew one of them 
would come up to us, and she did. She said, "excuse me" in a sheepish 
	"Shit! Dammit! No! No! Damn!" I thought to myself, hoping to get 
this over with quickly. I figured ignoring her wouldn't do any good, so 
I looked at her. She had on high-cut denim cut-offs and was wearing a 
rather revealing halter top, complete with a ring pierced into her 
	"I couldn't help but notice that you wear diapers," the girl said 
shyly and nervously. I heard the other two girls suppressing their 
giggles in the background.
	I couldn't lie, since it was very obvious that I was diapered.
	"Yeah, I do," I said.
	"Why do you wear them?" she asked.
	"Because, I just do," I said.
	"Are you, like, afraid of toilets?" she asked me before she lost 
control of her ability to suppress her laughter. I decided not to answer 
her question. After a minute passed she said, "that's okay. I'm sure 
it's pretty embarrassing for a boy your age to still be in diapers. They 
sure are big diapers and they really make your butt stand out."
	Again, the girls in the background started laughing.
	"Please go away!" I thought to myself.
	"What's your name?" she asked me. I wasn't about to give her my 
real name, so I told her, "John."
	"Pleased to meet you, John," she said. "You know, that's kind of 
funny, you know, that your name is John, which is what they call a 
toilet, like, you know, and you don't seem to use toilets. Ever thought 
about that?"
	"Christ!" I grumbled, feeling like I was losing against this nosy 
girl, no matter what I did or said.
	"The name's Chris, okay!" I said, losing my patience.
	"So then why did you say your name is John?" the girl asked me. 
She then said, "I'll talk to your friend instead, or is he your 
	"Do you wear diapers?" she asked Tony. Much to my surprise, Tony 
pulled down on the top of my pants that he was wearing and showed the 
girl part of his diaper.
	"Yep, I do," Tony said without exhibiting shame.
	"Oh my God!" the girl exclaimed loudly. "Both of them wear 
diapers! How old are you boys?"
	"Let's go," I told Tony as I walked out of the aisle to get away 
from the girls.
	Tony and I were back to looking at the new releases. At that time 
I produced some "new releases" of my own and ended up loading my diapers 
right there in the store while surrounded by several other people. I 
felt the warmth of the fresh stools pressing up against my buttocks. I 
also peed at the same time. In a way it seemed fun to be able to pee and 
poop like I did without anyone knowing that I did it.
	Tony and I had made it to the other end of the "new releases" 
wall, the "W" section. We realized that time was running out and we 
needed to get back soon. I grabbed a copy of 'Wayne's World' and asked 
Tony if he liked it.
	"Sure," he agreed. "I suppose the pizza's already there at your 
	"Yeah, we got to get back soon," I said. I kept the tape in my 
hand and carried it up to the front. There were about eight other people 
in line ahead of me.
	"Dammit!" I said to Tony. "Look at this line that we have to wait 
	"I'm sure they'll will save some pizza for us if we get back 
late," Tony tried to assure me.
	It had only been about five minutes as we made our way towards the 
counter, but it seemed like an eternity. While we stood there, I heard a 
very familiar sound that came from Tony. He let out a loud, wet and 
juicy fart, which I knew had to have been accompanied by a good-sized 
load of poop, adding to the globs of shit that he had already been 
toting around for awhile. The people in front of us turned around looked 
at us strangely. As Tony was starting to stink even more strongly, they 
moved up from us, apparently offended by our fresh diaper odors.
	Tony's diaper-pooping also caught the attention of the lady behind 
us, who had a seven-year-old-looking boy with her. I turned to my side 
and discreetly observed as she went behind her son, knelt down and 
checked his pants.
	"Mom!" the boy complained. "Don't do that here!"
	I heard his mother quietly talk to him.
	"Well, son, knowing how you don't always make it, and you don't 
ever tell me when it happens, that's why I still have to check you."
	"At least I'm not the only one," I heard the boy say. I could 
sense that he was looking at me and noticed my diapers.
	"Yes dear, now you know that you're not the only one," his mother 
	"Uh oh," Tony said to me as he had an uncomfortable look on his 
	"What's wrong?" I asked.
	"Uh, my diaper just popped open and it's leaking," Tony whispered 
to me. "It's running down my legs."
	"Good thing we're getting ready to leave," I said as I handed the 
video tape and the card to the cashier. We then left the store and 
hurried back to my house as fast as we could run. I was too heavily 
diapered to be able to run very fast, and Tony had a big mess in his 
diaper to deal with, so we decided that we might as well walk.
	"I don't believe that happened!" Tony said. "I knew I was pushing 
it, and I'm gonna get a rash, too."
	"Just be glad that it didn't happen while those girls were talking 
to us," I said.
	"We got back to my house and we were expecting to see the pizza 
already there, an open box with a few slices left, but we were relieved 
to find out that the pizza had still not yet arrived.
	Cindy noticed that Tony's diaper was leaking as she could see that 
the seat of his pants-- my pants-- was wet.
	"It looks like you are in need of an emergency changing," Cindy 
said to Tony.
	"You could say that," Tony said. Cindy then led him into my room 
to change him. Lisa decided to help while she was at it. Before she did 
that, she asked for her shorts back, so she pulled them off of me and 
returned me to my usual state of dress of only a T-shirt and very thick 
	While Tony was getting cleaned up and changed, I put the video in 
the VCR and cued it up to the start of the movie. At that time, the 
doorbell rang. My sisters were busy diapering Tony and my Mom was in the 
bathroom taking a bath. I expected Dad to get up and answer the door, 
but he told me to answer it instead.
	"I didn't order the pizza, so I shouldn't have to get it," he 
said. "Besides, it's not the first time the pizza guy's seen you in your 
	"It's always a different person, Dad," I told him.
	"Never mind that, Chris, just get the door."
	I felt embarrassed as I opened the door and was greeted by the 
pizza delivery driver. I stood there with my white diapers sticking out 
as plain as day. As always, the driver had a surprised look as he looked 
at me in my thick diapers.
	He brought the pizzas into the house and I took them from him and 
set them on the table. He then gave me the total that he expected to 
	"Uh Dad?" I said. "I need to pay the guy," I said.
	"Get it out of your Mom's purse," Dad said to me.
	Having no idea where my Mom put her purse, I told the driver that 
I would have the money in a moment.
	"That's fine," he said, looking at me strangely. No doubt he 
caught a good glimpse of my diapered behind as I went down the hall to 
the bathroom to ask my Mom where her purse was.
	"I left it out in the car, under the passenger's front seat," she 
told me. I assumed Mom meant the car that she usually drove as we had 
	I had a feeling that I was expected to get the money, so I walked 
past the pizza guy as he watched me go outside in my diapers to get my 
Mom's purse. I was embarrassed enough, so instead of carrying the purse 
back inside, I just rummaged through my Mom's purse and found two 
	"Good enough!" I said as I quickly ran back into the house. Tony 
had since then been diapered as he was standing there. The delivery 
driver was looking at him now, probably wondering what two twelve-year-
old boys were doing wearing diapers. Cindy was disposing of the dirty 
wipes and Tony's old diaper while Lisa took my pants to the washing 
machine, being that Tony got them soiled from his diaper leaking and 
coming open on him.
	I handed the driver the money that he had been patiently waiting 
for and he gave me the change.
	"Be sure to tip him," my Dad reminded me. I handed the driver a 
couple dollars.
	"Thanks, you folks have a good evening!" the driver said as he 
quickly bolted out of the house and went back to his car.
	The girls got themselves washed up as did Tony and me. We all 
settled down in front of the TV and watched "Wayne's World" while we 
enjoyed our pizza. I was still in a very poop-loaded set of diapers that 
was also becoming increasingly wet, especially after my body processed 
the pop that I had swigged down.
	Before Tony and I were sent to bed, Lisa and Cindy changed my 
diapers. Both the girls did the same job at the same time, each of them 
taking off my plastic pants and unpinning my diapers. They were very 
filled up with shit and soaked with piss as I expected after having them 
on all afternoon and evening. It took my sisters several minutes to wipe 
me up and get my butt clean again.
	Tony and I watched Cindy and Lisa as they each took a tall stack 
of diapers from my diaper drawers and began folding them, putting the 
diapers into one even taller stack that would soon be pinned around me 
very tightly and thickly. They each took turns powdering me and getting 
my butt and balls ready to take another several hours worth of constant 
contact with my pee and poop once my body produced its wastes.
	The diapers went on quickly as Lisa and Cindy performed their 
teamwork and pulled my diapers up into my crotch and pinned them up. My 
sisters added several more diaper layers on me and secured them with at 
least a dozen pins each, using the most pins on the topmost diaper, 
mostly for the looks of having a solid row of pins on each side of my 
diapers. They put me in double plastic pants and then slapped me on the 
butt, which they had been doing after each of my diaper changes for over 
three years.
	Tony always liked to watch my sisters diaper me, and I enjoyed 
watching them go to work on him as well as his sister Kara, who had 
started diapering him fairly recently, being allowed to do so by her 
Mom. In spite of Tony's thick disposable diaper, accompanied by two or 
three doublers, I could see that his dick was trying to poke up through 
his diapers. Mine was stiff, too.
	Tony and I went to bed at about midnight. Tony took his usual 
sleeping spot on the floor in his sleeping bag that he just left at our 
house since this was the only place that he used it anyway. Tony and I 
lay awake for another hour and talked about the night, including the 
girls who talked to us at the video store about our diapers. I thought 
about the two boys at the video store whom I suspected wore diapers and 
made up some fantasies about them, telling Tony about my thoughts. He 
was obviously very interested in listening to my stories as I could hear 
him working his hand over the front of his diaper. At the same time, I 
rubbed myself while thinking about these boys being diapered like I was, 
loading them with gobs of poop and wetting them heavily before being 
changed, and having a sister or two who made sure they were always well-
	I continued rubbing myself, eliciting that strange tingling 
feeling. Before I realized it, I felt my dick shoot out some sticky 
substance. I became scared, not knowing what had happened, even though 
it really felt good. Then my dick became very sensitive and I stopped 
rubbing it.
	I figured that Tony was a boy like me, and hopefully he would 
understand my concerns if I told him about what I had just experienced.
	"Yeah, that's called jacking off," Tony said bluntly.
	"Are you supposed to feel your dick spurt out like that?" I asked 
	"Yeah," Tony said. "It's natural, it's something that happens when 
you get older."
	I still felt funny as I felt my dick get limp again, but at least 
I was at ease knowing that I did not do anything harmful to myself. Tony 
and I talked about puberty and masturbation for several minutes. I asked 
Tony if he ever got hard-ons when he thought about girls.
	"Not really," he said. "Except when they change my diapers."
	"Same here," I said. I then told Tony that I sometimes thought 
about Megan being naked and this got me hard.
	"Oh, really?" Tony said, sounding surprised. I took some mild 
offense to this.
	"What, just because she's a little bit on the chubby side?" I 
	"Well, it's not just Megan, it's just girls in general."
	"It's because she's fat, right?" I said. "I happen to like girls 
who have big butts."
	"I didn't know that, sorry," Tony said.
	"What do you like?" I asked Tony.
	"You mean, girls?" he asked.
	"Yeah, I told you what I like, now you can tell me what you like."
	"I don't know, Chris, I really don't think about girls. I didn't 
think you thought about them, either."
	"I do more than I used to," I said. "Probably because I'm getting 
to that age."
	"I turned twelve before you did," Tony said. It seemed that he was 
trying to evade the topic.
	"Come on, Tony, we've been best friends since kindergarten. I told 
you, so you can tell me."
	"I really don't think about girls, alright?" Tony said, trying to 
remain calm, but losing his patience.
	"You still think about boys in diapers, don't you?" he asked, 
sounding concerned.
	"Of course," I said. "Why wouldn't I? Because I sometimes think of 
girls, too?"
	"Yeah," Tony replied.
	"Put it this way, if I had to choose one, it would be boys in 
diapers, hands down. I'd rather look at my photo albums of me in diapers 
than I would a girlie mag."
	"That's good to know, I was afraid you might be slipping on me."
	"That'll never happen," I assured Tony.
	Tony and I went back to talking about boys and diapers and this 
subject was mutually agreed upon, putting both of us at ease. We were 
getting drowsy as it was past 1:00 AM, so I told Tony good night and 
then fell asleep a few minutes later.


	The morning started out as it usually did. I was awake before 
Tony, so I went out to the kitchen and ate my cereal. When it came time 
for one of my sisters to change me I would go back into my room and get 
cleaned up and diapered for the day. I don't know whether it was the 
light, the sound or the strong smells of my diapers that woke Tony up, 
but he was usually awake by the time Lisa or Cindy had my diapers off 
and I was lying on the floor near him with my naked genitalia and my 
butt sticking out towards him.
	I usually didn't expect to go anywhere on the weekends, so I 
always expected Lisa or Cindy to put a huge stack of diapers on me and 
have me wear them around for the entire day without being changed. Mom 
would sometimes take my sisters to the mall and sometimes drop them off 
or stay there with them. In any case, I got the house to myself, that 
is, without my sisters. My Dad was usually home, though he sometimes had 
to put in Saturdays at his work, but he usually did his own thing and I 
did mine, each of us minding out own business.
	"Guess what?" Cindy said to me.
	"What's that?" I asked her.
	"You and Tony are coming to the mall with us today," she said.
	"Really?" I asked Cindy, seeing that she was bundling me up in 
several diapers in spite of the fact that I was to be joining them at 
the mall. I was surprised that Tony and I were to be going with my 
sisters and my Mom today and not getting to spend an afternoon at home 
playing around. While I was a little excited about it and I was still 
feeling a bit of cabin fever and ready to get out of the house again, I 
preferred to just sit at home in a dozen-plus cloth diapers all day 
	"Why are we going to the mall?" I asked Cindy.
	"Well, Dad's working, and Mom doesn't want you and Tony alone all 
day and we're gonna be gone awhile.
	"Wasn't it Mom that was saying that I was twelve now and that I 
deserve some freedom?" I asked.
	"I dunno," Cindy said, dismissing my remark.
	While Cindy was changing me, Lisa was busy taking care of Tony's 
messy bottom and cleaning him up. I looked past Cindy and I could see 
Tony's hard-on sticking straight up as Lisa gently wiped him up. Tony 
had a grin on his face. For not being fond of girls, he seemed to enjoy 
getting cleaned up and diapered by my sisters.
	"You boys are starting to get a little bigger down there," Lisa 
said to Tony as she looked at his dick. She then went to his diaper bag 
and proceeded to diaper him.
	Tony and I spent the next hour in just our diapers while we waited 
for Lisa and Cindy to get ready. They had to take their showers and then 
style their hair and put on their make-up and then select an "outfit." 
Most boys that I knew of didn't do all this every morning, and it made 
me even more glad that I was a boy, especially since I felt that boys 
had the privilege of wearing diapers more than girls did, and Tony and I 
agreed with this notion that we shared.
	Tony didn't expect to be going to the mall or anywhere else for 
that matter, and since he didn't have his pants with him, he had to 
borrow my pants again, which again left me with having to wear those 
big-ass shorts (literally "big-ass")from Lisa's ninth grade gym class. I 
could only imagine how I would look walking around at the mall on a busy 
Saturday with my butt bulging out. I asked Cindy to switch me into some 
disposable diapers and then let me wear my own pants. I loved being in 
my thick cloth diapers at home, but I wasn't about to make a big show of 
myself at the mall wearing them.
	"So then what will Tony wear?" Cindy asked me.
	"Well, we could stop by his house and he could wear his own 
pants," I suggested.
	"Well, you know how long it takes me to get all those diapers put 
on you," Cindy said as she tugged on some of the pins in my diapers 
through my plastic pants, "so I'm not about to take your cloth diapers 
off of you until you have used them quite a bit."
	I knew that there was no point in arguing, so just before we left, 
Tony put on my pants and I was given those loud shorts again. If they 
drew the attention that they got me at the video store last night, then 
they were sure to be as equally conspicuous at the mall.
	I decided to make the best of my having to spend my day at the 
mall. Tony and I liked looking in our favorite stores, especially the 
toy store. Mom also took us to lunch afterwards, so I was looking 
forward to that part of the day. My sisters always liked to embarrass me 
whenever we were there, however, especially last time we visited the 
mall during the holiday rush, when Lisa drew everyone's attention to the 
fact that I wore diapers and hollering about my diaper bag so loudly in 
front of other shoppers. At least this time I knew that there would be 
no diaper bag involved as I was heavily diapered enough in my cloth 
diapers that I would not be changed. I had to go to the mall wearing my 
ever-thick cloth diapers and the big shorts that were otherwise 
oversized for me without diapers on. The shorts made me realize how big 
Lisa had gotten.
	I felt nervous when I stepped out of the car. It was a cool, 
blustery day, so there weren't very many people wearing shorts in the 
first place. With my bare legs, the clashing colors of the shorts, my 
red-striped crew socks, and most of all, my thickly padded butt, I was 
sure to turn some heads when I went into the mall. Walking towards the 
entrance, several people in the parking lot had already looked at me, so 
I knew that before the day was over, the sight of me would likely be 
stuck in the minds of several patrons of the mall who would likely talk 
about "the boy they saw at the mall today wearing thick diapers and big, 
baggy, blaring shorts."
	Mom told us kids that we all had to stay together the whole time 
that we were there at the mall. Tony and I knew that it would be boring 
to follow Lisa and Cindy around into the clothing stores and the 
cosmetic jewelry stores that they liked to shop in, so we hoped to at 
least get to go to the toy store before the day was over. Mom gave us 
two hours, which would be long enough for Mom to do her own shopping. It 
was long enough for us. I had already peed my diapers and was likely to 
poop in them before the day was over.
	Just as we expected to be doing, Tony and I had to sit there and 
watch Lisa and Cindy look through several racks of blouses, sweaters, 
and jeans. We couldn't stand it. At the same time, several mothers and 
their daughters were milling around in the store. Some of them looked at 
me as Tony and I were sitting on a bench where people could try on 
shoes. The large leg openings of the shorts let my thick diapers show. 
My diapers were much too thick to allow me to close my legs, so all 
these girls saw my heavy diapers showing through the shorts. There was 
hardly a girl who didn't at least sneak a glance or two and giggle 
	We hoped Lisa and Cindy wouldn't spend too much more time in their 
stores and give Tony and I a chance to go to the toy store. The girls 
took their own sweet time, and purposely so, knowing that we were 
getting restless.
	"Can we go to the toy store now?" I asked my sisters.
	"One more store, okay?" Lisa promised, not that her so-called 
"promises" ever amounted to much. The next store was almost as bad, but 
at least it had a boy's department, so Lisa and Cindy at least let Tony 
and me go that far. I actually didn't mind letting other boys see my 
diapers bulging out from my butt. In fact, I hoped that perhaps the 
sight of my diapered state would influence some of the other boys to try 
wearing diapers, too, or for those who did, they would feel better about 
wearing diapers after seeing how much I was padded up.
	I was tired of wearing the same pants every day-- though these 
shorts were no adequate substitute-- and wanted to see if there were any 
"cool" pants like the other kids wore at school. Even though I was in 
just my diapers at home, it mattered to me what my pants looked like 
since I wore them at school where others saw me. I found some that I 
liked and thought about asking Mom if I could get them. I felt that I 
was doing pretty good with my time stuck in a clothing store.
	The only problem I had was that I didn't know what size my pants 
were. I knew they were larger than what I would otherwise wear since 
they had to accommodate my diapers. I figured my disposable diapers 
added a couple inches to the measure of my waistline, to say nothing of 
the cloth diapers that I had on. I just wanted some pants that didn't 
look so unstylish for a change. If I wasn't teased at school for wearing 
diapers, I was teased for the pants I wore over them. The only pants 
that I had-- the ones that were fitted for wear over my disposable 
diapers-- were crap as far as fashion was concerned.
	Lisa and Cindy then came into the department and saw Tony and I 
looking at pants.
	"What are you looking at *those* for?," Lisa asked. "You don't 
think Mom's going to buy you any, do you?"
	"Those are stupid-looking pants," I complained, pointing to the 
ones that Tony was wearing.
	"Gee, thanks," Tony said with a hint of sarcasm, though his own 
pants that he normally wore were not much better.
	"You don't ever wear pants, except for school-- and here, so what 
do you need good pants for?" Lisa asked.
	"So people don't laugh at the ones I wear now," I said.
	We then headed out of the store. On the way out Lisa pointed to a 
sign that advertised a sale on boy's briefs.
	"Oh, look, Chris!" Lisa said loudly as she pointed to the display 
table. "There's a sale on underwear for you! Wait a minute, you don't 
wear underwear, you wear *diapers!*". Lisa was laughing.
	As there were other shoppers nearby, they looked at Lisa and me. I 
just kept a straight face and kept walking, ignoring the people in the 
	"Lisa!" I yelled as we went back out into the mall. "You do this 
to me every time we come here!"
	"That's because you're my little brother, live with it!"
	"Well, knock it off!" I demanded.
	"You want to go your toy store, don't you?" she asked, implicitly 
threatening not to take me there.
	"Yes, of course!" I said with a sigh.
	"Then you'd better behave!"
	She was treating me like I was still eight years old!
	We headed down the mall towards the toy store, at long last! Tony 
and I turned towards it, expecting Lisa and Cindy to enter with us, but 
they kept walking.
	"Where are you going?" Lisa asked us.
	"The toy store!" I demanded. "Aren't we going in here?!"
	"Not yet, we're going to one other place, okay?"
	"Okay," I sighed. Dammit!
	This trip to the mall was really starting to suck, which reminded 
me of another reason I preferred to stay home. Tony and I had hardly 
said much to each other as we were both feeling so excruciatingly bored 
and as impatient as ever. We wanted to go to a store that we liked, or 
go home. This time the clothing store we were in did not have anything 
except girls' clothes. I saw a display with brassieres on it and thought 
that I could strike back at Lisa for embarrassing me about the underwear 
display in the last store.
	"Hey, Lisa!," I shouted. "Look! Bras! Wait, they don't have your 
	Tony and I slapped each other the high five as I delivered my 
counterattack. Lisa stood there in the aisle with her hands on her wide 
hips, scowling resentfully.
	"Chris!" she shouted sternly as she pointed at me. "That was 
uncalled for!"
	"What? You did the same thing to me at the other store! So now 
we're even!"
	"Look, Diaper-BUTT! I am still your big sister, and you don't 
treat your big sister that way! Don't you forget that! Just for that, 
you're not going to the toy store!"
	I resented the double standard that Lisa imposed upon me. She 
could embarrass me because I'm her little brother, but I can't embarrass 
her because she's my big sister! It was absurdly unfair for her to do 
	"Come on, Tony! Let's go to the toy store!" I demanded.
	"Ah, ah, ah!," Cindy reminded us. "Mom said we had to stay 
	"You guys have gone to three stores and we haven't gone to ours! 
Our time is probably up now!" I complained.
	Lisa looked at her watch. "Nope, we got another hour still," she 
	"Well, can Tony and I go to the toy store?" I asked Lisa.
	Lisa and Cindy looked at each other. At the same time they said, 
	"Okay, you boys have been good so far, for the most part, that 
is," Lisa said. Thank God!
	Tony and I immediately departed from Lisa and Cindy and at long 
last and went to the toy store. As Tony was carrying around his bag, 
which mostly contained a supply of diapers, he had to check it in at the 
front of the store. It was o nice to be in a store that we enjoyed being 
in. The toy store was full of dozens of kids, as expected, boys and 
girls, most of them younger than Tony and me, some of them older. Also, 
as I expected, the big, conspicuous bulging in my shorts drew a lot of 
attention from kids and parents alike. Most kids seemed to just laugh as 
they saw me waddle around with thick diapers wedged up between my legs, 
but I could hear some of the kids say things like, "Look! He's in 
	While Tony and I were looking over the board games, Tony mentioned 
that he had wet himself quite a bit and wanted to change himself. I had 
wet and pooped my diapers qa lot, too, but only Tony had the privilege 
of performing his own diaper changes as long as my sisters weren't 
around, not that he seemed to mind when they changed him.
	It was a good thing that Tony had mentioned needing to change as 
we had lost track of time and were due to meet back with my Mom and my 
sisters in ten minutes. Tony figured it was enough time for him to 
perform a self-diaper-change since he was only wet. We went into the 
bathroom nearby. This was one of the few occasions when I entered a 
public restroom for any reason.
	I stood outside the stall while Tony went in to change. It wasn't 
that Tony didn't want me to see him-- especially after having seen each 
other buck naked with poop-covered bottoms hundreds of times-- we just 
didn't want to give others who may have come into the restroom the wrong 
impression by seeing two boys in the same stall.
	I heard Tony undo his pants-- his pants for the time-being, that 
is-- and watched them descend to his ankles before stepping out of them. 
Why he stepped out of the [ants completely, I don't know, since it 
wasn't necessary to do so. I heard Tony release the strong tapes that 
had been holding his diaper on. He then took it off and asked me to 
throw it away for him after tossing it underneath the stall door. I 
picked the diaper up. It was heavy from all his pee as well as the fact 
that there were several diaper doublers in with it that contributed to 
the weight. I could see how much he had soaked it and I felt its warmth. 
I carried it over to the trash and then washed my hands.
	Two people had come into the bathroom. I was concerned that they 
might notice my diapers but would likely not say anything. When I looked 
in the mirror and saw who it was, I wanted to run. It was Sean and 
Travis! I wanted to split, but I didn't want to leave Tony alone to deal 
with them if they caused trouble, which they did.
	"Well, well, well!" Sean said as he came up to me and patted me on 
the shoulder. "We meet again, diaper boy!"
	I didn't hear Tony say anything, but I'm sure he realized what was 
going on the minute he heard the familiar voices. I figured that if I 
act cool and don't give Sean and Travis the response they are wanting, 
then they would leave me alone.
	"Long time, no see!" Travis said. "I see you're still wearing 
	"Yeah, what are you doing in a *bathroom* when you have diapers 
on?" Sean said.
	"Well, I'm here waiting for my friend," I said nervously.
	"Oh, you mean Tony, I remember that doofus!" Travis said.
	"I betcha that's him over there!" Sean said as he walked over to 
the stall. "Changing his didees!"
	I felt paralyzed as my fears of these boys resurfaced! Never again 
did I think I would see Travis and Sean's ugly faces after they got 
expelled from the public school system for good, as they were always 
getting in trouble and beating up other kids. It was obvious that the 
reform school or wherever they had been going was not doing them any 
	I watched Sean reach underneath the stall and grabbed Tony's 
	"I wonder if there's any money in these pockets!"
	"Hey! Gimme those!" Tony shouted. His plea was ignored, of course. 
I helplessly stood and watched Sean rummage through the pockets.
	"Damn, nothing!" Sean shouted. He kept holding the pants and would 
not give them back.
	"Yeah, there's nothing in them you guys want!" Tony said. "Now 
give 'em back!"
	"Since you had no money, I ain't giving your pants back!" Sean 
	"Maybe Chris has some money!" Travis said as he gave me that 
intimidating stare that evoked such haunting memories. Sean set the 
pants down and then the two of them charged towards me. I felt so 
defenseless as they pulled my shorts down and revealed my thick cloth 
diapers. Not even the smell of my stinky bowel movements piled up inside 
my diapers was enough to repel the bullies away from me. Sean pushed me 
to the ground and Travis pulled my shorts the rest of the way off. I 
just sat there with my thick diapers fully exposed.
They didn't even realize that the gym shorts had no pockets on them 
until they looked at them, having yanked them off of me.
	"No pockets, shit!" Travis said as he made this discovery on his 
own. He then held the shorts in front of him.
	"Westside Junior High!" he said as he looked at the logo. I didn't 
even know he could read.
	"Didn't know you were in junior high already, Chris," Sean said as 
his icy cold stare paralyzed me.
	"Those are my sister's shorts," I said, choking on my nervousness.
	"So you go around wearing your sister's clothes, I see," Travis 
	"They're BOYS shorts," I emphasized, "but they have the girls wear 
them, too," I explained, though it was pointless.
	"So why are you wearing them?" Travis asked. He was making 
conversation, which was okay. I decided, just go along with it, and 
hopefully he and Sean will leave.
	"Well, they're the only thing I could wear that would fit," I 
	"Fit, as in over your diapers, I see," Travis said. "And you say 
these were your sister's?"
	"Yeah," I replied. Travis then stretched them out and then he and 
Sean then started laughing.
	"No wonder they're so big!" Travis snickered. "She must have 
gotten even fatter when she wore these!"
	"Just give us our damn pants back!" I demanded. "You guys didn't 
find what you were after, so what the hell good are they to you?"
	"Let's get out of here, Chris' diapers are starting to make this 
place stink!" Sean said. The boys then split from the bathroom, taking 
both the shorts and the pants with them!
	"Give them back, Travis! Sean!" I shouted as I stood at the 
doorway, feeling more helpless than ever.
	"Son of a bitch!" I shouted, kicking the garbage can. "Those 
fucking assholes! Those fucking assholes!" I knew I would be embarrassed 
about this predicament as someone would eventually have to see us in 
just our diapers, but for now, I was too pissed and only able to think 
about Sean and Travis stealing our pants!
	"What are we going to do?" Tony asked me. "We have nothing to wear 
but diapers."
	"I know that," I said in a restrained, subdued voice.
	"What are we gonna do?" Tony asked me again.
	"Let's just walk through the mall and show off our diapers!" I 
yelled sarcastically. "Hell, I don't know what to do!" I realized that I 
was needlessly taking out my anger on Tony.
	"I'm sorry, Tony," I apologized as I put my arm around his 
	"I know, Chris, don't worry, I know you're mad, I'm mad, too."
	"Mom and the girls are gonna wonder where we are," I said.
	"Somebody will come in here soon," Tony said.
	"I guess so," I said. "I'm surprised nobody hasn't yet, as busy as 
this mall is.
	"I'm sure somebody heard you yelling and swearing and kicking the 
trash can around," Tony said. "They're probably wondering what's going 
on in here, and when they come in here I wonder what they'll think when 
they see us in diapers."
	"Yeah, especially me," I said as I looked down at the thick bunch 
of diapers wrapped around me. "I'd be embarrassed to be seen wearing one 
diaper, let alone ten, twelve, fifteen, whatever Cindy put on me this 
	A moment later someone came into the restroom. It was one of the 
mall security guards who was probably called when a female heard the 
commotion. He saw us standing there and asked us what had happened. His 
indifferent poise gave no indication of what he must have thought about 
us being in diapers.
	"Well, these two boys came in here, and took our pants away," I 
explained to him, even though it was obvious that we were without any 
pants. The security guard asked me to describe what they looked like, so 
Tony and I described Sean's and Travis' appearance.
	"We saw two boys running through the mall carrying some pants, we 
suspected they were shoplifters," the guard said.
	"Did anyone catch them?" I asked him.
	"I haven't heard," the guard said. "You boys are obviously going 
to need something to wear now, is there someone here with you?"
	"Yes, my Mom and my sisters," I said. "They should be waiting for 
us at the food court about now," I said.
	"What is your mother's name?" the guard asked me.
	"Brenda," I said. "Brenda Barrett."
	"Is there something you guys can do to help us?" Tony asked, 
trying to pull his shirt down to conceal his diaper from view.
	"We'll page your mother to the security office and then we'll 
escort her back here," the guard said. The guard then spoke into his 
transceiver to explain the situation and relay it to another guard. 
About a minute later I heard someone page, "Brenda Barrett, please 
report to the mall security office. Brenda Barrett, please report to the 
mall security office."
	"Do you have any spare pants for us?" Tony asked the guard.
	"I'm sorry, but I don't," the guard said in a plain tone, still 
trying not to acknowledge that we were both wearing diapers, though we 
could tell he wanted to say something about it. "All I can do is to get 
you in contact with someone who can help you."
	For the next several minutes Tony and I stood in the bathroom and 
waited in a stall to stay out of sight by others coming into the 
bathroom. At this point we didn't care what anyone else thought of what 
Tony and I might have been doing in the stall. If they saw how heavily 
diapered I was, they would know that I had no chance of doing anything 
of a sexual nature with Tony.
	We heard the guard re-enter the restroom and say, "Chris, Tony, 
your mother is here now." We figured my Mom must have told him our 
names, and he apparently assumed Tony and I were brothers.
	At that time, we left from the stall. As luck would have it, a man 
with two boys was in the restroom at the same time. The boys looked at 
us as we walked by, and I knew that I likely drew the most attention by 
being so much more thickly diapered. The boys didn't say anything, so I 
briefly thought that perhaps these boys wore diapers, too, but I had 
more important matters to deal with at this time.
	I poked my head out of the restroom door to talk to Lisa. I stood 
behind the door as I held it open.
	"Where's Mom?" I asked Lisa, seeing that my Mom was nowhere 
	"She went to get you guys some pants," Lisa replied. "We were 
wondering where you guys were! When they paged Mom to the security 
office we thought you guys were caught shoplifting or something. I'm 
glad it was just this."
	"*Just* this?" I said to Lisa.
	"At least we know that you guys didn't get in trouble," Lisa said. 
At this time, the man and his boys came up behind me and said, "excuse 
me, guys." All three of them left, all getting a good glimpse of our 
diapered butts as they approached the door. Other people came into the 
bathroom, wondering why there were two girls standing outside the men's 
room talking to two boys behind the door, later to be seen that the boys 
are in diapers.
	We decided to go back to the stall and wait until Mom got back 
from wherever she was to buy us some pants. Lisa then opened the door 
and whistled at us and told us to get our pants.
	"I hope these will fit you," Mom said as she handed me a large 
pair of white shorts. She handed Tony a pair of pants just like the ones 
that he had on before. I was hoping Mom would get the pants that I was 
looking at earlier, but that didn't matter at this time. It just felt 
good to have something to wear out of the mall besides diapers, though 
the white fabric of the shorts and their tight fit and high cut didn't 
seem to make much of a difference and I still looked like all I had on 
was diapers.
	We walked back to the food court to get lunch as we had planned to 
do 45 minutes ago. Lisa and Cindy kept asking us what happened and how 
Travis and Sean managed to get a hold of both of our pants.
	"I told you kids not to get separated," Mom said to all of us as 
we sat down with our food. I just sat there for a few minutes as I 
didn't feel like eating.
	"Okay, fine, I just won't come to the mall anymore," I said. "Not 
after what happened today."
	"Oh, Chris," Mom said. "These things happen, I mean, that's too 
bad those boys had to run into you again and harass you like that. 
They're headed straight for the state pen at the rate they're going, I 
can assure of you that, Chris."
	"I wish they'd get thrown in juvie hall!" I said.
	"Well, they'll likely spend some time there, too, if they haven't 
already," my Mom said. "You'd better eat your cheeseburger before it 
gets cold."
	"Can we go home now?" I asked Mom.
	"Just one more store and then we'll go," my Mom said.
	"Aww, come on!" I groaned.
	"We're just going into Kidz Klothez to get you some more diapers," 
Mom said. The people at the next table looked at us funny when Mom said 
that. I was now used to all the strange looks that people gave us when 
Mom or my sisters talked about my diapers out in the open.
	"I thought I might get some for my birthday," I said.
	"Well, consider the new diapers as one of your presents," Mom said 
to me. "You'll get more tomorrow."
	"More diapers? Or more presents?" I asked.
	"Probably both," my Mom said as she smiled, prompting me to finish 
eating my food.
	"You mean, I'll get diapers as presents, or other presents, too?"
	"You'll find out tomorrow," my Mom said. "I think you'll be 


	We walked over to the other side of the mall to get to Kidz 
Klothez. It was a long ways for me to walk while wearing such enormous 
diapers. The poop squished up against my butt with each step I took. I 
could tell I was getting ripe at this point, but there was nothing that 
anyone could do until we got back home.
	The Kidz Klothez store had opened a second location in the new 
part of the mall. I had never been in the new store before. It was a 
bigger store than the other one we had been going to for the last three 
years. It was set up about the same as the store that I had gotten 
familiar with, and like the other store, this one had a service counter 
where refunds, exchanges and special orders were handled.
	When we walked in, the lady at the counter greeted us.
	"Hello, Brenda," the lady smiled. "Hello, Chris, and Tony."
	The lady's name was Mary. She had gotten to know all of us over 
the last three years, being regular patrons. She briefly talked to my 
mother about the new store and all the work that went into getting it 
	"You still sell diapers at this location, don't you?" my Mom asked 
	"Oh yes, of course," Mary said with a smile. "What will it be 
	"Let's get a set of twelve cotton pre-fold diapers and three sets 
of plastic pants," my Mom told Mary, who started tapping away at the 
computer terminal.
	"You want the maximum absorbency, I assume," Mary said.
	"As always," my Mom said.
	"How is Chris' size?" Mary asked my Mom.
	"Well, Chris is twelve now, and he's probably going to experience 
some more growth soon," my Mom said, alluding to my budding signs of 
	"You want me to measure him?" Mary asked.
	My mom then looked at me and all the cloth diapers that I had on 
underneath my shorts. I normally had on disposable diapers when I went 
out of the house, and getting a measurement of my waist was pretty easy 
to do when I had a disposable diaper on, but under these circumstances, 
I didn't know how it was going to be handled, if at all.
	"Well, Chris normally doesn't leave the house in his cloth diapers 
like what he has on now," my Mom said to Mary.
	"My goodness!" Mary said, not having seen how thickly diapered I 
was until she leaned over the counter to look at me, seeing how my 
diapers came out several inches from my loins. "You really layer on 
those diapers thick, there, don't you, Chris?"
	"Yeah, well, my sisters do that," I said to Mary.
	"He means the way me and Cindy put his diapers on *him*," Lisa 
quickly said to Mary to avert any possible misunderstanding as to who 
wore the diapers. Mary nodded in acknowledgment, but of course she knew 
very well that I was the only one who wore diapers in our family.
	Incidentally, Mary had an eight-year-old son of her own who got 
into wearing diapers after he had gotten a glimpse of the diaper 
inventory at the store that his mother managed. His name was Cody. She 
had told me about Cody a couple times and how she started diapering him 
when he told her that he wanted to try wearing them, too. In some ways I 
felt jealous about Cody since he was allowed to wear diapers without 
having gone through any sort of punishment to get to that point like I 
	"And I thought my son got carried away with his diapers," Mary 
said. "The other day he asked me to put four diapers on him! So I did," 
Mary smiled. "Now that's what he likes to wear all the time, at least at 
	"That's nothing!" Lisa said. "To Chris, four diapers would be like 
wearing, well, nothing." Cindy and Lisa then exchanged a brief giggle.
	"It's a good thing that Cody likes to wear diapers," Mary added. 
"he doesn't realize it, but I let him try out all the different kinds of 
diapers we sell and then he lets me know how well they work. It helps me 
when people ask me how well a certain diaper works."
	"Mom, can you get a job here?" I asked her. Mary laughed upon 
hearing this.
	"No, Chris, besides, you've probably worn every diaper they sell 
here," Mom said.
	"I can check and find that out for you if you want," Mary offered 
as she could look up our sales history on the computer.
	"That's okay," my Mom said.
	"Do you need me to measure Chris?" she asked.
	"Nah, don't bother, he's got all those diapers on," Mom replied. 
"Just go ahead and get him the next size."
	"How about the plastic pants?" Mary asked.
	"Better get those a size larger."
	"Make it two sizes," Cindy blurted out. "And get Chris some bigger 
diapers, too."
	"Girls," mom scolded them mildly.
	After Mary entered the order, she went to the back room and came 
out a few minutes later carrying a big package that contained twelve 
virgin-white cloth diapers. She brought these up with the three sets of 
plastic pants. As we were regular customers, Mary always threw in three 
complementary packages of six diaper pins each.
	"Can't ever have too many diaper pins," my Mom remarked.
	"Brenda," Mary said to my Mom, being that she was literally on a 
first-name basis with my mom. "We're out of the plastic pants in the 
size that you requested. You can probably go up a size."
	"Let's do," Mom said. Since Mary figured Mom would opt for this, 
she had already brought out the larger plastic pants.
	"Good, then we can use more diapers on Chris!" Lisa said. Cindy 
joined her in the laughter.
	The diaper package was so big that it completely filled the large-
size sack into which it was stuffed, leaving just enough room for the 
plastic pants and the pins.
	"Do you need any other supplies today, Brenda?" Mary asked my 
	"Chris is getting low on his powder and butt-wipes," Cindy told my 
Mom indiscreetly, so these items were added in with the order. I was 
glad that we were the only ones back at the service counter at that 
	While Mom was writing out the check, Mary asked my Mom, "do you 
have a couple minutes, Brenda?"
	"Oh, yeah, sure, Mary," my Mom said. "Why do you ask?"
	"Well, seeing that Chris likes to wear his diapers as thickly as 
he does, I thought that you might be interested in an opportunity that I 
think Chris might consider."
	"Oh, really?" my Mom said. We were all curious. Tony and I looked 
at each other, wondering what Mary was talking about.
	Mary went to the back room and returned with a large folder. The 
front of the folder was printed with a logo for a company I had never 
heard of before, or perhaps it was just a product name. It read 
"Thickies" all the way across the front. It was spelled out in white, 
puffy-looking letters, somewhat resembling clouds, though they were 
meant to have the appearance of thick diaper material, hence the name of 
the company or the product, I assumed.
	"Kidz Klothez is going to be carrying diaper products by the name 
of "Thickies", which are made by CKM Products, and we are going to be 
the exclusive vendors of their diapers for the Boise area," Mary started 
to explain. "Boise has also been chosen as one of the cities for test-
marketing the diapers."
	Mary's spiel sounded quite polished and well-rehearsed, but Mary 
sounded very sincere in her delivery. She was genuinely interested in 
telling us about this "opportunity", which I had no idea what it would 
	"The CKM company has been around for several years, but they 
recently entered into the market for diapers and, unlike other 
manufacturers, they want to start openly marketing diapers for older 
children to the general public, as well as make the public aware of 
older kids who wear diapers," Mary continued. "I personally feel that 
the topic of childhood incontinence needs to be brought to the public's 
attention and that there is no reason for the fact that some older kids 
wear diapers to be kept in the closet."
	"I agree," my Mom said. "Chris has learned that there are some 
other boys in his school who wear diapers, at least at bedtime. I never 
knew there were so many until they all learned that Chris wears them."
	"It sounds like his school will be ripe pickin's when it comes to 
the test-marketing stage," Mary quipped before resuming her spiel.
	"They want to conduct some research on how well other competing 
diaper products work, so there is a survey form enclosed in this 
	Mary then handed my Mom the packet. It contained several pages of 
information. It also contained several glossy pictures of the diapers, 
pointing out their various features. Most notably, these were very thick 
diapers, from what Tony and I could see in the pictures. We agreed that 
the they were very aptly named Thickies. I couldn't wait to try wearing 
	Some of the pages in the detailed product literature even featured 
kids modeling the diapers. I was pleased to see that only boys were used 
for models, showing boys from ages five to about thirteen or fourteen, 
all of them proudly showing off the diapers in various poses. I figured 
that this survey may have been exclusively for boys and momentarily 
considered that there may be separate survey for girls, but I quickly 
perished the thought of girls wearing diapers in the first place, as my 
sisters had emphatically made a point of defining boyhood by the fact 
that I and several other boys that I knew wore diapers, and that my 
sisters personally knew of no girls who did the same. At the back of the 
packet were all the survey forms.
	"This is quite a survey," my Mom commented as she thumbed through 
the pages and scanned over all the questions that it asked.
	"It is a long survey," Mary stated matter-of-factly, "and it does 
ask a lot of questions and has you record a lot of details about your 
son's diaper usage. The survey is to cover a consecutive thirty-day 
period, and it must be completed by April 15."
	"Oh, just like our income taxes," Mom remarked.
	"I think you'll like doing this survey a lot better than your 
taxes," Mary responded with a slight chuckle.
	"So, is there any compensation for doing this survey?" my Mom 
	"Oh yes, there is, definitely," Mary said. "All participants will 
receive a dozen Thickies diapers and six pairs of plastic pants, which 
will be given to everyone who sends in a survey and is determined to be 
qualified for the second phase. If you are qualified, then you will be 
sent another survey form like this one, which will be used to measure 
the performance of the Thickies diapers, along with a questionnaire 
which will ask about the differences between the competing products and 
the Thickies. In addition, an electronic monitoring device will also be 
worn with the diapers. This period will also cover thirty days.
	"Okay, so we get some free diapers out of the deal," my Mom said 
with a hint of skepticism.
	"Here's the good part," Mary said. "Some of the participants will 
be chosen to appear in TV commercials and print ads."
	"Oh really!" my Mom said as she perked up. Now I was beginning to 
see where the "opportunity" part of this came into play. I had often 
thought about diaper commercials and print ads, as well as the fact that 
there are never any ads for older kids wearing diapers. In fact I had 
thought about this the day I was stuck at home feeling sick on my 
birthday. Now it seemed that not only would there possibly be some 
advertising for such products, but that I may even have been heading 
towards the chance to be in such a commercial myself! It didn't seem 
possible, but as my mind ran astray, I started thinking about becoming 
famous and getting rich. Of course, I realized that this would have me 
appearing in *diapers* and being seen this way by millions of people, 
kids and adults alike! I had to give this some serious consideration.
	"If they choose me for being in the commercial, do I have to do 
it?" I asked Mary.
	"Oh no, you can decline being considered for selection if you 
wish," Mary said.
	"Oh come on, Chris!" Lisa said as she whapped me on the rear. "I 
think you'd look cute in a diaper commercial!"
	I felt embarrassed when Lisa said this, as by this time, other 
people had come back to the service counter and were being waited on by 
other employees while Mary continued to discuss the survey with my Mom, 
as well as the possibility of me being used in diaper advertisements for 
Thickies. I had to agree that it would be a different way to become 
famous, and I would get far more than just fifteen minutes of it, too.
	"Come on, Chris!" Cindy said. "We'd be proud to see our little 
brother modeling diapers!"
	"Well," I said hesitantly. "I'm gonna have to think about it."
	"I'd do it!" Tony said. "Except that I wear disposables."
	"That's not a problem, Tony, there are two survey packets," Mary 
told him. "One is for cloth diaper users, like Chris, and the other one 
is for disposable diaper wearers. Would you like to take a survey form 
with you?"
	"Sure!" Tony said.
	Mary went to the back room again and brought out a similar-looking 
folder. Tony and I looked at it, and again, we noticed that the models 
that were used were all boys, and they were different boys with the same 
age range as what was shown in the product literature for the cloth 
diapers. The difference was, of course, that they were all wearing 
disposable diapers.
	Tony and I talked about how both of the packets only showed boys 
in the product information, not that we objected to this. Tony and I 
both couldn't help but to wonder if this whole survey was exclusively 
limited to boys, or we were just given a boys-only version of the 
survey. Tony, being less shy than I was, asked Mary about how only boys 
were being used to model both the cloth and the disposable diapers.
	"Well, this is the only survey that they are doing, and while boys 
and girls are allowed to participate, we expect that mostly boys will 
participate based on the customer data that we track. I could tell you 
that just from the clientele that we get here for purchasing diapers. 
They use boys to model the diapers since only boys can appear without 
shirts on, and we didn't want the models to be wearing shirts, that way 
the diapers themselves could be shown in their entirety without the 
shirt being a distraction, thereby drawing more attention to the product 
that is being advertised.
	"Also, as I mentioned earlier, most older children who wear 
diapers are boys, and it was agreed upon that boys would do better to 
represent older kids who wear diapers, and well, just as a side note, 
they also thought that boys just looked better in diapers and were 
better-suited for modeling them. Lastly, we found that the boys were far 
more willing to be photographed in their diapers, and well, to be 
honest, there were no girls available during the preliminary research 
and development phase to do any modeling. So, all of this considered, it 
was unanimously decided that only boys would be used in all of the 
	Tony and I were quite impressed by Mary's thorough and 
knowledgeable response to Tony's question about how only boy models 
appeared in the product literature. I said to Mary, "Wow, you really 
know about these diapers, don't you?"
	"The representatives gave me a lot of information and they 
prepared me for such questions," Mary said. "You aren't the first to 
mention that there are only boys shown in those packets."
	"So, how many others have shown interest in this so far?" my Mom 
asked Mary.
	"Well, with Chris and Tony, that makes seventeen so far," Mary 
said. "I know that not all of them will want to be considered for the 
advertising appearances, so if you are interested in it, your chances 
are fairly good, relatively speaking."
	"How many are going to be selected for the commercial 
appearances?" Mom asked Mary.
	"They want to select three kids for each of the four sizes of the 
product for both the cloth and the disposable diapers, so this means 
they will narrow it down to twenty-four who will be chosen."
	"How many cities are being used in the test-marketing?" my Mom 
	"Including Boise, there are six cities," Mary said. "Portland, 
Seattle, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and Las Vegas are the others."
	"Any idea how many total participants there will be?" my Mom 
	"The survey forms will be available until the first week of March. 
They expect anywhere from five hundred to a thousand participants."
	"Well, there goes our chances of being picked," Tony sighed in a 
defeated tone of voice.
	"I wouldn't get your hopes up too high, boys," Mary cautioned 
honestly. "But remember that some of them will decline consideration for 
appearing in the ads, and that, when you break it down by size and type 
of diapers, it comes out to about being chosen from about roughly twenty 
to forty in your categories, on average."
	"So, what do you have to do to get picked?" Tony asked Mary.
	"Well, that I am not really sure on," Mary admitted. "They do have 
you send photographs of yourself in diapers with your survey, so I 
imagine this has something to do with the selection process. There will 
also be a representative in the store who will interview those who are 
interested in appearing in the advertising."
	"Is Cody doing this survey, too?" my Mom asked Mary.
	"Oh yes, of course he is, but he can't be chosen for the 
advertising appearance," Mary said. "It's one of those 'employees and 
their families not eligible' sort of things, you know how that goes. 
Cody's kind of bummed about that since he would like to be in a diaper 
commercial, and I know he'd be good for the part."
	"Well, thanks for all the information, Mary," my Mom said as we 
left from Kidz Klothez. "We'll go ahead and at least do the survey-- 
hey, free diapers, you know-- and we'll try to talk Chris into being 
considered for the commercial, too."
	"Have a good weekend," Mary smiled at us, though I'm sure she was 
admiring the way I waddled out of the store in my thick diapers that 
were overdue for a change by this time as I was really starting to 


	After we left from the mall, Tony and I were sitting in the back 
seat together with Cindy, and we glanced over the survey questions, but 
we were mainly interested in the pictures of the boys that were modeling 
the diapers. While Tony looked at his survey packet, I looked at mine. 
We compared the questions that were asked, and many of them were written 
similarly, just that the questions in Tony's survey packet pertained to 
the use of disposable diapers, while mine contained questions on the use 
of cloth diapers. We got to Tony's house where he was dropped off for 
the day.
	"See you at my party tomorrow," I said, reminding Tony of his 
invitation to join my family for the actual celebration of my twelfth 
	After I got home I took off the shorts that Mom purchased for me 
to replace the ones that Sean and Travis swiped from me in the mall 
restroom, leaving me with nothing to wear but diapers. I needed one of 
my sisters to change me out of my wet, loaded diapers, but as usual, 
they liked to make me wait. The reason each time was the same: "If 
you've worn your diapers like that for this long, a little longer isn't 
going to make any difference."
	I sat in my room and listened to music and worked on writing a 
story about what things would be like if I were in a diaper commercial. 
The topic had been on my mind very much since I had learned of the 
possible opportunity to eventually appear in a diaper commercial, so I 
started writing out my thoughts in the form of a story. In my mind, I 
envisioned the story ending with me becoming a nationally famous spokes-
boy for Thickies diapers and my picture would be printed on every 
package sold. I really didn't think I would ever get this far, but I had 
fun thinking about it.
	Meanwhile, I heard Lisa and Cindy giggling out in the living room, 
but this was nothing unusual, so I just tuned it out with the aid of my 
music. I had just loaded my diapers some more, and I was reaching a 
point where I really needed to be changed, but I also needed to relieve 
myself of some sexual feelings that had developed from the story that I 
was working on.
	I set my notebook and my pen down on the floor and turned my CD 
player off. I then let my mind concentrate on the diaper story I had 
just started writing, and I lay down on my bed on my back. I spread my 
legs all the way apart. My dick felt so hard beneath my wet, stinky 
diapers, which I could plainly see their thickness and bulk in my crotch 
as I could see myself in the mirror on the wall just past the end of my 
bed. I began massaging the front of my diapers and scooting my butt back 
and forth, causing the poop in my diapers to mush around and spread all 
over my buttocks. The odor was foul, but it enhanced the whole diaper 
experience that I enjoyed so much.
	Pretty soon, I found myself completely entranced in what I called 
a "diaper high." It was a highly euphoric state of mind where all I 
could think about was diapers, the way they were on me so thick, the 
fact that I was the only one in my family who had the "privilege" of 
wearing them, the way they felt after being full of pee and poop for 
hours, the fact that I was always in just my diapers, in full view of 
everyone else. I also thought of other boys such as Tony and just boys 
in general enjoying their diapers, too. All of these thoughts about my 
diapers culminated into such an indescribably intense erotic explosion 
that no girlie magazines could ever do for me. With my mind completely 
consumed in my diapers, it all ended so climactically with me 
ejaculating into my diapers as I vigorously jacked off and shook my bed 
back and forth in the process. I felt so good to be a diaper boy!
	After I let myself relax, my mind returned to thinking about other 
matters, mainly the fact that my diapers really stank and they really 
needed to be changed. My body felt weak as I got up from my bed and 
waddled out to the front room. I went up to Lisa and Cindy, who were 
sitting on the couch looking at the survey packet and filling in some of 
the information that it called for. I determined that this was what they 
had been giggling about.
	"What are you guys doing?" I asked them.
	"Looking over this survey! Mom said that Cindy and I can fill all 
the information in on it, so we'll be watching the way you use your 
diapers very closely for the next thirty days! I can't wait to answer 
some of these questions! It will be so fun!"
	"Can I be changed now?" I asked my sisters.
	Lisa and Cindy both took a whiff of the air and at the same time, 
said "peeee-yoooo!"
	"Yeah, I'd say the diaper boy needs to be changed," Lisa said.
	Lisa then got up and walked over to me. She looked at the front of 
my diapers and saw how soaked they were and then she looked at the back. 
She told me to bend over so that she could check my bottom and see if 
there was any poop leaking out.
	"Why are you checking me like this?" I asked Lisa.
	"One of the questions the survey will ask is if there is any 
visual indication of you needing a change," Lisa said. "I don't see 
anything, but then, that's one reason we put so many diapers on you, so 
we don't have to see your shit all day long, just your white, padded 
diaper-butt!" With this, she gave my rump a good whap.
	"So, are you gonna start filling out the survey right now?" I 
asked Lisa.
	"Some of it," she said. "We won't start daily tracking until 
tomorrow, since it calls for starting on a 'complete day.' We were just 
looking it over so that we knew what to expect."
	"So what were you guys filling out then?" I asked.
	"Just the basic information," Lisa said. She then handed me the 
survey booklet. I turned to the front page and read it:


SURVEY FORM (Must be _completely_ filled out)


Please note that while this survey may be filled out for either a boy or 
a girl, all examples and references to "child" will hereafter assume the 
child is a boy as we expect boys to comprise the majority of the 
subjects surveyed. "He", "his" and "him", therefore, may be substituted 
on the survey, if necessary.

The purpose of this survey is to help us learn more about children's 
development from birth through the child's potty training years to age 
17. It will also help us learn about children that, for whatever reason, 
are still wetting their beds and/or pants, also soiling their pants, 
either daily, nightly, or have frequent accidents in their beds or 
pants, long after he should have been potty trained. Plus, it will help 
us help you, the parent, in planning what you can expect with your child 
by getting information on other children. This information will be 
useful in conducting research and development of Thickies brand diaper 
products, so that we can offer for your child diapers with features that 
will surpass the overall quality, capacity and durability of diapers 
that are currently available. We will implement the features that you 
tell us you would like to see in diapers for your child.


This survey is divided into sections depending on the child's age. 
Please follow the instructions below. When you have completed this 
survey, please return it in the pre-addressed postage-paid envelope that 
is enclosed with the information packet. Please fill out one survey 
packet per child in your home under 18 years old who is in diapers.

Section 1: Child's name, address, birth date, current age, current 
measurements, and other general questions about this child, parent's 
name, or legal guardian's name, other adult's name (person filling out 
this survey), and their address.

Section 2: Information on child's diapers

Section 3: Child's potty training history


Please print all your answers. If you have a problem with a question or 
other any other problem, please give us a call at 1-800-555-8445. Leave 
your name, phone number and your question(s). Someone will return your 
call as promptly as possible or at a time you specify (between 8PM and 
5PM Pacific time, Monday through Friday) if this is more convenient.

If you are including a picture of the child that this survey is being 
filled out on, be sure that the child's full name, birth date, date it 
was taken (approximate), along with the child's age is on the back of 
the photo or otherwise included. A photo is _required_ if the child is 
to be considered for appearing in our advertising.


Child's full name: _Christopher_____James________Barrett____
                   First           Middle       Last

Child's nickname (if any) or "common" name _Chris___________

Child's first address: _2690 W. Jones Ave.__________________
                       _Boise, Idaho 83740__________________

Child's second address*:_N/A________________________________

(*)- Fill out if parents are separated or divorced and the child stays 
with each parent for a period of time. Otherwise, write "N/A".

Child's birth date _2_/_25/_81  Current age  __12___
                   M   D   Y       Days  Mos. (Yrs.)

This child is a _X_ boy     ___ girl

Child's father's name**: _Robert Barrett________________
Child's mother's name**: _Brenda_Barrett________________

(**)- If this child is a foster child or in an orphanage, please state 
that here in place of the parent's name.

Siblings     Older     Younger

Brothers     __0__     __0__
Sisters      __2__     __0__

If anyone other than the parents will be filling out this survey, please 
state their names and relationship to the child in the spaces below.

Name                      Relationship to child
_Lisa Barrett______________Sister______________
_Cindy Barrett_____________Sister______________


	So far, that was all that had been filled out. I looked ahead to 
the other questions, which were still blank. As these would require that 
measurements be taken on me, I expected Lisa and Cindy to conduct these 
measurements on me when I got my diapers changed.
	I looked at the long list of numbers that the survey asked for. It 
asked for my height and then, in two separate sections, it asked for 
measurements on my weight, my waist, and my seat. One section was for 
these measurements without diapers, the other, with diapers. In 
addition, it also called for measurements on the width of the crotch of 
my diapers at the center as well as the "belt-to-belt" measurement, or 
how much of my body my diapers covered me from the front through my 
crotch and to the back. It asked for a lot of details and I was getting 
excited just by seeing that such data was being recorded. I sat there 
and read over some of the questions while my sisters went into Mom's 
sewing room.
	"Okay, Chris, we're ready!" Lisa said as I looked up at her after 
reviewing the first section of the survey. I noticed that Lisa was 
carrying a cloth measuring tape.
	"You probably noticed that we need to take some measurements on 
you first," Lisa said as she stretched the tape out in front of me and 
then loosely wrapped it around my neck. She and Cindy then led me into 
my room and Lisa took my diapers off. The diapers were a wet, slimy, 
stinky mess as always, not to mention that my diapers contained evidence 
of my jacking off mixed in with the urine-soaked panels at the front of 
the diapers.
	While Lisa was busy cleaning me up, Cindy prepared the next batch 
of diapers, and it appeared that she and Lisa wanted to impress the 
survey people as she told me she and Lisa were going to put a dozen 
diapers on me before taking the "diapered" measurements. At the same 
time, they didn't want to overdo it, otherwise they would have used 
twenty diapers on me.
	"First, we have to get measurements of you while you're naked," 
Lisa said. She led me into the bathroom and had me stand on the scale. 
Cindy followed us in and she recorded my undiapered weight on the survey 
form, and then we went back to my room again, where she measured my 
height and my waist and seat, both figures without my diapers on. Before 
I was diapered, Lisa took a measurement of my erect penis, just for fun.
	"Hey! They don't ask for that measurement on the survey!" I 
	"No, they don't," Lisa said as she looked up at me and smiled. 
"But since most boys like to know how long their dicks are, I thought 
I'd check it for you, especially since you'll never get to check for 
yourself, because you'll always be in your diapers."
	I was red-faced, but I let Lisa have her fun, rather than protest, 
a lesson I learned three years ago.
	"Ahh, four inches!" Lisa exclaimed as she held the tape against my 
hard penis. "We'll have to check that figure again in a few months when 
you're more developed and compare."
	Cindy was laughing with Lisa, who then measured the circumference 
of my penis. My dick was almost as big around as it was long!
	"It has to do with pi," Lisa explained after realizing my 
astonishment at this measurement. "They'll cover that in your math 
classes pretty soon."
	Lisa then brought over the big stack of diapers and the powder. 
Both girls starting pinning on my diapers, pulling them up high and 
fastening them as tightly as they could get them on me. They wanted to 
make sure my diapers would yield good measurements that, if anything 
exceeded somewhat what I normally wore, but not enough to greatly affect 
the overall outcome of the survey. I asked Lisa about the possible 
discrepancy, mainly to confirm what I had suspected. Not only did Lisa 
and Cindy want the survey people to be impressed, Lisa also explained to 
me another reason for diapering me extra heavily for the measurements.
	"The survey says to diaper you like we normally would, Chris, so 
that the daily results can be recorded consistently. What this means is 
that after we measure you in your diapers as you are wearing them now, 
we will have to conduct the rest of the survey with you in twelve 
	"In other words, get used to it!" Cindy added with a smirk.
	Lisa then took my diapered measurements of my waist, my seat, and 
my crotch, as well as the "span" of the diapers from front to back as 
the survey had called for. She then took me back into the bathroom and 
took down my weight with my diapers on. Cindy recorded all the numbers 
on the form as Lisa read them off. They took turns to verify that they 
agreed with each others' figures. While I knew my diapers were very big 
and bulky, I never considered how heavy or thick they were on me until 
some numbers were applied to them to measure their magnitude. I was 
blown away by the differences that were shown between my naked state and 
being diapered. Here's how the first section of the survey looked after 
it had been filled out:


Child's current measurements:

Take the following measurements while the child is un-diapered.

1. Height..................................__61_ (inches)
2. Waist...................................__26_ (inches)
3. Seat....................................__20_ (inches)
4. Weight..................................__93_ (lbs.)

Take the following measurements immediately after the child is freshly 
diapered and in plastic pants. Diaper the child the same way you would 
normally diaper him as all subsequent survey results will be assumed to 
be based on the initial measurements, unless exceptions are noted in the 
daily logs. If the child uses his diapers during the measurement, then 
change his diapers and re-measure. These measurements must be taken with 
_clean_ diapers only.

Number of diapers used on the child.....__12_

Is this amount of diapering used for:

_____ daytime
_____ nighttime
__X__ no difference

1. 	Seat with diapers on ...................__34_ (inches)
2. 	Waist with diapers on ..................__38_ (inches)
3. 	Weight with diapers on ................._101_ (lbs.)
4. 	Circumferenttial width of crotch of
diapers *..................................__14_ (inches)
5. 	Linear width of crotch on diapers *.....__10_ (inches)
6. 	Thickness of diapers at crotch *........___6_ (inches)

(*) Take crotch measurements at the center

7. Distance from top of frontal center of
diapers to center of crotch............... __16_ (inches)
8. Distance from center of crotch top of
center of rear of diapers..................__20_ (inches)

Add figures 7 and 8 to determine the belt-to-
Belt measure of the diapers................__36_ (inches)

9. Linear measure of height of diapers
in front...................................__11_ (inches)
10. Linear measure of height of diapers
in rear....................................__15_ (inches)
11. Linear measure of width of child's body
at his waistline with diapers on...........__13_ (inches)
12. Divide figure 9 by figure 11 to
determine the frontal rise ratio.(*)......._.85_
13. Divide figure 10 by figure 11 to
determine the rear rise ratio.(*)..........1.15_

(*) round these results to two decimal places


	After Lisa and Cindy finished taking all the measurements, they 
left me in my room and took the survey form with them to fill in some 
more information. After awhile, I went to see what they had done, so 
they let me look at the rest of it. I took the survey book back to my 
room with me and looked forward to reading it. I spent the time before 
we ate dinner to read the rest of the questions, many of which remained 
to be filled in with answers. During and after dinner, we discussed, as 
a family, the level of commitment that would be required of my sisters 
to record every detail about the diapers that I wear and how I used them 
every day. They would have to get up earlier in the morning to take the 
time to record the information on my diaper usage and would also have to 
perform an hourly inspection of my diapers for the entire time that I 
was awake. The survey did, however, allow for us to skip the times that 
I was at school since the "observer" (i.e. Lisa and Cindy) would not be 
present during these times, plus the fact that my version of the survey 
was written to only measure my cloth diaper usage.
	I felt like I was under a microscope now, especially when I looked 
at the rest of the questions to be filled out. I sat at the table with 
Lisa and Cindy and watched them fill in the rest of the questions on the 
survey. It took them the rest of the evening to go through it all. In 
fact, I was sent to bed before they were done.
	I lay awake in bed for awhile thinking about all the things that 
this company wanted to know about the diapers that I was currently 
wearing. I figured that this information was necessary for their 
purposes. While thinking about this, I drifted off to sleep.


	Even though my birthday had already passed a few days ago, I woke 
up feeling just as excited, as if it really were my birthday, just that 
the following Sunday was the only day the family could get together for 
the event.
	Lisa and Cindy came into my room and gave a repeated performance 
of what they did to me last Thursday when it was actually my birthday. 
They shouted "HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHRIS!", which immediately jarred me awake. 
At least this time I wasn't feeling sick, but my diapers were still 
quite a mess.
	"So how are the diapers?" Lisa asked me.
	"Clean and dry," I answered sarcastically.
	"Really?" Cindy said naively.
	"He's bullshitting you, Cindy," Lisa said. "You know he's wet and 
poopy every morning, like he always is."
	Lisa then pulled back the covers from my bed and exposed my 
diapered backside to hers and Cindy's eyes. Lisa stuck her finger in 
underneath my diapers and took a sample of the dirty contents of my 
	"See?" Lisa said as she showed Cindy the trace of poop on her 
finger. "Don't ever fall for his sarcasm."
	Lisa grabbed my diaper wipes and cleaned her finger off.
	"Suppose we ought to give him his birthday spanking again?" Cindy 
asked Lisa. "We should, since we're celebrating it today."
	I was still lying in bed with my butt facing towards my sisters. I 
was in a prime position for them to repeat my birthday spanking. They 
each took turns as they counted from one to twelve, with Lisa slapping 
my left buttock and Cindy doing the same with my right. They were 
hitting my butt good and hard, but fortunately for me, I was heavily 
diapered enough to not feel much. The only part I really felt was the 
"pinch to grow on", which was actually delivered as two pinches, one on 
each of my thighs from both Lisa and Cindy.
	"Guess what today is?" Cindy said.
	"My birthday," I said. "You guys just spanked me for it."
	"Yeah, yeah, that, too, but this is also the day we start keeping 
track of your diaper usage."
	Cindy started writing some things on the first sheet of the daily 
log packet that was in with the survey, while Lisa got me out of bed and 
led me to my changing pad on the floor. Before she took any diapers off, 
she had me stand up in front of her so that she could examine the 
appearance of my diapers and describe them so that Cindy could copy the 
information in the log.
	"He's definitely wet," Lisa said as she ran her hand over the 
front of my diapers and noted the soaked fabric of my diapers underneath 
my plastic pants. "I can see it against his plastic pants."
	Lisa then checked the back side of me and had me bend over so that 
she could see more of my lower butt and crotch. She pressed her hand 
into the center of my butt and I felt my poop being pushed back into my 
butthole. She then ran her finger along the leg openings of my diapers 
and detected only some minor poop leakage. She told Cindy to write all 
of this down.
	"Don't get carried away with your descriptions, just keep it 
clinical," Lisa added.
	"Okay, time to take your diapers off," Lisa told me as I lay down 
and stretched my legs out. Lisa pulled off my plastic pants and then she 
began unpinning my diapers. When Lisa had taken all my diapers off, she 
described their condition to Cindy as it was to be written in the log.
	There was also a section on the daily log form that contained a 
series of drawings of the outline of an outstretched diaper, hourglass 
shaped. The instructions indicated that these diagrams were to be used 
to shade in the approximate areas where the inside of the diapers was 
wet and messed in. I saw that Cindy had filled the entire back half of 
the diagram with dense crosshatching to indicate that my diapers were 
heavily soiled. Wetness was to be indicated by a series of dots, so 
Cindy made sure to accurately indicate this, too.
	With my diapers off, they were gathered up and tossed into the 
bucket. Cindy took the bucket with her into the bathroom to weigh its 
contents on the bathroom scale and then record the results. In the 
meantime, Lisa wiped me up and powdered me. She then pulled out a big 
bunch of diapers from my drawer and started folding them up and stacking 
them together. Each diaper went on one at a time as Lisa pinned each of 
them on me atop the others beneath.
	A few minutes later I was cleanly diapered and ready for the rest 
of the day's planned events. Mom had picked up a cheap wind-up timer at 
the "Ten Bucks Or Less" store before we left from the mall yesterday, 
which was to be used to remind my sisters to check my diapers. It was 
set to one hour after my diaper change was completed, and when the 
little bell went off, either Lisa or Cindy checked my diapers by 
examining the exterior from various angles and asking me if I had done 
anything in them. Since the diapers were on me so thickly, only my 
smells could provide any indication of whether or not I had pooped, at 
least for the first couple of bowel movements, though wetness was pretty 
easy to check.
	I didn't expect my grandparents to show up until about 1:00 since 
they went to church. My Aunt Sharon, Uncle Allen and cousin Suzy were 
there by 12:30. Suzy was twelve years old, the same age as I was. She 
enjoyed changing my diapers every time she came over and I could count 
on her changing me before she left for home with my aunt and uncle.
	Aunt Sharon and Uncle Allen greeted me and they each gave me big 
hug. They had since then gotten used to seeing me in diapers and Uncle 
Allen didn't make such a big deal out of it anymore. In fact, everyone 
in the family accepted it and expected me to be in diapers every time 
they saw me.
	"Don't squeeze him too hard," my Mom advised my Uncle Allen as he 
hugged me. "He was just changed a couple hours ago."
	"I don't think that's gonna really matter," Uncle Allen said. 
"Your boy's got enough diapers on his butt to last him a whole week!"
	"Yeah, you know Chris and his thick diapers," my Dad remarked 
awkwardly. "When they're that thick, we don't ever have to see he does 
in them."
	"We do, whenever we change him," Lisa said, "It's not a pretty 
sight, so be glad all you see is his diapered-up butt."
	"Yeah, but we all still have to put up with the smell, though," 
Cindy said. "Even if you don't see how dirty his diapers get."
	Suzy first went up to Lisa and Cindy and greeted them. Cindy then 
got a phone call from her friend Gina and ran off to her room, where she 
remained for the next hour. I sat in front of the computer and played a 
game and listened in on Lisa and Suzy while they talked about me and my 
diapers. Lisa first told Suzy about my bout of diarrhea that I had on my 
birthday, and how much I had pooped up my diapers from it. Lisa and Suzy 
enjoyed a good laugh over this.
	"How is the diaper-butt doing, anyway?" Suzy asked Lisa.
	"His butt's diapered up, as always," Lisa told her. "so is the 
other side."
	"I can see that," Suzy replied.
	"If his butt wasn't diapered, then he'd just be, well, a butt!" 
Lisa added. Suzy enjoyed a good laugh at this.
	Suzy then went over to me and reached down to the chair, where she 
felt my butt and pinched some of the cloth material covering it several 
inches thick.
	"He's always diapered up," Suzy remarked about me to my sisters. 
"In fact, I don't think I have ever seen Chris in anything else *but* 
his diapers since he was put back into them. It's all he's wearing every 
time we come over for a family occasion, or even when you guys come over 
to our place."
	"Every single picture we have of Chris from the last couple of 
years, all he has is diapers on, and a shirt," Aunt Sharon remarked. "I 
wonder what this will mean to Chris when he's older and he needs a 
picture of himself where he's not in diapers."
	"That's what school pictures are for," my Mom remarked.
	"How long has it been since he was put into diapers?" Suzy asked 
	Without hesitation, Lisa said, "as of today, he's been in diapers 
for one thousand, two hundred and thirteen days."
	"Wow!" Suzy said. "Have you been keeping track all this time?"
	"Chris keeps track of it on the computer," Lisa said. "So we've 
been keeping track since then."
	"I bet most kids aren't even in them for that long before they're 
potty trained," Aunt Sharon said.
	"If you have a girl," my Mom added. "It's been more than three 
years since Chris was put in diapers, and both Lisa and Cindy were 
toilet trained well before then."
	"As for Chris," my Mom continued. "well, we know how that story 
ended." With this, my Mom patted me on the rear, bringing to what I 
estimated to be a hundred times that my butt was touched so far that 
	"It seems that Chris' diapers are even thicker than last time," 
Suzy said as she noticed me wearing more diapers than ever before. "How 
many diapers is he wearing?"
	"Twelve," Lisa replied.
	"Twelve?!" Suzy exclaimed, as did my Aunt Sharon, who said, "By 
Easter, it's gonna be twenty!"
	"Lisa and Cindy are trying to make a diaper freak out of you, 
Chris," Suzy remarked to me.
	"Well, they already have," I said, bashfully telling Suzy that I 
enjoyed wearing my diapers and using them.
	"It's okay, Chris," Suzy said as she put her arm around me. "We've 
known all along that you like to wear diapers. You couldn't help it, 
wanting to poop in your underwear like you did." I just blushed as Suzy 
was always reminded of why I got put into diapers in the first place.
	Lisa then showed Suzy the survey and tracking forms and explained 
what it was all about.
	"Chris may get to be in a diaper commercial!" Lisa said.
	"Really?" Suzy said. "You mean, you'll be on TV, wearing diapers, 
	"Possibly," I said.
	"And these are going to be commercials all over?"
	"Yep!" Lisa said. "Chris could become famous! All for pooping in 
his underwear!"
	"I can think of a lot of better ways to get on television than 
*that!*" Suzy remarked.
	Lisa went into the kitchen with Mom and Aunt Sharon. Cindy 
continued talking on the phone to her friend Gina. Dad and Uncle Allen 
were out in my dad's workshop. Suzy joined me at the computer where we 
played a game together while waiting for the rest of the family and 
other guests to arrive. Suzy seemed to be distracted as she kept looking 
at me sitting there in diapers, even though she had seen me this way 
dozens of times. I guess it was always a new thing to her since we 
didn't see each other daily.
	Just when I was about to play my turn, the bell went "ding!" to 
remind the girls to check the condition of my diapers.
	"Time to check Chris' dia-pers! Time to check Chris' dia-pers!" 
Lisa sang as she came trotting into the room and came up to me, carrying 
the tracking form with her, along with a pencil.
	"Can I finish my turn first?" I asked Lisa as I was still in the 
middle of my game.
	"That's what 'pause' is for, Chris," Lisa said as she pressed a 
key on the keyboard and froze the game. "I suppose you weren't aware of 
that feature, being that you never need bathroom breaks." Lisa and Suzy 
both got a good laugh out of this remark.
	"Lift your butt out of that chair so I can check your diapers," 
Lisa told me. Suzy turned around and watched Lisa as she made a close 
inspection of my diapers and made some notes. Suzy giggled as she 
watched Lisa run her fingers along the leg openings of my plastic pants. 
She had me bend over so she could see how the diapers were holding up in 
the rear.
	"Have you pooped yet?" Lisa asked me.
	"You don't smell any, do you?" I asked her.
	"No, that's why I'm asking; can't always tell through *these* 
diapers!" as she slapped my butt twice.
	"That's a hundred and two," I thought to myself.
	"I haven't pooped yet," I said to Lisa.
	Lisa finished up with her writing and then went outside as it was 
a mild day for late February.
	Shortly after 1:00, my grandparents arrived. They had come 
straight from church and were still in their Sunday best. I was in my 
Sunday best as well, which wasn't any different than what I wore any 
other day once I was home from school. They each gave me a big hug and 
patted me on my butt. With the way everyone liked to pat me on the butt 
during family gatherings, I felt like wearing a shirt that said, "pat me 
here" in the back, with an arrow pointing to my rear end.
	Tony and Kara were then dropped off by their mother a few minutes 
later. Tony had left his pants behind and came over with just his diaper 
and shirt on. Kara was carrying his diaper bag. Right away, she and Tony 
went into my bedroom where she changed his soiled diaper. I went in 
there with them and asked Tony if his survey form had been filled out.
	"Got it right here," Kara said as she showed me the survey 
booklet. "I get to fill it in, too," she said proudly. While Kara 
changed Tony's diaper I looked at what had been written in his survey 
booklet. I also watched Kara as she cleaned up Tony's poop-plastered 
butt and prepared a clean diaper for him. After Kara re-diapered Tony, 
she took the survey booklet from me and wrote some information in it. 
She also had to provide a visual representation of the condition of 
Tony's diaper, similar to what was shown in my survey booklet. I let 
Tony take a look at what had been written in mine so far.
	"When they see how many diapers you wear, Chris, and how much 
bigger your measurements are with your diapers on., they're gonna flip!" 
Tony said.
	"I think I stand a good chance of being picked," I said 
	"I have a feeling that I will, too," Tony said. "Won't that be fun 
if we can spend our summer together testing these new diapers!"
	Megan was the only guest who had yet to appear. She was running 
late, so we were wondering where she was. She did show up at about the 
time the dinner was ready to be served. In years past, Megan had come 
over to my birthday celebration straight from church in her Sunday 
dress, but this time, it appeared that she had gone home to change into 
her jeans and a T-shirt. She was invited into the house and she went 
straight back to my room.
	"Hi Chris, Hi Tony," Megan said as she entered the room. "Sorry 
I'm late, but I wanted to change into my regular clothes first."
	Megan took a look at me and saw that I was as heavily diapered as 
she had ever seen me.
	"Got diarrhea again?" Megan asked me.
	"No," I said. "But it probably wouldn't matter now if I did."
	"Exactly what I'm walking about," Megan said with a smile. "You're 
very, very, very diapered up!"
	"Yeah, I guess they are a tad thicker than normal," I said, seeing 
that Megan was staring at my behind. The sight of me in diapers was no 
novelty to her anymore, except that now I was wearing a dozen diapers.
	"More than just a tad," Megan said as she, along with everyone 
else, took the liberty of not only patting my diapered rump, but 
grabbing some of the material in her hand.
	"How can you stand wearing all these diapers?" Megan asked me. 
"You can't even walk normal in them."
	"After more than three years of being diapered, I can handle just 
about any amount of diapers."
	"How many diapers are you wearing?"
	"Twelve," I said, feeling my already erect penis become even 
harder as I thought about being so extremely diapered right in front of 
	"Why so many?" Megan asked me. "You just like your diapers, don't 
	"Well, I'm being considered for testing some new diapers that are 
coming out, so Lisa and Cindy are having me wear the thickest diapers 
that they can get on me, within reason, that is."
	"And we may even be in a commercial!" Tony added.
	For the next few minutes, we showed Megan each of our survey 
packets and explained to her what they were about. She hoped that Tony 
and I would ultimately be chosen to model the diapers in the TV and 
print ads.
	"You boys would make cute diaper models," Megan said as she smiled 
at us.
	Lisa then came to the room to tell us that it was time to eat.
	The dinner was ready at this time and we all sat down to eat once 
Cindy finally ended her conversation on the telephone. She had taken a 
bathroom break during her conversation and had switched to the kitchen 
phone when finishing up. She had been given permission to invite Gina 
and Bryce to join us for cake and ice cream as well as presents, and it 
only took her an hour to mention it as this was the last thing she said 
before finally hanging it up.
	Mom brought out some roasted chicken from the oven and set it on 
the table. We also had mashed potatoes and gravy, rolls and a few other 
goodies. Tony and I sat at our own table off to the side while the girls 
sat around the big table. The separation of the kids by gender and by 
which ones wear diapers was not coincidental, of course. This allowed 
Tony and I to talk about wearing and using our diapers without offending 
my elders, namely my grandparents and my aunt and uncle. Megan sat with 
my sisters as she preferred to engage in girl talk with them, and while 
she thought Tony and I looked cute in diapers, she was grossed out by us 
talking about using them. There's nothing quite like talking about 
diapers full of diarrhea while scooping up mashed potatoes topped with 
	In spite of this consideration, much of the table conversation was 
focused on me wearing my diapers, mainly on the way my diaper usage was 
being closely monitored and, even more importantly, my prospects of 
maybe becoming a model for Thickies diapers. Everyone was proud of me 
for pursuing this goal and they all asked me questions on how I felt 
about it.
	"I know I'll be nervous if I do get to go," I said. "But I don't 
think they'll want me."
	"Ohh, don't say that, Chris!" Cindy said to me. "Think 
	"You know," Lisa said, "I just have this hunch-- I can feel it-- 
that Chris will get to go to California and model in his diapers!"
	"You feel that confident about it, eh?" my grandmother said to 
	"Oh yes, I just have this good feeling about it. Chris will look 
so cute in the diaper commercials!" Lisa said.
	"Then tell me what next week's winning lottery numbers are!" my 
grandmother said, ignoring most of Lisa's remarks.
	"If we knew that, we probably wouldn't have Chris in the running 
for this, since the money he earns will go towards his college 
education," my Dad said.
	"Chris Barrett, Ph.D., and he wears diapers, imagine that," my 
Uncle Allen said.
	"He already has his Ph.D.," Lisa remarked. "Pretty Heavily 
Diapered." Lisa and the other girls as well as Tony enjoyed a good laugh 
over her witty remark. The adults groaned.
	I stuffed myself full as I ate, having taken seconds on everything 
that was on my plate the first time around. Tony did the same thing.
	"Those are going to be some soiled diapers by the time all that 
food you eat gets processed," Lisa said as she looked at me returning to 
the table carrying my refilled plate, with Tony right behind me.
	"Remember boys, you still have cake and ice cream coming," my Mom 
said to us.
	"I know," I said just before releasing a wet, stinky load of shit 
into my diapers. Everyone heard me farting and emptying my bowels as the 
poop flowed up to my balls and coated my backside. Some of the poop 
flumed up my butt crack. I was radiating some strong poop odors that 
wafted over to the big table, causing my grandmother to wince as she 
detected my stink.
	"I just made some room for the cake and ice cream," I said.


	At about the time we finished the dinner, Gina and her brother 
Bryce showed up for cake and ice cream. It was also time for Kara to 
check Tony's diaper and record its condition on the tracking form that 
she had brought along. Tony's diapers were checked on the hour, and when 
the hourly chime on his watched beeped, he told Kara to come check him 
over. I watched as Kara examined every detail of Tony's diaper, taking 
note of the big bulge in the front from all the pee that his diaper had 
collected to that point. The front of his diaper was sagging, as was the 
rear as Tony had unloaded his poop into his diaper. Kara pushed around 
on his bottom to determine how much poop he had made from the diaper's 
exterior. I got so hard just from watching Kara running her hands all 
over Tony's diapered butt. She made some notes on the sheet and then 
said, "you are definitely in need of a change, big brother."
	Kara then asked me if she could take Tony into my room to change 
	"Sure," I said. "Better than out here, where my grandparents may 
not appreciate it," I told her. I followed them into my room, noting how 
Tony's diaper looked like it was about to fall off from the weight of 
its contents. Those tapes were really holding. I sat on my bed and 
watched as Tony got on my changing pad on the floor, where Kara removed 
Tony's soaked diaper. As I was halfway expecting, we were soon joined by 
other female company, that is, Lisa and Cindy, as well as Suzy and 
Megan, all of whom came to watch. Megan had two brothers, but they 
didn't wear diapers, and Suzy didn't have any brothers at all. I figured 
that because these two girls didn't have any naked boys around them at 
home, they probably especially enjoyed seeing Tony and I with our hard-
ons sticking up while our diapers were being changed.
	"That was diaper change number three," Kara said to herself as she 
wrote on the tracking sheet.
	"You've changed him three times already today?" Lisa asked Kara.
	"Yeah, Tony wets a lot, so he gets about five changes a day, 
sometimes six," Kara said. "But it doesn't take long to change him 
unless he poops, too, like he did just now."
	"It takes a lo-ong time to diaper Chris," Lisa said.
	"I can see why!" Megan commented. "I don't think I could get 
twelve diapers on him too quickly, either!"
	"Especially when you look at how many pins we use!" Cindy 
	"At least we don't have to change him as often," Lisa said. "Once 
he's home from school, we take off his disposable and put him in his 
cloth diapers for the rest of the day, then change him at bedtime."
	A few minutes later, the timer went off again to remind one of the 
girls to look over my diapers. This time Cindy did it. With a room full 
of guests watching, she had me get up from my bed and stand on the 
floor. I bent over and let her look at my butt to check for any signs of 
leakage or any visible indications of a bowel movement. Of course with 
twelve diapers on, all she could tell was that I smelled like I had 
pooped, but there was no way to tell just by looking. She then checked 
my frontal area for wetness and made some notes on this and then resumed 
whatever she was doing.
	It took a few minutes for the dishes to get done and the table 
cleared, so Megan, Tony and myself all played together in my room. Megan 
didn't seem to mind playing with all my Hot Wheels and my Legos, which 
were primarily boys' toys. As for Tony and me, we would never touch her 
Barbie dolls or whatever twelve-year-old girls played with.
	In the meantime, Gina and Bryce showed up. Gina joined the girls 
in their room while Bryce came in to join us. As it was a mild late 
February day, both Gina and Bryce were wearing shorts. When Bryce sat 
down in my desk chair I could see his diapers showing through the leg 
opening, though I already knew just from the way his shorts bulged in 
the rear that he was diapered, as well as the crackling sound they made 
when he walked.
	Bryce had been through a lot in the last three years and could 
tell a little story of his own about wearing diapers. Ever since he had 
been caught wearing diapers shortly after I got put into them, he's been 
wearing them almost non-stop. I say "almost" because, after a few 
months, Bryce's parents took his diapers away from him, only to find 
that they were dealing with his wet and messy pants and underwear, as 
well as furniture, not to mention the smells that he left all over the 
house. He had lost control of his bladder and had gotten used to pooping 
in his diapers since he always had them on him. My parents once 
considered trying to take my diapers away, too, but my sisters talked 
them out of this as they knew what I would have done, and by that time, 
I would have required toilet training all over again, which was the last 
thing my parents wanted to do after suffering through it once.
	Bryce's parents then realized how much he needed his diapers and, 
rather than attempt to toilet train him again, they decided to keep 
Bryce in diapers all the time. Like me, he developed an artificial need 
for diapers and is now completely incontinent as a result of not using 
his bladder or bowel muscles over a prolonged period.
	A few minutes later we were called out to join the family again 
for me to open my birthday gifts. I was presented with a fairly good 
pile of wrapped packages, almost as good as Christmas. Lisa had the 
video camera running, ensuring that all the various views of my diapered 
state got plenty of camera time, as did Tony's. Bryce still had his 
shorts on, though his diapers not only showed through with their bulge, 
but they came up above his shorts, too.
	Amid a pile of torn wrapping paper, I received a new shirt from my 
grandparents, a couple of books from Aunt Sharon and Uncle Allen, plus a 
CD, a computer game, a set of two remote controlled cars and some Lego 
sets all from my parents, a set of Hot Wheels cars from Tony, and a set 
of Super Soaker squirt guns from Cindy. Lisa got me some more cloth 
diapers from Kidz Klothez like she has done ever since my ninth 
	I momentarily set my gifts aside and then I was presented with my 
birthday cake, topped with twelve candles. It was at this time that the 
hourly alarm went off again to remind the girls to check my diapers.
	"What was that for?" Bryce asked, curious about the "ding" sound 
that he heard.
	"It's time to check Chris' diapers," Cindy said as she ran off to 
grab the tracking form. She brought it out from my room and showed it to 
Bryce. Bryce glanced over some of the notes that had been made in it.
	"What's this?" Bryce asked.
	"We're keeping track of how well Chris' diapers hold up," Cindy 
explained. "Didn't Gina tell you about it?"
	"She said that Chris was going to be in a diaper commercial," 
Bryce said.
	"He *might* be in a diaper commercial," Cindy clarified.
	"Then what is this for?" Bryce asked.
	"Show it to him later," my Mom told Cindy. "Chris needs to blow 
his birthday cake candles out."
	The lights had been dimmed as I stood above everyone on a chair, 
in just my thick diapers and a shirt, being videotaped and photographed 
for the annual occasion of me blowing out the candles on my birthday 
cake. Everyone sang "Happy Birthday", except for Bryce, who was shy 
about doing things such as singing. Then, with a dozen candles all aglow 
before my face, I took in a deep breath and stood poised, ready to blow 
out the candles. In one big breath I bent over and exhaled a strong 
just, extinguishing all the candles.
	"Okay, now can I check Chris' diapers?" Cindy asked Mom.
	"Make it quick," my Mom said.
	"Stay put, Chris," Cindy said as she checked my diapers over while 
I was still standing on the chair. She started with my front side and 
noted the wetness.
	"So you really have to check his diapers every hour?" Gina asked 
	"Yep!" Cindy said. "As long as either me or Lisa or somebody is 
around who can check his diapers, we have to keep an hourly report on 
how well Chris' diapers do. Of course we don't check him at school or 
after he's gone to bed."
	"What all do you keep track of?" Gina asked.
	"I check for things like leaks and how much pee and poop Chris 
puts into his diapers, things like that," Cindy said as she showed both 
Gina and Bryce the tracking form. Gina laughed at the diagrams that 
indicated the amount of pee and poop I put in my diapers at the times I 
was changed.
	"So what do you do to check him?" Gina asked.
	"You wanna check him?" Cindy offered to Gina.
	"Sure," Gina said. "What do I do?"
	"I just checked his front side. You can check his crotch and his 
	"I'd love to!" Gina said gleefully.
	"Just check the area around his butt to see if there is any poop 
leaking, and then see how his crotch looks. Run your fingers around his 
butt and under the legbands of his plastic pants, things like that."
	"I can't tell if he's done anything in them, they're on him so 
thick," Gina said as I felt her putting her hands on my rear end. "I 
can't see any wetness or poop, but I can sure smell it!"
	"I'll just take note of that," Cindy said.
	"May I be excused?" I asked.
	"Yes, you may be excused," Gina said as she patted me on the butt 
three times, bringing my informal count of butt pats for the day to a 
hundred and five.
	Cindy and Gina went to the bathroom to wash their hands while the 
rest of us started in on the cake and ice cream. The girls then returned 
and we all sat around the living room together. While he was eating, 
Bryce had picked up the survey form and the tracking sheet to read them 
over. I could tell he enjoyed looking at the boys modeling the Thickies 
diapers in the product's pre-release literature. He kept his eyes 
focused on these pages and turned back and forth between them, stopping 
every few seconds to take a bite of ice cream or cake.
	Before he went back for a second helping of the desserts, I 
noticed that Bryce picked up the product information and kept one hand 
on the front of his shorts while looking at the pictures. Seeing him get 
so excited about pictures of other boys in diapers got me excited, as it 
did for Tony as I could see a tent in the front of his disposable 
diaper. Nobody could tell I had a hard on with the way I was diapered 
	After everyone finished eating, Cindy suggested that we try out 
the squirt guns in the back yard.
	"It's not exactly spring yet," my Mom said.
	"They just said it's sixty-five on the radio," Lisa said.
	I think my Mom and Dad the other adults wanted to have the house 
to themselves for a few minutes, so they decided to let us kids go out 
to the back yard and have some fun with the squirt guns. With only two 
guns, only two of us could participate at a time. Megan decided to run 
home and grab her two super soakers and join in on the fun. While she 
was gone, Tony and I played with some of my new toys as well as the new 
computer game.
	Megan returned a few minutes later with her super soakers, and she 
was armed and dangerous, at least the sinister smile on her freckled 
face suggested this as she arrived at the door.
	Lisa and Cindy decided to just watch and videotape the event, Suzy 
and Kara weren't going to participate in any of the water wars, either. 
Gina would have done so had she been dressed appropriately, but she 
didn't want to get her clothes wet from the water fight, she told us. 
This left myself, Tony, Bryce and Megan. Tony and I were already in just 
our diapers and set to go, but Bryce left his shorts on.
	Before Megan started, she stood before me and started taking her 
pants off. She did it in a very slow, seductive sort of way, a 
striptease, if you will. We were all very surprised that she was so 
boldly undressing herself out on the back patio, especially with people 
such as my grandparents nearby, just inside the house. It wasn't until 
she started pulling her jeans down that we could all see that she had a 
swimsuit on underneath and had apparently put it on under her clothes 
while she had gone home to get her squirt guns.
	"Fooled ya' all, didn't I!" Megan said to all of us as she was 
laughing, noting the stunned looks that were fixed our faces while she 
pulled her pants down. Bryce even covered up his eyes in embarrassment, 
expecting her to be naked underneath. Megan then pulled her T-shirt off 
and revealed what were destined to become some rather voluptuous 
breasts, judging from the size that they already were on Megan. I was, 
admittedly, aroused, seeing that Megan looked quite nice in a bathing 
suit and I didn't mind the fact that she was a bit on the heavyset side, 
too. In fact, this was one thing that I especially liked about her.
	The water guns were then filled and the battle was on! Tony and I 
were one team, while Bryce and Megan were the other team. Tony and I 
decided to mostly go after Bryce, hoping to get his shorts wet enough 
that he would need to remove them to have them dried, and perhaps we 
could augment the wetness of his diaper, too.
	The fight started out innocently enough, just a few short shots of 
water splashed upon one another, but then things escalated from there 
and we were chasing each other back and forth across the yard. We shot a 
lot of water at Bryce's shorts, hopefully ensuring that they would have 
to be removed. We also got Megan plenty wet. Her behind was not a 
difficult target to hit, given her chubby figure. I enjoyed watching 
Megan pull her wet swimsuit out of the crack of her big ass.
	A few minutes later, I found myself in even wetter diapers than 
before, both outside and inside. My plastic pants kept much of the 
external wetting from the squirt guns out, but Megan and Bryce managed 
to get close enough to me with their hydro-weaponry to at least get my 
diapers soaked from the top. I was in much better shape than Tony, 
however. His diaper was sagging and dropping from all the artificially 
created wetness that it had absorbed from Megan's steady stream of water 
from her gun when she stuck it down inside of Tony's diaper. She chased 
Tony around for a while and then she cornered him and tackled him to the 
ground. She kept her weight on top of him by sitting on his chest, and 
then had Bryce hold him down, too. He was obviously going along with it 
and didn't appear to be too aggressive about fighting them off. I was a 
tad jealous, in fact, that Tony was getting such a nice close-up view of 
Megan's nearly naked derriere.
	Megan then stuck the gun underneath the waistband of Tony's 
diaper. Tony managed to get himself turned around just so Megan could 
then point the nozzle of her squirt gun up into his butt, and then she 
let him have it good! It was as if he were getting an enema! When she 
got off of Tony, he stood up, and his diaper was so big and bulged out, 
and everybody laughed. I thought it was going to fall off of him. Lisa 
had the camera on him and she made sure to get this on tape.
	Then, the inevitable happened, Tony's diaper did fall off, leaving 
him naked from the waist down in front of Lisa, Cindy, Suzy, Megan, Kara 
and Bryce. Lisa kept cheering, saying, "I got it on tape! I got it on 
tape!" The laughter got my Mom's attention and she came outside to see 
what was going on. My Mom even started laughing as she saw Tony at the 
other end of the yard, sans diaper.
	"I got on tape, too, Mom!" Lisa said.
	"Well, be sure to edit that part out," my Mom said.
	"Aww, Mom, you're no fun," Lisa said as my Mom went back into the 
	Tony was trying to put the diaper back on, but it was too full of 
water, as well as pee, to use again. Bryce stayed out there with him, 
trying to re-fasten the tapes for Tony.
	"I'll go get you a dry diaper, Tony!" Kara said as she went into 
the house.
	Meanwhile, I talked to Gina and told her to tell Bryce that his 
shorts got too wet and would need to be dried, so he would have to go 
around in just his diaper during this time. Gina giggled and then 
proceeded with my suggestion. Everything had gone as planned so far.
	"Your shorts sure got wet!" I heard Gina say to Bryce as he sat 
there with Tony. "Guess we'll have to toss them in the dryer."
	Bryce seemed to be reserved about having his shorts off while my 
aunt and uncle and grandparents were nearby. He then conceded and 
removed his shorts for Gina. He handed them over to her.
	"I'll bring you a diaper, too!" Gina said to him as she came 
running back towards the house.
	"Let me go in with you!" Cindy said. "I got an idea!" With this, 
she went back into the house with Gina. Lisa passed around the video 
camera to Megan and then to me so that we could watch the scene that 
just happened to Tony in the camera's viewfinder. Kara then came back 
out with one of Tony's diapers and she ran to the other side of the 
yard. I watched as she re-diapered her older brother right there in the 
back yard. The two of them then came running back up to the patio.
	Gina and Cindy came out next, also carrying a diaper for Bryce. As 
Gina expected Bryce's diaper to also be messy, she brought along some 
wipes. While it was hard for me to tell, Lisa knew that Bryce had pooped 
his diaper as she was videotaping him getting changed, unbeknownst to 
him or Gina. She had the zoom lens focused on his soiled butt up close.
	Cindy was holding a red permanent marker in her hands. I was 
curious what she intended to do with it, so I asked her, "Are we going 
to dub in some 'viewer warning' signs for the video, because of what 
Lisa just got on tape?"
	"You mean, Tony's diaper falling off and leaving him butt-naked, 
or Bryce's poopy butt?" Lisa said with a giggle.
	"That's not what I'm gonna do with the marker," Cindy said.
	"Then what's it for?" I asked her.
	"You'll see," Cindy said. "Come here, Tony."
	"What are going to do?" Tony asked her.
	"Bend over and I'll show you!" she said.
	"I don't do that sort of thing," Tony said, thinking that she was 
going to impale him with the pen.
	"That's not what I'm going to do, silly!" Cindy said as she 
smacked Tony on the butt with the pen.
	Tony decided to bite, so he did as he was instructed and stuck his 
padded posterior towards Cindy. Cindy took the cap off the pen and began 
drawing concentric circles on the surface of the seat of Tony's diaper.
	"What are you doing back there?" Tony asked her.
	"She's drawing a bullseye on your butt," I told Tony.
	"You mean, like a target?" Tony said, making sure he understood 
that this was what she was doing.
	"Yep!" Cindy said.
	While Cindy was drawing the last circle, Tony let out a long, 
gassy fart.
	"Excuse me," Tony said.
	"It's all right," Cindy said. "Chris farts all the time while I 
change his diapers, and it's not like I can't handle the smell."
	Bryce and Gina had returned to the patio by this time.
	"Okay, Bryce, you're next!" Cindy told him.
	"I'm next for what?" Bryce asked.
	"Look at Tony's butt!" Lisa told Bryce.
	"You drew circles on it!" Bryce said.
	"Good observation!" Gina jostled her brother.
	"Gina, I'll let you do it if you want!" Cindy said as she handed 
Cindy the red marker.
	"Bend over," Gina told Bryce.
	"I don't want you marking on my diaper," Bryce said.
	"Oh come on, who else is going to see it, and besides, you'll have 
your shorts back by the time we leave."
	"Okay," Bryce sighed. He stood before his sister and let her draw 
a target on his behind. She drew three circles, and then Lisa said, "let 
me draw a couple circles!" With this, Lisa took over and not only two 
more circles, but also the words "I'M A DIAPER BUTT" around the 
	"Now let's do Chris' butt!" Megan said.
	"Plastic pants are a little expensive to mark up," Cindy said.
	"How about change Chris and put a disposable diaper on him 
instead?" Suzy suggested.
	"He's got a dozen cloth diapers pinned onto him, Suzy," Lisa said. 
"Trust me, they're going to stay on him for awhile still."
	"Maybe just draw one on a sheet of paper and stick it down his 
plastic pants," Cindy suggested.
	"Good idea!" Lisa said. With this, Cindy went back into the house 
and grabbed a sheet of paper from the computer's printer. She and Lisa 
drew the circles as well as the obligatory words "I'M A DIAPER BUTT" on 
the paper. Cindy then pulled back my plastic pants and stuck the paper 
underneath them. Even with the paper vertically oriented, the size of my 
diapers on my butt was easily large enough to completely accommodate the 
8 1/2 x 11 paper. Lisa then called Tony back over to write the same 
words on the back of his diaper.
	"What's this all about?" I asked.
	"What do think it is, bullseye butt?" Lisa asked me as she smacked 
me five times on the rear end. "One hundred ten," I thought.
	"Very cute," I said snidely. "I take it you're all going to shoot 
water at our butts?"
	"You got it, target tushie!" Lisa said.
	Mom came out to the patio again and looked at the three of us boys 
with red circles and the words "I'M A DIAPER BUTT" on the backsides of 
our diapers.
	"What are you kids doing?" my Mom asked. "You boys look awfully 
	"We we're going to have a little target practice!" Cindy said.
	"Well, your grandparents are taking off now, and so are your 
parents, Suzy," my Mom said to her.
	"Aww," Suzy said, sounding disappointed.
	"We also have one more gift for you, Chris," my Mom said.
	"Really?" I said, perking up. I figured if they waited until this 
point to present it to me, it had to have been something good. Mom told 
us to all come back into the house and meet in the front room with the 
	We all came back in, with Megan coming in after us as she put her 
pants and shirt back on.
	"Happy Birthday, son!" my Dad said as he handed me a present. It 
was long, narrow and cylindrical in shape, so I had to wonder what it 


	"What is this?" I wondered as I held the mysteriously- shaped 
birthday present. It didn't weigh much, and when I shook it, it made no 
noise. The only possibility I considered was that it was a giant 
kaleidoscope, but why would anybody want to save such a gift for last? 
It was too light to be a telescope.
	I peeled the paper back and revealed that underneath it was an 
ordinary cardboard tube. Now I was feeling even more dumbfounded as to 
what it was.
	"Take the end off and look inside," my Dad told me. I was starting 
to become suspicious when I heard Lisa and Cindy giggling. I looked over 
at them and saw Lisa whispering into Suzy's ear. I was thinking that it 
was one of those snakes that pop out at you when you open the container. 
I couldn't stand the suspense any longer. All eyes (and cameras) were on 
me as I pulled off the plastic lid on the end of the tube. I expected 
something to jump put at me, but much to my relief, nothing happened.
	There were some large sheets of paper rolled up inside of the 
tube. I pulled them out and then took a look at the first sheet. It 
appeared to be a series of drawings of a nursery, shown from various 
vantage points in the room, complete with babyish-looking wallpaper, a 
crib with a mobile dangling above it, a changing table, and a large 
cabinet in the corner. The next sheet showed a blueprint-like outline of 
the placement of these items in the room. There were some other sheets 
that showed advertisements for custom-built babies' furnishings.
	I had then figured it out that my entire bedroom was going to be 
transformed into a nursery! The artist's rendition of my bedroom had 
been modeled from my existing room, which I determined from the 
placement of the windows and my closet.
	I spent a couple minutes looking it all over, thinking about what 
it would be like to have a nursery for a bedroom. Tony and Bryce looked 
at it with me, as did Megan.
	"You figure it out yet, Chris?" my Dad asked me.
	"You're gonna re-do my room, I see," I said.
	"Yes, we are, Chris," my Mom said. "We felt that since you enjoy 
your diapers so much, it was only fitting to give you an environment 
more conducive to wearing diapers."
	"How cute!" Megan said. "I can't wait to see what you'll look like 
sleeping in that crib!" She was looking at the advertisement for a 
custom-built crib.
	"What do you think, Chris?" my Dad asked me.
	"Uhh, it's nice," I said. I was quite surprised that my parents 
were going to such trouble and expense to give my bedroom a complete 
	"Don't you like it?" my Mom said.
	"Yeah, I do, I really do," I said. "I'm just, well, I'm 
	"Well, that's the best kind of present to get!" Uncle Allen 
	"Do you really like it?" my Mom asked me, sensing that perhaps I 
was not ready to accept such a dramatic change. While I did feel silly 
about having my bedroom transformed into a nursery, I was looking 
forward to seeing the finished product.
	"Yes, Mom, I do," I told her. "Thank you, Mom, thank you, Dad." I 
gave them each a big hug. I knew this had to have cost them hundreds, if 
not a couple thousand dollars, and I'm sure they would not have done it 
if they didn't think I would appreciate such a gift.
	"When will the work start?" I asked my Mom.
	"Tomorrow," she said.
	"How long will it take?" I asked.
	"A couple days, maybe three," my father answered. "You're getting 
new carpet, new furnishings, new paint, wallpaper, you'll be surprised."
	"So where will I sleep?" I asked.
	"Well," my Mom said. "You may have to share a bed with one of your 
	"What?" Cindy said.
	"You serious?" Lisa also spoke.
	"Oh come on, it's just for a couple nights, girls," my mother told 
	"Have you ever smelled Chris' room?" Cindy asked.
	"Yeah, it smells like pee and poop," my Mom replied. "Might have 
something to do with the fact that Chris wears diapers."
	"I don't want stinky-butt here sharing my bed with me," Cindy said 
as she patted me on the behind. I stopped keeping track of the number of 
butt pats I had received that day.
	"He may stink things up a little in there," Lisa said to Cindy, 
"but, with as many diapers as Chris wears, I'm sure your bed will be 
	"My bed?" Cindy said. "Why my bed? Can't he sleep in yours?"
	"I take up the whole bed!" Lisa said, attributing this statement 
to her large size.
	"She's right, Cindy," my Mom said. "You're smaller, so you and 
Chris will have to share."
	"I guess," Cindy said, resigning herself to the fact that I would 
be sleeping in the same bed as her. I knew it would be an awkward 
arrangement, but it gave me all the more reason to look forward to 
seeing my room's remodeling completed and I could get my room back.
	"I'll tell you one thing, he is going to be very, very well-
diapered before he gets in my bed!"
	"I don't know what you call 'very, very well-diapered', Cindy," my 
grandmother said to her. "But Chris is not exactly romping around in 
just his skivvies as it is right now."
	"So am I gonna have to act like a baby, too?" I asked.
	"Well, we know you're a twelve-year-old boy, Chris, and you value 
some of the things that twelve-year-old boys do, so we don't expect you 
to become a complete baby, but we thought you'd enjoy having such an 
environment, an escape, if you will."
	I felt better about this after I asked about it. While I enjoyed 
things like my diapers, obviously, and I got excited at the thought of 
drinking from a baby bottle and perhaps being fed at dinnertime, I could 
not give up all my big-boy things like all my toys and playing games on 
the computer.
	After all the excitement and discussion over my bedroom remodel 
died down, as well as settling the concerns over my temporary sleeping 
arrangements, my Aunt Sharon, Uncle Allen and cousin Suzy all left, as 
did my grandparents. Megan, Gina, Bryce, Tony and Kara stuck around for 
about another hour. We were getting ready to resume the water fight 
outside, but at this time, the hourly alarm went off again and it was 
time for my diapers to not only be checked, but changed, too.
	Lisa and Cindy performed a visual and tactile check of my diapers 
prior to removing them, recording the results on the tracking log. As I 
expected, my diaper change attracted an all-female audience in my 
bedroom. This was likely the last time they would all see my room in its 
present arrangement.
	Lisa and Cindy both performed the dirty work of wiping up my 
filthy bottom and getting my skin cleaned up for the next set of 
diapers. While Cindy hauled my soiled diapers to the wash, Megan 
volunteered to powder my genitals, crotch and butt. Lisa handed her the 
powder and let her spread it on me. I could tell she was having fun 
making my penis stand erect as she kept rubbing me around my balls over 
and over.
	"Careful, he might shoot at you and hit you right in the face," 
Lisa told Megan. While it was mostly meant in jest, Lisa could see that 
Megan was being a little more than generous with the powder and the 
amount of rubbing she gave my genitals.
	While I expected to get an audience consisting of all the girls, I 
wasn't expecting them to all eventually participate in my diaper change. 
I didn't know how five girls could get involved at the same time, but 
they all took part in my diaper change in one way or another. Kara stood 
at my diaper drawer and handed each diaper to Gina, who then folded 
them. She handed the folded diapers to Megan, who stuck them underneath 
me, while Lisa and Cindy pulled them up and pinned them on. It was a 
very efficient and well-organized process, and within just a couple 
minutes I had about a dozen diapers on me, all clean and dry, at least 
for now.
	Cindy drew another target on a sheet of paper to insert into my 
plastic pants, and she did. We went back out to the yard. It was late 
afternoon, a little cooler and windier, making things less comfortable 
for me, Tony and Bryce. In spite of this, we decided to have some more 
fun with the squirt guns. About all we boys did was run around and keep 
away from the girls, who were armed with the squirt guns. As our butts 
were appropriately marked, the object was for the girls to aim at our 
butts. We only played for about twenty minutes before deciding that it 
was getting too cold outside now and that Megan had been called to come 
	"Bye, Chris, bye, Tony!" Megan said as she blew us each a kiss on 
her way out. "See you tomorrow!"
	Before Tony and Kara were picked up by their mother, Tony was 
changed out of his wet diaper, mostly from the soaking that Kara gave it 
with one of the squirt guns. Gina and Bryce also left at this time. It 
wasn't until this moment that Bryce realized that his shorts had not 
been dried yet and that the girls deliberately left them dripping wet, 
hoping to keep Bryce in just his diaper for even longer. Bryce still put 
his shorts on in spite of the fact they were wet and cold. He especially 
didn't want everyone to see the target that Cindy had drawn onto the 
seat of his diaper as he walked home.
	I had such a hard time sleeping in my bed that night, realizing 
that it was going to be the last night that I would be sleeping in it. I 
also thought about how my entire room would look once it was done. I 
finally went to sleep and had a horrible dream about being forcibly 
toilet trained again. I was sent to school without diapers on and I 
ended up shitting and pissing my pants. This was a recurring nightmare 
of mine that I wished would go away. Upon waking the next morning, I 
realized how nice it was to have diapers on as my bed, even though it 
was going to be retired, would have been ruined had my thick diapers not 
been on me.
	Lisa came in early that morning to check my diapers and change 
them. At the early hour, she didn't write as much in the tracking log, 
just some quick notes. She took the thick bunches of wet, dirty diapers 
off of me and replaced them with a disposable diaper and two doublers.
	I had been in only my diapers for the entire weekend and nobody 
had thought much about my pants. Lisa could not find them. I thought she 
was just having fun and making me think that I would have to go to 
school in just my diapers, but by the time Cindy and my Mom got involved 
in the search, I remembered what had happened. Tony had on the pants 
that my Mom had bought for me, to replace the ones that were ripped off 
at the mall by Travis and Sean. Tony still had them at his house and had 
not returned them!
	"What do we do?" I asked. "Those are my only pants."
	"You could wear the shorts that Mom bought for you," Lisa 
	"Those things are too big to wear!" I said. "Mom got them to fit 
over the cloth diapers I had on that day."
	"Then I guess you'd better wear cloth diapers to school today," 
Lisa said. "It's the only way those shorts will fit."
	"Can I just take this as a sick day?" I asked my Mom.
	"No, let's not do that," my Mom said. "Especially since you just 
missed Thursday. Try the shorts."
	I knew the shorts would not fit, but I went ahead and tried them 
on anyway. Sure enough, they didn't even stay up without having my cloth 
diapers on.
	"I can't go to school in cloth diapers," I said.
	"Why not?" Cindy said. "Everybody at school knows you wear 
	"Yeah, but they don't need to see how I wear them at home," I 
	"We'd better come up with something," my Mom said. "You're going 
to be late for school, Chris. In fact, why don't you girls just go eat 
breakfast and run for the bus. I'll handle this."
	"Okay, Mom," Lisa said, as did Cindy. They left the room. Mom left 
with them, leaving me to sit there on my bed in just my diaper.
	"Where are you going?" I asked Mom.
	"I'll call Tony's Mom and see if she can bring the pants."
	My Mom came back a few minutes later to tell me that all she got 
was the answering machine. Apparently Tony and Kara had left for the bus 
and their mother had left for work.
	"Oh no!" I said. "Hey, maybe I can get into Tony's bedroom through 
his window."
	"Sure, and what do we tell the police when a neighbor calls us on 
suspicion of breaking and entering?" my Mom said.
	"The lock is broken on Tony's window," I said. "Just drive me over 
there, and I'll just be in and out," I said.
	"This will make a good headline for the paper," my Mom remarked. 
"It'd say 'Twelve-Year-Old Boy in Diapers Caught Breaking and Entering 
into Home.'"
	"I don't think anyone will see me do it," I said.
	"Fine," my Mom said. "Get your shirt changed, go brush your teeth, 
grab your books and go out to the car. I'll throw some Pop Tarts in the 
	I had gotten ready for school, but I had no pants to wear. My 
diaper was already wet from all the excitement that morning. Mom came 
out and started the car. We drove over to Tony's house. When we got 
there, there were some women who were out jogging, but decided to chat 
with one of Tony's neighbors.
	Mom pulled up to the curb. I just sat there in the car, hoping the 
joggers would move on. Mom wasn't in the mood to wait as she was going 
to be late for work.
	"Well, get your butt moving!" Mom prompted me.
	"I'm waiting for those ladies to leave," I said.
	"No time for that, Chris!" my Mom said. "You're late and I'm 
	I opened the car door, but I still sat there, looking at the group 
of ladies still jabbering with Tony's neighbor.
	"Come on, Chris!" my Mom said. "Or you'll go to school with just 
that diaper you're wearing!"
	I made a mad dash across Tony's yard and headed straight for his 
bedroom window. I didn't even look back to see if the ladies were 
staring at me. All I cared about was getting in to Tony's room and 
getting my pants. I went to the window and opened it as I expected it to 
do. I climbed up on the sill and felt the morning dew on my knees as I 
crawled in. Tony's room was a mess as it often was. I rummaged through 
his dirty clothes, consisting mostly of shirts and socks, no pants. 
	I went over to his closet and went through it. No pants there, 
either. I went to his drawers and found a large supply of disposable 
diapers, all waiting to eventually be peed and pooped in by Tony, but 
this wasn't what I was after. After having gone through his room, I went 
out to the laundry room and went through everything there. I felt like I 
was burglarizing the house, but all I wanted were my damn pants! I 
looked in the washer and the dryer and only found Kara's pants, which 
were blue jeans, but too small for me to wear and too girlish, too. It 
had been about five minutes and I knew that Mom must have been getting 
impatient. After a couple more minutes, I gave up. I went out to the 
front door and opened it. I put my arms up to gesture my giving up.
	"Let's go, Chris!" my Mom shouted. "I'll pick you up some more 
pants at a store!"
	Just as I was going out the door, I looked over at the couch and 
saw a pair of pants folded up.
	"Wait!" I shouted at Mom. "I think I found them!" I closed the 
door and picked up the pants. Bingo!
	I took my shoes off and started putting the pants on. Mom had come 
to the door.
	"Chris, let's just go!" my Mom said as she opened the front door.
	"I told you I found them," I said to Mom as I was pulling the 
pants over my diaper.
	"Good, now hurry it up," my Mom sighed.
	We closed the door and made sure it was locked as we left. I 
noticed the jogging ladies had left by then.
	"Did those ladies stare at me?" I asked my Mom.
	"Yeah, they seemed to enjoy seeing you scamper off to the back 
yard in your diapers," my Mom said. "Then they came over to me to ask 
what we were doing, so I had to explain it all. Luckily, Tony's neighbor 
recognized you, and he explained to those ladies why you were in 
	I was twenty minutes late by the time I got to school. I explained 
to Tony at recess what I had to do to get my pants back from him and 
apologized for having to break into his house.
	"Think nothing of it," Tony assured me. "But I think when I tell 
my Mom about it she's going to get the lock fixed on my bedroom window."

Forever In Diapers, Parts 11-20