Three kids, twin brothers (Kevin and Tobias) and their 
younger sister (Ronnie), have been separated all of their 
lives. They see each other once in a while as approved by 
the state but they are constantly moved around from foster 
home to foster home. Each of them has abilities unlike that 
of any other human being...mainly because neither of them 
is human. Kevin, the eldest of the three is a bedwetter and 
is being shunted from home to home, and treated horribly by 
one family causing him to act out violently. Tobias has no 
control of his sphincter muscles so he must wear diapers to 
prevent messing his clothes. In the midst of it all, the 
three children must escape the government who wishes to use 
them for the purpose of producing a perfect soldier. Will 
they be captured by the government and exploited? Or will 
the power of the three combined with Project Darwin send a 
clear message that four is more powerful than one?

[email protected]


By Nathanielle Sean Crawford

Part 1: Take these Broken Wings

	It happened again. Only this time the childcare center 
did something about it. Kevin wasn't a violent child by 
definition, but when he was hurt or needed to defend 
himself it was a painful time for the attacker. With a 
bruise on his face and a new scar on his right arm the 
state defender had more than enough evidence to put this 
foster family into jail for fifty years. This last family 
did more than hurt him physically; they tried to break his 
will, too. For wetting the bed, he was force to wear 
nothing but diapers all day and stand in the middle of the 
living room for people to stare and ridicule him. Candice, 
his foster mother forced him to drink liquid laxatives, 
causing him to mess them as well as wet them. Before he 
went to bed, she called the other children into the room to 
watch as she changed him. If he talked back to her at any 
time during the day, she and her husband Gregory would take 
turns hitting or spanking him until he screamed or fainted. 
The thing that angered them off the most was the fact that 
Kevin never did cry. His bruises and cuts didn't last long 
either because of his natural healing ability. His blood 
wasn't red like everyone else's and they hated that he was 
different from them, so to make sure he knew his place, 
they abused him to the fullest extent possible. He endured 
it for as long as possible, and when he could no longer 
handle the pain, he struck out. Like a champion wrestler, 
Kevin caught Greg's fist and pushed it back so hard that 
his shoulder dislocated. With another punch to the stomach 
and nose, it was now Greg who was humbled in front of the 
children. Candice grabbed him by the hair and pulled it so 
hard he fell on his bare back. It was one of her stupider 
mistakes as he induced a massive migraine with his 
telekinetic ability. The police were called to find out 
what the noise was and they took Kevin away from the house, 
along with the other foster children. He was acquitted of 
charges against him and Candice and Greg were stripped of 
their foster parenting licensees and taken to prison for 
repeated acts of child abuse.
	Outside the courtroom Jerry Fenway, the defender 
appointed to speak Kevin's case, spoke to him in a 
leisurely tone. "You know, on any other occasion, I would 
have said what you did was impossible." He led Kevin to his 
car outside the building. "A twelve year-old boy completely 
injuring Gregory Townsen, a body builder and a construction 
worker. I wish I had your stamina." Kevin didn't say 
anything in response. Silence was his only friend right 
now, because this time it came very close to getting out. 
If anyone knew about what he and his siblings could do then 
the government would be on his ass as quickly as a lioness 
to a gazelle.
	"Let's get a burger, you must be hungry," Jerry 
suggested throwing his briefcase in the back seat of his 
mercury and opening the passenger door. Kevin seated 
himself in and buckled the seat belt but remained quiet. 
His modesty and his dignity were ready to jump out on to 
the leather interior along with his stomach. He wasn't 
interested in eating at the moment. Jerry pulled the car 
out of the parking lot and drove on to the busy street. 
Something was on the boy's mind but he couldn't figure out 
what. He kept talking and tried to bring Kevin out of his 
	"I spoke with the doctor before the hearing. He says 
your own injuries are healing as quickly as usual, and that 
the laxatives, surprisingly did no damage to your system. 
He thinks that if he can find out what it was in the 
laxatives that made it through your body with out giving 
you a seizure than maybe he can make other medicines that 
won't kill you."
	Kevin just leaned against the car door with his arms 
wrapped around him. His eyes stared off into space trying 
to find something to look at, but they found nothing but a 
hateful and dreary existence. Jerry was worried that this 
whole ordeal might have caused Kevin more psychological 
trauma then he originally assessed. Kevin was usually such 
a strong boy, and now after all this time, maybe he 
	"We'll take care of you kid." He said finally. It was 
quiet the whole drive after that.
	At a secret government lab in Washington, General 
Headly entered his security code and placed his hand on the 
handprint identification console. After being cleared, the 
solid metal doors slid open allowing him into the 
laboratory. Locked in a room being monitored by cameras was 
a small eight-year old boy. The boy was dressed in a bright 
white shirt and a disposable diaper. The boy was called 
Project Darwin, and he passed his time by making small toys 
float in the air. Technicians observed the various 
computers taking up space all over the lab while biologists 
conducted experiments. Doctor Felix Morgan sat at the 
console observing Project Darwin. "Report." Headly ordered 
standing in front of one of the monitors into Project 
Darwin's room.
	"We have been gathering massive brainwave data from 
his unique brain structure," Morgan looked up from the 
console. "As far as we can tell, this child is the most 
powerful being on Earth. His DNA matches that of human DNA 
and yet there are certain genes in the sequence that are 
virtually non-existent inside our own structure."
	"So what are you telling me, doctor?" Headly watched 
as the boy dropped the toys and stood up in response to the 
nurse's call.
	"Is he human, or is he alien?"
	"The DNA is of an extra-terrestrial origin, General."
	"Why is he wearing a diaper? I doubt a species with 
such advanced mental capacity would lack the ability to 
potty train."
	"We made a decision to delay his toilet training so we 
could focus on his mental development," Doctor Morgan 
explained. "He can walk and manipulate objects, but he has 
no bladder or bowel control."
	"And in the meantime your costing the US government 
one thousand dollars a year on his expenses," Headly 
replied in half-disgust. "Can he be trained as a soldier?"
	"I don't see why not," Morgan answered, looking back 
at the telekinetic readings. "But if I may make a proposal, 
there is a much better use for such a specimen."
	Headly looked down at the doctor who was now opening a 
program called DNA compatibility. "Which is." He prodded.
	"His genetic coding is similar enough to ours to try 
and graft it to the human structure," Morgan explained. The 
program showed a new genetic sequence being added to the 
regular human genome, and forming a completely new one.
	"With time, we will be able to extract his DNA and 
create our own breed of soldier." The general considered 
the doctor's words carefully. Such a project would be in 
violation of certain human rights and could not be kept 
quiet for long, and the sustaining of such a project would 
cost more money than could be kept quiet. Still, with the 
possibility of a third world war breaking out, having a 
soldier that could destroy an airplane with all but a 
simple thought was a compensation for all of that.
	"Proceed," Headly answered finally. And he left the 

Part 2: Purple Blood is thicker than Red Blood

	Kevin was taken to a group home until he could be 
placed with another foster family. He was speaking again, 
but everything he said came out in an emotionless 
mechanical voice. The psychologist couldn't get through to 
him because he didn't want to speak. In hopes that it would 
get him to open up, Shane, the group home counselor, 
arranged for his twin brother Tobias, and his sister 
Ronnie. It seemed to work. Kevin was back to himself as he 
awaited their arrival.
	"Cyan offered to take you guys out for ice cream," 
Shane explained as Kevin sat on the front porch dressed in 
a black and blue sweatshirt. "That way you three can spend 
some time away from the home and get to know each other."
	"Thank you," Kevin said smiling. "This was very kind 
of you. I haven't seen Ronnie and Tobias since we left Los 
Angeles and were separated."
	Shane returned the smile and ran his fingers through 
Kevin's short blond hair. "Don't worry about it. We want to 
make you as comfortable as possible, and you deserve the 
right to see your brother and sister one in a while. I 
wouldn't mind meeting them myself."
	A mini van pulled up to the curb and the door slid 
open. Two children jumped out. The boy was no doubt Kevin's 
twin, he had the same blond hair and facial complexion. 
Both he and the girl had light hints of yellow in their 
skin, but it was so small you had to be looking for it to 
notice it. The girl had long black hair which and bright 
red eyes. Uniquely colored eyes must have been a trait in 
the family, Shane figured. He wondered if Tobias and Ronnie 
also had Kevin's fatal resistance to certain medicine. 
Kevin jumped off the porch and the three caught themselves 
in a group hug. Cyan, the driver, stood just outside the 
passenger door smiling at the site. She had never seen 
siblings love one another this much, even if they had been 
separated for a long time. In the van the three talked up a 
storm, each one sharing stories of his or her life and 
adventures in foster care. Cyan listened intently as she 
drove to the Dairy Queen. They were articulate and well 
spoken, and not one of them stuttered.
	"When I head about what they did to you I was ready to 
go on a killing spree," Ronnie told Kevin truthfully. "I 
can't believe what some people get away with." Kevin winced 
in pain from the memories. He was sitting next to Tobias in 
the first back seat if the van and Ronnie was sitting right 
behind them.
	"Don't worry," Tobias put a hand on his brother's 
shoulder. "We've all been through it. In my last home I got 
tired of speaking to people, so when I stopped talking they 
thought I was sick or something.
	"They forgot that my blood is unstable to medicine and 
they forced me to take these pills. I ended up in a seizure 
and then in a coma. They had to pump my stomach for four 
hours straight before I could come out of it."
	"Did you remind them that you were allergic?" Cyan 
asked shocked at what she just heard.
	"Yes, but they wouldn't listen. I was taken from that 
home because they ignored my doctor's medical advice and 
the psychiatrist who prescribed the medicine was sued for 
	"So Tobias," she decided to change the subject so as 
not to kill the mood. "You're Kevin's twin, so you're 
twelve, How old are you Ronnie?"
	"I'm eleven." She answered politely. "You can call me 
	"That's a good thing," Kevin joked. "If Ronnie lets 
you call her by any name other than Ronnie it means she 
likes you."
	"Brat." Ronnie playfully punched him on the shoulder.
	"You sound almost fifty, all of you." Cyan commented 
turning into the Dairy Queen parking lot. "I've never heard 
siblings your age getting along so well."
	"I guess it's a force of circumstance," Kevin remarked 
as they piled out of the van. "We get to see each other 
like this once every year, and having no parents it makes 
us feel closer to one another."
	"Kind of like we have to take care of one another," 
Tobias backed him up. After they chose their ice cream 
flavor the foursome sat at a bench and continued the 
	"So you don't have any parents?"
	"No," Kevin answered, licking his strawberry sherbet. 
"Our biological parents are dead."
	"Well," Ronnie hesitated and looked from Kevin and 
Tobias. The three looked at each other for a long time 
before speaking.
	"You see, we aren't exactly." Tobias hesitated trying 
to find the right words. "We don't know.It's a little 
difficult too.Oh Kevin, you do it. You're better at this 
than I am."
	"We aren't human," Kevin blurted on cue.
	"Aren't human?" Cyan asked, completely fixed now.
	"You mean because of the blood?"
	"Well, that's the general consensus," Tobias was able 
to find the words now as he casually ate his hot fudge 
sundae. He wasn't worried because they decided that she was 
safe to tell.
	"There's more to it though. Watch." Tobias focused on 
the spoon in his sundae with barely a glance and lifted it 
into the air with out even touching it. He picked up a 
small amount of ice cream and put the spoon in his mouth 
slowly savoring the sweet milky flavor. All the while Cyan 
was watching with wide-eyed amazement.
	"That's amazing," she said once she could speak again. 
She had to fight to stay planted in her seat, but despite 
instinct, she wasn't afraid of these children and their 
	"Is that the only thing you can do?"
	"We have minor telepathic abilities," Kevin explained. 
"We can converse over short distances without ever 
speaking, and we can read the memories and immediate 
thoughts of others."
	"We would never do that without a reason," Ronnie 
assured her. "I myself have strong empathic capabilities, 
which I'm careful not to let interfere with judgement."
	"What can you do with empathic capabilities?" Cyan 
asked curiously.
	"I can feel people's emotions. I can even induce 
certain emotions like fear and anxiety."
	"Where did you all come from?" Tobias was about to 
answer but then he got a strange sensation. When it passed, 
he asked to use the bathroom. He wanted Kevin to come with 
him, under the pretext that he didn't want to get lost.
	Kevin went into the single bathroom with Tobias. 
Normally he would have felt weird about being in a bathroom 
with another person, but he knew that his brother had a 
reason and after having zero privacy in numerous situations 
it wasn't the worse thing to happen.
	"I need to show you something," Tobias said, standing 
back a few feet he began to undo his buttons and zipper. "I 
didn't share this memory with you or Ronnie yet, but I have 
to at least show you." With that he pulled down his pants 
and revealed a green disposable diaper. It was totally 
discreet beneath his pants and underwear, but completely 
noticed when his pants were down. Tobias lost his smile as 
he waited for his brother's reaction.
	"The seizure?" Kevin figured it out.
	"The medicine did something to you didn't it?"
	"It totally fucked up my muscles," he answered, 
pulling his pants up.
	"I can feel the need to pee and poop, but I can't 
control it. If so much as an ounce forms in my bladder I'll 
be soaked. And when I need to poop, it all builds up and 
pushes its way out without me having any say in the matter. 
I need to wear diapers."
	"You think I'm going to think differently of you," 
Kevin sensed Tobias's emotions and immediately toned down 
the anger he felt against the people responsible for this.
	"It's like you said Tobias, we've all been through it. 
You aren't one bit less my brother if you wear diapers or 
if you need a wheelchair. The same goes for Ronnie."
	"Then you're okay with it?" Tobias asked.
	"Of course. Do you need to change it now?"
	"Well, I do. But I don't have any other diapers with 
me right now. They sent some with me for the trip but I 
asked Cyan to keep them in her place where we're staying."
	"Is it just wet?"
	"Yeah. I can hold out though. I pooped earlier so I 
shouldn't have to go for a while now."
	After pulling his pants up Tobias and Kevin returned 
to the bench where Cyan and Ronnie were waiting.
	"Everything come out okay?" Ronnie joked.
	"I still want to know where you guys came from," Cyan 
prodded. Kevin and Tobias sat down and shrugged.
	"We don't know," Ttey said in sync.
	"They do that from time to time," Ronnie commented 
resting on her shoulder.
	"The fact is, we were too young to remember much. We 
don't know where we come from, only that we were found 
playing together in a park at a late hour. I was about 
three then. A policeman discovered us and took us into 
custody. When they couldn't find our parents they decided 
to do a blood analysis. They found no one related to us, 
but they did find that our blood types were the only ones 
on record."
	Since then we've been hopping from home to home with 
them trying to figure out what to do with us," Tobias 
picked up. "As far as we know, we were left here and we 
were given no memory as to where we came from, or even who 
our people are."
	Cyan was satisfied with the answer. She took them to a 
lake up near the National Forest and then it was time to 
return home. When they got to the group home Kevin spoke to 
Cyan very quietly. "We have trusted you with our secret. We 
have never told anyone this before. You can never tell 
anyone about us." "You can trust me." Cyan promised them.

Part 3: Project Darwin

	Darwin was a sort of a private joke brought on by the 
xenobiologists and cold scientists. Nurse Reynolds was the 
only person in this whole building that cared for him. He 
was eight years old blond and had deep yellow skin that 
felt as smooth as aloe. He couldn't talk because when he 
was born the doctors engineered him so that his speech 
centers were turned off. The only way he could speak was 
through his mind, it was also the only way he could signal 
when he was hungry or needed a change. His diaper smelled 
and it made him uncomfortable, because he couldn't tell 
when he needed to go.
	 he called when it his diaper was full.
	"I'm coming," Reynolds called cheerfully from the 
kitchen. This entire room was Darwin's home. When he was 
here, he wore only a shirt and a diaper, outside the room 
he had to wear pants so he could do the tests that they 
wanted him to perform at times. The room was decorated with 
army posters and drawings of his dreams. There was a big 
screen TV and a Sega Dreamcast in front of the sofa and a 
bed with a Digimon sheets and blankets. Darwin was standing 
up when Reynolds came in with her supplies. She took him 
into the tiny bathroom off to the side of the kitchen and 
helped him up onto the table. In Reynold's opinion, the 
military was being downright selfish forcing an eight-year 
old boy to lose his ability to speak and his ability to be 
independent. If this job weren't paying for her own son's 
college tuition she would go to the press and send the word 
to every major newspaper in the country. She took Darwin's 
diaper off and lifted his knees with one hand. She cleaned 
the poop off his buttocks with a baby wipe and pulled the 
diaper out from underneath him.
	"You certainly did a lot this time," she commented, 
emptying the diaper into the toilet and rolling it up to 
throw away.
Darwin apologized frowning to show his sincerity. Reynolds 
smiled as she ran her hand over Darwin's smooth moist skin. 
It was like nothing she had ever felt before. She liked the 
feeling of it.
	"You don't need to apologize, honey. You can't help 
this. I've changed people much older and bigger than you."
	 Darwin asked lifting his 
butt up so Reynolds could slide another diaper under him.
	"Of course I do," she answered, taping the diaper up 
and lifting him up to her for a hug. A lot of the day was 
spent hugging Darwin, soothing his tears and trying to give 
him something to hope for besides being an alien guinea 
pig. One of these days she would rescue him from all of 
this and take him into a loving home where he could learn 
to use the toilet, and maybe even speak.
	"Let's get you some lunch and then we'll have a nice 
long bath." Reynolds helped him onto the floor and told him 
to wash his hands.
	Doctor Morgan's research was in full sway. He had 
begun the research simulations for finding compatible blood 
types to fuse with the alien DNA. The computer used the 
gene sequencer to line up the numerous codes of DNA. 
Fortunate was the fact that Darwin's DNA matched the same 
double helix structure as a humans, and the search would 
only take a few minutes. Through a cup of coffee Morgan 
watched as Nurse Reynolds prepared lunch for Darwin. The 
cameras were located in several areas of the room and 
focused on key points, the playroom, the kitchen, and the 
bathroom. Due to certain privacy laws the camera could not 
focus on the toilet, but the bio-scanners could tell the 
doctor who was sitting on it. If for any reason Darwin was 
found sitting on it Reynolds would be in serious trouble. 
If he began focusing on controlling his bowels and urine 
then his mental energy would be concentrated on nerve 
reactions and not his telepathy. Morgan sipped his coffee 
and almost sprayed it on the computer when the screen 
started flashing. The DNA sample was flashing with the 
words `Match Found'. For years since Darwin's test tube 
birth the Pentagon computer had been programmed to alert 
the government upon the location of a DNA sample matching 
Darwin's. Morgan turned off the sequencer program and 
accessed the Pentagon information unit. He entered in his 
password and called up the messages for his lab. Fifty 
different hospital records showed up in an outline. Each 
record contained a familiar name, sex, and the name of 
legal guardians of those names. Morgan nearly pissed him 
self as he picked up the phone on the wall and dialed 
General Headly.
	"Project Darwin's older siblings have been found," he 
said quickly. "They are in New York. I repeat, Project 
Darwin's siblings are in New York."
	"I'm already sending agents to locate the children," 
General Headly replied. "You aren't the only one who gets 
messages from the Pentagon. Make sure our Darwin doesn't 
find out."
	"Yes, sir," Morgan hung up the phone and continued 
reading the information. Eleven.Thirteen, the most recent 
reports indicated that the children were almost 
adolescents. Remarkable healing capabilities, purple blood, 
unusually moist skin.all traits that Darwin possessed. To 
have all four of them would provide more DNA samples than 
the government would need, plus more research on older 
specimens of the species.

Part 4: Cyan's Decision

	Tobias and Ronnie said good-bye to Kevin as he was 
dropped off at the group home and were taken to Cyan's 
house where they were staying during their visit. Ronnie 
sat in the front seat chatting with Cyan and Tobias sat 
back and fell asleep. Cyan lived with her husband at the 
top of a rural hill in the Albany area. The house was 
surrounded by several acres of farmland and it over looked 
a beautiful view of the sunset.
	"It's very kind of you to let us stay with you," 
Tobias commented as he and Ronnie got out of the van. "And 
after what we just showed you I'm impressed that you're 
able to handle it so well."
	"Don't even think about it," Cyan replied smiling.
	"You guys have been awesome today. I don't want to see 
anything happen to the three of you, besides, I watch a lot 
of science fiction."
	Ronnie and Tobias giggled at the small joke as they 
entered the house. They each had their own room, which gave 
them more privacy than they had in. Tobias just pooped in 
his diaper and now needed to change himself. He went into 
his room to get another diaper and then headed to the 
bathroom. He wasn't very good at changing himself because 
for the last five months since he had been wearing diapers 
he had someone else do it. One of the older kids at his 
group home in Grafton was really good at changing him, but 
Toby didn't like the way he kept making comments about his 
parts. Being twelve he was very modest, which was why he 
hated to ask for help now. He was afraid that he might make 
a mess on the nice bathroom floor, so he decided to swallow 
his pride and ask Cyan for help. He went downstairs where 
she was preparing dinner. Her husband Lucas was home from 
work and helping out. Tobias entered the kitchen nervously 
and asked Cyan if she could speak to her privately.
	"I need help with my, um..." Tobias trailed off 
looking down briefly. Cyan realized what he was asking and 
put a hand on his shoulder to calm his adrenaline down.
	"Would you rather have Luke help you?" she asked 
quietly. Ronnie was reading in the living room and she 
didn't want to embarrass him.
	"He works with elderly at the home so he knows what 
he's doing."
	"If he doesn't mind, but can you ask him for me 
	"Sure." Cyan went back into the kitchen and asked Luke 
to help Tobias with his diaper. Lucas went up to the 
bathroom with Tobias.
	"Let me just get some wipes," He said going into the 
cabinet below the sink.
	"I'm sure that would feel more comfortable than toilet 
paper." Tobias took his shoes and socks off and then pulled 
his pants and underwear down. He wasn't as nervous around 
Luke so he didn't sweat quite as much.
	"Why don't you lie down on the floor," Luke suggested. 
"That will make things easier."
	"I know the drill," Tobias replied meekly as he 
carefully lay back so as not to make the poop squish around 
any more than necessary. "I'm still trying to learn how to 
change myself with out making such a mess, but the group 
home doesn't want to afford the time to teach me."
	"It's definitely not easy. But you do get used to it."
	Luke undid the tapes and pulled back the front of the 
diaper. He went to work wiping the poop from Tobias's 
bottom and cleaning around his crotch and penis.
	"That wasn't so hard," Lucas commented as he took the 
new diaper and helped Tobias fasten it tightly. "I'll give 
you credit, most kids your age would complain about 
something like this. I guess you've had time."
	"Complaining doesn't do very much good," Tobias 
replied getting up to wash his hands before putting his 
underwear and pants back on. "I know Ronnie finds it 
comforting, but I'd rather try to get through a problem 
without it."
	"That makes sense." Luke opened the door and let them 
both out.
	Dinner was cheddar Hamburger Helper and root beer. 
Small talk was made, and then Ronnie went upstairs to take 
a shower. Tobias helped to clear the dishes and was soon 
	"Thank you again," he said yawning. "Dinner was 
	"Well, thank you, Tobias," Cyan replied. "You three 
have made this a very pleasant weekend."
	Tobias smiled and then left them with a goodnight.
	"He is such a sweet boy," She told Luke as they sat 
down to a cup of coffee.
	"So are Kevin and Ronnie. It's wrong for them to be 
torn apart like this."
	"They're three in a million that's for sure," Luke 
agreed. "Ronnie, she has eyes like daggers. If I get caught 
in a dark alley I want her to be nearby."
	"Did you notice anything about Tobias when you were 
changing him?" Cyan asked curiously.
	"As a matter of fact I did." Luke sipped his coffee. 
"Except for the usual hair on his head, he doesn't have a 
single strand of hair on his entire body. Some of the 
residents I work with would be lucky to have skin as moist 
as his, I'm betting it doesn't even wrinkle."
	"They aren't human."
	"Oh, I know that."
	"What?" Cyan looked at Luke wide-eyed.
	"How could you have known? I didn't even have a chance 
to tell you yet."
	"Well it's not too hard to figure it out," Luke 
explained. "For one, the yellowish tones in their skin 
stands out in fluorescent lighting. Plus, Tobias and Ronnie 
both have distinct eye colors not normally found in humans. 
Ronnie's, for instance, are a bright red, whereas Tobias's 
are more aquamarine."
	Cyan had to admit, she noticed these qualities as 
well, but she wouldn't have linked them to being alien. 
Many humans had strange bodies that defied conventional 
	"Their blood is purple," she added. "It went under a 
new classification. Type X."
	"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Luke asked 
taking another sip of coffee.
	"If what you're thinking is that these kids are going 
to have it tough growing up, then yes. Which is what I 
wanted to ask you."
	Cyan listened upstairs as the shower went off and 
Ronnie left the bathroom.
	"I think we should take them under our roof, all three 
of them. They could grow up together and they wouldn't have 
to be tortured by morons who don't know how to take care of 
	Luke listened quietly and nodded.
	"We've always wanted children." He smiled taking his 
wife's hand. "I think this is a good start." "I'll call 
Shane tomorrow and make the arrangements."


	Kevin awakened in a startled sweat after his 
nightmare. As he woke up he also noticed he was peeing and 
he couldn't stop it. When he was sure he had stopped he got 
up from his bed. The plastic sheet crinkled and he thanked 
whatever powers existed that the home had decided he was 
behaved enough for his own room. That made it easier for 
him to remove the wet sheets and linen from his bed and 
carry them to the laundry room in the basement. After 
taking care of his wet bed linens and his clothes he 
changed and replaced the sheets. He was still sweating from 
the dream and he couldn't get it out of his mind. There 
were men and women in black suits, and they were all over 
the place. They were looking for them, and Kevin was 
helpless to do anything about it. He was too far away to 
call Tobias and Ronnie, and he couldn't prove to anyone 
else that these people were bad. He went back to the 
bathroom and splashed water onto his face. They were all 
over the place, he couldn't stop them, that's what the 
dream told him. He needed to be prepared. He needed to be 
ready to fight when the time came to rescue his only flesh 
and blood.
	Tobias and Ronnie woke up with adrenaline in their 
blood as well as well. They each had dreams involving 
people being sent to capture them. These people were hidden 
from sight, they blended in with the background, but their 
thoughts were not easily clouded.  Ronnie 
told Tobias as he tried to fall back to sleep.   He 
searched the dream.  
  they both finished.
	Kevin ate breakfast mechanically this morning. The 
nightshift worker ate with the children and asked him how 
his day with his siblings went.
	"Oh, it was excellent," he answered, although he 
didn't sound convincing.
	"Did you have a bad night?" She asked.
	"That's putting it on a low burner." Kevin sipped his 
tea. On most mornings it helped him relax, but when the 
enemy was anyone and anything he couldn't possibly relax.
	"Bad dream, wet bed. It's the usual life."
	"Do you think the dream is prophecy of some kind?"
	"In all honesty, I severely hope not," he commented. 
"I should go there today and make sure they are okay."
	"Oh I'm sure Cyan is taking care of them."
	"It's not Cyan I'm worried about," Kevin looked 
straight at her, his purple eyes glowing bright as neon.
	"Something is happening and I may not be able to stop 
	Darwin called out in his sleep. He wasn't doing it on 
purpose, but he knew the doctors would be monitoring his 
	"I must outwit them, but they have anticipated my 
possible moves," he thought in his sleep. Pee was filling 
up his diaper but he knew he couldn't do anything about it. 
Darwin searched through the one area the computers couldn't 
scan, his dreams. He sent out delta wave mental frequencies 
and searched for others, others with his DNA.
	 It was all he 
could get out before Reynolds woke him up. She was checking 
his diaper with her finger. It was wet.
	"Sounds like you were having a nightmare, kiddo," she 
said comfortingly as she helped him out of bed.
	 He told her. There 
were tears in his eyes and they were glowing yellow.
	"Oh dear, your eyes-" Reynolds knelt beside him and 
placed a hand on his forehead.
	"There's no fever, what's wrong?"
cried. Reynolds pulled his pajamas down to his ankles and 
took his diapers off where he stood. She didn't even have 
time to get him into the bathroom when two men in white 
coats busted in.
	"We need to take him to the laboratory," One of them 
told Reynolds while the other one yanked him from the 
	"Can it wait until I get a diaper on him?"
	"We'll diaper him when we get there. Doctor Morgan 
wants to see why his mind wave readings are changing." 
	 Darwin roared in their minds as he sobbed. He 
reached out to Reynolds as they carried him away, and in 
his fear he began to pee on the man that was carrying him.
	"I'll be with you again soon baby," Reynolds called 
holding back her tears. "Be a big boy."
	Darwin cried the whole time and as he cried and peed 
he sent out his message.
	Kevin met Tobias and Ronnie outside of the group home. 
Cyan and Lucas were taking them to the Great Escape that 
day. In a large place like that it would be easy to hide 
from the people who wished to capture them. The three 
children were growing more and more comfortable with these 
people every day. They shared their dreams mentally, and 
wondered whether it would be fair to tell Cyan what was 
happening. They parked at a gas station because Tobias 
needed a diaper change. He was very comfortable around 
Lucas, and Lucas clearly had no problem with changing him. 
Cyan had to use the bathroom allowing Ronnie and Kevin time 
to talk out loud about their dreams.
	"Project Darwin," Kevin repeated after Ronnie 
finished. "I wonder if that's the reason why these people 
are after us."
	"I don't know. But who ever it was, what ever it was, 
it was calling us." Ronnie repeated the message that was 
sent to her. Kevin tried to comprehend it. Even though it 
was clear what it meant, but it was harder to find out what 
it needed help from that would force it to reach out 
	Two vans pulled up a quarter of a mile from the gas 
station. Six men wearing black suits stepped out and 
gathered in a circle. Over their heads they wore black 
masks to protect them from telepathy.
	"When we capture them we'll need to put them to sleep 
until we get to the airport. Afterwards they won't know 
what happened to them."
	They took out rifles armed with tranquilizer darts.
	"Anyone near the aliens will need to be tranquilized 
too. If they attempt to interfere, Rodman is licensed to 
	They broke up and headed for the gas station.
	Lucas gently wiped around Tobias's testicles.
	"You're really good at this," Toby said lying back on 
the pillow that Lucas brought with them. "Is it really hard 
to change grown-ups like this?"
	"Sometimes," Lucas said beginning to clean the penis. 
"Some of the people I clean have Alzheimer's and don't like 
being changed, so they kick and flail. Often I'll need an 
aide to hold them down while I wipe them."
	"What's Alzheimer's?"
	"It's a disease that happens to old people sometimes. 
It makes them lose their memory."
	"I hope I never get that," Tobias remarked as he 
lifted his butt up to get another diaper.
	"Probably by the time you get to be my age they'll 
have a cure for it."
	Luke taped the diaper up and let Tobias stand up to 
take care of his pants.
	Cyan emerged from the bathroom and met Kevin and 
Ronnie who were still speaking softly. She didn't want to 
interrupt them, but she wondered if it was something that 
she should hear. She headed over to the van and became 
suspicious when she saw six men dressed in black suits and 
masks moving in their direction.
	Rodman pulled out his silenced clip and led the group 
into the gas station. They were using the bio scanners 
programmed for the alien DNA. Where they were expecting to 
find at least two aliens out in the open and unprotected. 
Instead they found an empty parking lot with only a few 
station workers tending to their jobs.
	Cyan parked the van just a few feet from the station. 
Kevin and Ronnie were lying on their backs underneath the 
	"That was close," Cyan commented. She looked in the 
rearview mirror as the men searched the area and found 
	"I'll contact Tobias," Kevin whispered.
	"Ronnie, try to keep the van hidden." Ronnie kept a 
mental shield up around the van while Kevin sent out his 
telepathic waves to Tobias.
	 He called out.
	Lucas washed his hands and was ready to leave when 
Tobias locked the door from where he stood.
	"Lucas, wait," he warned in a robotic tone. Luke 
turned around and saw that Tobias's eyes were glowing.
	"What's wrong?" he asked feeling a jolt of adrenaline.
	"Outside," Tobias echoed the disembodied words of his 
brother. "Men in suits, with weapons, searching for us. 
They will try to capture us, they are afraid of what we can 
	Luke looked around for a way out but there was only a 
small window above the sink. They couldn't escape through 
that, and it didn't look like they could make a run for the 
van with out being caught either.
	"They are taking position around the door of the 
bathroom," Tobias reported. "I can see them from Kevin's 
eyes. He is far from the gas station and looking at us 
	"Can he tell Cyan to drive up to the bathroom door?"
	"I'll ask him."
	"This is the FBI," A man's voice bellowed from 
	"I am warning you, I have a license to kill, send the 
alien out and you will not be hurt."
	"Ronnie is hiding the van with her abilities," Tobias 
relayed. "If Cyan moves she won't be able to hide it."
	"I will give you to the count of ten," The man 
continued. Luke heard the cocking of a gun. He looked at 
Tobias nervously, at the moment he wished he had the luxury 
of a diaper so he wouldn't have to pee in his pants. Tobias 
relayed the warning to Kevin.
	"We have no choice," Kevin told Ronnie.
	"We need to fight them or they'll capture Tobias."
	"But they'll take all three of you," Cyan protested. 
She was still behind the wheel of the van and fighting 
every urge to step on the gas pedal.
	"But if we don't get out there by the time he gets 
down to ten than Lucas will die." Ronnie began to drift 
	"Ron," Kevin jumped over the seat as she fell onto his 
lap. "Are you okay?" Her nose began to bleed as she looked 
on in vague awareness.
	"I have a headache," she moaned desperately falling to 
	"Kevin," Cyan cried urgently. "They see us."
	Kevin looked out the windshield and saw two of the men 
turning and moving towards them. He jumped in the passenger 
seat besides Cyan and told her to drive to the door.
	"I'll deal with them." Cyan was hesitant as the men 
had rifles in their hands. But then she saw Kevin's eyes 
begin to glow and knew that he was at work with whatever he 
planned. As she placed her foot on the petal the two guns 
flew from the men's hands and spun around in the air. The 
barrels were now pointing directly at them.
	"Don't shoot them. They're using tranquilizers," Kevin 
assured her. "They don't want us dead, we'd be useless to 
	With that he pulled the triggers and fired the darts 
into the men's shoulders. The van zoomed past them and 
towards the gas station.
	"Five.four.three." The man's counting was interrupted.
	"Holy shit. Kevin is heading straight for us," Tobias 
told Luke.
	"Stand off to the side, I can handle the guys 
outside." Lucas hugged the wall as Tobias turned both 
faucets of the sink on to full blast and then stood to the 
side. He focused on them with full concentration. As the 
water continued to pour out the pipes began to shake. 
Tobias's eyes began to glow the fullest purple they had 
ever been before.
	 He warned the men outside. 
The faucet popped off of the sink and into the door where 
it lodged itself. Following it was an assault of hot water. 
Combined with his telekinesis Tobias broke down the door 
and sprayed the men with hot water. They screamed in agony 
and ran. Tobias stepped out of the doorway to make sure it 
was safe, when he saw no one there he signaled Lucas that 
it was okay. The van was a few feet away and Kevin could be 
seen opening the slide door with his mind. They were almost 
free until the man with the license to kill, sneaked up 
from behind and grabbed Tobias.
	"NOOOO!" Kevin screamed as Cyan hit the breaks. She 
tried to keep him from jumping out incase the man decided 
to shoot her husband but he was unstoppable.
	<"LET HIM GO!"> He roared in a mixture of telepathy 
and speech.
	"I'm afraid I can't do that," the agent responded with 
his gun to Lucas's head. "I've been given orders to take 
you three without delay. And I wouldn't try your mind power 
on us, our masks protect us."
focused on one of the gas tanks. Only two of the other 
black suited men stood next to it. Kevin induced heat 
friction on the pipes and caused it to ignite. A mushroom 
cloud exploded around the gas station killing the two men. 
The FBI agent let down his guard for a moment allowing 
Lucas the chance to grab his gun. They began to struggle. 
Although the FBI agent had been trained in self-defense, 
Luke had been trained in restraining techniques, which gave 
him an ability to fight.
as he approached the struggling pair.
	<"I DID"> Tobias was on the ground, limp and 
unconscious. A tranquilizer dart was buried in his arm. He 
would be asleep for a few hours. The van screeched to a 
halt in front of the station. Cyan was being careful not to 
drive into the flames. Lucas delivered a sharp punch to the 
agent's stomach and ran to the van. He stopped to try and 
get Tobias to his feet. Kevin bent over to help him but was 
missed by a centimeter when the agent tried to shoot him. 
In his shock he wet himself. As the puddle seeped through 
his pants and on to the ground Kevin's mental power 
dropped. He had held it up as long as possible. Lucas 
backed away from Tobias as the agent and one more man in 
black approached them with armed weapons.
	"Give the aliens to me," The agent demanded of Luke.
	"I'm not letting any of you touch these kids," Luke 
defied him with every ounce of strength in his body. The 
agent pulled the trigger. Kevin focused and stopped the 
bullet before it could reach its target. His brain began to 
ache. It was being pushed too hard, which was what happened 
to Ronnie in the first place. With out saying a word he 
yanked the gun from the agent's hand and turned it on him. 
The man in the black suit reacted quickly and pointed his 
tranquilizer at Tobias.
	"Too much of this stuff and he'll die," the man warned 
	"Let the man go."
	"You won this round." The agent knew when his hand had 
been played. "We'll let you and the girl go, but we'll find 
you. Make no mistake about that." The man in black threw 
the rifle around his shoulder and bent over to pick up 
Tobias. Kevin and Lucas backed in to the van, closed the 
door and drove off.

Decisions to Make

	Night fell, and Kevin had awakened to a strange 
feeling. He was in the van, far away from anything normal, 
and the only thing he had covering his private area, was 
one of Tobias's disposable diapers.
	"Oh no," He cried at the thought of Tobias. "I let him 
	"You had no choice," Lucas's comforting voice 
whispered. Kevin was in his arms, being held and caressed. 
Something he could not remember even since the days when he 
was a little child.
	Ronnie was being held by Cyan too. They were both 
vulnerable right now.
	"Why am I in a diaper?" He asked humbly as the tears 
flowed down his cheeks.
	"It was the only dry thing you had," Luke explained. 
"You didn't have an extra pair of pants so I couldn't get 
any on you. I think the strain in your head was causing you 
to lose control of your bladder so I had to put a diaper on 
to keep the seats dry."
	Kevin looked down at his diaper and felt it was moist. 
He had been peeing the whole time. But now he felt 
embarrassed knowing that the girls may have seen him being 
	"Don't worry," Ronnie yawned as she gently sat up in 
the seat. "It's just a diaper. Tobias has to wear them, 
too. Which is another matter."
	Kevin shook the sleep from his mind. He needed to 
think clearly. Their thoughts corresponded without the 
telepathy but they knew what it would mean.
	"Lucas," Kevin whispered so as not to awaken Cyan. "We 
need to find Tobias. But we need to do it alone."
	Luke nodded in understanding. They were at the point 
where nothing was beyond possibility or reason. Ordinarily 
he would have wondered what an eleven and twelve year-old 
could do against the US military, but he had seen enough to 
convince him.
	"Do you know where they came from?" He asked.
	"Tobias called me as he was coming out of his drug 
induced state," Kevin explained. "The plain they loaded him 
on is heading to Washington DC. From there we don't know 
	"The nearest airport is in Albany," Lucas said as the 
three quietly piled out of the van. "I can drive you there 
at least."
	"We can't ask you to do that," Ronnie said. "You and 
Cyan have done more than anyone has ever done. You're the 
first humans we could actually trust and we don't want 
anything to happen to you."
	"Well then," Luke began digging into his pockets for 
his wallet. "Take this money. We were going to spend it at 
the Great Escape, but I guess that plan is off the list. 
You'll need it when you get to Washington."
	"Thank you," Kevin took a pair of pants from Tobias's 
book bag and put them on. Then he put the money from the 
wallet in his pockets and slung the book bag around his 
	"Will we hear from you again?" Lucas asked as Kevin 
slipped his shoes back on.
	"When Tobias is back with us we'll give you a call," 
the purple-eyed boy responded.
	With a last good-bye and a hug for security they 
turned and headed for the nearest airport.
	Tobias sent the message as soon as he awakened. He was 
being carried into an unmarked jet and he was fast asleep. 
When he awakened he found himself in a revolving leather 
chair in the passenger section of the jet. He wasn't 
restrained, but there was something about the inside of the 
jet that kept him from reaching out mentally.
	The FBI agent sat in the seat across from him. They 
were the only passengers on the plain it seemed. A woman 
bustled about in the galley taking care of short odds and 
	"My name is Craig Rodman," The agent introduced 
himself as he played a game of solitaire. "What's yours?"
	Tobias didn't answer. Instead he got up from his seat 
and explored. There was a mini-fridge situated near the 
kitchen. The windows were tinted and the lighting was dim. 
Everything, the carpet, the furniture, was the color of a 
coal mine.
	"You will find that your mind power is being 
suppressed," Rodman spoke calmly and quietly. "When we 
began studies on a cloned specimen of your species we 
discovered that you cannot reach anything past extremely 
dark colors."
	Tobias remembered the men back at the gas station. 
Although he could still manipulate objects he couldn't 
penetrate their suits.
	"You'll find that if you want to move something in 
here, you're going to have to use your hands like us 
humans," Rodman continued rearranging the cards into the 
deck and placing them face down. "Now, what is your name?"
	Tobias turned around to face him with a look of 
	"You were willing to kill people to get to us. And now 
that you have me you want to know my name?" He smacked the 
cards off the table with his hand showing his frustration.
	"My job was to capture you and your siblings, yes."
	Rodman replied unaffected by the cards. "But I assure 
you, I would have only killed the people that got in my 
way. It was for your safety mostly, what if some idiot cop 
decided to `rescue' you and ended up taking you to a 
hospital to see if you were damaged? I doubt you'd want 
another medicine seizure."
	"How do you know about that?"
	"We have your hospital records in our labs."
	Tobias wanted to penetrate his mind and find out what 
made him tick. Look for the dark memories in his life and 
force them to replay over and over again. Instead he turned 
to the head.
	"I need to change," He told Rodman. "My diaper is 
	"We'll have Mrs. Kingly take care of that," Rodman 
signaled to the stewardess.
	"Would you be so kind as to take care of our young 
	"Of course," She replied putting a gentle hand on 
Tobias' shoulder. "Don't worry, I'll take care of you like 
you were my own."
	The stewardess carefully changed Tobias and cleaned 
him with the same expertise as Lucas had. Oh no, he 
thought. Lucas, Cyan, Kevin, and Ronnie...the military 
would be after them soon. He would need to try and delay 
them for as long as possible. Even if it meant giving them 
what they wanted. When the Stewardess was finished he went 
back to the table and sat down.
	"I'm Tobias," He said to Rodman.
	"But my friends call me Toby."
	"And I want to be your friend," Rodman assured him. He 
had picked up the cards and was now dealing them.
	"Do you know how to play gin?"
	"I can learn."
	"Then I'll teach you as we go along."
	Morning was drawing near as Kevin and Ronnie 
approached the airport. A jet took off for the south 
leaving the rest of the airport silent for the time being.
	"What are we going to do?" Ronnie wondered out loud.
	"Steal a plane."
	"You know how to fly?"
	"I was being sarcastic."
	Kevin looked around as they walked closer. There was a 
large barbed-wire fence surrounding the airfield as jumbo 
jets lay idol in their hangers.
	"It's ironic," Kevin commented as they huddled beside 
a mound of dirt and waited for a car to pass. "Aliens have 
been abducting people from planes in midair all along and 
we can't even get into one on the ground."
	"Look over there," Ronnie pointed to another private 
jet getting ready to enter the runway lift off.
	"We might be able to sneak aboard."
	"They might not be going to Washington," Kevin pointed 
	"So," Ronnie started climbing up the fence. Kevin 
climbed after her making sure to avoid security detection. 
Once in they began searching for trip wires that might 
alert the tower.
	"This is a civilian airport, they might not have those 
types of security," Ronnie thought out loud.
	"No, but they will have search lights which is why we 
need to get out of the open."
	They ran to the runway stopping only to hide from 
lights and cars. The jet stopped momentarily to allow the 
passenger to board. Kevin and Ronnie took advantage of the 
opportunity and quickly jumped inside. Before the pilot and 
co-pilot could react Ronnie hypnotized them with her 
telepathy and told them to fly the jet to Washington DC. 
Kevin closed the gate and sat back and tossed the backpack 
into one of the seats and looked through it for a clean 
pair of underwear. He didn't like the idea of being stuck 
in a diaper the whole day. Finding what he was looking for 
he went into the bathroom to change. He removed the soaked 
diaper used the towelettes in the dispenser next to the 
sink to clean himself off. He stuffed the diaper into the 
trash and returned to the passenger area to sit before they 
took off. Ronnie was buckled in the seat next to the window 
and asleep. Kevin sat across from her and soon he was 
asleep too. The day had been tiring for the both of them, 
much less the night. The challenge that lay ahead of them 
would be even more tiring. Tobias arrived at an airport and 
was taken to a large building via limousine. When they 
arrived at the building he was brought to a man by the name 
of Felix Morgan.
	"I am very pleased to meet you Tobias," He said 
putting his gloved hand out to shake. "You see, even 
without your brother and sister you are a very valuable 
	"I don't know if I like the idea of being your 
specimen, doctor," Tobias scowled. He was alone with the 
doctor. Two guards stood ready outside the room incase of 
trouble, but other than that he was helpless to act on 
	"Oh, no worries," Morgan replied circling Tobias and 
checking him up and down. "We intend to treat you with the 
best care tax dollars can provide. You'll have your own 
room with puzzles, pictures, furniture, and virtual reality 
video games. The room of every young boy's fantasy. You'll 
even have a private nurse to change your diapers when you 
need it."
	"If you want to be so accommodating then why not help 
me fix my bladder and bowel muscles?" Tobias countered.
	"I'm afraid that would hinder our progress. You see, 
it takes a large concentration of neuro-electric impulses 
to control the sphincter muscles in your colon and urethra. 
"Those same neuro-electric impulses are the very things 
your species needs to move objects with your mind. That 
combined with your own will is a powerful weapon."
	Tobias felt strong telepathic energy with in the 
building. Somewhere...deep in the central core of the 
	"Not only will we keep you in diapers, but in order to 
ensure that you can not regain that control you will 
undergo a small operation."
	Doctor Morgan pressed a button summoning the two 
guards into the room.
	"Take him to surgery. I will be down in a moment."
	"Now wait a second," Tobias pulled himself away from 
the guard. "What kind of operation is this?"
	"Don't worry," Doctor Morgan responded. "We will 
simply impair the nerves in your body that allow you to 
feel the urge to relieve yourself. Eventually your muscles 
will weaken and you will no longer have control of your 
functions," "You've read my medical documents."
	Tobias pulled away once more. This time the guards 
grabbed him and held a good grip on him as they tried to 
pull him away.
	"That seizure I had a few weeks back ensures that I'll 
never have control over those functions again. I'd like to 
still be able to feel it at least."
	Doctor Morgan signaled the guards to stop. He 
considered for a moment and then looked Tobias directly in 
the eye.
	"Very well," He said finally. "We will forgo the 
operation. But under these conditions, you will do whatever 
we tell you. A private nurse will be assigned to care you 
for, and from here on out those diapers are to be your 
toilet. Is that clear?"
	Tobias nodded. It was the closest to a reasonable 
agreement he would get from these people. He would just 
have to play his next hand very carefully. "Take him to his 
	And the guards took him away.