Jason was a bad boy. He had punched out yet another guy 
in high school. He was sent down to the guidance counselor 
for the fifth time that month. "You know, young man, we are 
going to have to change that attitude of yours if you plan 
on graduating. One more outburst like this and you're going 
to be expelled. I don't think you really want to do that. Do 
you?" "No sir," Jason said. "But Kyle keeps taunting me, and 
the other guys too, and this is the only answer they 
understand." "Well, why are they taunting you?" "I guess its 
because I'm too smart for this school and they're jealous. 
Why don't you send me to a better school where people will 
be more my intellectual range?" "Well, you are very smart, 
let's see what I can find. But I know that your parents 
don't really have the money to send you to a special 
school," said the guidance counselor. "Why don't you see if 
a school has a scholarship or something that I can win to 
pay for it. Don't you have any books on the issue?" I 
protested. "I'll look."
	 A week later Jason was called down to the office 
again. "What the hell did I do now?" he wondered. "I have 
good news for your, Jas. It appears that there is a school 
for troubled, but smart kids over in Alexandria Virginia. I 
went there and it seems a perfect fit. Even better, 
apparently it has an endowment to pay for all the students 
to attend free. All you have to do is take a test, which 
seems pretty complicated. They have four new spots opening 
up in a month. The test can be administered here so you 
won't have to travel. Do you want to take the test?" 
"Definitely," Jason said. "How big is this school?" "I was 
told it is only 30 students. All of you are in one class. 
Because of their curriculum you might have to go for an 
extra year. So you'll have two more years of schooling 
instead of one. Is that ok?" asked the counselor. "That's 
fine, so long as I'm learning more than I learn here. "OK 
then, I'll arrange for the test someday next week."
	 The next day the guidance counselor said the test 
would be given on Tuesday of next week and that I didn't 
need to do any real studying because it was an intelligence 
test more than a factual test. "Great, let's do it," I said. 
I went home and told my parents about the opportunity. My 
mom wasn't' too happy about me going away to school, but my 
father thought it was a great idea and he said he would 
convince my mother about it. Besides it was only two hours 
away. The guidance counselor had given me pictures of the 
place and it seemed ok. It looked like a big old house with 
plenty of room. There was a pool table and a swimming pool. 
There was even the opportunity to do summer school there if 
I wanted to.
	 Next Tuesday I showed up to take the test. It was 
pretty thick. Page after page of densely packed text. I was 
told to sit down in the guidance counselor's office to take 
the test. I had six hours to answer all the questions I 
could. There would be a one-hour lunch break after the first 
three hours of testing. Then I could finish the second half. 
The test was actually fairly easy because most of the 
questions were like asking my opinion and doing simple 
calculations and simple word games. I had a blast doing it 
really. When I was done the principal and the guidance 
counselor were there. They took the test and put it in an 
envelope and sealed it. They handed it to a messenger who 
apparently raced back to the new school to have it graded. 
The very next day I was told that I was accepted and I could 
come over to the school next weekend to begin to get 
accustomed to it My parents were petty exited about it. They 
realized that I was not really fitting into my current 
school because of my intelligence so they were glad that I 
found a place.
	 On Saturday morning they drove me up to the school. It 
was a nice ride on a sunny day. We got there just after 
noon. We were welcomed by Mr. Lazarro, the headmaster. 
"Welcome to Swinton," he said. He shook hands with my father 
and me. "Let me show you to your room," and we followed him 
up into the building. "When you're done here join everyone 
downstairs in the big hall." After I put my stuff in what 
seemed like a damn nice room, bigger than the one I had at 
home, we went downstairs to meet ever the other students. 
When we walked into the room there were dozens of people 
milling about, drinking punch and having little finger 
foods. It was a meet and greet reception. The thirty 
students were asked to come to the front of the room, which 
was a few steps higher than the rest and all the parents and 
other adults rose to face us. Mr. Lazarro said, "welcome to 
Swinton School, a school for gifted boys. Boys who had 
trouble in regular schools because they were smarter than 
other kids, and we all know that jealousy roamed the halls 
of the public schools. To be better than the rest there is 
to invite trouble. Our students here are blameless in these 
matters," he paused and all the parents sort of murmured 
appreciatively. He continued, " here they will be able to 
indulge their intellectual curiosity unencumbered by regular 
classes and rules. They will be able to structure what they 
want to learn around four basic classes. At times they will 
be the only one I their class, with just one teacher. This 
will help them become expert at what they love and endeavor 
to learn. Because of the great expense that Mr. Swinton put 
into setting up this school years ago, and the results that 
he expected to achieve we ask that you parents minimize your 
contact with your boys. They will be able to learn better 
with fewer interruptions. This is almost like college, and 
indeed that's where we expect these boys to go. So we are 
trying to duplicate the environment there. We are also going 
to keep their old school chums away from them because we 
want them to make new friends here and broaden their 
horizons beyond their old home towns. We know that your boys 
will have some adjustments to make but we will be with them 
every step of the way." Jason wasn't sure anyone was even 
listening anymore as Mr. Lazarro kept droning one about the 
benefits and pitfalls, about the programs and classes the 
boys would encounter. It seemed that he spoke for about an 
hour. It was actually only half that. When he was done he 
announced, "now is the time to say goodbye so that these 
boys can begin to get settled in." There ensued a great deal 
of crying and tears and goodbyes and fretful commentary all 
around. And people began to shuffle out. In less than twenty 
minutes the hall was empty except the thirty boys, Mr. 
Lazarro and a few other men, presumably teachers at the 
school. It appeared that all of the teachers were fairly 
young. Jason didn 't think one of them was over forty.
	 "Follow me to the dining room boys," Mr. Lazarro said. 
Off they all trooped down the hall to the dining room. The 
boys were all introducing themselves and trying to decide 
who they would sit next to when Mr. Lazarro announced that 
the boys would sit alphabetically by first name and that 
there were placards at the tables already. Surprisingly no 
one had the same first name as anyone else. They sat down 
and dinner was served. A really good dinner it was, too. 
Jason sat between Jake on his left and Jimmy on his right. 
Well, he thought, "it's as good a way as any other to 
arrange seating, and he figured it would cut down on cliques 
and rivalries and favoritism right from the start."
	 After dinner everyone was instructed to head for their 
rooms. There were four boys per room. This time they were 
arranged alphabetically by last name, so that they were all 
rooming with different guys than they were having lunch 
with. This, too, seemed reasonable to Jason.
	 All the boy's rooms were on one floor of the building, 
ranged along both sides of a long hallway. All evening 
everyone was introducing each other and seeing where 
everyone was from. It appeared that everyone was from 
somewhere different. Jason noticed that everyone was 
physically pretty much the same - about 5'8" to 6' tall, 
average looks, thin and white. There were no red heads. For 
a fleeting moment Jason thought they were chosen more for 
their looks than anything else. But he just as quickly 
dismissed it.
	 It was about 10:30 at night and everyone was feeling 
pretty tired. Almost in unison everyone started to yawn. Mr. 
Lazarro and his assistant announced that in keeping with the 
Spartan atmosphere of the school all the boys were to sleep 
naked. There was a slight buzz about that. "In the morning 
you will all be issued uniforms for play and class and gym. 
But don't worry about that now, we'll handle that in the 
morning. But again, part of good learning is a near military 
attitude and we'll be instilling that starting tomorrow. It 
won't be stern or disciplinarian, but it will help you 
concentrate more on your studies than on ephemeral ideas and 
passions." All the students listened quietly as Mr. Lazarro 
finished and said, "goodnight boys, lights out in 15 
minutes." All the boys, including Jason, headed for their 
beds. Jason noticed that the beds had hook like fixtures 
along the sides. One set in the front and one in the back. 
He couldn't figure out what they were for. He pointed them 
out to Matthew, one of his roommates. "They ain't anything," 
he said. "Go to bed guy." Jason had stripped down to his 
underwear and sat there waiting for the lights to go out 
before he stripped off his underwear to get into bed. 
Matthew did the same. Zach just stripped and stood there for 
a moment, showing off no doubt, and then plunged into bed. 
Tommy just stripped and crawled into bed. Everyone seemed 
especially tired. They mentioned it to each other, but 
everyone pretty much agreed that they had busy days with 
lots of new information and then they all drifted off to 
sleep. It was 11 o'clock.
	 Mr. Lazarro knew that the boys would be in a deep 
sleep. So deep that they would not awake during the night. 
His assistants and he worked quickly. They lifted the boy 
slightly to get the cloth under their butts and pinned the 
front to the back around their waists. They put baby-like 
mittens and on each hand and tied them tightly around the 
wrists. Then they quickly pulled up rubber pants over the 
thick diaper cloth. Finally they locked the rubber pants 
with a lock around the backside of the waist to the strap 
that was slung under their crotch.
	In two teams they worked each side of the hall, from 
room to room. It took about 5 minutes per boy. There were 
four assistants to each team. So each room took 5 minutes. 
They started at 2am. There were eight rooms and they were 
completely finished by 3am. Then Mr. Lazarro locked the 
bathroom doors, and quietly locking the door to the hall. 
His assistants retired to their rooms, and he went to his, 
quietly thinking about the great thrill he would have in the 
morning dealing with his 28 diapered buddies regressed to 
toddler stage.
	Beginning about 8:30 the first boys started to stir. 
Mr. Lazarro was able to view them through the cameras that 
were mounted in the rooms and the halls. They rubbed their 
eyes. They yawned. They slung their legs over the side of 
the beds and stood up. And then they began to notice the 
other boys. Then they looked down at themselves. "What the 
fuck?" was the common phrase everyone was using. "What the 
hell is this?" Zach yelled. "Beats me," Matthew said, "but 
I'm not happy about it at all. They tried to take off the 
mittens and the rubber pants but it was no use. They 
couldn't get a handle on it. Not even with their teeth, and 
more than a few boys tried that. By 9 am the boys had begun 
to gingerly spill out into the hall, no one was sure that 
anyone else was done up like this. A boy named Mike in one 
of the rooms thought that perhaps some of the other guys had 
done this to them. But no, soon they realized that they were 
all dressed the same. All the mittens had little piggies on 
them, and all of the rubber pants were dark blue. As they 
all walked into the central hall Mr. Lazarro heard them 
talking about the need to go to the bathroom. "What are we 
going to do?" asked one boy name Bobby. Keith was beginning 
to hop around from the need to hold in his pee, "I can't 
hold this much longer, guys, what are we going to do?" He 
was nearly frantic. No one had an answer. Many of the guys 
began to walk around and jump around to try to stave off the 
inevitable. They all knew that they all had to take a piss, 
and most had to take a shit. That is just the physical 
working of the body. They guys were able to get hard-ons to 
hold it off a little, but Mr. Lazarro knew that that wasn't 
going to work for ever. >From one side of the hall, halfway 
down, a kid named Kevin began to say, "damn, damn, damn," 
over and over again, "I can't hold it, I can't hold it." He 
was jumping up and down now. Everyone was watching him and 
saying "hold it, hold it." Then a minute later it was too 
late for Kevin, as he began to pee and take a crap. "Oh my 
god," Kevin said, "damn, I don't fucking believe this!" He 
shouted. The other guys watched him and got silent. Those 
who were jumping and pacing began to void themselves after 
the rush hit them and they could hold back no longer. 
Matthew was one of the first to dump a big load. He felt the 
crap spread around his buttocks and the pee form a puddle in 
the front of his pants. Keith wasn't far behind. He just had 
to pee, he had taken a crap the night before. A guy named 
Steve started to scream, " oh oh oh oh, fuck, shit, damn, 
I'm going to hold it, damn, damn, damn," and then a final 
scream as his shit filled the back of his diaper and the pee 
flooded the front and dripped down under his balls. Brian 
let his load go next, just a huge pile of crap rushed out 
and the pee kept coming, Jason thought he was going to cry 
from the shame. Mr. Lazarro watched it all with a great 
thrill in his heart, knowing that he and his assistants were 
going to clean up all these boys and have fun with their 
dicks at the same time. Part of the process was to humiliate 
the boys and introduce them to sex. Jason finally let go of 
his load. He spread his legs a little to try to avoid 
contact, but the load formed a little pile between his ass 
cheeks, with the piss flow so heavily that it spread quickly 
under his bottom and helped to liquefy his load. By 10 am 
every single guy had filled his diapers and was walking 
around dejectedly with his diapers full and pressing against 
his bottom. Everyone was afraid to sit down, guessing that 
it would spread the load all over their butts. Mr. Lazarro 
knew that it was time to make his entrance. All the guys 
were consoling themselves trying to figure out what was 
going on. "Why would anyone want to do this to us?" was the 
common question.
	Mr. Lazarro unlocked the door and entered the hall. All 
the boys turned to look at him. "I guess you were quite 
surprised this morning." Some of the boy started yelling, 
"hey, what the fuck are you doing to us?" Mr. Lazarro blew a 
whistle, "part of what you will experience here at Swinton 
is a respect for authority, and a blind acceptance of your 
situation. You are here for the duration. Your parents are 
fully aware of your situation and approve of these methods." 
All the boys settled down and were quietly listening, though 
they were all glaring at Mr. Lazarro. "You will follow me 
downstairs to the dining room, where you will have 
breakfast. Then we will change your diapers. Yes, diapers. 
You will be in them 24 hours a day from now on. You will use 
them for their intended purposes. You will be changed only 
twice a day. Once after breakfast and once before bed. You 
will have to live with what ever mess you make in them 
through the day. They will be locked on to you at all times. 
If you try to take them off you will be subject to special 
punishment, do not take this threat lightly!" All of the 
boys were staring at him in tearful disbelief. Jason was 
stunned. "Now follow me." The boys followed him downstairs. 
The really tried to waddle so that their full diapers would 
have as much space as possible between their legs. They had 
to walk past the 10 assistants, who they were to find out 
were their teachers too. When they got to the dining room 
they were met with another surprise. There were 28 large 
highchairs. Each chair had a name on it. "Find your name and 
stand in front of your chair," Mr. Lazarro commanded. They 
sorted that out in 10 minutes. The assistants walked over to 
the first boy and picked him up and plopped him in the chair 
and lowered the tray over his head. This boy was named Bruce 
and you could almost hear Bruce's big messy load spread out 
under his butt and fill the crack of his ass and the pee 
wrap around his balls. Each boy realized that he was to face 
the same treatment. Each boy had his load dispersed all over 
through his diapers and each boy grimaced slightly at the 
feel and the smell. Keith and a few of the other guys who 
didn't take a crap were happy that they didn't have to take 
that crap. For they didn't have to sit in it at breakfast. 
But then Keith realized he would have to go later. If Mr. 
Lazarro was serious about changing just twice a day he might 
wind up sleeping with full load. That caused him concern. 
The assistants went down the line and took off the mittens. 
Then the cook rolled a cart along and placed a quart sized 
baby bottle on each highchair tray. The boys were told to 
drink up. In a stunned silence they all did. Then they were 
given cereal and milk. After breakfast two assistants went 
to the first boy and pulled him out of his highchair. They 
walked him over to large table that was rolled in front of 
the line of highchairs. It had a deep depression in the top. 
He was lifted up and placed on his back and the assistants 
began to unlock his rubber pants and pull them off. He was 
lying there like a little toddler boy. "Lift your legs," he 
was commanded. He did so and the diaper was unpinned. The 
assistants took some baby wipes and washed his butt and 
between his legs. They did so slowly and deliberately. They 
rubbed his balls and they washed his penis between their 
fingers. They slid their hands between his crack and pushed 
a finger gently into his butthole. The whole time the boy 
just laid there. But all the attention could not stop the 
inevitable. He began to get a hard on. The other boys were 
wide eyed as they watched this. Like most teenagers he was 
able to shoot his load in just a few minutes. They boys 
watched in utter amazement as their buddy shot his load 
across his belly. Then the assistants washed up the sperm. 
Quickly they put another diaper on him and pulled up a pair 
of plastic pants over them. "Go stand over there in the 
corner and look this way. They took each boy in turn and did 
the same thing. Each boy shot his load just nearly as fast 
as the others. And each boy was put into plastic pants. Mr. 
Lazarro said, "follow me," when they were all done. And he 
led them off to a classroom. Their mittens were not put back 
on. After going into what looked like a regular classroom 
they were seated and the day's first lesson in Mathematics 
was started. The rest of the day proceed just like this, 
class after class of regular academics. Mr. Lazarro was very 
pleased that the day had gone ok.
	Keith had been changed too, but he didn't have a full 
load in his diapers. If the headmaster was telling the truth 
he wouldn't be changed again until late that night. He knew 
that sometime in midmorning he would have to take a dump. 
And this scared him. He decided to work real hard at holding 
it today. But he never took the next step and thought about 
tomorrow. He was able to spend the day in dry diapers until 
almost 4 o'clock that afternoon. By then he ad to pee pretty 
bad. He was sitting class when the feeling came. He stood 
up, but the teacher sternly told him to sit down. He did. He 
was just sitting there squirming until the teacher came over 
and stood over him. "Will you stop that Mr. Johnson," while 
reaching down and holding his legs still. As soon as he did 
that Keith peed and filled his diapers.
	For dinner time there were again placed in high chairs. 
They were fed mashed foods. Several of the guys had messy 
diapers again. You could tell which ones since they squirmed 
when they sat down. Jason didn't think any guy, including 
himself hadn't peed all over himself. Everyone had that sort 
of full look to his pants. They were all changed at 10 
o'clock and sent to bed. Each was made to wear the mittens 
to bed. In the morning they pretty much went through the 
same situation as the day before. Guys tried to fight the 
feeling but eventually couldn't stop it. And sure enough 25 
of the 28 guys had filled his diapers with poo and pee. Mr. 
Lazarro and the other assistants were having a blast. The 
three boys who held out yesterday from taking a shit held 
out through the morning too. But they still hadn't figured 
out the ultimate outcome. Once again everyone was changed 
right after breakfast. The rest of the day was filled with 
classes. Gym class was especially weird for everyone because 
they played volleyball in their diapers, running around a 
little stiffly because of the thick padding of the diapers, 
but they managed. Sometime right after lunch Keith began to 
get the most awful feeling in his gut. He realized he would 
have to go to the bathroom. The physical feelings began to 
intensify. He began to realize that not doing it yesterday 
meant a bigger load today. "uh oh" he grasped. As he was 
running around the volleyball court it was getting stronger 
and stronger. His team came to a point break and timeout. 
They moved over to the side. It came to Keith in a blinding 
flash, not only was he going to take one of the biggest 
craps in his life, but he was going to wallow in it until 10 
o'clock that night. "Shit," he thought to himself, probably 
not realizing the irony of what just passed through his 
mind. "Hey what's the best way to handle this problem," he 
asked Jason. "What problem," Jason said. "I'm about to fill 
these diapers with two days of crap." "I guess you should 
squat down a bit like you're on a toilet and let it go man. 
This way it will move to the back and bottom of the diaper," 
Jason explained. "It won't get mushed up in your butt that 
much that way." With that Keith couldn't go any further. He 
squatted down and started to feel the warm ooze fill his 
diaper. Big logs of crap came out and settle in his bottom. 
But it was so much that he could barely move with out it 
squishing all over. He almost was scared when he had a brief 
flash that it was a nice feeling. And with that he got 
anther major flash. If they tried they could organize a take 
over of the school and punish Lazarro and the assistants. He 
confided his idea with Jason right away. Jason said, "be 
quiet about that, let me think about it, and you think about 
it and let's compare notes on how we can get out of this 
situation. At dinner the assistants got a real kick out of 
Keith's situation. His diapers were the fullest they ever 
saw them. They got a particular thrill in dropping him on 
his butt. Probably everyone in the room heard the big load 
squish around.