Didee DiapeRS








A Truthful Account on

How a Diaper

Seduced his

Bedwetting Boy

into Pooping and More!



Chapters 13, 14, 15



The Broken Link


The green lights of dawn wobbled less and less, switching off one star after the other. Only two red moon crescents dared to resist the advancing light, though their appearance kept losing weight and texture, eventually leaving only two faint, pinkish fingernail marks in the sky, like a desperate last attempt of the night to stay a bit longer. A new day had begun on Toilex VI, a remote colony in the Orion system where the toilet-dealers had built one of the biggest re-training facilities since their victory on Earth.


‘Is Cuzzy alright? Does he still have his diaper on?’ – his first thoughts every morning since his capture and transfer to the re-training facility. He looked through the bars of the very small cage he was held in, placed in a narrow court together with other seven cells of ‘highly problematic’ kids like him. ‘O, Didee, please, please, tell me Cuzzy is still in diapers! Tell me he is still in your grace! He must be!’ he tormented himself with this morning prayer to which no diaper god seemed to answer. He was so scared by the idea of his cousin captured and taken to a similar facility like the one he was in now… without diapers! The boy who had never worn any underwear and peed only in diapers had to stay in diapers, or the whole world of diaper boys would be lost! That was the prophecy Didee revealed to him during his last visit to the dome on Diaper world, before leaving for the miserably failed attempt to re-conquer Earth.


“Morning, pissers!” said the guard approaching the cages with a trolley, “Breakfast is ready! You are lucky things are not up to me, otherwise you can be sure you wouldn’t get any damn breakfast until you learned to pee like all big boys should do!”


The man threw a plain snack into every cage and left the court, while two boys wearing jeans and shirts walked straight to his cage. They were obviously high ranking re-trained boys, former diaper wearers who climbed the whole of the merit-ladder in force in the facility – in underwear and jailed in collective cells meant you were a newly arrived pisser; in shorts and sleeping in a dorm meant you had had more than six months of dry nights and were worthy of going to school during the day; in jeans only meant you had had more than a year of dry nights and you could sleep in small comfortable rooms for four and could go out from the facility on weekends; in jeans and shirt meant you were successfully retrained and worthy of having your own room and eventually even work for the facility, while you could go out whenever you liked or even go back to Earth or to your colony. After six months without diapers, Baby-Bro was stripped of his hopelessly wet and poopy underwear and sent to the isolation cages designed for the most problematic kids.


His refusal to use the toilet, unless tied to it for hours on end, made the trainers furious, while the other boys would avoid to be seen with him during the day, but look for him during the night – he would masturbate anyone, out of fear that an immortal boy might touch his own willy, thus losing his precious gift. He even encouraged the boys to form couples or little groups and masturbate each other, to avert the loss of their immortality. In turn he would encourage others to touch him, and the more they were around him, the better – he would close his eyes and concentrate on all those lively hands on his crotch, bum and belly… O! for a few moments they really felt like a bulky poop-eater adjusting on him! He would pee and be brought back to reality by the shrieking laughter of the boys surrounding him and forcing him to lick their wet or sticky hands!


The guards knew of his ‘generosity’ with the boys, though they did not have a clue as to the real reason behind it – they just thought he was a poor little bugger, but didn’t interfere because they thought that sex among boys would make it easier for them to lose interest in diapers. Interestingly, no one, apart from a few boys, knew who he was in reality and he certainly did not do anything to disclose his identity, which wasn’t too difficult as boys were given numbers instead of names at their entry in the facility – in the ideology of the toilet-dealers boys wearing diapers were nothing and as these would begin their re-training they were treated as people without a past starting a new life. Despite all the statues devoted to Baby-Bro, despite all the images of him which had circulated in the last two-hundred years, his appearance was not so striking as to distinguish him from hundreds of other boys in the same camp, particularly now that the whole human population had reached a total of thirty billions, half of which were just boys under the apparent age of fifteen. However, his stubborn refusal to jump on the pieces of a diaper the trainer would tear off and throw on the floor every morning in front of the boys attracted the irritated attention of the facility staff – a heavy spank and four hours tied on the toilet would be the customary punishment for his hubris, the same harsh treatment usually reserved for boys caught wearing more than a pair of underpants at a time.


The months without diapers did not pass without leaving a trace – he felt weaker and weaker, he kept losing a kilogram every month and he had lost every contact to Didee. He would call for him in his dreams, but to no avail. He even began to wonder whether the previous two-hundred years had not been just a dream, a wonderful dream cancelled by an abrupt awakening to the harshest reality. Or was this reality just a nightmare? He remembered spending the first two weeks in the facility pinching his hands only to conclude that all that was the most dreadful reality a diaper boy could imagine.


“Hey, pisser 586” said to him one of the two teenagers who had approached his isolation cage, “You gotta see the shrink. Don’t do anything stupid and we won’t need any guard to take you there. Deal?”


Baby-Bro nodded. Where could he run without clothes anyway? They would have spotted him and caught him in a matter of minutes. Besides he was so weak that he had not the strength to run even if he wanted to! As he walked behind one boy and ahead of the second one, he thought of those dreary ‘therapy’ sessions. He used to like them at the beginning, both because they were a distraction for someone in his condition and because he thought he could still convince the shrink of the advantages of diapers compared to toilets. But now he realised it was only a waste of time. They crossed several courts before reaching the building where the shrink was, and in the meantime he saw other boys looking at him with either disgust, if they were high ranking re-trained boys, or fear, if they were still in shorts. Those who recognised him for whom he was were the most frightened, though in some of them he could sense a very quick glance of compassion, like the one you reserve for a once powerful leader now fallen into disgrace.


“How are we doing, 586?” asked a woman in her forties, wearing a white gown. She looked at him through the space above her narrow glasses with the usual I-could-be-your-friend-if-you-only-wanted-to expression.


“It could go much better if you called me by a name, any name!, instead of a number”


“You should know by now how things work here, 586” she said, stressing the number with a slight cruel pleasure, though she meant only good, of course, “Your name is your dignity and you’ll get it back only once you’ve won your dignity back.”


“You know I’ll never be like one of those re-trained of yours…”


“Never say never, 586!” smiled the shrink, “I can assure you there is still hope for you! You cannot imagine how many cases worse than yours I’ve treated successfully!”


A dribble of pee ran along the boy’s leg, ending on the metallic slope he was obliged to stand on during the whole session. “There goes your hope…” he said, though more in a tired, ironic way than in a challenging one.


“Why are you doing this to yourself? What do you want to prove? That you’ll never grow up? What is so scary about the responsibilities every adult takes on his shoulders? Don’t you see that those responsibilities come together with real freedom?”


“Freedom?” sneered the boy, “You seem to have a very strange concept of freedom if all I’m free to do is doing what you want!”


“Control your anger, 586, you are not a little boy anymore, you know you can present your points of reasoning in an adult manner” said calmly the lady, approaching her finger to a button on her desk, “what I mean by freedom is that you always, always have a choice, as your stubborn, useless behaviour should have proven to you already.”


“If you value my freedom so much,” said Baby-Bro in an almost pleading tone of voice, “why is it that you only appreciate one of the possible choices in front of me?”


“Because there are right choices and wrong ones and the very fact that you can freely chose between them is what makes of you a human being capable of making those choices, without any influence from the outside, assuming full responsibility for them.”


“What if we had no choices? What if what we are was the inevitable result of the circumstances we found ourselves in?”


“There goes our philosopher again,” smiled the shrink, “Professor 586, I presume?” she laughed.


“Laugh all you want, but I have never seen more boys pouting their lips like in this place…” he said.


“And what do you mean by that?” she asked, ready for another laughter.


“I mean that by taking away their diapers you are turning them into the most unhappy creatures you’ll ever bump into! Can’t you see how their smiles and laughter are always tensed, faked? Do you ever catch their glance when they think no one is looking at them? O, they can play their comedy in front of you, because they know they have to, but I’ve watched them in their sleep… all in their foetal position, sucking their thumbs until one of your cops doesn’t tear it off their mouth. They are babies! We are babies! Why are you doing this to us? Where is your maternal instinct, huh?”


The shrink looked at him showing the most unsympathetic, coldest smile: “Babies have to grow, 586. And it’s a mother’s duty to recognise that and help them in that. Don’t assume you know them better than I do – I’ve seen thousands of them in here and I can tell you: They want to grow and get rid of the diapers.”


“What are you talking about! We’ve been wearing diapers for two-hundred f***ing years!” protested Baby-Bro, “I mean, make your experiment with a new generation if you must, but leave us in diapers, for God’s sake!”


“And how could a new generation possibly learn to quit diapers if the ones like you kept pissing and pooping around them, huh?” she replied using a harsh tone he had never heard from her before, “It’s time to change! To go back to the way it was before those like you brought the whole world into a mess! Go to your cage now!” she concluded pressing the button on her desk.


A teenager in jeans and shirt appeared at the door and Baby-Bro followed him without waiting for any signal from him nor the shrink.


Geez! You smell of piss! How can you do this to yourself?” told him the teen while they were descending a flight of stairs. Baby-Bro recognised his voice and looked at him.


“And you are naked, for God’s sake!” added the boy.


“Without diapers we are all naked, Andrew, only with me this is slightly more evident” said bitterly the 12-year-old, “But for all the hard training you’ve put into this, I can still see by the way you walk that you too miss that cosy bulk between your thighs. O, you may well think that you don’t, but your body does…”


“Cut that crap out, Baby!” said the angry teen, “You have no idea how much better I feel without those stupid diapers! For the first time after two-hundred years I feel really like a boy, as every boy should feel! The place of a boy’s dick is into someone’s cunt, ass or mouth, even your own hand, but certainly not a f***ing diaper!”


“If that is really the case” commented sadly Baby-Bro, “Enjoy it while you can, because you won’t have another two-hundred years…”


“Ha! Ha!” sneered the teen, “No one believes that bullshit around here! We all got immortality because of science not because of diapers!”


“Then how do you explain that you were among the first ones to enjoy it?” countered the 12-year-old.


“That must have been one of your damn tricks you used with all of us, you pervert, to keep us all in diapers for you to play your sick games with us! But now you are the f***ed one, believe me!” said Andrew with a grin of evil satisfaction, as they both entered another building.


“You are not taking me back to the cage?” said Baby-Bro, too tired to feel any anger towards the lost boy.


“I told you…” said the malicious teen opening a door and leading him in, “You are f***ed!”




“20% oxygen, 78% nitrogen, temperature 24 °C” said the 24-year-old reading the panel beside the door, “We can go out”. Cuzzy and Ethan stepped out of the emergency module and looked at the thick array of green leaves emerging from the ground and reaching a height of five yards. After two weeks since the attack of the toilet-dealers on Cirroc’s ship headed toward the Earth, it was the first time they could set their foot on something different from the module smooth floor. They found themselves at the bottom of a hole and tried to climb the steep slope to see where they were, though in sense they knew the answer already – they had landed on an unknown green planet in the Hydra system, a planet covered by an ocean of grass, as they saw during the fall. But as they reached the summit of the slope, they realised that the grass showed an apparently uniform height of 5’ from the summit wherever they looked, probably hiding more holes and irregularities in the ground like the one hosting the module. Ethan had to take Cuzzy on his shoulders, as the 8-year-old was shorter than the grass! The two boys looked around – grass, grass and more grass! No signs of animals, birds or even insects.


Geez!” said the little boy, “This sure is the strangest place I’ve ever seen!”


“You are right about that, buddy!” said Ethan, “But whether we like it or not, it’s gonna be our ‘home’ for a while, until they find us.”


“I guess I’ll have to eat veggies, after all!” chuckled Cuzzy.


“Let’s hope they are edible” remarked Ethan in a serious tone, “Or we are done – we’ve only got rations for two more weeks and if I can’t fix the transmitter, God only knows for how long we are going to stay here.”


“Maybe there are animals we can eat!” said the boy.


“Maybe there are animals who can eat us! We’ll check that later with the scanner, but we must find water first” he smiled patting the boy’s diaper with the back of his head, “or we’ll have to get it from the poop-eaters!”


“Yuck!” giggled Cuz, then turning suddenly serious, “You mean… that’s actually possible?”


“Sure, but if we have to stay here a long time we’ll have to find water anyway, to wash them. There’s only ten more for each of us left on the module and unless I can improvise a small reprocessing device, we’ll have to make our best to make them last for as long as it takes for someone to rescue us.”


The two remained silent for a while, observing the impressive huge waves the wind moulded in the grass sea. Cuzzy was so happy Ethan was with him – as he felt the strong shoulders of the big boy underneath his thighs and diaper he could not imagine anyone else making him feel so safe in that strange environment. But he could tell Ethan was happy too – his big hands never letting go of his feet, keeping him safely anchored on top of his tall body, two powerful hands happy to have someone to look after and take care of. Indeed Ethan felt ten times stronger and bigger than he was because Cuzzy was there with him. He had never felt jealous of the boy who slept almost every night with Baby-Bro, because he knew Cuzzy was the most special little diaper boy of all, the boy who never got out of diapers, the boy blessed by Didee. Being alone with him on such a planet and having to take care of him was such an honour! And as he felt the left forefinger of the little boy toying with his earlobe, he did not need to look up to know he was sucking his right thumb. O! It was like when Danny was a toddler!


Wook!” said Cuzzy through his thumb, leaving Ethan’s earlobe alone and pointing at a cloud with his left forefinger. Ethan looked and saw the only cloud in the sky growing at an unbelievable speed.


“There are more!” exclaimed the 8-year-old, pointing at more clouds. In a matter of seconds the sky was covered with clouds appearing out of nowhere, getting darker and darker like blots of ink on a piece of absorbent paper, while the wind increased its velocity by orders of magnitude.


“We must get back into the module!” shouted Ethan, taking the boy off his shoulders. The two let themselves glide down along the slope, landing a couple of feet from the module door. They managed to get into it just before pigeon-egg-like hail grains began to fall from the sky. Inside the module they could hear the furious knocking of the hail growing louder and faster. For a moment they thought the module would simply collapse on them! But the structure proved its strength, and they spent the rest of the time watching the white bombing from behind the module window. The temperature had dropped remarkably, and Ethan had to take a cover and wrap it around him and the boy sitting on his lap, as both were wearing just their diapers. They remained in silence for half an hour, as it was impossible to be heard under that storm, while the hail seemed to bury the module under a dense, compact layer of ice.


“Is it over?” whispered Cuz as the hail suddenly stopped, as if fearing that talking with a normal voice would cause another storm.


“Looks like it” whispered back the 24-year-old, “There must be yards and yards of ice above the module judging by the darkness”


“Are we gonna die?” said a worried little boy.


“I don’t think so, baby…” said Ethan kissing his hair.


“You don’t think so?” replied Cuzzy, looking at him frightened.


Cuzzy,” said the 24-year-old in a soothing tone, “I don’t know this planet anymore than you do… but we can stay in here several hours without problems! We’ll come up with something!”


“I’m scared…” said the boy, as if complaining. Ethan embraced the boy tighter, trying to make him feel as safe as possible. The two spent another half hour in silence, until the little boy said: “I miss Baby-Bro… Do you think he is ok?”


“I don’t know, Cuzzy, but I hope so. I miss him too, you know? Very much…” sighed Ethan.


The boy adjusted himself and sat now on Ethan’s legs, embracing his own legs and keeping them close to his chest, letting his little feet plants rest side by side on the youth’s diaper bulk, to keep balance.


“Ethan…” asked Cuz looking at him.


“Tell me, Cuzzy baby…” smiled back the big boy.


“You love my cousin so much…” he said shyly, “I mean… aren’t you mad at me for sleeping with him?”


“Ha, ha, ha!” laughed Ethan, “Is that what worries you? No, sweetest baby, there is only two boys in the whole universe I have never been jealous of with regard to Baby-Bro… and it’s my brother and you!”


“Are you jealous of Cirroc?” asked the 8-year-old.


“Hey, I didn’t know we were playing the game of truth here!” said Ethan, laughing, “But… you know? I was jealous of him, like crazy! But now? After the night the five of us spent together? No way! I don’t know what miracle Didee has worked on me, but I realise now that I love every boy who loves Baby-Bro and is loved back by him. Funny, isn’t it? And yet logical – how could I not love a boy who looks at Baby-Bro and sees the same things I do? How could I not love a boy who wants nothing bad to happen to my love? I understand Cirroc, I understand you – how could I not love you both? You know this wouldn’t be possible without diapers. Take a bunch of boys without diapers and they’ll start fighting each other to see who’s the strongest. But take a bunch of boys in diapers and they will most likely end up in a situation like the one the five of us had on my bed. Isn’t this the most wonderful thing? Isn’t this something worth thanking Didee for eternally?”


“You are the only big boy I know who understands Didee so well, Ethan” said Cuz with a slightly different voice than usual.


“He… he appears often in my dreams” said shyly the youth, “I… I know I will never be worthy of entering the Dome, but I feel so honoured by his visits in my dreams!”


Why shouldn’t you be worthy of entering the Dome? asked the 8-year-old with a voice Ethan knew so well from his dreams.


“Be… because I turned into a diaper baby boy so late in my life, I’m not like Cirroc or…” quivered the youth’s voice, almost on the brink of crying.


O, but that’s just a rule of thumb, Baby! said Didee-Cuzzy, standing up, You have loved diapers and diaper boys for so long, so deeply, so sincerely… you’ve learned so much! And yet you still think Didee treats his baby boys differently? Establishing hierarchies of love among them?


Cuzzy’s diaper was just a few inches away from Ethan’s face now and the youth could really hear the boy’s mature voice coming out of the living plastic pants of the poop-eater.


Every baby boy has his path to walk, Ethan continued Didee, And you’ve been walking yours without faltering, exploring routes which might have lead you away from me, and yet always keeping me in sight, as if asking me whether what you were doing was right or not. Don’t you think I appreciate all this? Now, take care of this little boy and bring him safe home to my world and you’ll get into the Dome with him!


“O, I will! I will!” exclaimed Ethan embracing the diaper in front of him and kissing it, while the little boy gently passed his hand through his hair.




“Mr Baby-Bro! What an honour!” said a male voice behind a strong light pointed to him. He could barely see the silhouette of the owner of the voice sitting at a desk. There were two more men, standing at the sides of the desk, though their faces were not more recognisable than those of the person who addressed him using his name.


“I guessed I got found out” is all Baby-Bro could come up with after hearing his name for the first time after months.


“Why, you should have told us before!” said the voice in a friendly tone, “We would have prepared ourselves for the occasion! The leader of the diaper revolution here on Toilex VI? Why, that’s quite a celebration for us, Mr Baby-Bro!”


“And whom do I have the honour…?” replied courteously the 12-year-old.


“Everybody here calls me Jack” said the voice, “I’m the director of this facility”


“How did you find out about me?” asked Baby-Bro.


“Well, you’re a quite a celebrity, Mr Baby-Bro! It was bound to happen sooner or later! Though your stubbornness in refusing the re-training was quite a give away… It says here” said the man reading from a screen, “that you never jumped on a torn diaper as all your cellmates would do every morning. It says also” he added with a vaguely embarrassed tone, “that you… ehm… ‘helped’ out the boys at night… Are you into boys a lot, Mr Baby-Bro?”


“I don’t think this is any of your business, Jack” replied the 12-year-old, who did not want the real reason for his masturbating boys to be known.


“He did that” joined in Andrew, “because he thinks that if a boy touches his own willy he will lose his immortality.”


“Is that so, Mr Baby-Bro?” asked Jack.


“Andrew here” bluffed Baby-Bro, “is referring to an old legend, a myth no one can seriously believe to be true.”


“Of course, he is” said the man keeping his false friendly manner, “I guess you wouldn’t mind touching your own tool here in front of us, just to put an end to that legend once and for all?”


“That’s quite a private thing you are asking for, Jack…” said Baby-Bro, thinking of a way to avoid performing what the man wanted.


“O, I’m sorry, Mr Baby-Bro” said the man, trying to sound even kinder than before, “I did not mean to say that you have to… play with yourself in front of us! No, no, no! We are not that kind of people! God forbid! What I meant is just a quick touch, you know, just to get this scientific curiosity of ours out of the way…”


Baby-Bro approached his hand to his tool, pretending to give a very short squeeze, though keeping his hand at a couple of millimetres from his pee-pee: “Happy?” he asked.


“He didn’t really touch it!” exclaimed hysterically Andrew.


“Why, Andy” said venomously the 12-year-old, “I didn’t know you were so interested in other boys touching themselves! You know that’s the kind of thing which got your brother Nathan into troubles…”


“I must confess I couldn’t really see it clearly from here…” said the man.


“I refuse to go any further into this” said Baby-Bro, “Push my hand on it, if you must, but I have a little bit of dignity I would still like to preserve!”


“It doesn’t work if someone else pushes his hand!” squealed Andrew, “He must do it of his own will!”


“Jack, if you really want to know whether this is a legend or not there is only a way for you to find out…” said Baby-Bro.


“I’m all ears, Mr Baby-Bro!” said the man, curious to know were the 12-year-old was heading to.


“Andy” asked Baby-Bro, “how long have you been touching your tool for?”


“Since I got out of those stupid diapers, you asshole!”


“Well, Jack, if the legend is false, just compare Andrew’s pictures since his arrival” explained the 12-year-old, “If they don’t show any sign of ageing, you’ll know it’s a legend, but if they do show signs of ageing… then I guess the legend will turn out to be not a legend after all!”


“That’s bullshit!” shouted Andrew, “All boys are immortal thanks to the advancement of science! The tilomers…”


“Telomeres” corrected him Baby-Bro.


“…of our chronozones…”




“… make sure that our DMA…”




“Stop that, you asshole!” shouted the angry teen.


“I’m sorry, Andy,” apologised Baby-Bro with a patronising tone, “but you are just too painful to listen to… You must admit that getting out of diapers has not exactly made a scientist out of you. You see why your mother was right in putting you back to diapers in the first place?”


“You leave my mother out of this, you f***ing pisser! You brainwashed her like everyone else, like all of us at that time!”


“You attribute to me powers I don’t have, Andy. If what you were doing was the result of brainwashing, how come you were the only one doing it, huh? You know, Jack, our Andrew ‘I-am-a-real-big-boy’ here spent at least hundred and fifty years chasing boys to strip them of their soiled diapers and wearing them immediately after? The poopier, the better, wasn’t it Andy? I mean, doctors came from all the countries of the world to see with their eyes how someone could have developed such an unbeatable diaper rash, didn’t they, Andy ‘The-poopy-diaper-pooper’? O, you should have seen him, Jack! Adding his own mess while wearing someone else’s messy diaper, squashing it all around, moaning like…”


“YOU MOTHER F***ER!” screamed the red-faced teen, “I’M GONNA KILL YA!”


And as the teen jumped at Baby-Bro’s throat, Jack shouted to the men at his side: “Take him off the boy, take him off the boy, NOW!”


“You’ll pay for it, you pissing cock-sucker!” shouted the teen, as the two men dragged him out of the room, while Baby-Bro sent him kisses.


“Jennifer, I want to see all pictures of Andrew since his arrival, just call me when you have them” said Jack to the intercom, “Now, Mr Baby-Bro, let’s get down to real business, do you know the exact whereabouts of Diaper world?”


“I would imagine most of your toilet-dealers know where Diaper world is, why don’t you ask them?”


“O, I know that, Baby-Bro, but you can well imagine that none of them is willing to admit any contact with Diaper world. It’s supposed to be forbidden, you know? So where is it?”


“I’m sorry, but I’m neither a navigator nor a pilot” replied Baby-Bro.


“O, but it doesn’t take that kind of competence to know where a planet is, Baby-Bro! Every body can take a look at a stellar map and find a planet!”


“So, why can’t you?” replied the 12-year-old.


“Baby-Bro, Mr Baby-Bro” said the man leaning forward over the desk, though still retaining his face out of the cone of light, “I’m sincere when I say that it is a great honour for us to have you here, but your refusal to cooperate could change things dramatically! Believe me, I don’t want it to go that way! You saw how I had that raging teen taken out of the room, I don’t want anything bad to happen to you, but you have to cooperate… would you like a drink?”


“I would like a… diaper” said Baby-Bro.




Cuz and Ethan had entered the routine involved with living on the green planet. They knew by now that the hail storms came every two weeks, and that every time the layer of ice would melt within a day, leaving ponds of water everywhere with dead vegetation rotting in them. The ponds would then be quickly absorbed by the soil, leaving room for a new grass ocean to take their place. While no animal had ever showed up in those months, they discovered that by cutting the grass its leaves would yield a creamy milk-like substance, a sweet ‘grass-milk’, as they called it, that they would drink either from baby bottles or together with dried grass pieces as if they were corn flakes. A pretty monotonous diet, and yet it kept them alive and healthy. They had learned to make sufficient water reserves after the hail storms, water they would use for themselves and for the diaper washing device improvised by Ethan – it was not a re-processing machine like the ones on Diaper world, so there was no way to replace broken nano-muscle cells nor panakia fibres. The diapers could be only soaked in a solution of water and milk-grass – which made the plastic-skin keep its smoothness, as Cuz found out – and dried, thus lasting only for a month. Every month they would inaugurate a new diaper, thus leaving them with a reserve of four diapers each after six months on the planet.


“Are you sure you fixed the transmitter alright?” asked Baby-Cuz as he returned from a tour in the grass sea. The 8-year-old found the life on the planet more difficult than Ethan, mostly because, with the exception of the two-three days following a hail storm, he would find himself surrounded all the time by grass leaves which were taller than him already after a day of their appearance! And though Ethan would offer to take him on his shoulders whenever possible, he felt nevertheless more like a dwarf caged in a labyrinth than a toddler playing in a garden.


“It is transmitting, Cuzzy Baby” replied the 24-year-old, “I can assure you, but the signal is not so strong as to reach Diaper world, which must be light years away, anyway. We must hope for a ship to pass at least within this system’s range.”


“Let’s hope it’s not going to be the toilet-dealers ‘rescuing’ us!” said Cuz in a bad mood.


“Hydra is much nearer to Diaper world than it is to Earth, Cuzzy, and they must have sent someone to look for us.”


“I hope so, because I’m tired of having my diapers changed by another boy!” Cuz said, annoyed.


“Is a baby being fresh over there?” said Ethan with a joking tone, “I can leave you in that diaper all the time you want…”


Cuzzy looked downward, pouting his lips. The 24-year-old approached and lowered himself to have his face at the height of Cuzzy’s.


“I wanna go home too, Baby” said Ethan softly, caressing his cheeks, “I wanna see Baby-Bro, Danny and Cirroc, I wanna find out if they are ok.”


Baby-Cuz embraced him, nestling his head on his shoulder.


“But we have no other choice than to wait” Ethan added, “We have to stay put and keep our strength and spirits, for Baby-Bro and the boys, okay?”


The little boy nodded slowly and said, almost shyly, “It’s not true what I said before. I like it when you change my diaper…”


“I kno…” was saying Ethan as he raised his head and saw two men pointing their phasers at him and Cuz.


“I like it when you change my diaper” said one of the two men, making a mocking imitation of the 8-year-old’s voice, “Ha, ha, ha! Did you hear that, Frank?”


“Yeah! Ha, ha, ha!” laughed the other, “I bet the big one likes his diaper to be changed by the little one, too!”


“Well, we are going to get a nice couple of hundreds credits for the two of them when we’ll take them to Toilex VI!” said the first man.


“Even more, John” said Frank, “Though considering that they are dia-pervs, I guess Diaper world authorities would pay as much to put their hands on them! O, sicky, sicky babies, you are f***ed wherever we’ll take you to!”


“Hey, Frank, look at their module…” said John, pointing at the written sign on it, “They were on that ship!”


“Wow, wow, wow…” said Frank, “Isn’t this our lucky day, John, these two are worth their weight in gold pressed latinum, it only depends on who is prepared to pay more to have them…”


“Hey, Mike” said John to his communication device, “Four to beam up!”


White-Bottom Hunting


Senorito Peter?” said Consuelo as she knocked at his bedroom door, “Su padre le està esperando…”


It’s okay, Consuelo” answered the 13-year-old boy, opening the door, “Tell him it’ll be a minute” He looked with satisfaction at his own image in the mirror as he began to pull his baggy trousers over the six briefs, the eight tightie-whities and the six boxers he had managed to wear. Was he exaggerating? Was he becoming too daring? Maybe, but he wanted to take the maximum advantage of the only positive side of going hunting – the baggy military trousers, which allowed him to wear the amount of underpants he would normally have the confidence to wear only in bed, and the possibility to pee in them as much as he wanted, thanks to the fact that he could pretend to slip in any muddy puddle in the forest.


“Mi nino!” exclaimed Consuelo, “Cuantos calzoncillos llevas! Parece un panalito!”


“O, Consuelo!” sighed Peter, “How I wish I could wear a panalito!”


Bueno, bueno! Ahora date prisa!” she said laughing, “Tu papà te està esperando!” The Mexican lady was very fond of that lonely, sensitive boy, so out of place in that family of callous men and hollow women. She was the only one in the house who knew about Peter’s passion for multiple underwear and she made sure nobody could find out about the massive use of underpants by the chubby boy. It was their secret, the foundation of their special bond.


Geez, Peter!” shouted his father from downstairs, “How long is it gonna take? Them deer are not gonna wait and pose for us to shoot ’em!”


“Coming! Coming!” shouted Peter leaving his room. The boy’s dislike for hunting was matched only by his father’s insistence in taking him with him. “A boy is not a man until he shoots his first deer” his father used to say. Men were hunters, for Christ sake! Where would our nation be without guns, huh? But Peter was nothing like that. What an irony! The son of the chairman of the National Gun Association hated gunshots and everything associated with them. He just could not understand why boys and men had to recur to such things to stay together. And then the boasting, the faked laughter, the dirty jokes about women, the constant fear of being tested through sudden fights, for him to prove that he could defend himself, though that was the only physical contact he could possibly hope to get from his father or his older brother. No hugs, not to mention kisses, just punches on the shoulders or arms clamping his neck! Why, his father surely did not want to raise his boys like sissies!


The drive lasted for an endless hour, during which his father talked and preached about his ‘favourite’ subject – that diaper wearing baby scumbag trying to turn the youth of our nation into damn pissers and poopers like him! Peter got so used to his father’s recent obsession that he didn’t even pay attention anymore to what he was saying, but he kept nodding automatically every 20 seconds, just to give the impression that he was listening. He did not agree with his father in the least, in fact Baby-Bro was his secret hero, but he did not dare to show that he had a different opinion from his father’s. His only silent protest consisted into dashing, every now and then, a tiny dribble of pee in his bulky underwear. The very idea of doing this while his father sat beside him made him feel so cooool!


He felt relief as they arrived at the deer woods and began walking in search of a nice sample for him to harvest – what a terrible euphemism for such a horrible action! – To celebrate his entry into manhood. He was given his father’s Foster-type 12-gauge slug gun, a weapon which couldn’t possibly compete with more modern slugs as far as distance was concerned, as its range was well below the 70 yards. However his father thought his personal slug to be more fun to shoot with, particularly because it implied getting nearer to the target compared to other shotguns. They walked for what seemed hours to him, his underwear beginning to feel damp and sticky on his buttocks. O! That was so naughty! Had he been with his mother and sisters instead, he would have wished they caught him like that and made him wear a real diaper! But, no matter how much he loved that ‘I-can’t-help-wetting-myself’ feeling, he knew he had to find a puddle soon for him to pretend to fall into it, otherwise his father and brother would probably shoot him instead of a deer if they found out about his game!


“Hush!” whispered his father all of a sudden, stopping behind a tree trunk, “There!”


He pointed his finger at a beautiful antlerless white tail drinking at a brook. Peter was paralysed with admiration for the young animal which immediately made him think of Bambi. He could not believe his father and brother could not see the same beauty he saw and didn’t feel the same tenderness he felt. It was one of those moment in which he had the very strong feeling that at his birth someone had probably put him into the wrong cradle at the hospital – how else could one explain his being in such a family!


“What do you say, son?” whispered his father, “You wanna have a try?”


“But… dad, he is just a fawn!” he almost shouted, “Isn’t this against the rules?”


“Hush! You’ll scare him away!” whispered his father almost angrily, “And if that is a fawn you are just a baby! Can’t you see he is at least one and half year old? Besides, we make the rules here, and I think it’s only fair for a boy to try to shoot at a young deer! You both have the same experience of life! Isn’t that fair?”


“You bet it is…” chuckled his older brother, “Go for it, Petey!”


“O dad! Please, let’s look for a bigger one!” he pleaded.


“Stop that!” came the harsh reply, “You wanna be a sissy all your life? Now let’s get closer”


The three advanced a few yards, carefully placing one feet after the other to avoid any noise, until Bambi raised his beautiful head for a moment. ‘Run, run, run!’ shouted the boy in his mind. The young buck couldn’t hear him, however, and stood there, waving nervously his tail for a minute or two. But his big wet eyes were still too inexperienced to make out the shape of the three humans in the trees, and resumed drinking, oblivious of the danger.


“Aim your slug, son!” whispered his father, “Stay still and hold your breath, you can’t miss it!”


Peter followed his father’s instructions, marvelling at his own self-control, at the steadiness of his hands, though a veil of tears in his eyes made the shape of Bambi blur into the background.


“Shoot!” said his father, “Now!”


The gunshot echoed in the woods and in the boy’s ears. How could someone get a feeling of power out of it? It sounded more like a hideous, raucous, almost voiceless laughter. A laughter mocking man’s forlorn belief to be in control of things rather than being controlled by them. The brown spot had disappeared from his misty visual field.


“You missed him! Damn you!” shouted his father in a scary attack of anger, “How could you? How could you? You are supposed to be my son, Christ! Now give me that slug! You are not worthy of carrying it, do you understand me?”


Peter gave back the shotgun to his father. He didn’t look at him, to avoid his tears to be seen. Without a word, his father began to walk, followed by his older brother and by him. The boy watched the two men walking in front of him, giving their shoulders to him, ignoring him, as if marking his exclusion from the world of real males. He was shocked by his father reaction. It wasn’t so much the anger, but the sadness, the disappointment conveyed by the anger that struck him. He began to wonder if missing that stupid young deer was worth all this. For some strange reason, the more he felt excluded from the world of his father and his brother, the more he felt like adopting their point of view on things. And for the first time he felt an unbearable wave of embarrassment for wearing all those pairs of wet underpants, particularly now that the sum of all the elastic bands on his legs made itself felt like a set of huge teeth trying to bite off his thighs! What had he been thinking? Why couldn’t he be a normal boy just like all the others? A boy his father would be proud of? The more he walked, the more the presence of the wet bulk between his thighs became intolerable. He had to get rid of them! But how? Even if he pretended to take a crap, taking off his boots and trousers and all those damn pairs of underpants would have taken ages! And he didn’t want to make his dad even more mad at him than he was already. But the worse thing was that he felt more and more an urge to pee and poop, and if he eventually did that, there was no other alternative for him than to recur to his original plan of slipping into a puddle. ‘Great!’ he thought, ‘Another occasion for my dad to be “proud” of me!’. But he had no choice. He had never felt so lost before in his life.


The silence of the gloomy trio was suddenly interrupted by a text reaching his father’s cell phone – MISSION ACCOMPLISHED, was all it said.


“A-ha!” exclaimed his father, “At least there is someone who hasn’t missed his target!”


“What’s up?” asked the brother, approaching him.


“A friend of mine has just made a nice harvest!” said the man, glowing, “Who said this was not going to be a great day, eh? Peter!” he said, turning to the boy, “Hurry up, son! We’ll come back next week, just make sure you’ll practice your aiming every day!”


The boy did not know whether to feel relieved or shocked by his father’s sudden change of mood, though for some mysterious reason he felt less bad at the idea of falling into a puddle at the earliest occasion. A feeling which in turn caused his sphincter muscles to relax long enough for a lump of poop to ‘materialise’ and squash on his nice fat ass, as if adding a new pair of brown, thin, gooey briefs to his collection. Just the equivalent of a little lump, however, as the twenty layers of cloth wrapped around his bottom simply refused any further ‘contribution’ from his bowels.


“My God, you stink!” exclaimed his father later in the pick up, laughing, “That puddle you fell in must have been full of the shit of that young buck scared to death!”




“Ethan, Ethan” said his mother, “Can you hear me?”


Whe… where… is Baby-Bro?” asked the youth as he woke up.


“O, sweetheart, are you okay?” said the lady embracing the light of her eyes, “We worried so much about you!”


“What happened? Where is Baby-Bro?”


“O, honey…” said the woman, holding back her tears, “He… he’s in drug-induced coma. The bullet went through his left lung, missing his heart only by a few millimetres, and then got out from his back into your liver!”


“I must see him!” said Ethan trying to get out of the bed, “Ouuuch!” he shouted.


“Baby, don’t move!” said his mother, “They just took a bullet out of your liver!”


“Ethan!” said Baby-Bro’s sister appearing at the doorstep, “How are you?”


“I’ll survive” he said exchanging a kiss with her, “What about your brother?”


“The doctors say he should make it, but they have to wait and see if he needs to undergo another surgical intervention.”


“Ethan, the Police are outside” said his mother blushing, “they are going to ask you questions about the man who shot at Baby-Bro and you. Do you want me to call the nurse to remove… that before they come in? You don’t need it anymore now…”


Ethan looked at the thick diaper he was wearing and noticed that it was different from the one he was wearing when Baby-Bro and him got shot. They obviously had changed him after the surgery.


“No, mum” he said without hesitation, “I’m gonna keep it, for Baby-Bro. I mean, someone just shot at him for wearing one! O, mum, there is so much at stake here! We cannot let those people win!”




The mood of Peter’s father changed once more on that day, as they got home. He was angry again, though the boy could not really understand why. That was one of the features of adults which puzzled him and scared him the most since his childhood – the sudden, unexplainable changes of mood. What was the point of trying to stay out of trouble or even to do as they said, if in the end they got mad anyway? He promised to himself never to be like that – especially with children! – once he would become an adult.


In the evening, however, things began to click in his mind as he watched the news – someone had shot the famous diaper boy, who was now lying in coma at the hospital. It was as if the pieces of a puzzle wanted to come together, but the resulting image was so terrifying that something prevented them from getting at the right place. The news said also that people were planning a rally with candles outside the hospital, in support of Baby-Bro and there was also a short interview with the diaper boy’s future brother-in-law, who got wounded too during the shooting. Peter could not help noticing that he was wearing a diaper while being interviewed on the bed at the hospital. That was so bizarre! He looked like a really strong guy, very athletic, and yet he was wearing a diaper! Maybe there was a way of being a real man which was different from the one portrayed by his father? No way! After removing his grossly soiled underwear that afternoon, he decided once and for all that it was over with his multiple underwear game and his silly diaper day dreaming. O, he felt sorry for the diaper boy, of course, but one had to admit that he had looked for it, hadn’t he?


He went to bed, ready for his first night without multiple underwear, his first night as a real boy. What a freedom! He was so pleased with himself! He lied on his big belly, preparing himself for the sleep all warriors deserve, until his hands touched something strange under the pillow... ‘What is this?’ he thought, ‘Consuelo!’ She was the only one who could have thought of hiding a diaper under his pillow for him to wear it. He threw the diaper on the floor with revulsion. How dared she? His father was damn right in saying that one should never give too much confidence to the people at your service, because they will only take advantage of it. No, no, no, querida! You better learn what your place in this house is otherwise you’ll be dismissed pronto and adios green card! Cuidado! ‘Cuidado?’ came in another thought, ‘What do you mean by cuidado? The poor lady just saw your messed pants and thought of a way of helping you, protecting you from your father’s rage!’


‘Ok, ok, but that was the only and last time she saw that! No more messy pants from now on! So, she better takes that stupid diaper back tomorrow and throws it away!’


‘But it’s right there, can’t you just pick it up and try it? Just to see what it feels like…’


‘I said it’s over with all that! There is no need to try what I don’t want to try. Full stop!’


‘O, c’mon, you’ve been dying for one all your life and now that you have the opportunity you are gonna miss it? A second missed shot in a day?’


‘You bastard! I wanted to miss that stupid deer, and exactly in the same way I want to miss the “opportunity” of wearing that stupid diaper!’


‘Okay, see it as a test then – if you think you are so strong to resist the desire of wearing that diaper, why don’t you pick it up and hold it in your hands? So you can see for yourself that you really don’t want to wear it. Or are you so scared even to pick it up? A poor little sissy afraid of holding a stupid diaper in his hand…’


‘F*** you! Of course I’m not afraid of taking a diaper in my hands! Look!’


He sat on the edge of the bed and leaned to pick up the diaper from the floor. It felt like a big, soft book with a nice plastic cover. He held it with both hands in front of him, almost yielding to the temptation of squeezing it to make its plastics crinkle.


‘You see? It’s just a stupid diaper, something for babies! Not for big boys like me!’


‘O, but that one is a diaper for big, very big boys like you! Why do you think they come in that size, huh?’


‘Well, I don’t need it!’


‘Have you noticed how soft it is? Why don’t you open it to see its inside…’


‘What for? I know what diapers are like!’


‘Do you? So what are you afraid of? It’s not gonna eat you!’


‘Damn!’ he thought, unfolding the diaper in anger, ‘There! There! It’s open, alright?’


He was surprised at the size of the diaper, which only now revealed itself in its entirety.


‘O, look at it Peter, it’s made for you, isn’t it? Can’t you see how your big bum fits perfectly in it? Let’s try it, shall we?’




‘Why not? I’ll tell you what, if you can wear it a whole night without peeing in it, than you will have the perfect proof that you don’t need it, won’t you?’




‘O, c’mon! It’s just a diaper! You can control this, can’t you?’


‘I mean, who could ever possibly want to depend on a thing like that!’


‘Exactly! Let’s prove once and for all that you can wear one without feeling anything special about it, without becoming dependent on it! Come on! What do you have to lose?’


‘That’s stupid!’


‘Yeah, you are right. But, you know, avoiding a temptation is not that much of a deal. I mean, anyone can stop eating too much if they keep the fridge empty. Is that really a big deal? But to sit in front of a nice piece of cake and resist the temptation of eating it – now, that’s what I call real guts! Those really are people with nerves made of steel…’


‘You want me to prove it you? I’ll prove it to you!’ and he threw the diaper on his bed, got rid of his pyjamas trousers and sat right on the back hem of the disposable. He did all this with jerky, angry movements. O, he was furious! He was going to teach a lesson to that stupid diaper, his bouncing boner notwithstanding! He pulled up with force the front hem of the diaper, unwillingly spreading his legs open, reluctantly conceding that it was too bulky for his thighs to stay close to each other. As he began fastening the tapes, however, he underwent a complete change of mood – his motions slowed down and became more careful, as if realising that that very special garment demanded respect and caution.


‘O, my God!’ he thought, patting the soft bulk on the front. Geez! This is f***ing GREAT!’ In that moment he knew that this was sooo right! The diaper was exactly where it belonged – on him! And he was exactly where he belonged – in a diaper!


Aren’t we just the craziest species ever appeared on this poor planet of ours? Why, the boy had spent the whole afternoon and the evening complaining about the inexplicable mood changes of adults and there he was pledging eternal love to the very thing he had despised until a minute before! Why on Earth do we like to play this kind of games with ourselves? Can’t we just say straight away that we love something? No, we must spend a good deal of time pretending that we hate it or that we can’t have it before letting ourselves go, mustn’t we? Probably for the same reason for which we don’t like stories where everything goes fine. We just find them boring and so we devote ourselves to stories full of difficulties and obstacles for the characters, though we sure want a happy ending.


‘Aren’t we glad we didn’t miss our second shot today?’ asked someone in Peter’s mind.


‘Yeah…’ he replied, happily stroking the diaper, ‘My father would say that at least there is someone who hasn’t missed his targ… f***ing hell! O my God! He’s behind it! He’s behind it! He had someone shoot at the diaper boy!’


The Invasion of the Butty-Snatchers


Mike entered the cell where Ethan and Cuz were kept on the small ship of the bounty hunters.


“Your meal” he said without looking at them and leaving a tray on a table.


“Where are they taking us, Mikey?” said Ethan, “Is it Diaper world or Toilex VI?”


The 20-year-old boy stopped at the threshold, his back to the prisoners. He was obviously uncomfortable in their presence and wanted to leave as soon as possible.


“You’ll find out pretty soon” he said and moved a step out of the cell.


“Mikey!” said Ethan, “Please!”


“My name’s Mike, you…” he said, turning and going back into the cell again. He knew he had made a mistake as he made eye contact with the most beautiful young man he ever saw in his life. He had made his best to hide his shock since he first saw Ethan appearing in the teleportation device. He had never seen a grown up in diapers before! Pre-teens, teens… that was almost ‘normal’, but a guy! Why was he wearing diapers? That stunning 24-year-old could have had all the girls he wanted, whereas he had not managed to date a single girl yet, at twenty! He didn’t know how to approach them and he could feel girls were not attracted to him for some reason.


“Why do you wear diapers?” asked Mike, half astonished, half reproaching, “I mean, that boy is already too big for wearing them… but you! Geez, don’t you feel ridiculous?”


“I don’t know, Mikey…” said Ethan approaching the 20-year-old and quickly raising his eyebrows a couple of times, “Do I look ridiculous?”


“YES!” lied Mike, his heart beats increasing in speed, perfectly aware that nothing in the universe could make someone as beautiful as Ethan look ridiculous.


“So, whom should I believe” said Ethan cheekily, “Your voice or… that boner about to tear your trousers apart?”


Argh!” said the youth, blushing and turning to leave the room. A big mistake. Like all people who had spent too much time with toilet-dealers, he also thought that someone in a diaper could not represent a threat. Ethan grabbed the opportunity and twisted the youth’s right arm behind his back, while wrapping his own left arm around his neck.


“Easy baby…” he whispered to the terrorised youth feeling Ethan’s arm clasped around his neck and tightening the grip, “Where are we going? Huh?”


“T…toitoilex!” said Mike almost choking.


“You know I could break your neck in a second…” whispered Ethan into his ear, “But somehow I’ve got the feeling that you are a nice guy who’s just spent too much time with the wrong people, am I right?”


“Y… yes, p… please!” moaned the 20-year-old, grabbing Ethan’s arm around his neck with his left arm, “Don’t kill me…!”


“Have you got brothers, Mikey?” asked Ethan, slightly releasing the grip on Mike’s neck, but twisting his right arm even further.


“Ouch! Yeah… why?”


“How many, how old?”


“One, ten year… old! Cough!”


Ethan turned with him toward Cuz, who stood at a corner of the cell.


“I want you to take a good look at that boy, Mikey. He might be your brother, couldn’t he?” asked the 24-year-old. Mike nodded, pressing his chin on Ethan’s elbow.


“Do you know what they are going to do to him if he ends up on Toilet VI?”


“They, cough!, will re… train, cough, him, like my brother, please!” pleaded Mike.


“Is your brother happier since the re-training? Be honest!” said Ethan tightening again his powerful arm around the youth’s neck.


“N…no, he is not! Please, cough, cough, I’m cough choking!”


“Will you be a good boy if I’ll let go?” said Ethan, almost sticking his tongue into Mike’s ear.


“Cough! Yeah! I will!”


“Good boy!” said the 24-year-old, kissing Mike on his right cheek while releasing the grip on his neck and his right arm, “Cuz, come here and say hello to Mikey!”


“Hello, Mikey!” said the 8-year-old showing his best smile, “I’m Cuz!”


BaBaby-Cuz? The one of the statues?” asked Mike, recovering his breath.


“Mike, where the hell are you? We need you on the helm!” said the intercom.


“I’m coming!” he replied, while taking the 8-year-old in his arms. Nanoseconds became eons as he held Cuz in his arms, while long forgotten images of his brother and him waking up diapered in the same bed, playing like puppies, came back smashing all the years of re-training.


“Do you understand now why he must not go to Toilex VI?” asked Ethan, putting his hand on Mike’s shoulder. Mike felt a shiver down his spine – My God, how can you fall in love with someone who has just threatened to kill you? He had never been at the mercy of another guy like that before! And what a guy! O, he had had his share of fights, but that was so different! The power of that arm around his neck! His whispers in his ears! He even kissed him!


“I’ll help you, but you must let me take my brother, before we head for Diaper world” said Mike.


“Where’s your brother?” asked Ethan.


“On Toilex VI…” replied the 20-year-old.


“Are you insane? Look” said Ethan, “You’ll take us to Diaper world and then I’ll help you get your brother, okay? You have my word!”


“My picture will be on all the toilet-mafia ships by then! We must act now!” said Mike.


“In that case, I must make sure that there are other Diaper world ships accompanying us, okay?”


“Why should Diaper world risk its ships to rescue my brother?”


“Because if we cannot conquer Toilex VI, we will never know if we can really hope to win the Earth back! Do we have a deal?”


“All right!” said Mike, “Now come with me!” The two youths left the cell for the helm, where they easily took control of the situation, knocking down John and Frank, who ended in the very cell where the two diaper boys were before. Mike took command of the ship, while Ethan tried to establish a radio contact to Diaper world.




“A diaper?” said Jack, “Why, Baby-Bro, I’m afraid that’s the only request I have to refuse. Please try to see things from my perspective – if we were to allow you to wear diapers, there would be no way to convince the others that they don’t need them, would it?”


“In that case” replied Baby-Bro, “forget about the Diaper world coordinates!”


“What a pity, Mr Baby-Bro” said Jack in a voice which almost betrayed genuine disappointment, “I thought we were getting along so well, the two of us. Now I’m afraid that not even the cage is a sufficient… ‘incentive’ to win your cooperation… Take him to room 101!” he said to the two men behind the 12-year-old, who had never noticed them before that moment.


Room 101 was a sort of legend on Toilex VI, the kind of place everyone whispers about, and yet no one knows if it really exists or not. And Baby-Bro wasn’t exactly happy to be the first one to find out about it. But telling the toilet-mafia the whereabouts of Diaper world was out of question, particularly now that he had for the first time in months the strong feeling that Cuzzy was safe – had he been in their hands, surely Jack would have mentioned him and used him to threaten Baby-Bro more effectively than any room 101 could possibly do! He held on to that thought as the two men began putting chains to his ankles and wrists and a small crane lifted him above the opening of a huge WC! He found himself hovering face down over the gigantic toilet, just below the seat line, while the enormous lid closed on him.


The darkness made him lose track of time, while the pain on his ankles and wrists was soon covered by the unbearable muscle cramps in his limbs. He wept and cursed the world, though the pain was nothing compared to the real terror which assailed him as he realised that at each flushing of the toilet, the chains at his ankles and wrists would increase in length, thus bringing him nearer to the water pit! He knew that he would eventually drown once below a certain level.


At times he simply fainted, hanging unconscious for minutes, or hours – it was impossible to tell – before the next flushing.


‘Look at the favourite disciple of my opponent…’ said a voice in his mind.


Baby-Bro knew that the voice had to be real, somehow, as he was certain that his brain was incapable of concocting something as hideous as that. It sounded like the voice of a dead body made ‘alive’ by the use of mechanical devices, like an air pump stuck in its ass and little metal hooks pulling its lips and tongue to fake speech sounds. The voice quivered in the most unsettling manner and the consonants sounded horribly wrong.


“Why don’t you just kill me” said Baby-Bro in a feeble voice, “Isn’t that what you want?”


‘Two-hundred years of diaper boys swarming all over, two-hundred years of deprivation of those precious little peckers pouring their sweet pee down my throat, twenty decades without their soft poop plunging into my mouth… and you think you can get away with it by just dying? O, no, no, no! I want you and that loser you still call ‘master’ to see the complete failure of your project! I want you to witness the eradication of diapers from our universe! Believe me, no one will even remember what that word means once I’m finished with it! After all, they are called “Die-pers”, aren’t they? So they must die! Ha, ha, ha!’


“What about the newborns?” said Baby-Bro, trying not to shiver at the horrendous sound of that laughter, “Are you gonna have them tied to you after birth?”


‘And they told me you were smart!’ mocked him back the voice, ‘Are you just stupid or are you pretending not to know the mankind did extremely well long before some idiot even invented a diaper? Don’t you know that even as you started with this foolish project of yours, there were still hundreds of millions of people raising their little ones without any need of those dirty rugs? You are so pathetic! You are so obsessed with diapers that you cannot even conceive that people can get along without them, can you?’


“Of course they can” replied the 12-year-old, “as well as they can get along without toilets! Or is someone here trying to remove the speck from my eye while not seeing the beam of wood in his own? We both know that you and Didee are ideas which need to spread to survive, ideas whose absence wouldn’t probably harm mankind in any way, but whose presence enriches their life! So why can’t you strike a deal? The girls for you and the boys for Didee?”


‘You are smart after all!’ said the voice, genuinely struck by the boy’s remarks, ‘But, tell me, do you think your master would be ready to accept a slightly different deal? The boys for me and the girls for him?’


“Pro… probably… not” admitted the boy.


‘You see? You are smart! I’m sure you understand why this war will go on until one of us destroys his opponent’


“Ideas don’t die…” said Baby-Bro bitterly.


‘O, yes they do!’ said the voice triumphantly, ‘Just wait and see until I get your sweet little cousin out of his diapers and make of him the best example of re-training for all the boys of the universe!’


“Leave him out of this!” pleaded Baby-Bro, “Take me! I will undergo the re-training for you! You will show to the whole world how the leader of the diaper revolution finally uses a toilet! But leave my cousin alone, please, please!”


‘O, how very generous of you, Baby-Bro! I’ll grant you that! But don’t you think I know about the prophecy? Actually, what you call a prophecy is a bet between your master and me – the boy stays in diaper? I lose, but if the boy ends up on a toilet, I win! And you can be sure that I won’t stop until that little boy pisses right into my throat! Ha, ha, ha!’


And the toilet flushed once more, covering Baby-Bro completely with tons of water.




“This is ship NSC-204 calling Diaper world. This is ship NSC-204 calling Diaper world” repeated Ethan trying the hundredth frequency on the sub-space radio, after twenty-four hours since their takeover of the bounty hunter’s ship. He sat beside Mike, who now and then let his hand ‘accidentally’ drop from the keyboard onto Ethan’s diapered lap.


“I am watching you!” said Cuz with a serious voice from behind the two, “May I remind you that there is a minor on the helm?”


The two guys laughed, while Mike took his hand back to the keyboard.


“You know…” whispered Ethan to the 20-year-old after a while, “it would be different if you were diapered” and he moved his head lightly in Cuzzy’s direction.


“You mean…” whispered Mike, after taking a glance at Cuz, “he wouldn’t mind me touching you if I was diapered?”


“That’s correct” whispered the 24-year-old, “he wouldn’t think it was something sexual that way”


“I guess I better go straight to the replicator and order a diaper at once!” said Mike.


“Leave it” said Ethan standing up, “I’ll do it for you… Cuzzy! Would you mind going to Mike’s room and bring his bag here?”


“What are you two up to?” said Cuz half cheekily, half serious, “Why would he need his bag now?”


Cuzzy, Mike and I want to make a surprise for you…” said Ethan.


“What kind of surprise?” asked the sceptical preteen.


“A nice one, will you go, Cuzzy…” smiled Ethan, “please?”


“All right, all right!” mumbled the 8-year-old leaving the helm.


“Computer, diaper, size 11, thickness 4” said Ethan in front of the replicator. After a few seconds the orange mist of the replicator dissolved revealing a folded diaper.


“Mikey….” said softly Ethan approaching him from behind with the diaper in his hand, “you better insert the automatic pilot, take off your trousers and lie down on the floor…”


“It’s already on!” said Mike standing up and beginning to unzip his trousers.


“On and hard…” joked Ethan, referring to the spectacular boner of the 20-year-old. He knelt on the floor, unfolded the diaper and laid it down for Mike to sit on it, while the youth’s erection approached his face. Ethan grabbed the flying cock… and pulled it down toward the diaper, forcing Mike to follow the movement.


“We don’t have much time, Mikey” he said, “Cuzzy will be back in a few moments”


“I know…” sighed the youth, laying his buttocks on the diaper and closing his eyes.


Ethan pulled the front hem over Mike’s belly, quickly sealing the tapes afterward.


“Ready!” said Ethan giving him a quick kiss on the lips. But Mike did not want to stand up yet.


“O, Ethan” he said eventually, “How could I let them talk me into re-training! And I even took my brother along!”


“Wow! Mikey!” exclaimed Cuz coming back to the helm, “You look GREAT!”


“He does, doesn’t he?” agreed Ethan, helping the youth up.


One could tell Mike was on the brink of crying, but he managed to hold his tears back and lowered himself to give Cuzzy a nice hug. O, Cuzzy reminded him sooo much of his little brother!


“We’ll find your brother and we’ll all go to Diaper world!” whispered the 8-year-old in his ear.


“NSC-204, NSC-204, this is Diaper One, can you copy?” said a familiar voice on the radio.


“Baby-Sir!!” shouted Cuz and Ethan in unison.




Baby-Bro opened his eyes. Where was he? He had to wait for a while, until his sight adjusted to the darkness. He looked around and identified the shape of three empty beds. A hospital? A piercing pain crossed his arm as he tried to lift the cover. He could feel all his limbs aching now, especially around his wrists and ankles. Was he still hanging on the huge toilet? But the sudden terror went away as quickly as it came. No, he was definitely lying on a bed and then he had this funny feeling of a friendly presence… He drifted back to sleep.


“Can he talk?” said a known voice.


“He is still unconscious, Director” said a female voice. Baby-Bro understood that it was better for him to keep his eyes closed.


“It’s been a week!” protested Jack.


“You can’t expect to drown someone and get him on his feet alive and kicking the next day, Director” said another male voice.


“Doctor!” said Jack, switching back to the false friendly tone Baby-Bro knew too well, “It was just a few buckets of water… no one has ever died from that! It was just a special training session… a bit harsh perhaps, but…” Baby-Bro heard with terror the director approaching his bed.


“Quite a thick quilt you’ve put on him too…” said Jack, lifting the cover with one rough gesture, “YOU’VE DIAPERED HIM?!” Baby-Bro got so frightened that he could not help opening his eyes.


“What did you think? That we let unconscious patients flood our beds with piss? In what kind of world do you live?” said the doctor vehemently.


“Well… he’s not unconscious anymore, it seems!” said the skull-like face of Jack looking at him, “Are you unconscious, Baby-Bro-thel? Get him out of that diaper NOW!”


“This is my infirmary, Jack” shouted the doctor, “I am the one in charge here and I dispose of my patients as I see fit!”


“You are endangering a serious re-training scheme, Doctor! The re-training Commission on Earth will get a report from me on this and you better pray your high placed friends will still be there to help you!”


“You are the one who needs friends, Jack, don’t think the Commission will take the attempted murder of a boy so lightly!”


“Attempted murder?! Ha, ha!” laughed Jack, “Give me a break, Doc! No one has ever died in my re-training facility, we’ve got the highest rate of successful re-trainings in the whole universe!”


“Successful? You mean like this boy who might never walk nor move his arms again and will need a diaper for the rest of his days?”


“You just” said Jack in a low, threatening whisper, approaching his terrifying face to the doctor’s, “have no idea what you are messing up with, have you, Doc?” He then turned to the 12-year-old: “You enjoy this while you can, Baby-Brothel! You enjoy this while you can!” and left the room.


“We must find a way to get him out of here!” said the doctor to the nurse.


“Don’t put yourself in danger for me, Doctor!” said Baby-Bro.


“Baby-Bro” said the doctor, “If you end up a second a time in the hands of that man… you are a dead boy! Do you understand?”


“Then you must send me to Diaper world, it’s the only safe place for me…”


“How can we do that?” inquired the doctor.


“Find a toilet-dealer greedy enough to take me there in exchange of money, I can pay lots of credits once back on Diaper world!”


“You are too hot a merchandise for anyone to take that risk now, honey!” said the nurse.


“Tell us where Diaper world is and we’ll take you there!” offered the doctor.


‘Can you trust them? What if this is all just a set up?’ said a voice in his mind.


“I… I don’t know where it is…” he said shyly.


“You don’t?” marvelled the doctor.


“It’s… a safety measure we concocted a long time ago for a situation like this one…”


“I see!” said the doctor, “Quite clever, I must admit. But can you think of someone we could try to get in touch with?”


“I know someone will try to contact me now that I’m wearing a diaper again. We’ll just have to wait…”




Baby-Sir and four armed diapered teens materialised on the helm of the NSC-204 and the happiest reunion took place between the diaper prince and his two friends. Warm tears, long hugs, light pats on diapered bottoms, the whole repertoire of genuine affection among boys. Baby-Cuz knew now that Ethan wasn’t lying when he said he loved Cirroc too as he watched the two boys embracing each other, kissing and crying – their common love, Baby-Bro, who once was the involuntary cause of their reciprocal jealousy, was now what made their love so strong. And one could tell Mike was the jealous one now! But Cuzzy-the-wise-baby approached Mike to let him take him in his arms, knowing this was the best remedy against the 20-year-old’s jealousy. “Diapers unite what pee-pees divide…” said Cuzzy softly to Mike, as this kissed him lightly on the cheeks, “Let your Didee take over, trust him your pee-pee – once a real diaper boy, you’ll love them all and you will be loved by all…” Mike listened to Cuzzy’s words, letting their truth imbibe him with promises of unknown happiness and joy.


“How did you get the Diaper One back?” Ethan asked Cirroc, “Where did you flee?”


“I never fled and that’s exactly the reason why I got it back!” said the proud commander, “I hid in the Jeffery-tubes for a month, together with Brian and half a dozen of boys. Boy, you bet we got sick and tired of replicated food and diapers in that month, but it was worth it! We let them believe they had full command of the ship, while we took notice of all their destinations, including Toilex VI, which is were Baby-Bro must be held captive…”


Toilex VI?” said Ethan and Cuz in horror, “They must have tortured him, if they found out who he is!”


“We don’t know, boys” replied Baby-Sir, “But that’s why Toilex VI will be our first target on the way to Earth. We have learned a lot during these months, and Brian has finally managed to make the pee-maker a reliable tool and has invented two awesome weapons! And Danny! Well, your brother has proved once more that he is genius, Ethan! You’ll see!”


“What did he do?” asked Cuzzy, whose curiosity was as incontinent as his bladder and bowels.


“It’s a surprise! But you’ll love it!” said the diaper prince, “Let me show you Brian’s new weapons while you are here, I think we can test them on your prisoners…”


“Yeah!” exclaimed the three boys. And they all went to the cell were the two bounty hunters were kept and as soon as they opened the door John jumped out of the cell holding a rudimental phaser he concocted using the electrical circuits of the lights. One of the diapered teens immediately activated his own phaser, pointing its white beam to John’s crotch, who began to moan uncontrollably, falling on his back and letting go of his phaser. A second teen did the same pointing the beam to Frank who had exactly the same reaction as John’s.




“What’s happening to them?” asked Cuz, while Mike and Ethan began to laugh as they noticed the bursting erections of the bounty hunters jerking on the floor. The men’s trousers were wet, but it wasn’t pee…


“They are experiencing” explained Cirroc, “the longest orgasm they’ve ever had in their lives – the white beam hitting their crotches makes their nerve cells down there resonate and so they keep feeling that they are coming, even if there is nothing left in their balls to be squeezed out anymore.”


“Does it hurt?” asked the 8-year-old.


“On the contrary” said the diaper prince, “they feel such an intense pleasure that they are paralysed by it and cannot do anything else. Ok, boys, I think they’ve had enough” And the two teens switched off their beams, leaving the men on the floor exhausted beyond recognition.


“The phaser has two more functions” continued Cirroc, “which I’m sure you are gonna love…. Mike can I test them on you?”, he said noticing the 20-year-old’s fresh diaper.


Mike didn’t even have the time to say anything that a yellow beam was hitting his diapered crotch already, and in a matter of seconds one could see a dark spot growing in size…


“My God!” exclaimed the youth, “What’s the other function? O, no! No, no, no!” And a brown beam was hitting his bottom provoking an unmistakable inflation of his diaper right behind his anus. Ethan and Cuz had to hold their aching tummies, while they laughed their head off.


“But this is not all, babies!” said Cirroc, “There is one more weapon you have to see… Boys” he said to the four teens, “take the two prisoners back in the cell…” And the teens dragged the two exhausted men in the cell and came out again.


“Now, this is only a small one…” said Baby-Sir extracting a little ball of glass from his uniform, “The big ones will be beamed directly into the enemy’s ships…” And he threw the ball on the floor and closed the door of the cell. The three rescued boys couldn’t believe their eyes as they saw through the screen showing the inside of the cell the two men jumping on each other, kissing their mouths off, ripping off each other’s shirts and trousers, blowing each other to consumption…


“It’s called a sex-bomb…” explained Cirroc, “We will use it to take command of their ships.”


“This is so fascinating!” exclaimed Ethan, “Weapons of love instead of death! Brain really followed Didee’s philosophy in making them!”


“You are right” commented Cirroc, “and this exactly why we shall win! Let’s go on board of the Diaper One, now. Toilex VI is waiting for us!”


As the boys materialised on the Diaper One the first thing Mike, Ethan and Cuz got was a professional diaper change by the pink angels serving on board. The three boys got changed in the same room where, after a shave to Ethan’s and Mike’s body hair, they all experienced the shock of a new poop-eater on them. Mike was the most affected of course, not only because he had never tried a poop-eater before, but also because he had a personal matter with Didee to clear – he began by clapping his feet plants and patting his diaper, like every boy would do with a new poop-eater on, but after a while he began to cry like a real little baby, producing an inconsolable wail, as if looking for mommy, as if asking Didee for forgiveness for having neglected him for such a long time, admitting how foolish he had been in refusing to wear a diaper for so long. His desperate babyish cries could be translated into something like “I will be a good baby, now! I promise I will never try to take off my didees again, honest! I realise now that boys belong to diapers! Please let me be one of your diaper baby boys again! You know I cannot go anywhere without you! I’ve learnt my lesson, please, please, please! Take me with you again!”




Baby-Bro! Sweet baby! How are you? said Didee in his dream.


‘Why, Didee, I’d thought I’d never hear from you again! I’m almost paralysed, as you can see, but for the rest I’m fine, now that I can hear you again and I know Cuzzy is safe!’


O Baby, don’t worry about the wounds, they’ll heal. The boys are coming to free you and all the other boys in this horrible place…


‘They’re coming? That’s great, Didee! When? When? When?’


In a few hours?


‘O, please tell me this is not a dream!’


Well, it is a dream, of course, but I can assure you – the boys are coming for real… O, I’m so proud of you, Baby-Bro! You went through the most horrible experience a diaper baby boy can imagine and yet you took it with such a steadfastness! Your loyalty to me is of example for all the diaper boys of the universe!


‘Speaking of loyalty…’ came the sarcastic remark of the 12-year-old, ‘is it true what that detestable toilet said? That the prophecy about Cuzzy is in reality a bet between you and him?’


That stupid bastard! Well, now it is no longer a prophecy nor a bet anymore, as he broke the promise we both made, that is – never to speak about it to anyone. Baby, I know you might take this from the wrong side, but at the time we made that bet I thought it was the only way to put an end to the war… Moreover, I’ve never doubted Cuzzy’s capacity to avert all major troubles – you may think this is the result of my blessing on him, but the fact is that it is much more than that… You see, Baby, what you consider your cousin is actually the embodiment of another idea, a colleague of mine so to speak, and a very close one for that matter. Cuzzy is happy innocence, Cuzzy is good-humoured naivety, Cuzzy is playful curiosity, in one word he is… the Eternal Child. No one who has a human heart can resist him…


‘Does he know he is all that? And how should I treat him, now that I know all this?’


He doesn’t know what he is, but he doesn’t ignore it either – he just is, like a real child. He loves you so much, Baby-Bro, just love him as you did before, as you are doing now. He is exactly what he looks like – a cute 8-year-old in diapers and he is your closest cousin. But don’t forget that all humans are cousins – you all descend from the same mother, you should love each other because of this. Remember – there is a little diaper baby boy in every one, just look for it.


‘Is someone else of my friends the embodiment of an idea? Cirroc? Ethan? Am I??’


That’s too soon for you to know… go back to your normal sleep now, tomorrow is a big day!


The following morning Baby-Bro slept till late and when he woke up, he couldn’t help but marvel at the bright light of the sun of Orion. Where was the nurse? Why didn’t she wake him up for breakfast and to change his diaper? “Ms Jones?” he said looking at the door. “Ms Jones!” he said in a louder voice. He got frightened as he realised that no sound whatsoever came from the inside of the infirmary. Did they leave? Did they leave him there alone? Instinctively he tried to get out of bed and, to his surprise, he found his body responding! A bit aching still, but he could move! He stood up slowly and made a couple of steps toward the window. His diaper surely was drenched and pooped! But knowing what was going on was more important than anything else. After all, he had spent so many months without diapers that even a messy one was the most welcome garment one could hope for in that place!


He leaned on the window and looked around, scanning the various courts of the facility. Silence reigned everywhere and no one was to be seen. That was weird! Until he identified the doctor and the nurse accompanied by two more adults coming out of a dorm only to enter the following one. Something had happened, for sure!


After a while he decided that it was safe enough for him to venture through the infirmary in the search for food. A few doors away from his room he found a small kitchen where he saw a few biscuits and some tea in a kettle. “Great!” he said as he sat down at a table and poured some tea in a mug and grabbed the biscuit box.


“Mr Baby-Bro!” scared him the nurse appearing in the kitchen, making him jump on the chair, “O, I’m sorry if I frightened you, but you must go to your bed at once, the director and the doctor will be here in a few minutes!”


“What… what happened?” said Baby-Bro recovering his breath.


“I’ll tell you once we are in your room. O, Mr Baby-Bro, I better change your diaper before the others come! Let’s go!”


“Can I take the biscuits?” he said after emptying the mug in two gulps.


“Yes, but come, come!” hurried the nurse.


On their way to his room she opened quickly a door with a key and grabbed a new diaper for the boy, and as soon as Baby-Bro laid his padded buttocks on the bed the lady performed what probably was the quickest diaper change in the history of mankind! She basically tore off the messy diaper with one hand, lifted his legs with the other, threw the diaper in a bin, cleaned the boy with a huge wet wipe, laid the new diaper (which she had had unfolded already in the corridor!), lowered his legs and sealed him in in a matter of seconds!


“My God, you should come to Diaper world to teach our angels how to do that!” exclaimed the boy in admiration.


But the nurse did not have a chance to reply as the director barged into the room immediately followed by the doctor and two guards.


“YOU!” shouted Jack, “I want an explanation! You must be behind all this!”


“I beg your pardon?” said calmly the 12-year-old, before biting a biscuit. He lay on his bed just in his thick diaper, but that was enough for him to face the whole world! He had not felt such a strength and confidence for a long time, but now it was back! He was the diaper revolution leader again! And one could tell that even the adults in the room had a clear perception of the fact that the boy lying on the bed now was by no means an ordinary boy.


“How do you mean!” shouted Jack even louder, his skull-like face assuming an even more unpleasant look because of its redness, “Don’t pretend you don’t know what has just happened to all my boys!”


Your… boys?” said ironically Baby-Bro, “And you asked me if I was into boys, Jack!”


“All boys wet their beds last night!” said the nurse, trying to break the mounting tension.


“He knows that, you stupid bitch!” screamed the director, “He is behind all this! I just wanna know how he did it!”


“Well, Jack” said the 12-year-old, “If you do find out, please let me know, because I am as curious as you are…”


“TAKE HIM TO ROOM 101 NOW!” shouted the hysteric director to the two guards, but before the two men moved, two more men came in shouting:


“Director! Doctor! It’s happening again, right now! They are wetting themselves, all of them!”


“You are gonna pay for this!” hissed Jack to Baby-Bro and then said to the two guards: “I gave you an order! I want to see him in room 101 when I… !”


Jack stopped talking as soon as he realised that six human shapes were materialising in the room.


“Fire on them, fire… AAAAWWWW!” was his useless order, as the white beams of the phasers reached already his crotch and that of the guards, who dropped on the floor jerking and moaning like bedevilled whores. The nurse did not know whether to laugh or to blush while watching the director imbibing his pants with semen.


“Ethan!” shouted Baby-Bro to the 24-year-old holding one of the magical phasers.


“Are you okay, Baby?” replied the youth, “I think you are about the only person I know who could have managed to sneak into a diaper even on Toilex VI!”


“I feel great now! Didee told me you were coming! How is Baby-Cuz?”


“Why don’t you ask him yourself…” said Ethan, dragging out the unconscious director, while the other boys took care of the guards. A new shape materialised in the room: “Baby-Broooo!!”, shouted the 8-year-old.


Cuzzyyyyyy!!!” shouted back the 12-year-old, as his cousin jumped on the bed. The nurse and the doctor left the room, leaving the two boys alone, while four armed diaper boys took guard immediately outside of it.


“Ouch! Ha, ha, ha!” laughed Baby-Bro as the little boy landed on his still aching body.


Sorryy! Did I hurt you?” said the worried cousin.


“O, no!” replied Baby-Bro, embracing him as tight as he could, “You are the best medicine I could hope for, Cuzzy, smack!, Cuzzy, smack!, Cuzzy, smack!…” said Baby-Bro kissing him all over.


“Phew!” teased him the little boy, pretending to wipe off his cousin’s saliva from his cheeks, “They haven’t turned you into a sissy, have they?”


“What!” said the 12-year-old, feigning a change of mood and then sticking his tongue into Cuzzy’s ear, making him giggle hysterically and plead mercy. As Baby-Bro stopped licking his cousin’s ear, the two boys remained embraced for a while until a flow of tears from both of them began to wet their cheeks. They cried like little babies for a good ten minutes, hugging each other as tightly as they could, their diapers pressing against each other until they looked like one diaper. We don’t know exactly what happened then, but wouldn’t it be nice to think that the two diapers, for a timeless moment, actually melted into one? allowing the two boys to enjoy their respective nakedness and to wet each other, letting their mixing fluids seal their found again love, protected from the external world?


In the meanwhile hundreds of diaper boys were taking control of the re-training facility, entering all cells, dorms and rooms, pointing their white beams to adults and the yellow and brown ones to the boys, who began to flee in the open spaces, running and getting rid of their messy garments at the same time, until some of them noticed three small space ships flying in the sky and releasing thousands of small… things.


“Look!” said one boy, as the things unfolded and began to fly… What were they? Robotised sea-gulls? No, they looked more like flapping pillows… At any rate there were thousands of them and they were attacking!


“DIAPERS!” shouted a little boy as he recognised the flying objects. A wave of panic took hold of the boys who began to run in hoards looking for shelter, though the first diapers had landed already on their preys. One could see tens and tens of running boys being attacked from behind, the back hem of the diapers splashing on their butts while the front hem still hung loose for a few seconds before rising and covering their groins in a flash. “Mommy! Mommyyy! Wahhh!” cried the little ones among them as they ran, not realising that soon they would end up exactly where mommy always wanted them to be – in their thick didees! Other boys managed to enter several dorms and the canteen, locking the doors behind them, but one could see at that point hundreds after hundreds of diapers diving from incredible heights and violently smashing against the windows, breaking them into pieces, opening the way for more diapers behind them to enter in search for their victims, exploring every single room, ambushing dozens and dozens of scared boys, waiting for them on the ceiling, behind the walls, everywhere!


The general mood was changing, however, and one could see it especially in the youngest boys, as their crying turned into amused shrieks and giggles while being captured from the didees. And in the air filled with flying diapers, more and more of the older boys began to realise the futility of their own behaviour too, and stopped running away from the diapers and ran toward them instead, offering themselves to the white creatures in the most wanted release of tension they’d ever felt in their life. This wasn’t an attack! It was liberation!


The diapers outnumbered the boys by more than ten to one, causing the whole ‘operation’ to last only a few minutes before everybody under the age of twenty was diapered again. The poop-eaters began to work their magic on the boys, while the diapers without prey landed softly on the ground and began to fold by themselves. The whole re-training facility resounded of wailing babies patting their diapers and sobbing their promise that they would be good boys from that moment on – it was like a sort of desecrating ceremony, the best way to undo all the work done in the re-training facility, sentencing its failure once and for all.


Baby-Bro and Baby-Cuz re-emerged from their reunion, making their appearance in the main court accompanied by their diapered guards, while the facility-guards and the rest of the adult staff were being taken to the dorms and the toilets choked with rapid concrete powder.


“Look what you’ve done!” shouted a woman held captive to Baby-Bro, “And you wanted to teach me lessons about freedom? What freedom will you leave them?”


“All the freedom they want!” replied Baby-Bro, recognising the shrink, “Boys! Boys!” he shouted, “Listen to me! You are free to stay in diapers or get out of them! Those of you who wish to get out of their diapers can do so right now! Ethan, Ethan! Tell your boys to stop pouring concrete in the toilets! Release all prisoners, but keep their phasers!”


“Baby! Are you sure?” said an astonished 24-year-old, “These people have abused these boys for years!”


“That’s exactly why I don’t want these boys to think that they are going to be abused a second time! Enough with the war! Who wants to use the toilet, uses the toilet! Who wants to stay in diapers stays in diapers!”


The re-diapered boys looked at each other, not knowing what to do, sharing the same puzzled look on the face of all the adults around. Here and there a few boys began shyly to unfasten their diapers, though one could see on the look of their face the internal battle each of them was going through. It lasted only a few moments, though. No one took off his diaper and one could hear a mounting, spontaneous choir emerging from the diapered crowd, three syllables, two crotchets and a minim or two quarters and a half, like ‘one, two, three-ee’, louder and louder, what was it? It sounded like ‘uy-er-oo’, until the words became clearer and kept growing in loudness:




Baby-Bro, Cuzzy and Ethan watched for a while the chanting crowd, among them Mike holding his little brother in his arms, and then joined in. Baby-Bro was the happiest of all as he watched his former fellow inmates and the teens who harassed him during the last seven months – he loved everybody, he forgave everybody, even Andrew, whom he could see at the far left of the third row, chanting with passion, though stealing glances already at the diapered butts of the second row in front of him, looking for messy diapers to strip off and wear immediately after…