
	Tommy and Marvin went into the bathroom to wash their hands before 
joining the others downstairs for dinner. The toilet seat was closed and 
a sticker had been placed on its lid that read NO BOYS ALLOWED!
	"Heidi put that sticker there," Marvin pointed out as he smiled.
Tommy and Marvin then went down the stairs wearing just their 
diapers and T-shirts and entered the kitchen where Marvin's parents were 
seated across from each other. Heidi was sitting next to her father. On 
the other side of Heidi was Max. Much to Tommy's surprise, Max was 
sitting in a high chair and being spoon-fed his dinner by Heidi!
	"We have to take turns eating," Marvin said to Tommy.
	"What do you mean?" Tommy asked, still trying to figure out why 
Max was being treated like a baby boy beyond the fact that he wore 
	"We sit in the high chair and Heidi feeds us," Marvin said very 
	"Really?" Tommy said, feeling awkward.
	Heidi will probably want to feed you ,too," Marvin told Tommy. 
"You don't mind, do you?"
	Tommy paused for a moment and thought about it, and then he said, 
"Uh, no, I don't mind." He didn't want to make a bad impression on 
Marvin's family by refusing the offer.
	"I'll let Heidi feed you next," Marvin said to Tommy.
	After Max was finished eating, his face was wiped clean and he was 
dismissed from the table. He waddled away donning several thick diapers. 
He was also carrying a baby bottle that was full of milk. He ran back up 
to the bedroom and played while Tommy and Marvin were to be fed.
	Tommy took his turn and took his seat in the high chair. A bib had 
been tied around his neck before he started eating. Tommy watched 
hesitantly as Heidi cut up the food on his plate and dished up a big 
bite for him to take. Tommy slowly opened his mouth and awaited that 
first big spoonful. Tommy then thought to himself, "hey, this is all 
right." Heidi delightfully fed Tommy several more bites of food and then 
she gave him a bottle of milk to take with him. Tommy reluctantly 
accepted the bottle and took it with him after his face was wiped clean. 
Tommy even smiled at Heidi, which caused her to reciprocate the facial 
	"You like that?" Heidi asked Tommy in a babyish sort of voice.
	Tommy was hesitant to admit it, but he said, "I did" to Heidi. She 
smiled some more as she watched him walk away, watching Tommy try to 
negotiate the heavy diapers as he walked.
	Tommy sat on the floor at the edge of the kitchen and held his 
milk bottle as he watched Marvin take his turn at dinner. Just like 
being spoon-fed in a high chair, Tommy decided that there was nothing 
wrong with drinking out of a baby bottle, not that anyone else had to 
know. Tommy could sense that he was getting to enjoy all this babying 
that he was getting. It seemed to fill a void from his earlier 
childhood. With this, he stuck the nipple into his mouth and began to 
suck on it. Tommy didn't know why he was enjoying this so much.
	Tommy then looked down at his crotch and noted how heavily 
diapered he really was as they came several inches out from his legs. He 
looked to the side and saw how the layers of cloth were packed so 
tightly and stacked so neatly, resembling somewhat, the rings of a cut 
tree stump. The sight of his diapers made him feel even better about the 
treatment that he was getting. It made his penis become erect, just as 
it had been every time he looked at Marvin and Max all diapered up.
	When Marvin was finished eating, he, too, was given his milk in a 
bottle as he was let down from the high chair. Heidi patted Marvin's 
butt as he waddled away from the table and towards Tommy.
	"What do you wanna do?" Marvin asked Tommy.
	"I dunno," Tommy said. "We are allowed to do 'big boy' things, 
too, aren't we?"
	"Of course," Marvin said. "Let's go play on the computer."
	At this time Marvin and Tommy went over to their computer system. 
Max had come back down the stairs to join the other two. Max was holding 
a nearly empty baby bottle, which he finished off and gave to Heidi to 
fill back up for him. Marvin and Tommy were still nursing on their 
	Marvin and Tommy sat down at the computer and Max sat on the 
floor. Max took his freshly-filled bottle and held it with both his 
hands, and then he wriggled around on his back as he sucked on the 
bottle, kicking his legs and showing off his thick diapers packed up 
into his crotch, mimicking the baby boy that Max liked to be. It was 
quite a novel site to Tommy, but to Marvin, he was quite used to it and 
even did it himself.
	Marvin then logged onto the Internet and retrieved his new e-mail 
messages. Tommy hadn't seen much of the Internet and was marveled by the 
way Marvin was demonstrating how things worked on the Internet.
	"That girl from Arizona wrote back!" Marvin exclaimed as he looked 
at the first e-mail message header. There were also about a dozen more 
new messages in the list.
	"Everybody always writes to me on the weekends," Marvin said, 
looking at the list of names, the rest of them from other diaper-wearing 
boys with whom he and Max corresponded regularly.
	"I'll have to tell them all about our weekend together," Marvin 
	"You mean, you're gonna tell all these people about us wearing 
diapers?" Tommy asked Marvin.
	"Of course! They all wear diapers, too, and we exchange sleep-over 
stories all the time! I'll let you read some of them that I have saved."
	Tommy always respected other people's privacy, so he asked Marvin 
if it was okay for him to see his e-mail messages.
	"Sure!" he said. "It's a lot of fun writing back and forth to 
these guys!"
	Marvin opened the first message from Tammi, the girl in Arizona 
who lived next door to Marvin's and Max's aunt and uncle. It read:

Hi Cuteybutts!

How are you diaper boys doing? Is it cold and snowy there? I 
hope you guys are keeping warm in your diapers. It was about 
80 and sunny here today. Do you boys need your didees 
changed? Don't you wish I could fly up there and take your 
wet diapers off and change them! I'd put lots of thick 
diapers on your butts because they make you two look so 
cute! But then, you guys have your sister to do that for 
you, oh well. I hope you guys come back for Spring break!

	"She calls us 'cuteybutts'," Marvin said as he blushed. He 
continued to go through the list and look at the other messages. Tommy 
felt his penis become hard as he read e-mail messages with Marvin, as 
well as Max, who had gotten up to read the e-mail with them. Another 
message read:

"My Mom told me I'll be in diapers all weekend because I 
pissed her off again. She doesn't know I do this on purpose 
because I like to wear diapers. This time she's really 
serious and she triple-diapered me. I'm having so much fun 
peeing and pooping in them, though I'm embarrassed that I 
have to wear them in front of my sisters and I have to let 
them check me and change me when my Mom is gone. I want to 
tell my Mom that I like to wear diapers, but then she might 
stop making me wear them if I do."

	The boys spent the next several minutes reading the remaining e-
mail messages from all of the other boys. Tommy was amazed by all of 
this. He thought it looked like a lot of fun to exchange e-mail with 
others and to be so open about his feelings towards diapers, which Tommy 
felt were becoming more and more intense. Tommy couldn't resist giving 
his hard-on a little rubbing through his diapers, hoping that Marvin and 
Max wouldn't notice. Marvin did notice, however, much to Tommy's 
embarrassment, as did Max.
	"I see you like this stuff," Marvin said, noting that Tommy had 
been moving his hand repeatedly across the front of his diapers before 
he suddenly stopped.
	"I do," Tommy said as he felt his face burning red from 
embarrassment. "It looks like a lot of fun, that is, reading writing e-
	"It is a lot of fun!" Marvin said. "I love writing to these guys! 
Here, let me show you some web sites now."
	Marvin then started showing Tommy some of his favorite Internet 
diaper sites. Tommy couldn't believe that there were so many web sites 
just on the topic of diapers! Even more specifically, they were web 
sites that focused on wearing diapers as a fetish, and in some cases, a 
necessity as well. Tommy felt very much amazed that there were so many 
other people out there on the Internet who had such strong feelings 
about wearing diapers that they devoted their web sites to the topic. 
Some of the web sites were created by other boys while others were from 
adults who enjoyed re-visiting their boyhood through their intense 
interests in diapers. As Marvin clicked from one site to another, he and 
the other boys looked at pictures and stories about other boys like 
Tommy and Marvin who wore diapers.
	"This is where all those stories and pictures came from," Marvin 
	"What do you think of this?" Marvin asked Tommy. Tommy felt his 
hard-on intensifying as it was deeply buried beneath the thick, heavy 
diapers that were pinned onto him. He was so excited by all of this that 
Tommy couldn't see straight.
	"I can't believe it," Tommy said with amazement. "All of this 
about diapers!"
	Marvin had been saving a surprise to show Tommy before he logged 
off. As he went into the next site, several images popped up on the 
screen. To Tommy's surprise, the pictures he saw were of Marvin and Max 
in their diapers, very thick, of course, posing differently in each one, 
though many of them were taken from behind. One of the pictures showed 
Heidi as she was busy pinning up a thick bunch of diapers on Marvin. In 
the next picture she was patting him on his rear, which was padded so 
heavily with bulging thick white diapers, a stark contrast to the tight, 
red shorts that covered Heidi's behind in the picture.
	"This is *our* web site," Marvin said, smiling proudly.
	"You guys have your own web site?" Tommy asked. "Neat!"
	"We've got more pictures of me and Max in our diapers and more 
stories, too! Me and Max write several stories about us in our diapers 
and we put all these stories on the web site. I have my favorite sites 
linked on it as well."
	"Cool!" Tommy said. "This is really incredible! Do your parents 
know about this?"
	"Of course they know!" Marvin said. "What else would we talk about 
on our page? I mean, Me and Max wouldn't have much to talk about on our 
web page if we didn't do it on us being in diapers all the time!"
	At about that time Marvin's mother came into the room and looked 
at what the boys were doing on the computer.
	"Oh, so you're showing Tommy your web site, I see," she said as 
she smiled. "Better sign off soon, boys, since Heidi will be starting 
the movie shortly."
	"Okay, Mommy!" Marvin said. He closed the web browser and then 
signed off. This was the first time all evening that Tommy had heard 
Marvin address his mother. Tommy had a bit of a surprised look on his 
	"I always call my parents 'Mommy and Daddy,'" Marvin explained.
	"Me, too!" Max added.
	A few minutes later the movie was set to begin. The popcorn had 
been popped, the drinks had been poured, the VCR was cued up, and 
everyone was seated and ready to watch the show. Tommy had gotten to 
where he expected everything the other boys did to be more appropriate 
for little boys. He thought he would get stuck watching Barney or Bambi. 
He was surprised to see that the boys decided to watch "The Lost World" 
with their sister instead.
	During the movie, Tommy needed to poop, and he could tell it was 
going to be a big dump again. He had gotten used to just letting it out 
right away, and he felt that perhaps he was starting to lose some 
voluntary control of his bowels, too. He couldn't hold back his bowel 
movements and delay them while in class like he used to be able to do. 
In an instant, Tommy felt his poop spew out into the diapers, covering 
what felt like every square inch of his buttocks. It flowed up into his 
crotch and to his balls. He felt so secure being so thickly diapered 
that the volume of his bowel movement was no concern as far as it 
leaking out, though it did smell.
	Heidi brought the boys some more baby bottles filled with soda to 
drink for the rest of the movie. She handed Tommy his bottle and she 
could tell he had just pooped. Even through all the diapers she had put 
on him, she could smell Tommy's stinking mess.
	"I'll change you at bedtime," she promised Tommy.
	Before the boys were sent to bed, Heidi changed Tommy out of his 
poopy diapers. He had messed them quite heavily, and he had also just 
peed in them from drinking the soda. Heidi wiped him up, showing no 
aversion to his smells, and then she bound him back into another bulky 
bunch of six diapers with plastic pants.
	Heidi also checked Marvin's and Max's diapers. She pulled back the 
plastic pants and smelled them from the rear, but she detected no poop 
odors. She then ran her finger along the leg openings of their diapers 
to check for any wetness. They had each wet their diapers, but she 
decided that they would be okay through the night.
	"You mean you just check them?" Tommy asked Heidi.
	"Yep, Marvin and Max don't have to tell me, they just leave it up 
to me, instead," Heidi said to Tommy.
	Heidi then tucked Max into his crib and did the same with Marvin. 
Tommy had to share the crib with Marvin, so Heidi boosted him up into 
the crib and tucked him in next to Marvin. Tommy felt silly being put 
into a crib, but he felt that he had already been "broken in" with being 
babied and he didn't hesitate being put into the crib with Marvin.
	Heidi then decided to read the boys some bedtime stories. She 
retrieved two children's story books from the shelf and read them aloud 
to the three boys. Tommy didn't know what to think of this, but he just 
lay still and listened as Heidi read slowly, as if she were really 
reading to a small child. Her soft voice blanketed Tommy's ears with a 
calm, peaceful sound. When Heidi was finished with the two books, she 
put them back on the shelf. She then got out one of the binders that 
contained the diaper stories. Tommy remained relaxed, but yet also 
excited as he knew that the diaper story would arouse his feelings when 
he heard Heidi read it.
	"Let's start with a new story tonight, boys," Heidi said, "since 
Tommy's here." She sat down on the chair between the cribs and she 
opened the binder. She selected a story and then she began to read it 
slowly to her brothers, using a cute, whiny voice, as if reading to a 
group of kindergartners. Tommy closed his eyes and pictured the story in 
his mind as he listened to Heidi read to him and the other two boys. He 
thought of the pictures of diapered boys that he had looked at earlier 
and imagined these boys in the story that Heidi was reading. Tommy was 
getting so excited and he wanted to jack off very badly. After Heidi had 
read about three pages or so she decided that it was time for the three 
boys to go to sleep. She kissed them all goodnight and turned the light 
off. The three boys continued to talk about the evening for the next 
hour or so before finally dropping off to sleep.
	In the middle of the night, after Tommy thought that Marvin had 
fallen asleep, he couldn't resist the urge to masturbate. He thought 
back on the entire evening and he had to release and relieve his strong 
feelings now. His erection had been begging for his attention all 
	Tommy didn't know how to do this without waking up Marvin. He was 
lying so close to Marvin as they were crammed into the one crib they 
shared. Tommy tried to move away from Marvin and as closely as he could 
to the bars of the crib. He started rubbing his hard-on, moving his hand 
vigorously enough over his diaper to stimulate himself, but yet try to 
maintain discreteness with his activities. He knew he was taking a 
chance, and just as he brought himself to orgasm, Marvin woke up.
	"What are you doing?" Marvin asked. "You're shaking the crib."
	Tommy was embarrassed again. He quickly fabricated a fib and said, 
"I must have been having a bad dream."
	"It must have been about diapers," Marvin said. "I do the same 
thing in my diapers, but I can't make myself come yet."
	"Come?" Tommy asked naively.
	"Yeah, 'come', you know, ejaculate?" Marvin re-stated.
	Tommy had heard that word before and he knew what it meant. He 
felt ashamed that he had such knowledge and felt that this sort of thing 
was reserved for adults. Tommy had hang-ups about his young sexual 
feelings. He just said, "oh, yeah."
	Tommy had isolated himself from other kids at school all his life, 
plus he had grown up with the impression that anything that had to do 
with sex was taboo, so he avoided being exposed to such matters whenever 
they were brought up around him. He had no older brothers nor his father 
to teach him the facts of life, at least from a male perspective.
	"I haven't hit puberty yet," Max said, "so I can't come, but it 
still feels good when I play with myself."
	A few minutes later Marvin began to jack off in his diapers. He 
pulled the covers off of him and raised his legs in the air and spread 
his thighs apart. He massaged his hard-on through the thick pack of 
diapers layered over him. He shook the crib more vigorously than Tommy 
did when he was trying to masturbate discretely. After a few more 
minutes, Marvin stopped rubbing himself, sighing with pleasure and 
	"It felt like I came, I think," Marvin said. "I don't know. I'm 
too thickly diapered up to check. I'll be so wet by morning I won't be 
able to tell by then anyway."
	Tommy and Marvin lay awake for awhile longer and talked some more 
about wearing diapers and the sexual feelings that they produced for the 
boys. Tommy was starting to feel more at ease about these matters as he 
learned to trust Marvin enough to talk about it. Marvin talked about 
some of the people with whom he e-mailed and relayed to Tommy what they 
had told Marvin in their cyber-correspondence. As Tommy lay there and 
listened he felt his erection return, pushing its way up into the tight, 
wet diapers into which Tommy had already peed. Max also listened in on 
their conversation as he lay alone in his crib enjoying his own wet 
diapers. He, too, was enjoying the dialog between Marvin and Tommy, 
though he didn't say anything and he pretended to be sleeping the whole 
	While Tommy was getting more adjusted to being around Marvin and 
learning about the way he lived, he still couldn't believe how much 
Marvin and Max were into diapers and how much his sister got into 
diapering all of them, too. He had never seen anybody who exhibited such 
zeal for, of all things, diapers, but with the way Tommy was feeling 
tonight, he was beginning to understand.
	Most of all, Tommy could sense that he was getting drawn into this 
diaper activity very much, however weird it still seemed to him. He 
thought back to his bicycle accident and how he hated the thought of 
having to wear diapers again a the time. Now, just a couple months 
afterwards, he was very glad to be wearing diapers.


	As Tommy opened his eyes to the morning light shining through the 
window, he looked through the wooden slats of the crib that vertically 
segmented his view of the room. He didn't know whether or not he was 
expected to get out of the crib himself or to wait until Heidi came in 
to get him and the other boys.
	He lay there awake in his soaked diapers. The feeling of soaked, 
cloth diapers bunched up against his skin reminded him again of his 
earlier childhood. If he was lucky his father would change his diapers, 
but more often than not his dad would make him wet them some more and 
poop in them, too, and continue to wear them until it leaked out before 
finally being changed.
	Tommy turned and looked at Marvin lying there next to him, still 
sound asleep, appropriately enough, like a baby. Marvin pulled back the 
Winnie the Pooh covers and took a look at Marvin's diapers to see what 
he had done in them overnight. Marvin was lying on his stomach with his 
heavily diapered butt sticking up. Tommy could see that his diapers were 
very wet in his crotch. He wanted to know if he had pooped in his 
diapers, too, but they were layered on him too thickly for Tommy to 
tell; there were no detectable odors.
	Max started stirring around in his crib as he awakened. He looked 
over at Tommy and told him, "good morning."
	"Uh, g'mornin," Tommy mumbled as he looked over at Max. He watched 
as Max lay himself back down and then lifted his bare legs up over him. 
He started grunting as he pooped his diapers first thing upon waking. 
Tommy could hear it charging out of Max's butt with a wet, gooey, 
farting sound, though muted by the thick stack of diapers pinned onto 
him. Max smiled and chuckled as he loaded his diapers, knowing what a 
mess he was making of himself and how much he would enjoy having Heidi 
wipe him clean again.
	Heidi came into the bedroom a few minutes later and said "good 
morning" to the boys.
	"Somebody's really stinky, I can tell!" she said as she went to 
Max's crib first and lowered the rail. Max then held onto Heidi's 
shoulders as she lifted him out of the crib like he enjoyed having her 
do. Heidi's hand was pressed up against the thick diapers over Max's 
poop-filled butt, oblivious to the contents therein had it not been for 
the fresh odor. His bare legs were clamped around her body.
	"You get any bigger, boy, and you may just have to start getting 
out of that crib yourself," she said as she set him down, commenting on 
how difficult Max was becoming to lift.
	"I wish I could stay little!" he said, realizing his inevitable 
fate of one day becoming a grownup.
	"You'll grow up like the rest of us," Heidi said to Max, "but 
you'll always be a little boy to me!"
	Next it was Marvin's and Tommy's turn to be let out of their crib. 
Tommy watched as she lowered the bars, her voluptuous breasts hanging 
over the rail as she reached for the latches. Tommy wished he could have 
been lifted out of the crib like Heidi had done for Max, but he knew he 
was too big for her to lift. He climbed out of the crib and stood on the 
floor while he watched Heidi wake Marvin.
	"Time to get up, sleepy-butt!" she said as she slapped the back of 
his thigh just below his diapers. Marvin still didn't budge, so Heidi 
slapped his butt a few times and then his thigh again.
	"I'm awake," he groaned.
	"I was beginning to wonder if you were even alive," Heidi 
commented. She ran her hand over the back of his diaper again.
	"You go poo-poo yet?" she asked him.
	"Just wet, very wet," Marvin commented.
	"How about you, Tommy?" Heidi asked him. He looked down at the 
front of his diapers and saw how they appeared dry on the outside, but 
the inner layers were quite soaked.
	"I wet some," he replied shyly.
	"When you two poop, I'll change you," she said as she picked Max 
up again and carried him over to the changing table. Tommy watched as 
she opened the cabinet and pulled out another tall stack of cloth 
diapers. Tommy expected Heidi to put a disposable diaper on Max for the 
daytime. Tommy asked her about why she was putting cloth diapers on Max
	"Today's Saturday," Heidi stated. "The boys usually spend their 
whole weekends in cloth diapers."
	Tommy continued to watch as Heidi got the last of Max's diaper 
pins removed and the diapers themselves pulled away from his body. The 
filthy, dripping wet diapers then went into the large pail down below.
	Max's rear end was a big mess with poop all over it, but Heidi, so 
accustomed to facing this vile chore, just went about her business and 
wiped the little boy's bum and balls over and over again until they were 
clean. His skin was treated with powder, with a generous coating applied 
to his genitals. Heidi then folded and arranged the big bunch of diapers 
that she was about to pin up around Max. She got the enormous set of 
diapers ready and then put them underneath her littlest brother's 
bottom. She pinned them all back up neatly and tightly, layered evenly 
with diapers atop the other diapers, exhibiting a consistency in her 
diapering skills. She then enshrouded the thick stack of white cloth in 
his plastic pants.
	Following Max's diaper change came breakfast. Each of the boys 
took their turns as Heidi fed them the cereals of their choice, plus 
buttered toast and jam, juice and milk while they each sat in the high 
chair. Tommy didn't even hesitate to approach the chair when Heidi 
called him over. He was starting to enjoy this treatment and thought 
about what it would be like if he were treated this way at home. He 
didn't think the day would ever come and he decided that he would just 
look forward to being "babied" whenever he stayed over at Marvin's house 
	Throughout the morning the boys engaged in a number of activities. 
They watched cartoons on TV and they played with some of Marvin's and 
Max's toy cars, train sets, and other toys. Marvin and Max had an entire 
toy box that was brimming over with toys that they had retained since 
they were toddlers and they stilled played with them from time to time. 
Tommy got into the act and started pushing around Fisher Price cars with 
Max, who seemed to enjoy these particular toys the most.
	Marvin had been waiting for his father to get off the Internet so 
he and Max could have their turn at it.
	"It's all yours, boys," Marvin's father said as he got up from the 
chair. "Don't spend too long on there."
	Marvin's Dad then called for his wife.
	"Honey, I need my diapers changed!" he shouted loudly, unashamed 
and unembarrassed as his kids were used to hearing this. It caught Tommy 
by surprise, however.
	"I'm in the bathroom!" came the voice of Marvin's mother from the 
upstairs. "I'll be out in a minute!"
	Tommy watched as Marvin's father went up the stairs. His sweat 
pants were already down about two inches and exposing the top of the 
diapers he was wearing. He then started pulling them off as he continued 
up the stairs, revealing his diapers in their entirety. At the top of 
the stairs he took his sweat pants completely off and was standing there 
in just diapers.
	Marvin's mother then came out of the bathroom. She went up to his 
father and took his hand, like he was her little boy, and led him to the 
	"Does my little boy need his diapers changed?" Tommy could hear 
Marvin's mother saying to his father. She used a babyish voice.
	"Yes, Mommy," he answered her, emulating a little boy. The door 
was then shut and they were in the bedroom for quite awhile, enough time 
for Marvin to show Tommy some more Internet diaper web sites. He also 
copied several stories and pictures to give to Tommy to take home with 
	It was about a half hour later and the boys were still online 
looking at diaper web sites. It occurred to Tommy that Marvin's parents 
were still in their bedroom.
	"Your Dad sure takes a long time to get changed," Tommy commented 
to Marvin.
	"I think they're doing more than just a diaper change," Marvin 
replied. Tommy had it figured out and he felt awkward and embarrassed as 
he wasn't comfortable with discussing what he knew about sex. He 
returned his attention to the computer screen and watched Marvin show 
him some more diaper stories and pictures.
	Tommy then felt that he had to unload a bowel movement. He spread 
his legs apart and then let the stinky, wet mess pour into the back of 
his diapers. He already had a big hard-on from reading stories and 
looking at pictures. The feel of his poopy mess got him even more 
excited. He wanted to go into Marvin's room and jack off again as the 
feeling was too strong to allow it to go unfulfilled.
	"You just pooped, didn't you?" Marvin said to Tommy.
	"Go tell Heidi to change you," he said to Tommy. "She's probably 
in her bedroom."
	"What about you?" Tommy asked Marvin.
	"What about me?"
	"Do you need to poop?"
	"Not yet, just go ahead," he said. "We don't always have to be 
changed at the same time, you know."
	Tommy got up from the chair and went up the stairs to go to 
Heidi's bedroom. As he went up the stairs it occurred to him that he 
could run into Marvin's bedroom and satisfy his young boy urges first. 
He walked into Marvin's bedroom and closed the door behind him. He 
climbed up into Marvin's crib and lay down. He felt the poopy mess 
packed into his diapers as he rolled around on the bed, savoring the 
sensation of thick, wet and soiled diapers bundled around his butt.
	Tommy was cautious and alert to others who may enter the room 
unexpectedly, but he was still able to get himself relaxed enough to 
play with himself. He lifted his legs up and then he clamped his hands 
on the front of his bulky cloth diapers. He began rubbing the front of 
his diapers vigorously as he recalled the pictures he just looked at on 
the computer screen. He shook the crib back and forth as his thoughts 
and feelings intensified to the point of ejaculation. Tommy continued to 
rub himself until his penis became too sensitive to continue. He stopped 
and lay in the crib as he let his body cool off a little.
	Tommy then got up from the crib and left the bedroom. Before he 
went to Heidi's room he peered down the stairs and saw that Marvin and 
Max had signed off from the Internet and were playing a computer game 
together. Tommy realized that he had been gone for several minutes and 
he wouldn't know how to explain the length of his absence. He still 
needed to get his poopy diapers changed, so he went to Heidi's room.
	As he approached the door he could hear her blaring her stereo. He 
knocked on the door and waited for her to answer. After she got up and 
turned the stereo down, she opened the door and saw Tommy standing 
	"Yes?" she asked him.
	"I uh, I need to be changed," Tommy said to Heidi.
	"Sure," she said. "I can tell you need it now. Just go back into 
the boy's room."
	Tommy went back into Marvin's bedroom and Heidi followed right 
behind him. She helped him up onto the changing table and then she had 
him lie down in front of her.
	Heidi pulled off the plastic pants and uncovered the piss-sodden 
diapers underneath. She then removed each one of the many diaper pins 
that she had inserted into the diapers the night before, loosening the 
diapers and freeing them from their tight hold around Tommy's body.
	Heidi wiped up the big poop mess that caked Tommy's behind and 
then she wiped his tender skin dry. His penis was still sensitive from 
having just masturbated a few minutes before. He winced as she ran the 
wipes over his balls and his semi-erect penis.
	"Is something wrong?" she asked as she froze, holding the wipe in 
front of Tommy's crotch. "That doesn't hurt, does it?"
	"Uh, no," Tommy said. "I'm fine, really."
	Heidi continued wiping Tommy's skin until it was dry. He endured 
the feeling of her hand working around his sensitive organ and he tried 
not to indicate any more signs of discomfort.
	As Tommy would be going back home soon, he was going to be changed 
back into one of his disposable diapers. He didn't want to part with the 
cloth diapers as they were so much thicker and more enjoyable to wear. 
Tommy set aside the memories he had of his Dad making him wear cloth 
diapers for punishment, and he was now enjoying having them on for much 
of the visit with Marvin and his family. He had gotten accustomed the 
bulky feeling that covered his butt and crotch in several inches of 
white, solid cloth fabric. He wanted to ask Heidi to put the cloth 
diapers back on him, but he didn't know what he would say to his mother 
when she asked him why he wasn't wearing his own diapers and he decided 
that for now he should just wear his own disposable diapers. Besides, he 
knew his overalls would never fit over the cloth diapers.
	Tommy watched as Heidi bent over and reached into his bag on the 
floor, noting the contours of her somewhat corpulent behind sheathed by 
the tight, high-cut shorts she was wearing around the house that 
morning. She pulled out one of the diapers from the otherwise unused 
supply and began unfolding it. She stuffed it underneath Tommy's bottom 
and then brought the sides up to be taped into place. Tommy could tell 
that Heidi wanted to diaper him in his cloth diapers, but she knew he 
had to be leaving soon. Just as Heidi had done for her own brothers' 
disposable diapers every school morning, she examined the tightness of 
Tommy's diaper at its legs to ensure that they had a leak-free fit.
	Just as Heidi finished diapering Tommy, Marvin came into the 
bedroom and asked when they would be leaving for lunch.
	"We'll get going soon. I just need to shower and get dressed."
	Heidi left the room while Tommy and Marvin remained.
	"Your diaper change sure took awhile," Marvin said with a hint of 
a smile.
	"Well," Tommy said sheepishly, "I did need some, you know, 
'private time', before I got changed," Tommy confessed.
	"Don't worry, I understand," Marvin assured him.
	Later on the family got ready to go out to see a movie and to go 
to lunch. Tommy was given his overalls, which has sat unworn since Heidi 
put him in the cloth diapers the previous night. Heidi put Tommy's 
overalls on for him. She had him step into the pants as she pulled them 
up, covering his diaper and the rest of his body as she ran the straps 
over his shoulders. She patted him on the bottom as she dismissed him 
and called Max over to her to dress him up.
	She left Max in the super thick cloth diapers for the time being 
as she got out his pants. Max's pants were overalls, too, much like the 
ones that Tommy wore, except that they were larger in the seat to 
accommodate Max's enormous diapers. They also had snaps in the legs and 
in the crotch. She put the pants on Max and fastened the snaps. His 
diapered butt bulged all around him, especially his rear end where the 
diapers appeared to be the most prominent.
	Heidi had also changed Max's white T-shirt and put on a red and 
yellow striped shirt on him. The overalls and shirt ensemble made Max 
look like he was an overgrown toddler, almost a Dennis the Menace look-
alike. Marvin, too, was dressed in similar attire, wearing overalls 
identical to Max's, but larger. Marvin's shirt was different, too as it 
featured a large Winnie the Pooh print on the front. Tommy had never 
seen either Marvin or Max dressed this way in school, and from the way 
they appeared so juvenile, he could see why.
	The van had been warmed up and everyone was ready to go. As Tommy 
would be dropped off at home afterwards, he brought his duffel bag along 
with him. Tommy was surprised to see that the family was going out in 
public with the boys dressed in such child-like apparel.
	"Where are we going?" Marvin asked his father as he noted they 
were heading for the city.
	"First, we're going to see a movie," his father said, and then 
we'll go have lunch.
	It was then that Roger decided that perhaps Tommy could join their 
family for the day.
	"Well, uh, I don't have any money on me," Tommy said with some 
	"Don't worry about the money, it'll be on me!" Roger said. "The 
movie, lunch, everything, our treat. We figured since this was your 
first sleepover ever, we wanted to make it worth waiting for."
	"Thanks," Tommy said to Marvin's kind and generous father. Tommy 
thought for a moment how he had missed out on having a decent father 
like Marvin's Dad. How Tommy wished he could have had this sort of 
family life when he was growing up. He tried to forget about his past 
and instead enjoy the day.
	Tommy was taken back to his house to let his mother know that he 
had been invited to join Marvin's family for the afternoon. His mother 
said he could do this, so he excited returned to the van and told Marvin 
that he could stay with them for the day.
	A few minutes later they arrived at the movie theater. The 
featured movie of the holiday season had just opened over Thanksgiving 
weekend and it drew hundreds of kids and their parents to the matinee 
showing that day. Some of the kids were staring at Tommy along with 
Marvin and Max as the trio was so cutely dressed in overalls and that 
their diapers were showing, especially for Marvin and Max.
	They bought their tickets and then headed to the concession 
counter for drinks and popcorn.
	"Get as big of drinks as you like, boys!" Roger said to them as he 
smiled at the three of them, knowing that their diapers would serve them 
well for peeing in and they wouldn't have to miss the movie for any 
bathroom breaks. Each of the boys ordered 32-ounce drinks as did their 
father. Their mother and Heidi only ordered 16-ounce drinks.
	During the movie each of the boys had peed in their diapers 
several times as did Marvin's father. They were able to remain seated 
during the entire two-hour show while they sipped down an entire gallon 
of soda pop among the four of them. Heidi and Marvin's mother, however, 
each left during the movie to use the restroom, both of them missing 
some of the funniest parts of the show. Marvin, Max and their father all 
took pleasure in seeing how wearing diapers had its advantages in cases 
such as watching a lengthy film without interruption.
	Tommy enjoyed the movie as did Marvin and the rest of his family, 
though Tommy was wanting to get his wet diaper changed. He never had to 
endure wearing a wet diaper for more than a couple hours, at least while 
he was awake. He also didn't drink an entire quart of soda at one time 
very often, and not since he had started wearing diapers. His weakened 
bladder could do nothing to contain his urine and he felt like he was 
peeing constantly as the soda processed in his body. His diaper felt so 
wet and heavy from the volume of urine it was holding, though Tommy was 
underestimating its full capacity and he feared it would begin to leak 
on him, perhaps even burst.
	After thinking about it on the long walk across the expansive 
parking lot, Tommy went up to Heidi and he quietly asked her if she 
could change his diaper.
	"Okay," she said as she smiled over Tommy's shyness, plus the 
opportunity to check his diaper and change it if necessary.
	"I'll check your diaper when we get into the van," she said.
	Tommy felt embarrassed as the family ahead of him must have heard 
Heidi tell him about checking his diaper. One of the boys in the group 
turned around and look at Tommy, though it was much more obvious that 
Marvin and Max were diapered than was Tommy.
	When they got inside the van Heidi had Tommy lie down on the seat 
in the back while she removed his overalls so that they were pulled down 
far enough to check his diapers. She ran her hand along the front of it 
and then she felt for wetness at the top of his legs. Tommy felt awkward 
about being in the middle of a parking lot with questionable privacy 
getting his diaper checked, but for the sake of his comfort, he didn't 
	"Your diaper's fine," Heidi said.
	"It's really wet," Tommy complained.
	"It'll hold more, trust me," Heidi said to Tommy. "I ought to know 
after changing my brothers' diapers all these years."
	A moment of silence passed as Heidi contemplated having an 
opportunity to change his diapers.
	"But, if you would still like to be changed, I'll do it," she 
	"It'll be over an hour still before you get home," said Roger.
	Tommy knew that he had better let Heidi change him, or he would 
have to waddle around in a soaked diaper even longer, most likely to wet 
it even more. He told her, "change me, please."
	"Next time Tommy goes out with us we'll put him in cloth diapers 
like the other boys, and then he won't have this problem!" Roger said. 
Tommy could see him smiling in the rearview mirror.
	Heidi removed Tommy's overalls completely and then she pulled the 
wet diaper off of him. She couldn't wipe him dry or powder him up as 
these supplies were not available, so she just reached into Tommy's bag 
and got out another diaper. She spread it out on the seat and then she 
had Tommy sit on it. Tommy looked down and noticed how large his 
erection was, noting how, even under the present circumstances, he was 
very much stimulated.
	Heidi wrapped the diaper around his loins and fastened the tapes, 
pulling his penis up with the front of the diaper as she drew it over 
his stomach. She helped Tommy get his overalls back on and she commented 
on how much nicer it was to have snaps in the legs and crotch like on 
her brothers' overalls.
	"Thank you, Heidi," Tommy humbly said to her.
	"My pleasure," she said, and she meant it, too.
	"All done back there?" Roger asked his daughter. Heidi nodded and 
then her father said, "Let's go to lunch!"
	"Where are we going for lunch, Daddy?" Marvin asked him.
	"Chuck E. Cheese!" Marvin's father shouted.
	"Yeah!" all the kids cheered in unison. Tommy thought that after 
all of this fine treatment they were probably just going to a fast food 
joint, or at most, a family-style restaurant. How surprised he was when 
his father answered.
	"Awesome!" Marvin shouted. "You ever go there, Tommy?"
	"Never been there," Tommy answered. "Just Pizza Hut and all the 
other pizza places in town. I've always wanted to go to Chuck E. Cheese, 
but I never had anyone to go with before," he lamented.
	"You'll have fun!" Marvin promised. "They have games and stuff, 
you know."
	They arrived at the pizza place and then they walked into its 
entrance. The trio of overall-clad boys, each donning diapers, stood out 
as they walked through the busy pizza restaurant/video arcade. Each of 
the kids got to order their own mini pizzas and drinks and then they 
were turned loose with enough money for tokens to keep them entertained 
while their pizzas were being made.
	Heidi and Max went off into one direction while Tommy and Marvin 
went their own way. Marvin led Tommy to one of his favorite racing 
games. They each took their seats in front of the large pair of screens 
and inserted their tokens. They gunned their engines, screeched their 
tires and crashed into just about everything in sight, but they were 
having a lot of fun. It was about the most fun Tommy could ever remember 
having in his life, with perhaps the exception of being so thickly 
diapered and being put in a crib the night before.
	The boys continued playing various games, each of them having wet 
their diapers and not having their fun interrupted by a trip to the 
restroom. When the pizza was ready everyone was rounded up and returned 
to the table to eat. Even in the restaurant Marvin and Max were hand-fed 
their pizza by Heidi. She alternated between her two brothers, giving 
one slice to Marvin, the next one to Max. The two boys' drinks were even 
served in kiddie cups with spill-proof lids. Most people around them 
didn't seem to notice or care, and Marvin and Max certainly didn't mind 
being fed, though Tommy still preferred to feed himself as he was in 
public. He wasn't quite ready to be this open about wanting to be 
	After Marvin finished off his pizza he sat back in his seat and he 
released his bowel movement into his diapers, right there at the table 
surrounded by dozens of patrons and their kids. The smell followed, 
strong enough to overshadow the aroma of the pizza. He kept going for 
awhile as it was quite a large amount of poop.
	"I just took a giant dump in my diapers!" Marvin announced to his 
family, and unintentionally to two girls sitting in the next booth 
behind him. He had said it loudly in order to be heard over the ambient 
arcade game noises.
	"I'll change you when we get home," Heidi promised him as she 
wiped some pizza sauce of Marvin's face.
	After the pizza was gone the kids continued to play games. Marvin 
didn't seem to be bothered by having a large, stinky poop load in his 
diapers as he waddled his way through the games and rides. A lot of 
people noticed the smell, but assumed it was just some toddler badly in 
need of a diaper change and didn't think that Marvin was actually the 
source of the foul odor.
	An afternoon of fun drew to a close as Tommy and Marvin's family 
left from the pizza restaurant and returned home. Max also loaded up his 
diapers on the way back and added to the smell in the van, tempered 
somewhat by the numerous air fresheners placed throughout the van, plus 
having the back windows opened a little. Max took off his overalls as he 
enjoyed having just his diapers on, especially when he was messy. 
Everyone was accustomed to the foul diaper smells, and even Tommy was 
getting used the constant odors of pee and poop as they were becoming 
more and more a part of his daily life.
	"Thank you for everything!" Tommy thanked Marvin's parents as they 
dropped him off at his house. "I had a really good time!" He said 
goodbye to Marvin as he left the van and walked into his house. His 
mother greeted him and asked him if he enjoyed his time with Marvin and 
his family.
	"Oh yes, the best time of my life!" Tommy said smiling, perhaps 
the happiest that Tommy's mother had ever seen her son. "We went to a 
movie and then to pizza, and we played games, I hope to do it again 
	"I'm sure you will, dear," his mother said. "You and Marvin seem 
to get along quite well."
	Tommy then ran into his bedroom. He removed his overalls and put 
them away. He put the unused disposable diapers back in his drawer. He 
went back out to the front room wearing just his diaper and a shirt and 
sat down on the couch with his mother. She enjoyed looking at him in 
just a diaper. In her eyes, it was like Tommy was her little boy again.
	"Did you have any problems changing your diapers?" she asked him.
	"No, uh, no problems," Tommy answered, feeling embarrassed as he 
thought about how he enjoyed the way Heidi had diapered him in cloth 
	"Did you change them yourself?" she asked him.
	Tommy hesitated to answer.
	"It's okay if someone else did it for you," his mother said to 
assure him. "I know you have a hard time getting them on tightly enough. 
Did Marvin's mother change you?"
	"Actually, Marvin's sister changed me," Tommy said.
	"Okay," his mother said, sensing that he wanted to tell her more. 
"As long as you didn't mind her doing it. It didn't bother you that she 
changed you, did it?"
	"No, not really, just that she did it sort of differently."
	"What do you mean, differently?" his mother asked.
She used Marvin's diapers on me," Tommy said.
	"Why his? Why didn't she use yours?" his mother asked.
	"Marvin and Max wear cloth diapers," Tommy said. "And she decided 
to put those on me instead."
	"Did she force you to wear them?" Tommy's mother asked him with 
some concern in her voice as she thought back to the way her husband 
treated Tommy and made him wear so many cloth diapers at a time just to 
punish him.
	"No, she didn't force me," Tommy said. "She just said she was 
going to put them on me, and I agreed and let her do it."
	"After what your father put you through, you didn't mind wearing 
cloth diapers again?'
	"I'm over that now, Mom," Tommy said. He leaned back and spread 
his bare, slender legs apart, exposing more of his diapered crotch and 
	"In fact, I was, you know, sort of wondering," Tommy continued. He 
couldn't quite tell his mother what he really wanted.
	"Would you like to start wearing some cloth diapers?" his mother 
asked him, sensing that this was what he was about to ask.
	Tommy had been thinking about it all this time and he couldn't 
pass up the offer, so he said, "yes, Mommy."
	"Mommy?" his mother questioned, not used to hearing her son call 
her that.
	"I mean Mom," Tommy corrected himself.
	"I don't mind if you call me 'Mommy', she assured him with a 
smile. And I don't mind if you want to wear cloth diapers again. I don't 
mind washing and folding them, and I'll have Nancy help out, too."
	"When can I get some?" Tommy asked his mother.
	"If there's a place open when I do some Christmas shopping today, 
I'll get you some."
	"Really?" Tommy said.
	"Whatever you want, dear," his mother said. "I'm just glad to see 
that you are taking this diaper thing quite well now. I remember how 
devastated you were just a couple months ago. I thought this would 
really hurt you, you wouldn't even say the word 'diaper.' You've really 
come a long ways in dealing with this matter."
	With this, she gave her son a big hug and kissed him.


	Tommy's mother left that afternoon to do some Christmas shopping 
while Tommy and Nancy stayed home. When his mother returned, she brought 
in several packages, each containing various gifts she planned to give 
her children and to other members in the family. As she had promised, 
she bought Tommy some cloth diapers. She carried them into his bedroom 
and opened up his drawer. She had to remove his underwear from the 
drawer in order to make room for the new diapers and the plastic pants.
	"Would you like to wear these diapers now?" Tommy's mother asked 
him. Tommy told her that he did, so she proceeded to change him out of 
his wet disposable diaper. She also brought Nancy into the room to show 
her how to diaper Tommy in cloth diapers.
	"Where did he get those diapers?" Nancy asked her mother 
	"I bought them for Tommy," she said. "He decided that he wanted to 
start wearing cloth diapers, at least at home, so you'll have to get 
used to diapering him a little differently, and we'll have to wash them 
and fold them, too, so I'll expect you to help out on this."
	"Sure," Nancy said, accepting the additional duties she would have 
to perform for her older brother.
	Tommy's mother then removed the wet disposable diaper from his 
body. She lovingly wiped his skin dry and the sensation was entertaining 
Tommy's erect penis. The ring of hair around it was becoming fuller each 
day, it seemed. Tommy's mother saw that she was gradually losing her 
little boy to nature's course, which she wished she didn't have to see 
happen. Nancy saw it as an early lesson in sex education and knew that 
she would experience some similar bodily changes of her own in a few 
	Tommy's mother then folded two cloth diapers together and laid 
them out on Tommy's bed. She did it slowly so Nancy could see how it was 
	"I think a double diaper will be enough," Tommy's mother said. "I 
hope this isn't too thick for you, dear."
	"No, it isn't," Tommy said as he watched her pull the thick folds 
of cloth up into his crotch. He watched his hard-on disappear beneath 
the virgin white cloth fabric as his mother pulled up the diapers tautly 
over his stomach. She inserted two new, large diaper pins into each 
side. The shiny metal of the pins gleamed of the reflection of the light 
in the room. Tommy's mother then got out one of the new pairs of plastic 
pants. They were plain white, just like Marvin's and Max's, which was 
just what Tommy preferred to wear, the same reason he only liked to wear 
white briefs before he needed diapers instead.
	"I just got you some plain plastic pants for now," Tommy's mother 
said to him. "They had several different designs, but I wasn't sure 
which ones you would like, if any."
	"I'm not too picky," Tommy said. "Plain is fine with me."
	Tommy's mother then pulled up the large plastic pants over his 
diapers. Even with the double diaper, there was a lot of extra room 
beneath the plastic pants to accommodate a lot more diapering. Tommy's 
mother looked at him lying there, admiring her little diapered boy. She 
was smiling, seeing how relaxed and comfortable her son looked wearing 
	"Do you like them?" Tommy's mother asked him.
	"Yes, Mommy, I do," Tommy said, not even realizing this time that 
he called her "Mommy" again. She just smiled and didn't point out her 
son's little slip-up. Nancy giggled, thinking that Tommy was just 
pretending that he was a little boy.
	Nancy then left Tommy's room when she heard a car horn honking in 
the driveway. Dee Anne's mother came to the house to pick Nancy up so 
she could stay overnight with Dee Anne. Tommy's mother left his room and 
went into her bedroom to wrap Christmas gifts. Tommy now had the privacy 
he wanted so he could read the stories and look at the pictures he 
copied from Marvin.
	Tommy reached into his duffel bag and grabbed the floppy disks 
that he copied from the computer at Marvin's house. He took them out to 
the front room and went to the computer to view the files.
	He went through the file lists and started with looking at some of 
the pictures. He then moved onto reading some of the stories. One story 
really grabbed his attention as the characters and the events were 
similar to his own experiences, only that it was about a boy who was 
born with severe bladder and bowel problems and therefore was in diapers 
since birth without any toilet training whatsoever. With the boy's 
consent, his sister and mother treated him like a little boy as this 
made him feel better about wearing diapers. His mother and sister, 
likewise, enjoyed diapering him and babying him.
	It was a lengthy story and Tommy only read the first four chapters 
before he could no longer ignore the strong urges he was getting from 
reading it. The story was so descriptive and vivid, very stimulating to 
Tommy. He needed to release these feelings soon, so he stopped reading 
the story and he returned to his bedroom. He closed the door and then 
hopped up on his bed. He massaged the front of his new diapers. He 
wished he had been more thickly diapered like he was at Marvin's house, 
but it was still thick enough to be satisfying. He started with rubbing 
his plastic pants and then moved to putting his hands inside of them and 
rubbed the soft white bundle of cloth over his penis.
	Tommy thought about the pictures he looked at and the story he had 
just read and envisioned himself as the boy in the story. He tried to be 
discreet about his masturbation activity as he didn't want his mother to 
know what he was doing. This prolonged the time it took for Tommy to 
achieve ejaculation, but when he did, it was very satisfying to him. 
After he savored this erotic sensation for a few minutes he felt some 
guilt about it, wondering whether or not it was okay to have these 
feelings about wearing diapers, even after reading other people's 
stories that exhibited similar feelings. He then became tired and 
continued lying on his bed. Eventually he fell asleep.
	A few minutes later Tommy's mother finished wrapping the Christmas 
gifts. She quietly knocked on Tommy's bedroom door, but he didn't 
answer. Thinking that he was out in the front room, she went out there 
to check. The computer appeared to have been used recently as the chair 
was scooted away from the desk. She went back to Tommy's room and slowly 
opened the door. She looked inside and saw her son lying on his bed, his 
diapered butt facing up and his slender legs spread out. She stood there 
and admired the sight of her little boy lying down and taking a nap. She 
quietly shut the door and returned to the front room.
	While Tommy's mother was out Christmas shopping she stopped into 
the office of one of the local Internet service providers and started an 
account to be given as an early Christmas gift to her and the kids. She 
was given some software to install in order to set up and access the 
	When she went over to the computer she saw that a floppy disk was 
in the drive and several more were stacked next to the computer, right 
where Tommy left them before he returned to his bedroom. Tommy also left 
the word processor open with the diaper story file he had been reading. 
At first his mother thought nothing of it and thought that perhaps Tommy 
was trying his hand at a science-fiction story. Upon a closer look she 
saw that the story was not about science fiction, but about a boy 
wearing diapers. She thought that perhaps Tommy had been writing it.
	Curious, she started reading the story. It vividly described the 
boy's thick, multi-layered diapers and the excessive pins used to hold 
them on. It explained every detail of his diapers after he peed and 
pooped in them and it explored the intense emotions and sensations the 
boy felt while his mother or his sister changed him. Tommy's mother was 
most surprised to read about the way the boy liked being treated as a 
baby boy. She thought that Tommy had written this story. She knew he was 
a good writer in school and she recognized his style of writing, which 
was similar to the structure of the story that was on the screen.
	Thinking that this story was written by her son, she thought that 
this was how Tommy really felt about wearing diapers. She continued 
reading the story, thinking all along that these were her son's words, 
his wishes, his desires.
	She closed the word processing program and removed the floppy 
disk. She then proceeded to install the Internet software that she 
picked up. After checking the modem's connection, she initialized the 
software and activated the online account. As she used the Internet at 
work, she knew her way around it quite well.
	A few minutes later Tommy woke up from his nap and saw his mother 
sitting at the computer, Tommy didn't realize until now that he had left 
his disks at the computer. He couldn't remember whether or not he exited 
out of the word processor before he went into his room. He got so 
excited over the story he was reading that he didn't think about it.
	Tommy casually strolled over to the computer and acted like he was 
not concerned about his floppy disks sitting out in the open. He scooted 
himself between the chair where his mother was seated and the wall, 
brushing his well-padded derriere on his mother's arm. She looked at 
him, admiring the way he looked so cute in his new, gleaming white 
	"How do those diapers feel?" Tommy's mother asked him as she 
tugged at the side of his loose plastic pants.
	"They feel, they feel fine," Tommy answered. "But I'm wet 
	She examined Tommy's diapers and ran her finger beneath the leg 
band of his plastic pants and detected some wetness.
	"Let me know when you'd like to be changed," she said, snapping 
his plastic pants back over his stomach.
	Tommy's mother was expecting him to make a remark about having the 
Internet on the screen, but he didn't even look, and all he wanted were 
his disks. He picked them up and started heading back to his bedroom.
	"Didn't you even notice, Tommy?" his mother said, wondering why 
Tommy hadn't seen that she was in the Internet now. He stopped and 
turned around.
	"Notice what?" Tommy asked. He felt alarmed that perhaps his 
mother was talking about a story that she may have read from one of his 
	"Look at the screen!" she said, pointing to it.
	"Wow! That's the Internet!" Tommy exclaimed. "You got us the 
	"Yes, I did, son. Merry Christmas, sweetie," she said. "I got us 
signed up today, sort of an early Christmas present."
	"Wow, can I check it out?" Tommy asked his Mom.
	"Sure," she said. She got up and relinquished her chair to her son 
while she sat in the other chair and watched him as he explored the 
	"Go here and you can do a search for anything you want," she said.
	Tommy sat there and thought about something he could look up. He 
wanted to look up "diapers", but with his mother sitting there next to 
him, he didn't feel comfortable doing this. He chose to look up "Star 
Trek" instead. The screen then returned with a message stating that 
there were there thousands of sites on Star Trek, or least those that 
mentioned it at least once.
	"So will I get my own e-mail address, too?" Tommy asked.
	"Yes, you and Nancy will each have your own e-mail accounts," 
Tommy's mother said.
	Tommy looked around at the various sites and he chose to look up 
other topics as well on science fiction. After awhile his mother told 
him that perhaps he should hang it up soon to keep the phone line open. 
She promised him that she would let him sign on after dinner and she 
would set it up under his own e-mail name at that time.
	For now, she wanted to talk to Tommy about the story she saw on 
the screen. By this time Tommy felt that his mother hadn't seen any of 
the stories or she would have mentioned something about it by now. 
Suddenly, his mother asked him about the story the was on the screen 
when she came up to the computer.
	"Oh no!" Tommy exclaimed, bursting into shame. "You saw it! I knew 
I forgot to clear it off the screen!"
	"Relax, sweetie," his mother said, holding his hand and patting 
him gently on his back. She pulled his chair closer to her.
	"You're not in trouble," she assured him. "I just want to know how 
you really, really feel about wearing diapers."
	Tommy was just about ready to cry, but he managed to maintain his 
composure after he knew that his mother was not upset at him for having 
such a story.
	"When I came over to the computer to set up the Internet software, 
your story was on the screen. I just thought it was maybe a science-
fiction story or something, but then I looked at it and it mentioned 
diapers, and using them and having them changed and, well, actually, I 
read quite a bit of it. Is this how you feel about wearing diapers?"
	"Well," Tommy paused. "Yeah, kind of," he answered, feeling 
	"Would you like to be treated the same way you wrote about?"
	"I didn't write it...Mom," he said, being careful to say "Mom" 
this time.
	"Who did?"
	"I dunno," Tommy answered. "I copied it from Marvin while I was 
staying there with him."
	"Are all those disks with stories like the one I read?"
	"Yeah," Tommy answered. "Some of them are pictures, too," he 
	"Pictures? Pictures of what?" his mother asked.
	"Just uh, boys...boys wearing diapers," he answered, feeling more 
embarrassed. His mother just nodded, letting him know that she was not 
upset at him for what he had on the disks. This surprised Tommy.
	"You mean, you don't mind that I have these?" Tommy asked his 
	"If this helps you to feel better about wearing diapers, I don't 
mind a bit," his mother assured him as she gave him a hug, patting his 
diapered behind. She wanted to do whatever she could to encourage her 
son to feel comfortable and to enjoy wearing diapers and not to make him 
feel ashamed about it, nor to be ashamed about liking to wear them.


	Tommy had been showing several changes in the way he felt about 
wearing diapers, gradually going from feeling ashamed and embarrassed-- 
devastated over the whole ordeal-- to achieving acceptance, and now, to 
enjoying wearing diapers. Tommy's mother and sister noticed the changes 
in him, as did Dee Anne, noting that he was in cloth diapers now and 
spending virtually all of his time at home wearing nothing but diapers 
and a shirt. Dee Anne was even calling him "baby boy Tommy", which at 
one time would have sent Tommy into a fit. Now, being called "baby" was 
something Tommy enjoyed hearing.
	Tommy's interests and daily activities were changing, too. He used 
to watch "Star Trek", both classic re-runs and the newer series that 
were out. Tommy had also hooked himself up with some e-mail diaper 
buddies of Marvin's, as well as some of his own, and he began to devote 
his free time to exchanging correspondence with them. His mother had 
been taping "Star Trek" for Tommy, but at the end of each day, she'd 
find that he never watched it, and when she stopped taping it, Tommy 
never missed it. She just dismissed it and figured the Internet was 
still a new thing to Tommy, and she figured the novelty would wear off 
and he'd be back to watching Star Trek again. Tommy knew that he was 
spending more time with diaper-related matters than watching Star Trek 
re-runs, which he rationalized by telling himself, "I've seen 'em all 
	Tommy was also starting to lose some interest in reading his 
science fiction stories. He tried to tell himself that he still held an 
ardent interest in science fiction, and he still wanted to read some of 
the books he had in his own collection as well as those which he checked 
out from the library. He realized how his interests in diapers were 
quickly taking precedence, and the science-fiction books were taking a 
back seat to diaper stories. Rather than spend his allowance on more 
science-fiction books, he spent it on ink cartridges and paper to print 
out all the stories and pictures he got from Marvin as well as the 
stories he found on the Internet on his own.
	Tommy didn't visit the library as much anymore. Before he became 
friends with Marvin, he often spent his time after school at the 
library, picking out several science-fiction books, usually three or 
four, and always finishing them by their due date. Tommy's last trip to 
the library was to return three science fiction books, only one which he 
partially read, and the other two which he never felt the ambition to 
pick up and open, much less read.
	Nancy, of course, accompanied Tommy while he went to the library. 
She didn't mind going with him. In fact, she often found a good book or 
two for herself while she was there. She noticed that Tommy hadn't 
wanted to go to the library at all that week, and she even had to remind 
him that he had some books that were due as she needed to return some 
herself. The next afternoon after school they decided to go to the 
	Nancy went into her own usual section of the library. Tommy didn't 
go to the science-fiction books this time, but instead, he looked for 
books on diapers. Among those which mentioned baby diapers and the 
effects of diapers on the environment, he found several books on 
bedwetting, and some others on a condition called encopresis. Tommy had 
not heard of this condition before, but was quite intrigued by its 
description of lacking control of one's bowels. He was surprised that 
few of these books even mentioned diapers, and those that did 
discouraged their use. These books were written in a clinical fashion 
and turned out to be of little interest to Tommy. They were mostly just 
facts and advice, no stories about kids who had been diapered by their 
parents or kids who had to start wearing diapers unexpectedly. Tommy did 
learn from his reading, however, that most kids who are bedwetters and 
encopretics are boys, so he took some pleasure in knowing this.
	Tommy hoped to find stories about other kids wearing diapers, 
similar to those which he got from the Internet, but to no avail. The 
closest he came was a children's book called "Clouds and Clocks: A Story 
for Children Who Soil." He looked through it and read the short text of 
the story, but it made no mention of diapers, much to Tommy's 
disappointment. He spent a lot of time in the young children's section, 
looking at books he wished he had read when he was younger.
	Nancy had been looking around the large library, expecting to find 
Tommy in the science-fiction section. He wasn't there. She went up and 
down the stairs, going from one section to another. She could safely 
rule out the bathroom as a place Tommy might be. She then turned the 
corner and spotted Tommy looking through small children's books.
	"There you are!" Nancy exclaimed. "What are you doing in *this* 
section?" she questioned her older brother. He was seated at a low table 
which was designed for kids smaller than Tommy. She looked up at the 
pictures of teddy bears on the brightly-colored walls, all of them 
happily reading books. A stack of three other similar books was on the 
table on front of him.
	"What are you looking at *these* books for?" she asked him. Tommy 
set the book down and felt embarrassed.
	"I dunno," he said. "I just thought I'd, uh, look at some books I 
wish I had read when I was little." Tommy paused for a moment and then 
added, "books I wish Dad had read to me when I was little. "Mom was 
always too upset with Dad to read to me."
	Tommy thought back to his recent weekend with Marvin and how much 
he enjoyed listening to Marvin's sister Heidi read to him and the other 
boys. He then remembered what it was like years ago to lie in bed with a 
freshly-spanked bottom still burning beneath the diapers his father 
angrily and forcibly put on him, unable to do anything but to suffer. 
Tommy did his best to avoid showing emotion, but he let a tear stream 
from his eye.
	"It's okay," Nancy comforted her older brother as she put her arm 
around him. "It's not too late for Mom to start reading bedtime stories 
to you if you want her to do that. I'll even do it, if you don't mind."
	Tommy paused for a moment. He wanted to have a chance to enjoy 
this tender childhood moment that he missed out on the first time 
around. He said, "yes."
	"Are those the books you want?" Nancy asked him, pointing to the 
stack on the table.
	"Yes," he said, looking at the colorful covers of each book. He 
was looking forward to having them read to him when he went to bed that 
	It was starting to get dark outside and Tommy and Nancy needed to 
get home. Tommy also needed to get his disposable diaper changed, such 
diapers that he only wore in school now, as he opted for the much 
thicker cloth diapers at home. His diaper was very wet and it had been 
wet since the nurse changed him on afternoon recess several hours ago. 
When Tommy and Nancy checked out their books, the librarian on duty was 
surprised to see that Tommy was not checking out any science-fiction 
books this time. She was more surprised to see that he was checking out 
young children's books instead.
	"So you've read all of 'em now, eh, Tommy?" she joked. "Trying 
something different this time?"
	"Yeah, well, they're really for my cousin Adam to read," Tommy 
fibbed. "He'll be visiting us over Christmas."
	Nancy lightly jabbed Tommy in his ribs with her elbow, 
acknowledging that she knew that Tommy was checking out the children's 
books for himself. Nancy then handed the librarian her books and had 
them checked out before they left for home."
	"We'll see you two again soon," the librarian said to them as they 
scurried out the door and trudged through the snow to get home before 
darkness settled in.
	Tommy started showing some other signs of becoming more interested 
and involved in his diapers. After about a week or so of wearing his 
cloth diapers in doubles, he desired more thickness in them and wanted 
more diapering on him. He asked his mother and sister to start triple-
diapering him from then on as he felt that he needed the extra 
	"Okay," Tommy's mother said as Tommy told her his request. "Three 
diapers, coming up!"
	"It sure is gonna be awfully thick!" his mother told him as she 
hesitantly layered three diapers together before pinning them onto 
Tommy. She couldn't imagine how Tommy could withstand having so much 
cloth densely packed in between his legs and wrapped all around him.
	"Good thing these plastic pants can take it," she said.
	"I wonder just how much thicker diapers they can take," Tommy 
commented, hinting that he actually wanted to be diapered even more 
heavily than in triple diapers. Ultimately, Tommy wanted to be diapered 
six-fold like Marvin and Max, but he wasn't ready to ask for this much 
just yet. He hoped eventually to get his mother and sister to start 
diapering him up in such an extreme amount.
	Later on, when Tommy was handed his dinner plate, he thought about 
having his mother or Nancy feed him the same way Heidi fed him at 
Marvin's house. Tommy hesitated before he asked his mother to feed him. 
He felt that it was such an odd request and feared that his mother would 
not understand, even though she acknowledged that he liked being in 
	"I was wondering, Mom," Tommy started to say. He twirled his fork 
as he thought about what to say.
	"What, honey?" she asked. Seeing that he hadn't started eating 
yet, she asked him if he was feeling okay.
	"I'm fine," he said. "But, well, I..."
	"Are you not hungry?" she asked.
	"No, I mean, yes, I am hungry," Tommy answered.
	"Is something bothering you, dear?" she asked him.
	Tommy had been thinking about some of the memories he had of his 
father's abuse. He said, "a little."
	"Maybe we can talk about this if you want," she said.
	Tommy then prepared himself to say what he was dwelling on. He 
decided to say it in one breath, and once it was out, it was out, and 
he'd have to deal with his mother's reaction from that point, good or 
	"I was wondering if someone could feed my dinner to me," he 
	"You want me to spoon-feed you?" his mother asked as she had a 
feeling that this was what Tommy meant.
	"Yes," he said.
	"Oh, I don't see why not," she smiled. She pulled up her chair 
around the corner of the table from Tommy. She took his plate from him 
and set it in front of her. She then began feeding him, just like Tommy 
was her baby again. She smiled, thinking about how she had not done this 
for Tommy or Nancy in years. She showed no objections to Tommy's 
request, and in fact, she was quite delighted to return to performing 
some of her early parental duties in addition to Tommy's diaper-
	Nancy then walked into the kitchen. She was surprised to see her 
mother spoon-feeding Tommy his dinner. She asked why she was doing this.
	"Because Tommy wanted me to," she answered. "It doesn't bother me. 
If he wants someone else to feed him, fine. We already change his 
diapers. In a way, it's like he's a baby all over again. She smiled 
again at Tommy so she wouldn't appear to Tommy that she was insulting 
him for his behavior.
	"I am a baby again," Tommy said with his mouth full of food. He 
couldn't believe what he had said.
	"Did you say, 'I am a baby again?'" his mother asked him.
	Tommy hesitated. He quickly sensed that this dialogue was 
presenting an opportunity for him to get the same kind of treatment that 
Marvin and Max enjoyed. He said, "yes, Mommy."
	"Okay, well, don't overdo it!" she chuckled as had again been 
called "Mommy" by her twelve-year-old son. She then sensed that perhaps 
Tommy was starting to show signs of regression.
	"Do you really want to be treated like a baby boy?" his mother 
asked him, this time more seriously. Tommy was afraid that perhaps he 
had pushed things too far. He didn't realize just yet that his mother 
was just as much looking forward to getting this chance to be a young 
mother all over again.
	Tommy then answered "Yes."
	"Then from now on you can be my little baby boy!" his mother 
hugged him.
	"Does that mean I'm officially the *big* sister now?" Nancy asked 
	"Yes, Nancy," her mother answered, "though you've always been more 
of a big sister to Tommy, anyway."
	"So, what does this mean?" Tommy asked his mother.
	"Whatever you want, however you want it, Tommy, you can have it. 
Just leave everything up to me and your sister-- your *big* sister, that 
	"He wants me to read him a bedtime story tonight," Nancy said. "He 
checked out some children's books from the library today."
	"Well, it's about time you stopped reading those science-fiction 
novels!" Tommy's mother joked.
	Before Tommy went to bed that evening, Nancy changed his diapers. 
She was getting used to handling the cloth diapers and soon she was just 
as good at diapering Tommy in them as his mother. Tommy really felt like 
he was in a babyish sort of mood. Since it was the weekend, he felt more 
at ease, knowing the next two days were his, without any homework to 
interfere. He also felt good about having spoken about his desire to be 
returned to a little boy.
	Nancy had recently taken over doing most of Tommy's nighttime 
diaper changes. She was getting used to handling the cloth diapers and 
she enjoyed putting them on him more than she did his disposable 
diapers. She enjoyed folding them, wrapping them so tightly around 
Tommy's butt and crotch, fastening up the pins, and topping the diapers 
off with plastic pants.
	She had to take care of the soiled set of diapers first, which she 
didn't mind doing, and even the smell didn't bother her anymore. She 
released the pins and pulled the wet and poopy diapers off of Tommy's 
body. She was greeted with a big pile of Tommy's butt mush, which she 
proceeded to clean up. As she was running the wipes around his intense 
hard-on, she accidentally caught a couple of his pubic hairs in between 
her fingers. As she moved her hand, she tugged on the hairs, enough to 
discomfort Tommy and momentarily disrupted the pleasantness of the 
wiping sensation.
	"Ooohhhh!" Tommy yelped.
	"I'm sorry," Nancy apologized. "I'll have to get used to your hair 
down there." She continued wiping, ensuring to be more careful around 
Tommy's pubes. "Maybe they can be cut off," she added.
	"The hairs, right?" Tommy asked somewhat nervously, hoping this 
was what Nancy meant.
	"Yes, Tommy, I meant the hairs," Nancy smiled. After she got his 
skin clean she oiled and powdered him up generously, covering everything 
from his butt crack up to his balls. Tommy felt like he was about to 
lose his cum load before Nancy even had him back into diapers again. He 
was afraid he would jizz onto her hand as she spread the powder around 
his genitals. In a way he was glad that she stopped when she did as he 
wanted to enjoy the feeling after he was diapered. His penis remained 
stiff and on the verge of ejaculation as he watched her pull some 
diapers out of his drawer.
	Nancy had been only double-diapering Tommy at night as this seemed 
to be adequate, but seeing that he wanted to be triple-diapered that 
evening, she got out three of his cloth diapers and folded them into a 
big, thick stack of cotton layers multiplied in thickness by the folds. 
Tommy looked at the thick stack of diapers awaiting him, anticipating 
the fresh, clean, dry, warm feeling he would have once Nancy had the 
diapers on him.
	Tommy could barely contain his boy juice as he watched Nancy 
prepare the diapers. As she drew the white cloth layers over his 
stomach, he could feel his ejaculation about to eject. He was barely 
able to keep himself from spending his wad too early. He watched Nancy 
insert the pins, one at a time, forming a row on each side, locking the 
diapers on his body snugly. She then turned around to return to his 
drawer to get his plastic pants.
	Tommy felt so excited now, he wanted to be diapered up even more 
heavily. He asked Nancy if she could put more diapers on him first.
	"Geez, Tommy," Nancy questioned. "I don't see how you can stand to 
wear three diapers. How many more do you want?"
	"I dunno," Tommy answered. "Marvin and Max wear six."
	"Six?!" Nancy gasped. "Six diapers?"
	"That's what they put me in when I stayed there overnight," Tommy 
	"Okay," Nancy said. "If you say so."
	Nancy pulled another set of three diapers out of the drawer and 
folded them together in the same way as she did with the first set. 
Tommy watched as he anticipated getting the thickness of his already 
bulging diapers doubled. He thought, "double-triple diapers" and 
"triple-double diapers."
	He could no longer contain his feelings. While Nancy was busy 
folding up the next set of diapers, Tommy rubbed his hard-on, and just a 
few seconds later, he shot his semen into his diapers. He tried to keep 
silent, but he couldn't help but to say, ahh, ooh, yeah!" as he felt the 
hot cream streaming out of his dick.
	"Are you okay?" Nancy turned around when she heard Tommy moaning 
and groaning.
	"Yeah," he said.
	"What were you doing?" she asked him, seeing that his hand was on 
the front of his diapers. "Do you need to make, you know, an 
	"No," he said. "I just had sort of a 'boy feeling,'" he tried to 
explain to her.
	"Oh," she said as she understood the way a boy's erotic feelings 
worked, even at only nine years of age.
	Tommy let his entire body relax. His forehead was dotted with 
beads of sweat. Nancy had the next set of diapers ready to stack on top 
of the three that Tommy was already wearing. She was barely able to fit 
them over the other diapers, but she got them pinned on, fitting very 
tightly. She used extra pins to ensure the tight-fitting diapers would 
stay on.
	"Are you sure about this?" Nancy asked Tommy. "You really are 
*very* diapered up right now!"
	"I'm all right," Tommy told her as he felt his heart rate slowing.
	"I hope these plastic pants will still fit," she said.
	She stuck each of Tommy's feet into the leg openings and pulled 
the huge pants up. She pulled the waistband out as far as she could to 
get them to go over the bulging cloth pack wrapped around Tommy. It took 
her awhile to get his plastic pants to go over his huge set of diapers.
	"Now it took me awhile to get you diapered like that," she said. 
"So you'd better count on going a long time in those before your next 
	"Okay," Tommy agreed. He then got up from his bed. He could barely 
walk in such extremely thick diapers. They seemed even thicker than the 
ones he was wearing at Marvin's house. He ended up crawling out of his 
room. His mother thought he was just acting babyish by seeing him crawl. 
He sat on the couch and cuddled up to his mother. She held Tommy next to 
her, seeing that Nancy put a lot of diapers on him. His legs were spread 
out as the diapers forced them apart.
	Nancy was in the kitchen getting some ice cream for everyone. She 
brought her mother a bowl, plus another one with more ice cream in it 
for her and Tommy to share. She took her spot on the couch next to Tommy 
and put his forcibly outstretched leg on her lap. She then started 
spoon-feeding him some ice cream while she was eating some of it herself 
from the same bowl. When Tommy was done eating, Nancy wiped his chin 
clean. His mother kissed him good night and Nancy followed behind him as 
he crawled into his bedroom. Nancy admired his white, very padded butt 
and the fine job she did to get it that way.
	Later that evening when Tommy was put to bed, Nancy let him pick 
out a story from among the books he selected at the library. She pulled 
up a chair and started reading a Winnie the Pooh story to him. She read 
it slowly, and in a soft, soothing, voice. Tommy felt himself relax and 
sink into his soft bed as he lay there. His diapers felt infinitely 
thick around him as he concentrated on their bulky sensation. He felt 
his erection resume and he knew that he would have to take care of it 
again after Nancy finished reading and turned out the light. When she 
closed the book, she set it down, and then she knelt down and gave Tommy 
a goodnight kiss, and he didn't mind it at all. After she closed the 
door, Tommy started to massage the front of his diapers. His penis was 
too far down into the diapers to feel it through them, but the vigorous 
motions he applied to the outer surface of his diapers quickly brought 
him to another mind-blowing ejaculation. His vigorous motions even 
loosened his bed frame as it wobbled a little when he shifted his body 
position and went to sleep.


	Tommy woke up and lay awake in his bed, enjoying his intense 
morning erection deeply engulfed in the super-thick set of diapers Nancy 
put him in last night. His diapers were wet, as Tommy was used to having 
upon awakening.
	Tommy's hard-on was brought on by his thoughts and recollections 
of the previous night as well as the dream that he had. He dreamt that 
his entire bedroom was transformed into a nursery, much in the same way 
as Marvin's and Max's bedroom was arranged and furnished. Tommy no 
longer had a bed, but a crib instead, and the walls were covered with a 
light blue wallpaper with diapered teddy bears similar to what he 
recalled seeing in Marvin's and Max's bedroom, only the bears were much 
larger. Tommy no longer went to school, nor was he expected to do much 
of anything at all during the day except to play, take naps, and just be 
a happy little boy. In the dream he was diapered very heavily, and the 
pins that were used could not be taken off without a special "key" to 
remove them, he recalled. Tommy couldn't remember peeing or pooping his 
diapers in his dream, nor could he remember who changed him, if anybody, 
though it seemed like it was Dee Anne.
	At about that time Tommy felt a big bowel movement processing 
inside of him. He felt it making its way out of his butt and it didn't 
seem to take very long for his poop to spew out into back of his 
diapers. He felt so infantile, not having to care at all that he just 
made a big mess in his diapers and that his backside was completely 
coated in smelly poo-poo. The diapers were so thick that it didn't 
matter at all to Tommy how much he peed and pooped nor how frequently. 
He wet them some more at the same time he pooped them.
	Tommy became so aroused that he began to rub the front of his 
diapers again to bring himself to ejaculation. As he started massaging 
the front of his diaper he felt the bed wobbling some more. He tried to 
be careful, fearing that perhaps his bed frame would break if he did it 
too vigorously. It was a wooden frame, and he could hear one of the 
joints starting to split as he climaxed and made himself come in his 
diapers. After he relaxed for a few minutes he got up from his bed. He 
remembered how the diapers he had on made walking almost impractical as 
his legs were so widely spread apart. He got down on his hands and knees 
to look for where his bed frame was weakening.
	Nancy then came in and saw this huge, white, diapered butt 
sticking up with two skinny legs beneath it. Seeing that Tommy was so 
pre-occupied with whatever was underneath the bed, she couldn't resist 
the urge to slap his rear end.
	"WHAP!" sounded Nancy's hand as she struck the plastic-covered 
surface of his diapers.
	"Gotcha!" she said.
	"Nancy!" Tommy shouted.
	"Sorry, Tommy, I couldn't resist; your butt just looks so cute in 
all those diapers I put on it. What are you doing?"
	"I think my bed is about to break," Tommy said as he came back out 
from underneath his bed. He sat on the floor before his sister as she 
stood and stared at how much diapering was filling Tommy's crotch.
	"Been getting those 'boy feelings' again?" she giggled. Tommy 
didn't comment.
	"Come on,", Nancy said as she helped Tommy get up and took his 
hand. "Mom has breakfast ready for us."
	Tommy chose to walk this time instead of crawling his way into the 
kitchen. He had to waddle down the hall as Nancy silently admired the 
way her thick diapering job on Tommy caused him to walk in such a 
toddler-like manner.
	When Tommy got to the kitchen he sat in his chair while his mother 
took the chair around the table's corner and began feeding him his 
breakfast. She fed him cereal, plus some bacon, eggs, and toast. To 
serve Tommy his milk, she used one of Tommy's old spill-proof cups that 
she found stashed away on the top shelf of one of the kitchen cabinets. 
Next time, he was going to be given a bottle.
	Tommy wanted to call Marvin over for that afternoon. When he 
reached Marvin's house, Heidi picked up the call.
	"Is Marvin there?" Tommy asked her.
	"He is, but he's not feeling too well. He's got diarrhea. Good 
thing he likes to wear diapers!" she quipped. He really needs them 
	"If he gets to feeling better, can you have him call me?"
	"Sure," Heidi answered. "Talk to you later, diaper boy!" she said 
to Tommy as she hung up.
	Later, Tommy's mother got ready to put up the Christmas tree. They 
used an artificial tree that was stored out in the shed behind the 
house. Nancy and Tommy helped with carrying in boxes of ornaments, 
lights and other holiday decorations. As the shed was just a few feet 
from the back door, Tommy didn't have far to walk in the cold and snow 
with his legs uncovered.
	While Tommy was out in the shed, he came across a box of some old 
toys he and Nancy used to play with. In fact, they were about the only 
ones they ever had as their father selfishly spent the family's money on 
alcohol and cigarettes, leaving their mother little so that she could 
only afford to buy a few playthings for Tommy and Nancy.
	Tommy sat there on his knees in front of the box. He sorted out 
Nancy's old dolls from his own toys. There were old Fisher Price sets. 
Plus Lincoln Logs, some games and puzzles, even some books. Tommy wished 
he had more to play with when he was a little boy than what he saw in 
front of him.
	"I see you've found your old toys," Tommy's mother said.
	"Is this all I ever had to play with?" Tommy asked her, looking at 
the relatively small collection.
	"Everything of yours that your father didn't destroy for wetting 
your bed," she said to Tommy.
	"Can I take these back in the house?" Tommy asked his mother.
	"Of course you can, dear," she said. "And if you want more for 
Christmas, I'm sure Santa will accommodate you as well."
	Tommy gathered up all the toys that he wanted to play with and 
carried them into the house and into his room, making three trips to get 
it all. By this time all the Christmas stuff had been brought in. Tommy 
sat in his room and started playing with his old toys while his mother 
and Nancy worked on setting up the Christmas tree and decorating it. Dee 
Anne was invited over that afternoon to help with decorating the tree as 
well as help bake some Christmas cookies later on.
	Tommy had been in wet and soiled diapers for the last couple hours 
and his diapers were starting to get uncomfortable and they were in need 
of a change. While the thick set of diapers on Tommy had enough capacity 
to handle much more wetting, the innermost layers of the diapers were 
becoming saturated in pee and the smells were becoming stronger. Tommy 
also decided he had enough playing and he was ready to see if his mother 
wanted some help putting up the Christmas decorations.
	Tommy went out to the front room and saw his mother as well as 
Nancy and Dee Anne huddled around the Christmas tree putting up 
ornaments. Dee Anne heard Tommy enter the room and she turned around to 
greet him. She expected to see him in a disposable diaper, but instead 
she saw that he had on cloth diapers, and that they were so much thicker 
and bigger around Tommy, especially with as many diapers as Nancy put on 
	"Geez, Tommy!" Dee Anne exclaimed. She walked up to him and 
examined his diapers more closely to see how thickly he was diapered.
	"They really got you diapered up really good today!" she said, 
patting him on the rear. "How many diapers are you wearing?"
	"Six," Tommy answered. He didn't seem to mind that Dee Anne was so 
interested in how he was diapered.
	"That's a lot of diapers!" she commented. "Why so many?"
	"Because I like thick diapers," Tommy said honestly, but shyly.
	"Oh, I see," Dee Anne acknowledged. "Well, they certainly are 
thick, that's for sure! Betcha you don't need to be changed much, huh?"
	"I need changed now," Tommy said.
	"Just sit tight, honey, I'll take care of you in just a bit, 
Tommy's mother assured him. Tommy sat on the couch and watched his 
mother and the girls disburse the Christmas ornaments on the tree.
	"You know," Dee Anne said to Nancy, "your brother has really 
changed since he started wearing diapers."
	"So you finally noticed?" Nancy said to her, hinting at some 
	"Well, yeah, but I mean, you remember when I saw him that first 
day and how embarrassed he was? Now look at him, he's sitting over 
there, wearing-- geez-- *six* diapers! Now he doesn't mind at all that I 
see him wearing them, and that I can talk to him about them. I even 
slapped him on his diaper-butt behind!"
	"He's learned to accept it," Tommy's mother said to Diane. "And 
then some."
	"Wanna come help?" Dee Anne called Tommy over.
	"Uh, sure," Tommy said.
	"He's waiting for me to change him," Tommy's mother said. "I'll go 
take care of him first."
	Tommy went into his room and lay down on his bed as he waited for 
his mother to enter. She didn't even close his bedroom door behind her 
anymore, and Tommy didn't seem to mind that his naked, poop-smothered 
rear end was about to be exposed, even with Dee Anne present.
	Tommy's mother started removing his plastic pants. They were 
difficult to pull off from over the diapers. Next she started taking out 
the pins, noting that Nancy had used even more of them this time. She 
removed the layers of the thick diaper set and tossed the sodden cloth 
plies into a plastic bucket that had been recently purchased for this 
purpose. She looked in the bucket and noted the volume of cloth that had 
been wrapped around Tommy.
	"Wow, that sister of yours really had you diapered!" his mother 
exclaimed. "Do you really want to start wearing your diapers that 
heavily from now on?"
	"Yes," Tommy said without any hesitation at all.
	"Even your Dad never made you wear so many," his mother commented. 
"Whatever makes you feel comfortable, sweetie."
	Tommy's mother began the big chore of wiping away the stinky 
accumulation of feces from his butt and his crotch. She then wiped his 
skin dry, and she noticed that his pubic hairs were getting in the way. 
It made keeping his genital area clean more difficult.
	"You know, Tommy, perhaps that hair down there should be cut off. 
It'd make keeping it clean a lot easier, and it would make you feel more 
like a little boy again."
	Tommy's mother left him lying there naked on his bed as he waited 
for her to return. She re-entered his room a couple minutes later with a 
pair of scissors, a bottle of depilatory cream, plus a container of 
shaving cream and a razor, both of which had belonged to Tommy's father 
and hadn't been used in five years. Tommy winced as he watched his 
mother prepare to shave off his pubic hair.
	"I'll be really careful, I promise," his mother assured him as she 
got out the scissors. She carefully clipped away the hair around Tommy's 
penis, which had dropped partially from its fully erect state. The 
presence of a cutting instrument near his genitals made him nervous even 
though he trusted his mother to be careful. After the hairs were 
clipped, she spread shaving cream over the remaining stubble. Next came 
the razor, and Tommy thought of the worst as that sharp blade came so 
close to his precious organ, though he knew his mother would not allow 
such a mishap to occur. After she cleared away the hair, only some hairs 
on his balls remained. These were removed with the depilatory. Within 
minutes, Tommy's genitals were rendered completely hairless, returned to 
their pre-pubescent smoothness. His mother picked up the hair clippings 
and discarded them.
	Now Tommy was ready to be diapered up again. He watched as his 
mother retrieved six more diapers from his drawer along with a pair of 
plastic pants. While she was getting these items ready, Tommy looked 
down at his bare genital region. He ran his hands over the area and 
enjoyed the way he felt to have no hair around his dick and nuts 
anymore. His erection resumed, and it felt so different this time.
	Meanwhile, Nancy and Dee Anne were busy sorting through the boxes 
of ornaments and selecting which ones to use on the tree and where to 
place them. Nancy didn't expect her mother to be spending so long to 
change his diapers. She excused herself and went to Tommy's room, She 
peered in and saw Tommy lying there on his bed, examining himself. She 
noticed his pubic hairs were gone. As Tommy acknowledged her presence, 
he immediately stopped handling his genitals.
	"I was wondering what happened to you, Mom," Nancy said.
	"I decided he would be easier to keep clean by cutting off his 
hairs," her mother explained. And it makes him more like the little boy 
he wants to be."
	Nancy smiled as her mother made this remark. Tommy didn't say 
anything, though he agreed.
	Nancy then went back out to continue decorating the Christmas 
tree. Tommy's mother returned with the diapers and set them on the bed. 
She noticed how Tommy's bed wobbled as she walked up to it and set the 
diapers down next to Tommy.
	"What's happened to your bed, Tommy?" his mother asked him as she 
put her hand on his headboard. She felt its looseness as she lightly 
shook the board. "I think the frame is loose."
	Tommy knew what had caused his bed to become less stable, but he 
didn't tell his mother.
	"You've had this bed since you were four years old," his mother 
said. "It was used when we bought it, so who knows what it's been 
through." Tommy and his mother discussed the condition of his bed as she 
began putting his diapers on him.
	"Are you going to get me a new bed?" Tommy asked.
	"Maybe a new bed frame," his mother said. "Though that mattress 
has been through a lot, too," she added, referring to Tommy's bedwetting 
history. "Perhaps I can get you a new bed for Christmas."
	"Marvin and Max sleep in cribs," Tommy said, hinting that this was 
how he would like to have his bed replaced.
	"Really? I wonder where they got them," his mother said as she 
inserted the last of the diaper pins into Tommy's big, bulging diapers.
	"I can ask," Tommy said. "I'll ask Marvin next time I see him."
	"Do you really want a crib?" his mother asked him Tommy hesitated 
for a moment as he felt he was venturing into uncharted territory with 
his desires.
	"I think you do," his mother smiled. She worked the tight-fitting 
plastic pants over his diapers until they were snugly covering them. She 
then helped him up from his bed and sent him out. She pulled the sheets 
off of Tommy's bed to wash them. At the same time she also got down on 
the floor and checked underneath the bed to see what sort of damage 
Tommy had done to it. The bed frame appeared to be unsalvageable, it 
seemed. The mattress, stripped of its sheets, showed signs of Tommy's 
prior bedwetting episodes. She decided that Tommy's bed was due for 
replacing. What kind of bed Tommy would get would be decided by 


	Tommy went out to the front room to join Nancy and Dee Anne. Both 
girls took joy in looking at the taller and older boy standing before 
the Christmas tree in his bulging diapers while helping them hang up 
	"Why don't you invite Marvin over?" Nancy suggested to Tommy. 
"Where's he been today?"
	"He's been sick today," Tommy answered. "I asked him to call when 
he got feeling better. Maybe I'll give him a call, I need to ask him 
something anyway."
	Tommy then went to the phone and called Marvin. Heidi answered the 
phone again.
	"Is Marvin there?" Tommy asked.
	"Is this Tommy?" Heidi asked.
	"Yeah, it is."
	""Marvin's just getting his diapers changed right now," she said 
with a smile in her voice. "He's really filling them up today!"
	"How's he feeling?" Tommy asked.
	"I think he's feeling a little better, but he's still pooping a 
lot," Heidi said. "We've got a lot of dirty diapers to wash over here!"
	"I imagine so," Tommy remarked, thinking about what it would be 
like to have diarrhea and be stuck in diapers, too. The thought of it 
excited him.
	"You wanna wait a couple minutes?" Heidi asked Tommy. "You know 
how long it takes to get all those diapers on my brothers!"
	"Sure, I'll wait," Tommy said. He sat on the couch and waited 
until Marvin picked up.
	"Hi, Tommy," Marvin said.
	"Hi, I hear you got the runs today," Tommy said to Marvin.
	"Yeah, not the first time," Marvin said. "It doesn't make any 
difference since I have no bowel control anyway. It just means I dirty 
my diapers faster and have to be changed more often."
	Tommy wanted to hear more about how Marvin dealt with having 
diarrhea and wearing diapers with it, but he was hoping that Marvin was 
up to coming over instead to tell him at that time.
	"Do you feel like coming over?" Tommy asked Marvin.
	"Well, I think I can," Marvin said. "I may need a diaper change or 
two while I'm there," he said.
	"I'm sure Nancy won't mind doing it," Tommy said.
	"Nancy won't mind what?" Nancy asked, wondering why her name had 
been brought up.
	"Marvin's got diarrhea and he may need to be changed while he's 
here," Tommy said to Nancy.
	"Sure, no problem," Nancy agreed.
	"When do you think you'll be here?" Tommy asked Marvin.
	"About ten, fifteen minutes," he said. "See ya when I get there!"
	While Tommy helped put up the tree decorations he peered out the 
window intermittently to watch for Marvin to show up in the van with his 
father. About fifteen minutes later, just as Tommy had been expecting, 
he saw the van pull into the driveway. Marvin emerged from the side door 
carrying a large bag. Marvin was wearing no pants, just the thick 
diapers he always had on. It didn't seem to bother Marvin that the 
neighbors may have seen him, nor the fact that it was about twenty 
degrees Fahrenheit outside.
	"What, no pants?" Tommy questioned Marvin's lack of such attire.
	"Why, I don't need them now," Marvin said. "Besides, I've needed 
more diaper changes than usual today because I have diarrhea, and the 
pants just get in the way."
	This was the first time Dee Anne had seen Marvin in only his 
diapers. She suppressed a giggle as she noted how he, too, was very 
thickly diapered as was Tommy.
	"Hi there!" she greeted Marvin as he came through the door. He 
wasn't expecting her to be there, but he didn't mind that she saw him in 
diapers since he was used to Heidi seeing him like this, too. As Marvin 
shut the door behind him he set his large bag down. It was stuffed with 
a supply of diapers for any diaper changes he might need later on.
	"Here, let's set that in my room," Tommy suggested. He took the 
diaper bag and carried it into his bedroom room and set it down on the 
bed. Marvin then sat down on the bed, whose sheets had just been changed 
by Tommy's mother. They were Tommy's Star Trek sheets. He wasn't aware 
of the weak bed frame and he didn't expect the bed to sway when he sat 
	"Whoa, what happened to your bed?" Marvin asked.
	"I sort of, you know, got carried away," Tommy replied sheepishly.
	"I think I know what you mean," Marvin said, acknowledging Tommy's 
inference to jacking off. "What do you wanna do today?"
	"I dunno," Tommy said as he shrugged. "Maybe get on the Internet, 
play games, whatever. I was going to ask you about where you got your 
cribs and high chairs and stuff."
	"My Mommy and Daddy ordered the cribs and the high chair from a 
place that makes them specially for adults like my Daddy, and kids like 
me and Max. This place has a web site now, and I just added it to my 
links from my web site."
	"Let's get on the Internet and look at that site," Tommy 
suggested. "Let me ask the girls if they want us to help them on the 
tree, first."
	After Tommy conferred with the two girls about needing his and 
Marvin's help with putting up Christmas decorations, Nancy and Dee Anne 
decided that they were okay by themselves and let Tommy and his friend 
do their own thing. Tommy then walked over to the computer and logged 
onto the Internet. Marvin then took the chair in front of it and he went 
into his own web site to get to the links he added. Tommy noticed that 
several new pictures of Marvin and Max in their diapers had been added.
	"Oh, by the way," Marvin explained. "I forgot to mention that my 
Daddy bought us a new digital camera as an early Christmas gift, plus he 
wants to use it for his architect work, too. That's where me and Max got 
all these new pictures."
	"That sounds neat," Tommy said as he looked at the new pictures 
popping up on the screen.
	"We don't have to develop the pictures or scan them first; they're 
ready to go. Maybe you'd like to have some pictures of yourself," Marvin 
	"In my diapers?" Tommy questioned. "I dunno, I mean, who would I 
allow to see them?"
	"Just us, and anyone who e-mails you. We get pictures from other 
kids all the time."
	"Well, I do kind of like looking at myself in my diapers," Tommy 
admitted as he felt an erection forming beneath his diapers. "Actually, 
I really do like to see what I look like, with my butt all padded up."
	Marvin had unzipped his diaper bag. In addition to a supply of 
several perfectly folded diapers neatly stuffed into his bag, he also 
brought along the digital camera he was talking about.
	"You brought the camera?" Tommy said.
	"Bend over and smile!" Marvin joked as he got up and aimed the 
camera towards Tommy.
	"What, you serious?" Tommy asked.
	"If you don't mind me taking them," Marvin said.
	"Let's go see those web sites you were talking about first, I'll 
think about it."
	"Okay," Marvin said as he set the camera down and returned to his 
chair. He took the computer mouse and clicked his way to some of the 
newly added web sites. One of them was a commercial adult baby site that 
sold diapers and baby-theme clothing for adults. Marvin showed Tommy 
some of the diapers that he wanted his parents to get for him and his 
brother for Christmas. The brand was called "Thickies", appropriately 
enough. They were advertised to be "Absolutely the Thickest Diapers Ever 
Made" and were available in adult and youth sizes so Marvin and Max 
could enjoy wearing them, too. They were being modeled by several boys 
who were about the same age as Tommy and Marvin, as well as some younger 
boys who modeled the smaller sizes.
Marvin showed Tommy some of the plastic pants that were offered in 
a variety of designs and print styles, even though the two boys agreed 
that they preferred plain plastic pants. Further down the list was a 
section titled "adult baby furniture" Thinking that cribs would be 
listed here, Marvin told Tommy, "click this one."
	A few seconds later, a screen with pictures and descriptions of 
adult-sized diaper changing tables, cribs and high chairs popped up on 
the screen. Tommy looked at all of the items shown and he joyously 
thought about what it would be like to have these items.
	"I think my Mommy is going to get me a crib to replace my bed," 
Tommy said.
	"Really?" Marvin said elatedly. "You serious? Cool!"
	"I'll be right back," Tommy said. "I'm gonna get my Mommy."
	Tommy got up from his chair and waddled his way into the kitchen 
where his mother was mixing some cookie dough to make Christmas cookies.
	"Mommy, can I show you something?" Tommy asked his mother.
	"Sure," she said as she followed Tommy back to the computer to 
show her the web site. She enjoyed watching her thickly padded-up son 
walking ahead of her as she walked behind him to go to the computer. She 
looked at the various items that were listed on the web page. Marvin, 
still sitting at the front of the computer, also showed Tommy's mother 
the diaper products page. In particular, he pointed out the "absolute 
thickest diapers" that he wanted so much. Tommy was wanting some of the 
diapers, too. Tommy's mother nodded as she viewed the site, as if to be 
considering making some purchases from it for Tommy's Christmas gifts.
	"Bookmark the site for me, please," Tommy's mother instructed 
Marvin. "I'll have to check it out later." Tommy felt quite certain that 
his mother was planning to place an order to the company.
	"I have some other sites I can show you, too," Marvin said to 
Tommy's mother.
	"Okay, just add them to the bookmarks and I'll check them out 
tonight. I need to get the cookies in the oven soon."
	Marvin showed Tommy some of the other sites that he added to his 
page. Many of them also featured pictures of other teen and some pre-
teen boys wearing diapers. After Tommy looked at several of them, his 
inhibitions of being photographed in his diapers diminished and he 
decided that perhaps he should have some pictures of himself in his 
diapers after all.
	After Tommy and Marvin finished their Internet session they went 
into his bedroom. Tommy was nervous at first as Marvin had Tommy perform 
several poses. Marvin felt a little funny about it, too, but then he 
figured this was no different than the other boys that he knew of who 
took pictures of their friends in their underwear, or sometimes nothing. 
After Marvin took about eight or nine shots, he pulled out a floppy disk 
which fit into the camera, allowing for immediate viewing and storage on 
the computer.
	"Let's go take a look at these," Marvin said as he and Tommy 
returned to the computer and inserted the disk into the drive. He 
clicked on one of the filenames and brought up an image he had just 
taken of Tommy. His thickly diapered rear end spanned the screen with 
his bare legs extending to his white stocking feet. The image was so 
sharp, so clear, and...
	"How cute!" came Nancy's voice from behind Tommy. He felt somewhat 
embarrassed, though he felt that having Nancy see his diapered derriere 
on the computer screen was no different than seeing it "live" all day 
every day.
	"Where did you guys get these pictures?" she asked.
	"I brought a camera along," Marvin said.
	"And you got them on the computer?"
	"It's a digital camera," Marvin explained. "I'll go get it."
	While Marvin was gone, Nancy asked Tommy if Marvin was forcing him 
to be photographed in his diapers this way. She knew how easily her 
brother could be manipulated into doing. things he was not otherwise 
comfortable with. She still felt that it was in her best interests to 
look after her brother's well-being.
	"No," Tommy replied. "He let me think about it first, and then I 
told him I would do it."
	"Is anyone else going to see these pictures?" Nancy asked. "Why is 
he taking the pictures?"
	"Because I wanted them," Tommy replied.
	"Okay, I just don't want to see Marvin use these against you later 
	"Marvin's cool, he's a nice guy," Tommy assured his sister, hoping 
that she would learn to fully trust him, unlike Tommy's former friends 
Carl and Mitchell. "I think we both know Marvin well enough by now to 
trust him."
	"Okay, as long as you're comfortable with what he's doing," Nancy 
said with some concern in her voice.
	Marvin came back with the camera and demonstrated its features to 
Nancy, pointing out the zoom lens, the special effects, etc.
	"I need a disk," Marvin said, noting the "no disk" prompt was 
flashing in the electronic viewfinder. "I think that other disk is 
almost full, unless you want to transfer all the files in it to your 
hard drive and then clear the disk."
	Tommy went ahead and moved the image files onto their computer 
system and put them in a new directory. He cleared the disk and handed 
it back to Marvin. He took some pictures of Nancy and Dee Anne, who made 
several different poses and funny faces in front of the Christmas tree. 
He then showed them the dozen images that he just took of them.
	"This is really neat!" Nancy commented. "Can we try it?"
	"Sure, but just be careful. Its my Daddy's, and it's really 
	"We'll take one of you two diaper boys, how's that?"
	"Fine," Marvin said.
	"Uh, sure," Tommy agreed. At about that time Tommy needed to poop 
into his diapers. He remained standing as he dropped his load and felt 
it spread throughout his diapers. Nancy smelled that her brother had 
just soiled his diapers, but she didn't acknowledge it just yet. For now 
she took the camera from Marvin as he showed her where the shutter 
button was located.
	"Just use it like any camera," Marvin said to her.
	The two boys stood in front of the computer and waited for Nancy 
to take their picture. Incidentally, the image of Tommy's diapered butt 
was still prominently displayed on the computer screen behind Tommy and 
	"Now do one of our butts!" Marvin said. "Turn around, Tommy."
	Tommy decided that this activity was getting to be fun now, and he 
felt himself get really stiff in his freshly soiled diaper as he thought 
about what these pictures of him and Marvin together would look like. 
The two boys got into their positions and Nancy took an image of their 
	"Let's do one more, bent over," Marvin said. Another image was 
taken. Tommy got up, but Marvin remained bent over. Even through the 
thick, multi-layered stack of diapers that Marvin was wearing, Tommy 
could hear the wet, juicy sounds of diarrhea spewing into Marvin's 
diapers, and even the odor managed to make it through the deep cotton 
surrounding the boy's body.
	Nancy knew that Marvin had just dumped into his diapers and she 
offered to change him, and since she knew that Tommy stank up his 
diapers, too, she decided that now was a good time to change both of 
them. She set the camera down and led Tommy and Marvin into Tommy's 
	Tommy was the first to be changed. He hopped up on his bed and he 
felt the bed sway. It seemed to be getting weaker and weaker each time, 
though it was still sturdy enough to sleep in and to perform diaper 
changes thereupon. As the diapers were taken off of him, Tommy felt his 
penis stretch out to its full erect length and point straight upward as 
it had some freedom after being confined in diapers for several hours. 
Tommy still hadn't yet become used to having virtually no hair around 
his genitals, though it felt good, especially when Nancy generously 
applied the powder and she was able to spread it around his balls and 
his peter without any pubic hair getting in the way. He nearly came just 
from the sensation. Next he was diapered six times over and his plastic 
pants were pulled up over them. Tommy was then dismissed and Marvin was 
called to be changed. Tommy remained in the room and he watched Nancy 
change Marvin.
	Nancy started stripping away the diapers from Marvin's body. They 
were all soaked up in the front and the inner layers were completely 
saturated with a mixture of urine and watery stool. Nancy was used to 
seeing Tommy's larger, more developed penis and scrotum, though it 
appeared to her that Marvin's genitalia was beginning to take its course 
through puberty now. Other than this, changing Marvin wasn't any 
different than changing Tommy. He was just as smelly as any other boy 
who had just pooped his diapers. A few minutes later he was powdered and 
diapered just as heavily as Tommy, wearing his own diapers that he 
brought along. His plastic pants were larger and they fit over his 
diapers more easily than Tommy's plastic pants.
	While all this diaper changing was going on, Dee Anne had gotten a 
hold of the camera. She brought it back with her. She stood just outside 
the doorway, and when nobody was looking she got some pictures of Nancy 
as she was changing Tommy and then Marvin. She waited until the diapers 
were covering their privates before taking the pictures, though. Just as 
she clicked the last picture, Nancy detected her presence out in the 
	"Dee Anne!" Nancy exclaimed, seeing that she was holding the 
camera. "Were you taking pictures of me changing these boys' diapers?"
	"Yes," she confessed as she was giggling. "I'm sorry. I made sure 
you guys were covered up first."
	Marvin then took the camera and asked if the girls would take more 
pictures of him and Tommy. The girls agreed to do it after Nancy took 
care of the dirty diapers and washed up.
	"Now let's go to the couch and sit together," Marvin suggested. 
Tommy and Marvin then seated themselves on the couch, showing off their 
diapered crotches as Dee Anne had the honors of taking the shots this 
	"Now get on the floor and crawl around like babies!" Dee Anne 
suggested. Marvin went ahead with her suggestion and got down on the 
floor. Tommy felt that perhaps this was going too far now and he 
	"Come on, Tommy!" Marvin prompted him.
	"Oh, okay," Tommy agreed. He then joined Marvin on the floor and 
assumed a crawling position for the next picture. They did one more 
shot, both of them lying on their backs with their legs up in the air, 
each of them sticking their thumbs in their mouths and sucking on them. 
After the images were shot, Marvin reviewed the images on the camera's 
viewfinder. Tommy and the two girls were huddled around him
	At about that time Tommy's mother entered the room.
	"What have you guys been doing?" she asked, seeing that the four 
of them were grouped together. "What is that?"
	"It's a digital camera," Marvin explained again. "It's my Daddy's, 
wanna look at?"
	"Sure, she said. She picked it up and looked at the image being 
displayed on the screen, the one of Tommy and Marvin bending over.
	"I sure hope nobody else sees these pictures," she said. "You guys 
are in some pretty compromising poses here!"
	"We were just having some fun, Mommy," Tommy said.
	"Oh, I don't mind if you guys are doing this," Tommy's mother 
assured him. "In fact, it shows me that you are a lot more comfortable 
about wearing your diapers now, Tommy, but I would still be careful 
about what you do with them," she advised.
	"There's pictures of me and Max on our web page," Marvin said. "A 
lot of people see those, mostly other kids like us who wear diapers. 
Nobody's ever come after us because of it."
	"Well, just as long as you guys know what you're doing," their 
mother said as she returned to the kitchen to check on the cookies.
	Tommy and Marvin went back to the computer to view the images they 
had just had taken of themselves as well as the others that were on the 
disk before they were transferred to the hard drive. While they were 
busy viewing the pictures, the phone rang and Tommy's mother answered 
	"It's your father, Marvin," she said to him. He picked up the 
phone by the computer. While Marvin was talking to his father, Tommy got 
up and asked his mother if Marvin could stay over for the night.
	"Well, I suppose," she smiled. "You haven't had him over yet. I 
wonder if your bed will hold up, though, and if the two of you can even 
sleep in it."
	"We'll figure something out," Tommy said, "but does that mean he 
can stay?"
	"Yes, as long as his father says it's okay."
	"Yippee!" Tommy exclaimed. He ran, as well as he could run anyway, 
in his thick diapers and he told Marvin to ask his Dad if he could stay 
	"My Daddy was asking me the same thing," Marvin said. "He said I 
could stay as long as your Mommy said it was all right."
	"She said yes," Tommy replied to his father.
	"You have enough diapers to last you through tomorrow?" his father 
asked him.
	"You might want to bring some more," Marvin asked his father.
	"Sure, anything else you can think of?" his father asked him.
	"Maybe my toothbrush," Marvin said. "maybe a clean shirt--"
	"You want some pants, too?" his father asked him.
	Marvin thought about it for a moment. He didn't expect to be 
outside for anything, and he figured that it was unlikely that the house 
would burn down and he'd be stuck outside with nothing to wear but 
diapers in such an event. He decided that he didn't need his pants and 
he liked the idea of being "stuck" at Tommy's house without anything 
available to him to wear over his diapers. He told his father not to 
worry about bringing him any pants.
	"Okay," he said. "I'll come by in a little while."
	"I'll see you in a few, Daddy," Marvin said as he hung up the 
phone. The boys then planned their evening of diapered fun that they 
hoped to have together.


	Marvin's father stopped by at Tommy's house a few minutes later as 
he was expected to do so. Tommy's mother greeted him as did Nancy. Dee 
Anne also introduced herself to the man. She noticed that he was amply 
diapered as they showed through his sweat pants, though nothing nearly 
as thick as what the two boys each had on. He brought Marvin a clean 
shirt, a change of socks, and a tall stack of diapers, more than Marvin 
would probably need for one night's stay, but enough to make sure he 
wouldn't run out in case his diarrhea acted up again. He also brought 
Marvin his toothbrush. Marvin didn't expect it, but his father brought 
him one of his binders that contained his diaper stories, too.
	"I thought you boys might enjoy reading these tonight," Marvin's 
father said as he handed his son the binder.
	"Gee, thanks, Daddy!" Marvin said to his father.
	"I'll need the camera back, too, please," his father said. Marvin 
walked over to the computer and picked it up to give to his father.
	"Thanks for letting me bring it over to show Tommy," Marvin told 
his Dad.
"You're welcome. Well, you kids have fun and stay out of trouble," 
Marvin's Dad said to him and Tommy. "Good night."
	Tommy and Marvin returned to the computer to look at the rest of 
the diaper pictures they had of themselves. While they were busy looking 
at pictures, Marvin thought of an idea.
	"Hey, let's design you a web page!" Marvin said.
	"What, of me?" Tommy questioned. "Me having a web page?"
	"Sure," Marvin said.
	"Does it have to be about diapers?" Tommy asked Marvin.
	"That's just what I had in mind," Marvin said.
	"I still dunno," Tommy hesitated. "Maybe I could do one on other 
things I like," he said.
	"We don't have to post it, we'll just design it right here and see 
what it would look like if we did one," Marvin said.
	"Okay," Tommy agreed. "Now how are we going to do this?"
	"Easy, you just gotta know HTML codes," Marvin said.
	"What is that?" Tommy asked. "What are HTML codes?"
	"It stands for Hypertext Markup Language. I'll show you as we go 
along here," Marvin said. Marvin then took the chair in front of the 
computer and then brought up his web page without even signing onto the 
	"How did you do that?" Tommy asked him. "You brought up your page 
and you didn't even sign on."
	"I saved a copy of my page on your system when I downloaded it," 
he said. "Graphics and all."
	"Neat," Tommy said, feeling somewhat humbled that he wasn't as 
familiar with the Internet as Marvin was.
	Marvin then opened the text editor and called up the file to his 
web page. The screen was filled with strings of readable text which were 
interspersed with several odd-looking, seemingly indecipherable codes.
	"This is HTML," Marvin pointed out on the screen. He briefly 
explained what some of the codes were for and then he began editing the 
	"I'll just use the code from my page and build yours around it," 
Marvin explained as he diligently typed away at the computer's keyboard.
	"Whatever," Tommy said, still somewhat confused by the array of 
characters covering the screen.
	"What do you want to be called?" Marvin asked.
	"I dunno, Tommy, I suppose,"
	"I go by the name "Baby Mo," Marvin stated.
	"Baby Mo?" Tommy questioned.
	"Yeah, I get the "Mo" from my initials, M.O. You want a name that 
hides your identity a little. I don't think 'Baby To' would work for 
you, though, and it would read as 'baby two' anyway."
	"Nah," Tommy agreed that the proposed name didn't sound so well. 
"How about 'Tommy Boy?'" he suggested.
	"Someone already uses that one, I think," Marvin said. He sat for 
a moment and then thought of another suggestion.
	"How does 'Toddler Tommy' sound?" Marvin suggested.
	"Sure, whatever," Tommy replied. "That sounds kind of cute."
	"We're just doing this for fun, anyway," Marvin said, "at least 
for now, that is, and if you do decide to post it later on, you'll have 
it ready to go."
	"Where will it go?" Tommy asked.
	"I'll post it with mine," Marvin offered. Tommy thought about it 
for a moment and then decided to wait and see how it would look first.
	Tommy watched as Marvin continued to edit the screen and switching 
back to the web browser to see how it would look if it were a real web 
	"Now let's add some of those photos we took tonight," he said.
	"You mean I'm going to have those photos on my page?" Tommy asked.
	"Sure, why not?" Marvin said. "I have pictures of me in my diapers 
on mine."
	Marvin went into the file system and copied the photos to the 
appropriate directory and he performed some other file management duties 
to get the photos to come up on Tommy's proposed web page.
	"Looks nice, don't you think?" Marvin commented.
	"Yeah, it's fine," Tommy replied. "What else could I put on 
	"Maybe a story about how you got put into diapers," Marvin 
suggested immediately. "Are you sure you don't want me to post this for 
	"Well, I was thinking," Tommy started, "maybe you could post it," 
he decided. "I'm not sure about the pictures, though."
	"Hey, who's gonna really know you? Anyone who sees it will be just 
like one of us and most likely someone who wears diapers, too."
	"I'll think about the pictures," Tommy said. "For now, maybe we 
can work on my story. I'm a pretty good writer, at least that's what my 
teachers have always said, including Mrs. Fleming.
	Tommy and Marvin spent the next couple hours working on a story 
about Tommy's history and experiences with diapers. Tommy knew it would 
be difficult to think about and write about his early years and his 
father's abuse of him. Marvin watched as Tommy typed his story so 
smoothly and quickly, it seemed, as if he had this story already 
	"You type fast, and think fast, too," Marvin remarked.
	"I've thought a lot about my early childhood," Tommy said, 
"especially after I started having to wear diapers again."
	Tommy's words filled the screen as he retold a story he knew well 
in his head but had never yet written. To Tommy, it seemed therapeutic 
to release these thoughts from his mind. He used such strong words to 
describe every detail. One of Tommy's more notable excerpts was written 
as follows:

It was going to be my sixth birthday, which fell on a Saturday that 
year. I was looking forward to getting some cake, ice cream, and maybe 
some presents, whatever my mother could still afford after Dad's 
drinking binges swallowed up the family finances. I was looking forward 
to the big day as I went to bed that night.

The next morning I was rudely awakened by my father who always first 
checked to see if I had wet my bed again. Seeing that I did wet, he 
jostled me awake and then he immediately began yelling.

"Tommy! You are a miserable brat!" he yelled. I started crying. "Look 
what you did!"

"Dad! It's my birthday! Don't yell at me!"

"Your birthday, eh? And you're, what-- six-- and still pissing in your 
bed like a naughty little boy!"

"But, dad, I--"


His hand cracked across my face and he initiated another long, 
blubbering, painful session of spanking and crying. Dad yanked me out of 
my bed and told me to bend over. He held my head down and rubbed my face 
in the large wet spot that had spread across my mattress. Forcing me to 
smell it. He kept me in that position as he pulled my soaked underpants 
down to my ankles. Next came his almighty hand, smacking my behind 
repeatedly. He mercilessly beat my butt until it was red, and then he 
beat it some more. It could have been worse, he usually used his belt on 
me. My shrieks of pain and my begging for him to stop were ignored and 
drowned out by his yelling and insulting. I detected his heavy alcohol 
breath and I knew he had been out stone drunk the night before. There 
was nothing I could do whenever this happened, and I just had to tell 
myself that he can't go on spanking me forever. It *will* stop, 
eventually. It still seemed like forever.

The spanking was only the beginning of what I had coming. I stayed 
hunched over on my bed, crying ever so loudly. I heard Nancy bawling in 
the next room as she was so terrified by Dad's rage. My mother came to 
my bedroom and saw my beaten buttocks glowing. My mother came over to me 
to comfort me, but Dad pushed her away. He smacked her to the floor and 
began yelling at her. She fled from the room and Dad continued with what 
he had in mind.

He kept a supply of cloth diapers on hand for such occasions when he 
felt that I was in need of a good diaper punishment. He folded three of 
them together as always and then he put them on me, handling me roughly, 
yanking the diapers up into my crotch with such painful force. He'd pin 
them on and then he'd add some more pins to the set just to make sure I 
would not be able to get them off.

Mom had left for work in spite of the rough morning. Dad sat slothfully 
in the chair still hung over from the previous night. He watched his 
stupid baseball games and I didn't dare ask to watch cartoons. Perhaps 
this is why I don't like sports. All day long, I sat around with a thick 
set of diapers over my butt, which were never changed until late in the 
day. Dad wanted to make sure they were good and wet and very messy, too. 
He wanted me to really stink before he felt that I had enough of wearing 
the diapers.

Fortunately, after Mom got home from work Dad decided to take me out of 
the diapers. My skin was so irritated from having pee and poop pressed 
up against my skin all day long, without any powder to prevent a rash.

Mom had the car ready to go and she told me to just run out there before 
Dad held me back, even though I wasn't dressed. She said I could dress 
in the car on the way to Grandma's house where my birthday would be 
celebrated. With one quick dash we all shot for the car. Mom was 
carrying a change of pants and a nicer shirt for me as she made her 
quick exit from the house. Dad yelled at her for leaving, but she didn't 
care. I felt a lot better once I was at Grandma's house, and while she 
tried to make my birthday as enjoyable as she could, I still could not 
get over what happened that day. The worst part was knowing that we 
would have to return home later that night.

	"This is really good," Marvin remarked as reading Tommy's writing 
gave him a good stiff one inside his diapers. "I mean, it's really good 
writing. Man, I can't believe some of the things your father did."
	Tommy continued to type at the keyboard. A tear dripped from his 
eye as he had to face these horrible memories all over again. He 
continued to write, briefly explaining the divorce that ended his 
father's tyranny over the family and how Tommy eventually stopped 
wetting his bed and thus stopped wearing diapers.
	Tommy decided at this point that he had written enough about the 
first, and by far the worst part of his life in diapers. He wanted to 
write about his more recent diaper experiences tomorrow. Dinner was also 
ready, and this was a good time for him to stop.
	As Dee Anne was also staying overnight with Nancy, she joined 
eating dinner with Tommy and his family. The two boys were both fed 
their dinner at the same time by each of the girls. Dee Anne got to feed 
Tommy this time. Tommy sat at the table and waited for his dinner. Dee 
Anne pulled up a chair around the corner of the table. She began serving 
Tommy his food one bite at a time.
	"This is so fun!" Dee Anne spoke. "A lot more fun than feeding my 
	"What about changing their diapers?" Nancy asked Dee Anne.
	"Well, my dolls only wet theirs," Dee Anne said. "And they don't 
smell, either."
	While Dee Anne fed Tommy, Nancy had sat Marvin into a chair. She 
dished him up a plate and then began feeding him. Marvin was used to 
being fed from a high chair and being fed while sitting at a regular 
table seemed awkward to him. The two boys quickly finished up their 
dinner and they were excused from the table so that the girls could eat 
their meals along with Nancy's mother.
	Tommy and Marvin went into his bedroom to read some of the diaper 
stories that Marvin's father had brought over for them. As there was 
only one binder of stories, the two boys agreed on one story and they 
read it together while lying on Tommy's bed. It was one that Tommy 
hadn't yet copied nor printed for his own collection yet.
	"This looks like a good one," Tommy said.
	"Oh man, I love this one!" Marvin said. "It's about a boy who 
suddenly starts having all these dreams about wearing diapers. As he 
keeps having these dreams, he starts wanting to wear diapers for real, 
and then he starts wetting his bed because of the dreams and, well, 
let's just read it, you'll LOVE it!"
	Tommy and Marvin each lay on their stomach's on Tommy's unstable 
bed. Tommy and Marvin each felt their penises hardening in their diapers 
as the story became more deeply and intensely involved as the boy's 
dreams became stronger and stronger. He began to dream about being made 
to wear a diaper and keep pooping in it until it was so full that it 
began to leak out the top and the leg openings. His mother would wipe 
away the leakage and keep the same poopy diapers on him. This particular 
part of the story went on for awhile, and it was enough to push Tommy to 
where he could no longer read without acting on his urges to play with 
	Suddenly, Tommy's and Marvin's intense thoughts and feelings 
became interrupted by Tommy's mother suddenly entering his room. She saw 
the two boys lying on the one bed with their diaper-clad behinds 
sticking up in the air. She was holding two large C clamps that she had 
retrieved from the garage, taken from among the tools that Tommy's 
father had left behind.
	"What'cha boys doing?" Tommy's mother asked them.
	"Looking at a Playboy mag," Marvin joked.
	"From the looks of it, you guys are reading a diaper story," 
Tommy's mother replied as she failed to resist her temptation to 
affectionately pat each of the boys' butts.
	"Personally, I'd rather you guys read that than Playboy anyway," 
she remarked.
	"Me, too," Marvin replied. Tommy agreed with Marvin, but he didn't 
say anything.
	"What are those for?" Tommy asked his mother about the pair of 
clamps she was holding.
	"I looked at your bed earlier today when I changed your sheets," 
his mother explained. "I don't see how that bed is going to hold up much 
	She told the boys to get up from the bed so she could crawl 
underneath and apply one of the clamps to one side of the bed frame.
	"If you boys are going to sleep in the same bed, I don't want to 
see it collapse."
	She got down on her hands and knees and located the weak spot 
where the back side of the wooden frame was splitting and beginning to 
separate from the bed post. The piece on the back of the frame was 
shaped such that a clamp could effectively hold it and the post 
together. She then moved to the other side of the bed where the wood had 
begun to crack there, too, and placed the other clamp and tightened it 
	"Okay," his mother said. "That should keep the bed steady, but 
don't get too carried away on it," she smiled subtly. "I'll send the 
girls in to change you two boys before bedtime."
	Tommy and Marvin returned to reading the story. They both went 
back and re-read the page they were on and both of them had hard-ons 
trying to push through their thick diapers. Tommy felt his insides 
working on producing another bowel movement. Tommy had gotten to where 
he no longer had to hold it in when he felt himself needing to poop, so 
as soon as he felt it coming on he released it into his diapers. While 
Tommy expected to mess his diapers soon, he continued reading the story 
as he was in the middle of the big pooping scene he had been reading 
before his mother came in. The urge to poop really excited Tommy as what 
he was reading intensified these feelings greatly. The boy in the story 
had pooped in his overflowing, very stinky diapers for the third time. 
Tommy rolled himself over and lay flat on his back and he ran this scene 
through his mind repeatedly.
	"What are you doing?" Marvin asked Tommy.
	"I gotta poop," Tommy said. He lifted his legs up and spread them 
apart as he held his ankles back. Tommy imagined himself as the boy in 
the story who was pooping into his diapers. Tommy let out a wet and 
juicy bowel movement. His diapers were much too thick for any visual 
detection of a bowel movement, and only slightly audible squirts of poop 
could be heard through the heavy diaper layers covering his butt. The 
fetid smell of his fresh poop escaped the confinement of his diapers and 
it spread throughout the room. He felt so naughty and so nasty, making a 
big mess of his diapers and enjoying it. He could only imagine what this 
would feel like if he had pooped in his diapers twice before without a 
change, and what it would feel like to have his diapers so full that 
they started leaking and spilling poop out everywhere.
	Tommy wanted to masturbate so badly now. In spite of his intense 
feelings, he still felt some inhibition to stroke himself in front of 
Marvin. He put his hand on the front of his diaper. His hands weren't 
able to feel his boner through his diapers, but he could sense that it 
was about ready to shoot a load of his semen into the urine-soaked 
fabric on the inside of his diapers.
	Marvin had also stopped reading the story as he could no longer 
resist the sexual urges it brought on in him. He had been watching Tommy 
joyously fill up his diapers. Marvin looked at the wide, tightly-
stretched bunch of cotton packed in between Tommy's legs, and he knew 
that beneath the apparently clean, white, soft surface of his diapers 
was a big, warm, gooey, brown, sticky, stinky mess spread throughout the 
entire back half of his diapers.
	"Are you thinking what I am thinking?" Marvin asked Tommy.
	"You mean, the story?" Tommy asked.
	"Yeah," Marvin replied with a heavy sigh. "I can never read that 
story without... getting... past... that... part... and... ah... oh-- 
	Marvin then began vigorously jerking himself through his diapers 
while sitting up. Tommy was surprised somewhat by Marvin's actions, but 
at the same time, Tommy became very excited to watch Marvin engage in 
this activity while in diapers. Marvin didn't seem to mind at all that 
Tommy was sitting right there watching him. Tommy's super thick diapers 
served nicely as a visual aid for Marvin's jack-off session. Marvin 
always wanted to do this while looking at his brother Max in his 
diapers, but Max was still too young that Marvin felt he could see what 
he liked to do in his diapers, and he looked forward to the day that Max 
would start masturbating in his diapers and the two would jack off 
	The bed seemed to be holding up with the clamps in place, but as 
Marvin began stroking himself more vigorously, the bed's stability was 
becoming more questionable. Tommy decided that he had better get off the 
bed. He turned his rear end to Marvin as he scooted off of the bed. 
Marvin took a good look at Tommy's heavily padded behind. Marvin took a 
mental snapshot of Tommy's butt and then he closed his eyes and held the 
image in his mind. He thought about how Tommy had a new load of crap 
piled up underneath his diapers. Marvin then began to come in his 
diapers, shooting a large load of semen that would have squirted all 
over the bed had he not been wearing diapers. It produced the most 
pleasing orgasm Marvin had experienced thus far in his youthful 
sexuality. He felt his body melt as he felt his tensions float away. He 
lay down on the bed, breathing heavily and sweating. He was still 
moaning and groaning as the sensation continued.
	"Oh, man!" Marvin exclaimed. "I don't believe I did that!"
	"I felt like doing it, too," Tommy said. "And since you don't mind 
that I saw you, I suppose it's okay if I did it."
	"Man, you gotta do it!" Marvin said. "It's this growing up thing! 
All boys do it, but most of them think of girls, though, and they 
usually don't wear diapers when they do it, either, at least the book my 
Daddy gave to me about it didn't say anything about diapers."
	Tommy just stood and looked at Marvin as he got himself up from 
the bed.
	"Here, I'll get up," Marvin offered. "Then you can do it."
	Tommy again felt more awkward about playing with himself in front 
of Marvin, and his erection had subsided a little. Still, he couldn't 
let himself get so close to achieving such an ejaculation after reading 
such a stimulating diaper story and not "finish it out."
	He sat on the bed and propped up his back against the headboard. 
He spread his legs apart as he sat with his knees to his chest. He 
picked up the story binder and he began re-reading the parts that got 
him so pumped up before. He got through the three of four paragraphs 
before he looked up at Marvin. Marvin had gone over to Tommy's dresser. 
He held onto it as he bent over.
	"Oh geez, I'm pooping my diapers again!" Marvin said aloud. Tommy 
watched as Marvin stuck his butt outward and spread his legs apart. 
Tommy concentrated on Marvin's diapered rump as he knew that Marvin was 
taking another giant dump. Tommy began rubbing and massaging the front 
of his diapers with both of his hands. He took one more look at Marvin 
as he was still bent over and dirtying up his diapers even more. Tommy 
then closed his eyes and envisioned what he would like if he were in 
Marvin's place. He quickly brought himself to an intense ejaculation and 
he let it pour into his diapers. He felt immersed in the pleasing, 
relaxing aura that surrounded his body. He collapsed on his bed and he 
felt himself slip into a state of complete contentment.
	Meanwhile, Nancy and Dee Anne had been out in the front room 
surfing some of their favorite Internet sites. When the girls began 
their online session, they inadvertently clicked the web browser back 
into one of the diaper sites that Tommy and Marvin were looking at 
earlier in the evening. Dee Anne was surprised to see that such web 
sites even existed. Specifically, it was Marvin's web site. The screen 
began to fill up with several scanned images of Marvin and his brother 
Max openly donning their diapers.
	"Hey, that's Max!" Dee Anne pointed to the screen where his 
diapered butt turned the pixels white where they composed this portion 
of the image. "He looks really cute in his diapers!" she giggled. "I 
always thought he was kind of cute, anyway. I wonder if I should tell 
him I saw him in diapers on his web page?"
	"I don't think he'd mind if you did," Nancy said. "You don't know 
how much he and his brother are into this diaper thing, and now Tommy's 
getting more and more like them."
	The girls spent awhile on the computer and they went to several of 
their favorite web sites. Nancy's mother later went up to the girls and 
she told them that it was getting late and she reminded her daughter 
that the boys would need to have their diapers changed before they were 
put in bed.
	"Wanna help me change one of them?" Nancy asked Dee Anne.
	"Oh, I don't know," Dee Anne replied with a slight giggle. "I 
suppose I could. It's not like I haven't changed an older boy's diapers 
before, like my cousin."
	"I think it's kind of fun, because it makes me the big sister, and 
I know that Tommy likes it, too. You can change him, and I can change 
	"Okay," Dee Anne agreed.
	A few minutes later Nancy and Dee Anne went into Tommy's room to 
announce to Tommy and Marvin that it was time for them to have their 
diapers changed.
	"Hi guys," Nancy said. "Time to change your didees!"
	"Who's getting changed first?" Tommy asked.
	"Both of you," Nancy replied. "I'll do Marvin, and Dee Anne will 
change you, Tommy, unless you'd rather have me do it instead."
	"No, Dee Anne can change me if she wants," Tommy replied. He 
didn't mind that Dee Anne was about to deal with his poop-covered 
private parts, and he even felt excited about it in the same way he 
liked having Heidi change his diapers. He said very little thereafter 
during the upcoming diaper change and he let Dee Anne go to work on him. 
The air smelled of the fresh poop that filled Tommy's and Marvin's 
diapers. Nancy was used to the smell, but Dee Anne found it difficult to 
ignore, even with the boys' stinky diapers still pinned up on them and 
holding in much of the odor.
	"Wow, it sure stinks in here," Dee Anne said, holding her nose.
	"It's going to smell a lot worse in a minute," Nancy warned Dee 
Anne. "Just wait until we unpin their diapers."
	"I'm not sure I'm ready to change your brother's diapers," Dee 
Anne said hesitantly. "I've only changed my cousin's diapers a couple 
times, and he was only wet when I did. He also wears disposables."
	"Yeah, cloth diapers are a little different," Nancy acknowledged. 
"They're more work, especially when you put six diapers on at a time on 
these boys! But at least you know they'll be good and *diapered* for 
quite awhile!" she said as she patted Tommy's rear end.
	"Just watch me as I change Marvin, and you do the same to Tommy."
	Dee Anne stood beside Nancy and observed as she removed Marvin's 
plastic pants. Dee Anne did the same with Tommy's plastic pants. She 
then continued to follow Nancy as she performed the individual steps in 
removing the pins and loosening up the diapers that were still tightly 
wrapped around Tommy, even without the pins in the diapers.
	Dee Anne wasn't looking forward to the next part of Tommy's diaper 
change. She got a quick preview of what she would be dealing with 
underneath his diapers as she watched Nancy remove Marvin's diapers. She 
looked at the inner layers of his diapers and she saw how much he had 
peed and pooped into them. The last layer of cloth was pulled away and 
Marvin's privates were revealed. His penis was sticking straight up and 
everything else was smothered in poop from his balls down through his 
crotch with the bulk of the mess plastered all over his butt. The foul 
odors reached Dee Anne's nose. She winced and held her breath."
	"God, that smells awful!" Dee Anne said.
	"Well, you'd better get Tommy's diapers off of him," Nancy said to 
Dee Anne. "He can't keep wearing the same poopy diapers all night."
	"I know," Dee Anne said. "Eeww, it's gonna be gross!"
	Nancy began wiping Marvin's behind as Dee Anne took the pins out 
of Tommy's diapers. Dee Anne knew from observing Marvin's dirty diapers 
that Tommy would give her nothing less filthy to clean up once she got 
the diapers off of him.
	In spite of the unpleasant sight and smell of Tommy's feces, Dee 
Anne continued to remove his diapers. The layers closest to his body 
were completely soaked in urine and heavily inundated with his poop. Dee 
Anne held her breath as she pulled away the last diaper and uncovered 
the awaiting, revolting, slimy pile of poop. Dee Anne dropped the soiled 
diapers in the pail and then, with her head turned away from Tommy she 
gasped for a breath of fresh air. She then resumed holding her breath as 
she looked at the mess that she would have to clean up.
	Meanwhile, Nancy had finished cleaning up Marvin and she started 
applying the powder to his skin. She gave Marvin the same level of extra 
attention around his genitals as she rubbed on the powder. She looked at 
Dee Anne, who was still uneasy with having to wipe Tommy's bum clean. 
She was starting to become sick to her stomach from the putrid odor.
Dee Anne backed away from Tommy, leaving him lying there on the bed 
naked, his butt and crotch covered in a thick coat of poop. She stood by 
the doorway for fresh air and she fanned the odors away from her face as 
she watched Nancy retrieve some of Marvin's diapers from his bag. She 
pulled out a very thick stack.
	"I don't see how you can stand it," Dee Anne said.
	"You get used to it," Nancy assured her friend. "The first time I 
had to change my cousin Adam's dirty diapers, I was about to puke and I 
just put the diaper back on him and waited until my Mom and my aunt got 
back, so they made me change him anyway when they found out what I did. 
After I did it that first time it wasn't so bad afterwards."
	"Okay," Dee Anne said. Tommy watched as she returned to changing 
Tommy's diapers. She grabbed hold of one of the rags and slowly reached 
into the filthy globs of poop around Tommy's butt. She winced as she 
felt the yucky fecal substance get onto her hands. She continued wiping 
as Nancy and Marvin watched her go to work on Tommy. He had remained 
silent and he had been patiently waiting for Dee Anne to make him feel 
clean again. After she got his excess poop wiped up, she used some 
disposable wipes to clean off the fecal residue on his skin.
	"That wasn't so bad, was it?" Nancy said to Dee Anne.
	"I'll be glad when I'm done with this," Dee Anne said.
	"The worst part is over with," Nancy said, "now comes the fun part 
of it."
	"I hope it isn't this bad when I have kids and start changing 
their diapers!"
	"It will be," Nancy said. "Their butts will be smaller, though, 
that's all."
	"Now he's clean," Nancy told Dee Anne as Tommy's skin was examined 
by his younger sister.
	"Spread this powder over his butt and his crotch, and be sure to 
use of it more around his boy things."
	Dee Anne giggled at Nancy's use of the phrase "boy things." As she 
had been instructed, she spread the powder generously around Tommy's 
butt and his crotch, and then she applied extra powder to his genitals. 
She felt silly about working her hands in such an intimate part of 
Tommy's body and seeing how his penis was so responsive. Having an older 
boy diaper-donning cousin, it wasn't the first time Dee Anne had seen a 
boy react to such stimulus.
	"That's good," Nancy said as she told Dee Anne she could stop 
rubbing Tommy. "You don't want to overdo it. Now he's ready for his 
	"Where are his diapers?" Dee Anne asked.
	"Tommy's diapers are in his drawer over there," Nancy pointed out 
to Dee Anne. "Get six diapers and a pair of plastic pants."
	Tommy watched as Dee Anne went to his drawer and pulled out the 
six diapers. He enjoyed seeing the way his diapers stacked up so thickly 
when they were folded away, knowing that those diapers would soon be 
tightly and thickly pinned around him. He watched Nancy show Dee Anne 
how to fold the diapers and prepare them.
	Tommy thought he was about to ejaculate again as he could not help 
but to think about how a fresh set of diapers felt when they got put on 
him. After the diapers were re-folded, Dee Anne stuck the pile 
underneath Tommy and then she brought each diaper up into his crotch and 
she pinned them on, using two pins on each side for each diaper. Tommy 
looked down and watched as Dee Anne pinned up the remaining diapers on 
top of the other diapers she had already put on him. The last diaper 
went on with four pins in each side.
	Nancy had since then put Marvin's plastic pants on him. As his 
were larger to accommodate his massive diapers, they went on him more 
easily. Dee Anne struggled to get Tommy's plastic pants to fit over the 
bulging set of diapers. Nancy helped her as she tucked the stray diaper 
material inside the high-rising elastic band of the plastic pants.
	"Okay boys," Nancy said. "Want a bedtime story first?"
	"Sure," Marvin said. "Read us one out of my diaper story book."
	"You mean this?" Nancy said as she picked up the binder that had 
been set on Tommy's night stand.
	"Yeah," he said.
	"I thought maybe you'd want to hear Dr. Seuss or something like 
	"I want a diaper story tonight," Marvin said. "Let me find one for 
you to read to us."
	Tommy selected a short story that he always liked to hear Heidi 
read to him. He handed the notebook back to Nancy. She handed it to Dee 
Anne so that Nancy could tuck the boys into Tommy's bed. They had to lie 
closely next to each other as Tommy's bed was only a single. Dee Anne 
thumbed through the book and glanced at some of the titles. Curious, she 
skimmed some of the text.
	"You guys like reading stories like this?" Dee Anne questioned.
	"I suppose you would if you liked to wear diapers," Nancy said.
	"Where do these stories come from?" Dee Anne asked Marvin.
	"The Internet," he said.
	Dee Anne sat on the floor next to Nancy, who had pulled up the 
chair from Tommy's desk and started reading the story that Marvin had 
selected. Nancy read the story, and she used her soft voice as she 
slowly read aloud the explicit descriptions of the diapers that the boys 
were wearing in the story she was reading. Tommy and Marvin were both 
tucked in beneath the covers of Tommy's bed. They were both massaging 
the fronts of their diapers as they listened to Nancy's reading. Dee 
Anne giggled as she heard Nancy say things like, "My Mommy puts lots of 
thick diapers on me, and she doesn't mind changing them when I make them 
poopy and stinky," and other similar passages that appeared throughout 
the story.
	By the time Nancy reached the end of the story, the two boys were 
very relaxed, but also very eager to please themselves some more once 
Nancy turned the lights out.
	"Good night, little boys," Nancy said as she knelt down and kissed 
them good night.
	"Wanna give them a good night kiss?" Nancy asked Dee Anne,
	"Sure," Dee Anne said before she lightly pecked Tommy and Marvin 
on their foreheads.
	"Nighty-night," Nancy said as she smiled at the boys and turned 
off the light and shut the door. Tommy and Marvin lay closely together, 
snuggled up closely to each other on the narrow mattress. They each gave 
their hard-ons some much-needed attention through their heavily-stacked 
diapers. They shook the bed and tested the limits of its weakened 
stability, but it held up to the rocking and jostling. Tommy came in his 
diapers first, with Marvin bringing himself to ejaculation just a few 
seconds later. The boys then threw the covers off of them as they had 
gotten themselves worked up over their vigorous activity. As they let 
their bodies relax, they talked for a few minutes and then they fell 
	Tommy's mother had been awake late as she was on the Internet. In 
addition to the various web sites that she liked to look up for herself, 
she also went into the web site that Tommy had shown her that evening on 
where she could get him a crib to replace his bed. She looked over the 
other merchandise that was listed, and then she submitted her order, 
which included a crib, a changing table, and a high chair. These items 
would be shipped overnight and arrive in time to give to Tommy for 
Christmas. As a bonus gift for Tommy, she decided to order several of 
the "absolute thickest diapers."
	After Tommy's mother placed her order, she logged off of the 
Internet and went to bed. On her way to her room she peered into Tommy's 
room to check on the boys. The covers were still off of them as Tommy's 
mother observed, noting their diapered bottoms sticking up. They looked 
so innocent lying together on Tommy's small bed. She went in to the room 
and she knelt down to kiss Tommy goodnight as she liked to do whether or 
not he was awake. She then left his room and returned with a camera to 
capture the innocent moment of the two boys sleeping in their diapers.


	Tommy and Marvin both woke up the next morning at about the same 
time. Both of them had soaked their diapers heavily from all the soda 
that they had each consumed the previous night. The bed smelled or urine 
odors coming from the two wet sets of diapers. Marvin wasn't used to 
being able to just get up on his own as he was used to waiting for his 
mother or his sister to lower the gate on his crib back home.
	Tommy's mother had already left for work that morning, but she was 
expected to come home at around 1:00. The two boys were awake before the 
girls got up as they walked through the dark, quiet house. They watched 
cartoons for about an hour and then they decided to go back to the 
computer to continue working on Tommy's web page. Marvin pulled some 
graphics out the web browser's cache from the previous night's session 
and used them to spruce up Tommy's page. These included baby blocks and 
an animated cartoon of a toddler boy happily romping around in a diaper, 
running back and forth across the screen. It looked good enough to post 
so that other diaper lovers around the world could see it, though it was 
only intended to be hypothetical, that is until Tommy had thought it 
over from the previous night and told Marvin that he wanted his page to 
be posted for real.
	"Cool!" Marvin said. "I'll post it along with my page for now and 
link into it," Marvin said. "Then you can post it on your own server if 
your Mom will let you."
	They logged into the Internet and then Marvin went to his web site 
to grab his page and update it to include a link into Tommy's page. He 
did some quick editing and then he posted his updated page along with 
Tommy's newly constructed page.
	"Okay, you're online now," Marvin said. "Just wait until the e-
mail responses start pouring in," he said. "Sometimes I get two dozen a 
	"Really? I only get e-mail from you and those other people I wrote 
to when I first got on, but that's about it,' Tommy said.
	"It'll increase," Marvin said. "Once you have a page started, 
people will link it from their pages, so more people see it. It's like 
we're all just one big happy family of diaper-wearing boys."
	Nancy and Dee Anne got up later and they joined the boys who were 
perusing a new diaper web site. Dee Anne had run off to use the bathroom 
	"Good morning!" Nancy greeted them. "Anything new and exciting?" 
she asked.
	"Yeah, Tommy has a web page now," Marvin said.
	"Oh? Let's see it," Nancy said curiously.
	Tommy clicked the browser back to his newly posted site which 
branched off of Marvin's page. The page started filling up with text and 
graphics, starting with the title "Toddler Tommy's Page" as it popped 
up, followed by the diapered toddler boy running back and forth across 
the screen. Below was the picture that had been taken of Tommy and 
Marvin the night before.
	"Toddler Tommy?" Nancy questioned. She then giggled and said, 
"that's cute! Am I on here, too?"
	"Not yet, but we can put your picture on it if you want."
	"This is neat," she said. "So, anyone can see this?"
	"Anyone in the world can," Marvin said.
	"I don't believe it," Nancy said. "I remember when you didn't even 
want to hear the word 'diaper', Tommy. Now you're letting everyone in 
the world see you in diapers."
	"Well, everyone else who sees it is probably a diaper-wearer, 
too," Tommy said.
	"That's true, but what if someone you know sees you? Didn't you 
say there were about 18 others who had to have their diapers changed at 
	"Yeah, but they're probably not all on the Internet."
	"Everyone I know is," Nancy said. "Dee Anne's parents have it; all 
the girls I know at school have it. I imagine a lot of the kids in your 
class have it."
	"Sure, but the Internet is more than just about people wearing 
diapers," Tommy said. "Most of these kids are probably looking up 
farting jokes, or naked women, or Beavis and Butthead, or Ways to Kill 
Barney the Dinosaur, or something like that."
	"I just don't want someone you don't like to find out how you like 
to wear diapers," she said.
	"I don't think that's gonna happen," Tommy said. "They'd have to 
know the page is there, for one thing."
	"I just don't want to see you get hurt, that's all," Nancy said. 
"Remember, you're my *little* brother now and I have to look after you," 
she smiled as she gave Tommy an affectionate pat on his back.
	After the boys finished surfing the Internet the girls ushered 
them into Tommy's bedroom so that their wet diapers could be changed. 
Dee Anne changed Marvin this time and Nancy changed Tommy. Dee Anne was 
relieved to see that Marvin had only wet his diapers and she didn't have 
his stinky butt to deal with, at least his was not as stinky as Tommy 
was the night before.
	"Hey, let's have a contest," Marvin suggested in the middle of the 
diaper change. Tommy looked at him and wondered what sort of "contest" 
Marvin had in mind. Tommy had always been skeptical about so-called 
contests and dares, anything that challenged him or put him in a 
position to prove his stamina, especially after his bicycle accident.
	"What's the contest?" Nancy asked Marvin.
	"See which one of us can wear the most diapers for the longest," 
he said. "Heidi does it to me and Max all the time," he said. "Tommy, 
what do you think?"
	Tommy thought it sounded like fun, though a little bizarre. He 
asked Marvin what the contest involved.
	"Heidi puts as many diapers on us as she can, and then she has us 
both drink a lot of water and take laxatives, and then she doesn't 
change us until one if us asks her. One time we both made it from 
morning to night, but our Mommy told us we had to be changed before bed, 
so it was a tie then. Man, we were both such a big mess that day! But 
then, we always are."
	"Who usually wins?" Dee Anne asked out of curiosity.
	"About half and half," Marvin said. "Maybe next time you stay 
over, Tommy, we'll have a three-way contest. So, you wanna do it?"
	"Sure," Tommy said after thinking about how this sort of "contest" 
was different and better, and even if he lost, he knew it would be 
enjoyable, anyway.
	"We're not going anywhere today, and we're always in just our 
diapers, anyway," Marvin said.
	"You guys are silly," Nancy commented as she smiled. "How many 
diapers do I use on you guys?"
	"As many as you can fit!" Marvin said. "I think I have about ten 
diapers left in my bag."
	"Ten?!" Dee Anne questioned. "*Ten* diapers?"
	"I've worn ten before," Marvin said.
	"Okay," Dee Anne said. "I'm just glad I won't be the one taking 
these off later and dealing with the mess. My Mom or Dad will be picking 
me up this afternoon."
	Dee Anne went to Marvin's diaper bag and she pulled out the 
remaining supply of diapers. Nancy helped her with folding them and 
preparing them to pin onto Marvin. Nancy then went to Tommy's diaper 
drawer and she pulled out ten diapers, depleting much of the remaining 
supply in the drawer, though he had several more clean diapers still in 
the washroom along with Marvin's, which had been washed the night 
	A few minutes later Nancy and Dee Anne had the boys pinned up in 
ten diapers each. Marvin's plastic pants could just barely fit over his 
enormous diapers, but as Tommy's plastic pants were smaller, they were 
not able to fit; they barely fit over the six diapers that he normally 
	"Your plastic pants will never fit over these diapers," Nancy told 
Tommy as she ran her hand over his butt, padded in his immensely thick 
pack of diapers.
	"You'll just have to go without them, I guess," Nancy resigned 
from the task of attempting to put the plastic pants on him, "and if 
your diapers soak through, I'll have to change you before you get 
everything else wet."
	"I have one more clean pair of plastic pants in my bag," Marvin 
said. "Let him wear those."
	Nancy went over to Marvin's bag and retrieved the plastic pants, 
the only garment left in the bag. She pulled them up over Tommy's 
diapers. She was amazed that Tommy could stand to wear anything so 
	"Okay, well, this is it, Tommy," she said as she sealed up the 
multiple diapers in the plastic pants.
	"Just don't let it go so long that you get a big rash," Nancy 
cautioned. "I really powdered you up good for this."
	Both of the boys left the room waddling as their legs were wedged 
apart by their excessively thick diapers. The girls giggled as they 
watched Tommy and Marvin try to walk down the hall on their way to the 
kitchen. They each took their chairs at the kitchen table and awaited 
their breakfast to be served by Nancy and Dee Anne. Nancy fed Tommy 
while Dee Anne gave Marvin his breakfast. Tommy's diapers made him feel 
like he was sitting on a heavy, dense pillow that had been pinned around 
his loins, and even before he finished eating he felt himself wet into 
his diapers.
	The boys each had a bowl of Froot Loops and some orange juice. 
They each drank equal portions of the two quarts of the orange juice 
that had been mixed from a concentrate. When they were finished they 
were each given a mild laxative to effect more bowel eliminations. They 
were also given extra drinks of milk and soda pop to ensure that, for 
the purposes of the contest, that their diapers would be subjected to 
greater usage. The boys were then excused from the table to play around 
for the day.
	"Me and Max sometimes have races to see who can walk up and down 
the stairs the fastest in their diapers," Marvin said.
	"But we have no stairs," Tommy said.
	"So, we'll use the hallway," Marvin said. "Your sister can be the 
starter for us."
	"Okay," Tommy agreed.
	After Nancy and Dee Anne finished their breakfast they got in on 
Tommy and Marvin's games. Nancy took her position as starter and she 
stood behind Tommy and Marvin. She shouted, "On your mark, get set, go!" 
Seeing that their rear ends were perfectly vulnerable targets, she 
couldn't resist giving them each a good, swift swat in unison as she 
called, "Go!"
	Tommy and Marvin then began their race down the hall. The object 
was to try to run to one end of the hall and back to Nancy. As Marvin 
was taller with longer legs, he had an advantage over Tommy and 
therefore, Marvin won the race.
	"So what does the winner get?" Tommy asked.
	"Well, I can tell you what Heidi gives the loser," Marvin said.
	"What's that?" Tommy asked him.
	"She takes you over her knee and spanks you," Marvin said, 
"through your diapers, of course."
	Tommy suddenly stood frozen and rigid with a disturbed look on his 
face. Even after his father left the family over five years ago, the 
painful memories of being spanked for wetting his bed were difficult to 
erase from his mind. Nancy sensed that this bothered Tommy, so she said, 
"maybe that's not a good idea."
	"It's just play spanking," Marvin said. Tommy shook his head more 
vigorously to express his disagreement with this sort of treatment, even 
if it were done entirely in fun and without any infliction of pain nor 
intent to cause shame.
	"Okay, we'll skip the spanking then," Marvin said.
	"Let's have another race," Nancy suggested. "But this time you 
guys have to crawl."
	The boys agreed and again they assumed their starting positions at 
the edge of the hallway. Nancy announced "Go!" and gave them each a pat 
on their butts as they took off. They crawled up to the end of the 
hallway and then they returned, both of them going at the same speed. 
This time it was a tie.
	"Looks like you'll both get spanked!" Dee Anne said as she failed 
to resist the temptation. She quickly added, "Just kidding!"
	Marvin decided that having races without getting a play spanking 
was not as fun, but he understood why Tommy was so averse to the mere 
mention of spanking. Marvin decided that another activity was in order 
after they had raced a couple more times.
	Nancy and Dee Anne stayed out in the living room to watch 
Christmas videos on TV. Nancy also folded Tommy's diapers and got some 
others going in the wash, so she did this while watching the video, 
getting some voluntary assistance from Dee Anne.
	"You don't mind having to wash his diapers all the time?" Dee Anne 
asked Nancy as she just completed folding her first stack of several 
more stacks of diapers to be folded.
	"Not at all," Nancy said. "It's kind of fun having him in diapers, 
seeing how much he really likes to wear them; I think it's cute. 
Changing him when he's dirty, well, I can handle that, too."
	Meanwhile, Tommy and Marvin went back into his bedroom to read 
some more diaper stories. Tommy sat on his bed while Marvin sat in the 
chair where Nancy had sat the night before to read to them. Tommy 
continued reading the story about the boy who was having dreams that 
drove him into wanting to wear diapers. Marvin had selected a story of 
his own to read.
	It had been just over an hour since Tommy and Marvin had taken the 
laxatives. Tommy was beginning to feel the effects of his stools as they 
were being loosened up and ready to purge out of his body. Within a 
couple minutes he suddenly blew a large, wet load into his diapers, 
accompanied by a long, juicy fart, muffled by the diapers. Marvin 
followed a short time later with an explosive shot of diarrhea-like 
eliminations pouring into the thickly-layered seat of his diapers.
	"There will be more, trust me," Marvin said. "Just be glad you 
only took the mild stuff."
	Over the next hour Tommy felt his diapers go from dry to somewhat 
wet, to soaking wet and filled with stinky, runny poop. Much of it ran 
up into his crotch and the poop oozed around his balls and up to the 
front of his diapers. Much of the seat was filled as well, the smelly 
contents therein buffered by a densely packed and very thick barrier of 
cotton. The viscous mass of fecal discharge still had several inches to 
go before it would overflow out the top of the extended high rise in the 
back of his diapers. The extra wide crotch prevented leakage out of the 
legs. Even after Tommy wetly and abundantly defecated for the third 
time, he could see no visible signs of dumping so much poop into his 
diapers as he examined his diapered butt in the mirror.
	As Tommy continued to read the last few chapters of the story, he 
could no longer contain his urge to masturbate in his diapers. The boy 
in the story had reached a point where his dreams had completely 
transformed him and his sexual development had been altered so that he 
only enjoyed being in diapers and pooping in them and being in the 
presence of others who did the same thing. The boy's brother had also 
been drawn into these activities and the two were getting off on 
watching each other soil their excessively thick diapers, much like what 
Tommy had been wearing.
	Tommy quickly skimmed over the last few paragraphs of the story 
and then he quickly set the story aside. Marvin stopped reading and 
watched as Tommy vigorously massaged the front of his diapers. He could 
barely feel his penis down inside the diapers, though his erection was 
so aroused that it only needed little physical stimulation. Tommy was 
reciting what he had just read and thinking about his own state of being 
diapered ten times over! These intense thoughts combined and they helped 
to bring Tommy to achieve the most gloriously wild ejaculation he could 
ever remember having. He pooped his diapers some more as he was enjoying 
the last few shots of semen shooting out of his penis.
	At the same time, Marvin felt that he needed to let his young 
urges blossom some more, so he started stroking himself while sitting in 
the chair watching Marvin jostle the bed furiously, sitting there with 
his legs spread widely apart by his bulging diapers. Tommy had rolled 
himself back and exposed more of his crotch and butt, an irresistible 
visual aid to Marvin. Just as Tommy was letting out his suppressed 
orgasmic moans and groans, Tommy began to climax as he, too, quickly 
achieved a potent state of arousal and masturbating in unison with 
Tommy. The two boys then relaxed and let themselves rest as they both 
came down from this incredible "diaper high", a term that Tommy used to 
call this extreme sensual effect that took over him when he deeply 
immersed himself in his thoughts of being in diapers.
	Just as Dee Anne had gotten into helping with folding Tommy's 
diapers and watching the movie, her mother showed up to pick her up. She 
came to the door and told Dee Anne that it was time for her to come 
	"Aww, Mom, can't I stay?" Dee Anne asked her mother.
	"No, dear, we're going to see your grandmother this afternoon," 
her mother said. "Remember?"
	"Oh yeah, okay," Dee Anne said as she set down the diaper she was 
in the middle of folding. She went back to get her coat from Nancy's 
bedroom. When she walked by the closed door of Tommy's room, she heard 
the activity of the two boys both playing with themselves. She heard 
Tommy's headboard hitting the wall. Curious, she stood and listened to 
the activity behind the door until her mother prompted her to get going.
	Tommy and Marvin remained oblivious to Dee Anne's presence outside 
of the room. Tommy regained what he considered to be his "non-diaper" 
thought processes as he pondered how powerful his feelings about diapers 
were becoming, that he could achieve such intense feelings that he had 
never attained through any other stimulus except for wearing diapers. 
Perhaps his own sexual development was being shaped by his interests in 
	Tommy's diapers were getting heavy from the weight of the pee and 
the poopy liquid that had soaked into them. He knew he would lose the 
contest if he asked to be changed, but he was starting to get 
uncomfortable, plus he felt that he had maxed himself out for the day on 
	"How are your diapers doing?" Tommy asked Marvin.
	"I'm stinky and messy, of course," he said proudly, "just like the 
kid in this story. You should read this one next."
	"I may have to wait awhile, the one I was reading was really, you 
know, it was just...good!" Tommy said, feeling a loss for words to 
describe the story's highly moving impact.
	"I know," Marvin replied. "I'd have to say that story is probably 
the best one I've read. I feel the same way that the boy in that story 
feels, how he has to use diapers and poop in them to get off and watch 
others do the same."
	"Do you think we're normal?" Tommy asked Marvin.
	"Not at all," Marvin said. "But that's good, the world would be 
boring if we were all 'normal.'"
	"I mean, you know, when I look at you in diapers, it makes me, 
well, get excited, so I wonder, does this mean I'm gay?"
	"I don't know," Marvin said. "Do you like looking at girls?"
	"Well," Tommy blushed. "I do uh, sort of like, uh, your sister 
Heidi, I think she has a nice-- a nice butt. God, I can't believe I told 
you that!" Tommy buried his face in his hands, surprised at himself and 
embarrassed for what he had just spoken.
	"A lot of guys at school say that about her," Tommy said, "She 
knows it, and she lets it show, that is, she likes to wear tight jeans. 
For me, I look at her, and I see that she doesn't wear diapers like I 
do, so I compare the way she looks back there to the way I look, and how 
Max looks-- and how you look-- and it makes me feel really good about 
being a boy and being in diapers."
	"You know, that's about how I think," Tommy said. "But it still 
makes me wonder if I'm gay. I don't feel like, you know, doing anything 
*with* you, or any other guy, if you know what I mean, but seeing you in 
diapers gets me excited because it reminds me of how enjoyable they I making sense?"
	"Yeah, makes sense to me," Marvin said. "But what do I know, I'm 
just a twelve-year-old boy."
	"I wouldn't worry about it," Marvin continued. "I like it when a 
girl changes my diapers, even my sister, but I wouldn't really want 
another boy or a man to do it instead. My Daddy changes me sometimes, 
but it isn't the same as when my Mommy does it, or Heidi, or Nancy or 
Dee Anne."
	"This diaper's getting heavy," Tommy said, hoping to change the 
subject. "I'm really starting to stink."
	"I can't even tell that you've done anything in yours, except that 
I can smell it. I've worn mine to the point they leak out the top and 
everywhere else, but if you want to be changed, I understand, though 
that does mean I win the contest."
	"I know," Tommy resigned himself to having lost the contest. 
"There's always another time. Besides, my Mommy will be home any time 
now, and she'll wonder why I'm wearing so many diapers like this."
	Tommy and Marvin went out to the front room so that Tommy could 
ask Nancy to change him.
	"So the contest is over already?" Nancy said.
	"Yeah, Marvin outlasted me," Tommy said.
	"Well, he is the more experienced diaper-wearer, you know," Nancy 
	Just as Nancy was getting ready to change Tommy, their mother 
returned home. She was carrying a couple large bags that contained the 
lunch that she had picked up to serve everyone. She looked at Tommy and 
Marvin and saw that they were both in very thick diapers.
	"My Gosh, Nancy, I thought he was a little too padded up before, 
how many diapers does he have on?"
	"Uh, ten," she said. "Tommy and Marvin were having a contest to 
see who could wear his diapers the longest, and Marvin won."
	"I'd say it's a tie for smelliness, phew!" their mother said. "Go 
change them and then come and eat."
	Tommy and Marvin returned to the bedroom. Nancy followed behind, 
carrying with her some of the diapers that she was about to put on 
Tommy. She also brought along the set of diapers that belonged to Tommy 
and had been washed.
	She first changed Tommy as he felt that he was in greater need of 
being changed. She took out the dozens of diaper pins that had been used 
and then she unraveled the myriad grouping of diapers. Before she got to 
the last of his diapers he let out another small squirt of poop. Tommy's 
messy diapers normally didn't bother Nancy to handle, but his laxative-
induced mess challenged Nancy's tolerance for such a vile chore.
	She pulled away the diapers and dropped them in the bucket. She 
used several wipes to get all of the poop off of Tommy. It was spread 
all over his diaper area from front to back. A rash began to develop 
from wearing such excessively soiled diapers for such a long time, so 
after she got his skin cleaned, she applied some Desitin to alleviate 
the rash.
	"I think we'll go back to your usual six diapers," Nancy said as 
she took six diapers off the top of the stack of diapers she had just 
finished folding. She re-folded them and stacked them up for Tommy as 
she stuck them underneath his bum. She pulled them up into his crotch 
and triple-pinned each side of the inner diapers as well as the outer 
layers. She worked the plastic pants over the white cloth and ensured 
that the diapers were completely contained inside the plastic pants.
	Tommy was then excused as Marvin took his turn in getting his 
diapers changed. Tommy stayed in the room and watched as Nancy repeated 
her efforts to undo Marvin's diapers and deal with his poopy mess, 
though after changing Tommy, her senses had acclimated themselves to the 
conditions that Tommy's dirty diapers presented to her.
	"I wanna be super-diapered again!" Marvin said.
	"You mean, put 'em all on you again?" Nancy asked for him to 
	"Yeah, I call it super-diapering," he said.
	Nancy accepted his request, and she grouped together another set 
of ten diapers, which made up most of what had been washed from Marvin's 
supply of diapers. She pinned him up and slipped a newly washed pair of 
plastic pants over his diapers.
	Tommy and Marvin sat down at the table to be served lunch. Nancy 
took the soiled diapers into the laundry room and then she washed up and 
joined the others in the kitchen. Tommy's mother had stopped to get some 
chicken with rolls, baked beans and mashed potatoes and gravy. Tommy's 
mother fed him while Nancy fed Marvin, hand feeding them bits and pieces 
of chicken pulled off the bone. They each ate plenty of mashed potatoes 
and baked beans.
	Shortly after lunch, Marvin's father stopped by to pick him up. 
His father came in the house and saw that Marvin was in his "super-
	"Looks like you're 'super-diapered', Marvin," his Dad said.
	"We had a contest," Marvin said. "You know, like me and Max do."
	"Oh, and who won?" he asked.
	"I did," Marvin said. "We'll give Tommy another chance when he 
comes over to stay overnight again."
	"Are you still in need of a change?" his father asked.
	"Nope, just got my butt changed," he said.
	"Well, let's go, get your stuff."
	"My other diapers are still dirty," Marvin said.
	"You can get them later," his father said. "You got plenty more at 
	Marvin got his bag, which was nearly empty with only two clean 
diapers, a clean pair of plastic pants, and the binder of diaper 
	"See you Monday," Tommy said to Marvin.
	"See ya, thanks for everything!" Marvin replied as he left with 
his father.
	Shortly after Marvin left, the phone rang and Tommy's mother 
	"Oh hi, Mother," Tommy's Mom said. It was his grandmother on the 
phone. Tommy thought it was a routine call as his grandmother called 
frequently. He knew something was wrong when he heard his mother gasp 
and say, "Oh my, no!"


	Tommy continued to listen to his mother's side of the conversation 
on the phone.
	"Are they okay?...Oh dear...Just Adam?...Oh, the poor boy..."
	Tommy figured that something bad had happened to his cousin Adam. 
He stood in silence as he listened to his mother talk on the phone. He 
had a lot of questions that he couldn't wait to ask his mother.
	"What happened to Adam?" Tommy interrupted his mother.
	"I'll tell you in a minute, sweetie," his mother said. She hung up 
the phone about a minute later and then reported to Tommy and Nancy the 
bad news.
	"Your cousin Adam is in the hospital," their mother said.
	Tommy and Nancy gasped in unison.
	"Oh no! What happened?!" Tommy asked as he jumped up and down, 
worried about his cousin. Tommy's mother knelt down to hold Tommy and to 
calm him down.
	"Uncle Mike and Aunt Judy were out driving home last night, and 
Adam was with them, and a drunk driver was coming towards them. The 
roads were icy and they tried to get around him, but the other car 
slammed into them. Adam was sitting in back and the car hit on his side 
of the car."
	"So how is he?" Tommy asked.
	"We don't know yet, he was hurt, that's all I know."
	Tommy began to cry, even more worried about his cousin now. Nancy 
also came to Tommy's side and she comforted him. She also shed a few 
	"He's in the hospital right here in town. We'll meet your Aunt 
Judy and Uncle Mike there this evening, and Grandma and Grandpa will 
meet us there, too."
	As afternoon turned to evening, Tommy and his family got ready to 
go to the hospital. Tommy was changed out of cloth diapers, which were 
wet and contained another deposit of poop as the laxative was still 
having some effects on his digestive system. She put a disposable diaper 
on him and then handed him a pair of his old pants from when before he 
was wearing diapers. His only pair of overalls was in the wash. The 
pants were too small to fit over his thick disposable diaper and they 
would not zip up. His diaper also showed above the top of his pants by a 
couple inches.
	"My diaper shows too much," Tommy complained.
	"We're just going to the hospital, anyway," Nancy said. "Think 
about all the people going around in those revealing hospital gowns."
	"That's true," Tommy said. "And they're probably in diapers, too," 
Tommy said.
	"Some of them, probably. I wonder if Adam is having to wear them, 
	"I was thinking the same thing," Tommy replied. He thought back on 
how strangely familiar all of this seemed to him. Just a few months ago 
he was in the hospital because of injuries he received from an accident, 
and now Adam was going through the same thing. Tommy wanted to know 
more, and when he returned to his mother he asked her several questions 
that she could not yet answer.
	"Tommy, dear, I know you're very concerned about your cousin Adam, 
but I haven't heard anything else. Come on, the car's running and warmed 
	Tommy sat in the car and silently watched the wintry scenery pass 
by him. All he could think about was how Adam was doing, plus the 
possibility that Adam may be having to wear diapers like him as a result 
of the accident.
	They reached the hospital, the same one in which Tommy had stayed 
for his bicycle accident. Adam had to be transported from his home town 
about thirty miles away via ambulance. Tommy felt his stomach sink as he 
had some not-so-fond memories of having to stay there at the hospital 
for his accident. Tommy's Aunt Judy and Uncle Mike were in the hospital 
lobby waiting after having arrived in a rental car while their car was 
being repaired, His grandparents were waiting, too.
	"That drunk son of a bitch hit the side of the car," Uncle Mike 
started to explain as he passed around some Polaroid photos of the 
accident. "We saw the headlights coming toward us, so I got over to the 
left, and then he got over, so I tried to dodge him again and went to 
the right, the road was icy, he hit his brakes and then his car turned 
and then he slid right into my side of the car with the front of his 
car. Adam was sitting in the back seat behind me, and that's where his 
car hit. Adam had his seat belt on, but that wasn't enough, so now Adam 
is here in the hospital, all because of some damn drunken bastard!"
	A few moments of silence passed. Tommy then spoke up and asked his 
Uncle Mike how Adam was doing.
	"He'll be out in a couple days, Tommy, it'll be before Christmas," 
Tommy's uncle assured him. "They said his injuries are minor, but they 
need to look him over still."
	"Damn drunk drivers!" their Uncle Mike grumbled as more silence 
passed in the mostly vacant, expansive hospital lobby. "These kinds of 
things don't have to happen," Uncle Mike's voice escalated to rage, "and 
I never thought it would happen, but it did happen, to us, and-- sniff-- 
to my son!"
	A tear streamed down from his eye. The family then entered the 
hospital's long concourse that led to the room in which Adam was being 
kept. Adam greeted them when they arrived. He was sitting up and dressed 
in a hospital gown, but he left the covers over him. Tommy couldn't help 
but to wonder if Adam was diapered like he was, and if he was diapered, 
whether or not he would have to start wearing diapers all the time as a 
result of his injuries.
	Adam appeared to be in fairly good spirits in spite of his pain. 
His face had some minor abrasions that had been treated. He and Tommy 
talked with each other and exchanged conversation while the others 
visited in the background. Tommy sat in a chair and he raised his shirt 
to reveal the diaper he was wearing, hoping that perhaps Adam would 
reveal his if he were wearing them. Tommy then sat back in his chair and 
let his opened fly show in plain view. It wasn't enough to get Adam's 
	The others then started talking to Adam and Tommy felt that he had 
lost his chance to find out whether or not Adam had a diaper on. They 
talked about the auto accident and they tried to make some light of it 
the best they could. They exchanged jokes and Adam even laughed a 
little. The discussion then segued back into talking about how Adam 
would recover after his accident. They made several comparisons and 
references to Tommy's recent accident, calling the two boys' separate 
incidents quite coincidental.
	"He'll need to move around on crutches for a few days," Adam's 
father said. "At least he'll have Christmas break to recover."
	"Yeah, but I can't do anything!" Adam pouted. "I can't play in the 
snow or anything!"
	"Hang in there, boy," his father tried to assure him.
	A couple minutes later Tommy could feel another bowel movement 
working in his system, just when he thought the effects of the laxative 
from earlier in the day had passed. He told his mother he was going to 
need a diaper change soon, and then, while sitting in the chair, he felt 
the back of his diaper load up with more poop, Tommy couldn't believe 
his body could produce so much poop in one day.
	"You have some diapers out in the car," Tommy's mother told him. 
"Nancy, can you go get the diaper bag for Tommy, please?"
	A couple minutes later, Nancy returned to the room carrying the 
large duffel bag that had served as Tommy's diaper bag. Adam looked at 
his Aunt Ellen as she pulled out and held up one of Tommy's big, thick 
disposable diapers. Adam had forgotten how big and bulky Tommy's diapers 
were until he saw one of them again after having to wear one himself 
last Thanksgiving.
	"I suppose I might as well tell everyone that I have to wear 
diapers, too," Adam disclosed to the entire family.
	"Now, now, dear," his mother said to him as he pouted. "We talked 
about this, and there's nothing wrong with wearing diapers. Your cousin 
Tommy wears them, as you can plainly see."
	"For the same reason I have to wear them now," Adam said.
	"Yeah, look," Tommy said as he lifted his shirt to show his 
diapers to Tommy. "I'm still wearing them, and I always will. I've 
learned to deal with it."
	"Well, lets take your pants off and get that diaper changed," 
Tommy's mother said. She pulled off Tommy's pants and exposed the big 
white diaper he had on underneath.
	"That's some diaper you're wearing," Tommy's Uncle Mike said to 
him as he noted its big bulge out from Tommy's rear end and over his 
stomach. It appeared to be even larger with the expansion created by all 
the wetness that the diaper had absorbed.
	"You were sure padded up when I saw you last Thanksgiving," 
Tommy's uncle said.
	"They were the same ones as I have on now," Tommy explained.
	"The same ones? I hope you've changed them since then," his Uncle 
Mike joked.
	"You should see what Tommy wears at home," Nancy said. "I put 
these big, thick cloth diapers on him, and he wears six at a time! Today 
he wore ten of them and he--"
	"Nancy," her mother stopped her while taking off the diaper, which 
was only moderately soiled, but very wet after only having it on for a 
little over an hour.
	"I just want Adam to know that he'll learn to like wearing diapers 
like Tommy has," Nancy said.
	"Yes, but don't talk about it now," her mother advised her.
	"So, how is Tommy doing with having to wear diapers?" Uncle Mike 
asked his sister-in-law.
	"Well, Tommy has learned to deal with it quite well," Tommy's 
mother said. "He's found a friend who also wears diapers, and this has 
helped Tommy a lot with his feelings about wearing diapers. We've all 
learned how to make Tommy comfortable with it, too. Just remember, Adam, 
you're not the only one your age in this world who wears diapers."
	Adam later complained that he needed everyone to leave the room.
	"What's wrong, dear?" his mother asked.
	"I need to, uh, go to the bathroom," he whispered to his mother.
	"You'll have to go sooner or later," she said audibly enough for 
Tommy and everyone else to hear her. "Nobody will know."
	"I have to go the other way," Adam said with much embarrassment.
	"Well, when you do, just call the nurse in, and we'll leave the 
room if you prefer."
	Tommy was still in just the fresh diaper his mother had put on 
him. She had been distracted by conversation and had not yet handed 
Tommy his pants. At the same time, Tommy was so used to being in just 
his diapers and he didn't mind that he was still standing in front of 
several members of his family in diapers.
	Tommy sat still and listened as Adam tried to discreetly explain 
to his mother that he was about to have a bowel movement in his diaper. 
Tommy recalled how embarrassed he used to be about having to use his 
diapers for pooping in. Adam then looked over to Tommy and he could tell 
that he was listening.
	"Don't listen in on me!" Adam snapped at Tommy.
	"What?" Tommy defended himself.
	"Adam," his mother tried to comfort him. "Face it, you wear 
diapers now, and everyone will know that you'll have to use them for 
their purpose. Everybody has to go to the bathroom, you-- and Tommy-- 
just do it in diapers instead, and as Tommy is proof of it, you aren't 
	"Yeah, Adam, my best friend wears them," Tommy added. "His 
brother, too. In fact, I know lots of people who wear diapers."
	"You do?" he asked.
	"Well, I don't 'know' know them," Tommy tried to explain. "I e-
mail them back and forth on the Internet."
	A moment later Adam produced a strained look on his face, and then 
he proceeded to sit still with an uncomfortable and embarrassed look.
	"You need the nurse now?" Adam's mother asked him.
	"Uh huh," Adam nodded.
	"Well, I suppose we'd better get going," Tommy's mother said, 
handing Tommy his pants.
	"Bye, Adam," Nancy said to him as she went up to him and gave him 
a hug and a kiss.
	"See ya," said Tommy. Before Tommy left, he noted that Adam had 
been given the same set of pamphlets that he had been given.
	"Did you read those?" Tommy asked Adam, pointing to the pamphlets.
	"Yeah, I did, sort of," Adam said.
	"Don't let this diaper thing get you down," Tommy said as he 
patted Adam on the shoulder. "And I'm sorry that I was listening in on 
you and your Mom, but, well, I just really like wearing diapers now, and 
I couldn't help but to listen. I think you'll find that they can be a 
lot of fun, too. I used to feel just like you, lying in a hospital bed 
just like the one you're in, thinking about being twelve years old and 
having to go back to wearing diapers again."
	At about that time the nurse appeared. She was the same nurse who, 
among other nursing staff, had changed Tommy's diapers when he was 
staying in the hospital. She stopped briefly and looked at him. She 
recognized his face, but she could not remember his name.
	"You were in here just once before, weren't you?" she said to 
	"I'm Tommy," he said to the nurse.
	"Oh yes, Tommy, I remember you now. "So you know Adam?"
	"Yeah, he's my cousin," Tommy said.
	"Well, you two seem to have one thing in common; you're both 
accident-prone," she said with a little smile. Tommy didn't know which 
sort of "accident" the nurse was referring to, the injury kind, or the 
kind that involved having no control of one's elimination functions.
	Tommy was tempted to add, "and we both wear diapers, too," but he 
refrained from saying this. The nurse was a pediatric nurse and she had 
a special place in her heart for boys and helping them to feel better, 
which was why she could at least somewhat remember seeing Tommy in spite 
of dealing with hundreds of patients since then. She had also been 
thinking the same thing to say to the boys about their common bond with 
having to wear diapers, but her commitment to exhibiting professionalism 
prevented her from doing this.
	"We need to get back home, Tommy," his mother told him as they 
were leaving the room.
	"See you on Christmas," Tommy said to Adam as he shook his hand 
and left the room. The nurse watched as Tommy walked out of the room, 
looking at his diapered behind puffing through his pants.


	Tommy woke up on the morning of Christmas Eve and he looked 
through the window across his room. The sky was whitish-gray and 
overcast. Even without his glasses on, he could see that it was snowing 
heavily. He felt so warm and cozy tucked away in his bed, protected from 
the frigid elements outside. He looked down at his diapers bulging out 
from his crotch and ran his hands over them, concentrating on the feel 
of the wet fabric as he pressed it up against his skin. He felt himself 
get hard from this sensation, and pretty soon he found himself happily 
relieving his morning urge.
	"I am a baby boy," Tommy repeated to himself as he chanted this 
mantra in his mind. He then thought, "I am a *diapered* baby boy!" He 
then focused on the word "diaper" and then he envisioned what he looked 
like in his diapers. He began repeating, "diaper, diaper, diaper!" as he 
brought himself to another intense ejaculation.
	As he jostled his bed, the clamps that had been supporting it gave 
way and the wood split some more. Suddenly, Tommy's bed came crashing 
down. A loud "thud" could be heard all over the house from the bed's 
	Tommy lay on the mattress, which was angled down to the floor. His 
headboard was hanging above his head and slanting forward.
	"Oh no! I broke my bed!" Tommy thought.
	He started to get up when his mother came to the door, responding 
to the sound.
	"Are you all right, Tommy?" she said as she opened the door and 
looked inside his room. "What happened?"
	"The bed broke," Tommy said as he was nearly crying. "I'm sorry, 
	"There's nothing to be sorry about, sweetie," his mother said as 
she took his hand and helped him up.
	"But I broke it," he said. "I can't sleep in it anymore!"
	Tommy's mother hugged him and she lightly patted him on his rear 
	"Dear, the bed was on its last leg, literally. It wasn't in the 
best of shape when we got it, and I'm surprised it's lasted this long. 
It's served its purpose, and it can be replaced."
	"So, uh, where will I sleep tonight?" Tommy asked his Mom.
	"Well, unless Santa Claus comes through before tomorrow, you may 
have to share my bed tonight," she said, though she felt confident that 
this would not be the case as she expected the crib, the changing table, 
and the high chair that she had ordered would arrive on this day.
	Tommy was later fed his breakfast and then his diapers were 
	"Obviously, we'll have to change you someplace else," Tommy's 
mother said. "Go into my room and I'll change you there."
	Tommy went into his mother's bedroom and waited as he lay down on 
her bed. His mother entered a couple minutes later, carrying an armload 
of clean diapers and a pair of plastic pants. She returned to Tommy's 
room to get the changing pad, the diaper pail, the pins, and the powder. 
Within a few minutes Tommy was back into clean, fluffy, warm and soft 
	Tommy spent the morning surfing the Internet. He happened to catch 
Marvin online at the same time, so they chatted back and forth while 
exploring the ever increasing number of diaper web sites. Tommy also was 
starting to receive more e-mail, mostly from other boys who had seen his 
newly posted web page. One of them was from the girl in Arizona who 
lived next door to Marvin's aunt and uncle. Tommy blushed as he read her 
message, part of which it read, "you look really cute in your diapers! 
You make a good diaper boy!"
	Tommy had seven other new messages since he last logged on. In 
between chat replies, he worked on writing back to the people who were 
starting to form his circle of cyber-pals. One of the boys who had 
written to him described himself as a "closet diaper wearer" and he 
didn't know who to talk to about it until he read Tommy's diaper page. 
Tommy felt like perhaps he knew this individual, though his identity was 
no more defined than by a cryptic mixture of letters and numbers in his 
email address.
	Later in the day, the doorbell rang. Tommy remained seated at the 
computer as he watched his mother go to the door.
	The man introduced himself as a delivery driver for Fed Ex, and he 
mentioned that he had several large parcels to drop off. Tommy's mother 
signed for the receipt of the order, and then the man began carting a 
number of large, thin boxes into the house. While Tommy wasn't so shy 
about people he already knew seeing him in diapers any longer, and he 
didn't mind 'Net surfers seeing his pictures, he still preferred that 
total strangers not see him wearing diapers in person. He remained 
seated in the chair as he watched the boxes pile up near the front door. 
One of the boxes was smaller and more cubical in shape. Tommy's mother 
took this box and put it away, but she left the others out.
	Tommy couldn't tell what the boxes were for. He wanted to wait 
until the delivery driver left before getting up to see if they were for 
the crib that he was hoping he would get. Tommy watched as his mother 
tried to offer the driver a generous tip for having to bring the 
delivery in the snow.
	"No thanks, ma'am," he said in a friendly voice. "Driving in the 
snow is just part of my job."
	The man looked at Tommy for a moment and he noticed that Tommy was 
in his diapers. The man smiled admirably at Tommy, and he knew what was 
inside of the boxes he had brought in. The man then vanished as he 
rushed off to continue dropping off the rest of his Christmas Eve 
	"Merry Christmas," Tommy's mother said to him. "Welcome to your 
new bed! I told you Santa Claus would come through today!" she said.
	"You mean, Fed Ex?" Tommy said.
	"Sure, whatever," his mother replied. "I hope you like it," she 
	"Is it a crib?" Tommy asked.
	"Yes, Tommy, it is," she said. "I knew you wanted it, or I 
wouldn't have ordered it. I also got you a changing table, and a high 
	"Thank you," Tommy said as he hugged her and gave her a kiss. "I 
love you, Mommy."
	"I love you, too, Tommy."
	Nancy was also in the room while Tommy's new furnishings were 
being brought in. She had been told that the furnishings were ordered 
and were expected to arrive, just in case their mother wasn't home when 
the parcels arrived.
	"So, who's going to put it together?" Tommy asked.
	"I've got that all worked out," his mother said. "Go give Marvin a 
call, Tommy, and tell his father that we're ready," Tommy's mother told 
	"Marvin's father said he'd come over and do it for us," she 
	Tommy picked up the phone and called Marvin's house. Heidi 
	"Is Marvin there?"
	"He is," she said. "I'm in the middle changing his diapers right 
now," she explained, knowing that Tommy was calling. "But he can still 
talk to you."
	Marvin took the phone and talked while Heidi removed the dirty 
diapers that he had just soiled up.
	"Did you get the crib?" Marvin asked.
	"I did," Tommy said. "I feel kind of funny about getting it, but 
my Mommy knew I wanted it."
	"Cool!" Marvin said. Heidi's instructions to Marvin, "move your 
butt up!" could he heard in the background.
	"As soon as Heidi finishes diapering me, me and my Daddy will be 
right over!" Marvin said.
	"Okay," Tommy said. "See you when you get here."
	Marvin and his father showed up a few minutes later. Even in the 
extreme cold and blowing snow, Marvin showed up wearing just his 
diapers, bare from his legs on down to his socks and shoes.
	"I don't see how he can stand the cold," Nancy said as she watched 
the bare-legged boy trudge through the foot-deep snow with his father 
right behind him.
	"Good afternoon!" Marvin's father greeted Tommy's mother. Marvin 
same into the house and he knelt down by the heat vent.
	"Brrr, it's cold!" Marvin said as he huddled over the blast of hot 
air blowing upward from the floor.
	"Gee, Marvin, how did you ever figure that one out?" Tommy said 
	"So Tommy," Marvin's father said to him. "You're gonna go all-out, 
just like my boys, eh?"
	"Yeah," Tommy said, feeling a little embarrassed.
	"Sleep in a crib, eat from a high chair, the works!" Marvin's 
father commented to Tommy as he rubbed his head and roughed up his hair 
	"You're all right, Tommy," Roger said affectionately to the boy. 
"A lot of boys in this world are just like you and they wear diapers, 
but only a few of them get to do all the things that my boys get to do, 
and what you're about to get to do, so you're pretty lucky."
	Tommy nodded in agreement.
	"Well, since you're here, Roger, Nancy and I are going to the 
store to shop for tomorrow's dinner," Tommy's mother said to Marvin's 
	"Us boys can handle it while you're gone," Marvin's father said. 
"Let me warn you, those roads are sli-ick!"
	"We'll be careful," Tommy's mother said. "We won't be gone long."
	Tommy led Marvin's father into his bedroom and showed him the old 
bed, still in the same collapsed state in which it had been left since 
that morning.
	"So, your bed finally gave, eh?" Marvin commented to Tommy.
	"It happened this morning," Tommy said. Marvin had a good of what 
Tommy did to make the bed break.
	"You didn't do this on purpose, did you?" Marvin's father asked 
Tommy in a light, joking manner. "Anything to get a crib for Christmas!"
	"Well, no, but then, the idea did sort of hit me after it 
happened," Tommy explained.
	"Why don't you hold the headboard up while I pull away these other 
pieces?" Marvin's father told the boys as he began removing Tommy's old 
bed from his room. He set the boards from the frame and the mattress out 
in the garage.
	Tommy and Marvin went out to the computer to play games on it 
while Marvin's father worked on assembling the crib. Every once in 
awhile he called on the boys to help him, but other than that, the boys 
were free to play.
	"Ah, this is the same crib I got for my boys!" Marvin's father 
remarked as he began taking the first box into Tommy's bedroom.
	About an hour later Tommy's mother and sister returned from the 
	"Can you boys help us bring the groceries in?" his mother asked.
	The car had been parked in the garage, so Tommy and Marvin did not 
have to go out in the cold in their diapers, although the garage was not 
much warmer. Tommy grabbed one of the bags and he saw that it contained, 
among other things, about half a dozen baby bottles. There were also 
some bibs stuffed into the bag.
	"The lady at the checkout asked Mom if she was expecting another 
baby," Nancy told Tommy as she laughed. "She's the one who used to give 
us free candy," Nancy added, explaining that the checker was someone 
they knew at the store.
	"We just told her that there would be a baby at our house over 
Christmas, which is basically the truth," Nancy said.
	The groceries were put away and dinner was started. Marvin's 
father had finished assembling the crib just as Tommy's mother had 
dinner cooking.
	"All done!" he said as he emerged from Tommy's bedroom. His pants 
had fallen down from the weight of his tool belt, revealing the diaper 
that he had on underneath.
	"Go take a look!" Roger said to Tommy.
	Tommy went into his room and he finally saw what he had 
anticipated seeing in place of his bed, a crib! It was painted white, 
just like the pair of cribs in Marvin's bedroom, and it had a brand new 
mattress on it, too, complete with a waterproof liner.
	"What do you think, Tommy?" Marvin's father asked.
	"It looks nice, I like it," Tommy replied as he looked it over. He 
pulled the gate down and lay down on the vinyl surface of the otherwise 
uncovered mattress. He rolled around on it and he enjoyed the sound of 
his plastic pants sliding against the vinyl. He enjoyed the smell of its 
	"Thank you, Mr. Oppenheimer," Tommy said.
	"You're quite welcome, Tommy. And you can just call me Roger, by 
the way."
	Tommy's mother and sister were also in the room looking at the 
crib. Marvin's father then began setting up Tommy's high chair, whose 
assembly would only take a few minutes. Tommy was lying in the middle of 
the new crib with his legs parted and his thick, urine-saturated crotch 
bulging forward.
	"It looks like you'll really enjoy sleeping in it, Tommy," Nancy 
said. "It fits you."
	"I guess all it needs are the sheets," Tommy's mother said. "Let 
me check on dinner first, and then I'll bring your sheets in."
	Marvin joined Tommy and lay in the crib with him. Nancy put the 
gate up and told the boys that it was time for their nap in a playful, 
kidding manner.
	"Nancy, could you watch dinner for me while I put Tommy's sheets 
on his bed?" her mother told her.
	"Don't they look cute in there?" Nancy said as she pointed to 
Tommy and Marvin as they lay next to each other.
	"Yes, just like two baby boys," Tommy's mother said, admiring the 
sight of two otherwise grown boys. "There's enough room for both of them 
when Marvin stays over here," she said.
	"How sturdy is it?" Nancy asked, suppressing a snicker as she was 
thinking about what Tommy had been doing in his bed every night since 
puberty struck him.
	"Oh, it's pretty sturdy," Marvin's father assured Nancy as he 
returned to the room to retrieve a tool he needed. He also knew what she 
was referring to, as did Tommy and Marvin.
	"Better go make sure dinner doesn't burn," Nancy was told by her 
	"Which ones do you want first?" Tommy's mother asked him. She held 
up two sets of sheets. One was a set of Rugrats sheets, and the other 
was a set of Star Trek sheets.
	"You got me Star Trek sheets?" Tommy asked.
	"Sure, there's still a little bit of a grown boy left in you," his 
mother said.
	"Let's start with the Rugrats," Tommy said.
	"Okay," his mother said as she lowered the gate. "Time to get out, 
	Tommy and Marvin hopped down from the crib and they went into the 
kitchen, where Marvin's father had just finished assembling the crib.
	"Have a seat, Tommy!" Roger said. Tommy walked over to the high 
chair and sat down in it. The tray was then placed over his lap. Nancy 
then took one of the new bibs and she tied it around Tommy's neck.
	"There! Just like a baby!" she said as she stood back and admired 
the way her older brother looked sitting in the chair with a bib around 
	"Is my baby brother hungry?" she asked him while she served up a 
plate of dinner and filled one of his new bottles with milk.
	"Yeah, I am," Tommy said.
	"Can I stay for dinner?" Marvin asked his father.
	"Well, I'm afraid not, son, we need to get home. Mom's probably 
got dinner ready now, and they'll be leaving to pick up your Grandma at 
the airport soon, and besides, this diaper of mine is getting mighty 
	"Okay, Daddy," Marvin conceded without arguing. "When are you 
going to put together the changing table?"
	"I can do it tomorrow afternoon," he said.
	By then, Tommy's mother returned from Tommy's bedroom.
	"Oh, Roger, no hurry," she said. "That can wait a day or two. You 
enjoy Christmas with your family tomorrow."
	"Well, actually, I was sort of hoping this would be a good excuse 
to get away from my mother-in-law," Roger said. "She thinks I'm nuts 
because I wear diapers and that my boys wear them, too. That is, she 
thinks they used to wear them."
	"What does your dad mean by that your grandma thinks you 'used to 
wear them?'" Tommy asked Marvin.
	"It's a long story, I'll tell you tomorrow when we come over," 
Marvin said.
	"Well, if you would like to come over, that's okay," Tommy's 
mother said. "Unless you're going to charge me double."
	"No charge," Marvin's father said. "I did this as a gift to your 
family," Roger said kindly.
	"That's very nice of you, Roger," Tommy's mother said.
	"Well, Marvin, I suppose we'd better get going," Marvin's father 
said to him. "You smell like you need a change, too."
	"Thanks, Roger! Have a good night, Merry Christmas! Same to you, 
Marvin, and the others," Tommy's mother said as Roger escorted his 
diapered son out the door into the snow.
	"Merry Christmas, Marvin!" Tommy shouted from his high chair. 
"I'll see you tomorrow!"
	"Okay, g'night!" Marvin replied back. "Merry Christmas!"
	After Tommy had been served his dinner he was given another bottle 
of milk, this time warmed up, to drink while his mother and Nancy ate 
their dinner. Tommy was then changed into some clean diapers for the 
night after having to wear them with a large deposit of poop for the 
last hour or so.
	Tommy and Nancy then joined their mother in watching a Christmas 
video and eating peppermint stick ice cream, which had been a Christmas 
Eve tradition for the last few years since their father left the family. 
Tommy, of course, had his ice cream spoon-fed to him by Nancy.
	The movie ended shortly before midnight. Tommy and Nancy then went 
to bed. Tommy's mother put him into his crib and tucked him in. She gave 
Tommy a goodnight kiss and wished him a good night. Tommy wanted to test 
the durability of his crib and see how well it could hold up while he 
jerked himself off, but the sandman and the warm milk that Tommy drank 
was too overpowering for him as he almost immediately drifted off to 
sleep in his brand new crib.

Becoming A Diaper Boy, Parts 21-30