By Bobby Joe ([email protected]


Story Cast:


  • Bud Anderson (Dad)
  • Joan Anderson (Mom)
  • Marek Anderson (Son, Star Of Story) 11


  • Bob Green (Dad, Bud’s Best Friend)
  • Penny Green (Mom, Joan’s Best Friend)
  • Sarah Green (Daughter) 12
  • Paul Green (Son, Marek’s Best Friend) 8


  • Phillip Morrow (Dad, Separated)
  • Marcus Morrow (Son, Bully) 13
  • Lucas Morrow (Son, Marek’s Friend) 11


  • Norman Black (Paul’s Friend) 8


  • Muriel Haynes (Hair Stylist)


Chapter 1


            Marek Anderson woke up at 8:00am Monday morning, December 19th. It took him about five minutes to get most of his senses back, as he always woke up slowly. Sitting on the side of the bed, he realized school was out for Christmas vacation. This was good! Then looking out of his bedroom window, he noticed the hard-pounding rain striking against the glass, and knew he would probably spend most of the day either downstairs in the living room, or upstairs in his bedroom. Finally he stood up, and then slipped off his tight frosty plastic pants, and wet, thick white, pull-up cloth diaper. He then headed for his own upstairs bathroom, and put his diaper and plastic pants in their separate containers, which his Mom took care of for him. He then took a shower, brushed his teeth, went to the toilet, and ran naked, back into his room. After going to his dresser, he picked out a pair of white 1/2 knee-length socks, and a pair of white underpants. His undies were double-thick, and trimmed in red, including the y-front.


            After grabbing a clean pair of blue jeans and a light blue t-shirt, he turned towards the mirror on the back of his bedroom door, and saw his own reflection. “Oh crap, the same old me”, the 11-year-old said to himself. He was always paranoid about how his body looked. Even to the point that he had no self-confidence. Being average height for his age didn’t bother him at all. Neither did his thick blonde hair or blue eyes. But everything else about his body did! He wasn’t thin at all, --- but what most people would consider super-skinny! “Who would ever want me for a friend? My pink body, my ribs sticking out, and no body definition.” He was so skinny that he avoided some of the things he loved, one of which was swimming. He loved everything about water --- lakes, rivers, streams, waterfalls and even the beach. Also embarrassing to him was playing basketball, especially since 1/2 the boys used shirts, and the other 1/2 had to show their naked chests. So his biggest fear was that anyone, and everyone, would make fun of his bony little body. Actually, most people would have agreed that Marek was extremely cute, since most people thought he looked several years younger than he was.


            Confirming his own lack of self-confidence, he sat on the edge of his bed and got dressed, then put on his low-cut black tennis shoes. Upon going downstairs and in to the kitchen, his Mom, Joan Anderson welcomed him to breakfast. He always liked scrambled eggs, bacon, toast and apple juice, but was never hungry that early in the morning. He hated orange juice, thinking it tasted more like “orange skins”, which quite often upset his stomach. After finishing his meal, he thanked his Mom, and then cleaned off the table and washed his dishes. The kitchen rules were always, whoever cooks, the “others” clean up after themselves, and that included his Dad, Bud Anderson, as well. “Where’s Dad?” Marek asked his Mom. “He’s gone somewhere with Bob”, you know he has Sundays and Mondays off”, she replied.


            Bob and Penny Green were both his Mom and Dad’s best friends, and they only lived about a five-minute drive from their house. Penny was Mom’s closest friend all through high school, and Mom and Penny both got married within a year of each other. Both husbands made enough money at their jobs, so that both women were just happy to be non-working housewives. It didn’t take very long for both husbands to realize that their friendship, was just as strong as the wives. The two men spent most of their free time fishing, camping, and watching sports on television. Both couples also got together regularly to play pinochle, and occasionally bridge.


            The Green’s had two children. Their oldest was their daughter Sarah, a 12-year-old with darker blonde hair and blue eyes. The youngest was Paul. He was a thin little 8-year-old with fluffy brown hair and green eyes. Paul was also a bedwetter, but also had occasional accidents in the day, and messed his pants a few times a month, mostly if he got over-excited. Both Sarah and Paul were very well behaved, as was Marek. Thinking to himself, Marek realized his day would be spent upstairs in his bedroom. The upstairs of the house was much smaller than the downstairs. The upper floor only contained Marek’s bedroom, a guest bedroom, and a smaller bath. Joan would clean house, watch soap-opera’s, and do a lot of reading, mostly to relax. And when his Dad got home tonight, he would probably watch Monday Night Football, possibly with his friend, Bob.


            Walking into his bedroom, Marek wondered what he would do for fun today? He had no brothers or sisters, so he would have to create his own entertainment. He had his own television and VCR, but didn’t like most daytime programs. Today, it would either be having fun re-sorting his baseball card collection, or playing with his toys. He was never considered very mature for his age, but this didn’t really bother him. His favorite toys were his miniature army men, and his toy gas-station set up, which included a lot of miniature automobiles and trucks. He also liked playing board-games, such as Monopoly, Risk, and Parcheesi. Even though he spent a lot of time alone, he could usually play the board games by himself, sometimes inventing a new game as he went along. He took really good care of his baseball cards, and all of his other toys, especially since his Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) didn’t let him “not” take care of his things. He also took very good care of his clothes, and kept his bedroom super-clean and orderly.


            Later in the day he had lunch with his Mom. At about 4pm, he greeted his Dad, who returned home. Then he had an early dinner with both parents. After Marek and his Dad finished cleaning the table and dishes, his Mom went back to the kitchen to bake a cake, and Marek and his Dad went to watch the football game together in the living room. At about 7:30pm, and with the Seattle Seahawks being slaughtered, Marek kissed his Dad goodnight, and then went in the kitchen to say goodnight to his Mom. “Goodnight Mom, I love you”, Marek said. His Mom leaned down, and kissed him. “Do you want me to help you change for bed”, his Mom stated. “No, you know I can do it by myself now, especially with the cloth pull-ups”, stated Marek. His Mom replied, “well okay, but make sure you’re in bed with lights out by 9pm”. “I will Mom”, and Marek quickly ran upstairs, two steps at a time, to his bedroom.


            Once back in his room, he didn’t even bother to turn on the light. He took off his shoes and neatly put them next to his dresser. He then slid his closet door open and deposited his socks, undies, t-shirt and blue jeans in his dirty-laundry basket. Now naked, he opened his bottom two drawers in his dresser, and grabbed a pair of his thick cloth pull-ups. Next, pulled forth a pair of blue and white, vertical-striped plastic pants. After returning to the side of his bed, he stepped into his pull-up diaper, and firmly pulled it all the way up. He unfolded his plastic pants, and then stepped into them, stretching them over his knees, and then completely over his diaper. He made sure the pull-up was completely on the inside of the plastic pants, and patted both his front and back to take some of the air out of them. He then jumped on his bed, got under the covers, and propped up his four pillows, two behind his head, and one on each side of him. He grabbed his TV remote from his night-stand and turned on the TV to very low audio, and then adjusted the TV’s timer for 10pm. Marek always enjoyed falling asleep with the TV on in the background. It was just after 8pm, and Marek was already sound asleep.




By Bobby Joe ([email protected]


Chapter 2 - Time With Paul


            On Tuesday morning, Marek’s Mom told him that she and Penny were going to town, to do some more Christmas shopping, and then have lunch together. By car, both Mom and Marek arrived at the Green’s house about 10:am. Marek was left with Sarah and Paul, and he was told to behave, as Sarah was now in charge of the two boys. Mom and Penny said they would return about 2:pm, which would give the kids about four hours alone, and enough time to play.


            Sarah and Paul both greeted Marek, once he stepped into their living room. It was only about ten minutes, and then Sarah went upstairs to her room, so that she could have some kind of girl-fun. Both Marek and Paul had some small-talk, and decided they would turn on the Christmas tree lights, and then they both laid down on the floor, to look up at the Christmas lights. Marek suggested to Paul, that they should look up into the tree lights, and pretend they were in outer-space. Paul readily agreed, and they both started talking and laughing. Paul said, “can we name the planets?” Marek replied, “that’s a good idea, but maybe we should consider the red-lights to be hot planets, and the blue-lights could be cold planets”. Paul thought this was a good idea and added, “the green-lights could be forests, and the yellow lights could be deserts.” They both agreed, and began using their imaginations, using silly words to give names to the planets.


            With both boys giggling under the tree, Sarah came down the stairs and approached the two boys. Sarah asked Paul, “do you need to be changed?” Paul replied by slowly nodding his head up and down. Marek then followed the sister and her brother upstairs to Paul’s bedroom. Marek sat on the floor and started playing with Paul’s Lego-set, which was scattered in the center of the room. He looked up on Paul’s bed as Sarah slowly pulled down Paul’s frosty-colored plastic pants. She tossed them down on the floor, only a couple of feet, next to Marek. As Sarah changed Paul’s diaper, Marek looked confused at the plastic pants, and felt a little tingle in his body. After Sarah pinned on Paul’s clean diaper, and put him in a clean pair of transparent dark blue plastic pants, she sat Paul on the floor with Marek, and she picked up Paul’s used diaper, and left the boys to play with their toys, on the bedroom rug.


            After about two hours of having fun together with the Lego‘s, both Marek and Paul slowly started to walk down the stairs to find something new to do. Once in the living room, they both walked towards the Christmas tree. Marek couldn’t understand why he was so attracted to Paul’s thick diaper and plastic pants? He had seen Paul wear them before, but only at a distance, and was now wondering why he himself, was getting excited? He knew that he had his own bedwettings at night, but thought young Paul looked so cute in his diapers. Marek finally broke the ice, and asked Paul, “how long have you worn diapers?” Paul replied, “well, I wore them when I was a baby, but started having accidents again when I started the third grade.” Marek questioned Paul if he had to wear diapers to school? Paul, just stated, “no, I only wear diapers when I’m at home. When I go to school, I just wear four pairs of underpants, with plastic pants on the outside, so that I don’t leak.” Marek just replied, “Oh!”


            It wasn’t very long, when Sarah came downstairs and shouted at the boys, “time for lunch guys”, and to come into the kitchen. Marek walked into the kitchen, and sat down on one of the long sides of the table. Paul followed him and sat down on a chair, on the opposite side of the table. Marek could hear the rustling of Paul’s plastic pants, as Paul finally sat down. Marek felt a little guilty, having so much fun with Paul, and yet he was very aware of their age difference. He knew that he was very immature, but so was Paul. He finally figured “what the heck, as long as we’re both having fun together”.


            After eating their ham sandwich, and milk, Marek told Sarah, that he would clean the table, and clear the dishes. Sarah said “thanks”, and told Paul that she would change his diapers, when he asked her. Paul was enjoying the wet feeling, and decided he wanted to wear his diapers, wet, for a little longer. Sarah then left the kitchen and went back upstairs to her bedroom. Paul wanted to help Marek with the dishes, but every time Paul reached for something in the sink, the water dripped down his arms. Both boys started laughing, and Marek told Paul to “let me finish, you’re just a little too short.” Paul agreed, and after completing the chore, both boys went back upstairs, to Paul’s bedroom.


            A little later, while playing with Lego’s, Paul started to squirm a bit, and Marek asked him, “did you wet yourself?” Paul replied “just a little, but I don’t need to be changed yet. This is the third time I’ve wet, and I kind of enjoy it. I don’t know why? About an hour later, Sarah came into the room and told Marek that his mother was here, and that she was waiting for him downstairs. After Sarah left, Paul turned to Marek and told him, “you know, your as much fun as my friend Norman is”. Norman Black was Paul’s friend in the third grade. Both Paul and Norman were thin, and had blue eyes, but Norman’s hair was jet-black, and Paul’s was brown. After saying goodbye to each other, Marek ran down the stair to meet his mother, and then they left for home.


            That evening went by quickly, and Marek soon found himself in bed. He thought over and over again, why was this day was so exciting? He soon realized that even though Sarah was very cute, there was something special about Paul. He never thought much about sex before, but knew about masturbation. He admitted to himself, that there was a little more to Paul, and finally realized “it must be the diapers”. He thought again, and thought that both Sarah and Paul were attractive, but the idea of Paul’s wearing diapers, kind of broke the “tie.”


            Marek reached under his covers, and felt the outside of his plastic pants. He immediately got a “stiffy”, and rubbed it until he felt that “good feeling” reach a climax. He was smart enough to realize, that maybe a year later, the feeling would be so much better. He finally fell asleep, but woke up again about midnight. He had wet himself again! He didn’t feel guilty, but went to his bathroom, pulled down his plastic pants and cloth pull-up diaper, and pee’d more, while sitting on the toilet. Poor Marek, he was so confused about why “diaper’s were special”, and why they felt so good? Eventually, he returned to bed, and instantly fell asleep for the rest of the night.


Chapter 3 - Trip Downtown


            It was now 8:30am Wednesday morning, December 21st. Marek’s Mom knocked on his bedroom door. There was no reply, and she knocked harder. Still no reply, and she slowly opened the door, and looked inside. Marek was still sound asleep. She walked over to his double bed and gently nudged his shoulder. All Marek did was grunt. She kissed his forehead, shook him harder, and he started to awake. She whispered into his ear, “Marek, you have to wake up, didn’t you set your alarm clock last night?” Marek slowly let out the words “I fell asleep early last night, I must have forgot.” Mom replied, “well, you better get up, breakfast is already over, and your father got called into work.” “Okay Mom” Marek said, and pushed back his blanket, and sat on the edge of his bed. Mom looked at him and noticed he had a tent-stiffy under his diaper and plastic pants. “Well, boys-will-be boys” she thought, and left to go downstairs to the kitchen.


            When Marek was finally dressed and in the kitchen, he asked his Mom if he could just have Rice Krispies and apple juice? She agreed and got him his cereal and juice. He finished his breakfast and cleaned up the kitchen. Just as he had finished, the phone rang. His Mom said “you’ve got someone named Lucas calling you. Who is he?” “It must be the guy I have lunch with at school” he replied. Marek took the phone and said “Hello?” “It’s me, Lucas Morrow, you know, we eat lunch at the same table, and have Math together, right?” “Yeah”, said Marek, “what do you want?” Lucas then stated “I was bored, and thought we could get together today and have some fun. My Dad and I can even come and get you.” “Well, I don’t know, I can ask my Mom, can you hold on?” “Sure” answered Lucas, “I’ll wait”. “Mom? Lucas wants to know if I can go over to his house?” “Do you want to?” his Mom responded. “Kind of, I guess? Lucas said he and his Dad would come get me?” Mom looked at Marek and said, “you do need to make more friends your own age, I think it would be good for you.” “Is it okay then?” Marek said. “Sure, why not? But have Lucas and his Dad come inside first so I can meet them.” “Thanks“, Marek said. “Okay Lucas, it’s okay, but Mom wants to meet you and your Dad first, so knock on the door.” “Great”, stated Lucas, “we’ll be there about 10am, okay?” Marek said “good, see you then, bye.”


            At 9:55am there was a firm knock on the door. Joan looked through the peep-hole, and then opened the door. “Hello, I’m Phillip Morrow, and this is my son Lucas Morrow. He’s 11 years-old and in the 6th grade, with Marek at middle school.” Mom looked at the handsome man, and then at his son. Lucas was slender, with medium-length brown hair and brown eyes, with tan-looking skin, not so pink like Marek. “Hello Lucas, how are you? And nice to meet you Mr. Morrow.” “Likewise”, said Phillip Morrow. “I am separated from my my wife, and I have another son named Marcus, Lucas’ older brother, and he’s 13, and in the 8th grade. I have had custody of both boys for the last 5 years.” Mom then explained to Mr. Morrow, about her family. They then exchanged addresses and telephone numbers, said goodbye, and in a short amount of time, both boys arrived at Mr. Morrow’s home. Lucas’ Dad had a date with a girlfriend, and let his Son and Marek off in front of their house. The boys went inside the fairly large, brick, one-story house. Lucas led Marek down the right-side hallway, past the bathroom, and to his bedroom, on the back side of the house. “So this is your bedroom”, Marek said, “pretty cool. And you have your own color TV too.” “Yeah” said Lucas, “I also have my own cable box, and VCR!” “I asked my parents if I could have a DVD player for Christmas, but I doubt I’ll get one” said Marek.


            The two boys really had a good time together. Lucas watched intently as Marek really liked playing with his cars. They were about 4” long, and made out of metal, designed exactly like the real cars, and painted in their natural colors. To Lucas, these were just a fun collection that his Dad had been buying for him through the years. But Marek actually played with them on the carpet, actually driving them on an imaginary road, just like a younger child. Lucas thought this was really immature, but was charmed by Marek’s behavior at the same time. He also seemed to find Marek friendly, sincere, and quite attractive. Marek’s Mom called about 5:00pm. After picking Marek up and going home, Lucas’ older brother, Marcus came into Lucas’ room and asked who the “little baby” was? Lucas looked back at his brother questioningly, and said “he seems like a very nice guy.” Marcus just replied, “yeah, if you like playing with little kids?”


            Thursday morning Marek didn’t wake up again. His Mom went into his bedroom, and woke him up, just like she did the day before. “Get up and take a quick shower Marek, then come down and have a quick bowl of cereal. It’s 9am now, and you have to be ready for Penny, to take you and Paul grocery shopping. You boys will then both be getting a haircut, while I do my last-minute Christmas shopping. Your Dad has to work again today, but he’ll have Friday through Monday off.” She kissed Marek on the forehead, and rushed downstairs to clean up the kitchen herself, and get Marek’s breakfast ready.


            Exactly on time, Penny got to the Anderson’s home to pick up Marek. As Marek got into the backseat with Paul, he heard Penny say “see you later Joan”, as both cars took off, one after the other. Paul said, “Hi Marek, when my Mom brings us home after our trip, can we look up at the lights on the Christmas tree again?” Marek replied “sure, as long as we have enough time?” Paul let out a big smile, and when he turned over to lock his door, Marek could see Paul’s yellow plastic pants rising up above his blue jeans over his waist.


            Penny said “haircuts first boys”, as she pulled into the shopping center, “and while your getting that done, I can get a little more of my shopping done.” Penny parked the car, and walked the boys to Haircuts-4-Us. She gave the money and tip to Marek, with a note telling the stylist “haircuts for both boys as usual”, and she went on her way.


            Both boys walked into the shop, and Muriel greeted the boys. Marek handed the stylist both the money and the note from Penny. Muriel just smiled and said “who’s first?” Neither boy said anything, so she said “okay then, the little one first. Isn’t your name Paul?” “Yes”, Paul replied. She then helped him into his seat, got him ready, and began the haircut. Marek was a little bored, and when he looked up, he saw Paul really smiling big at him. Paul was grinning so much at Marek, that Marek could clearly see Paul’s teeth. While Muriel turned around to get some things, Paul said “that’s Marek, he’s my new friend?” Muriel looked at Marek and smiled, as the older boy slightly blushed. In another ten minutes, Paul’s haircut was finished. It was now Marek’s turn to sit in the chair, getting his haircut, and again he noticed Paul was now smiling up at him. Marek found this a little odd, but really enjoyed Paul’s friendly attitude.


            After Marek’s haircut was completed, he got out of the chair, and looked into the mirror. As Muriel was dusting off his loose hair from around his neck, Marek started blushing, and got really embarrassed. Right next to him in the mirror, was a smiling Paul. Marek’s reflection showed what looked like two 8-year-old boys, one taller with blonde hair, and the other shorter with brown hair. What startled Marek the most was the bowl-head, mop-head haircut that they both had! Marek truly enjoyed his friendship with Paul, but he didn’t want to look even younger than he already did. Now he looked like the “real” little boy that Paul was. After gathering his composure as much as he could, with his head hanging down, he saw Penny rushing towards the door. As they walked out of the shop, Penny showed up and said “don’t you both look so cute?”


            For the first time, Marek actually felt like giving Paul a slap. Not that he would do it of course, as it wasn’t Paul’s fault. He should have been paying more attention in Haircuts-4-Us. After completing her grocery shopping, with both boys in tow, groceries in the trunk, Penny headed for home.


Chapter 4 - Learning About Norman


            It is now 12:30pm as both boys enter the Green’s home, as the shopping trip has been completed. Penny went to wrap Christmas presents, and after giving both Marek and Paul a Coca-Cola and potato salad, the two boys were left to do whatever they wanted. After entering Paul’s upstairs room, both boys sat on the edge of Paul’s bed. Paul removed his yellow t-shirt and blue jeans, shoes and socks. He then looked at Marek and said “last one down to the Christmas tree is a butt-head.” Marek did follow, but a little less enthusiastic. With both boys under the tree, looking up, Paul continued the same conversation both boys had started two days ago. After they had named all the colored lights with planet-names, Paul was ready to name the Christmas balls and tinsel. This was going too fast for Marek, and he pressed his fingers against Paul’s lips. “Calm down, let’s not get ahead of ourselves”, replied Marek. “Just relax a little bit.” Paul just agreed by nodding his head.


            With Paul now relaxed a bit, he turned to Marek and said, “you know, I really don’t have daytime wetting accidents? I do it on purpose, just so Mom and Sarah will change me.” Marek was not surprised at this, as he looked over at Paul, who was just wearing his puffed-out yellow plastic pants over his thick diaper. This got Marek’s curiosity up, so he said, “well if that’s true, why don’t you wet your diapers now?” Paul reached over, grabbed Marek’s hand, and placed it on the top of his diapers. He let out a stream of pee that Marek couldn’t ignore. Not only did Marek feel the warmth, but he could actually hear Paul’s “hissing” diaper. He could also feel it rising, as Paul’s accident was pushing out, in his diapers. Marek was now very excited, but wasn’t sure if he should tell this to Paul. Then, out of nowhere, Paul reached over and kissed Marek on the cheek. “Why don’t you pee too, Marek?” Marek said, “I think that would be fun, but I’m not wearing a diaper.”


            Paul then grabbed Marek by the hand, as both boys stood up. He then dragged Marek upstairs to his bedroom. Marek’s mind was now stirring, and he wanted Paul to coax him into doing this, but not wanting Paul to know about his own excitement with wetting. Before Marek could do anything, Paul was already undoing Marek’s belt and buttons on his blue jeans. Marek was blushing, but let Paul complete his task, as his blue jeans and underpants were suddenly yanked down, around his ankles. Marek kicked off his shoes, blue jeans, and white undies, and finding himself standing in front of Paul, who was on his knees, just wearing nothing but socks, and a growing boner! “Wow”, was all Paul could say. “your thingy is so big! It’s even bigger than Norman’s!” Marek was embarrassed, but not as much as he thought he would be. His average “thingy” was hanging down, as it never stood up! It was average-sized, longer than usual, but much thinner. The super-large, red to purplish head was bouncing side-to-side, as he couldn’t stop the “throbbing!”

            Paul said, “let me get you a diaper”, and ran to his dresser. “Do you want a disposable, or a cloth pull-up? Cause I don’t know how to use safety-pins?” Marek, still blushing with embarrassment, replied, “whatever will work?” Paul ran back to Marek holding both a cloth pull-up, and a pink pair of plastic pants. Marek said, “I’m not a sissy, and won’t wear pink plastic pants!” Paul just replied, “they’re not just for girls, I like all colors. Mom got them for me in two packages. One was white, blue, and yellow, and the other was in white, pink, and yellow. So boys can wear them too. I wear them all the time!“ Paul then told Marek, “don’t worry about the color, I think it‘s fun to wear them in different colors, and I only like boys, just like you do!”


            Marek decided not to argue with Paul, and pulled the cloth pull-up on himself, and made sure it was firmly in place. It was a little tight, but would serve it’s purpose. Marek lifted his feet, one at a time, and Paul pulled the plastic pants securely over Marek’s waist. Paul then exclaimed, “now sit down and pee in them!” As Marek had to go anyway, he quickly complied, enjoying it completely. Paul put both hands on the top of Marek’s plastic pants, and enjoyed watching and feeling the same thing that Marek did with him, under the Christmas tree. As the diaper and plastic-pants were smaller, in Paul’s size, Marek could feel the tightness, and really enjoyed the feeling. He still felt a little guilty, because he only had accidents at night.


            Paul told Marek not to worry, because either his Mom, or sister Sarah would change them both soon. Marek was not ready for this, as he was only changed by his own Mom. Marek thought to himself, “what would it be like for someone else to change me, especially during the daytime? Wouldn’t Penny tell his Mom that he pee’d during the day?” Anyway, it was too late now, and he would have to do something. Paul ran out his bedroom door, and yelled, “Mom”! Before Marek could realize what was happening, Penny walked into Paul’s bedroom. “What do you want Paul?” Paul told his mother that they needed to be changed. Penny looked down at Marek, and saw him in diapers too. “Do both of you need to be changed?” “Yes”, replied Paul. Marek was worried about what his mother would think? But before he could think further, he saw Sarah walk into the room, and stand to the side of Penny.


To Be Continued ……..

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<8 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18-20
21-25 26-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 >60
I am a/an:
Your diapers
If you are a boy or adult male, select all that apply: Cloth diapers Disposable diapers Multiple underpants
(6+ pairs)
I wear this diaper type:
I wear this diaper type in plain white:
how many of this diaper type I wear at a time:
Are you pantsless at home while in diapers? Always Usually Sometimes Rarely Never I do not wear diapers
I was often in diapers and pantsless as a boy (ages 12 and under)
How do you use your diapers? Pee Poop
How many older sisters do you have (boys only)? None One Two Three More than three
How many younger sisters do you have? (boys only) None One Two Three More than three
If you are a girl or adult female, indicate what your relationship is to the diaper boy who read this story:
Who else in your family has read this story? Mother Father Older Brother Younger Brother Older Sister Younger Sister
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Brothers' comments:
Sisters' comments:


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