Part 121 -- Visit the Boy's Diaper Club	

	Tom drove the boys to the other side of town but before 
they got to the Club House Benny and Timmy begged Tom to let 
them out so they could walk the rest of the way.
	"I don't know, boys, people may not understand about 
boys in diapers, they may get upset with you." Tom did slow 
down a bit.
	"It's alright, Tom, we do it all the time and the 
people here understand. Most don't care as long as we are 
covered with a diaper," Benji told him.
	About that time Kevin spotted a couple little diaper 
boys with a girl walking with them.
	"See, they are in diapers, it would be ok to let us 
walk from here!" Kevin said.
	Tom pulled the car over to the curb. Even before the 
car stopped the boys were opening the door to jump out.
	"Hi, Can we walk with you?" Benny asked boldly as if he 
did this all the time.
	"Sure, We don't mind!" one of the boys replied.
	"Hi Kevin, Hi Benji!" The girl called out. "Who are the 
boys with you?"
	"Oh! Hi Kitty, these are our new friends from over the 
other side of town. They like to wear diapers so we invited 
them to the Club to have a look see!" Benji said.
	"Hi boys," Kitty nodded to each of them. "I sure hope I 
can get to change you, your so cute!" She smiled.
Soon they came close to the Club house and found another 
small group of boys and some older girls coming their way.
	"Hi, Marty!" Benji called out to one of the girls.
	"Hi, Benji. Hi, Kevin." She responded with a wave of 
her hand.
	They could see Tom's car parked right out in front of 
the Club house and Uncle Tom was standing beside it waiting 
for them to arrive. He was talking with one of the older 
	"I didn't know the club was open to girls!" Tom 
	"Oh Yes!" she responded, "We formed a membership of a 
few girls who would like to change boys diapers. We call 
ourselves the Older Girls Diaper Changers. We even make 
ourselves available to do babysitting if the parents need 
	"But, I have not seen any of you girls in diapers!" Tom 
looked around.
	"Oh no!" She laughed, "It is not that we couldn't, I 
suppose, but girls get potty trained a lot easier then boys 
and we just don't use diapers for very long. I do know a few 
girls that do like to wear them but neither they nor any of 
us girls make a show of it. We'd rather tease the boys by 
showing them we can wear thin panties and never get them 
wet. I don't think the boys care cause they love to have on 
	"I see, then you girls are like chaperons. I mean you 
look after the boys," Tom replied.
	"Well, yes and no, but something like that. Lot of the 
boys mothers take turns coming here for that purpose. We 
just like to watch the boys play in diapers." She turned and 
waved at a few more boys arriving.
	Tom followed Benji and the other boys into the Club 
	At first Tom felt a little out of place till as he 
watched the boys playing with toys and others doing 
Gymnastics on mats placed in different places in the large 
	Benji introduced Tom to Marshall. "This is the one that 
got me into the Club a few years ago."
	Marshall took Tom on a tour of the Club leaving Benji 
and the boys to find things to do.
One of the older girls came over and knelt in front of 
Timmy. She began making over him as if he were but a baby. 
"Your one cute sweet baby doll, you want me give you a great 
big squeeze?"
	Before Timmy could say or move she had him hugged and 
	Timmy's eyes bugged out in surprise as he tried to 
recover from the experience. "I'm not a baby!" was all he 
could say.
	"In a diaper like that you could have fooled me." She 
gave him another hug rapping her hands over the back of his 
diaper she gave him a few love pats.
	After the girl left to find herself another boy she 
could make conversations with Timmy sighed with relief.
	"I'm sorry I did not warn you about some of the girls 
here. They like to touch, too!" Benji laughed.
	Kevin introduced Benny to some other boys who were 
playing in an indoor Jungle Gym.
	Meantime, Benji took Timmy into one of the Changing 
rooms to show him the tables and drawers filled with 
different size diapers. Timmy took it all in with much 
	Benji treated Timmy to a Milk Shake that Marshall's 
mother made for them.
	While sitting at the counter a couple of giggling girls 
came over and felt the boys diapers without asking. Benji 
was use to this pastime of investigative girls but Timmy 
never had his diaper pulled open a hand could check for 
wetness before. It surprised him so much he actually peed.
	The girl was so taken by surprise that she quickly 
pulled her hand out of his diaper then wiped it on his 
	"Boy, I never had that happen before!" She giggled.
	Her girlfriend that was checking Benji noticed that 
Timmy was starting to leak a little as pee dribbled down his 
leg leaving a trail till it pooled in a small droplet.
	"We got one!" She cried.
	Benji followed the young girls as they led Timmy into 
the back room placing him on the changing table. They girls 
were so short they had to stand on stools provided for that 
	Both girls worked together pulling the old diaper off 
and slipping a new under Timmy. Timmy was wide eyed like 
when the older girls changed him the night before.
	The girls displayed excitement when they watched Timmy 
respond to their gentle washing in the area. The girls 
purposely took their time. One girl even washed all the way 
up to the boys neck and back. Timmy was not sure just what 
he should be doing. To be on the safe side he only stretched 
out leaving the girls to their work.
	When the girls completed putting the finishing touches 
on the diaper Benji delighted them by asking, "You wanta do 
me, too!"

MLD 122 - later.